xt7jq23qzc5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qzc5s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1981 1981 1981-02-03 2020 true xt7jq23qzc5s section xt7jq23qzc5s VOLLXXXUI. N0. 99 . University of Kentucky ‘ '.
Tuesday. February 3‘ 1981 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky ' ’,' ,
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X t t g \ . Garrltson IS elghth <
. ~. i - ._ = - o remgn rom A
‘ ' g | ' I I
l i t i t \‘l . _‘ . ‘ i. t t t ‘ ByPl-IUUYBUl-X‘K , ,..~ -'.' "
» it t 't .i t ’ . . StaffWriter ’: K . _ rt '1; " ‘-
‘l i ‘ it. t ' i ‘- = t ‘ l Dean Garritson. Student Associa— ; f V “1.3g. , t a"
l ‘ . .' 3' ~ ’3 tion administrative assistant. has " -'
’-. a r t . ‘§ ' W . " \ _.< ’ 1 _ submitted his resignation to Presi- 14 c _
X._ 4 M s. . ' i ‘ . _' t t:‘ . t ). dent Brad Sturgeon — and if ac~ 3" ‘5 ‘ . _. f'
t t .‘t K, .. . = . " t l \ 7. f - . cepted it w‘illbethe eighth resigna- é " .' t}. ._.' f
1 ‘ . " 'L Q" " “ ' c 1 .t . ‘ ‘ tionofthe1980-8lsenateterm. ‘ ’ . .J'
- ‘ t ..' ! r. 5. i ' ¥ _ Garritson said he is resigning . _ it"- .-'
, '1; ’ it - t . l t 1' . § » [,r ‘ Q ‘ because he would like to generate t; "r .
, ha ., .. t ,_ i t ti _ . 3 . . more of his energy toward school. 2)] if ‘
, - .. I . . is. -, . . .. . _ i , » and working with SA involved too [I
’ I _ f ’ f ’ " A" 'u‘,‘ . muchtime. “lcan‘tafford to apply ‘ , -‘ :
"ois . 2'. . f ’I ~ «43:13: . myself lto SA! like before." said ' .
‘9 . ‘3; ." . h . - ’V "'.,a’;'; .3- tiarritson. but “I'm sure I‘ll serve -.~ ‘, 3‘
i t y . . In offering my assistance on certain .. ,3 ' . ‘_ .
, ' “' matters “ r . .
.. 9" “ ”a Personal conflict with SA Presi- Brad Sturgeon '
.' » 2E3:- ' . ‘ ~.i;3"’§..iii w dent Brad Sturgeon was not a _ I
. --~~-..: . .4, ’ ’ w “precipitating factor" in his deer 3 s -
f . . sion to resign. Garritson said. "decided to devote more time" to it 1
f s ‘ ‘“ i ‘ 7 Sturgeon said although the two had his studies . ': ;
eighth”; - Contllt‘ls In the past “I cant say "lt ISAl would be worthwhile it .:
-’* . ~» ' .-. w» W“ ~ ‘ . ‘ ~ that s not a reason llor the resigna- you've got a good president." said ,’ .
, t . .t . . , . . tiont because that would beputting Thomas "He tSturgeoni thinks ,.
Barber Shop By ( llRlS( AMERON/hernel Staff words In Dean's mouth .. things should always go his way l J _
The Oct. 27. 1980 issue of the Ken wouldn't work under him after the '
Rob Barber. art junior, puts in some late hours in his Reynolds Building studio He was working ona project for his art studioclass. tbbtrighffsfo‘r? thgtiftbtrkgionugav: :‘vgrsetlglldtchteeinie find he 5 getting ; ' :‘~
almost exclusive and total dlSCl‘C‘c Hob Taylor. former Arts and ~
tion to Garritsonto develop SA's in- Sciences senator. said one reason I '_ h 1:
S surance program despite a con he resigned was becuase he didn't ' ;
respon S ta C arges y 00 cen ter stitutional obligation to delegate feel like much was getting ac» 3"." g
A any insurance plan to the assocta- complished 7
tion‘s Commission on Economic "There was too much personal 1, >‘
Service. quibblirg om on instead of ad- v I"
o o ) . Thestoryalso pointedout several dressmg agn isgsue.” Taylor said. f
t a l t l n t u y support 00 ’1 veS discrepancies in how the insurance “Some members ot’the Senate tend . . "
plan "“35 chosen. to take things into their own i .
Sturgeon later took the unusual hands." A ‘
. By JAMES EDWIN HARRIS profit. and that the ideal situation to spend $200 for the ‘Donor Der» "All my volunteers got tied up with Stt‘P 0t vetomg the insurance bill Taylor said he and Chris Shaw. “ ~.
Reporter would be for the two groups to by‘.”Hagen said. other things." She explained that that he initially sponsored also a former Arts and Sciences i-‘-
‘ share in paying for advertising the In response to a report from SA senator Debbie Early helped But (iarritson said the con senator. made a joint dec1sion to .- .1 ,

