xt7jq23qzd2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qzd2k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1986 1986 1986-04-25 2020 true xt7jq23qzd2k section xt7jq23qzd2k —________________—_________—__—_______—_____——.———————
. R VOLXC, No.1" 8W1!“ ,_ ' University of Kentucky. toxington. Kentucky Independent since l97l Friday. ADM” 19.6
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V V , . - . 5 '
Local murder spree i i, 'n'qk ...... -
., , . i. 5.; 5 . , v: ~
2 5 . ‘ r , & I. ‘1'“
brings two arrests . ' ._ . '. ,
3‘ W . ‘5” ‘.I&,.I-hi.--g§ii;_. m1” Mr:- 5 :5“ , ' - . .»
. . 2%" ~.' ' a. WA or no ': ms- . *‘ roan ' 4'
Female suspects had been drinking his. _ .\ Wm“ aaMM« , . . ’
. -: . 2 i * :2? “awareness? . . . ~ -. .
w1th Victims earlier, investigators say 5 5 ,s _ ' .. ‘ “ 5 as . ”egg a 5, .5 . .
. . . . net! _. . “'5‘ .': ‘ * ' 'r W (Kali ' $1.; ' : ‘ . ‘
By MIKE EMBI“ of their reSIdences throughout the ._ .. was“! 5 _ ..., . - 1i AW. W? .__,«'2 “*8 , .. , .3‘ , 1
Associated Press afternoon. . ow ' a ‘13. .s ‘ 5 'i 3’ i. h... ”floor‘ig'thw ; 7 " . . . -.
Bizzack said a knife and gun were . ya‘o‘ér‘ ‘5’ $55 "are? fly ,1 ,5 . 7 ‘ y . "iii“: _ " , n '..5
Two suspects in the deaths of five recovered. He said money was taken _ a ' * ‘5 . 3:51-53. '9 t ‘, n»: .g ., *~ ”it" \ mom .5 53s?) : .. ~' - " r
people in Lexington had been drink- from the victims, but would not be - as» of... $113? .. a . " . ;, .. " 35:53.5 \ ‘ . r .5 lg .- -_-:-.h 5: ‘ :;.
ing with the victims just hours be- specific. “We have information on , m; ’ " 'e ‘5 \ ’ ” i i? $3; ‘ 3, _5 5- .
fore they died, and police said yes- why it (deaths) occurred. but we ‘5 ' r”, .. b 5, . \ .«n ,. ~ dfié‘r‘ .’ 5,555 ’3‘
terday they believe robbery was the can‘t elaborate on it at this time," . i ' ‘ s' l _ ' £3“th 5'9 I _' o. 5’,‘
motive, he said. "55., ‘ 55," . 5:, ”:5: t . 'H “ “$595. -I ' r - :3 {If ‘3;
The victims — two women and Fayette County Coroner Chester _ .. "l - ' . it; 55 ir- ‘ f
three men — were found within a Hager said autopsies performed on “ " ‘ ”'7‘” - “ 5‘ 3 " 'jz‘f
few miles of one another on Lexing- the two women showed they died ' ' y o " ‘ 5 '45‘ . _"
ton’s east side and within a few from cuts, stab wounds and had both _ 5“ 3 * 5):: . . .., 5,5: f 5‘ 5 '; ,_ 5_- r...‘ ,
hours. The men were found either in been run over by a car. Mrs. Keams ‘ . g _ Q ,5 ., ' 5 x... 5,. _: ._ . 3 5 '1 5‘
ornearaburningcar,policesaid. alsohadbeenshotinthehead. ' ‘ i M: 5 _ i / 1.: , 3.355555 5 1.3 5 ‘_ ,9;
The victims were identified as Preliminary reports indicated ,' - i _ ,5, ii — \ ~ ~' 934$ 2“; . - *&.::“:’Er"t”. _ . .35.;
Trudy Harrell, 59; Virginia Kearns. Sweet died from cuts and stab ,5 " F 3 :3, . ‘ 3:. or . ‘5 3 . 6“ 3,‘ . ,3” .- .
45; her husband, Carlos Keams, 71; wounds and had also been run over ‘ 3"" i 2 \ .1 i . , . 5} .. ’ 5 , 5_ p .
Theodore Sweet. 53; and Roger byacar,hesaid. 3 5} ' ~ w“ i ‘ 3..., ‘ . to; f, * l: f = - -.5 r
Keene. 47. allofthe Lexingtonarea. c r _ -« 5-. 5 5 5, 5- , 5 5. , ’_ 1‘ . 7553-5 3‘ _ 5‘ 5. .' .
