xt7jsx647h0f_26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647h0f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285.dao.xml Segerstrom, David, 1897-1980 3.15 Cubic Feet 7 boxes archival material 2009ms132.0285 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Segerstrom family letters Correspondence. Immigrants -- Illinois. Immigrants -- Massachusetts. Love-letters Marriage Missionaries Religion Swedish Americans. Women in church work. Young women -- United States -- Social life and customs -- 20th century Letters to Mabel Segerstrom from her parents text Letters to Mabel Segerstrom from her parents 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285/Box_7/Folder_8/SFL_B7_Folder_8_0001.pdf 1934-1935 1935 1934-1935 section false xt7jsx647h0f_26 xt7jsx647h0f 9:26. ’7 0K9 7939

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Announcement is made today of the marriage or Miss Olga; Rehn—_
berg, daughter of Axel Rehnberg, 1006 1 [h street, and. Spencer Neb-
son, which took place in Belvidere oh 1\, nday, Jam 1. The bride’s
father is a .memberor the board of file and police commissioners
,(Photo from Pearson studio.) ‘. ‘ ! , ,



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 Forest \Fires Rage

I n M assach usett ~

Boston, July 19.——(AP)—Red lines
of forest fires moved hungrily for-
ward in half a dozen places in
Massachusetts today, and through-
out New England the fire hazard.
increased as the long drouth con-
tinued. '

“There is no prospect of rain in
central and southern New England
during the next 48 hours,” the
weather bureau warned, “and only
slight prospect of rain in northern
New' England, and the fire hazard
in the woods is dangerous and 'in-
creasing. All precautions should be

Water supplies ebbed lower and ,
many town authorities pleaded with
citizens to help conserve resources.


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0.712 37/50/574 (j 4W744q . Mgflj jab/22K!
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$42K: 3.1/3.7“; 7740

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(M Z7/ 54,4 4% 421 14? 4/4/7/4



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277. -- 2724 57—19%. 27229747477977 7777 ’7


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5 7 «5’64»; 5 r. 1 2% 77C& $727 .6721. 69726774 7“,: 7/ 559/1 " \
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, / ,7, , fl -4, .
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f’ , ,
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tiff/m “74,8 7 7 7

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772m. ,4» F1, 71,} M/ ,2 77,, {/47 W?

2/,17 {7 2/

‘74 ”1-9-7717” .7- .7 j , '7 // ., , .

7 19 7. 74? 7,0471 A 24/ 4’ 4 71 , 24 71%,.{7/4/41/ . ,7 7.7/17, (A: /

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7 z 7 ,7 ‘5‘ a ”I . 39% Mrcc 6/444, 07
J7 / 7:777 7.772 7,777,772.77 7,727 T9229 72% 5.74 F / /
‘2 "‘ 4:, 7/491 $77 /_‘2 {JV/‘5; 179991.044?! (76447722444

’1‘- ,r « 3321744 7' job/l '7 .- 7 / _/ --

247 C77 ,/ 7712/2 .. /1 7,, AME/:2 wow/721570,, “726171 (2771 7&4 27047 Fifla’a/fi‘
/:7 fl/ :L/Z/ /' (”:4 71777, (37/ /// 4fcy1/71 “Ff/7&4 [A PC? f14—f/‘Léflq/ Z:- 71/ 4/2/01/ Frag/L 5714‘

7; 7 7’ 7 7 “77:5 , /’ n 2 ,

.7 - ' 7 - / 1:4”77’7’4 / 07—727 2/7’7‘ 4/ 777'} £2 .457”; ”M /m%

27‘7774’45 4142/ /7/4 7 7 '77}? /7°,>IFF 2:7 752a,;


 £7.94..[ 77/ 77— 77 55/

A7740 ALL. MK Mm .é
R72. 72.225. 42%214 0m—
4%» ’ -/ 7- W Mm M
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W W (é/ // 7/J. 7W1. 77/;c'.
-/ «74, W44
77777777 ”4.4.7777 7777,77, 777
wfli’z/é‘ {

w/W‘W / 74”

{fizzy/pilf/fiflfl ’01’7' M: Miyww ..A

277 MM 7.7.77.
744- ‘W t mfg/”1.. 4/“ «x4. 7;.
A7774. 4:947 4/%’ /

#7414044” ‘44 9’7

4/4454 7.77,“-..
{M 15(4- {1,—7.4}!



 52%;? fll— m fléj 4% j a #47!
1‘7 29: //,\,, V 1/ g7”:1.4._ 25¢ - _
59% 44/. W 4/4474. :: 1.4: A?