Brad Sturgeon, Student Assoc1a- drives. Hagen that SA adjourned during a her stav informed about the SA troversy surrounding the insurance resign. » ' ,~‘
tion president. defended charges Prosser was“franklyshocked“ senate meeting last year to go to meetings planwas not a factor in his resigna "We just kept going to those ta
yesterday by the Central Kentucky by Sturgeon's comments, and the WKQQ-FM “Double-Q Donor ' tion. meetings,” said Shaw "There was .,
Blood Center that .SA was rebutted the charge that the center Derby"todonate.only to havelfiof . . , ”There were no other a lot of rust trying to get things 1f.»
lackadarsrcal in supporting recent was making money. 42 senators actually give. Sturgeon Hagen 531d 5h“ “ml Sturgeon Prt‘Cipltahhfl factors." Garritson done. but the way it‘s set up a few '.
b100d drives 0" campus. ”When we draw a pint of blood," said other senators donated before haven I talked m quite some time. 53‘“ ”I“? been putting a It“ 0t people can tle thihgs up " w

“We do try to do 0111' part," Prosser said, ”we run tests to make the adjournment. and he could not but that Sturgeon 58'" 1.! was “no If time th SA. I guess I've burned "It distressed us."Tavlor said I ‘ "
Sturgeon said in answer to charges sure that the blood is safe for donate because he had previously she missed a few meetings as long "135"” Wt” JOhh Leonard and Brian Murphv ’
by Patty Prosser of the CKBC. and transfusion. We charge the hospital given, as .5h9 he!“ ”9- 5““ sa‘d She "Administrative assistant is a were named to fill the positions left ‘4
Sue Hagejnttlsggrgrinator 0f the SI" for these tests. and the money we He also charged that Hagen believes that She has, difficult and high-me‘t" POStt'Ohr” vacant by Taylor and Shaw
sponsore ives. charge is turned back toours stem “hasn't been takin care of her .. . , ' . Sturgeon said "Dean is a hard Former senator for Librarv "

Sturgeon said the 5A3 lack 0t to pay staff and tooperate.“ y job."and has been ngegligent in her IThere [.5 nourig‘ht or wrong m worker. We plan to work Close Sciences. Cathv Howell, resigned . ,
personnelb and tintense workload Some of the money is slated for duties. [521:1 52:2“?an ahpzrlghesrfslijve Sh]: together”) the future." because she graduated at mid- ‘
were PTO lems. Ut said that PTO" advertisin . said Prosser. and in “She hasn‘t been attendin . T ,. ,T 1 . . , There are 44 senators in SA. The term. Her sition was filled by I" 5’ ?
sser. the CKBC'S public relations the past ygar the funds have paid meetings and hasn‘t been going ti 5993““ 35"“3 that §hte did“. 59‘9“ senators Who resigned during Denise Newbpglt. I '
coordinator, was taking advantage for all the advertising for campus public relations meetings." want to "male a younteers this school year had varying Also resigning because of "
0f SA resources. then blaming the drives. Sturgeon said, adding that Hagen work. reasons for leaving SA. . graduation was Blake Ross. a l": ' :1"
SA and the student body for their “The center is willing to pay for could find manpower to back the But she said there has been aiack Doug Thomas. former senator senator for the College of Engineer~ I!
130k 0t participation. the ads," Prosser said. "We have drives if she were attending of communication between Ha "E‘Prt’sehtmg th“ (‘OUPRP 0{ ing Greg Jones has replaced Ross : '

. . . gen _ _ -. .

