xt7jq23qvw3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qvw3b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18730312 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1873-03-jun12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1873-03-jun12. 1873 2011 true xt7jq23qvw3b section xt7jq23qvw3b 258 Kernt-cky t7- versitv, Lerington, Ky*., June I?' ,i73 M etngr of June 12, 1973 Treasury excused for absence Au3 i tin- C'r. report :.,eport of com. on Col. of Arts. Pe-ort of Corn. or farm Secre t Soci e' N0 fairs to be held at Ashland or Woo dlanrds . Full Tisto-V of Ba3Cofn Col. & Ky. TJh irer- sity. T zasurers report con- s i dered & ado") tel Curator White's resol- ution to col- lect debts & invest in bonds. Same laii on table. The Board met at Morrison Collee - t 3 o'clock pursuant to adjournment the roll called quoruo 2resent- Session opened 'ky prayer by Cura.tor T.Vasson- Letter to the Secretary i-ving his reasons for nis absence was presented and on -,tifmrj his excuse accept~i. Executive Comtee. submitted their report as auiditing Com- mittee report. as -.2mted 2nd. or.'eed to be mec5e a part of their forme r report. Cortmitte, on College of Arts made the report and same was5 adopted with, the suggestion of Pre'. RhI, that the Acadtemy buildirng OI' the Co'e,+e lawn be hereafter resumed. for the e-x- clusive use .2 4i fe Coll0 , of Art s .d rBible. Committee on, :a- mad their report ana it was adopted. Comittee on petitiCi1 fo- Secret Societies reported anj on mct ic o :,Pme -wc.s laid on the table. Curator Allen off;e rei the following Resolved; That this Board deem it advisable hereafter not to permit the 6rouLrds of Ashland or 'Woodlands be used. for Afri_ cultural Fairs -- adopted. Curator John. 'tug. 'Nilliarrs offered the following. Resolved: That a, Corn .pittep of three be a~pointed to~ollect as possible the facts, incidents and dates rela.tive to the rise and progress of Kentucirzy Universit y from the earliest inception of /259/ the enterprise at Georgetown as Bacon College to the present tia'e and to prepare a full record of the same in rwoper historical forr & report if pnosible one yes r hence - a3loated. Treasurer's report cFalled up- Curator Elley novel that the Historic.. Sketch be stricken ojt of the repsrt ir its publicc- tion - Curator Sloan off e1 as amendment trhat tte Leport be ap- proved and the publication be left to the discretion of th.e Extive Committee - adopted. The report wa.s then adopted. Curator White offered the following Resolve;: That the Executive Committee of tlre Board cause the Treasurer to collect as speedily as possible the Individ1ual debts on the UniversIty as set forth in the item of invoestrients (re'r)-o of 1872 viz note.s 49O36.5,6/1O) and reinvest the snme in Ic: Bonds as thn-y may select and approve of. On mTtotion of Curator Campbell the Res. after some ciiscussion was lcid on the taMEl. On miotion Board adjourned. to meet at 9 A. M. To-morrow. Benediction by Curator Elley.