xt7jsx647m1p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647m1p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1983 1983 1983-02-11 2020 true xt7jsx647m1p section xt7jsx647m1p h 1 t V.‘ 4' ‘ I I . .. .. ..2. --- . 4. 2 --ot‘h‘:"l’ '
l [ Audion-'0 dicta? . 2
‘ A ; ’Sophie's Choice.“ 0 him adaptation at
i 5 William Styron's bestseller. open- in
l - l Lexington today. But was it worth the
2; . . ' ' wait? For one opinion. I” "um-

1’ ~ 5 %, ll. page 5 __-_.__.__-__
‘ i
_ men new ;
Vol. LXXXV, No. "2 Friday, February H, 1983 An independent student newspaper _. 7 if 7 . University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky
Chemistry departm t to ap l l' o k t t
By SCOTT WILIlOIT University‘s new policy on atten- “A good case of blackmail," said dents into believing that should the chemistry examination. When they “It is obviously disadvantageous
SeniorStafanter dance andwmakeup examinations, Vincent Yeh. Student Government department's appeal fail, students returned. they were informed by toa student to not be able to ‘drop'
stating the instructor shall. If fea_Sl- Association graduate school senator, will be penalized by not being able their (chemistry) professor that the lowest grade of those tests he
2—— so.-. ~22~—“~———~2vu22 ble, give the student an opportunity in describing the chemistry‘s de- to drop an exam. he said. they would not be allowed to take a does take."hesaid.
. . t0 make-up the work missed. and partment stand. “What they are Freudenberg said that no matter makeup test.“ .

The chemistry department'wfll 3P" shall not, I" any case. arbitrarily p8~ doing is perfectly legal. but we (the which way the Senate rules on the Under the rule. the students had a ‘Plucknett. ”WM? m a letter to
peal a controverSial Uhlvel‘S'ty Sen- nalize the StUdeht for the absence.“ University Senatei are being put in appeal.students will suffer. right to make up exams The stu- Canon. described h's departments
ate policy Monday that would force “The policy we had for the last 15 apower play“ If the Senate denies the appeal. dents appealed to W’uham Lacy. POhC)‘ 35 'more advantageous to the
theidepartment to give makeup ex- years allowed a student .t" simply SGA college senators met last then students will be given the op academic ombudsman. Lacy then students I believe our p resent pro-
animations rather than drop tests drop a missed examination, Wll- night in caucus to discuss the impli2 portunity to take a makeup exami- asked the Senate for an interpreta- cedures at? not only m compliance
missed by students. 5 liam Plucknett. director 0t general cations imposed by a recent appeal nation. he said. The chemistry de- tion of the new Senate rule “'1‘“th Senate ““15 bl" actually

The controversy concerns ayUhl' chemistry,said.‘ of the testing procedures in the partment. however, maintains that Bradley C. Canon. Senate rules provide a ”more fa" and equitable
versuy Senate Rule Committee 5 .th" Plucknett said. however, that chemistry department. if the appeal is denied, then students committee chairman. replied in a treatment
terpretation Of a department testing She'll“. the appeal t3” and the Sen- Tim Freudenberg, Student Gov- will be forced to forfeit their option memorandum to the Senate that Jack Dwellen. architecture sen—

‘ 901le that (10% h0t allow students ates interpretation stand, students ernment Association Arts and Sci- todropan exam. "we think the chemistry depart ator. described the Universitv Sen-
4 to'take a makeup exam for the ”St taking chemistry courses WOUJd lose ences senator. said the chemistry “The problem all began last se2 ment‘s position that a student has ate‘s position as a case in which “we
‘ missed test ._ regardless 0f the ab- the opportunity there? an exam In department is not meeting the spirit mester." Freudenberg said. "when not missed an exam because of at- will be damned if we do and damned
5 sences legitimacy. . favor of a semi-final makeup test of the rules. a couple of students on a University- tendance is required at only three. if we don‘t. It is Simplv a matter of
i In October. the Senate 00thhed the during the tBSt week or classes. The department is misleading stu- related trip were forced to miss a misses the point. which way we‘ll bedamiied ”
r2; ~
, . ac
. .27? 2 .2 2255‘:
5 Ah“ ‘3 2 -
. 25 2 ~22 istory
'5 5 . . ._,1 _ 2. . ' " Daughters of King,
5 ,_, ' 5 . 2 Malcolm X to act
‘2 x52 ’", 5 . , 22.2 . 5: .. -2 533 ,7; . 'i' ' . M2 _ . in KATIIIE MILLION
2222,: ~ ', "f 5,»: 2;, ‘ . 5‘“ '.~ for” 5 £213.25: J 5‘? 5 5" .; ‘ "_ Special Projects Assistant
5. at»?! - "e a...“ ‘ i 5.5.» yrs” 5 -/ 2.; - - ‘ \ " " “ ‘ " "" "" ‘ '" " ‘ " "
c - ‘ M , =' ‘ Visa-2.15:: " N2 3 ' '. 5‘ ' 2 ‘F ~ . ‘ 22a.
