xt7jsx647h0f_16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647h0f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285.dao.xml Segerstrom, David, 1897-1980 3.15 Cubic Feet 7 boxes archival material 2009ms132.0285 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Segerstrom family letters Correspondence. Immigrants -- Illinois. Immigrants -- Massachusetts. Love-letters Marriage Missionaries Religion Swedish Americans. Women in church work. Young women -- United States -- Social life and customs -- 20th century Viola Swanson to Mabel Segerstrom text Viola Swanson to Mabel Segerstrom 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285/Box_6/Folder_3/SFL_B6_Folder_3_0001.pdf 1931 1931 1931 section false xt7jsx647h0f_16 xt7jsx647h0f ‘éZZ/Z’ #99:? -2 r - ,1’ ‘ .6" /.7 ‘ , . 4 , ‘ ,_ 3 a ” /M " '51 " , .; .957 A 46% “AV/Cg. M’Zéz/M/ 7167“ . , ‘ V j?! M ’7’?‘ é ‘“ g. 71/" 9 u? .;‘:> , a f ,» - ; y ‘ ‘fe ’5’“”3f;}?'fi//z? 5/27 1359.: a -~ 2» »~.. », ,4 m x : ‘mfl w ZZL‘v’J/ / w/a flaww fl . K T f VAC? 12/?“ , 6;? oh \/’p(,a,a"<7% f , Q ‘ ’ Lxl r, / ”7“?- %4' m “‘th I}? t; 7 (4"? K" ,1 34’:{£;/Z 11.3, ’1 / “-6”; l I . Z 3‘19 — “ J‘ z: » a; . ,flI/Izi/Zf/ /g/a ”f/flfi 5;»KW1’;.rwf//£f’ Law/m ”A V ; u - / J; 4/ i7 F5” ’1 , [/1 A 7 r, K ' ,L? , I . w“ ‘ “~34 ' ‘ 4 7% y .. ._. quuu. ‘ ‘ ‘1 .v ' 4" . , r _ . 4. ~ I, . . , , . . . . , r ' J: _,.—'j4» 'L‘ 4 «Ag ,- l - r Ar 4/ h ‘ ! .3 ,5; ~ . L / r" - j ,r w; .V . (7‘1:- (1/, ” 4" ‘ a 5 . 1/ ~ , WW $34193: V1,; r:;:/i{f l’ ‘. W55: ,, 4°» 41/1: W4».gifi-4-. .. - - «a» I. at“ Ma» IMMW’L t MAW W t . gamma Mat-WWW ‘ W.‘ ‘42}: #ft ‘ 4 y 1% ‘ ‘ W ‘ ‘ j I ~M W “7qu ‘ “fa/fur ngWWGW-bm‘ M 5 fwd M flaflvi/ _ a {JP [WK [1‘71]; [*écdtczg/ A x _7 [7?de 7/ Mme VWMJ W17¢7L1d¥¢¢ ww/LW/ZMQ Einar Lundquist, Rockford ar who is teaching this year in Mil- waukee at the Layton School of Art, is collaborating with s attractive young wife an a book about Taos, N; M. Mrs. 'Lund~ quist, who will be recalled ,as Julie Watts a Rockford college graduate, is the writer of the team, and her husband is the illustratorH‘Some of Mr. Lundv‘ quists Taos sketches have been exhibited here. During her recent Vist 0 Mil— waukee. Mrs. Walter Ufer, wife of the painter who has done much to make the country conscious of the beauty of New Mexico, was the Lundquist‘s guest. Z’; ‘12.: W/’/ W ,2 WW Jig/fl, ., t: » J 42% ,- ‘ ,_._. 7W) 52$W@q?¢ 7d «1% Q MLifi, ’ . rmd/‘I . t; £1“. 4L 4; ~< 3 § 3’ , U 3/; Wny“? “7"" #1536. I,” “0%? T ’ .: I x I” I F " 137 1 ,5" ,. W 02, W , M's/Ix r-Y , flWm€ WWW» , 2 a .N/‘ '11 ‘13-; V\ “213.. 54 K4) EMA/earl”! ”'4’“ ( x: .""‘/' ‘ I, (k ,, HEEL—ins TO WORK ON CITY WOOD-FILE THlS WINTER CENTRAL woodpile where homeless unemployed Rockford men will be given an opportunity to work for their meals and lodging this fall and winter will be located in the city yard on North Water street, Leo M. Lyons, executive secretary of the Rockford Community fund, announced last night. The yard has through the co—operation of the city street department and L. A. Wilson, city engineer. The men will be required to saw wood two hours each day for meals and two hours for lodging. The wood will be used to keep the men warm. All relief organizations of the city are co-operating in the centralized relief program to be carried out this winter. The woodpile plan is ex— , pected to cut down idleness as well as give the men a chance to earn their meals and lodging. The railroads. gas and electric company and the Rockford park board have offered to supply the wood. The homeless men will be given meals at the Swedish Salvation Army headquarters on the east side been obtainedo and at the west side Salvation Army rooms. Lodging will be provided in the west side army building. Transients will be given a cold re- ception here this winter, according? to the plans of the welfare officers. 