xt7jq23qvq7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qvq7x/data/mets.xml Fox, John, 1863-1919. 1906 books b92-128-29178344 English C. Scribner's Sons, : New York : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Knight of the Cumberland / by John Fox, Jr. ; illustrated by F.C. Yohn. text Knight of the Cumberland / by John Fox, Jr. ; illustrated by F.C. Yohn. 1906 2002 true xt7jq23qvq7x section xt7jq23qvq7x A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND BOOKS BY JOHN FOX, JR. PUBLISHED BY CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND. Illustrated. 1.oo FOLLOWING THE SUN-FLAG. A VAUx PURSUIT THROUGH MANCHURA . . . . . . .. net, X.25 CHRISTMAS EVE ON LONESOME AND OTHER STORIES. Illustrated..... . . . . i.5o THE LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME. Illustrated..... . . . . . .. . i 5o BLUEGRASS AND RHODODENDRON. OurrDOoR LIFs 114 KENTUCKy. Illustrated . . . . net, 1.75 CRITTENDEN. A KENTUcKY STORY Op LOVE AND WAR ..1........ .... . St-25 A CUMBERLAND VENDETTA. Illustrated . . 1.25 HELL FOR SARTAIN AND OTHER STORIES. z.o THE KENTUCKIANS. Illustrated... . . 1.25 A MOUNTAIN EUROPA ........ . 1.25 This page in the original text is blank. But every knight and every mounted policeman took out after the outlaw. r :, F Y- o 1 e A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND BY JOHN FOX, JR. ILLUSTRATED BY F. C. YOHN CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK:: 1906 Copyright, 1906, by CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Psublished, October, zgo6 CONTENTS Page I. The Blight in the Hills 3 II. On the Wild Dog's Trail 20 III. The Auricular Talent of the Hon. Samuel Budd 37 IV. Close Quarters 55 V. Back to the Hills 83 VI. The Great Day 94 VII. At Last-Tht Tournament I 13 VIII. The Knight Passes 156 This page in the original text is blank. ILLUSTRATIONS From Drawings by F. C. Yohn But every knight and every mounted police- man took out after the outlaw Fronti "If Id a' known hit was you Id a stayed in jail " "Mart's a gittin' ready fer a tourney- ment " The Knight of the Cumberland reined in before the Blight spiece Facing page i6 58 i36 This page in the original text is blank. A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND This page in the original text is blank. I THE BLIGHT IN THE HILLS IGH noon of a crisp October day, sunshine flooding the earth with the warmth and light of old wine and, going single-file up through the jagged gap that the dripping of water has worn down through the Cumberland Mountains from crest to valley-level, a gray horse and two big mules, a man and two young girls. On the gray horse, I led the tor- tuous way. After me came my small sister-and after her and like her, mule- back, rode the Blight-dressed as she would be for a gallop in Central Park or to ride a hunter in a horse show. [ 3 1 A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND I was taking them, according to prom- ise, where the feet of other women than mountaineers had never trod-beyond the crest of the Big Black-to the waters of the Cumberland-the lair of moonshiner and feudsman, where is yet pocketed a civilization that, elsewhere, is long ago gone. This had been a pet dream of the Blight's for a long time, and now the dream was coming true. The Blight was in the hills. Nobody ever went to her mother's house without asking to see her even when she was a little thing with black hair, merry face and black eyes. Both men and women, with children of their own, have told me that she was, perhaps, the most fascinating child that ever lived. There be some who claim that she has never [ 4] THE BLIGHT IN THE HILLS changed-and I am among them. She began early, regardless of age, sex or previous condition of servitude-she con- tinues recklessly as she began-and none makes complaint. Thus was it in her own world-thus it was when she came to mine. On the way down from the North, the conductor's voice changed from a command to a request when he asked for her ticket. The jacketed lord of the dining-car saw her from afar and ad- vanced to show her to a seat-that she might ride forward, sit next to a shaded window and be free from the glare of the sun on the other side. Two porters made a rush for her bag when she got off the car, and the proprietor of the little hotel in the little town where we had to wait several hours for the train into the moun- tains gave her the bridal chamber for an [5I A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND afternoon nap. From this little town to " The Gap " is the worst sixty-mile ride, perhaps, in the world. She sat in a dirty day-coach; the smoke rolled in at the win- dows and doors; the cars shook and swayed and lumbered around curves and down and up gorges; there were about her rough men, crying children, slatternly women, tobacco juice, peanuts, popcorn and apple cores, but dainty, serene and as merry as ever, she sat through that ride with a radiant smile, her keen black eyes noting everything unlovely within and the glory of hill, tree and chasm without. Next morning at home, where we rise early, no one was allowed to waken her and she had breakfast in bed-for the Blight's gentle tyranny was established on sight and