.. mono. orchestrating is. t . f". \l s, ‘3; 3” o. .. ' . . ' . . ; . : x - .,
22, and Tina Marie Hickey Powell, burns and had beenrunover also. V, 5 . 5 - _ v, 5 5, ”‘3‘ 5 _~ 5 » , ‘3 5.
27, both of Lexmgton, were each » ~ .. ' . ~( \5 \ 5. , 1,3 ' . .. . . .
charged with one count of murder in Keams, who had been taken to a ; ¢ ’ ’ 5 - 55.5 _ ,, \ ‘ ~ «i .. .1 5.. . ‘5 “
Carlos Kearns‘ death. They were local hospital with injuries, died at , , 1 c. _ r 5. it"; ‘ i > . 5' ”v , , 1 - . .' ,
also charged with public intoxication 2:13 am. yesterday from burns and . 1 n5 _ », ‘5 -- t. ‘3 y “A r . r . . 5 ~ 3 .
and pleaded innocent to those carbon monixide poisoning. Hager ‘ l ; ' "5 :- 1r ,1 on . 5,. .5 . _ ' . ~ .5
charges yesterday. said. - to ‘ ‘ 5 }5 3:21? .r ' refit ' . n:"f$ " . . 5 1
A hearing on the murder charges The first victim, Harrell, was ” I . 3"; flit. ~t,_ .5“ ’ f. .w ' if 5 - . _ . ., ' .
waic?$uéiiégzgd$ho were being found about 9 pm. Wednesday in a . 7" _ ~ if i .3 "5 h V m '- ’ . 5 .~ g ‘ ‘

. ‘ . shopping center parking lot in a s. . .5: " 5:5: ,, ‘55 ‘ g“ 5‘ 5 .; . 2. . - .‘ 5
held in the Fayette County Detention 5 - - x .5; - , 35-5 , " —. k v 5 ,5
Center. have served time in a state giggle-class neighborhood, police “' Q ~62; $35 -' v .1 , . \ fl . - _ .
prison. They were arrested early ' - s.» _ >5 5;: ' ' .
yesterday at Humana Hospital Lex- While police were investigating, . 4‘ ' " 5 5 ’ , . . . ’
ington, where they were attempting Mrs. Keams was found at 10:30 pm. ’ , t - . 5. .
to calla taxi. about 1'2 miles away in the loading- _ ‘ » ‘

The hospital is located within sight dock area of an office building. . Auuusuo um: Sta“ ‘-
of where the burning car was found. At 12:10 am. yesterday. police NOSIng ahead - ~ . . 5
Lt. John Bizzack said additional were called to investigate a late- ~ '
murder charges were expected model Chevrolet sedan that was bur- Lon h t B h ' B h Id ff | h 5 5 5 .
- ning off a suburban road. Sweet was 95 0 ac e or eau e 0 BO 5 0| Boy and Bold Arrange- terday. Bachelor Beau paid $41.80 to wtn in the last prep race , 5 .
Bizzack said the seven were found behind the car and Carlos ment in the stretch to win the $238,600 Blue Grass Stakes yes— before next week's Kentucky Derby. ’
friends and had been drinking at one Keams was inside. » V
Yearbook ’ New SGA senate convenes pleS leaders ” ‘ ’
lOOkS afar ' " A ByJAYBLANTON Greenwell said as president she ate, the senior vice premdent. is ab. The purpose of the senate is to . '. 5
g Staff Writer will work specifically on commer- sent. “serve the students of the l'nii'crsr . , . ..
o v i cialization of the Student Center. a Senator at large Linda Bridwcll t_v of Kentucky Karen Skociis. ex- -' ' ’
for edltor ,. f} _' 55mm _ 5 -- The 1986-87 Student Government tutoring servtce and attracting cam< was elected senate coordinator The routine w-e presirleni.elu~t. told the 5 5
5 "a ,5. Association senate met for the first pus speakers. coordinator makes surc each com- senators Kenn; \I‘lntlllm. senior _ ,5 ,
. o _ »-., time last night to get organized and The senate last night elected mittee chairman receives hills and vice president-deck added in her , f . 5
Iowa grad brlngs g elect officers. members for the offices of chairman that every senator is informed about congratulatory remurks5 saying ‘ ., . _ ’ .