H? 3150 said the CKBC was ex- never minded paying for ads. and meetings. and Sturgeon. “Susan needed to Agriculture. Said he resigned Diane Raggard. former senator .3 -
limit to funds available for such a SA aizaémgrgaztmbgjnign atwggg :12); PR tirirt‘gspirrilgjid cghcqerntijtgg what we were dotng. harlysaid. Md “1 ,2
purpose. “They have an operating promote—we "basis. (Ha en‘sl '0b to beat the bushes." | c SGIEEE t. 42".?-
budget for that,‘, he Said. ubUt they Prosser saigasyhe has designed Ingrespojnse to Sturgeon's Com. HI don't think Brad really didn't —— r 7 7 V ' "r L‘— — r ‘ ' ’ .
have bf?“ Stem about h0t paying posters and has taken them to ments about Hagen. Prosser said. realize that we were having SUCh a ~"- .3 "

‘ for ads. . places. notably Haggin Hall for last “Susan has had to do this all by P00r response.“ Early said Of the The SEC basketball season is l-‘e-brrrrrr—uarv ”9920 Mostly .Y' 3" .
Sturgeon 3‘50 said that CKBC night‘s blood drive there. and has herself." recent blood drives. more than half over. and the teams sunny and cold today. With the high . I" 4* -
was bringing in “a sizeable profit" hung pmters for last year‘s She said Sturgeon went to one or are preparing to enter ”10 stretch in the mid 205* Tonléht WI“ be Part ‘V ' I I
on the sale of blood. and said. “Double-Q Donor Derby“. two meetings to organize the liner. “I hope Susan can take care of drive for the championship. A5515. l_v cloudy with the low between loto .—
"They should use it to promote the “All we ask is that the students by," but didn'tattend any more. it." Early said of Hagen‘s upCom- tdnt Sports EditOF Donnie Ward 15- Partly sunny and a little '. fill-I f
drives. and the SA come out and help uS." “We've expected less from this ing participation in the “Donor recaps how the league race has warmer tomorrow With the hlgh in Vii-"2'

When told the CKBC was a non- said Prosser. SA because we've gotten less," Derby“ scheduled for April 8-9. gone to date on page 5. the upper20sto|ow30s
profit organization under Kentucky “CKBC has spent $400 for the Prosser said. "She's been looking forward to the 3" It I
law, Sturgeon said SA was also non- three fall drives. and they're going Hagen defended herself. saying‘ blood drive as a real pick-me-up." -. .'
:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 33 ”“5“ 3;” UK is also domg won the cur- development.“ Alto! LTK‘scotlcgcs put cmphusrs .-

III...III-Il-IIIIIII-IIIIIIIIII nior ta riter rent fiscal year. Leach said. “we Although UK is currently faring on research. tmvindarajulu said. L.» g
II.I.-IIIll-II.....--I.-...l.--._ have already received $23.7 well in the number of grants receiv- “It changes from college to college. 3 ,
..-..=-.--...-..II....--..-.-..- . _ million. and that is $1.3 million over ed. research has been hampered by The College of Arts & Sciences . f .1 . --

~ — :- ... I...:..--.'-.'...I.I.-..!! Performmg researchis one Of the the same time last year " the bud et cuts usually does 50 percent teaching 40 7

a IIIIIIII ."-.-..lnl:.-:.l.:::iiii: University's major functions and ' t g l e t h ‘h' d“, ., ti ‘3 .- it”

" :===:==:=:==:==::====I::III=' researchers depend on‘ the Obtaining ”seam“ grams ‘53 zakkula G°deamlum West Sixegsrejtcartloigver Fight: chit ‘ ". TI:

" III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .55.“ availability of research grants to compemlv", ”99"?” wnh hun‘ dehtotth" America" ASSOCtation 0‘ leges'do more teaching. although f

I I! ::::: :: :zziii: - . > dreds of institutions askin for su - U . . . ' . - 4

. .l.....--..-.--..'..--::::xii-ningszlninm support the" work- Even though ln- . g P mversny Professors. Sald the all colleges emphasue research . -

.. IIIIIIIIIIIIIzuIgig-.15-IIi nation rsrrsmgand hudsetcursare Port [cachsa'd- budget cuts that arrccr research because this is not just a wachmg .-

" .--....--.=!..-"---i:- being imposed. UK seems to be In ordertoobtainagrant.afacul~ “can bediscouraging, It can affect institution." ‘ .t ,r

