xt7jq23qz717 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qz717/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1940 Prepared by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Diocese of Mississippi, Official Sponsor; Other contributors include: United States Works Progress Administration, Division of Professional and Service Projects; vii, 146 leaves, maps, 28 cm; Includes bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14: M 69ic books English Jackson, Mississippi: Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the Church Archives of Mississippi, Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Mississippi text Inventory of the Church Archives of Mississippi, Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Mississippi 1940 1940 2015 true xt7jq23qz717 section xt7jq23qz717 i l CEC ; *.x,’._i l it i A it C R C i A p J) pl) T \ r E univensnvorxemucxv p {/L L y l\@\l\ l\\\ ll\l\llllll L mm? ?‘ UNEVER‘§iT°’~' ~ri2;¥~¤ i;¤<=»‘ . i Inventory ol: the Church Archives ot Mississippi Protestant Episcopal Church Diocese ol: Mississippi . ~ *‘i`“‘·` " il l Q lll éll l l ""' l W .i'.’»l!·~·—· s‘ , ___,»·~‘ any, ', ’ _ ip ’ p ps in »cru »spp_p u _ hu u r ip pupup an »ri r i_ i u_pp C » ' C r i CHRIST CHURCH, CHURCH HILL, FOUNDED I82O The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project p i A Jackson, Mississippi 1 V` rl V [ Y » Q gi >% ? $ X \ + Q. Q § # X f? INVENTORY OF THE CHURCH ARCHIVES — OF MISSISSIPPI Prepared by The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project Division of Professional and Service Projects Work Projects Administration Official Sponsor Mississippi Department of Archives and History U PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH Diocese of Mississippi "*•• * x * * * Jackson, Mississippi The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project June 1940 R V FV 5 The Historical Records Survey V Sargent B. Child, Director t John C. L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor i Moina Evans, State Supervisor Q Division of Professional and Service Projects Vg Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner K Leo J. Spofford, Chief Regional Supervisor g Ethel Payne, State Director 3* il % Q ‘WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION 5 F. C. Harrington, Commissioner F Lawrence Westbrook, Regional Director Q Roland B.`Wall, State Administrator Ex EE. ny l l FOREWORD An invaluable service is being rendered by the Federal Administration through the historical surveys being made throughout the country. History is the story of the achievements of visions. All great institutions are founded upon solid rock of faith in ideals, principles, and convictions. However small may be the group involved, the country village and the country Church, from the town hall where the citizens met to express their loyal interest in their political ideals or the small group of worshippers who gather to pay homage to the od whom they worship and unite in service to him through the Church to which they belong, there runs the golden stream of heroic and romantic adventure. The sources of history are easily lest, and many have been in the exigencies of time. The effort being made to recapture much that has been laid away in moldy records, or in the memories of those who are rapidly passing within the shadow, deserves our grateful appreciation. I am grateful that the Episcopal Church in the State of Mississippi was made a project of survey. Its history is linked with the glorious past and its principles are a rich part of the heritage of our commonwealth. I am happy that this work has been under the direction of Mr. Nash Burger, who has with meticulous and laborious censciontiousness sought the fullness and accuracy of records. I am sure that the velu e will be interesting and valuable. WILLIAM MERCER GREEN Bishop of the Diocese of Mississippi PREFACE The Historical Records Survey Projects, operating in the QS States, in New York City, and in the District of Columbia, are engaged in publishing in- ventories of church archives as one phase of their expansive work. The In- ventory of the Episcopal Church archives is the first of this nature published in Mississippi by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project. It is hoped that it will be of service to the clergy, members of religious organiza- tions, students of the social sciences, and those engaged in genealogical re- search. Information contained in this inventory has been acquired by personal interview and by research in printed sources and in church archives. In view of the nature of the undertaking, there