t, «in "5 .45” 3» . v ' " " 1 ' M -- ’“ . ‘” 5 ’g -. f... q». 5.. 5 W3 «a ' The eldest daughters of two slain
2.... . 2 2.. “ 2 2““ 2" ' 222a ‘ 2 ~22" . - ‘ ' "5 .. ' civil rights leaders will perform
. ,. . . . . ._. y j . $52555 ., \ 222‘” r» _. ., .._/#5 ~ w with their theatrical company to
. " " 1.“.aa‘ox‘2 . ‘ 2. 2.; 5.- 2. -' ’ a. , '. we .,,. it" mo’mw‘” Mem.°”ama"atap‘m‘
21'.“ ”2 2 . 555’. .2" ‘ ' ’-’ .11.: -“" J" ' . " The play. ”Stepping into Tomor-
. 22 22 “52.2... 5.2222? 2. . 222 "t - row“ 2s a combinatwn of music~
2 ' » muggy. 5g, a w . . 55.5%» " ' ”'1": 5 5%. “"3" ' ~ 22 . drama and comedy that stars Yolan2
. ‘ ’ ‘ r“ .. - r!» 3.525%" . ... .5 "s5 ' ' 55” ‘ “3*“ 5.1 2 2 . ' da King, daughter of Martin Luther
”‘5 t 2“ ..2 . , .. .5 2. 22 ,5 if”; .5522 . . ' " ,. “‘5 ;_ ' King Jr. and Attallah Shabazz. the
5 i. ,, . 5, ,. .. an. 4555115531 fax} .,. 2 , 2.5 j 5.222222% 2 .. - ' ’ 2 2 - , ‘_ . .5 daughter of Malcolm X
i: I . £2.5- «r « {we ; “iii-2- " ' " .-. 5 , «(22.5" ii. - " ' __ ' ' t Chester Grundy. director of the
$2 24'" ’ ~ ‘ - 2 ea 22. "5"‘g,,.5;12«. . . . 5- _> i. " 2:2- 5;.2-5. ' " 2 Office of Minority Student Affairs.
5". " .3 " '22:;5. '2. " 5 *5 ’. ' .'._ t . . .55 2 ' .' ’- said the play was chosen for this
It; . 2 . “Jinn-fir * 5i w" " ' 3‘ ' ,g 2 * 2. «t “' " 5 1 month‘s observance of Afro2Ameri2
h " ” . ‘- fie? - E2 m ‘ . .2" .5.- ‘ 2i; " 2- ..2 2 2% can History Month because of the
: .n. 1... -_~2 2‘ 7933‘? : {‘7'3‘“ . 2.." Q «5'2 .22" . “a” , W -, J Circumstances that surrounded the
i V "‘U‘ ‘ ' « - 44' «4- .. .2..- w ' "“ 22 2 2 "W323- establishment of the company. Nu-
J.D.VANHOOSE/Ke2vu 22.222 cleus Productions
é Barn burner ”There‘s the uniqueness of them
‘3 coming together that has its own ap-
? . ‘ peal.”(;rundysaid
William G. Watkins, an employee of Belair Farm in southeastern Fayette smoke from the tire was visible for miles and someone called tire officials ”We antiCipate a high degree 01
County, took a cigarette break as he burned on old barn Wednesday. The who rushed to the farm only totind Watkins and the burning barn. public interest in this program be
__—___———___.__—___.__.___—_—_——————————.—_—— See HISTORY, page 3
' UK alters process for responding to snow lm’m‘fae“HERVE—Fm“?
