xt7jq23qzf3q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qzf3q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-11-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1997 1997 1997-11-18 2020 true xt7jq23qzf3q section xt7jq23qzf3q  

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By DeImar Watkins
Staff” 'I'Iter

Students attacked the University
Studies Program in the Student
Satisfaction Survey, so Louis Swift
is planning a new strategy.

“Students said the L'niversity
Studies Program was too compli—
cated and the classes were difficult
to get." said Swift. dean of Under-
graduate Studies.

lti response, Swift‘s ofiice dis—
tribtited a survey to all faculty

’l‘he purpose of the survey is to
get an idea of how the faculty feels

about the L'niversity Studies Pro—
gram and possilile solutions to stu—
dents‘ complaints, he said.

“The sun'ey is not trying to get
a general feel from students. \Ve
did that with the Student Satisfac—
tion Survey," Swift said. “\\'e are
trying to determine what prob—
letns the faculty sees in the L'ni~
versity Studies Program.

“To change the program, we
have to get faculty support as well
as student support."

'l‘he survey questions try to tar—
get specific student complaints.

Students have traditionally found
L'niversity Studies Program

”an... up“ M .


requirements diftieult to fulfill
because departments offer some
classes every other yeai, Swift said.
A related question asks whether
only classes taught every year
should be part of the L'ni\ersit\
Studies l’rograiii. I
Another question on the survey
deals with expanding the c'rtissw‘tib
rural requirement, which now cov—
ers only non—\Vestcrn and Third
“'orld cultures. to iiicltide minori-
ty cultures in the L'nited States.
“That would be useful in inter—
acting within otir culture," said
\‘lttlttlit ”this, a social worls fresh—
man. “lt would relate work and


LAST STAND? m t ignition/i Wm

neeili~ a trio oz'er rival 'leumu‘tee to keep ttv


; 0. Studies survey seeks taeulty

lion‘l hopea‘ uliZ'e. See Sporty, page (I.



Students also complained that
the L'nnersity Studies Program is
too coiiipltcated. Sw iit said

"i think it is too restrictnc."
Davis said. "it is not helping me in
my ittaior."

One question deals with simpli»
tying the system. lake lflistern
Kentucky L'iiiversity, l, is could
require students to choose any si\
hours of courses in the sciences,
social sciences and humanities.

(Itirrently .in agreement
between tinnersities in the statc
allows anyone who has itiliilled .i
university studies program

WEATHE l’urtly rut/u y
today. hlgh oft-5. Clo/lily
tonight. [or o/‘JU. Chance of

.t‘bu'll‘t'l‘a‘ tomorrow, high of ill.



t't'ittittttttt'ltt .Ii tiltc‘ \tlttitil til
tritisict it tot is \tatc tiitl\t'tst'.its
toiiiplt \\tllt .1 i5 credit liotit utii
\crsuy studies program \wtit said

1 his system iiiakcs transit r 'o
Ll\ it‘tiitt titllct st ltthis tastct

"\thn l transferred. t,'\t't'\ilti“iLY
”unit on track." said
(:lttitlt Slscciis. an l iiglisli senior

Surtcys are due in Dec. l. and
Swill hopes in i‘ctettc illil Mill
siiruys. the data will be opcn to
the titlltllt. Swiit said.

\\.ts pi't'!t\

" l he nice things about univer—
sitics is that people can tll\tlt\\
issues and get .t tonstnstis.“ Swiit
said. “ l his is not a utattt'roi keep


Notion/her I 8, I997

. (Hug, 2 ll, ,,/





\tlt: tl‘n t\‘~

lliLiN'ttch int i i
pittitng .is litiillt who" t'.'-‘.
titiss lllt H'ti l 4 It' H

\Tlti ll‘tt ': til" ‘ t’»
:alnil.:tt.l.thatiy: tit flit :ldlt
and appoint: in tin i s-azx
Studies l’t’élt".titt ( tot. 'Il'l"; Hill

thc \cnatci otmt ii. \w it .. iid

lhc l l’to
grim ( ommntce tutcts e\ctt tear
and is charged with sceiut:
works and what docsna \\I\tl\ It'
the prograiit. \wiit sud

lli\t‘t'sil\ \tt .l'n .


i le said aiit t it iiiucs to tin pro
v Ylit
Senatc ( otiiit il lli.itlt up or i itiiiH
and students.

