xt7jsx646k3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx646k3s/data/mets.xml Florida Florida Historical Records Survey 1938 Other creators: United States. Work Projects Administration; Florida. State Archives Survey. Mimeographed. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number JK4416 .F56. archival material English [Jacksonville?]: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Florida Works Progress Administration Publications Semi-Monthly Report from the State Office Compiled from the District Supervisor's Reports, February 1-15, 1938 text Semi-Monthly Report from the State Office Compiled from the District Supervisor's Reports, February 1-15, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt7jsx646k3s section xt7jsx646k3s \ 5
g§16 Period beginning February l, - ending February 15, l958.
I F 55
s 1938 _
F€bJ_ In Florida, the Historical Records Survey and the State Archives Survey are
F€bJ5 administered by the same director. The workers on beth surveys use the
Historical Records Survey Forms. The Historical Records Survey, a Federal
Project, has 50 workers on the payroll; the State Archives Survey, a State
Project within Florida has l2O workers on the payroll. The Survey super-
vises the activities of 27 NYA workers. Florida has 67 counties. These
are distributed in 5 WPA zones and ll WPA areas. The Survey maintains one
· district office to every three areas. The State Office has en editorial
staff and typing force. Various files are carried for forms filled out by
the workers on the Surveys; these files will be distributed to University
Libraries within the State. The Surveys distribute a mimeographed semi-
monthly report and a progress report to Washington once a month, Compiled
reports of the Surveys will be deposited in the State Library and the
University Libraries of the State.
. Dr. Luther H. Evans, National Director of the Historical Records Survey,was
a guest speaker at the 56th annual meeting of the Florida Historical Society
in Tampa. Ee stated that the inventory of city, county, and state records
throughout the nation, and church, private, and business archives, as well,
{ would be of untold value to historians of the present and future. He
` ` stated, "a wealth of new and valuable material has been uncovered in out of
the wayplaces; for example, material concerning the Coronada Expedition re-
cently was uncovered in a county courthouse in New Mexico".
A letter received by survey workers from the clerk of the circuit court of
Suwannee County compliments the workers on the rearrangement of records in
his office. He states that old records previously piled in corners are new
as accessible for reference as the current records. He expresses the wish
that other county offices will profit by the work of the survey as much as
the clerk's office has.
i Dr. Douglas C. Mcmurtrie has written for a photostat copy of the Tallahassee
broadside of 1842; he states that this is a very gratifying discovery. The
Survey has deposited this Early American Imprint in the State Library.
Through the activity of the Survey a complete file of the Panama City Pilot
has been promised to the State Library.
Hr. Nathan Mayo, Commissioner of Agriculture, expressed pleasure in receiv-
ing a copy of his father's diary prepared by the Survey. Copies of the
diary have been placed in the University Libraries of the State, The diary
is interesting because it gives information on conditions in one of the
prison camps during the War Between the States.
A report on the inventory of privately owned manuscripts made by the Survey
to date was submitted to the chairman of the manuscript committee of the V
Florida Historical Society and read at the annual meeting of the Society
at St. Petersburg, January 25. This report will appear in the April number
of the Florida Historical Quarterly.
1. UNQSUAL DISCCVEBTBS of Historical Records in each District.
* asterisks denote Early American Imprints.
* ln¤Bay County, Asa Shinn, An Essay on the Elan of Salvation (Baltimore,
Maryland, Neal, Wills & Cole, 1813).
The following are listed from Duval County:
* Author - indeterminate, The Literary Visitor, (Baltimore, Maryland,
Bo Ja COC!.-l.O, _—- __—— — ~
* Plutarch (Trans. John Langhorne, D. D., and William Langhorne, A.M.)
Elutarch's Lives, (New York, N. Y., David Huntington, 1816).
* Virgil (Trans. John Dryden) The Works of Virgil, (Baltimore, Md.,
F. Lucas and W. G. Maxwell, l.» 18185.
* S. Converse, A Journal of Travels, (New Faven, Conn., S. Converse,
ism). ' `“
* Rev, J. Goldsmith, £ General View og Manners, Customs and Curiosities
of Nations, (Philadelphia, Pa., Benjamin Warner, 1817).
* benjamin Franklin, Works of the Late Benjamin Franklin, (Easton,
Henry W. Gibbs, l8l6);
* Rev. Thomas Clarkson, M. A., An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of
the Eyman Species (Philadelphia, Pa., Nathaniel Wiley, 18045.