varied not at the Gap. When she went down the street that [6] THE BLIGHT IN THE HILLS day everybody stared surreptitiously and with perfect respect, as her dainty black- plumed figure passed; the post-office clerk could barely bring himself to say that there was no letter for her. The soda-fountain boy nearly filled her glass with syrup be- fore he saw that he was not strictly mind- ing his own business; the clerk, when I bought chocolate for her, unblushingly added extra weight and, as we went back, she met them both-Marston, the young engineer from the North, crossing the street and, at the same moment, a drunken young tough with an infuriated face reel- ing in a run around the corner ahead of us as though he were being pursued. Now we have a volunteer police guard some forty strong at the Gap-and from habit, I started for him, but the Blight caught my arm tight. The young en- [ 7 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND gineer in three strides had reached the curb-stone and all he sternly said was: " Here I Here I " The drunken youth wheeled and his right hand shot toward his hip pocket. The engineer was belted with a pistol, but with one lightning movement and an in- credibly long reach, his right fist caught the fellow's jaw so that he pitched back- ward and collapsed like an empty bag. Then the engineer caught sight of the Blight's bewildered face, flushed, gripped his hands in front of him and simply stared. At last he saw me: "Oh," he said, "how do you do" and he turned to his prisoner, but the panting sergeant and another policeman- also a volunteer-were already lifting him to his feet. I introduced the boy and the Blight then, and for the first time in my [ 8 ] THE BLIGHT IN THE HILLS life I saw the Blight-shaken. Round- eyed, she merely gazed at him. " That was pretty well done," I said. "Oh, he was drunk and I knew he would be slow." Now something curious happened. The dazed prisoner was on his feet, and his captors were starting with him to the calaboose when he seemed sud- denly to come to his senses. " Jes wait a minute, will ye " he said quietly, and his captors, thinking perhaps that he wanted to say something to me, stopped. The mountain youth turned a strangely sobered face and fixed his blue eyes on the engineer as though he were searing every feature of that imperturba- ble young man in his brain forever. It was not a bad face, but the avenging hatred in it was fearful. Then he, too, saw the Blight, his face calmed magically [9] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND and he, too, stared at her, and turned away with an oath checked at his lips. We went on-the Blight thrilled, for she had heard much of our volunteer force at the Gap and had seen something already. Pres- ently I looked back. Prisoner and captors were climbing the little hill toward the calaboose and the mountain boy just then turned his head and I could swear that his eyes sought not the engineer, whom we left at the corner, but, like the engineer, he was looking at the Blight. Whereat I did not wonder-particularly as to the en- gineer. He had been in the mountains for a long time and I knew what this vision from home meant to him. He turned up at the house quite early that night. "I'm not on duty until eleven," he said hesitantly, " and I thought I'd " "Come right in." [ IO] THE BLIGHT IN THE HILLS I asked him a few questions about busi- ness and then I left him and the Blight alone. When I came back she had a Gat- ling gun of eager questions ranged on him and-happy withal-he was squirming no little. I followed him to the gate. " Are you really going over into those God-forsaken mountains" he asked. " I thought I would." " And you are going to take her" " And my sister." " Oh, I beg your pardon." He strode away. " Coming up by the mines " he called back. " Perhaps-will you show us around" " I guess I will," he said emphatically, and he went on to risk his neck on a ten- mile ride along a mountain road in the dark. I I ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND "I like a man," said the Blight. "I like a man." Of course the Blight must see every- thing, so she insisted on going to the po- lice court next morning for the trial of the mountain boy. The boy was in the wit- ness chair when we got there, and the Hon. Samuel Budd was his counsel. He had volunteered to defend the prisoner, I was soon told, and then I understood. The November election was not far off and the Hon. Samuel Budd was candidate for legislature. More even, the boy's father was a warm supporter of Mr. Budd and the boy himself might perhaps render good service in the cause when the time came- as indeed he did On one of the front chairs sat the young engineer and it was a question whether he or the prisoner saw the Blight's black plumes first. The eyes [ 12 ] THE BLIGHT IN THE HILLS of both flashed toward her simultane- ously, the engineer colored perceptibly and the mountain boy stopped short in speech and his pallid face flushed with unmistak- able shame. Then he went on: " He had liquered up," he said, " and had got tight afore he knowed it and he didn't mean no harm and had never been arrested afore in his whole life." " Have you ever been