-- .---.-...'...I....ttt:iff'.3:1323!:-2!:ES::E.ESS:Sag-EEEESSEE-flflfi holdin 'L ' [h t‘t' . . the research climate because . t "
l III-Illllliiir§§§EI§§§9§§§§Iiii;izizliii:séiilssisaisslissaaialfififis 8 ' ‘ °‘”“ ‘“ e °°m9°”°" ty member first submitsaproposal h .
'i: IIIIII IIIIIIII=Ir “reams. to OSPA/UKRF. The two offices “.95???“ “mm m” °°"Ce“"a~ , . . 4. .
IIIIIn=IZIIIIII r: - , “0" Susan 00mm“ “K” Pub'” ‘ - *
l " :::‘:::: :z: :::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::'::::::::.::::::::::::::::r::i"'::: mgether am as an admlmStratwe [ions editor said among the larger ‘

- EE=:::E...;, 3’: UK received $71 million. in arm resonating grants from a “W major is that we grams rag-wed between (mm , .

" I I IIIII:z zlsi‘an-xi‘i- grams dur‘"8thef‘5°alyeare"d'“8 w‘d." ”af‘e‘y °fs°ur°es °“‘s'd“h° are “hing 800d {MW-"3' Gm“- and December 1980are: . ‘

1 I ‘- ,IIIII==IP‘IS“ June 1930‘ according to a report Uh'Vt‘t‘SltY darajulu said. “Good faculty keeps ‘ ‘ y

, lull-IIII-"tilflw published by the Office of Spon- _ ' good faculty here," ' ‘

. "I"IIIIII‘-‘*§=I‘§rrf sored Project Administration and ”ac“ 53'“ aPPFOX'ma‘e'Y 9"" “A 8750.000 grant to the com- ' ,

r "II-'I-ilj‘fi'?‘ the University of Kentucky "3593“" ”09°53“ are ”0095.5“ Govindarai‘ulu said research is "“1""3' 0011989538th todevelopa . 7 . .‘

. :EEZ 2221.2: =fi=b=m=m=a=a=q'.ir Research FoundatiOn. yearly. :nd that the average [llme important. "The disciplines . (a program for displaced .
IIIIIIEEIIIIIIIII III III " E from" missmnof thcrronosa, un- faculty member's new of spec1al~ homemakers- . . ~ .
IIIIII IIIIII III:III=:III if II “F a "35W“ '5 ”caved '5 S‘X ‘0 ryr are changing because of resear~ .

I .I-i.. “WV" fl AWA'D.“ +—--" .- Wesley Leach associate director nine months. Ch tt you don‘t keep uP then YOU ,A $100,000 grant from the L'S ~ ‘ ~

"‘4— ===I=Inm .".-.. '- "i“t of the UKRF,said he is pleased with can‘t beagood teacher.“ Department of the Interior to the t r 3 .
t—e I...“ - .IEIIIIIIR = a f’ the amount of grants the University "We try to provide information to College of Agriculture for a hor-

"”’+ . i , ‘lb i I has received. “It certainly is in- the faculty 9'? funds available and He said there is pressure Pm on ticulture program.
dicative that we are one of the top the. Prlhtlt'es 0t the ones teachers to publish the results of . y . ~.
institutions out of the 2,500 plus in- available, ”30h said. their research. “A teacher is i .

Figures for this chart were obtained from the Office of Sponsored stitutions of higher education. The _ specified a certain amount of time ,A stnmo grant from the ~ _ .

Project Administration. University of Kentucky Research Founda- grants and contracts received are Leach said in the future he wants to do research. If we don't do that Department of Human Resources ‘

tion. consistent with the quality of facul- t0 "1"“? the number 0‘ grants then we have to take the con- to several departments for a study

ty at this institution.“ UK receives “for research Md sequences” on the impact of CETA programs. .
I ‘ r ‘ " “ - l

