xt7jsx647r9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jsx647r9k/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1944-10 bulletins English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Planning an Action Program for Schools", vol. XII, no. 8, October 1944 text volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Planning an Action Program for Schools", vol. XII, no. 8, October 1944 1944 1944-10 2022 true xt7jsx647r9k section xt7jsx647r9k on Depart. A. a, Georgia .ittle Rock, Vittle Rock, » 5 Eli 0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0 EDUCATIONAL BULLETIN QIP‘LANNING AN ACTION PROGRAM FOR SCHOOLS (Teacher Education Work Conference Held at the University of Kentucky August 27—September 1, 1944) ky son an :1 beth Ling?" Published by DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN FRED WILLIAMS Superintendent of Public Instruction : Kyo‘ za aJ. erio die Unlversit LeXingt on His P I ISSUED MONTHLY Entefed as second-class.matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912. . VoI. XII October, 1944 NO: 8 FOREWORD School leaders in all parts of the state are actively interested in planning their educational programs so they will be effective. Not only are they interested in teaching the fundamentals but they are interested in making schools serve the needs of people. The disposition to plan in terms of child needs is not confined to the State Depart- ment of Education and institutions of higher learning. Superin- tendents, principals and teachers are interested in making the schools mean more in the lives of people. This Bulletin describes educational plans formulated by seven areas of the state. These plans were developed through cooperation of seven colleges with six county school systems and two schools. They are presented here as types of planning done in the state. Other counties and cities are making plans for better education. Colleges are laying foundations for making more significant contribu- tions to the state’s educational program. The State Department of Education is planning for better attendance, better trained teachers, more functional school, plants, better health services, more adequate supervision, better recreational programs, more emphasis upon voca- tional education, better service to returning veterans, and better service to the schools. I want to congratulate the school leaders and patrons upon their vigorous cooperation in providing better school services. J OIIN FRED \VILLIAMS, Superintendent of Public Iv‘tstmction. October 18, 1944. Frankfort, Kentucky. terested in ctive. Not t they are disposition te Depart. Superin- he schools by seven >operation ols. They :ducation. contribu- ‘tment of teachers, adequate >011 voca- d better )on their ion. THE COOPERATIVE STUDY The 1944 Work Conference is a part of a Cooperative Study for the Improvement of the Quality of Living through the Schools. The study was made possible by a grant—in—aid by the General Education Board to the Department of Education for a continuing study of teacher education in Kentucky. The purpose of the study, in brief, is to study social and economic problems as they affect living in a community and to understand the implications of these problems for the preparation of teachers in Ken- tucky. The study is concerned with ways and means of making teacher education more effective in the solution of the social and economic problems of living. Colleges, Counties, and Schools Under the Cooperative Study each of seven colleges is working cooperatively with a county school, system or a large school in attempt- , ing (1) to develop a more functional school program which will im- prove the quality of living in the school community and (2) to develop further the program of teacher education which will prepare teachers with mlderstandings, skills, and techniques necessary for leaders in community schools. Very early in the study each participating college selected the county or school as its cooperating area and has been making its study in terms of the problems of that area-in an effort to find out how much schools can do to improve local. living conditions. The participating colleges, counties, and Schools are: Berea College and Pulaski County Eastern and Bell County Morehead and Carter County Murray and Marshall County University of Kentucky and Green County University of Louisville and Lowell and Valley Schools Western and Hopkins County Coordination Each college has a coordinator, assisted by a committee of the faculty, who works with the cooperating county or school in formulat- ing plans and in bringing about desirable action. The coordinators are; _ 233 Berea College—Pulaski County .................................. C. C. Graham Eastern—Bell County .................................................... D. T. Ferrell , , Morehead—Carter County .............................................. Gr. C. Banks _ l ' ’ ' .: Murray—Marshall County ............................................ Rubie Smith 3 ‘ ‘ A University of Kentucky—Green County .................... Maurice Seay University of Lo‘uisville—Lowell, Valley Schools— J. J. Oppenheimer \Vestern—Hopkins County .................................... H. H. MeMurtr-y The coordinator works very closely with the county superin- tendent and other local professional groups. The superintendents of these participating counties and key persons of the participating schools are: A. . . Bell County .................................................................. \V. M. Slusher W s; ‘3 Carter County .................................................... Heman H. McGuire l l ~ " H Green County ................................................................ Nona Burress . Hopkins County ............................................................ H. \V. Wilkey g " Marshall County ............................................................ Holland Rose, l l ' Pulaski County .................................................. Raymond J. Wesley ‘ l ; Lowell School. (Louisville) ...................................... Mrs. Ada Bache l ‘ ‘ .. ‘ Valley School (Jefferson County) ______________________ Mrs. Julia Fahey . ., l i ' The study is sponsored by the Superintendent of Public Instruc- " ' tion and the Council on Public Higher Education. The State Director of Teacher Education and the Advisory Committee on Teacher Educa tion have over-all supervision, of the cooperative study. The Director of Teacher Education is general coordinator of the study. Activities During the Year . y ‘ . . - An aggregate of 320 persons have participated in 8 specific enter— 1 i ' prises. 1. Peabody Seminar was held April 9-10, .1943, at Nashville 1 ' . under the direction of Dean John E. Brewton and Dr. Henry " Harap. The Deans of the cooperating colleges, the State . Director of Teacher Education, and the State High School Supervisor took part in the seminar.- Its purpose was to dis- cuss the broad approaches to the study. Nine persons at- ‘ tended. A detailed report of the seminar is given in Part II in of Teacher Education Circular No. 46, released April 15: ‘ ‘ 1943, through the Division of Teacher Education and Cer— tification. 2. Gatlinburg Conference was held August 2-16, 1943. This was a regional conference devoted to the development of learn- 234 Graham ‘. Ferrell C. Banks ‘ ie Smith 'ice Seay anheimer :cMurtry superin- dents of cipating Slusher McGuire Burress . Wilkey nd Rose. Wesley a Bache a Fahey Instruc- Director ' Educa- Director ic enter- lashville . Henry :e State . School 3 to dis- ;ons at- Part II pril 15, ad Cer- ‘liis was E learn- .01 ing- materials in the field of natural and human resources. The State Director of Teacher Education who is coordinator of the Cooperative Study and two persons from one of the cooperating colleges attended. Work Conference at Eastern State Teachers College was held August 26-31, 1943. Representatives from the cooperat- ing colleges, schools, the staff of the State Department of Edu- cation, and several consultants attended. The purpose'of this work conference was to give opportunity for the cooperating units to work out plans in each of the areas. Participating in this work conference were 120 persons. An evaluation of this work conference is found in Teacher Education Circular No. 50, released September 24, 1943. A full report, including tentative plans for 5 college- county groups, is given in the January 1944 bulletin pub- lished by State Department of Education. Tentative plans for the year for the other 2 college-county groups (Berea~ Pulaski County and Murray-Marshall County) were given in Community Circulars No. 6 and No. 7 released February 14, 1944. Study-Visit to Holtvillc, Alabama, was made November 15— ]8, 1943. This group was made up of the deans of the co— operating colleges, the coordinators, and the county superin— tendents of the cooperating counties and principals of the two cooperating schools. On this trip there were 22 persons. This was a study of the ways and means used by a school, working with a community in improving the quality of living. A description of. observation of this school-community relationship and enterprises is given in Teacher Education Circular No. 51. December 15, 1943. An Institute on Conservation was held in Richmond on March 2-3, 1944. Dr. H. A Morgan of the TVA, Miss Vir- ginia James of the TVA, and Dean John E. Brewton, Dean of the Graduate School, George Peabody College for Teach- ers, were consultants. There were 81 persons from the co- operating colleges, counties and schools in attendance. The purpose was to develop ways and means of relating resource knowledge to the everyday school curriculum to the- end that there may be improVement of the quality of living.‘ A report of this Institute is given in Teacher Education Circular No. 53. Other reports relative to this Institute are given in 235 Community School Circulars No. 10 and N0. 13, March 18, 1944. During this Institute the coordinator ot'each cooperat- ing college—county group reviewed and evaluated the accom~ plishments in their cooperative program for 1943-44, set up at the Eastern Conference, August 1, 1943. Each coordinator and all representatives from each cooperating county or school worked together at this time on next steps in their programs of action and presented these to the group attend- ing the Institute. Teacher Education Circular No. 54, March 23, 1944, is devoted to these Cooperative Study Progress Reports. First Carrollton, Georgia, Study—Visit was made March 28. 