will likely be certain omissions and deficiencies, but the Survey has made every effort to attain the highest degree . of accuracy. The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project has followed general regulations and procedures applicable to all`WPA project units throughout the nation. The inventory was prepared in accordance with technical instructions received from the Washington office of the Historical Records Survey‘Projects. Donald A. Thompson, assistant archivist in charge of church archives, reviewed ‘ the volume before publication. In addition, the Mississippi Survey has profited in all phases of its work by the constructive advice and criticism of John C. L. Andreassen, regional supervisor of the Survey, Members of the Mississippi staff who made excellent contributions to the preparation of this inventory include Nash Burger, general foreman and editor of church archives; Catherine Shields, church forms editor; Connie Pearson, William M. Price, Dixon Pyles, and Mrs. Stella Tomlinson, writers; Virginia Plyler, typist; Fred Bcacham, cartegrapher and editorial assistant; Bessie Kate Bradford,‘Zelma Ruth Jolley, and Elmise Rant, editorial assistants; and Robert E. Strong, assistant state supervisor and editor—in—chief. Much of the original research in the church archives in the counties was prosecuted by field workers working in their own.communitios. The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project wishes to express its deep appreciation of the interest displayed in this inventory by individuals ` throughout the State, and for the contributions they made toward its preparation. For the assistance granted by the Rt. Rev. William Mercer‘Green, Bishop of the Diocese of Mississippi, Captain Thomas Shields, Registrar, and the numerous clergymon of the Protestant Episcopal Church, we are profoundly grateful. We wish to thank also the officials of the`Work Projects Administration who have given the Survey their cordial support and cooperation, and Dr. William D. McCain, Director of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, and official sponsor of the project, who has assisted in every way possible. A list of publications issued by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project appears after the index in the volume. 1 Moina Evans, State Supervisor, Q The Mississippi lhstorical Q Records Survey Project 202 Millsaps Building Jackson, Mississippi June 1940 iv EDITORIAL NOTES Organization Dates The general plan of entry places the Churches in chronological order of organization. Canonical organization, especially in the early years of the Diocese, frequently came some time after active Church life was underway. Furthermore, many parishes after a brief lapse in services were organized a second time. Therefore, the organization date as given here is not necessarily ·' the date of canonical organization, but the date after which services were more or loss continuous. U Form of Entry The entry for each Church or organization within a Diocese adheres to a uniform style. Following the entry number appear the name of the Church or organization the organization date and date of demise if inactive the street v._> 3 ni 3 address, and city or village, and county in which the organization is loeated.' I Each entry is divided into two or three paragraphs. The first paragraph gives, wherever possible, the organization history, the building history, the first settled clergyman, and the present rector. The second paragraph gives bibliog- raphy pertaining exclusively to the particular Church. The third paragraph is devoted to the records of the Church. Parish and Mission In the early years of the Diocese the word mission was not used, and the word parish was loosely applied to almost any group of Churohmen attempting to maintain a Church. The present Canon law of the Diocese, adopted 1897, in its Title II of the Canons, lays down careful requisites for both parish and mission, “Not less than twelve" persons, "three of whom shall be male com unicants of the Diocese" are necessary for the establishment of a mission (Canon 15). In the case of a parish, twenty communicants, "ef whom not less than ten shall be adult male members of the Church in the Diocese of Mississippi", are necessary (Canon 16). In both cases application is made to the bishop and there are various other requirements. Records Unless otherwise stated all Parish Rcmisters include ba tisms confirma- I · ’ ~.» P 9 tions, marriages, members, and deaths. Records not given as existing, are missing. The Civil bar and fire have dealt heavily with records of the Church in