xt7jws8hfb2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jws8hfb2n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19551120 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1955-11-dec20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1955-11-dec20. 1955 2011 true xt7jws8hfb2n section xt7jws8hfb2n 



       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, December 20, 1955.

       The Board of Trustees of the University, pursuant to adjournment, met
in the President' s Office at 10:00 a. m. , Tuesday, September 20, 1955, with
the following members present: Governor A. B. Chandler, Chairman; Mrs,
Paul G. Blazer, Carl Dempewolfe, Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Ben S. Adams,
Robert Stilz, Louis Cox, Dr. Harry Denham, Harper Gatton, R. P. Hobson,
J. Stephen Watkins, M. W. Moore, Wendell P. Butler and Smith D. Broad-
bent. Absent: Thomas A. Ballantine. Mr. Ben Butler, the Commissioner
of Agriculture elect, and Dr. Robert Martin, Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion elect, met with the Board. President H. L. Donovan and Secretary Frank
D. Peterson were also present.

       A. Meeting Opened.

       At the suggestion of the Chairman, the meeting was opened with prayer
by Mr. Harper Gatton.

       B. Approval of Minutes.

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Board
of Trustees of September 20, 1955; and the minutes of the Executive Committee
of October 21 and November 18, 1955, were approved as published.

       C. Financial Report.

       Mr. Peterson submitted Financial Report for the period ended November
30, 1955. The report contained balance sheet of assets and liabilities, state-
ment of unrealized income and departmental appropriations.  The report was
explained in detail and, the members of the Board being advised, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the report was authorized received and made
a part of the record.


University of Kentucky
As of November 30, 1955


-Current Funds
Gene rai.:_
   Cash in Bank
   Petty Cash Fund
 State Allotments:
   Current Year
   Prior Year
 Revolving Funds
 Deferred Chgs.
 Unreal, Income

   Total Gen.

Cash in Bank
Petty Cash Advs.
Inves tments

    Total Restr.
    Total Current

Plant Funds
;ash in, Bank
Revolv, Funds
Unreal. Income

    Total Unexp.

Investment in Plant:
Construction Author.
Fixed Assets

   To ta l -Inve s te d
   Total -Plant

Other Funds:
Cash in Bank
Notes Receivable
Inve stments

    Total Oth, Funds
    Total Assets


A g ric ultural

A g ricultural

  Colleges        Station        Division          Total

$    83, 804.36 $ 185,688. 39 $ 344,306. 80  $  613,799.55
     40,000. 00    10,000. 00                      50,000. 00

     617,662.56    192,076.83     52,062.98       861,802.37
                    4,023.23                       4,023.23
    870,340. 55   474,513.08                    1,344,853.63
         48. 77                                       48. 77
    297,641.55                                   297,641.55
    52,666. 20                                    52,666.20
  1.924,707. 88  675,684.01  1,026,921.97   3,627,313.86

$ 3,886,871. 87 $1,541,985.54 $1,423,291.75  $ 6,852,149.16

$   548,797.05 $  134,979.08 $ 119,013.59  $  802,789.72
      5,085.26      1,850.00       1,800.00         8,735.26
  1,051,294. 03    15,000.00                    1,066,294.03

$ 1,605,176 34 $  151,829.08 $ 120,813.59  $ 1,877,819.01
$ 5,492,048. 21 $1,693,814.62 $71,544,105. 34  $ 8,729,968. 17

$    18,371. 00 $             $               $    18, 371. 00
    360,925. 20    26,063.91                      386,989. 11
    83,601.22                                     83,601.22

$   462,897.42 $   26,063.91 $                $   488,961.33

$ 3,783,499,13 $              $               $ 3,783,499. 13
32,143,454.87  3 459,501.31                   35,602,956. 18

$35, 926,9 54.00 $3,459,501.31 $          $39,386,455. 31
$36,38951 42   $3,485,565.2                   $39,875,416. 64

      Loan       Endowment         Agency
$     2 ,1-56, 73 $  4,659,52 $  40 507.68  $  47,323.93
     28,971.26                                     28,971, 26
     75,500.00    200.759.33      15,967. 19      292,2 Z6. 52

$   106,627.99 $ 205,418.85 $  56,474.87  $   368,521. 71
                                              $48,973,906. 52



University of Kentucky
As of November 30, 1955


Current Funds
Petty C7ash Liability
Res. for Encumbr.:
  Current Year
  Prior Year
  Res. for Inventories
  Other Liabilities
  Unapprop. Surplus
  Approp. Bals.

