xt7jq23qwb4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qwb4m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19390321  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 1939 1939 2013 true xt7jq23qwb4m section xt7jq23qwb4m J1HE l&ENTUCKY JKJERN EL




Some of our correspondents are
lapsing into the old habit of not
signing names nor initials.
in brief, puts too much responsibili- ty upon the Kernel because we don't
have time to check on the facts in
all of these letters. And, if its
very controversial
should have the courage to
their names. As always, only initials
will be printed if you so indicate.




"Dear Sir: I think it's about time
someone objected to the books the
freshmen are required to read in
the English classes. I don't mind
having to sweat over Shakespeare
and Chaucer but is it absolutely
necessary to our college education
that we read immoral plays and
novels? Morality is not stressed here
in the University that is no reason
why immorality should be forced
upon us. There are lots of really
fine books of fiction I'd like to read,
but I'm forced to spend all of my
time reading the trashy stuff these


OfllCerS 10 lie LleCteu LITERARY

Thursday In Union

Election of officers of the Associa- tion of Women Students will be held
from 10 a. m., to 5 p. m., Thursday
In Room 2C6, Union. Ruth Johnston,
president said yesterday. All wcm-e- n
students of the University are
members of the AWS and are eligible to vote.
Candidates for the positions ot
treasurer and town representative
will be selected by a nominating
committee from petitions submitted
at the dean of women's office before
noon today. The committee consists of Dean Sarah G. Blandincr.
Ruth Johnston, present president of
the group, and Susan Clay, council
Petitions must be
s'gned by 50 accredited women students, with no duplications.
Names of candidates will not be re- leased before the elections in an
effort to keep politics out of the
Qualifications for president are
that the candidate have credit for
at least five semesters' work, three
of which have been spent at the
University. The
have at least three semester's wcrk.
two of which were done here. The
secretary and treasurer, and town
representative must have two semester's credit at the University. Each
candidate must have a University
' standing.






to mm

annual junior

copy-reade- rs


Vision For Fieldhouse Clarified
Following Chandler's Statement


Patterson Society Has
Week's Observation

Finance Problem Still
Frets University

Of Anniversary

stRIES NO. it


21. 19



A cumpulsory meeting of Kernel staff members will be held at
3 p. m. today in the News Room.
Reporters, society writers,
sports writers and
are required to be present.


Awful. Awful

English professors assign."

Staff Meeting







Jobs Open







Clark, Rich To Attend.
Men's Voting

Uiggs, Delta Delta
Delta, was selected prom
queen by junior men ye?ter- Jday. Martha Jane Rich. Kappa
Kappa Gamma, and Thelma
Clark. Independent, were chos;