Kississippi. In other cases, the Canons have been carelessly observed, and records have been incempletely kept, or not kept at all. a Mississippi Law Pertaininc to Religious Organizations In'Hississippi all corporations are formed only under the general laws (Const., 1890, sec. 178). Charters of incorporation are approved by the v Editorial Notes attorney—genora1, signed by the governor, and recorded by the secretary of state as well as in the office of the clerk of the chaneery‘court as recorder in the county of the domicile of the corporation (Coda, 1950, sec. 4151). Prior to the adoption of the Constitution of 1890, charters for corporations were in many cases granted by specific acts of the legislature. The laws of Mississippi governing religious societies provide that: "any religious society, consisting of the members of any particular denomination or congregation, desiring to act as an organized body, may do so by association ‘ together and electing or appointing from its membership any number of officers, trustees, or managers, by whatever name known, for the purpose of managing the affairs of the society; and such society or association shall keep a record of its proceedings, which shall show the name of the society, its organization, and I the election of the officers, trustees, or managers; but the society so or~# r ganized at each particular locality shall be a distinct and independent society; and any society so organized may sue and be sued by its society name or appela- tion, and process may be served on its presiding officer, or secretary or on the trustees or managers." (Code, 1950, sec. 4168). The supreme court of Mississippi has held that a religious organization is not a corporate body under the statute without some affirmative action to avail itself of the provisions of the statute. A religious organization to become an organized body under the statute must elect officers, and keep a record of its proceedings, showing among other'things its organization.' (Cullett v. First Christian Church, 154 Miss. Qgp., 516; 122 Sp, Zqp., 752). Any religious society, ecclesiastical body and/or any congregation may hold' and own, at any one place, restricted quantities of real property, which include, Churches, community houses, parish houses, sunday school houses, residences for district officers, hospitals, nurses' homes, schools, colleges, orphan asylums, camp grounds for religious purposes, cemeteries, and`a reasonable quantity of land in connection with each (Code, 1950, sec. 4169). All property belonging to religious societies, ecclesiastical bodies, ani/ or congregations, used exclusively for such society and not for profit, and ' within the statutory limit as to quantity, is exempt from taxation. (Code, 1950, sec. 5108). Until 1940, devises of real property and bequests of personal property by wills to religious bodies had been generally prohibited by the constitution and statutes of the state. By an amendment adopted by the qualified electors at the general election of 1959, and incorporated in the laws of the state by log- islative act in 1940, these provisions were abolished, allowing religious institutions to acquire property by devises and bequests (Report of Election ' Commissioners of the General Election, November 7, 1959 to Secretary of State, Rccapitulation file drawer Z, in office of Secretary of State, New Capitol, Jackson; L, M., 1940, H..B, No. 32),Thosc mortmain statutos’were first included in the laws of Mississippi in the Code of 1857. (Code, 1857, Chaptcr'XXXV, arts. 55-56, pp. 502-505). These laws remained a part of the Code of 1871, but were omitted from the Code of 1880, and were again included as a part or thé'funda- h mental law of the state in the Constitution of 1890. (Code, 1871, SOOI•'2440* 2441; Const., 1890, sec. 269; Code, 1892, sec. 4500-4501Y*CodET*1906, secs., 5090—509l§ Code, 1917, secs. 5578-5579; Code, 1950, secs. 5564-5565; Blackburn v. Eucker, 72¤Hiss. Eppf, 755, 17 Sp, B£E;t_W57), """"""' . ‘.