/L&:2,a_ mix/“r. 50-;ch “firm/L '9’ ’

Q 1 - in
75:?” W ’ M"— [MarijflAAL4 J; (x: « 4?

q,“ #44717: 47/“ 24/1/u—4Ww 4% 3.4
94/24.. #7“ . 3219/. -z zépcr/ CL/ 3%7

,, ’1‘,
/ if“.

474/7“ M (1/ /¢€?44fijé§: 7",”
W W:W¢ 415/7 MW {5,4
MAW/Wk 9171M MMWM/ 255%
W («z/(.4. gaggmg/M m ,2”; Ala/m
«4’41 f?! 94W 4:444. W 4. 24.52%




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 WW‘ yl/‘D O

fiWGL /“/47 24447447” gal/W (fig/j‘fiwvaiwyo /W/W #44
412:0, 44/ 424/ fi/ 9742271 . 2 /é‘¢ / 721224 W f/an
(2717465 7Mc/4/244L 42/] (744424 W (77%” MM OWKZZ/L’GZ

7/16 4
f: VLF 7/flM// ’Zz/é. /4!' MM%/ 22/ Wag/M— /

W474“ a”: /W44/L&’l /14/:c/é/l f/
(Zfiyf/ 442224 2E4 K4704 vac/W 4+ 77”“ fil’? 9’77

MMflZ’Vd/b >445 /% ¢flf£ M “244444 J 4’; ”/M , .
afiwfl’f/Z /Z’4’144Z 7257/ fl/(pw—r/MK] 5/2/4: 292/447 fi/W
2/ / 2’4 2421/66 ./%/}"’4/ 4’ (22)", 7242/. $544,427 ‘

/4 m

7 // f’“ /;W77 (/76

”6” 77:15
”777%; /M /£«°¢c

// 7%77166 7/26/9424

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777173777 77/775/ 777 77772772

(9% M ng M 7/7722
77f 7 77797777 77/77/74wf73’75
/W//77’17/:7é/7 26/7 «04’ //¢€./W’j
7” W 71W M/émaw ‘
5%} 4" 21/94?” W/fl/Mde
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//’d% 772 34774,‘ [29/
/fl’flCa/%a f wu/ a9)"

7" 77777
//<’/7 M W;4/W
M % ( 7,4716%047 /a// [24,477

@714 /7 é/AaVfl/aj %%]f M


 (f/MMW ,fl/quyé/{MD/% /;
%57W /fl§/flémfl/ 5.3632441 4/ {77/ g 4' X
M fi/: 04%‘4 W J” ”a
W Mag/May %

flflp :flfiaaréam/z/W: 0W”! ZflMé/a fil/ WIfl/fl LW/Mfl
@2J/ I/arva/y'w 619764 EM gum ~51j 4%144 Mic/if? 82%
62M m #74 0! Mi”
0&1 (0,514! flaf/wflzm 4M4 . 57%» m/ :Wj/Zéocé 490/414
”(DY/$434 49/74,:5/ é% mfiy’é’ 4W M 4357,; flay” /4flp W ¢fl~

4/04/52 7170 M06 (

7 ,7 5% ’4=z444 Z4731’trzw/é/ZaL4/vgaél”
" ’1” ’ Jimmy/1:5,“ M12414 4mm?” 05 «:1
M47, :4 /ayy %m 05%” W544 W4; Magma/09:5 Vii/”é”?
W6 #474 y’Mfl»! “(M/éW/ /ZQfl/CEM ffi—w / fizw/E 2-48 / W
céxgp/fi / fag/ZZQ 4/15,”??? ., Mae 757’gm/cée 0/7/L4/Loo/ ngff/4%
/74417 4/02/74444 K?“ “2:1 (gm/‘9’: gwmh
412g , fi/éyémwm 27m d/Mfiy 444M
4;}; A“ Zfldfl févé‘ flfljj/a—MWW’“ féMig/flf/tk
44’4” /40 M45442 £4.21? 47,, szay/4 2(2/
‘7)?“ {)AM/& fig/‘4’ m 470 ; 2a Wj/fli" fifmgwM/.


 Miss Elsie Cedervail

- Dies at S-A“ Hospital

Miss Elsie Nellie Cedervall, 918
8th avenue, died this morning at
Swedish—American hospital, Where
she had been a patient for the past


The cause of death was not defi—
nitely determined; but was believed
_to have been the result of shock,
following a, fall in 'Which Miss Ce-
dervall fractured a leg a week ago.