Calls fur a number of table waitPatterson Literary society, celeen attendants.
ers with experience have been reStuff!
year of its
brating the
ceived by Dean T. T. Jones, he
One hundred and forty-fou- r
Mr. or Miss S. would have done
organization, is holding Patterson
said yesterday.
President McVey yesterday afterjunior men voted in the Student-Counc- il
well to sign its name. If the conWeek from March 20 to 27 in hon"This is also the time of year."
-tent of the letter were not so utconducted ballot
from 9
or of the first president of, the Uni- noon termed Governor Chandler'c he added, "when we usually have
terly ridiculous that there is no
a. m. to 4 p. m. in the football dining
statement concernversity James K. Patterson, fcr Saturday-nigh- t
calls for boys to help with house
danger of any sane or informed perroom of the Union.
whom the society is named.
ing drafting of plans for a giant cleaning and outside work."
son taking it seriously, we would
A plaque will be presented Wed' He urged those interested to call
Juniors indicated that they disUK fieldhouse as another step in
not bother to print it all without
nesday to the professor who is
approved of including the tradiat his office at once.
A federal grant of $194,000 for a
the full name. This is a subjec:
judged by the society as most out- the direction of obtaining the buildtional Lances pledging ceremonie!'
joint University and WPA archaeol
which has been irritating us ever
standing in his service to the Uni- ing.
at the prom which will be held Apsince the "Book" episode which was
conversity for the pas:- year. The win
ogical survey was approved Satur
Chandler's announcement
ril 1 in the Union ballroom.
treated so generously in the papers.
ner of an oratorical contest among cerning the proposed new building
day, March 18, according to infor- Results of the polling showed
At that time, we did not bother to
the seniors of the group will receive came following the finals of state
received by
Sarah Biggs with 617 unt.s to win
refute the arguments against the
$200 award presented annually high school basketball tournament
the honor: Martha Jane Rich with
book because we believed it would
Webb nead of the physics and
from the fund left by President Pat when he said:
409; Thelma Clark with 372. Pat
Just give more satisfaction to those
chaeology and anthropology depart -shown in the state bas
Robertson with 340. and Nellie Rash
accusing the author of "rank inil- All members of the society are
tournament has convinced
' i with 205.
wearing the traditional Patterson ketball
of the state want dUSan JaCkSOn,
This grant will insure continua- In the first place, immorality is
plaid on their lapels during the me that the people
Voters ranked their five choices
event. '
tion of research work in Indian
not being taught in English classes
week. The birthday of President better facilities for
of candidates. Five points was
J burial mounds and caves in Kentuc- or any other classes in so far as
"I think that a new field hcuse
was first celebrated in
for each first choice: tout
ky. which are monuments of the
the majority of us know. In the
1887 by the society which he en- at Kentucky would be a good inpoints for second choice, and so 011
Susan Jackson. Lexington, and state's
race. Professor
English classes, these books are segroup was organized on vestment for the state, and I am
dowed. The
Returns from the voting on the
James R. Howell Jr., Rodgenville. Webb stated. The survey will ex- lected as great literature, not as
December 6, 188C with eight mem- willing to contribute all I can and have been elected
Lances pledging question show that
of the tend to january j, 1940.
guides of conduct. And in the secam interested in trying to get the
bers. Membership now is limited 'o
83 disapproved
ts)3S-of including the
help of all the interested people in Freshman K book for
ond place, no student is forced to
Professor Webb will direct 50
twenty men a year.
ceremonies and 53 wanted the rite
the cabinets of the YM and YW. workmen in mound excavation work
an effort to construct the plant."
read any of these books if he has
Members are elected by chapter
to be held at the dance. Twenty-si- x
Business managers are Frances
any objection to reading them He
vote and considered on merit of
and transferring the findings to the
Finance Is Problem.
voters failed to answer the quesHannah. Shelbyville. and Morry, University laboratories. William G.
may simply ask the professor to
work done at the University. Aims
Financing of the new structure is Holcomb, Pittsburg, Pa.
a change whicia i
Haag. curator of the museum of
substitute another
of the group are to promote literary one cf the phases of the proposed
Presented each September by the anthropology and archaeology, is in
This was not a question of frathe professors will readily make.
and forensic efforts on the campus. plans not completely worked out.