\ vi Editorial Notes Canon Law of the Diocese and the National Church Relating to the Keeeing of Records. The following is extracted fron Constitution and Canons for the Government of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Chicago, 1957: CANON 18 Of Duties of Bishops O I I II. (iii) Every Bishop shall keep a record of all his official ‘ - acts, which record shall be the property of the Diocese, and shall be transmitted to his successor. CANON 21 Of Ministers and Their Duties I O I III. (i) It shall be the duty of every Minister of this Church to record in the Parish Register all Baptisms, Confirma- tions, Harriages, Burials, and the names of all Commu- nicants within his Cure. (ii) The registry of every Baptism shall be signed by the officiating Minister, (iii) Every Minister of this Church shall make out and continue, as far as practicable, a list of all fawilies and adult persons within his Cure, to remain in the Parish for the use of his successor. The following is extracted from Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocese of hississiopi, Brandon, hiss., 1956: CANON 2O Of Parish Register and Parochial Reports Section l. The Parish Register required by Canon of the General Convention shall specify the names and the time of the birth of the child baptized, with the name of the parents and sponsors; the names of the adults baptized; the names of parties married and two or more special witnesses of the same, the place where tho marriage was solemnized; the names of the persons buried; and also the time when each rite was performed. These registers shall be kept by the Minister in a book provided for that purpose belonging to the Vbstry of each Parish, which book shall be the Parish Register, and shall be preserved by the Vestry as a part of the records of the Parish. The list of eommunicants shall embrace all confirmed per- sons within his Cure, as nearly as can be ascertained, and in his annual report, he shall distinguish the additions, the removals and deaths since the last report; and said annual report shall state the amount of insurance on the Church and on all buildings and other property of the Parish. He shall also keep a list of the vii Editorial Notes families and adult persons in his cure, as far as practicable, and _ also an accurate list of the persons confirmed by the Bishop. O D O Section 5. In every case where a Parish or Mission is without a minister, the register contemplated by this Canon shall be kept by the Wardens, or by some person appointed by the Vestry, whose duty it shall be to prepare and forward to the Bishop the annual paro- chial report. See also: Canons 4, 5, and 8, reprinted in part, Entry l. Extinct_Churches and Schools Churches and schools no longer active are denoted by an asterisk and com- pleted dates. ébpreviations art., arts. ___,,, , ,,__._,__,_ .U_, ..........._,............... · .......... article, articles Cn ·-··-···-·-·_ --·--·-·--···-·»· —- -·--·-··-- · ·-···- - -—-··-----····· -· ···*··········· about Const. ...... . ........... . ................................ . ........·.-..-·., Constitution ed. ,r... ..... . .................................................. . .---..----..-. editor ibid. -.--»---·-.--------·- - ---------------—---------·--—--------—-— in the same place Q. ................ . ....... . ..........................---- Journal of the Diocese JGC. .........,. . ....i . ............................. Journal of General Convention L. M. » ...- - --~-------·------··-»----·-·----·---·-—·-···-··--·---- Laws of Mississippi Miss. .............»................».....................»----.. - .,---------- Mississippi na d• ..... . .......... - ......-...---·---..~--.---·----- - -·---·—·---·---»-··-·--· ·»I'lO date n. p. . . .... . ................-..--.-----..-·.-----·.-·---·-· no place of publication n. pr. .................... . .........·...... . .......--.·-------.----»-·----· - .no printer pp. cit. ............... . .....................,..,...... . ............... in the work cited p., pp. ............... . ........,... ..M ....... . ............................... page, pages Rep. V F. .......................................................... Reporter, Reports sec., secs. ............. i ................, . .... . ......-...-.,.».-.-...---·· section, sections sic ..M ........,.. . ......4 .U.. .......·... . ..,.·-»~-·-. thus; according to copy gg. N.H. ..... . .... . .....................,. V ......--..-...---.·------------- Southern vol., vols. ...,... . ......................................................... volume, volumes Symbols -- r .......... . .................................................. to date or current * ..................,.........................,.. inactive Churches or schools WPA H. ......_....._.............................. .Wbrk Projects Administration TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword . ............ .. ................... A ............................................ . ....__. ii Preface., ,,., . ........... I ....~.A..................... .n..H, .... ,_ .... .U ..... ,h_ A__._, _u_,,, iii Editorial Notes . ...... . ............._..... . .....,...._..,____ _ ._,,_., U. ,__._________ _,U,_ iv Historical Sketch of the Diocese of Mississippi __ ____ ,V_ _____d_,...o , ,.....,_ 2 Maps end Charts Showing Growth of Diocese .._. I ..................,......4 . ............. 