 . I I y
l ed Itorl a I s & ‘ New \lnsscy scoit Robinson Girls All Join (‘Ily (‘nry Willis Ton Morn
1 Editor in Chic} Editorial Editor Ail-(Citric! Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Picture Editor
‘ DebbkoDa-H
m m : Auociato Editor: David Coyle
i ' Jay l-‘o-sctt Chic] Photographer
CO e nts . Managing Editor Roan.“ Stevebm mow-u."
. i 1 Vicki Poole John Hardin Donnie Wt“ Auiltanl Entertainment Editor Dln Clifford
- ‘ ‘; , Auutant Day Editor Jdln Little Auntant SPO'“ Edit" StqflArtint
in: Arniutii Amie incl-mun“! liiirnuul Uplllltlllh lrllrh and opinions shouldhr I‘M. Irivle- i l achlElslldd DIIQ Mm
- ward and "hintit‘ IIIIIII icmiriiu mil umpu iiiciiiiliulion iniludinx l I ll) loi sludrnls and l I y l ”0' Bill Strides .
. (Mthrr‘ linen xii-mild o. limilnl n. zoo Kurds and uponom uni iommenii lo 300 words. i 1 Senior Sta]! Writers
’ . __,*_,,__,#_ ,__ _fi_,,,, , . , _j t. . .. .. .. ..,.,‘-... _ .V#.A‘__,._.,___.'.____._____._.._.____
‘ St (1 t tation must begin with Student Association
‘ ~ ' At the beginning Of the academic yeah ing to campus so the univeI‘Sity community help represent their respective colleges and and some members of the senate, a foul up
Q . . - Student Association leaders said they were could let the officials know what they think. to address specific problems. which resulted in little participation of
~ ‘ ' . . going to initiate some changes to help make There was the fairly successful book 8X- It is an ironic twist to this supposed students in a recent blood drive. Although it
- . ' ' the senate run more effit‘iehtlil thus hElP' change which undOUbtedly saved some student-oriented senate. appears both sides are somewhat at fault, it
“ . .~ ins t0 represent StUdehtS more etieCtinY- students money While helping others make If SA president Sturgeon accepts ad- can’t be overlooked that a lack of com-
' l ' ' .- And they have undertaken Steps t0 do more. ‘ ministrative aide Dean Garritson’s resigna- munication is at the root of the problem.
' . . this. And there have been other efforts to unify tion, it will bring the number of pe0ple who And the combination of a lack of com-
' _ . '. » There is the constitutional review. Where and involve studentS. such as bringing the have resigned from senate duties this munication and proper participation in the
, I - certain members 0f the senate are father of gonzo journalism, Hunter Thomp- academic year to eight. And although Gar- senate can only do one thing: hurt student
4 , ‘ -. ‘. evaluating all the “195 and eliminating son, to campus and undertaking a landlord- ritson said his reason for leaving is one of representation. And this is one thing that
. ' ‘ ' ' i - those which are antiquated as well as Up~ tenant workshop. . “burn out,” others have said they “lost in- students can do without.
. , ‘ dating those which are no longer effective in But in their efforts to bring students bet‘ terest” or were tired of dealing with a Leaders of the senate need to remember
. . .. - their current state. ter services and more thorough representa- senate where a few people “take things into that just because they are, as they claim, “a
- .' There is the stop-the-GeneralTelephone tion. SA iS doing lUSt the opposrte among their own hands.” political organization,” they don’t have to
. rate-hike movement. Whit‘h helped to bring members of the student senate, members And there are the reports of a foul up play political games. Because in the end, -
‘ i the l'tillty Regulatory (‘OmmiSSiOh'S hear- who were elected by their fellow students t0 between the Central Kentucky Blood Center it’s the students who get the shaft.
Heroes for a day t'
. . II." A I; i l
, . ~. 0 9 h 0 l h 10 u d a I f .— - fl)
. 4 . . America s c anging va ues ave e 1m1nate appreeiation or , :3 4i -
. ‘ I C O O t I" ’ v ,‘ t; (’6 (I
. . . its most courageous, outspoken and daring 1nd1v1duals . , i §
.. ln fish-lures bat-k tovschool. col Behind lhc bed. push—pinned to change to active tense - life is William J. Bennett. a frequent ‘ i _ W e;
lcgi-dcprcssion issue. a plt'lul‘t‘ill a the wall. isa poster of James Dean. depressing. But somehow. we contibutor to .Commentary 5 . i
. 1 girl sprawled out on her dormitory his cy'cs lost in the cropping of the force-feedourselves the impressmn magazme. wrote in Newsweek a .V ' h g
' 7 bed enlightcns a page bearing the plt‘fllrt‘, typccast in his usual that we will pull thfowghkas long as Chlildiieoogfth yealrls dalgo. “Frorg ‘ ‘ Ir. . ,
-; ' - 'l m olll\ a so hilllltll‘t‘. leather iackct. straddlin. a motor- t ere is someone o 00 up to or c i roug a oescence an , . _ ‘
i ‘I . iithiil‘rinhicans l halyc thiPcc mort‘ cy'clc .-\ hcro P identify “‘llh‘ someone that we can into early adUlthOOdv peOPle l knew qualities 0! hum: excellence tha; Morgans 0f Hemmingway 5 To
'l I' 4 \t-ars tostay :r. hi-d Why should“! oh yes college life can bc share an idea with. It is a tradi» went to the troubleofpointingout to were. bfith "wor imitating an "1)"?- 0'21d :10"; Not have been
i, It '; lbcdcprcssed‘ ' tlt’l)l‘t‘>.\lng strike the college and tional belief. me individuals who possessed strivmg or. :UhStlltUtv Y yTt e‘gopiggs of Garp
' . For the girl in the picture, that tfczrzvmg 5 he 0'1 Acco'dmg
, 'i , ‘ rson was James Dean, 3 movie 3 ,
‘ ~ . . . . iiegure of over two decades ago. But ‘That lSl’lt‘ to say that modern
-- ' ever a cen 61‘ S 01' SCHIOI‘ Cl lZ€IlS lS have been accused of uv- “are t W5 - they a
