xt7jsx647g1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647g1g/data/mets.xml Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1904 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes English Newport, KY: Davies Print Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Minutes of the Fourteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Guild Hall, Trinity Episcopal Church, Covington, Ky., November 11-12, 1903. text Minutes of the Fourteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Guild Hall, Trinity Episcopal Church, Covington, Ky., November 11-12, 1903. 1904 2019 true xt7jsx647g1g section xt7jsx647g1g ‘ 'er-é?) ’ 5% MINUTES ‘ A OF THE j ' Fourteenth Annual Convention l . 1] OF . , i _ The Kentucky Egual ’ ‘ Rights Association HELD AT Guild Hall .I ’1 - Trinity Episcopal Church , , Covington, KY. November 11-12. 1903 "1er Abide in My Word '"' * '7‘ Ye Shall Know 9 the Truth and the Truth Shall Make you Free.” . x l. "f “1-. T- . I ‘ 1904. tlfiilfli‘kfix 'v ”f' 13‘ ‘ f . . . firs: . «we-7"“ (5‘2 ”3““ ’ (a) D.\\ r17s Qgfigf‘fiad L ~. Q” . . “A NE\VP()I ,l‘ttv. im_ 7 ‘ >‘ . , .. _ . , ,. . .1. 3’ ~.‘:'.'. .3, a" (1‘ . . I I ‘ v . ' Ii OFFICERS . I -——OF— | I “ THE KENTUCKY EQUAL RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. I ——~— I President. . MISSLAURA CLAY..............................Lexington, Ky. , K First Vice-President. " T MR3. MARYB. CLAY...... .....................Richmond,Ky. g I Serona' Vite-President. 3‘ MRS. MARY C. CRAMER........................Lexington, Ky. II Third Vice-Prexident. . 1 MRS. N. S. McLAUGHLIN, 1011 Scott St. . . . . . . . . .Covington, Ky. 1 Corresponding Secretary. I.) ' . MRs.MARYC.RoARK. .................,......Lexington, Ky. I Recording Secretary. . 3' MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, 112 W. Front St. . . . . . . .Newport, Ky. ‘ Treasurer. MRS. ISABELLA SHEPARD, 31 E. 12th St. . . . . . . . _ Covington, Ky. - I Superintendents. 3. Bible Study. J - MRS. ELLENV. GIBSON...... ..................Richmond, Ky. '. Press Work. 1' MRS. L. C. OBENCHAIN. . . .. ................Bow1ing Green, Ky. National Enrollment and Petition Work. I MRS.SM.HUBBARD.......... ..................Hickman,Ky. K I; Work Among Young People. MRS.JOIINBURK...................._.......... .Ncwport,Ky. \_ I / Advancement of Women’s Work. I MISS ANNA Morgan Newport, Ky. I Political Study. A {3‘ MRS. A. M. HARRISON. . .. . ..... ............Lexington. Ky. ', Literature. ;’ Mas, SUSAN L001: AVERY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Louisville, Ky. “J Educational Opportunities for Women. 1 :1 MRS. CAROLINE LEECH, . .. ..............,......Louisvi11e, Ky. , ‘ State Historian I MISS HALLIE HERNDON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . , . . _ .Frankfort, Ky. In; - MINUTES ‘ on Tim 3‘ FOURTEENTH ANNUAL CONVENTION 11:: , 01“ -1 ' THE KENTUCKY EQUAL RIGHTS ASSOCIATION, :‘ TRINITY CHURCH,.COVINGTON, KY, \N‘ November u and I2, I903. “ EXECUTIVE and PLAN OF WORK COMMITTEE MEETING. ‘ NOVEMBER nth, AT 9 A. M. ‘V The President, Miss Laura Clay in the Chair. tx‘ The Committee decided to recommend the following plan of ax“ work to the convention: ;‘- That we continue our efforts to obtain school sntTragc from the LT; legislature, for all women in the state. .‘f‘f Z That we ask for Presidential suffrage. for women. 3:, That we endeavor to obtain for mothers the co~guardianship of :7.‘ minor children, equal with fathers. if; That we ask for a bill making it mandatory to appoint women 1,“; on the Board of Trustees of the State College. 11 _ . That we pay to our Press Superintendent a salary of $5.01) a “2‘ month as long as there are free will offerings sufficient. ‘1‘“: That we elect a Corresponding Secretary who lives in the same 1* city as the State President. - ‘s-j‘ That if there are sufficient free will offerings, the state employ Dr. Francis Wood for a month‘s lecturing throughout the state. , That as many news letters be sent to the local presidents as #5413 they will distribute. at}: That we appoint a State Historian. Viki—f That we amend Article_6 of the constitution, and put the office 2:; of State Historian next to that of State Organizer. f3: That the delegates to the National Convention go liiiiiisti‘iietetl iii—iii: as to what pledge of money shall be made to the N. A. W. S. A. 35;; That we incorporate the State Association. {$1 That if the State Association succeeds in raising a club of 25 30;; new subscribers to the I/Vomzm‘xfol/27ml, the disposition of the same 37‘; , t ii l . t l): : t 1 ‘ be left to the choice of the local Associations, whether it shall be r “ii-l. put in the state treasury or returned to the locals proportionately t0 ,\ the number of subscribers they send ' ;-1 : That we leave the adoption of the plan of Mrs. Hackstafi, l!,‘ n. : Chairman of the Committee on Enrollment of the N. A. ,W. S. A., l i f to the choice of each local association. .