2S Inventory of the Arczhives of the Diocese of IiiSSiSSippi__,_ ___, I ___________ 2O Bibliography. ._.. .,.....i........... ..,...., C........................».... l24 Index to Churches and Diocesan Institutions, Chronological. _.o. . ..... . ........ 128 Index to Churches and Institutions,by Nome _` ,_,,___ . ......................... 152 Index to Churches and Institutions, by Location ____ _ _______ _ ___________________ 155* U Index by Countios_.o__ , A. ._.., ,__.,., ,_____ . _....,...,......,.. .. ...... ..... 140 Index of Clergymen Referred to in This Inventory ,___,____ ,_,, _ __,_________,_, 142 Publications of the Mississippi Historical Records Survey Project, _....,. 1/L-S .. 2 .. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE DIOCESE OF MISSISSIPPI In 1826, the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, assembled at St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, resolved, "that the Church ° in the State of Mississippi be received into union with the General Con- VGntiOn_"l This resolution was passed by both houses of General Convention on November 10.2 The Church had been active in part of the territory new included in Mississippi from as early as 1790, by which time the Rev. Adam Cloud, a native of Delaware, had introduced the services of the Episcopal Church into the Natchez district, then a part of the Spanish territory of West Florida.3 Although religious ministrations save those of the Roman Catholic Church were forbidden, Manuel Gayose de Lemos, commandant at Natchez, had been lenient in enforcing the prohibition, hoping to win the good-will of the large number of citizens who were not Roman Catholics.4 The times were turbulent and unset- tled, as Spain, France, England, and the United States struggled for control of the Mississippi Valley, and a willingness to temporize in religious matters by Gayoso, at Natchez, and by the governor of Louisiana, Baron Francisco Luis Hector do Carondolct, at New Orleans, was one of many indications that the Spanish officials felt their position not overly secure. Official loniency in regard to religious laws in the Natchez country came to an end, however, with the appointment of the Rt. Rev. Luis Ignacio Maria de Pcnalvcr y Cardenas, as Bishop of Louisiana and the Fleridas, with jurisdiction that included Natchez.5 Bishop Penalver was not pleased with the loose, uncertain state of affairs, and its effect on the inhabitants, and one of his several reforms was to arrest and send out of the country the Rev. Mr. C1oud,6 and to arrest at least one other non-Roman Catholic clergyman in the Natchez district.7 However, in 1798, the United States achieved possession of the Mississippi territory, and soon thereafter, in 1801, there is evidence of Episcopal services in Natchez by the Rov. Adam Boyd.8 Yet, no permanent parochial organization was effected in Mississippi until 1. journal pf_the Proceedings. . .ef_the_Prptestant Episcopal Church inla General Convention, New York, 1826, 75. Hereafter cited as UGC. 2. Ibid. ' 5. "MHssissippi Provincial Archives, Spanish Dominion, 1759-l820," Transcript from Archives of the Indies, Seville, Cuban Papers, in Mississippi Depart- ment of Archives and History, Jackson, 9 vols., IV, insert preceding p. ' 787; hereafter cited as M. P. A., Spanish Dominion; The Rev. John G. Jones, A Concise History_pf_the Introduction 2f_P£otestantism into Mississippi - and the Southwest, St. Louis, 1866, p. 93. Hereafter cited as Jones. 4. "iK'T¤T"A. spanish Dominion} v, 772-775. · [ 5. Roger Baudier, History ef_the Catholic Church in Louisiana, New Orleans, 1959,'pp.`223-252. 6. Jones, 94. 7• Ibid., L7>4• ' 8, Wiiliam Buckner McGeroarty, (ed.), "Diary of Captain Philip Buekner," William End Mary College Quarter1y,`Hilliamsburg, Va., Series II, VI, (19265, 190. - 3 - The Diocese the Rev. Adam Cloud returned to the State, and settled in Jefferson County, where he established Christ Church in 1820.1 ` In March 1822, the Rev. James Pilmore, of Philadelphia, arrived in Natchez and helped in the organization of Trinity Church, which he then served as rector.2 In 1823, the Rev. Mr. Pilmorc, in deacon's orders, returned to Philadelphia and was ordained priest.