. 'i ’, ing in a time where there are no fl
4' . 0 heroes. We are dismissed as being
i . l l d r0 ect a generation that is too snobbish l l
' ‘ - ' more pr ac lca an 00 an p J and SOphisticated to believe in such
' _’ . ultimately worthless figures. 10"“
" Heroes are cartoon characters. ‘
,‘ _' Tht‘l't‘ is irony lll lhtI prt‘scnl :‘f always work Wllh humans‘ and the fly bureaucratese, the neighborhood This attitude seems particularly i .
I .’ tort to butld a \cmor citizcns construct and discard philosophy is ‘ branches would be a more efficient relevant now that we have let the 1 Clay . .
.- 3 ('cnle-l‘ In this town and n is a tell based on a circular logic that will “ " l and fair use of tax dollars. guard down long enough to refer to l . .
- _ ' y 1 int: contrast hclwccn lhc ways of takcu> nowhcrcand cost us plenty. . 1 Those who viewed With Skep- theex-hostages as heroes,with par- l .
x : . the young and the problems of thc M ‘ tisicm the merger of Lexington City don to George Will. And with good ,
- old. .i (Jolllrtltllclltlll that tclls mol‘c 0 jomes ‘ _ and Fayette County governments reason. They seem to fit the defini-
‘ ' about the pcriwlual problems wc . no ”i" ‘ might now find their greatest fears tion perfectly. ‘ _
i , must all lacc than it does about thc I want to propose a solution, one griffin . '.__ . "1'5 I realized. The tax dollars of those Still,heroesisa word we have not different breed of hero that the old
' .. . building we arr falling over that should appeal to more of those ’ as , i who live farthest from the center used in quite some time. If there school has not been able to accept.
»"' - oursclyw trying to build this project is intended to help. the k, ‘ will be used to finance it Just the were heroes from Vietnam they Therefore, the need still exists. But
' .\'o onc opposes a center for thc senior citizens. \ ‘ll same as those nearby.though it Will were discerned as the protestors can itbefilled?
cldcrly rim-ryonc is wcll There should be a number of i i be virtually inaccessible, at‘ the who righted the wrong. The heroes Pete Axthelm wrote in Newsweek
' ' - llllt‘lllltlllt‘il. at course. but that is ncighlmrhood centers. each " _W,,_,___ __#,,I,,._.i minimum extremely inconvenient, of Watergate were the two scrapp- in 1979‘ “I am not convinced of the
‘ .. ‘ solllclllllcs a l)l‘i)lllt'nl and. mdccd. smaller than the proposed central relied upon. for those in outlying areas. Senior ing journalists that brought down impossibility of modern heroism.
gtNKl mtcntions arc thc problem facility and located in reSIdcntial No buses operate on weekends, citizens have paid taxes all of their the political empire. The last use of Anyone who has met the coal
~ _ ‘5 ~‘ that ha~ reduced \Aoodland Park to areas. large- homes and other ex- nor any in the evenings. and. at the lives, and neighborhood centers the word was probably with the miners of eastern Kentucky or the
-. ‘ y‘.“ a gamc board i'all it Monopoly it istlng structures. One could be rate of current cutbacks. there will would distribute the benefits of the us. hockey team that took the gold fireman of the South Bronx would
~ ~ you llkt‘. loi la-xrngtmnam hay c cstablished on a street facmg be even less service in the future. project in a more equitable fashion medal last winter. Beyond that. the be foolish to proclaim the death of
,‘ ' bccomc tokcn:~ thc senior (‘lll/t‘n\ Woodland Park. for example. while Those unable to drive to the among them. digging gets harder. self-sacrificeor bravery.“
. ' i H." will bc lucky to land on Free Park others could be spread throughout Woodland Park center — and not Costs could be minimized by Bennett refers to a survey of Another reason for this noticable
mg and thcoulcomcot ihls dispute thcurhancountyarca all senior citizens can afford or rehabilitating existing homes and junior high students where the absence of heroic figures' is un-
8' 3 will bcri-solw-d by sonicthmg like a If one school were proposed for manage an automobile (those that structures instead of courting to- popular answer to the question doubtedly the close scrutinization
g y , roll of lht' (llt'r ‘ it is a talc told by [hi- cntirc lirliancounly' district. can afford it have less use for a day‘s construction contractors who “Whois yourhero'?"was”noone.“ of the media. It seems that the
" "‘3 ‘ an lllltil toll of sound and fury educators would laugh, parents government center! - will be left rarely deliverafinished building at The popular opinion of the people media has gotten so intimate with
'7 =.", V dignitymgnotlnnu would scream lll complaint. to sit in their homes wondering less than twice the original who pass for today's heroes is that personalities that we have had to
l' I l; . signifying nothing. that. is c\‘ cpl children would be kept home and about those whoare not. estimate. they won‘t hold up to the test of changeour standardstoaccept that
f that the young will be ton-\cr yudgcs would start issuing liiiunc Local centers would not require The branches could become the time. “Most of those who pass for people have both good and bad
. 1 '. discarding thc o.d lll lawn of tlic lions They will all tell you they forays on buses or long treks by cab anchor point -- literally and econ- heroes are not real heroes at all. sides—sometimes wedon’t.
now and thc i-ldcrly' \Hll lw ion-x'cr prclcr ncighlmrhmd schools. that or car, They couldbegeographical- mically -- for a changing They are hidden from us, uncom- Still. it seems that we doubt foo