YM and YW to the Freshman Class, charge of the laboratories.
ternity vs. independent in the votIn a broader sense, you can
Submission cf a manuscript is a
Governor Chandler indicated that the "K" Book is a handbook of ining, because the majority of Greeks
stamp out evil by ignoring it. and
Research has been going on since
prerequisite to membership.
towformation which serves as an in- November, 1937, in the Wright
voted to abolish the ceremony, elecif we can not discriminate between
Unique among societies of its kind, the state could provide $50,000
McVey troduction to the University for the
tion officials said.
good and bad, then we are not ready
mound in Montgomery county, largit has no ritual, no initiation fee, ard its erection. President
for college, and most certainly not
est mound of its kind in Kentucky;
no dues, no insignia and no hand- said that probably an additional incoming class.
The Student Council has inter$10,000 could be raised from cthei
It contains the University calen- in three other earth mounds in
ready for life. Isn't there an old
preted this to mean that the ceresources, and that it woulfl be neces- dar, discussion on University tradisaying about evil existing only in
mony is not wanted at the dance
sary for the building to be con- tions, descriptions of buildngs. and Greenup and Bcone counties: and
the mind? Or maybe that doesn't
Laiayettt fiorot
and has decided to omit it.
structed with WPA labor. This presents the purposes, requirements, three shell mounds in the Green
apply here. At any rate, we think
Sara Biggs, tup. Irlta Drlta, was
Eids for the dance which were
would furnish six dollars per mac and fees for the various henoraries River section of Western Kentucky. elected yesterday queen of the junior
you will agree that the truly eduthe
per month for materials.
' Th
and clubs on the campus.
pvravatinn. pi am. Htr attendants will be Mar- scheduled to be distributed at BaiWHcrrir mfimH
cated student will get as broad a Funeral services for Hal Hamed
Three years ago th; book was ' now compieted, showed 19 separate tha Jane Rich, bottom. Kappa Kap- polls were not given out. Joe
sophobackground as possible, and he will Jr., 20, of Dawson Springs,
The state grant wculd be used for
president, said that anbe much better fitted to cope with more in the College of Commerce,
materials, only, he said, adding that changed from a pocket edition to tombs, each originally- - Woekrt off pa Gamma, and Thclma ( lark, aft ley, class
other method of distribution wouia
the present handbook. The bonk by saplings, some resembling crude pictured. Independent.
no provisions had been made yet for
life than the Pollyanna who reads who died early FTiday at the Good
be found.
has' been published annually since log cabins. Most cf these tombs
furnishing the structure.
and studies strictly purged texts. Samaritan hospital from injuries reHal Lieber and his University of
1921 and the first edition was printAnd by that phrase, "to cope with ceived in an automobile crash on
contained two skeletons a male and
Dr. McVey stated that if the 100
Indiana orchestra have been oblife," we don't mean to get a March 11. were held at 2 p. m
a female buried with their ornadormitory rooms were included, fur- ed in 1911.
tained to play at the prom.
strangle held on it, sit on it, and Sunday at Dawson Springs.
ments, shells, stone beads or combs.
nishings for these rooms alone would
leer at it; we mean to get along
Harned suffered a skull fracture,
Some of these log burial cabins
amount to at least $5,600. It would
with it. enjoy it, and live it with concussion, fracture of the right
were six or seven feet high and were
Nu Circle cf Omicron Delta Kap- be impossible to include a swimming
the greatest possible degree of hap- jaw and left collarbone when a car pa, men's campus leadership frat- pool in the plans with the money
probably the tombs cf chiefs or
in which he was a passenger, hit ernity, will present a model initia- now available, he said.
medicine men. In nearly all cases,
a telephone pole on South Upper tion ceremony before the thirteenth
However, he added that "there fc Cups. .Medals To Be Awarded the bodies of the buried dead were
street, near the University training national convention of ODK March
"The People" Speak
stretched out with their heads to- H-lWinning Participants
a possibility that the Alumni gym
LOIiege Thomas Ballantine. president will
"Dear Editor: The Sadie Hawkins school.
,ouisville Bar Association,
at Washington and Lee Uni- might adequately house a swimming
ward the east.
In Anjnual Contest
Day dance was a grand affair. But
A native of Dawson Springs. versity in Lexington, Virginia.
ypeak at an alumni dinner of the
That the aborigines who built the
pool if the field house plan goe;
after consulting many who attend- - Harned was gMiduated from the
Law College to be held March 29 in
Wright mound, as well as the other