~Lli'dlli l||l1\l ill‘t .liiliiti\ttl it‘


Battling i0l‘ BIO0I|


BLOOD 6“"? Erin Creamer. a Spanixh fi'ethan, gets hlood dim


m from a phlchotomixt the Central Kentucky Blood Center. l'ei'te/ilrnW l'l'mzl t/l'li't’ tool‘ plate to /he Stu

dent Center Ballroom. Any llift’l't'J‘TL’Il student: wanting to give h/ood today should go to the Comp/er C(mtmonri on South Camp/1.x. '/ he drive It from Hoot] to V pm. ’I he
tlt‘it‘t' continues throughout the tech at .t'et'ct'ul loan/om~ on run/put. CKBC it looking to H ’ilrlrotfitnx to donate a l'l't'nl'tl’lll't'lll'l’llfl‘ 3. 7W [VI/Ht during the I Nth annual lilyq
Blue Crush. Thervem‘ly Battle/or Blood pity (7K roam the tinieet‘yity ofli’nuei‘xee during the trecl‘ before thefiothall game. L'lv lei/i1: the donation .tet'lct. ‘7 i— I.


2,000 seats to he added by Saturday

Demands of students being met
with Commonwealth additions

By Mat Herron

Campur Editor

just when you thought no more
blue and white could fit in (join-
inonwealth Stadium, L'K crams in

UK Athletics has hired lndianapo-
lis-bascd special event contractorjack
K. lilrod (Iompany, lnc.. to add
about 2.000 seats for this week's face
off against University of Tennessee,
boosting the total number of seats to

Estimated cost for this one—shot
deal: $40,000, senior athletics direc-
tor l.arry lvy said in a news confer-
ence Monday at the \Vildcat Den.

This is the first time the com any
has ever worked with UK. said I". rod,
whose crew has done work for the
1996 Olympics in Atlanta, the fair-

rounds for the University of
Entiisville; the Kentucky Derby and
the Brickyard 400.

To pull this off, the company had
to go through the University Safety
Department and the state Building
Department “to make sure every-
thing complies with Kentucky
codes,” said l‘llrod, the company’s

president. The company also had to

ceitsed structural engineer, which
was done in about fotir days last

provide certification to a

week. he said.

An eight-man crew will spend the
portable grandstand system the com—
pany uses all over the country for all
types ofspecial events. The seats will
stay intact through the next season,

week installing its

lVy said.

(Iiting lack ofstudent support, the
Athletics Department knocked the
student allotment oi tickets from

I l,000 to 9,000 last year.


“Adding back the 1,600 will

reward students for what they‘ve
done this year." ivy said. “Five of
the six (home) games are tight sell-

I 9 9 9 reason.

outs. \Ve want, number one, to take

care of any student demands for this


Melanie Cruz, Student Govern—
ment Association president, said the
overwhelming support is a natural

reaction if the team is winning.

“\Vith a new coach and a surge in
athletic spirit," (Iruz said, “it's the
correlation: You got a good team,
you get a good turnout; you got a bad

team, students won‘t show up.“

In related news, firms for con-
struction management and design are
bein interviewed and decided upon
to close in the stadium. said jack
Miller. senior project manager of the
(Iapital Construction Division.