_‘ 5c H . trying lo sau- scraps of thv past as there is no nccd to bus children 1y distributed to benefit the most neighborhood, and if the elderly municative. of no final use,"writes much to look for the good side. We
t a modcl tor tho-future acrosstown people, and each branch would population does shift. as it likely Rolling Stone'sScott Spencer. are apprehensive about becoming ,
-. ' .'i It wm «1 bv u wwd t'm-w It young Mayor Amato's assistant. Rick reflect the individual character of will. the centers could relocate with There is a wealth of answers for true believers. We do not want to
.‘ 3] pt'upli‘ \u'rl w and on pcoplt' liubcnhofcr sccs no problem with its users and theirneighborhood. thepeople. such a dilemma. One is that in lookfoolish.Wehavebeenstungtoo
. .. 1' ul'ru \fvring to God hm .J'Hintwd this. however He has been quoted What is more. residential loca- Carried to its logical extension. these times there may not be many times.
‘3 ramps hm”, as saying ‘Vtooilluntl Park is easily tions would not be as likely to pre- centralization often becomes ab- anything to be heroic about. We are But if heroes are harder to find,
. ~|,Ulh('r 'l‘alilc'l‘alki accessiblctobuslines ' sent the traffic problems inevitable surd. Parks. shopping malls, living in a negative nuclear age certainly we should look that much
-. ‘, . lt l.\ a simplistic solution. really Vic should not expect the elderly with a large center. High Street banks. government offices.all have where the view of the future seems harder. Or look at ourselves It was
‘ '. Loxmglon needs a place for its to board public transportation that joins Maxwell Street at the park to spread and sprawled With the tobedimmest now than at any time journalist Henry Fairlie who said
L‘u’ \f'llltll‘ cni/cns old \(i a new one thc rust of the town shuns. no mate provide two-way traffic out to Tates population. The senior citizens‘ in recent memory. on we no longer have any heroes, it
. '1 " will bc lllllll so ximplc |.\ this solo [or thc weather or 30-minute waits. Creek. The merging lanes cross facilities shouldbeno exception. For these different times, we may not be because no one is fit to
y ._‘ llllll that human rats rocitc it cacli to traycrsc thc city. sometimes re- Kentucky Avenue and then In short, the fine old homes of have different personalities. The beahero. but becausewe are not fit
“ 5. lllllrthcy'(’ilcounlcr a problcni. and qulring complcx transfers, Busmg Woodland Avenue within a block, Lexington can help some fine old heroes of film, for example, have to recognizeone."
" .' prc-tty soon lhcl‘i- is morc old than senior citx/cns to a central location and additional traffic would be bexingtonians. Whether the new- switched from the handsome guys The failure of society to adopt
"ll. if" '.‘ new no mallcl' how last we ilUllfl. makcs cvcn loss sense than busing more hazardous. if that is possible. {angled senior citizens' center will in ethical pursuit of good for all people to imitate and respect, may
i ' cri-ating a new problem. or. rathcr. kids and it is likely many would and congested to the pomt of confu- do the same is onlyaguess, aguess (Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes signal that we have given up on
. iht' age-old pi‘olllcti; of w hat to do iumllably choose to amid the has sion.especially t0 the elderly. youngsters are making. To Washington) to the inner search ideas worth striving for. Without
. .- ' 3" ‘ w oh what ‘\ 1ch on" do and stay llomc Road improvements will be need- When you want to build a senior for self-identity (Jill Clayburgh in such ideas there is little hope. What
: a; but that brings us back to thc And therc can be no assurance edifthecenteris built.and this cost citizens‘ center. ask a senior An Unmarried Woman). will our grandchildren push-pin to
A ’ lx-gmnmg what lo do with the old any transportation will be will increase the price tag accor- citizen. ln sports. for the most part, the their walls? That isatruly depress-
” Buildingancw isn l lht's‘tllutltm. it's available. ch'l‘ran is inadequate dingly. The money that will be Idid. My grandmother. down-home folk heroes like Babe ingthought.
. 'i thc problem This nation has a and undcrtundcd. and surely devoted to streets could be used to Ruth and Joe DiMaggio have been '
{UH-f lcndcncy to abandon its old Mayor Amato knows that lsave for benefit senior citizens James Griffin‘s column on com- replaced by the big bucks and large John Clay is the sports editor. His
" puddings and pcoplc Emphasis on isolated exceptions» point to point FinanCially speaking, and money munity affairs appears every Tues- mouths of Reggie Jacksons. In column appears every other 'I‘ues-
_ U". " lhl' now and improved doesn't bus scry‘lcc in this town cannot be is the root language of day morning. literature. the surviving Harry day.
l .
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 IMF. KIN I l('K\ KLRNI‘LL Tuesday. I-ebruar) 3. I98I-3
i news roundup °°’“"“‘*""°'“ 7' ampus brief
op dispatches t , '
.._w- .___-. ,, , ‘ t On Friday. March 6. at i2:30the toplc will ' . .
)e “Aspects of Kentuckv Paintin after th * U 7
State Murphy‘s mother, Christine Murphy, beeven longer if the exact problem is not New courses (‘iyll War Era." 7 g L '7 .
said last week. “I‘m gomg to have him pinpointed and corrected soon, the agen- In addition to the presentations by Weber. 7