~ i That we adopt the plan of the Chairman of the Committee on . Increase of Membership of the N. A. W. S. A. (See reports.) 1:1 Committee rose. p,‘ i ' MORNING SESSION. ‘L‘3 Convention called to order at ten o’clock by the President, Miss , .g Laura Clay. li‘fl ; Scriptural reading by Mrs, Elizabeth Cook, followed with a i ‘ prayer by the President. i Moved that the program he made the order of business. l i The Chair appointed the following committees : :j Credentials—Mrs. S. M. Hubbard ; Finance—Mrs. N. S. 3 McLaughlin; Auditing—Mrs. Alice H. White; Courtesies—Mrs. , l Mary E. Giltnér ; Subscription to Woman’sfom-na/qus. Jennie l . Cleveland; Subscriptions to Progress—Mrs. Ida M. Beck. ’ ' Resolutions Committee consisted of one member from each local ‘ A association represented. : Minutes of the Executive meeting, January, 1903, were read. l ’ Report of circular letters from the President to members of the _ E Executive Committee, in which vote was taken to pay $20.00 to . , Press Superintendent for postage and stationery, $25.00 for the ‘ \Voman's Council at Lexington, and the invitation was accepted V from the 20th Century Club to hold the convention in Covington. Report of the chairman of the Woman’s Council at the Lexing— _ ton Chatauqua was read by Mrs. Mary C. Cramer and accepted. g‘ Moved that the plan of work recommended by the Executive ‘ Committee be considered seriatim. ‘ Moved that we pay the Press Superintendent, Mrs. L. C. Oben— chain, a salary of $5.00. a month, provideed there are free-will ofierings sufficient. Moved that we elect a Corresponding Secretary who resides in g the same city from which the President is elected. Moved that the State Association employ Dr. Francis Wood 2 ll l a l fl . . it, i‘ for a month‘s lecturing throughout the state, provulcd there are [l \ sufficient free—will offerings. :1 Moved that as many Kentucky E. R. A. news letters be sent to l! g each local president as they will distribute. ‘~ f Moved that each local president send news items to the state i' ' , president for the news letters ‘ . Moved that, in accordance with the recommeinlation of the i' 1 National Association, we appoint a State Historian. ‘3 Moved to amend Article 6 of the constitution and put the oflice l.” of State Historian next to that of State Organizer, thereby giving I ') her a seat in the convention. Passed unanimously. § Moved that we incorporate the State Association, li‘f} Moved that a committee be appointed to inquire into the details i of incorporation and report before the convention adjourned. Chair appointed Mrs. Islbella Shepard and Mrs, N. S. McLaughlin for i this committee. :3 Moved that we continue our petition to the General Assembly ,3 to grant school suffrage to all women. , .The delegates from the Fayette E. R. A. havingr been instructed, ‘ presented the following resolution : “ Recognizing the menace to ’ good government of our present illiterate vote, we recommend to ‘ the State Equal Rights Association that it hereafter asks for sullrafze for women with an educational qualification. ‘ Moved that we accept the recommendation of the Fayette E. R. A. Passed unanimously. . Convention adjourned until 2 o‘clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. ' Convention resumed at 2 o'clock. Mrs. S. M. Hubbard led the devotional exccrcises. é Minutes of the morning session read and approved. ; Reports of the Superintendents of Press \Vork, of Literature - and of the Advancement of \Voman’s \Vork were read and accepted. ‘ , Report of the Member of the Executive Committee of the N. ; A. W. S. A. was read and accepted. As Mrs. Kate Trimble \Volsey was not present to address the j convention as appeared on the program, Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin I read a paper by Mrs. \Volsey, which was much enjoyed. ‘ i Mrs. Sarah Schrader of the Cincinnati 20th Century Club at The committee" on incorporation reported that Judge