| _________ This includes night and weekend have worked on resolving the prob- “In effect. the president is making 5 2 2 . . i 5’ . QC] E2] C
By MICHELEERH employees. lem_ including Tom Padgett. direc~ the decision." Blanton said. "We ‘ . . \ l " i ‘ l5}
. Senior Staff Writer ()n the morning of the Jan. 28 we tor of public safety. Wally Skiba. di— have the authority to cancel 6185588. I l ’ A l 7",. mm C] [:J
‘ j storm. a message intended to inform rector of personnel. Jim Wessels. or entire days. through the powers 3 , ‘ 5 2 " "/1/ /92 I WHl ' . n C
2 . . . - . 2 students and faculty members that 8 physicalplant director.and Blanton. given to the president by the Board ‘ 225 l . ' - //////5 .5, . 3 5. ,
. am. classes had been canceled was “We are never gomg to delay of Trustees f0!" the effective Opera- 1 ' . ” V ///‘ ’ '"\' ’ . ' r
.‘ ll SHO“ and ice blanket Lexmgton. broadcast over radio and television classes." lilanton said "We never tion 0f the University." f_’ 5 i ‘* ~ - (x’ 2’, 1/ I ,m
j: UK will probably conduct busmess stations and in residence halls. But intended to do that ” The first hour The news will be broadcast by 6 : ‘2 V. , ‘2 4., " , *4/41”; P 7 _ I;
as usual the message wasunclear. or two oi classes may be canceled, a.m2 “Students can find out the situ- 5 ' ‘2. , r V? "" . ‘ 2 ' "'I‘ ,/,'2 . V
E2 “We are always concerned about Some students came at 9 am. ex2 with resumption of them later in the ation by calling the Public Safety ‘. ; . ,' 2" “NT - l ”fi/V 4' t
5 the Sfitet.“ and well-being Of the stu— pecting to attend their 8 am. day.hesaid. Department." Blanton said. ”BUt , ’ . ’ t. ' t 3;” I -
5 dents. faculty and staff.” Jack Blan- classes, which they thought had ll bad weather is eminent. Pad- they “'Ollld perfer that YOU didn‘t. I 452’ \ , {2;7 1‘ ' ’ A. ‘ ‘
l ton. vice chancellor for administra— been delayed one hour. Others inter- gett will be on the roads by 2i am. The best thing to do is listen t0 the 5' - I "2 4 22's
' tion. said yesterday. “But we are pretedthemcssageas intended. and make a report. by phone. to broadcasts.” 2 ' 2
" very conservative in delaying or Confused students. some from 3 Blantonbv5:3ii An effort is being made to ensure 1 .~ ‘ "’ / V) \A
3 closing the University." am. classes and others from 9 am. If it is obvious that travel will be that L'niverSity operators and police j . 5 ”6? _ K ,4 . ,5
Because of the financial implica- courses. gathered in the same impossiole. Blanton will close the dispatchers know the situation. he . 4". 3 "fit / 1 ' ~' ,
. tions of closing down UK, there rooms. University and Padgett will call said. ‘. I t f" 2 - 5
‘ must be a “clear and present dan- Because of the confusion. adminis2 radio and television stations to in- If cancellation occurs during the 5 2 -\ 1 f
f ger” before emergency measures trators have reviewed the problem form students. t'acultyand staff day. a telephone network sends out ‘ it. ,' ‘V‘ _: " /.\ “\
i are takeiLBlanton said. in an attempt to make sure it if the need for cancellation is not the message. \ 2' ' I“ ., ' \
5 Whether normal class schedules doesn'trccur. obvious. Blanton will confer with ”You never have to worry about 2 - \ ' 933 1 4 H
; are canceled for an hour 0|” a few “We have spent hours being sure President (itis Singletary or Donald kids being notified Of that. thOUEh.” ' 2 _. “at;
l days employees are entitled tethe” we get our messages straight." (‘lapp vice president for zidminis- Blanton said. “They somehow are r” "2 ’12" ‘ '
l 08V as usual under personnel rules. Blanzon said. Several administrators tralion able to pickit Lp very easily.“ “— x,r.numnuom.m. 5202.
l 5 . .
i FRIDAY ‘ Wolosa quostlonodmorothenslxhoun enforcement policies as well as detailed am relatingto ‘
' - five specific waste disposal sites. ,
MWMW mum. Poland _ mi. we.“ was questioned i.» Wm" M ”"51“" symmfiwm Goons“: tom-r we.
_ more than six hours yesterday by a Polish military prosecu- R . .2 . tretor 32° L:ve£;, whofiwaehrod bY_ “at."
tor in the case of live Solidarity union advisers charged with c'owmoo'rn'fahu. “,2": .°' " ‘A ‘t" ’30:" w°:hth9t°" “"4 4.,
. . _ t_:¢nda road ranged agency umen s. _
Louisville area truckers ending strike "ditto“ 5 5 , , m. an. m- n mun my. no immadiat. mim- m
Walua, looking tired after the session. refused to dis- 2 . . 5 5 . _ , _ £2
. 2 . 2 the subcatnmmeos action. Meanwhile. the White Rowe
. . . close what testimony he had given, and said he must report 2 . . . .2 2~
More than 200 independent truckers in the lounvrlle-area in this at the Warsaw office of the national milito woe beconiing more involved in the burgeoning dispute; .
votadto drop out at the national strike and will return to “I ocutor 'Y ' which already has produced a constitutional battle over a" 22 2 -
workout week, their spokeswoman announced yesterday. 9'” ‘ . . . .. contempt of Congress charge ogainstGorsuch. .