    Total General

 Outstand, Checks
 Restr. Balance

   Total Restr.
   Total Current

Plant Funds
  Res. forEnc umb.:
  Current Year
  Prior Year
  Approp. Bals.
  Unapprop. Surplus

  Total Unexpended

Investment in Plant:
  Bonds Payable
  Net Invested

    Total Invest.
    Total Plant

Other Funds:
Bal. as to Principal
Bal. as to Income

    Total Other Funds
    Total Liabilities


Ag ric ultural

Ag ric ultural

  Colleges          Station       Division           Total

$     40, 000. 00$   10, 000. 00 $             $    50, 000. 00

     299,048.95      59 034, 40     11,157.17      369,240.52
     92, 262. 93    48, 154. 66     6, 777. 84    147, 195. 43
     297, 641, 55                                  297, 641. 55
     52, 666. 20                                   52, 666.20
     90)492,43*    381,471. 50                    290,979.07
   3, 19 5, 744. 67  1,043,324.98  1,405,356.74  5, 644,426. 39

$  3,886,871.87 $1,541,985.54 $1,423,291.75 $ 6, 852, 149. 16

$      6,426.52 $               $              $      6,426.52
   1,598,749.82     151,829.08     120,813.59    1,871,392.49

$  1, 605, 176. 34 $  151,829.08 $  120,813.59 $ 1, 877, 819. 01
$  5,492,048.21 $1,693,814.62 $1,544,10 5.34 $ 8,729,968.17

$        267.24  $       273.51 $              $        540.75
     170,882.92      22,150.00                     193,032.92
     290,545.61       3,640.40                     294,186.01
       1,201.65                                      1,201.65

$    462,897.42 $    26,063.91. $              $    488,961.33

$  7,676,500.00  $              $              $ 7,676,500.00
  28,250,454.00   3,459,501.31                  31,709,955.31

$ 35,926,954.00 $3,459,501.31   $              $39,386,455.31
$ 36, 389, 851. 42 $3, 48 5,565. 22 $          $39 , 875, 416. 64

   Loan           Endowment        Agency

$     73,356.01  $  201,616.64 $               $    274,972.65
      33, 2 71. 98    3, 802,21     56,474.87      935,549.06

$    106,627.99 $   205,418.85 $     56,474.87 $    368,521.71



         University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
July 1, 1955 and ended November 30, 1955

             General Fund


to Date


Division of Colleges
=ucational and General:
  State Appropriations
  Federal Grants (through the state)
  Student Fees
  Endowment Income
  Sales and Services and Rentals


 Auxiliary Enterprises


Agric ultural Experiment Station
State Appropriations
Federal Grants (direct)
Sales and Services

      Total-Experiment Station

Agricultural Extension Division
State Appropriations
Federal Grants (direct)

      Total-Agr. Extension

      Total -General

Plant Fund.
Debt Service Income

      Total -Plant

      Combined Total

$3,505,850. 00 $2,2 20, 000. 00 $1,285,850.00
   131 465,60     94,269.81      37, 195. 79
   842,100.00    49 7, 827. 34  344,272.66
     9,644.50      9,200.00         444.50
     20,000. 00    15,525.93       4,474.07

$4,509,060. 10 $2,836,823.08 $1,672,237.02
                  62. 91%
   475,405. 50   222,934.64    252,470.86
                 46. 89%
$4,984,465.60 $3,059,757.72 $1,924,707.88
                  61. 39%7

$  584,600.00 $ 464,600.00 $    120,000.00
   673,676.67    373,775.83    299,900.84
   500,100.00    244,316.83    255,783.17

$1, 758,376. 67 $1, 082, 692. 66 $  675,684.01
                 61. 57T7o

$  683,350.00 $ 458,350.00 $    225,000,00
1 , 599, 343 , 94  79 7,42 1. 9 7  801,921.97

$2,282,693.94 $1,255,771.97 $1,026,921.97
                 55. 0176
$9,025,536.21 $5,398,222.35 $3, 627, 313. 86
                  59. 81%

$  167,019,40 $   83,418&18 $    83,601.22
                  49, 9 5%
$  167,019,40 $   83,418,18 $    83,601.22
                  49. 9 5%/o
$9,192,555.61 $ 5 4 8 1, 640, 5 3 $ 3, 7 1 0, 9 1 5 08
                  59_ 63%



              University of Kentucky
     For the Current Fiscal Period which began
     July 1, 1955, and ended November 30, 1955


Expendi-   Encum-
tures      brances


Division of Coll es
Adm. & General:
   Gen. Adm. Offices
   Student Services
   Staff Welfare
   Gen. Inst. Serv.