$ He came back to Trinity Church, Natchozé and in 1825, resigned to become rector at Christ Church, Jefferson County. The Rev. James Angel Fox, began his ministry in Mississippi, at Pinck- neyville, Wilkinson County, in August 1825, and in the same year organized St. Paul*s Church, Woodville. The Rev. Mr. Fox likewise began services at Port Gibson in 1825,6 although the Journal states that organization there was p completed under the Rev. Albert Muller, of Natchez, in April, 1826.7 Thus, when the first convention of the Diocese of Mississippi met in Natchez on the l7 and 18 of May 1826, it consisted of four parishes, all in the Natchez district, located at Church Hill, Natchez, Woodville, and Port Gibson; and five clergymen: the Rev. Adam Cloud, the Rev. James Pilmore, the Rev, Albert Muller, the Rev. James Angel Fox, and the Rev. John`Wurts Cloud, the latter of Port Gibson, and a son of the Rev. Adam Cloud.8 Lay delegates - present were: from Christ Church, Jefferson County, Col. James G. Wood, and Dr. Samuel G. Cloud; from Trinity Church, Natchez, John T. Griffith, Joseph Dunbar, Robert Moore, Col. Henry`W. Huntington, and Dr. Ayres P. Merrill; from St. Paul's,`Woodville, Gen. John Joor; and from St. John's, Port Gibson, the Hon. Joshua G. Clarke, and Justin`U. Foote.9 The Rev. Albert Muller and the Rev. James A. Fox were elected clerical ' ` delegates to the General Convention, and Levin Covington and Justin U. Foote, ° lay de1egates.1O These were the delegates charged with presenting the appli- cation of the Church in Mississippi for recognition as a Diocese of the Pro- testant Episcopal Church. This application, as indicated above, was approved in November 1826. » The number of eom unicants of the Church in Mississippi at this time was _ probably not over lOO. Natchez, perhaps the strongest parish, was the only p · one to list the number of com unicants, and it reported thirty—fivc.l1 (For · a tabulation of the com unicant strength of the Diocese by decades, see page 28 ). The number of communicants in the Diocese, as well as the strength of the Church, in general in Mississippi, was naturally affected by the lack of a bishop. However, the wealth and influence of the communicants that there l. Jones, 96. · 2. Journal pf_thg Proeeedings_o£_a Convention pf thi Protestant Episcopal Church_in the Dioccss gsigj gf Mississippi, Natchez, 1826, 6. The I diocesan £§§Enals are hereafter cited as J. · 5- Ibid. ' s. Jl826,Z5. 4. Ibid. 9. Jl826, 5. 5. Ibid. lO. Jl826, 9. s. JT`2‘s, 7. 11. ‘5f§2b', s. 7. Jl826, 5. '”°'°' - 4 - The Diocese /' ·nero, somewhat compensated for the smallness of their number. For example, _ the laymen mentioned, in 1827, in connection with the Protestant Episcopal Society for the Advancement of Christianity were among the leaders of the State. President was Gov. David Holmes; Recording Secretary, Joseph Dunbar; ‘ Lay Trustees were, Joshua G. Clarke (Chancellor of the State), Peter Randolph, Edward Turner, George`Ninchester, Dr. Ayres P. Merrill, John T. Griffith, Henry W. Huntington, Joseph Barnard, Robert Moore, and James J. Nood.l The first Episcopal bishop to visit the State of Mississippi was the Rt. Rev, Thomas Church Brownell, of Connecticut, who, in August, 1829, was ro- quested by the Board of Directors of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary So- ciety to make a visitation of the States lying west and south of the nlleghany mountains, "to perform such Episcopal offices as might be desired, to inquire into the condition of the missions established by the Board, and to take a general survey of the country for the purpose of designating such other mis- sionary stations as might be usefully established."2 Bishop Brownell left Fhiladelphia on November 12, 1829, travelled over- land to Pittsburg, and descended by boat to Natchez, which he reached en December 22, taking lodgings "ut the public house of Col. L. Purnel1."° The Bishop had been accompanied on his trip to the southwest by the Rev. hilliam Richmond, of New York.4 At Natchez on Christmas day, the Bishop celebrated the Holy Communion and' consecrated Trinity Church, Hatchez;5 on the 27, he consecrated Christ Church, Jefferson County;6 and on January 5, 1850, he consecrated St. Paul's,"Uoodville.7 At`Uoodvillo the Rev. John C. Porter was ordained priest, the first ordination within the confines of the Diocese of Hississippi.8 The Bishop also visited' ,~ Port Gibson, holding services in the courthouse, December 29.9 OH JHDHHTY 6, after a visitation of about two weeks, the Bishop left the Diocese, continuing his labors for the Church by visitations in Louisiana and A1abama.1O Of the conditions he encountered, Bishop Brownell wrote, "The Church is probably regarded with less prejudice in Mississippi, than in any other part of our country. A very large portion of the wealthy and intelligent planters appear disposed to support its Ministry and institutions, whenever