”Q Donna Greenwell, SGA president- pro-tempore, senate coordinator and the content of meetings. each senator. when considering leg- . 5 5 ' 5 ~ 5‘
. - / I ‘5 " elect, opened the meeting with con- one senator for the committee on Senator at large Keith Clary was islation. should "consnier the hills: 7 4' . ‘ ‘5 l .5 '
WIde experlence Erie» 4% gratulations to all the new senators, committees. elected to serve on the committee on on their merit " - i ' , .
{eff/£3 5?‘ " promising an “exciting and produc- Senator at large Susan Brothers committees. The group refers all -, 5. 5 .1
33'3““)UmPER 5%??? 1'” g tive“ year. Greenwell reminded the was elected chairman pro~temp0re bills and resolutions on standing The next organizational meeting ,. ‘ ‘ -
Senior Staff Writer 4%»1 ' a senators it was important that they The pro tem presides over the sen- committees. It also appoints all spc- for the new senate is at T :30 pm i " - ‘ -' 5'
a? work together next year. ate when the chairman of the sen- cial committees. Ma) 1m 2““ *tudt‘ltf V0111?!" i , .' w ‘ ’i
The Student Publications Board 3% 5 r ‘ , . , ‘_ a
does not often look beyond the Kcn~ M 0 f «i * ‘ .5 ». ,_
tuchian staff to select the yearbook *5" , osm 10 conference . 5- v ._ " .. ' ',
editor. . ~5' '5‘
Last night, however. the board did . . . . . . . . . - i " 1,; A;
just that. choosing Matt Malek. 24. MA" MALE" Satellite hookup allows UK students to jam in internatlonal media dlSCUSSIOIl .- ' '.- '
to serve as the Kcntuckian editor for '1 . ‘, 5, ' '. f.‘
193937; ”‘5 term ““1 begin in Au' "’3‘ ,W0'k5 wgfimer and, ”Ho-"5 By WENDY s. SMlTll questions to one of the other three Japanese paneL The Boston pane. Students who attend m. .5,d.i,i.,,n. ‘5. ,' .5 ‘. - '
EUSl- worklrlg together. Mill?“ said. SeniorStaffWriter panels.” said Jack Galit. graduate willhave nospecific topic. ference “will be able to learn some- ' , '1‘, ‘1 i:
'Malek, who ran unopposed. has a lie is currently working on a mas- teaching assistant in telecommuni- Panels at each site will include a thing about the role of broadcast ‘ i‘ .n , ? .‘5;
Wide range of publications experi- [91‘s in secondary education pro- Students will get the chance to- cations. noted LES. broadcast journalist. a 10- media in portraying world PVCHLK to .5 ‘. 5" -'.’-‘
9".“ to draw upon “me servmg as grams at UK'. morrow ‘0 exchange views on world Over 300 other colleges in the cally prominent journalist and at Americans For instance. terrorism .. .'5, ,5‘535‘ i .f «5
editor. 5 5 Both Maurice Chappell, the cur- issues and media responsibility with Ifnited States, as well as schools in least one substantive expert on the such as the recent events in the find i ‘ i“- 7,9 ,--
Malek, a Lexmgton native and a rent Kentuckian editor. and Paula leading journalists around the world Canada, Egypt and Britain will be subject of the panel. die East. is going to be part of this " .. ' . I 3'1...“
1984 graduate of the University of Anderson, student publications ad- during an international videoconfer. participating in the discussion. J0 n 1' ts h B 't“h . _ conference.” said Tom Lindlof, 35505 5.‘ i: t l5~‘.--'. 3555,,
Iowa, has worked on both sides of vtser, believe Malek‘s twofold expe- ence. . . 5. .5 ”.8 '5 suc as n '5 pan‘ ciate mfessor of telecom , 5. 5‘ ._ r: “in",
- - - - - - This forum. which will be held elist Pierre Salinger, former press _ p munica 5 . ,i 5‘.
yearbook production. As a senior at rience Wlll help him meet his goals. h , ‘ f 5 . ,5 55 5 h , 5 , “(ms _, . . i 5
Iowa, Malek was editor of its year- “With him being new and not fam- T e Videoconference, sponsored 1:05"? to 331510 .thim 118(1i'fbr00m secretary {50" J0 n F- hennedy and 1 5 . j i.
book. the Hawheye. ilar with the present staff at UK. he by The .Christian Scrcnce. Monitor, uil mg, Vii asically proude the chief. foreign correspondent . and Also Lmdlof said. 90 19 will be . . ,1 .‘ H I 1 .