The project, set to begin after the
end of next football season, will add
8,000 benchback seats. with the pos-




"ATT “MON K, rtiil tlilll

TIKE I SEAT New hlearhcr teat)~ are hein huilt to accommodate another litltlltanx
for thit live/tend} UK-Tcnnetitec game. TIP stadium tit/ll he rloxed at all emlt tor the

sibility of all seats bcm I converted,
construction officials saitl

The design consultant will be
interviewed \Vednesday morning.
and letters ofnotiiication will be sctit
to the firms, Miller said.

The plan has been submitted to
the (ieneral Assembly, arid they will
act on it in _lanuary when they go into





Fair utters


By Lisa Gentry

(auxin/tfitur; ll ///ii

\lany students arena tannliat with tiit tit? ti"i‘.ilitti‘.tit
opportunities HllLl'c‘tl to tit-cit) Hit L.lil!}i«t“

The study abroad program is one ot them.

‘\\ c .ti't‘ biblical ti\t't' ltctt' iii llit’atllt'» llllil 'ttl‘tt't’t
mam students never even Utilit'." sitith .il‘l'ltt'i .uitzst-i'
Su/anne Kiicr said.

lint on toiiit-irow. iStttdy \broadl iu wtai gttc slti
dents .l ( liance to learn more about the piogtatn lllt tan

will be iii the small ballroom oi tnc ( )lil Statlciit( cntcr
irom l0 .i in. to .‘ pan

“1 icei that it is important tor students to ll.i\k' some
international e\pci'ience w hile the}, are .tt 1 is." l\tiit‘t
said “'l licy owe it to tliciitseb cs to clici k "'tzl ~a.i\s oi
obtaining that e\perience "

lx‘cprcsentatites from H academic piogriitts \\ ill lit
at the iair, including the isctttttckt ltisttltiit' tta intei
national Studies and the (.oopct'atit c i enter Mr Study

liitwrniation .ibotit scholarships. such as the Leon
and I who 7olondcl< st liolai
ships and the \e\\ lloi'i/on
(.iaitts. as wcll .is financial aid
inioriii itioti also \\ill be .i\,ttl . .


\ tree travel book and .in
international sttidciit ll), which
gives discounts to students w ho
tra\ cl abroad. are some oi the

This fizu' ia a
chance for stu—
derm to get

items that will be i'aiilcd at the i77fi)”7hlli0fl
lt‘” about the pro-

i'ililits fair is a chance itit'
students to get information
about the program straight frt17ltfllt’ “
iroiti the litit‘sc"s mouth." lT’OIZt‘t'S mouth.
l\iicrs;iid. V

\mong the students who Suzanne Kiter

'. \. .g*i “L'xl
took id int t c oi the pio riii ctudyalvrnadadt'irer

this past summer is l'nelisl

sciiioi lirciidan l’ost.
spent tit e w ceks in Spain and
iecci\cd si\ ticdit hours

“it was iantastic." l’ost said. “i had itt‘\('t lH cn out oi
the CS beiorc. .ind I tell that it was the lust \\a\ I
could learn abottt the Spanish ctilturc sincc l am .t
Spanish minor."

gram straight


Not only does the e\peiicncc st'i‘H‘ .is a learning
opportunity, but also students retcive atadtnut tredit
depending upon the program the} choose to p iitit ipate

“i received si\ hours oi credit tot m_\ tiiitc spent iti
Spain." l’ost said.

\lthouglt traveling abroad titlL’ltt scent lllst‘ an e\pe
rience to shop .iiid sight see. .iii academic responsibili-
t_\ is also attached to participating in one oi these pro

“'l he students participating iii the program iiitist be
willing to lie students." Kiler said “lair inosi oi the
summer prograiit's students are rcqttiied to lit in good
standing. Some of the other programs require certain
grade point averages."

Students must complete .iii application to get
accepted into :in academic program Requirements

“Study Abroad comes in all \arieiies and this iair is
an opportunity for students to get the picture of how
varied the program is," Kifcr said,

Another sttidy abroad iair will take place Jan .‘7.