29, 1944. This group was made up of coordinators, super intendents, principals and State Department staff members. This trip was made by 16 persons. The visit was to study college—county (West Georgia College and Carroll County) school relations in improving the quality of living through “cooperatives” and to note changes in the quality of school- community relations resulting from the program. Impres- sions gained from observing the West Georgia College and Carroll County programs are described in Teacher Education Circular No. 55, June 9, 1944, and Community School Cir- cular N0. 19, July 7, 1944. Second Cam‘ollton, Georgia, Study—Visit was made May 1-3, 1944. In this group were 11 members of the Advisory Committee 011 Teacher Education. The purpose of this visit was to study administrative relationships in the teacher education program and to observe how these relationships had affected the quality of teaching. Institute on Learning M aterials for Schools was held at the University of Kentucky, April 29, 1944. The purpose of this conference was to give persons in all levels and areas of interest in the schools opportunity to think together on the problems related to reexamination and restatement of goals of learning programs in the schools, and to study the ma- terials developed in the Sloan Experiment. At this Institute there were 38 persons. The Report of the Institute is given in Community School Circular No. 15, released May 10, 1944. Community School Circulars Community School Circulars are issued from the office of the State Coordinator of the Cooperative Study. To date 25 of these have 236 [arch 18, I been released. Each circular is based upon some incident or problem j related to the community school concept. Other circulars will be zooperat- 1 devoted to further activities of these programs as they develop. .e accom. ‘ Only persons who have participated in the Conferences and 4, set up i study-visits receive the Community School Circulars. )rdinator ‘, ' i )unty or t in their » p attend- ‘4, March Progress k l | Teacher Education Circulars These larger circulars are prepared when longer statements of 3, information or policy are needed. Since August 1933, we have released ‘ 56 of these. ' [arch 28. 's, super- members. to study County) through )f school- Impres- llege and lducation 1 hool Cir- May 1-3, Advisory this visit a teacher ,tionships l ld atthe } [rpose of ‘L . areas of 3r on the ; of goals the ma- Institute : is given 10,194l :e of the hese have 237 1944 WORK CONFERENCE The Second Annual Work Conference of the Cooperative Study was held at the University of Kentucky August 27 to September 1, 1944, inclusive. Its purpose was to give the colleges and school sys- tems which were working together on the program of making the schools function more effectively in the improvement of the quality of living, opportunity to study what had taken place during the past eighteen months in their cooperative efforts, and, in the light of these experiences, to plan the immediate and long-time programs of action which might appear desirable. There were representatives from seven colleges, six counties and two schools engaged in the cooperative study in the \Vork Conference. In addition to these a majority of the professional staff of the State Department of Education took part as well as representatives from four-year colleges not engaged in the cooperative study, representa- tives from the Kentucky Education Association, and a staff of con sultants. More than 100 persons attended, including college teachers, college deans, college presidents, county superintendents, classroom teachers in large elementary and secondary schools, one room teachers, helping teachers, supervisors, principals, and specialists from the Department of Education. The first three days of the Work Conference were spent by each of the seven cooperative areas, (1) in setting up desirable programs for the cooperating college-county units, (2) determining how much of this desirable program is now in operation in each cooperating area, (3) what is still to be done in order that there may be a p1‘0- gram which will actually improve the quality of living, and (4) what steps are to be taken in the 1944-45 school year toward a desirable pTO- gram. The time was spent, as can be seen, in planning educational programs for the present and post-war period. In order that the work conference might be carefully guided t0- ward accomplishing its purpose, each group followed a Specific out- line. This outline suggested (1) the point of View which should be the working basis, (2) a method of approach, and (3) the nine specific phases of a community school which should have attention. Each group was left free to work out its plans in the light of needs in each area. It was the desire of the steering committee, not to suggest thzl'E any group would do to accomplish its purpose, but to emphasize