 Instr. & Research
 ColIege of --
 Agr. & Home Econ,
 Arts & Sciences
 Enginee ring
 Graduate School
 Org. Act. Rel. Edu,
 Re search
 Adult & Ext. Edu.


Other Expenses:
  Oper. & Maint. Plant
  Auxiliary Enterpr.
  Working Capital
  Clearing Accts.


 Total -Colleges

Agr. Exper. Station

Agr. Extension Division

Combined Totals

$  101,702.00 $   40,559.94 $  1,394.82  $  59,747.24
   208,060.46     85,459.02    1,8477. 97   120,753.47
   65,000.00     21,541.07                  43,458.93
   104,331.68     29,747.24   16,001.78      58,582.66

$ 479,094,14 $   177,307.27 $ 19,244.57  $ 282,542.30

                          41. 031%

$  291,882.74 $   102,901.51 $ 2,687.50   $  186,293.73
1,536,159.56    595,227.58   16,535.28     924,396.70
   204,131.76     82,933.36      541.00      120,657.40
   371,913.30    137,929.77    7,155.23     226,828.30
   379,423.51    148,145.05    2,302. 28     228,976.18
   88,520.98     33,297.39      247.66       54,975.93
   91,428.00     27,797.85    1,295.58       62,334.57
   11,887.50      4,879.82       41.26       6,966.42
   28,410.97     10,206.66      194.75       18,009.56
   20,000.00      2,156.21    1,735.05       16,108.74
   295,090.52    126,360.56   10,681.98      158,047.98
   147,658.34     60,937,76    8,041.94       78,678.64

$3,466,507.18 $1,332,773.52 $ 51,459.51   $2,082,274.15

                         39, 93%

$  932,468,00 $  279,754.52 $105,952.71  $  546,760.77
   361,504.04    133,942.94   27,224.07      200,337.03
   75,000.00    104,240,99* 94,959,49        84,281.50
                     242.48     208.60          451.08*

$1,368,972.04  $ 309,698,95 $228,344.87   $  830,928.22

                         39. 30%

$5,314,573.36  $1,819,779.74 $299,048.95  $3,195,744.67
                         39, 87%
 1,690,972.99    588,613.61   59,034.40    1,043,324.98
                         38, 30%
 2,282,693,94    866,180.03  11,157.17    1,405,356.74
                         38. 43%o
$9,288,240.29  $3,274,573.38 $369,240.52  $5,644,4z6.39
                         39. 237o%

*Negative Number.



            University of Kentucky
   For the Current Fiscal Period which began
   July 1, 1955, and ended November 30, 1955

Division of Colleges


ture s

Enc um -
branc es



$ 8,386.41

$ 18,821.78  $
        227. 62To

267.24    $ 10,702.61*

Retirement of Indebtedness:

1stW.P.A. BondIssue $
2nd W. P. A. Bond Issue
Do rm. Rev. Bond Issue
Audit-Field H. Issue
Lib, & Se rv. Bldg. Is sue
Stad. Add. Issue
Dorm. Rev. Issue (456
Jour. Bldg, Bond Issue
Dorm. Rev. Issue (476
Stud. Dorms. U.K.
Stud. Dorm. -Kappa Sigma
Stud. Dorm. -Lambda Chi
Stud. Dorm. -Phi Sigma
Stud. Dorm. -Pi Kappa
Dorm. Rev. Bond 1952
Dorm. Rev. Bond 1954
Lib. & Serv. Bldg. Res.
Dorm. Rev. Bond 1955