’ A The state drivers' action coincided with on announce- mmzoihzth2‘yntgi'1'hdtt9'wmg4 Waloso “M' I will "w" ‘ “M“
room by Michael Porkhum, president at the independent ' " " ‘ ‘ ’i " ' . 2
Truckers Association, that. the 11-day strike would come to A "Nd °t °b°m 509 “Worn“. of th. “flow“ "M?" " .
2 . . 2 gathered around Waleeo 3 car and piled it with flowers, pic- . . 2 22 ~ ..
“Midgwtfl ' ’ _ _ ’ L h ' ‘ ' 10m 0' m 'OTMQI‘ labor chic. and MHHCFI Md b07167“ W ' H ' («TM'T'VHM:0” W __. W” ‘4" Mg" - "
A spokesman for the Louisville trucker: sold the driven. ocloimin tho - 5 th ovement _ , ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ y ' _ . .
mgobockMonday. will tie block iiog. to their. mick mir- 9' A m 3. a?” 'hf‘w h." WIN “a "om mm _ _ .2 .
rare to demonstrate continued opposition to federal fuel u n '“ V. ”"9 p y . . 2 . - ‘ ' 'i
.. 2. . 2 . crowds since he was released from It months at martial - ,2 , -2 2- 2 2 2 .222, 2,"
operand-use, taxgncrooses approvedbyCongms. , , low internment ln'November . _ . _ . _. _ ., .._ . .2 . 5 ,5;
' 5! violence linked to the strike tapered all. state police ' 2 ' . 1” ' 5
suspended their daily helicopter flight: along the interstate: _ ‘ '5
“primary Mormon. Heine pend W EPA heed _ ~ . - ff”
‘ 5 5 The petroh were halted because the "truck volume in up \ 5 2 5 , :...,.2’;;f.2.,.‘l‘;jf‘..3 2.
' infi- NM and the Nit-M- on mm W and um —. Environmental Protection Agency chlet 2 A um~m or it.» new today Mamie-t
.lower,"s_aldetete police lt..lohnlilo. ' Anne M. Gonuch and 36 other EPA officials were subpoe- ~ owl-Ila. at about one Ind. or lone. VW’”!
He told. however, the aircraft will be on am it need yesterday in the escalating battle between Congress .5 ”it...“ ”Dylan-0m, ’t :"iitgfj‘ig‘
‘_ M 5 _. - . and the administration over handling ot the "'supertund ’ “I”! with a tow m and g t.“ hi“ 2st". 3
1"" "lemu- been Monday on «don mow. Join Y2 Mupottoxlc wastes. anatomic... ‘25 p
M Ind m int-M to W mm and rock , The item Energy and Commerce investigations subcom- . WM m with a high in in. “a.

,2MWT ~ .5 . 2. 2 mince demanded lntormotion about the agency'u oven! . We“. . ~ . $252525 ‘

. - r .
. .

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* Ké’i‘" be" I
lllluoldon “ammo-n Minoan». SomflJmmt-a mi 3.x“... Luv”... oucmomi i
(dim: n Chi-l Newt Milo: Aru Editor Sport! Editor Swtdl Pinion; (duo- Photo Editor Giopmufditoi
P E RSUA s ION Juno. ldwln Moul- lube:- Fvlu “No. II" I. film )0. “.7 how Kcohlo Mllllon Ion Von Nook Chill ‘Ih
Managmgkditui ‘~"""‘0'§d"w AnalomAruEditoi Auiuont Sponsfditov Swialhoiuu Auinont Chi-f Photographer tow Deshti wt
—_———————————___—___—._____————__—_.__— .____——_______—_—_.