drunk before" asked the prosecuting attorney severely. The lad looked surprised. " Co'se I have, but I ain't goin' to agin -leastwise not in this here town." There was a general laugh at this and the aged mayor rapped loudly. " That will do," said the attorney. The lad stepped down, hitched his chair slightly so that his back was to the Blight, sank down in it until his head rested on [' 3 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND the back of the chair and crossed his legs. The Hon. Samuel Budd arose and the Blight looked at him with wonder. His long yellow hair was parted in the middle and brushed with plaster-like precision behind two enormous ears, he wore spec- tacles, gold-rimmed and with great staring lenses, and his face was smooth and age- less. He caressed his chin ruminatingly and rolled his lips until they settled into a fine resultant of wisdom, patience, tolera- tion and firmness. His manner was pro- found and his voice oily and soothing. " May it please your Honor-my young friend frankly pleads guilty." He paused as though the majesty of the law could ask no more. " He is a young man of natu- rally high and somewhat-naturally, too, no doubt-bibulous spirits. Homaoopathi- cally-if inversely-the result was logical. [ I4] THE BLIGHT IN THE HILLS In the untrammelled life of the liberty- breathing mountains, where the stern spirit of law and order, of which your Honor is the august symbol, does not prevail as it does here-thanks to your Honor's wise and just dispensations-the lad has, I may say, naturally acquired a certain reck- lessness of mood-indulgence which, how- ever easily condoned there, must here be sternly rebuked. At the same time, he knew not the conditions here, he became exhilarated without malice, prepensey or even, I may say, consciousness. He would not have done as he ham. if he had known what he knows now, and, knowing, he will not repeat the offence. I need say no more. I plead simply that your Honor will temper the justice that is only yours with the mercy that is yours-only." His Honor was visibly affected and to [ IS ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND cover it-his methods being informal-he said with sharp irrelevancy: " Who bailed this young feller out last night " The sergeant spoke: " Why, Mr. Marston thar "-with out- stretched finger toward the young en- gineer. The Blight's black eyes leaped with exultant appreciation and the engineer turned crimson. His Honor rolled his quid around in his mouth once, and peered over his glasses: " I fine this young feller two dollars and costs." The young fellow had turned slowly in his chair and his blue eyes blazed at the engineer with unappeasable hatred. I doubt if he had heard his Honor's voice. " I want ye to know that I'm obleeged to ye an' I ain't a-goin' to fergit it; but if I'd a known hit was you I'd a stayed [ i6 ] 7 This page in the original text is blank. THE BLIGHT IN THE HILLS in jail an' seen you in hell afore I'd a been bounden to ye." " Ten dollars fer contempt of couht." The boy was hot now. " Oh, fine and be-" The Hon. Samuel Budd had him by the shoulder, the boy swallowed his voice and his starting tears of rage, and after a whisper to his Honor, the Hon. Samuel led him out. Outside, the engineer laughed to the Blight: " Pretty peppery, isn't he" but the Blight said nothing, and later we saw the youth on a gray horse crossing the bridge and conducted by the Hon. Samuel Budd, who stopped and waved him toward the mountains. The boy went on and across the plateau, the gray Gap swallowed him. That night, at the post-office, the Hon. Sam plucked me aside by the sleeve. "I know Marston is agin me in this [ I7 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND race-but I'll do him a good turn just the same. You tell him to watch out for that young fellow. He's all right when he's sober, but when he's drunk-well, over in Kentucky, they call him the Wild Dog." Several days later we started out through that same Gap. The glum stableman looked at the Blight's girths three times, and with my own eyes starting and my heart in my mouth, I saw her pass behind her sixteen-hand-high mule and give him a friendly tap on the rump as she went by. The beast gave an appreciative flop of one ear and that was all. Had I done that, any further benefit to me or mine would be incorporated in the terms of an insur- ance policy. So, stating this, I believe I state the limit and can now go on to say at last that it was because she seemed to [ i8 ] THE BLIGHT IN THE HILLS be loved by man and brute alike that a big man of her own town, whose body, big as it was, was yet too small for his heart and from whose brain things went off at queer angles, always christened her perversely as-" The Blight." [' 9 ] -II ON THE WILD DOG'S TRAIL SO up we went past Bee Rock, Preach- er's Creek and Little Looney, past the mines where high on a " tipple " stood the young engineer looking down at us, and looking after the Blight as we passed on into a dim rocky avenue walled on each side with rhododendrons. I waved at him and shook my head-we would see him coming back. Beyond a deserted log- cabin we turned up a spur of the mountain. Around a clump of bushes we