An account book kept by John D. Eccles of Fayetteville, Cumberland
County, N. C., in l8l9-1820.
* William Guthrie, Universal Geography (Philadelphia, Pa., Benjamin
Warner, 1820), l` `___
The following are listed from_Gadsden County:
William Falconer, The Shipwreck (Place of publication, unknown, 1804).
The original address, dated July 4, 1825, of A. D. Brevard on the
occasion of the @7th anniversary of the freedom of America from
ljngland ,
An issue,dated October l, l881, of the Monroe Advertiser published
at Forsyth, Georgia.
The folloHin§_are_listed from Hillsborpugh County: C
Author — not indicated, The Political Works pf Thomas Campbell
(Philadelphia, Pa., Edwin Earle, l8l5).
* R. H. Cromeck, Reliques pf Epbert Burns (Philadelphia, Pa., Bradford,
lnskeep; Baltimore, Inskeep, Bradford; Boston, Coale & Thomas; Oliver
C. Greenleaf, 1809).
* Author » not indicated, The New and Complete Eppyclppedia or Universal
Dictipnapy (New York, N. Y., John Low, 18065.
* Isaac Watts, D. D., Horde Lyricae, (New York, N. Y., Gould, Banks &
Could, W. B. Gilley, & D. Huntington, l8l4).
* Author — indeterminate, The Books pf Common Prayen (Philadelphia, Pa.,
S. Potter & Ce., 1818).
* Author ~ indeterminate, The Constitution pf the United States
(Gettysburg, Pa., Robert-Harper, l8ll5.
* Henry A. S. Dearborn, A Memoir of the Commerce and Navigation of the
Black Sea and the Trade and uaritime Geography if Turkey and Egypt
(Boston, Hass., Wells & Lilly, l8l9l,
.T..hG. .L ];.@Y}.E}&.E*}`.G. .1;s.?¤2;.m. .L_¤..¤..¤_¤. .¤_¤¤;i=
Account book of John Landaman dated l828—l85l containing daily accounts
of plantation and store, expenditures for hired help, groceries and
A survey worker discovered in the attic of the Leon County Courthouse
a handwritten, bound volume containing a certification of an election
held in Leon County May 4, l829 to elect a delegate to represent the
territory in Congress. An effort is being made to secure this donation
for the State Library.
ln Palm_Beach County, an original manuscript containing a narrative
account by years of pioneering in the upper glades section. Names of
sattlers, establishment of towns and churches and progress of recla-
mation of swamp lands is described, together with the author's
and his friend’s experiences in farming, and in the disastrous floods
which followed hurricanes before the new dams and locks were completed
around Lake Okeechobee. The earliest and latest dates covered are
l866 to l956.
In Putnam County, a letter dated May 26, 1862 from Major H. R.
Tcasdale to Captain George Allen, issuing an order for Ciptain
Allen to proceed to Volusia County and transport to Orange Creek
two eight—inch Columbiads that were said to bo buried at or near
Volusia; two eight·inch Howitzers reported to be about four miles
from Volusia, enroute to Smyrna; to take with him the necessary
force to handle the guns, the cost of transportation to be paid
by the Quartermaster's Department.
_• I
In St. J0hns County, Mortgage dated October 4, l826, between Francis
J. Fntio, attorney for Fernando do la M. Arredondo, Sr., and Pablo
Swbato, for a tract of 72l acres on the St. Johns River, 45 miles
northwest of St. Augustine. This is an original grant by the Spanish
Government to F. P. Patio, March Q, 1795,
(a) Counties:
The Duval County manuscript has been mimeographed. Copies
have been distributed to »
Franklin D. Roosevelt, President,
Washington, D. C.
Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator,
Works Progress ldministration
Washington, D. C.
Ellen S. Woodward, Asst., Administrator, ·
Work Progress Administration
Washington, D. C.
Luther H. Evans, National Supervisor
Historical Records Survey of WPA,
Washington, D. C.
and to 75 libraries throughout the country.
Final revision of the Collier County inventory is being
made to send to Fmshington for approval.
Number of counties in which compilation of draft inventories
is in progress ---————---——--—-—-—-——— l2
(iu) cities;
Humber of incorporated towns which the compiling staff
of editors have compiled and found acceptable -—-——-- 15
Number of incorporated towns in which compilation of draft
inventories is in progress ———----———---——-- 28
Compilation of town records is only undertaken when county
inventories are temporarily delayed for further field work.