the 238 we Study ember l, hool sys- king the 3 quality the past ', of these of action uties and nference. the State ves from presenta- f of con teachers, classroom teachers, from the t by each programs [OW much operating be a pro- (4) what rable pro- lncational guided to- ecific out- should be .1e specific on. Each is in each gest What hasize the importance of planning toward making the school influence the quality of living. The' following outline served as the guide to the groups: Working Point' of View A school which builds its program of activities upon the needs and resources of the community and the people—young and olcl—Twho live where there is a community school; and such a school will con- tribute substantially to the improvement of the quality of living. Work Plan Each cooperative group should study its program of action under the nine areas in the next paragraph below. Under each area four questions should be answered in detail and in tabular form where possible. These questions are: 1. What is desirable in our area? 2. What do we now have in our area? 3. \Vhat do we still need to do to get a desirable program? 4. \Vhat shall we undertake to do in 1944-45? It. is believed that every community school which desires to im— prove the quality of living will attack the problem from at least the following nine directions. It is urged that the four questions listed in the preceding paragraph be answered by each group about each of the following nine phases of a community school: 1. Health, physical education, and recreation for school and out-of—school population The fundamental processes 3. Vocational competencies of people in school and out liO 4. Worthy home membership and family life 5 The development of ethical character 6. The development of the appreciation of esthetic values 7. Citizenship training 8. The development of the individual as a person—self—realiza- tion 9. The development of desirable human relationships Each major problem should be approached with the View of show- ing the extent to which its solution is or may be reached through con- Slderation of community needs and resources. College-County-School Planning in 1944 The Work Conference was truly a planning conference. Each 000Del‘ating college-county and college-school group got down to the serlous business of planning. Each group approached its problems in 239 an orderly manner: (1) Each took stock of its belief as to what kind of a long-time school program might reasonably be expected over a series of years, (2) each took an inventory of school conditions to see just how much of a deSirable program now existed in the area, (3) each selected the things which would be worked upon during the current year, and (4) each organized its plan of attack. The remainder of this bulletin describes the plans formed by each of the seven cooperating groups. The September 1944 Educational Bulletin contained the report of work done during the last two days of the Conference under the title “Evaluating the Community School”. It also contained a list of persons attending the conference. .at kind over 21 :ions to 1e area, 'ing the ned by _ the ewe also BEREA-PULASKI COUNTY PLAN CHAS. C. GRAHAM, Coordinator RAYMOND WESLEY, County Superintendent Health, Physical Education, and Recreation for School and Out-of-School Population What is desirable? A. Healthy population with reasonable access to diagnosis and proper care , 1. Personnel l a. b. More activity on part of medical profeSSion already in the county More physicians to serve rural areas 0. More oculists d. More dentists 2. Plants a. Hospital b. Sanatorium 3. Program a. Broadened so as to include not only diagnosis, vaccina- tion, and health education, but sanitation as well (1) Attention to water supply (2) Schools equipped with sanitary toilets b. Broadened so as to include efforts toward posture cor- rection, rest periods, and recreation (1) For school (2) For community 0. Expanded to include instruction in making of play equipment What we have available A. Personnel i“ 9‘99”.” Eight doctors varying in efficiency One health ofiicer Three full-time nurses One sanitary inspector Seven dentists 241 C. B. What we shall undertake EWQW?’ B. Plants and equipment 1. Unfinished hospital 2. Very insanitary toilets General conditions E“ Epidemic of typhoid 2 High rate of TB. 3. Polluted streams 4 Undesirable playgrounds 85% of wells tested found impure U! Program 1. Few hot lunch programs 2 Helping teachers stressing health practices 3. Free medical care for railroad men 4 Free supplying of glasses for those school children who need them Little directed play 6. No time in school program for rest periods F“ What we still need A. Personnel 1. More doctors Plants and equipment 1. Hospital 2 Sanatorium 3 Sanitary toilets ‘ 4. Better playgrounds and equipment 5 Dental clinic Program 1. Protection against flies and harmful insects 2. Improvement of diet 3. Supervised play and rest periods 4. Special program for care of eyes 5. Improvement of water supplies To get more rural doctors To complete hospital and to work toward sanatorium To supply all schools with toilets To insist that all