The Study Abroad office is located in Bradley Hall
on the first floor. lhe office is open \londay from 8: i0
aan. until it put. and 'l‘uesday through Friday from
$10 am. until 4'“) pm. Students seeking more infor-
mation about the programs are encouraged to stop by
the office.







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4 ML. gar-(“:53- -. . .,t.-



86A weathers criticism over tuntling

By Matthew May
Stuff u 'n'm

In recent weeks, the Student
(iovernment Association has
endured an extraordinary amount
of criticism from many groups
because of its fund allocation deci-
sions, most notably front the UK
Promise Keepers and Circle of
lmani organizations.

.\Iuch ofthe criticism is related
to SCA President Melanie Cruz'
decisions to veto $1,650 for the
Promise Keepers and $740 for the
(Iircle of ltnani. Fach organiza—
tion’ had asked for tnoney to
attend conventions they said were
rele\ ant to their cause.

Cruz and the SGA voted not to
allocate the tnoney because, in its
opinion, the applicants violated a
bylaw that said “organizations
which discriminate against any

roup of students shall not be
Funded by SGA.”

Despite the publicity surround-
ing these decisions, many students
on catnpus still do not know that
money for funding such or raniza—
tions comes in part from t e stu-
dent fees, which are paid by every
full-time student on campus.
albeit only $3.50 a person.

“I really had no idea where the
S(i:\ received money for its butl-
get," undeclared junior Shane
\\'ood said. “It's only $3.50, btit

multiply that by the number of
full—time students we have, and
that’s a lot of tnoney.”

\Vhile the association also
receives money from the state,
advertisin from campus phone
books and: a vearly Iolta Grant
that pays for all legal services, the
money coming from the students
is still the ultimate source.

So wh ' do students know so lit-
tle about ow their money is spent?

“I never thought about how my
student fees were spent,” physical
therapy senior Kyle Devrieze said.
“But l wonder how many of the
organizations that receive funding
would be sotnething l want my
money going to."

Cruz understands the concerns
of the students and thinks the
SGA and the Student Organiza—
tion Assistance Committee, which
also allocates funding, demon-
strate a consistent standard
throughout all their decisions.

“We must display a consistency
in our decisions,” Cruz said. “In
the cases of Promise Keepers and
Circle of Imani, we felt like they
were exclusionary events. After
the Promise Kee ers bill was
vetoed, it was only air to veto the
Circle of Imani as well.”

Cruz said the bylaw prohibiting
funding for such organizations was
enacted after one group failed to
state the true purpose of their

event on the application, admitting
only after they received the money
what the real purpose had been.

“That situation left a lasting
impression,” Cruz said. “We want
to avoid a similar situation.”

Cruz said she wants students to
understand that SGA encourages
applications from all groups on cam-
pus, and it looks forward to funding
new and creative ideas that will ben-
efit a larger section of campus;

“\Ve want to fund events that
will include a large enclave of stu-
dents on campus,” she said. “We
haven't had many applications
that have presented an idea that
will do that yet.”

Cruz used the International

Student Organization as a ood
example of what the SGA is liiok-
ing for in a proposal.

“Several years a 0, we funded
an international lympics and
hunger dinner, where students
were brought in from around the
world to interact with students on
campus,” she said. “It was a really
exciting and creative event.”

Despite the recent vetoes, Cruz
said any organization can come to
the SGA with new proposals, even
if the group isn’t necessarily a
focused, recognized campus club.

“\Ve still want to hear their
ideas,” Cruz said. “Maybe we can
help them become a recognized
campus group.”


Clements snea

By Manish Bhatia
Sniff ll 'l‘lft‘l‘

lle swayed from side to side.
He paced up and down the podi—
um. Thc crowd at the Newman
Center sat enthralled as he spoke
about addiction and its evils.

Yes. Father (ieorge Clentents
was in town.