came on a gray-bearded mountaineer holding his horse by the bridle and from a covert high above two more men appeared with Win- [20] ON THE WILD DOG'S TRAIL chesters. The Blight breathed forth an awed whisper: " Are they moonshiners" I nodded sagely, " Most likely," and the Blight was thrilled. They might have been squirrel-hunters most innocent, but the Blight had heard much talk of moon- shine stills and mountain feuds and the men who run them and I took the risk of denying her nothing. Up and up we went, those two mules swaying from side to side with a motion little short of elephantine and, by and by, the Blight called out: " You ride ahead and don't you dare look back." Accustomed to obeying the Blight's or- ders, I rode ahead with eyes to the front. Presently, a shriek made me turn suddenly. It was nothing-my little sister's mule had gone near a steep cliff-perilously near, as [ 21 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND its rider thought, but I saw why I must not look back; those two little girls were riding astride on side-saddles, the booted little right foot of each dangling stirrupless a posture quite decorous but ludicrous. " Let us know if anybody comes," they cried. A mountaineer descended into sight around a loop of the path above. " Change cars," I shouted. They changed and, passing, were grave, demure-then they changed again, and thus we climbed. Such a glory as was below, around and above us; the air like champagne; the sun- light rich and pouring like a flood on the gold that the beeches had strewn in the path, on the gold that the poplars still shook high above and shimmering on the royal scarlet of the maple and the sombre russet of the oak. From far below us to far [ 22 ] ON THE WILD DOG'S TRAIL above us a deep curving ravine was slashed into the mountain side as by one stroke of a gigantic scimitar. The darkness deep down was lighted up with cool green, in- terfused with liquid gold. Russet and yellow splashed the mountain sides beyond and high up the maples were in a shaking blaze. The Blight's swift eyes took all in and with indrawn breath she drank it all deep down. An hour by sun we were near the top, which was bared of trees and turned into rich farm-land covered with blue-grass. Along these upland pastures, dotted with grazing cattle, and across them we rode toward the mountain wildernesses on the other side, down into which a zigzag path wriggles along the steep front of Benham's spur. At the edge of the steep was a cabin and a bushy-bearded mountaineer, [ 23 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND who looked like a brigand, answered my hail. He "mought " keep us all night, but he'd "ruther not, as we could git a place to stay down the spur." Could we get down before dark The mountaineer lifted his eyes to where the sun was break- ing the horizon of the west into streaks and splashes of yellow and crimson. " Oh, yes, you can git thar afore dark." Now I knew that the mountaineer's idea of distance is vague-but he knows how long it takes to get from one place to an- other. So we started down-dropping at once into thick dark woods, and as we went looping down, the deeper was the gloom. That sun had suddenly severed all connection with the laws of gravity and sunk, and it was all the darker because the stars were not out. The path was [ 24 ] ON THE WILD DOG'S TRAIL steep and coiled downward like a wounded snake. In one place a tree had fallen across it, and to reach the next coil of the path below was dangerous. So I had the girls dismount and I led the gray horse down on his haunches. The mules refused to follow, which was rather unusual. I went back and from a safe distance in the rear I belabored them down. They cared neither for gray horse nor crooked path, but turned of their own devilish wills along the bushy mountain side. As I ran after them the gray horse started calmly on down and those two girls shrieked with laughter-they knew no better. First one way and then the other down the mountain went those mules, with me after them, through thick bushes, over logs, stumps and bowlders and holes-crossing the path a dozen times. What that path was there [ 25 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND for never occurred to those long-eared half asses, whole fools, and by and by, when the girls tried to shoo them down they clambered around and above them and struck the path back up the mountain. The horse had gone down one way, the mules up the other, and there was no health in anything. The girls could not go up-so there was nothing to do but go down, which, hard as it was, was easier than going up. The path was not visible now. Once in a while I would stumble from it and crash through the bushes to the next coil below. Finally I went down, sliding one foot ahead all the time-know- ing that when leaves rustled under that foot I was on the point of going astray. Sometimes I had to light a match to make sure of the way, and thus the ridicu- lous descent was made with those girls in [ 26 ] ON THE WILD DOG'S TRAIL high spirits behind. Indeed, the darker, rockier, steeper it got, the more they shrieked from pure joy-but I was any- thing than happy. It was dangerous. I didn't