—_ ”W In the milie Of 630' tiOflS I
1'le Mfume. lumlamsou ,
tl t ' th h'l FOW‘TBESWIA
a eas one IS WOI‘ W la n. ,,
Today’s world stands ankle-deep in resolu- roles as stewards of the University. the re- ., ”7.- //; . . / / , , ; m4.” _ , W ,I - . , ,I ,, -
tions printed on the carcasses of once-great sponsibility for protecting and preserving its ; . . . "" M l
forests. And too often, the words they con- educational mission ~ and the resources . , . i i
tain are the epitaphs of empty protests. necessary to achieve it — falls to the Senate .. if g . hfiif
So there is a tendency to write off resolu- The Board, with two faculty Trustees. t‘on» r . . , 4 I=I-IIi;I.»-' 5"! s :,» IIi’iiiiftiiIi I
. - - - ‘. . ' , / J . "3w " *i ’ 3
tions as paper stands Idevmd of meaningful stance T. Wilson. a professor of SOCldl work. I . / [7/ . \,/ . &y;¢i,i.i,,I I
commitment. But that isn t always the case. and William F. Wagner. chairman of the , / . r, ,/ ,' / / -r Whig i
A notable exception is the resolution on chemistry department. already in strong op— / ' // W .. , itihtd' i
. . . . . . . . , A g 1 ‘i
which the UniverSity Senate Will vote Mon- pos1tion to the timber-farming proposal. can- / // r‘ , /,‘J tIih’Ijfi :
day. opposing timber farming in Robinson not fail to hearthe faculty's voice. ’ / , / / ' (1*! i iii‘iiihiiliiiil‘ 3
Forest. Students already have made known their / / / ’II _ 124i ifhiiii a ”In?
. . . . ». . -. ’ l
Members of the Board of Trustees in De- opposmon to the proposal. They look now to ' é , / /- fl ,/ “Gr =4iiil iii“ _
cember proposed timber-farming operations the faculty for leadership w the kind this 4 / 4%" //* , i .
as a way of making the forest. a University- resolution would provide. / / ’- f 3 3. '
owned teaching and research preserve in ( 2' , x 5". f; I .
Eastern Kentucky, "self-sufficient." O , , y / ,’
If passed. the Senate resolution would Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin's \ \\ / i
make it clear to the Trustees that the faculty government probably will survive with De \ / 2A .
believes any exploitation of the forest to turn fense Minister Ariel Sharon intact. although \ , L1 ,/ I
a profit. whether through timber farming or an investigative comittee has blamed Sharon \\ \ / {’7 ‘Qfi ' 1 l1 3
coal mining. is an unacceptable abuse of an for the Sept. 16-18 massacres at the (‘hatilla \ \ / , " A’ f ‘ /\,‘ \\ ll ‘ (‘1 3
educational facility. and Sabra refugee camps. All Begin has to ‘ k \ .I ,- \ “if a I .
As Ann Phillippi. president 01 Students 10 do is dissolve his government and call for \ I ‘ 1/ ‘ . '
Save Robinson Forest. recently pomted out. early elections. which he will undoubtedly \ ’ ’ g ,
the resolution would be effective because it win. I / / , \ \ / / y; 3
comes from the faculty. who have. as a No justice. no punishment A once again. , //\ “‘I. / / / $3 ' .
group. the greatest investment In the 1111' crime pays. And. once again. it is time for , , /’ ‘ \ : fs/ to :
WISHES future tthe Citizens 0f the t‘ommon— Congress and the administration to consider I ’ / /‘ \\.~ ' r, / i i
wealth exceptedi. an appropriate response to the repeated out- ,, , \‘ / (Q ;
Because certain influential members of rageous behavior of the Begin regime — eco- It ’ \\ \_/ .
the Board seem to have lost sight of their nomic sanctions.
S I def c'tizen 's Iog'c good d ' ht :
By now everyone has heard of the this law. or any in“. out of civil dis. to this country is played on If that There should be a sound. logical care less if you drink whiskey over There will always be Americans
L'S government's new plan to per obedience doesn‘t work. you are frightened reason for a law's existence. in the weekend. But if they smell who let patriotism put blind faith in
nalize men who refuse to register into it by threats to spend time be which the citizens rights are looked something funny and think you‘re thejudicialsystemofthis country ,
for the draft —_—— hind bars, after I mean. you don't just stop at taking a few tokes. they may call Just because the government does '
The government will make sure DOUQIBS So when people are looking tor a a red light for fear of getting a traf— the police. something. it does not make it auto-
all men who failed to do this will re» sound. logical explanation on the tic ticket. You stop because it makes 1 also wonder why some states matically right (‘itizcns should ask ‘
ceive no finanmal aid from L'ncle PITTENGER pros and cons of each law. what good sense not to want to get your still have laws on the books that more questions about the validity of