. 5 5. . Wlll conSist of four panel discussions chance for journalists to share their Paris bureau chief for ABC. Will be ‘ p p , . _!~ 3
After graduation from Iowa with a Will be an asset because the staff 1' . 5 ll‘ f , , 'th , l" f th fth , 5 . able to learn how the presence of the . ~. _ .5 5
bachelor's in journalism and En- right now needs a period of rebuild- me via sate. lte rom Austria, Great (fzxtperlehgesnwt 'd journa ists 0 e oneo emany partiCipants. media affects the behaVior of these ._ \
glish, he worked for about a year as ing."Chappell said. Britain, Japan a"? Bostorh Students u ure, 8‘ sal ' Since ”the purp05e of The Chris. nat]()n§_ 5 ' " .5 y
a university representative for the Anderson agreed. She said Malek may [submitlhuEstlons toht einterna- Each panel discussion will focus tian Science Monitor is to bless all 5\ ~ 5 5 _ _. "
Delmar Company, a major printer will give the Kentuckian the opporu- tiona panes t rough t c Videocon- on a different topic. The British mankind, this conference is support- The videoconference. which will ' ., -- . ‘ .'
of college yearbooks. nity to attract young talent and ference “bl" 805w” panel will discuss small wars and ing this purpose by open discussion be free and open to the public. “is . 5 ‘ »
And it‘s this experience that buildasolid staff forthefuture. “People here at UK will be able to terrorism. and the Austrian panel of the responsibilities of the broad- an excellent idea because it is not -
Malek said he will try to apply as “I think he gives us the opportuni— see and hear all panelists on a video will discuss the relationship between cast media.“ said Jane Martin, as- often we have aCcess to people in , . ‘ 5 '
editor. ty to attract some new people and 1 screen. We will be hooked up with the superpowers. Sharing technology sistant to the manager of The Chris foreign affairs and people who re- '5 '_ ‘ ‘
“I will be primarily working t0« am really looking forward to work- the Boston panel (by telephone and understanding foreign cultures tian Science Monitor. in a telephone port on world events on a regular ' ‘
ward building a solid staff, a staff ing with him,"5hesaid, lines). and then that panel will ask will be the topic of discussion for the interview. basis."hc said.
.. P'k ° k d ‘ , AI ' ' ‘
5 . l e pic e “or ... 5 DS fight hampered, 5
. . . {J ) .}\\ e e e
.5... ........ ....... ..,, Big Man _. health offic1al claims .
mm NV. M m ._..— WU \— B JLLIEFBEEDVIA\ ha bee thr te ' the
i.,,. _ Mum . y ' l i‘ ve n more ea ning n
'W“: t 3 ' m on campus /r~i~\ Contributing Writer the diseaseitself.
1 ' °9' - ( 3:) AIDS was discovered in 1981 when
‘. ~l -— Some call it the disease of the cen- rare forms of cancer and pneumonia
I“ ”Rm 0' its ”an. 5'8" "WW . ‘ tury. were reported in previously healthy,
iiw soc-on team-row UK now has an official Big Man What was once the silent epidemic $$f§§§aoum§$fu$$ha§fhmmg
LN" "Ml tho Bloc/VINO. On Campus. is becoming the No. 1 seriom com- “The immune s stem la 5 aicru-
. , Bill Hensl an accounti so municable disease problem of our . . y p‘ y
,3 5 mo... For the lineups, ey, 5 n8 'pho- . . . cial role in ones bodvs defense
.: ... Page ‘ more, was named ”Big Man‘ re- age. said Sandy 305599” Cl‘mcal against disease “ Joseph said. The
5., ”IS, - cenuy in a contest sponsored by the counselor and coordinator at the vim directly ‘akas a group of
" Student Organizatiom Assembly- “fling“ “3"" “Pa"mem- white blood cells called T-helper
“It came .as a shock to me." said The acquired immune deficiency cells which serve as major coordina-
Hensley. His fratermty, Pi Kappa syndrome. better known as Alps, is torsofthe immune system
Alpha. demded to nominate him be- n hm that - - the . 55 5
s ' came of his involvement at the Stu- . a - .1 - impairs ~ body 5 AS the disease Wogrm» these
‘3 ' ' W 5. W W m. dent Organizations Center and activ- mum/xuooiovaomn ability ‘0 318m Geri/#3" Eggqons atnd defense cells are almost entirely de-
_- near N. fan“ will b. ity with student government. The contest was set up in the Stu- summer duriig the student advising 32:19:; 0.05;? 5.8; Public‘sHaealotll Stmyed- Joseph seld-
if % I by ”5-.“ The contest was held as a “cute dent Center. Cans with the nomi- conferences to inform incoming stu- Service ‘ ' "Tr tm tf AIDS . tte
i3" » '-' ' " ' ' ‘ di edfor dentsoftheor nizations vailble ' e“ ’3" °' .. '“m.'