The Newman Foundation
brought the famed Catholic priest




Stag Smoking Nowll

*Student Center. 2nd floor Arcade
Tuesday, November 18 & Wednesday, November 19 IO o.m.- 3 p.m.
*LCC, Oswald Buildinq Lobm
Wednesday, November I9, 9 am. - 4 p.m.

Sponsored by S H A C , Studenl Health Advisory Cor/no! JIM
Coll 3235823, ex! 28l for inlormorlon

to Lexington last weekend as part
of its 1997-98 Distinguished
Speakers Program.

A distinguished humanitarian,
Clements founded several pro-
grams, such as One Church-()ne
Child and ()nc Church~()ne
Addict, and is now working on the
()ne Church—One Inmate pro—
gram. \\'ith roots in Lebanon,
Ky., he was the first priest to
adopt a child and was the subject


Information Meeting



Wednesday, November 19
3:30 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Gaines Conference Center
226 East Maxwell Street
Living Room
Refreshments served









November 19, 1997

Student Center
Small Ballroom
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Sponsored by:

Study Abroad Services
105 Bradley Hall
257-4067, ext. 229 or 236

Distance Learning Programs

4C Frazee Hall

you need to
pack your




of the award-winning NBC film
The Father Clements Story.

The One Church—()ne Child
program goes into churches of
any denomination to find at least
one family willing to adopt.
Started in Chicago, the program
covers virtually every state with
more than 70,000 children being

In his speech, “Love the
Addict—I late the Addiction,” Sun—
day at the Newman Center,
Clements attacked popular misun-
derstandings about addiction
through a plethora of metaphors,
analogies and personal examples.

“He made you stop and think
about drug addiction and the
deaths that it causes,” said Matt

ny Ifll‘lll

Lashinsky, an electrical engineer-
ing junior. Lashinsky attended the
speech as part of the speaker eval—
uation project designed by UK's
Department of Communication.

“Everybody here is an addict,”
Clements said. “We all have dis—
eases, some physical and some

He cited the lepers of biblical
periods as people who were
shunned from society and talked
about how Jesus would hug and
kiss them.

His crusade against drug addic-
tion came from the countless funer-
a‘ls and cemeteries he had to wit-
ness, Clements said. He implored
people to reach out to addicts with-
out becoming codependent them—

selves. Eighty percent of incarcerat-
ed people are in prison because of
drugs, Clements said.

“It’s a mind thing,” he said,
“Addicts become master manipu—
lators, scheming, conniving
they want to target you.”

Clements had several brushes
with the law during his att'em ts
to eradicate the sale of drugs. Ie
was arrested by Chicago police
during one of his crusades and was
the target of an assassination

As a result of his efforts, the
Illinois state legislature passed a
law outlawing the sale of drug

“I didn’t realize one person
could make that-much of a differ-


ence”, said Krissie Allen, a busi—
ness freshman.

Clements warned the youth of
America against getting caught in
the mire of dru addiction out of
curiosity with t e popular excuse
of “I just wanted to get a little
taste of the rock.”

“It’s just like saying one wanted
the taste of pregnancy,” he said.

Addicts, however, need help
from us, Clements said. He asked
the crowd to pray for those who
are stru gling.

“Ad iction is a spiritual disease,
a character defect that can only be
taken away with a heavenly eraser,
Amazin Grace” he said.

“Ad icts do not need clean
needles, but clean souls.”


artmuutn parties me

By Eun Lee Koh

The Dartmouth

HANOVER, N.II. — Safety
and Security officers will once
again be monitoring fraternity
basements during parties and the
number of kegs allowed at parties
will be drastically reduced if Dean
of the College Lee Pelton
approves the alcohol policy rec—
omtnendations of the College
Committee on Alcohol and Other
Drugs, which were released in a
report to the campus last week.