James Tarvin offered to attend to all the business pertaining thereto. l Moved that the convention accept Judge Tarvin’s offer and ex— 1 tend our thanks to him. The auditing committee presented the following report: ‘ \Ve, the auditing committee, have carefully examined the l Treasurer‘s accounts and find them correct. ALICE HARRIS WHITE, MARY \V. BENDER, , Auditing Committee. . Mrs. Drucker, of Cincinnati, was introduced and the courtesies of the floor were extended to her. She responded and spoke of the good work done by the Kentucky E. R. A. Rev. Anna Shaw followed with a decidedly entertaining address ' 011 Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The convention was pleased at being able to celebrate both Lucy Stone's and Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s birthdays. The president said it was the policy of Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, the National President, to recommend to the States to pay ‘ their Corresponding Secretaries a salary, and maintain headquarters 3,, where possible. The Kentucky E. R. A. had followed this recom— , mendatiou for some years in voting a small salary to our correspond- ing secretary, and asked if it was the wish of the convention to con- .é tinue this policy. ‘ ' V It was moved that a salary of five dollars a month be paid to our corresponding secretary, as long as there are free will offerings enough. Mrs. S. M. Hubbard moved that the plan of the National E11— rollment Committee, of which Mrs. Priscilla Hackstaff is Chairman, 8 t be recommended to the attention of the locals, but the action of the locals which may adopt it shall not make it obligatory upon their individual officers or unofficial members. Mrs. Stanton, of Cincinnati, was introduced to the convention, and the courtesies of the floor were extended to her. Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin, of Covington, made an appeal for free a will offerings from all members, to pay the salaries of Press Super— , i intendent, Corresponding Secretary and Lecturer. ‘ The president explained that the dues were sulhcicient for the . L absolutely necessary expenses of the Association. But expenses for salaries, if they were incurred. must be met by otlerings from those 1 who chose to give more than their membership dues. She empha— ‘ sized the point that no one was obliged to give from loyalty to the association, since it was the distinctly pronounced policy of the , association to make the giving the name and paying annual dues the sole obligation of the uuofiicial members. ‘ Free will offerings: Mrs.S. M.Hubbard. $30 00 , Mrs.Trimble..........,.................. 200 j . Mrs. Emma Colcamp. . . . . .. .. ........ . 50 ReV.Beasley 50 .Mrs E.M.Roebuck..........,........,. IOO 3' MissLauraBruce.........................zooo ' Mrs.S.C.Bennett......................iooo ’ Mrs.IsabellaShepard..................... 100 Mrs. LauraR.\K'hite......................iooo i MissBelleBennett...................... 500 ' Mrs. Susan Look Avery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 00 i ‘ Mr. and Mrs. George Handy. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . 3 oo { {p Mrs.MaryL.Ogle....................... Ioo , Mrs.MaryGiltner...................... 500 ! MissAnna Morgan... 50 i _; Mrs.Stanton...............,............ 5o ' Mrs Alice\\'hite ..... Ioo } Mrs.l\I.\V. Bender... 100 i The whole amount which the convention voted for salaries and ’ organizer, which is to be paid from free will offerings is $195.oo. f Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin read Prof. john Burke‘s address to I; the convention, which he was prevented by illness from delivering. i ' 9 Moved that we adopt the suggestion of the Plan of Work Com- _ mittee and take no action looking toward a legislative bill 011 child l labor at this time. E Letter was read from Mrs. Caroline Leech, Superintendent of a, Educational Opportunities for Women, quoting opinions of certain ‘, professors on co-education. 1 Dr. Louise Southgate addressed the convention advocating co— p. education. Moved that the delegates to the National Convention go unin— strticted as to pledging money to the N. A. \V. S. A. a Report of committee on resolutions was received through the chairman, Mrs. M. 