(a) Counties:
Number of counties in which rechech with discrepancy
list is actually in progress for period beginning
February l — ending February l5 —--—-——-—-——— I2
· I
The original county inventory has been completed in sixty-two
counties in Florida. Recheck work has been completed in
2l counties. Discrepancy lists will be furnished on each
of these rechecked counties. No file of forms is accepted
as complete until the file of forms has been checked against
the check list of records required by law and the missing
records are accounted for on the discrepancy list. New that
the check lists are available, discrepancy lists ar, being
made up on all completed original inventories, thus the discrep-
ancy list work will be a part of the regular recheck work
hereafter. The use of the available chock list by the district
editors should eliminate tho necessity of reehocking any county
inventory now in progress.
/ ·
ta) Counties;
Total number of discrepancy lists prepared to date in
the State Office on county files and submitted to the
Area Supervisors ————-—-——-··-—--—-- — 53
(b) Incorporated Towns:
Files on incorporated towns aro held in the district office I
until completed and edited. It is sometimes necessary to
return forms on incorporated towns for additional information
before compiling of entries can be completed,
(c) State Agencies;
Number of files on state agencies submitted to the State
OfI`lG€ — ———·———-——————————-————·· ·· · ll
Number of new forms submitted to the Supervisors from workers
for the period beginning February l, ending February l5- — - él7
Total number of new forms forwarded to the State Uffice by
Supervisors for period beginning February l, ending February 15
...------.-----..--.-.--..--.... QO4
S Total number of church forms submitted to the State Office
for the period beginning February l, ending February l5 - — — 32
Number of Earli American Imwrints listed by title and sub-
./v l J o
mitted to Dr. McMurtrie for period beginning February l, and
ending February l5 ——----—--—---——---—-— l6
Number of Historical Records Survey fonns on newspapers sub-
mitted to Congressional Library for period beginning February l,
ending February l5 -—-----—-—-—-—------—-— 8
Number of Historical Records Survey forms on newsoaoers sub-
J r I
mitted to Con ressional Library since December l9S6 —---— 485
Cumulative Work of Fibliographcr;
Total number of forms classified to date -—----·--- 6,250
Total number of forms typed to date ——·-——-—---—— 47,061
Total number of cards filed to date ——~—--------- 40,2l7
Total number of manuscript pages typed for binding -·-—- 696
Number of manuscripts distributed for the period beginning
February l, ending February l5 ---- - -----—--— 4
Title ; "Weekly State Report", Vol. lll
Copy to; Dr. Luther H. Evans, National Supervisor,
Historical Records Survey,
Washington, D. C.
Title; "Autograph Book of Soldiers Captured
at Gettysburg".
Copy to: Florida State Library,
Tallahassee, Florida.
Title: "Patriot War Papers"
Copy to; Florida State Library,
Tallahassee, Florida,
University of Florida Library,
Gainesville, Florida,
Rollins College Library,
Winter Park, Florida.
Title: "First Book of White Marriages"
Copy to: University of Florida Library,
Gainesville, Florida,
Rollins College Library,
Winter Park, Florida.
Stetson University Library,
DeLand, Florida.
4. UllUSUfiL gllilflgq rendered by the Surveys withlI1 the Sl30.‘{3G lll
addition to routine of records;
EQ_;EP“@Yd COUHRX, a survey worker is arranging, labeling, and
s»rting records in the office of the Superintendent of Public
ln Charlotte County, a survey worker continues to index the Tax
Fooks in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
-L-•»H .
a·‘·*• ·
-7- i
In Escambia County, NYA workers under the supervision of a survey
worker arranged records in the attic o? the City Hall, Pensacola,
The following are listed from Leon County:
Survey workers are arranging records in the Inspection Bureau and
Mail Order Division of the Department of Agriculture.
Surve workers are re—arranrinr records in the Treasurf Denartment.
x-) ;
In Levy County, a survey worker is assorting and arranging records
in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
In Nassau County, a survey worker continues to assert and arrange
records in the attic of the County Courthouse.
In St. Johns County, survey workers continue to assert and arrange
records in the city vault, St. Augustine.
In Volusia County, survey workers sorted and arranged records in
the city warehouse, Daytona Beach.