The 20—page report, released
by CCAOD chairman Sean Gor-
man, contains several recommen-
dations, which, if implemented by
Pelton. could radically alter the
College‘s social scene — especial-

ly the Coed Fraternity Sorority
system — possibly as early as the
beginning of next term.

Implementation of the
CCAOD recommendations will
occur completely at Pelton’s dis—
cretion, and he can choose to
accept or ignore any or all of the
committee's suggestions.

Pelton said last night the rec-
ommendations were based “on
very sound observations and
objectives” and said they had
“tremendous merit.”

Students, faculty and adminis-
trators are encouraged to make
sug estions to the Dean of the
Col ege’s office re arding the rec-
ommendations t roughout the
rest of the Fall term, Pelton said.

But he said, “I don’t expect

theSe discussions to lead to a com-
plete reconsideration or rewriting
of the report."

The CCAOD report caps a
year-and-a-half of research by the
committee, charged by Pelton in
the spring of 1996 with conduct—
ing a comprehensive review of the
role of alcohol within the student

The report criticized several
aspects of the Colle e's current alco—
hol policy, particuiitrly the current
CFS alcohol self—monitoring system
— saying it “cannot be relied upon
by itself to carry out effectively the
College’s responsibilities.”

The report urged CFS repre-
sentatives as well as other students
to comply with the proposed Safe-
ty and Security patrol recommen-



If the proposal is implemented,
Safety and Security officers will be
allowed to patrol “CFS organiza-
tions, as they do residence halls
and other parts of campus, and
any resistance or opposition to
such patrols will be treated with
utmost seriousness.”

The report consists mainly of
two parts — observations regard-
ing alcohol use at the College and
five recommendations regarding
changes in current alcohol regula-
tion policies, including the Safety
and Security monitoring proposal.

Althoug , the CCAOD recog-
nized that CFS organizations were
not the “sole source” of campus
alcohol, the committee “believes
that CFS houses are by far the


By Isaiah Wilner
I'll/c Dflllv .Nc'iz‘t

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Yale
will ban all sexual relationships
between teachers and students,
administrators announced Friday

The ban comes one year after a
Yale College sexual harassment
grievance board found assistant
mathematics professorjayjorgen—
son guilty of sexually harassing a
female freshman in his Mathemat-
ics 120a class. Administrators said
the policy change could come into
effect as soon as next semester,
because it will not need approval
by the Yale Corporation.

The current policy discourages
but does not ban sexual relation-
ships between students and faculty

“The tnain rule is now crystal
clear,” saidealhoun College Mas-

teacher, student relations

ter \Villiam Sledge, who chaired
the committee that created Yale‘s
new sexual relations policy.
“Teachers and students cannot
have sex. period.”

The rule applies to all student-
teacher relationships, including
those between students and ro-
fessors, students and teacliing
assistants, and graduate students
and their professors.

Sledge turned in the committee’s
final draft to Provost Alison
Richard, Yale’s chief academic and
financial officer, on Frida morn-
in . The draft will now be distribut-
edg to the University’s 12 deans for
comment and should be ready for
administrative approval byJan. 1.

The faculty and student com-‘

mittee convened last March to ana-
lyze Yale’s sexual relations policy
created the ban by enacting a new
“conflict of interest” rule separate
from the current sexual harassment

poli ' enforced by Title IX.

T e sexual harassment policy,
which governs all relationships at
Yale, is defined as an “unwel—
comed” sexual advance believed to
be offensive by the harassed party.
The legal definition of harassment
in a teaching relationship rests on
the presence of a coerced
exchange —— such as a teacher giv-
in ood grades itt return for sex-
uai fivors — or of a hostile or abu—
sive work environment.

Yale will publish the new con-
flict of interest rule in the Faculty
Handbook alongside the sexual
harassment policy, to ether titled
“Policies on Sexual *Iarassment
and Sexual Relations between
Teachers and Students.”