37, 409. 02
16, 610. 66
24, 682. 25
58, 079. 32.
44, 044. 52
21, 653. 07

7, 724. 68
15, 636. 50

4, 076. 9 3
13, 958. 32
9,481. 34
11, 741.40

10, 046. 34

9, 476. 87
57, 286. 50
23, 015. 51
34, 007.54
47, 166. 25

7, 799. 16
3, 382. 50
48, 676. 72
5, 598.75
3, 3 29. 8 0

$ 37, 409. 02
   8,811. 50
   21, 299, 75
   9, 402. 60
   38, 445. 77
   18, 323.27

3,428. 12

3, 005. 0 0
3,928. 73
1,964. 38
1, 9 64. 3 8

1, 9 64. 3 8

4, 296. 56
15, 636 50

1, 071. 93
10, 029. 59
7, 516.96
9, 777. 02

8, 081. 96

1, 9 64. 3 8

10, 676. 25

47, 166. 25

7, 512. 49
57, 286. 50
12, 339. 26
34, 007. 54

   Total--Retirement of
      Indebtedness   $446,097.02    $144,848.80   $              $301,248.22
                                            32. 477%

Total - Colleges     $454,483.43    $163,670.58    $    267. 24  $290,545.61
                                            36. 07%
Agr. Exper. Sta. Const.  4,961.81       1,047.90        273.51       3,640.40
                                            26, 63%

 Combined Plant
     Totals          $459,445. 24   $164,718.48    $    540. 75   $294, 186. 01
                                            35. 9 7%

*Negative Number.



           University of Kentucky
  For the Current Fiscal Period which began
  July 1, 1955 and ended November 30, 1955

Restricted Funds:
  Div. of Colleges
  Agr. Exp. Station
  Agr. Ext. Division


Loan Fund:


Endowment Funds:


A enc Funds:

Combined Totals


Disburse -


July 1, 1955   Receipts     ments         Nov. 30, 1955

$1,665,424.Z8  $1,423,438.57 $1,490,113.03 $1,598,749.82
   136,163.74     102,130.58     86,465.24    151,829.08
   135,373.62      53,698.36     68,258.39    120,813.59

$1,936,961.64  $1,579,267.51 $1,644,836.66 $1,871,392.49

$   73r356.01  $             $             $   73,356.01
    32,290.50         985.91          4.43     33,271.98

$  105,646.51  $      985.91 $        4.43 $  106,627.99

$  201,616.64  $             $             $  201,616.64
     3,676.81         125.40                    3,802.21

$  205,293.45  $      125.40 $             $  205,418.85

$  115,667.82  $  214,309.19 $  273,502.14 $   56,474.87

$Z,363,569.42  $1,794,688.01 $ 1,918, 343.23 $2,239,914.20



       D. Mr. Hobson Elected Vice Chairman.

       The Chairman of the Board stated that due to the death of Guy A. Hugue-
let the Board did not have a vice chairman, and called for nominations.

       Mr. Robert P. Hobson was nominated by Mr. Harper Gatton for Vice
Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Executive Committee.
The nomination was seconded by Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci.

       There being no other nominations, the motion was put and unanimous-
ly carried.

       E. Report on the Acquisition of Turner Property.

       President Donovan reported that, by mutual agreement between Ann
C. Turner and the University, the Turner property had been deeded by Ann
C. Turner to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky for the sum of $50, 000. 00. He stated that Ann C. Turner
had been for some time willing to sell the property located on Washington
Avenue, but there was a difference between what she asked for the property and
what the University appraisers thought the property was worth.  The price
fixed by the jury in the lower court, which was evidently somewhat of a com-
promise between the price asked and the price offered, was accepted by both
parties.  The property is now available as a site for the construction of the
College of Pharmacy.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was received
and the settlement approved.

       F. Stoll, Keenon & Park, Attorney Fee.

       President Donovan. submitted invoice of Stoll, Keenon & Park for services
rendered in University of Kentucky vs Ann C. Turner.