Members who will participate in through."
of the College of Agri- mounds in Kentucky were traders
ed. I find that the general opinion Dawson Springs high school in 1936. the ceremony are Edward Muehsler.
Dr. J. Holmes Martin, professor of Louisville. His subject is to be "Sleeo
Bond Issue?
will participate in a Live- is shown by the copper ornaments
with malice toward none is that He attended Columbia College. Col- Arthur Plummer. Campbell Miller.
poultry husbandry and in charge Is So Like Death."
A news story appearing in the stock Judging Contest at 1 p. m., and granite celts, or utility implethe first prize award was based on umbia, Tenn for a year befcre com- William Duty. William Tudor, and
The University law faculty have
Herald-LeadSaturday, March 25, in the Live- ments, found in the mounds, the re- of the poultry husbandry at the ex- been Invited to a luncheon by the
biased and partisan judgment. Why ing to the University.
He was a Professor R. D. Mclntyre.
William Sunday
periment station, has tendered hir
stock Pavilion.
must such unfair campus politics member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. Young is to be the official delegate that a municipal bond issue might
explained. As there resignation to Dean Thomas P. Coo- law faculty of the University of
Sheep, horses, beef cattle, and search workers copper or
rob a couple who were judged by
no native
for Nu Circle with John Morgan :is be used to complete the needed
granite in per of the agriculture college, he Louisville on March 30 in Louishogs will be Judged for high class is
tlie majority as 'perfect' of their
ville Dean Alvin E. Evans stated.
section, it was concluded that said Saturday.
quality. Winners will be determined this
rightful place?
Athletic Director Bernie Shively
ODK, commemorating the Silver
barby a faculty committee, not yet se- these articles were obtained by
Dr. Martin has been director of
"We. the people, speak!" GCG,
Anniversary of its founding, will and Basketball Coach Adolph Rupp
place a bronze tablet in the portico plan to leave Friday to accompany lected, William H. Hardin, chairBesides the ornaments and imple- - the U. S. regional poultry research
man, announced.
Cups will be
log tombs with- - laboratories at East Lansing. Mich.
Chi Delta Phi. national honorary of the Washington College building. E. B. Farris. assistant to Col. J. H.
to the senior who scores ments buried in the
Let's Be Ilappy
Circles will be repre- Graham, dean of the U. K. College
literary fraternity will hold pledge Forty-thre- e
in the mound, the workmen dug up while on leave from the University
most points in Judging.
Did you ever know of any fairly services for five women students sented at the convention.
of Engineering, and Ernest Johnson, the
manv arrowheads, stone mortars fcr sillce January 1.
Mrs. Virginia Croft SnuUdy. auThe contest
Cooper, hr thority on home
close decision pleasing everyone? As Monday. March 28 in the Student
ln a letter to
Other members from the Univer- architect, on an inspection of the cenducted by is an annual affair grinding nuts or grain; stone pipes.
economics. Charstudents of the college celts and crude hoes.
expressed sincere regret at severing lottesville. Va.. will be the principal
far as campus politics are concerned Union building. Women who will sity who will attend the convention Jefferson county armory and the
we hardly believe that the faculty be pledged are Betty
his relations with the University. speaker at the
new Male high school field house in to give them practical experience
As a collective burial site, the
banouet. to
Wells Roberts, aie Sidney Buckley, James
social committee which did the Lexington: Martha Hume, Harrods-burthought it best to re-- a be held in the ballroom of the StuJames Palmore, Ralph Ed- Louisville, the high school field in "be judged judging. The animals Wright mound was not built up as but
are selected from the
judging, meddles around in or even
now m order that someone dent Union building. March 30. at
house at Jeffersonville, Ind., and to
single prehistoric project. It grad- Ruth Slaughter, Fulton; Nel- wards, Sherman Hinkebein, and
stock of the Experiment Station
cares much about campus politics. lie Rash, Paris; and Sarah Elizabeth James S. Shropshire.
Prof. R. D. these at Indiana University in
ually was built up as one tomb was might be selected as soon as
6 p. m. The subject of her address
Remember, that the prize was an- McLean, Lexington.
Mclntyre is a member of the Gen- Bloomington, Butler University in farm.
to another. In the beeinninsr sible to take his place permanently. will be "Home Economics What's
nounced as an award to the best-ooDiscussing his work as director of It Good For?"
Indianapolis and Xavier University
eral Council of ODK.
it housed just one of the 19 tombs
in Cincinnati.
i wd couple not the best Daisy
it finally contained. That first log the Michigan laboratories, he said