toilets be kept clean To put on campaign to purify streams and water supplies 242 'en who pplies rum 9f? 92:??? Disseminate health knowledge through the school To create better understanding between health department and schools To stress personal cleanliness To encourage the placing of hand washing facilities in all schools To encourage hot lunches To encourage production of proper foods To have playground supervision in all schools To teach the making of playground equipment To emphasize value of rest periods To emphasize posture correction r ‘ , _ Fundamental Processes What is desirable A. For the entire population to be able to apply the fundamental . skills to the problems of daily living What do we have? A. B. C. D. E. F. Traditional schools No provisions for adult education Average population school attendance is seventh grade Average attendance of those enrolled 7 7 % Tentative standards of achievement formulated during Work- shop 1944 as a guide for teachers Three helping teachers trying to improve methods approximately What we still need A. B. C. D. E. To develop the practical program of community schools To provide opportunities for adults to learn to read and write To raise average population school attendance to approxi- mately high school level as exemplified in community school To enroll all children To improve teachers’ methods through grouping and caring for individual differences What can we do in 1944-45 A. B. 0. Keep school so attractive that children will want to come Have all schools work toward becoming real community schools Attempt to make the fundamental skills function in ordinary living Make effort to get all school-age children enrolled Provide library facilities for adult population Make effort to show movie entitled “\Vest Virginia One—room School” to all teachers as an incentive toward better group- ing and schedule making. new Vocational Competencies What is desirable A. To obtain and apply the available vocational knowledge B. To furnish more vocational service to out-of-school people C. To employ more well—trained vocational teachers D. To establish more cooperatives E. To make every effort to get surplus war commodities What do we have? A. Four-fifths of population are farmers B. We have employed: 1. One county agent 2. One assistant agent 3. Three agriculture teachers (supervisors) C. We have as equipment and services: Three farm shops with extension services One vocational training center One vocational training school in county One cannery Home nursing course given by nurses One business college Three chapters of F. F. A. «52¢»pr D. Program of county agent has cooperation of board of educa- tion E. Five communities are encouraging “whole” education What we still need A. More scientific farming B. More cooperative community enterprises C. More adequately trained home economics and agricultul‘e teachers D. A home demonstration agent What shall we undertake in 1944-45 A. To get surplus war commodities if possible B. To influence fiscal court to get home demonstration agent 244 One—room er group- edge people i of educa- .tion agriculture on agent wave To encourage growth of community schools To establish more 4-H clubs To plan another workshop for iii-service teachers To establish three new canneries Worthy Home Membership and Family Life What is desirable? A. To work through the schools for 1. 8‘93.“ K1939}! Improvement of appearance of homes Improvement of nutrition in homes Improvement in understanding of family relationships Attainment of democratic living Respect for opinion of others Respect due individual ’13 personalities Sharing of responsibilities Accepting obligations and responsibilities of home life 9199‘?” Improvement in comforts in home Improvement in child care and psychology Improvement in home nursing To gather patrons and community adults into school f01 meetings 1. 2. To discuss the psychology of family living To discuss child ca1e C. To have visits by teachers in community home with frequency 'What we have A. Teachers of schools who help pupils to make articles for home use and beautification B. Helping teachers who are emphasizing home improvement 0. Different agencies working 011 home problems What we still need to do A. We need to give emphasis to each point listed under “What is desirable” What we shall undertake in 1944-45 Collect and tabulate information about home life through A. B. C. D questionnaire (already formulated) Encourage patrons to meet in schools Encourage home visitation Cooperate with various agencies 245 “u‘” E. Stress the importance that the home be made a place of enjoy- ment for all members of the family F. Stress democratic living in the school 1. Respect for personality 2. Respect for opinion of others 3. Accepting of responsibilities and obligations 4. Sharing of responsibilities Development of Ethical Character What is desirable? A. Having every subject, every activity become an opportunity for inculcating character and morals within the school B. Developing in community concern for welfare of all 0. Creating county-wide enthusiasm for absolute honesty 1. In thought 2. In action What we have