know the cliffs and high rocks we might skirt and an unlucky guidance might land us in the creek-bed far down. But the blessed stars came out, the moon peered over a farther mountain and on the last spur there was the gray horse browsing in the path-and the sound of running water not far below. Fortunately on the gray horse were the saddle-bags of the chattering infants who thought the whole thing a mighty lark. We reached the running water, struck a flock of geese and knew, in consequence, that humanity was somewhere near. A few turns of the creek and a beacon light shone below. The pales of a picket fence, the cheering [ 27 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND outlines of a log-cabin came in view and at a peaked gate I shouted: " Hello I " You enter no mountaineer's yard with- out that announcing cry. It was medixval, the Blight said, positively-two lorn dam- sels, a benighted knight partially stripped of his armor by bush and sharp-edged rock, a gray palfrey (she didn't mention the impatient asses that had turned home- ward) and she wished I had a horn to wind. I wanted a " horn " badly enough -but it was not the kind men wind. By and by we got a response: " Hello I " was the answer, as an opened door let out into the yard a broad band of light. Could we stay all night The voice replied that the owner would see " Pap." " Pap " seemed willing, and the boy opened the gate and into the house [ 28 ] ON THE WILD DOG'S TRAIL went the Blight and the little sister. Shortly, I followed. There, all in one room, lighted by a huge wood-fire, rafters above, puncheon floor beneath-cane-bottomed chairs and two beds the only furniture-" pap," barefooted, the old mother in the chimney- corner with a pipe, strings of red pepper- pods, beans and herbs hanging around and above, a married daughter with a child at her breast, two or three children with yel- low hair and bare feet-all looking with all their eyes at the two visitors who had dropped upon them from another world. The Blight's eyes were brighter than usual-that was the only sign she gave that she was not in her own drawing- room. Apparently she saw nothing strange or unusual even, but there was really nothing that she did not see or hear I 29 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMIBERLAND and absorb, as few others than the Blight can. Straightway, the old woman knocked the ashes out of her pipe. " I reckon you hain't had nothin' to eat," she said and disappeared. The old man asked questions, the young mother rocked her baby on her knees, the children got less shy and drew near the fireplace, the Blight and the little sister exchanged a furtive smile and the contrast of the ex- tremes in American civilization, as shown in that little cabin, interested me mightily. " Yer snack's ready," said the old woman. The old man carried the chairs into the kitchen, and when I followed the girls were seated. The chairs were so low that their chins came barely over their plates, and demure and serious as they were they surely looked most comical. There [ 30 ] ON THE WILD DOG'S TRAIL was the usual bacon and corn-bread and potatoes and sour milk, and the two girls struggled with the rude fare nobly. After supper I joined the old man and the old woman with a pipe--exchanging my tobacco for their long green with more satisfaction probably to me than to them, for the long green was good, and strong and fragrant. The old woman asked the Blight and the little sister many questions and they, in turn, showed great interest in the baby in arms, whereat the eighteen-year-old mother blushed and looked greatly pleased. " You got mighty purty black eyes," said the old woman to the Blight, and not to slight the little sister she added, " An' you got mighty purty teeth." The Blight showed hers in a radiant smile and the old woman turned back to her. [ 3' ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND "Oh, you've got both," she said and she shook her head, as though she were thinking of the damage they had done. It was my time now-to ask questions. They didn't have many amusements on that creek, I discovered-and no dances. Sometimes the boys went coon-hunting and there were corn-shuckings, house-raisings and quilting-parties. " Does anybody round here play the banjo " " None o' my boys," said the old wom- an, " but Tom Green's son down the creek -he follers pickin' the banjo a leetle." " Follows pickin' "-the Blight did not miss that phrase. " What do you foller fer a livin' " the old man asked me suddenly. " I write for a living." He thought a while. [3211 ON THE WILD DOG'S TRAIL " Well, it must be purty fine to have a good handwrite." This nearly dissolved the Blight and the little sister, but they held on heroically. " Is there much fighting around here" I asked presently. " Not much 'cept when one young feller up the river gets to tearin' up things. I heerd as how he was over to the Gap last week-raisin' hell. He comes by here on his way home." The Blight's eyes opened wide-apparently we were on his trail. It is not wise for a member of the police guard at the Gap to show too much curiosity about the lawless ones of the hills, and I asked no questions. "They calls him the Wild