She was born in Rockford 29
years ago. The only surviving rela-
tive here is a brother, Joseph. Fu~
neral arrangements are incomplete.


 Services Thursday
' For Miss Cedervafl

Funeral services for Miss Elsie ‘
Cedervafll,’ 918 8th avenue, who died

yesterday at Swedish-American hos- [
pital, Will be held at 2 p. m. Thurs- ,
day at the Ochsner and" Klontz fU$
neral home. The Rev. William Sloss- _
er, of Love’s Park, will officiate, and
interment will take place in Scandi— ‘
navian cemetery.



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gédfl/l/ M [id/”£4; 1%.; ('5 W /4 fig)”, 4?}; M W 07/
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”fix/”2;"? JAMMWMJA 273;
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 Rev. Frykman to
Begin New Duties
In Mid-November

The Rev. A. T. Frykman, who has
resigned as pastor of Swedish Mis—
sion tabernacle, will take up his
new duties as evangelistic director
of Mission Covenant churches of

America and Canada on Nov. 15,
when he opens a three—day con-
ference' at Ogden Park Covenant
church of Chicago.

3 He will conduct a conference for
all Mission Covenant churches of
‘Minneapolis and St._Pau1 Nov. 20-
'25, and on Nov. 27 he will go to
Jamestown, N. Y., to hold a series
of evangelistic meetings in his for-
mer church, which is to celebrate
its fifty-fifth anniversary. Rev.
Frykman served his Jamestown paS<
'torate for more than twelve years.
VEvangelistic conferences in M11- '
waukee and Oshkosh will occupy
Rev, Frykman’s time until' the
Christmas holidays. ‘

The Frykman family plans to
‘move to Chicago about Nov. 1.



Miss Heien Marie Anderson is
Bride in €hurch Service Today

Married to Rev. Gordon Nelson at 4
O’Clock This Afternoon

One of the largest weddings of the early fall season took place at
4 p. m. today at Swedish Mission tabernacle. when Miss Helen Marie
Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. Alfred Anderson, 1124 let avenue,
became the bride of Rev. Gordon Nelson.

The Rev. A. T. Frykman read L.
ceremony in the presence of a large
company of relatives and friends.

Preceding the ceremony, the musi-
cal program included "Dawn”
(Nevin) and “Buona, Notte" (Nevin)
by Mrs.Axe1Danielson. organist; At
Dawning” (Cadman) and “O Prom-
ise Me” (DeKoven‘) by Paul Bodin,
vocalist; “Venetian Love Song”
(Nevin), by Mrs. Danielson, and
“Because” (d’Hardelot) by Mr.

Mrs. Danielson play 1 the bridal
chorus from “Lohengrin” as the
bride and her attendants entered.

The bride, who was given in mar~
riage by her father, wore a gown of
white chiffon velvet made en train,
and her tulle veil was caught under
a beaded cap. She carried a. shower
bouquet of roses, lilies of the valley
and sweet peas.

Miss Margaret Anderson. sister of
the bride, as maid of honor, wore a
frock of pale blue crepe and carried
Talisman roses. Miss Myrtle Ed-
strom in seashell pink crepe and
Miss Olive Swanson in pale green
crepe were bridesmaids. Miss Ed—
strom carried Johanna. Hill roses and
Miss Swanson, Briarcliff roses. Rev. i
Hjalmer Peterson of Menominee. I
Mich., was best man, and usherSv
were Willard Anderson and Armour

At the reception following the
ceremony in the church parlors,
there will be 160 guests including
many relatives from Chicago. Dec-
orations will be in pink and white
flowers. Rev. Leslie Ostberg will
serve as toastmaster ,and the musi—
cal program will include “I Love You
Truly” (Bond) and "Sylvia”
(Speaks) by Mr. Bodin and “Sweet—
est Story Ever Told" (Nevin) by Mrs.

The bride‘s mother is wearing a.
frock of dark blue with trimming of '
white, and a shoulder corsage bou-
quet. Mrs. Ralph Engstrom, sister
of the groom, is wearing black chif-
fon and a shoulder corsage.

After their return from a honey-
moon trip in the‘south, Rev. and
Mrs. Nelson will go to Paxton, 111.,
where the groom will assume the
pastorate of the Swedish Mission

Both bride and groom are grad-
uates of Rockford high school. She
has been employed in the book-
keeping department of Consolidated
Industries, Inc.

The Rev. Mr. Nelson, the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson,
124 South Prospect street, is a grad-
uate of North Park seminary and
has continued his studies at the
University of Chicago the past year.





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