5 .0 mid “- 3m fund-raiser said Cyndi Weaver, a noes pictures were splay ga . a a . . 0' damage control Joseph said.
9; 51.. political mm junk]- and member voting. Every mckel placed in a can to them. Weaver said. "One of the biggest Publlflelaw Doc”, use “tibia“, to battle
5 m m “_ of the SOA. «in was Whit! that countedasonevote. Hensley still doesn't feel he‘s the problems associated With AIDS i8 it each infection but the overall er -
i} .. I”! n. w.” * would involve our groups and draw BMOC Hensley totaled 822. which official BMOC of the UK campus, mrance and misinformation." Jo slow] lost Joseph S“ d the: or:
is,“ " Q. ' meettention to the student organi- won him the title. The money raised “It wasn‘t as much a sci-tom thin seph said. For many the irrational y '
“’ ' utiuis,"shesaid. from the voting will be used this asitwasafund-raiser,“hesald. fear and paranoia surrounding AIDS mumJ’mo

 2 - KENTUCKY KERNELFdhy, M25, 1“
Illa-both Cara: Iron Stowe" RWY
VI E w POI NT Editor-in-Chiot News Editor erne
Aloxandor S. Crouch
Editorial Editor III-bush“ 1m Indopondonr Sim "1
Comments misinter ret SGA le islation -.....
p g zany: .
‘ " ‘ s ‘ th St d t "—— —— ' bogg down a“ I,“
Golfifrfihtiehl Infisgh'lg‘llon e serratips I f - h min: pZIeiltlic'l‘tzll‘i’; figmtorseSunning a, ‘ 6"“,‘I
passing of a blll [it compensate sen- Editorial a senator pUIS In t e for office next year. l NYE?” (
ators $300 a year tor their services minimum hOUI'S Of *. ~o2\ ‘
is based onincorrect information. REPLY . . . . . ‘. , a —-I I
requued work over the I don t understand why the editor» he}.
. al says Miller didn't argue that sen- ‘ \
AS a candidate for senator at SChOOI year, “115 ators simply deserve mmey for an : ‘ I
. large in the recent elections. I was - - th ork the do. In the evious t '
. not motivated by the possibility of puts in the minimum hours of re- compensation WI" pai'avgvraph. itiriticizos his ram“ i 9
receiving this money. although I had quired work over the school year. average out to less than “compensation for ‘intangible
planned to be a hard-working sen- this money Wlll average out to less costs.‘ " What the hell do Elizabeth ’
_ . ator and would have welcomed this than $3 an hour. while many will be $3 an hour- Caras and the editorial board think 5 . ‘ _
. . small compensation provided by losing time at their jobs because of — that is? it is paying back the sen- ! a I.
I . - . ‘ Sen.John Miller‘s bill their SGAwork. h 1 th t d _f th ators for their time and effort‘
. care w a e sena ors ° ' ey which the editorial praises. * ~ . .0
‘ » My running mate. Jason Williams. Other organizations use self-gener- don telectthem‘?I . . w 4.
“ -.' ’ was a cosponsor of the bill. He will ated or University funds to compen- The editorlalIln the same edm?" Th edi . l u ’
. . . not get a penny 0f the money. but he sate their members. including the of the Kernel implies that the bill had ebeetona’ Statfia If only SGA
‘ supported the bill because he recog- Student Activities Board. the Kernel was keptIunder wraps and then 5031‘ uld' n XE: e13] upfrotnt, It
‘ ‘ _ niyetl the amount of work and sacri- staff and even the elected executive denly Irailroaded through ‘0 aVOld co (:8 aYo' . I}, is con rover-
I ' lit-es senators make to serve a officers of SGA. Why not the sen- publtcrty. bl" actually 'tIhad been Si); 8." agitation. I t mk ,mOSt 0f .