Sam in helping with the cost of an does the government do" Why they car.or yourself.smashed up. make everything from group sex to our laws
edefiatiofn b II h [h II n in fig: make surIf you‘IrIe frightened (It SIoIIyIvhy is tpe dgoveIrInmentI gpifng playing tenhisohiiindhimegah 1 Meanthile. isepple still try aInd S
is 0 course rings up a t e is: ave ye o ear e government 1 c more y cu ing away a ills e opposi e irec ion in Jus i v You mig t t i t 't suc aws coax. cayo e an orce everyone ese ;
sues and complaints that basically explain the positive aspects of the money so desperately needed for an ingitself with draft registration? are not enforced. but you can be to follow the rules and not cause any "
say educational institutions should law education. instead of trying to logically 034- sure that in some small town in trouble
not be used as watchdogs for the Se- . . I realize that there is a good rear plain it. they are increasing the America some helpless soul is get- I can almost see these people in
lective Service System. Another reason was that It 1 than t son for using some scare tactics as a pressureto comply out of "fear.“ ting arrested for something like the days before the (‘ivil War in the
While I was concentrating on this do It- 1 WOUld 0“ pUhISIht‘d h." Spi’hd‘ means of enforcing a law When you stop to think about it. that. South. They would have been trying
issue. it made me take the whole ”IE time In a prison Still yet anoth- Statistics have shown that fear of there are a lot of laws in this coun- Besides, enforcement of the laws to convince people to pay a poll tax
thing into perspective and Comlder er reason was that! have a patriotic reprisal is the reason most people trythat need some explaining. is not the issue. If the current laws that would support slavery Their
one argeiiiment 121mm (:Ihe draft left OIhhfIlIiftitgn ho the lnited States to do think twice before committing a l wonder. for instance. why it is il— are wrong. they shouldn‘t be kept on reason: The law is the law' so it nat
unscath ‘ClVl ‘sobe 'ence I . 0 t 059 reasons are t‘oni‘inc» crime laminfavoroi that legal for an individual to take cer— the books uraliy should be obeyed without I
fl-EI\;'erIyonettaIlIks zbzut the wronIgs InflehtmghWENSOmHInetos-ign Yet. thertIi shItIIuld be iiIiIorc sub :81” “sItIift” drug: in tiie privatIy ofI I know some people who would question i
o e aw 1 se an ow uncons l u stance to a aw an Iiiist t c tear of iis or er own ome. )ut it is ega obey and enforce just about any law it
tional it is. but I have heard very YOU are either caioled Into it by the consequences if you do not obey to dothe same with hardliquor" that was on the books. no matter Douglus Pittcngcr is (l Ilttltl'ntliisnl i
little on the philosophy of breaking haVian your pride hit or your loyalty it Your neighbors probably couldn't how dumb or extreme it mi ht be. It‘rcshmononduKcniclioliimnist :
g «i
Vaca’s ’dark age' predictions r'n t o ' f II ‘
When Robert \‘aca wrote The port their functions are coming tually hopeless as a ittllgrlt‘i‘lll pi‘op- to Slit million each and a nuclear sion funds will melt with the trust becomes the “ltust Bowl " Farmeis 3
Coming Dcrh Age only a decade had under rumous strain If they col» osition. notwithstanding the recently sub fetching $1 billion. we are rush companiesthatadministerthem. not to prevent foreclosure sales '
plasseded 5‘; CQLI 145';th JOhhSEY; P? I???) ‘I’urI-‘I‘ICK’Q‘ “I“ 10PM“- hut will recommended patch tips mg toward the day when we will be As money dries up customers will The stock market soars and sinks
caIiIm to; nit States to . t e sucIIIId a really bring a dark The [,nited States treasury has no a nation of paupers ~ the best de- cease to pay water. gas. electricity The stumps of abandoned power
rictft :1! mosft p:“er.fulld(9uqtr}. 3%? treasure [is tax flows depend on .i fended paupers in history and telephone bills. and these essen- plants loom over the land and public l
in Ie .sdors o It e wor lI‘eIw shrinking industrial base. millions of Then there is the tottering electric tial services will be cut off. IOU— service commissions debate pleas
pIeIopI: rgla aIcIa s book and many I Jobless workers. farmers who can t power industry llaving convinced paid policemen may cease to patrol for rate hikes
a Vt 0 d POOI -p00hed hlb grim V1- “ Harry pay their bankers an aniaring iiuni themselves that electricity consump~ the streets. and unpaid teachers will .