The rule defines any student—
teacher sexual relationship as an
inherent conflict of interest that
could jeopardize the learning

Divinity School Dean Richard
Wood, who saw a draft of the new
policy at a deans meeting in late
October, said the change will
“take some of the issues that don't
belong in harassment out of that
area and put them in conflict of
interest, where they belong.”

The problem with having a
sexual harassment policy without a
conflict of interest rule, adminis-
trators said, is a student could
begin an initially consensual sexu—
al relationship with a faculty
member, but later classify the
relationship as non—consensual.

Faculty members then bear the
burden of proving the relationship
was consensual at the start.

“The notion of consent is a
ve fragile one,” Sledge said.
“T is is about power, not about
sex. The person who‘s Vulnerable
really never can be counted on to
give consent.” ,


COPIIBII student “I88 III crash Ell route to Ithaca

By Amanda Road

Cornell Daily Sun

ITIIACA, N.Y. -— The Cor-
nell community lost one of its
members this weekend when
Nicholas Cheng died in a car acci-
dent on his way to spend a week-
end in Ithaca.

Cheng, a chemical engineering
junior, was articipating in the
En 'neering ooperative Program
wi the SetTech firm in Newjer—


sey for the fall semester. He was
driving to Cornell on Friday to
spend the weekend on campus.

Chen lost control of his car on
Friday a ternoon on Route 81 in
Pennsylvania, said Linda Grace-
Kobas, director of the Cornell
News Service.

Kobas said the Pennzylvania
State Police reported that hen '5
car was hit by a tractor-traiFer
truck after he skidded and that
Cheng was fatally injured.


Randy S. Stevens, associate
dean of students, said Cheng was
alone and had no passengers in his
car. Chen was an active student
at Cornel and the cultural chair
of the Hong Kong Students Asso-
ciation, said junior Mcng Wu,
Chen '5 housemate.

“(Cheng was a very nice gu ,”
sophomore Ivy Cheung said. “ Ie
was a very ambitious student and
very social and involved in HKSA

Cheung said Cheng had been
working on the association's
annual cultural show at the time of
his death.

“He was Very devoted and came
up with a lot of good ideas,” she
said. “We are going to try and ful-
fill all his als.”

“It is a wa very tragic when
something Ii c this happens to
such a promising student,” said
John E. Hopcroft, dean of the
College of Engineering.


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l’hoto filinichnl

I" APPLE I ll" ... Fresh off their performances in Louin'ille, Lnilm and Fiona Apple will play (.‘iririmmtr' 1r Taft
Theatre tonight at 8. Tickets are $22. 50 and can he purchased by rolling 281-6644.


Popular music's latest torment-
ed, youn female star brings her
first heatfiining tour into Cincin—
nati tonight. 'l‘wenty-year-old
singing/songwriting phenom
Fiona Apple anti the five—member
electronic/rock group Laika
joined forces at the start of the
month to tour in support of their
latest albums. After a week into
the tour Laika and Apple made in
stop in Louisville's The Palace
Theatre Sunday night.

Named after the first dog in
space, Laika opened the show with
its truly unique blend of spaced—
out jungle sounds.

Laika, who generally chooses
thick instrumentals over toned-
down vocals, offer a variety of
experimental rhythm sections that
range from mood gothic sounds
to bass—thuiiiping hip hop.

ln a phone conversation lead
singer Margaret Fielder described
her band‘s music as a blend of sev—
eral genres, “People seem to label
us electronica or trip hop, but that
may not mean anything to other
people. 1 think when we came out
a few years ago nobody knew what
to do with us. VVe’re not purely
electronic and we‘re not purely


'Zona quartet
hits [Ellington

Angels to perform Lynogh ’5

By Ben Salmon
Staff H ’riter

Longtime country-rock fans
should have no problem picking
out the main influence on insur-
gent country band Grievous
Angels, which is currently tourin
in support of its new full-lengtii
LP, Nt 'City ofSin.