. . largely unappreciative student body, ators'.’ talked about ever Since Miller came t at ‘5 caused W the Ker "'91 5 CW9!“ Letters policy
. . -I . s I ' ‘ - into the senate four years ago, to the fhge 0‘ SffAIgIns year, I:vhich thas ei-
‘ " : ' _ I The letter to the editor by Dennis Murrell and Stockton say most knowIIlIhengeInof severalteléernel staff- prfilache bile the aw‘riferl's ggnliliiaifé Readers are encouraged to Smeit letters and opinions to the Ken-
‘ I ‘ ' " Murrell and Jesse Stockton in the SGA candidates” campaign litera- efast tide wasI(gII'a;idI etmergtencfy lackofunderstanding t“ChyKe'"el‘ . .
' ‘ April 21 Ko'ntiiiku Kernel refers to ture finds its way to the garbage : tus t 00’35' er tm {Eehoa'll ' IPersonsIsubmitting material 5'10““ address their comments to the
' the compensation as salaries and cans. Can the senators help it if less hec '2'? year sbseena e, “ 1c M editorial editor at the Rem“ “4 Journalism Building. Lexington, Ky -
. : ~ says no“ senators will be "$300 rich— than 10 percent of the student body ave new mem rs. ”506'
, ' -'- ‘ er“ and better able in pay "cable cares enough to vote in the elec- If the bill had been brought before Darrell Douglas is a landscape ar— To be considered for publication. letters should be 350 words or less,
‘ II . bills and or beer tabs " If a senator tions'.’ Why should students even the senate earlier in the year, it chitecture sophomore. whileguestopinionsshouldbessowordsorless.
' I
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“'il - Bllh d8 1 f' ' ’ 1'

,3 ._ \(7 /0 . a y ooe tones LP p ays sa 6, Prince 3 newest dazz mg _ 3

‘ c... 3 .

I A 3 By GARY PIERCE ——_—— ' .
. .2. . . 2 2. . - 2 ,. . ., ,, ArtsEditor
mates-toe- '2 ”Slim ' a; ‘- i“? I ~‘ :szifilI-z. 3e33,“ REV'EW '. . , . -. . .

, , , M 3 _5 1 ,3: - 4.3., a 5,2) 0 mg ones or _ _ , ,3 3 . . -|,
“when” mew-W Memories nu- n nn nu- r .- ;
some? p... can»-.. mime Well. the much-ballyhooed new ears/l‘ve bfeen climbifng this tree of ; 3 a!” _ , 3 3, .

- _ - . -‘ I. . .,Yi Rolling Stones album is on the promises or over orty years“). 3 _3 . , - - , . _. ,'
mantra“; ilzwmfimmx “Mil" racks complete with an Annie Kern Richards and Cheri-e Were . on .. . '3 I .~ 3 ..
m 33.3.“; 2909'th u I 3 I I w ,. . 4 i' beibovitz cover shot that makes the can still crash their way through .- 3; , ;- “ r1.-
wrock) 9 m totem Whitman” m , ‘ We boys 1001‘ ten years younger and some 0‘ the "log electrifying guitar ,- ‘ .. : V ' Mr] ".‘L'

. 2‘— 5” 9! St I .0“: _. The ,. - . e twice asugly. and drum colliSions ever committed '1' ." " - ,, f. . 3' .‘x t f.
mid") 9") Moo-um: ' "“9.” '°"“'. ’°". ' . .. ”3‘", “”133 Make no mistake. Dirty Work is h: Vinyl. kand li:{rizeili«'=\lsih¢:)dlyt $5; 2;, .”1"‘"‘ § 5'. "

, . , . . m_ _ . ) :33}. rm ers i e u a i '1 ~3- .r ,3 :3 3 .1 . . . 3 ., I I»_. 2 \ '3‘
aI',.r._3" an Ill I "it t. 3 3 I I . 33.3.3),- pretty good stuff, and from any Play _ 3_ . 3 -, . ;
in sound syetem in addition.» you. W videos :23“... m1: other band it might even grab a few You recall their best work. 3.23;“, .- _- . g) 3 , .. J

fightmfllmm No » . . 3:2,; record of the year honors. .Unfortunately, recollections of the - ' ,3, . - , f,
om dub .. em «room... ...;a Cami am new m’m 3“ 3’0“ JW ”9““ a “me S°me' “"3”.“ days and “ashes 9f lyr'cal :i' ‘ .- .‘r -' '-'
(original rock) 99». to! on Tomorrow The“ (“W Thick) ‘- “"155“ thing more from the Stones, like incisiveness do "9‘ a classic make. 5 .‘ 133%
,0 m :2 'M ' ‘ ' 2 . ' fixer- maybe a glimpse of God or Satan or 33131515 a lifcfm pLece 0f mrtthohkt " - ,. ':::- '), -‘,‘~"i‘{ 5':

. . cover 0W. . , ' ' t a ...- '..-::,:: .; ' " : .,r r" ,3.