'W. Bender, and it was moved that the resolu— tion of thanks be read at evening meeting. Pleasant and encouraging remarks were made by Mrs. Alice \Vhite, Mrs. Mary Giltner, Mrs. S. M. Hubbard. Mrs A. C. Ellis and Dr. Southgate. Mrs. Jennie Cleveland, committee on subscriptions to I'Vomlm'x journal reported about ten subscriptions. _ Moved by Mrs. Emma F. Colcamp, that the cut flowers pre~ sented to the convention be sent to the Old Ladies’ Home, after the ‘ evening session. Adjourned. Night Sessions. Wednesday, eight o’clock. The evening session was opened with music, both vocal and in- strumental, by Miss Ella Kruse and Mr. Levassor, after which Judge James Tarvin in a pleasing speech introduced Rev. Anna Shaw. The subject of Miss Shaw’s address was “A New Ideal in Democracy,” and was most enthusiastically received. After the a lecture a silver collection was taken at the door. Thursday Night, eight o’clock. . Delightful music again opened the evening's exercises. Judge James ’I‘arvin spoke of the rights now enjoyed by women here which were obtained by the work of the Kentucky 1‘). R. A., after which he again introduced Rev. Anna Shaw, who spoke on “Republics." ;; Miss Shaw delighted a large audience with many witty anecdotes. ‘1 A silver collection was taken at the door. , 10 . l l l | t Fleeting of Executive Committee, Friday, Nov. 13, 1903. It was decided that the following approprations he made: ‘ [ Rev. Anna Shaw’s salary . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . $45 00 . Stationery for Corresponding Secretary. . . . . 5 oo ‘ “ “ Recording “ . . . . , . 1 oo “ “ Treasurer”................... 100 ( Printingof Miiiutes.......,... 1800 a “ Prograiiis...._......,........ 250 ; For the Frankfort Committee $25.00 was appropriated, and 3 c more if necessary. _ Moved that the Treasurer pay the expenses of incorporation. f Moved that the Frankfort Committee be allowed discretion as to which bill be pushed most, when at the legislature. , Committee adjourned. : EMMA M. Rommcx, ; . ‘ l Recording Secretary. : REPORTS. 9 TREASURER’S REPORT FOR 1903. l Riccrznvrs. l To Balance, Jan. 1, 1903......... 313193 ’ ' Annual dues of Local Associations to Kentucky E. R. A. , Arlington... ..........9.... . . . . .. .. . ..$ 315 E ' ASlllfllltl.............10. . 3 fit) 1 B0wlingGi'een... 10...... 3 50 ‘ Kenton Co. Ass’ii...3...,.. 105 E 20th Century.... 80 :28 0t) 3 Frankfort 12 4 20 3 Hickiiiaii.............. ()......... 210 ,3 Lancaster (1 210 t Lexington ..........](Jl... . 35 35 i Louisville ......20 7 Ht) g Newport.............. 20 7 Ut) % Richmond............73......... 25 55 . a? State Meinl)ers........2.........”...... 2 00 124 50 t iomlisz .. $2)” 1:; ! DISBURSEMENTS. l o By Cliatauqua \V01'k........... .... .....52 2500 L Press \\'ork. . . .. , .. 20 (N) ; Printing Minutes 22! Eli .1 Annual dues to National Association.............................. 3?) 21) f Incorporation papers, etc. .. .. . f) (N) 10% 70 K" Balance, Jan. 1, l£J()4.............. 151) 73 i *— t: . ISABELLA II. SHEPARD. 'l‘i'easurer. ' Ii it i ! l ‘ CORRESPONDING SECRETARY’S REPORT. 1. FAYETTE E. R. A. l Fayette E. R. A. Iias held three open program meetings and one business I meeting. The program meetings have been enlivened by music provided by 1 friends, not necessarily members of the Association. Short business sessions I have followed the program meetings. On February 20th othcers were elected. j The Association united with the State Association in holding the Woman’s Council during the Lexington Chatauqna. Mrs. Mary C. Roark was the efficient 3 Chairman of the \Vomaii’s Council Committee, which secured the donation of a i the services of the various speakers and made the local arrangements. The l Fayette E. R. A. provided the refreshments for the receptions to the speakers, 5 l and made a loan of the furniture for the tent, and met other local expenses. . The Woman‘s Club of Central Kentucky invited the Equal Rights Association 3 and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union to unite with it in a petition to the Board of Trustees of the State College, to appoint a Dean of \Vomen, in full ' standing as a member of the faculty, and to establish a department of Domestic ' Science. The invitation was accepted. A letter embodying the petition. signed 5 by the officers of the three associations \va sprepared and mailed to each member . of the Board of Trustees, and after the passage of a few days was given to the Press. \Vhen the Trustees assembled in the city for the regular June meeting a i hearing was asked and granted. Members