It seems that the band wears its
Gram Parsons-fandom proudly on
its sleeve.

Not so, says Earl C. VVhite—
head, lead singer/guitarist for the
Tempe, Ariz., quartet. Despite the
obvious references to the enigmat-
ic frontman of the Flyin Burrito
Brothers, Whitehead sai Parsons
really wasn’t that important to the
Grievous Angels sound.

“I love Gram Parsons, I think
he writes great songs,” sighs
Whitehead, as if he has answered
this question before, “but I would
never want to sound like him. His
songwriting was so intricate, with
seven to [0 chords in each song.


' By Matt Mulcaliey

Oh how the mi hty have fall-
en. What happene to all the sta-
ples of ’805 comedy? Remember
when Chevy Chase, Steve Martin
and Dan Ackroyd could do no
wrong? The undisputed king of
’805 comedy, however, was Bill

It seemed liked Murray didn’t
do a bad movie for a decade, but
lately he’s lost the touch that
made movies like Ghosthusterr,
Caddy/shark and What About Bob?
great. It didn’t seem possible to
sink lower than the elephant road
comedy Larger Than Life, but then
along came The .Man Who Knew


I!" m Bill Mural-tar: a:
a bumbling idiot in “The an Who
Knew Too Little.’ The play: at

Lexington Green and M 0’ War.

We really just write your standard
three—chord rock-'n'-roli songs.

“I just saw his album. (iriet'oux
Angel, and thought. ‘That’d be a
cool band name,‘ and the album
title comes from a line in one of
the songs. \Ve really get our sound
more from early ’80s bands like
the Blasters and Rank and File."

Whitehead may not claim Par-
sons as an influence, but, without
question, the Angels did pick up
on his country influence on the
world of rock ‘n' roll.

Grievous Angels play a raucous

brand of country on Net." City Of

Sin. From the hardcore twang of
“Carolina Bound," to the beautiful
harmony of “(Ian You Hear Me,"
with covers of the Long Ryders,
Hazel Dickens and the Sex Pistols
(“from our days as a punk—cover
bar band," says Whitehead)
thrown in, the album is a consis—
tently fun honky-tonk record.

The album is highlighted by
solid musicianship and White-
head's outstanding vocals, and is a

0|“de ‘

Too Little.
After directing Sommerrlry and
Copyrat, John Amiel should’ve
stuck with drama. lf Amiel
thought Bill Murray, a clever title
and music stolen straight from the
Pink Panther movies would be
enough to overcome a moronic
story, he was wrong.
No one could’ve
saved this turkey, but
Murray gives a noble
effort. It s a testament
to Bill Murray’s abili-
and charm that he
comes off likable and

funn .
Niiirmy, basically
playing himself, heads

to England on his
birthday to sur rise
his brother ( eter
Gallagher). To get
Murra off his hands,
Gallag er takes him to
an experimental street
theater where the
audience participates.
It’s called “Theater of
Life.” The show begins when
Murray receives a call from a near-
by public phone, but he acciden-
tally intercepts a call intended for a
hitman named Spencer.

Thus begins the mistaken iden-
tity gag and ends all lausibility.
Murray thinks all 0 his outra-

us adventures are an of an act
in the “Theatre of Li c,” but in all
actuality, he finds himself mixed



l’holrr Iiirnixlirrl

INSURER“ ANGELS (irlt’t'OllX :lngelx trill perform a 1m .thotr at Lynogh 3‘
tonight at 9:30. Pleurmez‘ille trill open the show.

far cry from the band's I995 F.P.

A ngely and Inbreds.
“We were going for a more
electric sount on this one,“

\Vhitehead said, “because I think
that’s when we're at our best.
“'e‘re much better live. because
we have more energy."

\Vhitehead said the band start—
ed as a result ofa “really bad l.os
Angeles music scene.“

“I hooked up with a couple of
other guys in the band in I.os
An eles, but the scene there was
so fim