~ 3. . ., Somebody_ U overa . lY ma es you Wis . 3),, '. '. .3- 3..
rock) and "JIM, 3;“ m9 :m'Im 3"” M Of course, working under that the ”Ck n ’9“ band With the _ . -; .3, rr't'51‘,‘ ,..
wiioooinmneoomt'smmdeem???.,‘3‘:.,-""”‘.;.;.e:.< kind of expectation is a dirty iob. strongest reputation and the least to ' ...-a :5.
Wear- M .‘a,’ __, ‘m w W St. “WW ‘l'mlo (WW “’3, ”it. but somebody’s gotta keep that rock 1959 WOUId :dare )to take a chance ‘ , / V i i f 5 ', ‘
,0} °_m),2w,.,) ‘ ' r . 'n' roll torch lit. And you can‘t exac~ With somethinga little different. 3.)» 5,2,1; ‘ . f; “ 3‘
LA. Ollver‘e— Holiday Inn at MS and Newtown Pike. Me, , V 95‘"? tly say Mid‘ and the gang didn‘t - . (I ...e;.:.-. 23¢: w ,3 '3. “xvi-‘3 , 3‘,
the hits. Tonight. Romulus leer Moe Niel", when ”harem all to: “a?” 1,. have at least half a go at it this Parade Prince and the Revolution ' ' 7 ’3.“ 2‘ 2"";3' * . "
mndunumm IOP-MJO‘¢~man°UkOOP9hO¢lilfl Noooi‘ I“. -’ time. Dirty Work comes complete Paisley Park/Warner Bros. Records g: ‘ .- -~ ’_ 2'
um —— an Woodland Ave- renew and m. Wouldn't-M: with a back-terhythm-and-blues-ba- . . . . i 1 3' " ." in
Rabbits (19p ‘0 rock), 99,”, go i can. ”.50 cover M‘IMM“‘W ~ *5 sics first single in “Harlem Speaking of something a little dif- 2 - ‘ 3 )3 ~3
8pm.tonighhssJOooveroodsiJoMtightdiaspm.tomorrow. _ _ 3.3% Shuffle," a reggae cover tune (“Too ferent.Prmce has done itagain. - . .3 3 . .) 3): ,
sewn.— Radium Hotel Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow, summon Rude") and enough violent sexual This time Wi- His Royal Baldness PRINCE ANDTHE REVOLUTION‘S ‘PARADE' I Zr.
mocki,9p.m.ioio.m.uom. ~ ‘ ;- : imagery to keen Tipper Gore busy has “0.09“?" 9‘" 50m 0‘ the 59”“ " ‘ ',
7'” I‘m—— 333 5- limestone 5’- VWW'bM W- WWW“ ml next election day. fngagggfifglnfijs fififim idegseisve t2: self does a double take when the ac- ond-rate ”Life Can be Sn \n-e ' "-1 I .-
rock).9p.m.toio.m.$3oovetbothnights. , . " i, And the whole thing is packaged . k (C p 1999 2 tion gets too hot and heavy. kicks in). Parade plays more llkt‘ a _ -' 5: . l; '
200M!!! dub -- 5539 AMW Mood. Tonight and mm. flog. with the kind of endearingly sleaze- ViIous wor tommgmyr . ‘ ‘1; cohesive piece of work than um ill - 5 ' . ‘
Pinch (Top Aodonce) performing from 9pm. to I on. New teem We 5 ball graphics that grace all their p Zlfgmtiogra €93“ ngslm Sfpf’ t Parade doesn‘t break much new Prince's previous and (Kcaflufidn: . .' 3 -)
two elevated dance floors, a high quality video system and on After m ‘3’ best records (Sticky Fingers, Exile an , CA "Gym plsvycld )e lag f“? lyrical ground. obsessed as It 15 With misguided stabs at conceptualit) ' r 3 . . ’ 1‘ '
C'ubmniromiiwtolzwomJScoverbothm. .3 on Main Street. Let It Bleed, Be- iear St mu". ,9 orh m a “1‘, ‘5 Prince‘s usual sex and/or love 3 ‘ \3 '
‘ . . tween the Buttons). If anything. eptl 0 a gamma? . ere,thser‘:;:i,i_g themes (albeit somewhat less lee~ ' ‘ ' ' ) .