of the E. R. A. formed a part of the connnittee which attended the hearing. \Ve mourn the loss of two much loved and valuable membersin the death of Mrs. Louise Morton Bewlay and Mrs. , Mary Dudley Short. Twenty—four (24) new names have been added to the roll , of membership. Several members take the Hr’m/mu‘x journal and other ‘ Suffrage papers. . TWENTIETH CENTURY L R. A. The 20th Century Club has a membership of eighty, and the regular . meetings have been held at the home of Mrs. Giltner. At one of these meetings the organization was addressed by Mr. Gunn, on the civic and financial con- ditions of the city. In January an open meeting was held in honor of Miss Clay, at which time several members were added. Sent Mrs. McLaughlin as delegate to the National Convention at New Orleans. A number of social meetings were held, others than members taking part. Invited the State Con- vention to Covington as its guest. ARLINGTON E. R. A. ] Dues paid 011 nine (9) members. Principal work done has been distribu— . tion of suffrage literatule. The members are loyal and true, and ready to un— T swer any call in time of emergency. Owing to g eat distance from Uovington, ‘ members find it impossible to attend convention, but are waiting for the wave of Iielp and encouragement that shall go forth from this body. JESSAMINE E. R. A. ‘ This organization was the result of a visit by Miss Clay to NicholaSville, i and a parlor meeting in the home of Dr. \Vm. Fish, on Nov. 2, 1903. Many ’ were delighted with the able remarks of Miss Clay, and joined. j I 2 l t l l .t , i l l nvaINt‘. GREEN E. R. .t. 1 The little daughter of the President sent the report, which, to quote her i literally is: "The Bowlingr (heen ii. R. A. does nothing but keep together, pay dues and distribute literature." Such work persevered in will bringr a hair» i vest of good to our State and National organizations. . i CAMPBELL cot'N‘t‘v it. it. A. : Has held called meetings this last year. l’aid dues on twenty members and . eent three delegates to the convention. llave distributed some literature, and ’ 3 several members take suffrage papers and then hand them to friends. i MADISON 1a. R, A. l a Continues to grow in strength and numbers. llave distributed some literature i and shall try to get some subscribers to the Ubum/1‘sfol/171W. I'lavc appointed '-. delegates to the convention. One new feature of work has been to appoint three Press Superintendents, one lady for each Richmond paper, and they are to see that articles favorable to women are printed in these papers. lCight neu members have been added. Have paid dues for seventy-one members. FRANKFURT 15. R. A. Reports twelve paid-up members. Miss Herndon was elected delegate to the l convention. i LOUISVILLE )C. R. .-\. : Has paid dues on eighteen 111embers. Some effort has been put forth to secure 1 new members, and the president, Miss Alice ll. \\'bitc, has been active in the : distribution of literature. ASIILAND 11:. R. .-\. This club reports all dues collected, except one. Owing to much illness other work could not be done, but the faithful olhcers will shepherd the flock. : . HICKMAN 12. R. A. - Paid (lites on six members and sent delegates to the convention. Mrs. S. M. i Hubbard of this club sent Miss Clay $25.0o for State work. : KlCNTON COUNTY E R. A. Still keeps together and pays dues. E LANCASTER i l‘aid dues on six members and sent delegate to convention. f Respectfully submitted, ANNm M11.r.i<:1<, Cor. Sec. l 3 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PRESS WORK. ,3 $ BOWLING GRICICN, Kv., Oct. 7, 19113. E i My last report was sent off October 3, 1901, so I have the work of two years ; to report to you now. T,hc first year, I regret to say, was a very disappointing E one, owing to sickness, death and the loss of a servant who had been a tower l of strength to me for thirteen years. There were times when Icould do nothing E but send out the weekly articles, and finally even this grasshopper became a E burden, and I wrote to Miss Clay begging to be relieved of the work, tempo- [ rarily, at least Instead she suggested the payment of $5.1m per month with i which to hire a housegirl. l gladly consented to this arrangement. In spite ‘ 13 I ‘ of many drawbacks I have a gratifying increase in my list of papers. Instead of 38 there are now 60 papers on my list, which is one—fifth of the newspapers in the State. In revising the list I encoun