Gov. John y_ Brown Jr. says the (Murphyibrotight up and another autop- cy said. Thom Gentle. Oberlin College, ()hio. will
General Assembly should consider a tax sy performed. . The flight of the revolutionary The UK community education division Speak Sunday, Feb. 15. 3 pm on "Preset-v. , , , .
on horse sales and a property tax on coal i’l‘he'family says there were discrepan~ spaceship is more than two years behind will offer five new courses in the next mon- ”18 Our Heritage An Art Conservator‘s . 7 .
in its 1982session. eies in the. autopsy report. Family schedule. primarily because of problems th. View " H ’

However. Brown declined to endorse members believe Murphy was murdered encountered developing the main “Producmg Publications for Public Rela- The talks will be held in the Art Museum 7
either new tax, saying he Would "take a in an meident involvmg drugs. large engines and the thermal protection tions“ will meet for the first time Feb. 18. in the west wing of the PK ( ‘enter for the ’ ' 7
closerlook"at them. amounts of cash annd alleged death system. both of which required and thereafter on Wednesday nights from Arts ‘ ‘ .7 ..

He made the statement Sunday night threats. . . _ technology breakthroughs 6:30 to 8:30 until March 11. Fee for the class -:‘ .' 7 . ‘
during a special ”Ask the Governor“ The coroner 5 lury ruling last Wednes- is $25. and the size will be l