Admission to the banquet jiill be
Mae, nor the best Little Abner, nor
cabin was covered over with dirt, that he and his assistants were 80 cents per person. Tickets may be
It is expected that two or three
the queen of the ball, nor prince
breeding tech- obtained from members of the Ag
Prof. Edward F. Farquhar of the
months will be required to complete
then another crude mausoleum was undertaking to apply
chaiming, nor the most pleasing English department spoke on "Cre- Dr. Jasper B. Shannon, assistant blueprints and specifications for the
erected close by. Others followed, nique for disease resistance which Cuiicil or from the various departpersonality, etc., etc.
Music by nine Kentucky compos- some on top of ethers in haphazard has proved successful to inpiant ments of the Agriculture college
ative Journalism and the Newspa'p- - history professor, will be principal structure and obtain approval of
serve 25
er Today" 'at the initiation of Quill i speaker at the dinner meeting of them by WPA authorities, thus de- ers will be presented at a concert fashion until the mound took on its work. The laboratories
Advocate Change
states in the New England and
and Scroll, international honorary the Transylvania College Interna-hig- h laying the start of actual construc- arranged by the Lexington Alumnae size and shape.
"Dear Sir: It may be too late to
school journalism society, Fri- - i tional Relations club at 6 p. m. to- tion work probably until around the club of Phi Beta, honorary music
The Montgomery county mounds. North Central areas.
change the Spring vacation this day at Henry Clay high school.
fraternity, at 8 p. m. Friday in Me archaeologists say, represent as high
first of July.
day in Hamilton hall.
Dr. Martin joined the University
year, but if I go home I want it to
morial hall. The concert will be free a cultural group as ever has been ' staff 21 years ago as assistant in
Specifications Listed
on Easter Sunday and not the
to the public.
found in Kentucky.
on the proposed
week after Easter or before Easter.
The program is announced as folbuilding, as outlined by Dean GraI see the seniors' point of view, but
lows :
ham fellow:
I think that a committee of several
It Is Guud Thin to
1. The building to be entirelv of
G've T'""s
timmius Hurburne
members from each class should
fireproof construction.
meet and discuss and vote on the
1 um tl!e
2. When set up and used for bas- Question. I would like for it to be
uht of thc
206. Union
ODK . . 6 p. m.
ketball games and tournaments, t
on Easter myself, but I also think
7 15
Grou Parly
would Seat 12,000 spectator! includ- it should be so the seniors could go
Clwlr ot Christ Church. Mr. lUrboriie.
vements; Allegro, Adagio, and Alle-TBy FREDERICK KXAPP
p. m. . . 106. Union.
director. Lei W. Cullls at tile organ.
illg 400 box Seats
to KEA. Let's see what can be
Carl A. Lmnpert
Out of the Deep
Y's club. . luncheon meeting
University Concert Band, Kronf. of Mozart's
done about it." T. J.
3. Wen used a a 11
Mrs- E- Fra'i oudnei. contralto.
the good ol' PR traditiun. Ea-- il noon
23-Union. James W.
Kppearing for the second time on a outstanding works of the soprano. football spring training; Id house lor
is required to wear a uniform Martin. comniis.-ioiu-r
Mary Louise McKenna.
"Mr. Jones! Define leather."
the playing A
ol revenue,
vesper program this season pre- Need More
arena wculd be equal in area to that
m. Reccius Schmidt
of an anisfcy
white work gloves and to car- w'll speak.
"Sir. if the fresh skin
Something can be done about it sented a superior program before
R,cc'us Schmidt
ZZZ' of half of a regulation football neia, 1, 5 The y.,utll choir ofM central Christian mal, cleaned and divested of all ry a white broom stock at all times. Chi Delta Phi 7:1j p m
mifi niinfTiAuvp Audience ' Ji"o'&
if enough students indicate in let a ltri
The broom stick represents a rule 205. Union Members bring manuchurch, tientrv A. Sheltou. director. hair, fat and other extraneous matceilm"
as an encore. Franz Lehar's and would have a
ters that they desire the change. Ciniflur iftimnnn in Mpmnrifll hall. ailc known "Vilia. The audience height of approximately Clear feet.
Tlrs. Clentrv A. Shelton at the piano.
ter, be immersed in a dilute solu- - and is to be used as such in perscripts.
r the rii.
KtuCH T'omaiitique
for Violin
But. so far. yours is only the second
- forming the manual of arms
2C . U nion
H. D. Perry tion of tannic acid, a chemical comMiss McKenna apprecia- SuKy .... 5 p. in
and Piano
4. When set up and used as a
John Lewis.
letter to be received on the subject rection
tis- pledge must at all tunr
ensues; the gelatinous
tively as she sung with the vitality
5 p. m.
Theta Sigma Phi
arena, it WOUld Seat 5,000
Violfn'aui Piano
R D Perry bination
and we have no way of knowing
The fine day and the reputation end youtnful Ting lhal USUttliy nlark Sp2CtatOrS.