SionofAmericasfuture . ‘ CAUDILL ber of welfare-supported indigent.s tion would grow exponentially for stayathome. h '5 all "1”“ m your morning
Vaca postulated that the thed and crumbling (‘ttrWI‘hhtlhr- it” htt many decades. the utility tycoons And what if the government newsflPerhaps ”‘9 "travail ”1 th"
States ~I and the rest 0f the ad- erally interspersed with pi'osix-rous began an immense building pror cranks up the printing presses and 3893 1" “'hh'h Jam“ ““55"” UN"
vanced Western world — could eaSI- persons and companies ( «ingress gram simply monetizes its innumerable ell ”4‘de '5 indeed about I" wring
1y be precipitated mm ,a prolonged . -I\-‘ I have painted ”Ut In prm‘ious has largely exemptedtrom taxation power consumption began falling. obligations? Each of us will go “earthssystemstoandlro " .
period of poverty and disorder com to umns. the international banking The gap between receipts and dis the energy dearth turned into a glut “Krogering” with a trunkfu] of cash Earth's svst ms h' .. be n 'r ;
parable to the chaos in Europe that system isin mortal peril bursements is 50 i-agi that the l c- --l . , . - . ,, l , th tKr .~“ - . > 9 ~ d“ 9 Vi uh!!! I
. i Ltd and dozms of projects wtrt stopped a ogerwi 500” learn toreject. d t 'st (1 bet r' ' d V' " " i ' i
followed t“901189590f Rome. Th" “lliirdb‘ or high hhant‘t him“ years 198471988 will see the present haitway completed. They stand now After all. how long will a canny :grnihlk If” . l ?$;.:?Vm,dt;i.\ “J: ;
This historic cataclysm might be lent their money and ours to every- trillion—dollar debt grow by more utterly useless. with tens of billions merchant trade barns and cabbages er readizng “‘ x U é’ 0 an” '
triggered by the collapse of the sys-I body from the late Shah of lran to than 100 percent We cannot be tar int-psmimihva for bushels of worthless “curren» “
tems tha. SUSLalh our 5091“} “h . Amt" 1h? ”WWW?” t‘ahhttt from an era of runaway printing The rates paid by consumers must cy"" The same reluctance to part If precipitated. how long would '
thrhufi‘lh whichitoperates . . rendy and such powers as MeXico. press inflation likc Germany s iii the rise scandalously to pay for these with goods for greenbacks will ap~ such chaos last" tine person's guess
Vacas concern :33 {helm} hhh Brazd. “’1”th B""““~ P"“‘"“- 192% absurd miscalculations or the prop- pear everywhere ¥ at service sta- is as good as another. but a pro
SUC SJPPOFIt and SUPPLV 555‘6’7‘5 d5 Hungary and ltumania 0‘th (‘mpt.\'~ The troubles are endless The ted ci'companies will bankrupt tions. motels. restaurants. hospitals. longed interval seems unlikely 1
electric pOVIEI‘ generation and trans handed to money lenders to whom eral retirement program tor all its The states themselves are as weak drug stores.lumberyards suspect that Americans would turn
missmn. the production of food on hundredsol billions aredue bureaucrats is as near rum as social as branch water. The treasurer of At this point. theoretically. the away from the meally mouthed po»
farms and ”5 delivery to urbanIsu- Domestically the Shu‘hh’h ‘5 near- Security The selfish public will not (‘alifornia has declared his state to lights will go out. the water WI“ be litical charlatans who have plagued
permarkets. and the sanitation and ly as bad The regional banks have tolerate the small burdens of a uni- be broke and is sending out lots to cut off. cars will stop for lack of us with this mess and find some ‘
Plplhg 0f water to households and Uhdf‘rpthhf‘d ‘h‘f internationals 1“ versal draft law so the costs of tie the state creditors in lieu of checks. fuel. every gut will begin to growl. where a strong personality to rescue I
factories . their lending follies. and the country fense are astronomical and skyrock Michigan has borrowed $400 million and there will behell to pay? us.
Since he wrote his treatise h ha” '5 loaded h’ th“ gunwales “hh de- Phhg from Japanese banks. Is all this utterly fantastic and We have plenty of incipient ()liver
beIcome increasmgly apparent that faulting loans to home owners. “lth privates drawing as many ('8 Steel has announced “stag nonsensical? Of course it is The ('romwells who would volunteer to
al SUCh systems and the somal. “‘0' farmersand smallbusinessmen dollars iIIS ii general “in paid In gering" losses and ordered salary United States of America is as solid restore our house to order The
nomic and fiscal structures that 5UP The 30m?” 590W”) \VSWm '5 "W World “3" ”- dlrltlimt's (“t-“Wig Ul) cuts Bethlehem Steel lost $14? mil- as granite. It really couldn‘t happen question that looms in case of such
————————-——————.—_—— lion in 1982 ~ an all-time corporate here! an eventuality is that of democracy:
high Scores of corporate giants face And yet there is California dis- (‘ould we emerge from such a crash '
insolvency or shrinkage to the pensing its IOUs and Michigan's asafree.selfvgoverning people‘.’ i
pigmy class wistful hope that the Tokyo bankers For a society with few values ‘
lf the corporate and governmental will proffer new and generous loans. other than material ones there is
systems that pump money into the The federal debt that looms up for surely much cause for concern '
i , . . . . ‘7 ,' . .