1‘ “The community fund agencies , are advocating that every man stay at home,” Lyons explained. “His own home city is better able to care for him. No city can care for mi- gratory men. Rockford has a large enough task to care for its own men." To make certain that the men re— ceiving relief are local residents. each of them will be asked to make out an identification card to be signed by former employers. Of the relief fund last year. $6,000 was spent for the lodging of home- less men who were formerly em- ployed in Rockford. Dorice ryman Earle Of Rev. Anderson Friday A ceremony performed at the Mis— sion tabernacle church yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock united Miss Dorice Frykman, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. A. T. Frykman, 1503 4th avenue, to the Rev. C. E. An— derson of Viking, Mich., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Anderson of Wau— sau, Neb. The bride's father offi— ciated. The bride wore a white satin 3gcwn, floor—length and with leg 0’- mutton sleeves- Her veil of tulle was held by a ribbon band and she carried a bouquet of white Chrysan— ; themums. Mrs. Harold B. Zuehlke of West Allis, Wis., the former Phoebe Fryk— man, attending her sister, was at- tired in a pale pink mull frock, made ‘ with puff sleeves, a fitted bodice, and ruffled skirt. The Misses June and Gretchen Frykman, as brides- maids, were attired in similar frocks of‘pink and yellow. They carried bouquets of brown—eyed Susans. The flower girl, little Miss Bea— trice Charn, was attired ,in a shell pink period gown similar to those of the bridesmaids, and carried a basket of roses and brown—eyed Su- sans. A reception at the church followed by a dinner at the bride’s home were events after the ceremony. Fol- lowing a visit with the bridegroom's parents in Wausau, the couple will reside in Vinking, Minn. The bride was graduated from. North Parkcollege, Chicago, where she attended the school of music and the Bible institute. The Rev. Mr. Anderson was graduated from the same college and attended Mac- allester college at Minneapolis, Minn. He received his doctor’s de- gree at Concordia college, Moor- head, Minn., and is now pastor of the Swedish Mission church at Vik- qmwihutoI—I THE WEATHER Washington, D. 0., Sept. 11.——Wea.ther indications are: ILLINOIS—Somewhat unsettled Satur- day and Sunday; not so warm in north portion Sunday. ‘ WISCONSIN_Increasing cloudiness, with local showers and cooler in northwest portion Saturday; Sunday partly cloudy, cooler in east and south portidns. IOWA—Partly cloudy and unsettled, not so warm in west and north-central por- tions Saturday; Sunday mostly fair, cooler in east and south portions. Local Temperatures /\/ Local temperatures for the past twenty “0 four hours, as recorded on the Rockford/ Electric company‘s thermometer: | D / Midnight 82| 83.111 -80 9 am i 10 a.m eeesenee At _Otl1er Points ' Official temperature readings at‘ 7 o'clock last night, highest for preceding _ our hours, and lowest temperature night before: Rockford 3’70 96 655New York _88 Beston ,_e-84 94 74lJacksonville 80 New Orle‘s 82 90 72iCincinnati -84 Chicago 80 91 '72 Omaha. Detroit _82 94 70 Helena _ St. Paul—“90 96 721Winmpeg San Fran‘o '70 '76 544 *—11 p. m. 4 \ \-/' / 1 / 3 //I [WWf/«W‘WWW ”£4 “31/ W ACE/:3 /r:)g/J ’M Wig/J }::ZI:§ W 3‘ {~25 22 /t;2fl¢ )7ivAd—Wo ” @259, /?3 / [’7 VWW“ v X_\jf// ,"‘.;/|._/ ,g/z/x‘” ,7 "Wk/W . , x v/ I ' f: y," .. V ’ .2 , 7/“ WI ,M ,- ’ if? 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