a march in military caiieiite and cut 205. Union.
sue of the skin is converted into
Oloi la
how students in general feel about
square. Upon meeting an
nonputrescible substance impervious his corners
7.15 p. m
Scabbard and Blade
5. When set up and used for box- ?fT'nIentid.
it frcm only two opinions. We will sible for the large, appreciative au- her appearances.for its modern har-- I
to and insoluble in water; this. sir. active he must come to distinct . . . 203. Armory. Compulsory.
ing contests, it woud seat 13,01)0 '
'd' Alma
have to receive more than this to dience: however, it is difficult to
present arms. n
halt and perform
Preston Bryan. Violin. Lela W. Cul- - is leather."
a o. m. .
Senior Cabinet
even asK for a change and it must tell about the unappreciative ones, niony and syncopation Meineck-Sig-"Park spectators '
"Mr. Jones, you faltered on the must be prepared, at the actives Y room. Miss Jeanette Scudder .
Avenue Fantasy" by
o. When set up as a convention
George BaKby
necessarily be soon.
The Moon
"silent lead discussion on "Democracy on
command, to render the
who arrived late.
Qeoriie Baijby woid. 'nonputrescible.'
l.orelli. which was played as the hall, it would seat 1(1 OOO
T rM
manual." the "wildcat." and to re- the Campus."
Mary Louie McKenna. soprano. Adele
Mendelssohn's majestic "Fiiigal's sith selection on the program. Cre- 7. When set uu for indoor t.rm-i- c
Smoking, Booing
South Genseiner at the piano.
You did. Repeat tile dttUUtlon cite from memory the 12
Cave" overture was the opening
Spanish club
J it m
ue the solo oboist and cor- - sports, it would seat 5,000 spectaMargaret F A. Drummond
re Dentil
"LK-a- r
Sir: In the Friday issue ol selection. and though the first mea
orders, the history of the organiza- Science building
Dedicated to Bishop H. P. Almoii Ab- - Mr. Jones."
netist, who handled their reoccurClearing House, there was a letter i
of leather.
Mrs. William H. Hansen Mrs.
tion and the definition
,.gb. if u Iresll skill of ail .
sures were marred in warming up, ing themes comniendably, but the
8. All dressing rooms would be
Drummond. Mrs. Robert Spl- of PRAISE printed. I agree with
Should he fail to do any of these
with the clarinet section proved somewhat
cer. Mrs. Frank Guditei. Dawes Thom- - mul, cleaned and divested or all nair,
the ground level and would be
the writer about the players 011 the the selection good closed
requiiements the consequence would
roll. Charles w unuerlicli. Walter
etc., etc., .
disagreeable in this selection just well ventilated.
2i H.
Gentry A. tihelton. Eleanor
basketball, football and swimming musicians
5 p. in.
"Very good. Mr. Jones. Now rt- - be dire.
rne building also would L
broxie Knox at the ortcan.
Eidon Sotmenbui g played the solo as it did in the preceding ones.
teams. Tlityare the best of sporto.
Hell week will continue until dayK A Wuiumund peat the general orders.
planned to provide dormitory rooms f'u"'.';K ",r.?l,V.
"The Love of Three Oranges" by
soprano. Mrs.
Dut tne stuoeni oooy as a whole is clarinet in Mozart's "Concerto. Opus
H. 'ifi"1
Mrs. nun
Women's house uiotiiei.-p- .
It's all in a day's work for the light Sunday. March 26. when, alter
Drummond at the piuno.
not what I would call good sports. 107 for Clarinet" as a second fea- - Prokofieff was the final selection forin 100 students. 1....1..J ...
m. . . 205. Union.
encampment at the
vm. ..f
Alexander c.imrsfi Pirshiny Ritles pledges, win) m&
At several games this year there ture on the program, and with the on the program, and a Russian
the Kentucky
Kathrvu Kruse. pianist.
wn auVwhere on the campus YMCA camp on will be initiated,Riv- - . Independent women
Eleanor F. Hutching
has been a lot of booing. I think exception of a few measures the dance was played as a final encore. pool as equipping Ol a SWlmmUlg sprinx Is Here
. 122.
their white er. the pledges
week carrying
the second stage.
Break. Break. Break Eleanor F. Hutchlng-- tliis
4 p. m
Sophomore commission
that some of the boos were called work was admirably performed. It Tlie Prokofieff selection, with its
Pledges are M. P. Alfrey. J. J
Eleanor F. Hutchiints.
broom sticks and cutting their cor- In his repoit. Dean Graham said
A(lt.!e Soulll UeUM.m
Report on ecot ti,e piano.
for. but it does not show good was announced by the director that smart march time and familiar the. Union Y room.
square in true military fashion. Archdeacon. L. F. Barker. W. F.
sportsmanship on the pait of the the selection had been arranged me, was played with merit and that under existing conditions the Echoes Goose Suite - Leiis Henry hwwii ners
Lewis Henry Horton
"The pledges, 38 of them, are go- - ' Campbell, W. Cf. Fuller, P. M. Joivjs. nomics and labor conlerence
period would be 10 Mother
of musicians
Comiimer! on Plitf. TwrvI have seen students for the band by Chester Gierlock. splendid
sm!" iivr rhrouoh ry.11
rnnnnu.'i! on Piuto Four,
flcorrtinor r.i