t A. Administrators who are setting examples in ethical behavior B. Teachers who are developing school programs that encourage pupils to live: 1. Honestly 2. Unselfishly C. Churches which cooperate in spiritual and moral training D. Bible reading in school during opening exercises E. Various very strong community sentiments and mores What we still need A. Entire school program pointed toward ethical character B. Survey of various religious groups and clubs purporting to promote ethical character C. Meetings of parents, pupils, and teachers to work out im- portant phases of character building What shall we do in 1944-45 A. Work through teachers’ organization to stress ethical concepts B. Organize Girl Reserves and Hi-Y C. Start meetings of parents, pupils, and teachers for discusswll of ethics D. Emphasize qualities of : 1. Truth 2. Sportsmanship )f enjoy- >ortunity 01 'y behavior encourage raining ires tcter aorting t0 k out im- Ll concepts discussion 3. Loyalty 4. Accuracy 5. Unselfishness 6. Reverence and similar attributes Development of Worthy Use of Leisure What is desirable? WPHFQWHUQW? Family solidarity in social life Schools kept open for family fun Development of crafts and arts Community play productions Community “ sings ’ ’ Reading centers Radio discrimination Community recreation houses Traveling libraries Improved movies Community playgrounds What we have HFQEEUQW? A few school libraries One public library Travelling libraries Wild West shows (picture) Saturday street corner sociability County singing festivals (shaped note and religious) Pie suppers, carnivals and programs and plays in schools Sports Few radios in homes What we need A. Increased emphasis on entire list of “desirables” What shall we do in 1944-45 HFQWEWQW? To encourage people to spend more time as a family unit To foster better understanding between adults and youth To build better playgrounds To develop better community evening entertainments To demand better moving pictures To create reading centers To encourage community singing To turn school houses into recreational centers To establish shops for simple woodwork and crafts (arts) 247 Citizenship What is desirable? A. Community and county-wide realization of the costs of poor citizenship Citizens with a sense of belonging to community (local, county, state, etc.) Citizens with a sense of ownership of public property W Citizens with respect for constituted authority Citizens with knowledge of governmental agencies Citizens who desire civic improvement and who assume responsibility a ‘ . G. Schools which give actual apprenticeship in citizenship ” through pupils’ assuming of responsibilities 3713.50 What we have A. Disrespect for law agencies 13 Disrespect for private and public property C. “Imposed” citizenship D A beginning awakening among teachers of. the potentialities of the school in citizenship development What we need A. To emphasize the role of the school in building citizens ‘ i B. To re-think the course of study in social studies for the pur— pose of bringing it closer home ‘ 7' C. To persuade and convince pupils and patrons that politics I need not be crooked D. To make prominent reference to examples of good citizenship and to advertize the benefits of active citizenship E. To project pupils into active citizenship participation What shall we undertake in 1944-45 A. Bringing parents and community adults into school for pur- . ‘ poses of planning community schools 1'” ‘ B. Giving pupils responsibilities in organization of school and ' I ‘ community as apprentices in citizenship C. Initiating social studies with local emphasis Self Realization What is desirable? A. A school system with knowledge of potentialities and abilities of each child 248 m ' Wl Wh Wha of poor (local, 2185111116 izenship itialities is the pur- polities ;izenship [1 for par- hool and l abilities B. School programs of total experiences which will result in maximum growth of individuals C. Schools that fit all children into satisfying niches in society What we have A. Little respect for individual differences B. Little patience for the underprivileged child 0. Neglect of the superior child D. Too little emphasis on development of leadership What we need ' A. A testing program B. Cumulative record files 0. Program of experiences and appreciations to widen horizons and deepen feelings and sensibility D. Teachers who through example show the benefits and joys of being genuine and true to oneself What we shall undertake in 1944-45 A. Work out testing program for skills and aptitudes B. Encourage teachers to keep cumulative records and files of: 1. Health records Personality traits Discipline Achievements Family relationships 143.09.“) VJ! C. Acquire portable radio and good victrola and records for giving deepening appreciations D. Encourage moments of worship in the school for giving deepening spirituality Human Relationships What is desirable? Leaders who know techniques of working with people 1. Proper atttiudes B. Followers who identify themselves with leader.‘ and with the Situation (“It is I”) C. Cooperation between peers in authority D. Total understanding of le