‘ they’ve outdone themselves in terms most yl 335 ‘ t" “Nee" e S ringly than usual), and lines like Th 0 l' , .0 r ll b ' " _ ' _ .
' ' of matching album graphics with severa S rong rac ' “fishing in the river of life“ and th 1e "3 {seam p30>enIiI I‘l'irl" -‘ -,
trashy lyric content -— the album Instead of rehashing his vaultful macho quips about doing “the duty t a dsomepo, 1.5, [PUTLC,M N f 1“: . ‘
/ . covers are all pink on the inside. of old formulas, Prince plays around in your bed" won‘t put Prince in 358d mm ”(959 5 (3): (”llnbnfi ' I“ 3 -. 2
,- But we've seen and heard this in some new territory on Parade, anybody"s American litanthology, [n er e,- (errfy ‘ [mmf' mg “13?) ‘ 3 , '_
. 0. stuff before “Winning Ugl .2 one of and the result is a shimmering, in- 0” a 330;” m I?“ 0 W;- f . ‘ e.
_ the LP’s hottest tracks coyiylld be ei- ternational feel. But who cares with music this :(lmngl'r er ofn e inctorigpre )f‘hnlfl) '
/ . -, . y P . . . good!) “Girls and Boys” and ”NeVN e. lque re erences 0 1 In (, dl‘ ‘ , 3 . ..
e ther true confessmns or a clever con With its lush, continental Jazzy ar- Position“ should k ee the 12 'n h acters are annoying in some other- - _ .
)I. (“i wanna win that cup and get my rangement and quirky vocals, “Do racks cked with dgnce remlixfes wise lovely lyrical settings. and 1' , ‘ -
money, baby/But, back in the dress- U Lie" could have come off like for maths and melodies l'k some of the brief instrumentals lust
ing room the other side is weep- Betty Boop vamping her way “Sometimesit Snows in A. run 2": don‘t work on their own “ ‘ - '
,. ing"). So what else is new? They've through a French cafe. but Prince's 5 , , ‘ p ‘-
. . . so pretty you could cry
"”4 Of The on. _ w m. m a )3 Vice” 5 -. ;>- been beating the same pseudo self— tongue-incheek delivery makes the .- -

Heed -— mid-n creo Miami radiati- ‘ ‘ .. . ‘ . . . , ' - .
the movie monster they had invented. This m of drug-dealer hunter: mi" gangs??? hgrsensince (I Can t songa sheer delight. Prince Sings the way J imi Hendrix But overall Parade does Just “hill ' . '
fresh out oi prison. and ready io clean up ii- on». oi m. 5m min ° ‘5 ac "’n‘ In fact. a little self-parody might played guitar. sleeping and slurring a pep record should it leaves you . - ‘ :
Rem” ("48 my). Rated R. (Crossroads: 7,35, ,3“. Fm and WM .3: On the plus side, the Stones have turn out to be Prince‘s best ally, In his way past his limitations and slip- wanting more. Like most of Prince's 5;
":35 A,” Northpork: mo, 33,5, 533°, 7,30, 9:45, 3.33., m, M .3" dropped the ill-fitting politico-sophis- the video for "Kiss." a song done up ping in and out of styles in mid-song genre-hepping. danceable disc.» this , '

"1453 ticate stance of Undercover. and in late-‘60s falsetto soul style but until the overall effect is pure per- one is a parade. all right But iii- ., . .- 5
lost: training —— This comedy about u platoon of Army mks-in om Am when Dirty Worh's lyrics are hot, driven home with a strippeddown, sonality. almost painful in its naked stead of Prince‘s usual self-indul- . , . 1‘ "3
Dusenberry and W aim HOW . .. "a, (bum: they are cocksure indeed (“I want street—wise funk base. Prince him— lntenSliY- gent blitz, we're treated to the mu>1 )- ,
Mall: 2, 350. széf‘reset‘rezso,‘my WWW ' .- ""- -W;f , cal meanderings of a restlese pep . ‘ '
1:30, 3:30, 5:20. 1:35, 9:30, FridoyandSoturdoyetll:15.) 5 W waywofimox -’ , .3 ’ Am mullhe way these songs lead intelligence still see