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For Research


it' DUUIlUISUiiui




Dnni cniTnDoimation


Howell Chosen


..:S 1









Victim Of Auto Crash

Buried At Home






Members Of Nu Circle

Plan 'Initiation'


Ag College To Hold
Livestock Judging

FROM AG STAFF BallantineLaw Talk

Served In
For Years



Literary Honorary
To Hold Pledging

Snoddy Will Speak
AtAnnual Banquet









Phi Beta Alumnae

To Give Program




Concert Band Gives Superior
Program At Sunday Vespers





PR Pledges Know So Much


Wi; uuiS



Leather.... They Must














nZnX tt""




















'.rt J.













* rage




And Here Is
The Happy Ending




Entered t the Post ofiire at Lexington. Kentuckv. ax second
rib- - limner under the Art of March S, lBTft.

Kentucky Intercollegiate Presa Association
Lexington Board of Commerce

National Advertising Serviee, Inc.
( alltft Fuhthharf ReprtsentMirt
MaoiaOM Ave.
New vokk. N. V.



M One Year

I. Ii.iihxki
Amikixv Itknviu



li-- i



f lfi;l



r. fi

Assistant Art Editc
Advertising Manager

Fo a person of our simple tastes the climate
tii this lily is a ierietual amusement. Though
wilhoul tornadoes, earthtpiakes. or litlal waxes
of anx sort, the limestone-infestesoil on whith
wc Inn alxiiu I10111 dax 10 tlav is continually
surprising us with discordant notes and variations in its xvcathcr theme. On a balmx morning
this week xve emerged from our lodgings into a
nreci thai blinded us with reflect ed sunshine.
There xvas a curtain blowing from a window
half-oiea llullx iloutl progressing into ihe
east, a pigeon looking hiingrv all these intimations conxinicd us thai spring had arrived and
that the next tlax xve should lie knee deep in
robins antl tulips. What reallx hapcnctt. in
a Unit an hour, was a siioxv llurrx and a blast of
xvi.ntt that sailed our hai two blinks into a
muddy putklle anil left us standing there
whether to go baik for

stu-t'l'iii- s


l)itk Swopv's radio progiam. "Fhe Blue and
White Review." honored kappa Kappa Gamma
last Friday by airing the traditions antl achievements ol that soroiitx over W LAf. During the
ionise ol the program President Funny I.ou
'Fuuk was asked to name several kappa alum-uaxv ho had gained
recognition iu world affairs.
Absent from the list of names and accomplishments whith Miss I link read was thai of kappa
aUiuiua Alia Alexander Bolle. who is national
president ol the W'. C. T. V.'.


The Boys Who
Cry Wolf
the national Aim lit .111 Siutleni I'uiou is
leallx a representative union of American stu
dents, then we beg to. setede.
Of all the craikiot. propagandist it hooey
wv'xe ever seen in our lixes. the putjioried "new
iclcascs" ol that august body disgust us most.
I he past month prox ided the "union" with
iis prize lulu. Through its national office in
New Yoik Ciiv. ii designated Friday. February
'Jf: as a tlax lor a national siutleni protest of the
1'. S. Arms Kmbaigo on Spain. Ihe idea was
loi Nimlenis in America to gel together on that
tlav and send letters lo congressmen, make liery
pccihcs agtinsi ihe horrible barbarities being
prat lit et I bv the Spanish Insurgents, ami gel
geneiallv woiketl up over (he plight til Ivoxalisl
Spain oh. xcs. antl to laise monex lor the "Am-critaSiutleni (iiiiM'iition" whith. so the story
is living to buv two loaves ol bread lor
gK-sLovalist Spain ln exerv loaf tif hreatl the siu-tl- t