the appeal is made to them. Still the prospects of the Diocese ap eared gloomy, on our l arrival. The Revd nr Muller and the Revd rr Wa1l,11 beg juSt left the Di0CGSG, and the Revd Mr Fox and Revd Hr Porter were preparing to take their departure, 1. J1827, 1%. The Society, organised at Natchez in 1825, was still active as late as 1855, its name somewhat shortened. The meetings coincided with those of the Convention. See especiallyi Jl828, 8-10; Jl852, 115-115, 2. Milliam A. Beardsley, (ed.), "Bishop BrowneI1's Journal of His Missionary Tours of 1829 and 1854 in the Southwest," Historical Magazine of the Pro- tpstant Episcopal Church, VII (1958), 308. hereafter cited as—BroGheIIT 5. IbidTT—510• 7. Ibid., 511. é. Ibid., 505. 8. Ibid. 5. Ibid., 510. 9. Ibid., 510. s. E12?. io. "fb‘i°5., sn, sic. 11. The Rev. Spencer Wall had como into the Diocese in 1828*:s rector at Port Gibson (J1829,7). - 5 - The Diocese in company with us. But during our Stay in Natchez [si;] that Congregation presented a call to the Revd M? Porter, which he determined to accept,"l ‘ At the beginning of 1850, then, only the Rev. James Fox, in addition to the Rev. Mr. Porter, was active in the State. Of the original five clergy- mcn in the Diocese, the Rev. James Pilmore had died in November 1827,2 the Rev. Adam Cloud was inactive, and the Rev. John Wurts Cloud was out of the Diocesc.5 In May 1850 the convention of the Diocese, meeting at Natchez, agreed to a proposal of the Church in Alabama, that the Churches of Alabama, Louis- iana, and Mississippi join together to form one Diocese, to be called the Southwestern Diocesc.4 The perfecting of this plan, however, took some time. Kcanwhile, the Church in Mississippi, continued to function as a Diocese, although consisting of only four parishes, two priests, and without episcopal ministrations save the occasional attentions of the distant Bishop of Con- necticut. The General Convention of 1852 was attended by one delegate from Nissis- sippi, Justin W. Foote. He reported conditions in the Diocese unchanged, and that "the main obstacle to the extension of the Episcopal Church in this Diocese is the insufficient supply of clergymen."5 By 1855, arrangements for a convention to meet in New Orleans and form a Southwestern Diocese were matured. A special convention of the Diocese of Mississippi met in Natchez, February 25 and 24, of that year, and was pre- sided over by Bishop Brownell, who had been in New Orleans and the vicinity since December 1854.5 Delegates to the New Orleans convention elected at Natchez were, the Rev. Pierce Connclly,7 3Hd JGHGS G- WOOG, Thomas H- PF0SS€Y, Joseph Dunbar, W. Newton Mercer, Ayres B. Merrill, Samuel Davis and John Joor.8 - 1. Brownell, 511. - 2. Natchez Ariel, November 2, 1827. - 5. Brownell, 512; J1828, 7. 4. Journdl—ef a Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Alabama,*publishcd by—the_Eonventien, Tuscaloosa, 1851, 8:7T-ihlthough the Diocese of Mississippi seems to have held its annual conventions in the years 1850-1856, inclusive, there are no printed Journals known to exist for those years. 5. JGC, 1852, 51. s. T§§`&mi1, szo. 7. The Rev. Mr. Connelly, of Philadelphia, had succeeded Mr. Porter at Natchez, and was at the time of his election the only clergyman actively employed as such in the Diocese. Mr. Connelly after an ecclesiastical career that took him into the Roman Church and back again, died in Florence, Italy, as rector of St. James' Episcopal Church in that city (Charles Stietenroth, Qpc Hundred Years With "Qld Trinity" Church, Natchez, 1922, 18). V 8. Journal 2f_a Convention pf the Protestant Episcopal Chureh...Fron the · Diocese pf Iississippi apd Alabama apd thi Clergy and Churches if Louis- iana, New Orleans, 1855, 4. I - 5 - The Diocese The convention assembled at New Orleans, March 4 and 5,1 and with the' Rev. hr. Connelly as president,2 elected the Rev. Dr. Francis Lister Hawks, of St. Thomas’ Church, New York, as bishop. The convention adjourned without further important action. However, Dr. Hawks, declined his cleetion,5 and interest in the proposed Southwestern Diocese declining, no further efforts to establish it seem to have been made. The Diocese of Mississippi, had already in 1854, through its Standing Committee, invited the Rt. Rev. James Hervey Otey, of Tennessee to visit the Diocese, in his episcopal capacity.4 This visit had been made, Bishop Otey arriving at Vicksburg, by beat from Memphis, in company with the Rev. {Thomas?) bright, on January 3, 1855.5 Leaving hr.`Nright to organize a congregation in that city, Bishop Otey continued on, making visits at Natchez, Chu