Dog over here," he added, and then he yawned cav- ernously. I looked around with divining eye for [ 33 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND the sleeping arrangements soon to come, which sometimes are embarrassing to " furriners " who are unable to grasp at once the primitive unconsciousness of the mountaineers and, in consequence, accept a point of view natural to them because en- forced by architectural limitations and a hospitality that turns no one seeking shel- ter from any door. They were, however, better prepared than I had hoped for. They had a spare room on the porch and just outside the door, and when the old woman led the two girls to it, I followed with their saddle-bags. The room was about seven feet by six and was win- dowless. " You'd better leave your door open a little," I said, " or you'll smother in there." "Well," said the old woman, " hit's all [34] ON THE WILD DOG'S TRAIL right to leave the door open. Nothin's goin' ter bother ye, but one o' my sons is out a coon-huntin' and he mought come in, not knowin' you're thar. But you jes' holler an' he'll move on." She meant precisely what she said and saw no humor at all in such a possibility-but when the door closed, I could hear those girls stifling shrieks of laughter. Literally, that night, I was a member of the family. I had a bed to myself (the following night I was not so fortu- nate)-in one corner; behind the head of mine the old woman, the daughter-in-law and the baby had another in the other corner, and the old man with the two boys spread a pallet on the floor. That is the invariable rule of courtesy with the moun- taineer, to give his bed to the stranger and take to the floor himself, and, in passing, [ 35 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND let me say that never, in a long experience, have I seen the slightest consciousness- much less immodesty-in a mountain cabin in my life. The same attitude on the part of the visitors is taken for granted-any other indeed holds mortal possibilities of offence-so that if the visitor has common sense, all embarrassment passes at once. The door was closed, the fire blazed on uncovered, the smothered talk and laugh- ter of the two girls ceased, the coon-hunter came not and the night passed in peace. It must have been near daybreak that I was aroused by the old man leaving the cabin and I heard voices and the sound of horses' feet outside. When he came back he was grinning. " Hit's your mules." " Who found them" " The Wild Dog had 'em," he said. [ 36 ] III THE AURICULAR TALENT OF THE HON. SAMUEL BUDD 1 EHIND us came the Hon. Samuel Budd. Just when the sun was slit- ting the east with a long streak of fire, the Hon. Samuel was, with the jocund day, standing tiptoe in his stirrups on the misty mountain top and peering into the ravine down which we had slid the night before, and he grumbled no little when he saw that he, too, must get off his horse and slide down. The Hon. Samuel was am- bitious, Southern, and a lawyer. Without saying, it goes that he was also a poli- tician. He was not a native of the moun- [ 37 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND tains, but he had cast his fortunes in the highlands, and he was taking the first step that he hoped would, before many years, land him in the National Capitol. He really knew little about the mountaineers, even now, and he had never been among his constituents on Devil's Fork, where he was bound now. The campaign had so far been full of humor and full of trials-not the least of which sprang from the fact that it was sorghum time. Everybody through the mountains was making sor- ghum, and every mountain child was eat- ing molasses. Now, as the world knows, the straight- est way to the heart of the honest voter is through the women of the land, and the straightest way to the heart of the women is through the children of the land; and one method of winning both, with rural [ 38 ] THE AURICULAR TALENT politicians, is to kiss the babies wide and far. So as each infant, at sorghum time, has a circle of green-brown stickiness about his chubby lips, and as the Hon. Sam was averse to " long sweetenin'" even in his coffee, this particular political device just now was no small trial to the Hon. Samuel Budd. But in the language of one of his firmest supporters-Uncle Tommie Hen- dricks: " The Hon. Sam done his duty, and he done it damn well." The issue at stake was the site of the new Court-House-two localities claiming the right undisputed, because they were the only two places in the county where there was enough level land for the Court- House to stand on. Let no man think this a trivial issue. There had been a similar one over on the Virginia side once, and [ 39 ] A KNIGHT OF THE CUMBERLAND the opposing factions agreed to decide the question by the ancient wager of battle, fist and skull-two hundred men on each side-and the women of the county with difficulty prevented the fight. Just now, Mr. Budd was on his way to "The Pocket "-the voting place of one faction -where he had never been, where the hostility against him was most bitter, and, that day, he knew he was " up against " Waterloo, the crossing of the Rubicon, holding the pass at T