. . , . “lt': ith . _f ation of ro ram z: I I] t I] ., economy falter. what will happen, next year will equal thatIaccuniu- 5
Debatlng motlves iii)??? the <(.i:oiar3,l;:e(\l.:fi be l'i- :1“: .. 1‘ i p‘ NH“ W" K ‘ it Some results areeasily foreseeable. lated in five years of conflict in two ‘
nancedi “totally; unprecedented War veterans and retirees will re- world wars. The bankers rush about .
I beg to differ with some of the Never before in a; bill have we speci an???" IllngirtIinInIt worIil is appear (‘tI‘iIve noI ChtI‘Clchd Mlllfims Ofladdltlo— rei‘chedulgf loans. f hIfiarrII\'IMU’(;aiidill is a professor n]
quota attributed to SGA Vice Preli- bed where money comes from ._ . , . f goot oi st..\, we at tlnf mp oytI wi receive no overy y new aces appear at Its my at and a Kernel column
dent David Bradford in the front- must guard against giving the lm benefits Ruined banks W1” pay unemployment offices and in soup is! He holds a degree in law from ,
. . . Last year on April 5. the Senate pressmn that student monies are out no funds to their depositors Pen- lines The “Industrial Heartland" the Collegeoflxiw'
pagearticleinyesterdaysKernel ‘ed' bll issB 78 "St d-t t“ hang “SM ti f th» thir t I
The first attribution I will chal— pass d_ ,' “ . f u (n '55:)- .. ’ or ‘r ' “m "h”h“
lenge is “No one brought up any elation Year land (onference i OtSGA members
prOblems Whhe h was in committee 22:19 fifilfgidI£::(I0:1nt:ney‘ would tine point that was not raised in Elam" COUNTY by Berke Bl'eathed
orhengi‘ :hh: Sinate flolor' If you wi“ ' ' the article was whether Bradford 8W m
C 5 ory 0“ an. 25- YO" “1 I am not criticizmg Bradford for disagreed with the inclusion of stu» V ,
find that I objected ‘0 the b‘“ d‘mhfl the erroneous statements that have dents enrolled at the Lexington 32%;? $133258ng vggfi'hg‘gg #56 wt, . BABV 1AM "15 A
debate. been attributed to him I don‘t exr Technical Institute in his schol Howmoeusmve UNAUTHORIZED ORAL PR6-
. . . 7H6 CARMEN?
”"88de discussion 0' “naming pect him to have brought hIS so». arship program we Wt our minnow werouwn not/mm MAFHOR’
0' the SCholhmhlli be delayed “hm files to thatTexas convention 55““ WWW “AW OF "mama” W015i“) "
Feb. 7mgivetheSemtea chance to i hope both Dinkle and Bradford “5'th "“75““ \ _ \j
. get up-todlte information on SGA‘s I would like to note that nowhere Will turn their attention to the prob- / ' I / g" I
accounts. However. Bradford asked in his veto memorandum did SGA lem of administering Hm rather .»3 {I 1"“ , ‘i ,, t\ ” I
, the Senate to settle the matter on President Jim Dinkle state that the than continuing to debati- lhf‘ mo. I' - i g ." . f‘; j ,3 y ‘1’) ‘
f the 24th since he had a trip planned March 21 date was “posnively politiv fives ofanyone .2, _ I A-» ~ ', h ‘ ,. -, I" ' b"- ‘ ‘ 3 —‘—=—
j for Feb. 7. the Senate's next meet- cally motivated" The exact i .‘ ,I t 1 . I ”a E ‘II a
in. The Senate respected his statement was: “There must not be Vincent Yeh ‘Q i. :- ' q / I .‘i .i ... ' 1.
t- wilha. the appearance that a member of PhySit‘sdoctoralcandidate K “ ' "o L ‘ i5 “‘ g w
i The maid attribution I will chal- my administration is using an SGA Student senator,(;raduate School r i t ” 0 1' l ' ‘ ~.- ’ '
i , -
i i
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 " ' i . . -' .. ... '...i. -.i.. 'l i~.¢-"'D";V.I 1""
I "KENTUCKYKM My,“ 11, rue-3
Sh o ' t e t b Israeli Cabinet for resignation
' JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Min- ly he would not fire him. there was one of about 100 demonstrators de- sis with reporters. Cabinet meeting: “He said he will ment. and hundreds of others de-
‘ ister Menachem Begin and his Cab- speculation that the Cabinet at its mending that Sharon be fired and “I don't i