       Services rendered in University vs Ann Turner. in pre-
       liminary conferences with Dr. Peterson during negotia-
       tions with Mrs. Turner; examination of chain of title,
       Turner Will, Plat Books, etc. , of property and prepara-
       tion of memorandum; examination of statutes and authori-
       ties applicable to condemnation by University of Kentucky;
       conferences with Dr. Peterson and Prof. Matthews; con-
       ferences with Dr. Peterson, Prof. Matthews and Assistant
       Attorney General Ferguson regarding details of preparing
       and filing litigation; preparation of Complaint and appoint-
       ing Commissioners and Report of Commissioners based
       upon examination of survey of property, trip to Frankfort
       for signature of pleadings by Attorney General; filing of
       Complaint; Conference with County Judge regarding ap-
       pointment of Commissioners; accompanying Commission-
       ers to property and returning report to Clerk' s Office;


obtaining issuance of summons and service of same;
preparation of exceptions to report of Commissioners;
preparation for trial of exceptions, including interview-
ing numerous witnesses; examination of authorities;
conferences in preparation for trial; preparation of
instructions for Jury and obtaining subpoena for witness-
es; trial of case in County Court, 2 days; preparation
of order paying award into County Court Clerk' s cus-
tody and obtaining possession of property; negotiations
with defendant, s representatives, terminating in agree-
ment to dispose of litigation; preparation of final
judgment and deed; obtaining judgment and deed; ob-
taining payment of award to defendant and lodging deed
torecord ... o. .e . . r ..    ,,,

...$ 1,000.00

Sept. 28
Sept. Z0
Oct. 10
Nov. 3
Nov. 17
Nov. 17

Clerk Fay. Co. , filing Condemnation $
Robert Houlihan, mileage
Sheriff, Fayette County, summons
Mary V. Cotton, reporting case     2
Fayette Co. , Clerk recording deed
Fayette County Court, Costs        2

2. 50
1. 00
,O. 00
3. 00
26. 6 5

57. 65

                                                                  $ 1, 057.65

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, payment of attorney fees
and expenses was approved and authorized.

       G. Award of Contract for College of Pharmacy Building.

       President Donovan submitted tabulation of bids received for the construc-
tion of the College of Pharmacy Building. He stated that five base bids were
received ranging from $588, 000. 00 submitted by Hargett Construction Company,
Lexington, Ky,. , to $629, 406, 00 submitted by Flemingsburg Lumber Company,
Flemingsburg, Ky. He recommended that. the low bid be accepted and the
State Property and Buildings Commission requested to execute contract.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the members concurred
in the recommendation and the Vice President, Business Administration, was
authorized to communicate with the State Property and Buildings Commission.

       H. Report of Committee of Fifteen on Future Enrollment.

       President Donovan reported that he had received from the Committee
of Fifteen a lengthy report of a study on future enrollments of the University.
He stated that the report was available for members of the Committee but that
a brief summary might serve as a resume, and read the following statement:



1 Af
. v

                    Future Enrollments
                           of the
                   Unive r si~tyof Kentuc ky

       At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 21,
1954, I recommended that the Board authorize the appointment
of a Committee of Fifteen composed of members of the Faculty
and the administration to make a study of what the University should
look like at the time of our centennial celebration in 1965. This
able committee has been studying thoroughly the University' s pro-
gram and what is needed to be done to bring the University up to
a standard commensurate with other land-grant state universities
of this country.  The latest report made by this committee has
been a thorough study of the future enrollment of the University.
In brief the report says that the minimum enrollment estimated.
in the fall of 1965 will be 10,400 students, but that this is a very
conservative estimate of the enrollment. A more liberal enroll-
ment estimate predicts that by 1965 there will be 16, 859 students
enrolled in the University.

       My own personal opinion is that there will be 10, 000 stu-
dents or more on the campus of the University before 1960 and
that the number enrolled by 1965 will be in excess of the 16, 859
estimated by the committee.

       The reason why I predict a larger enrollment than the com-
mittee has reported is because at the present time only 13, 2 per
cent of the white college age youth of Kentucky are enrolled in col-
lege and only 5 per cent of the negro college age population now
attend. college whereas states like Mississippi and Florida have
21 per cent and 22 per cent respectively enrolled in colleges and
universities. While Utah at present has 56 per cent, California
52 per cent and Oklahoma 50 per cent. of the college age youth
now enrolled in the colleges and universities, the nation as a
whole today has approximately 33 per cent of all the college age
young men and women in college.

       Even if Kentucky should not have any increase in population
within the next decade, we will have, in my opinion, at least one-
third and possibly 40 per cent of our college age group attending
college. This will be one of the results that will come from the
state! s support of the minimum education foundation which will
undoubtedly improve the quality of education in Kentucky and en-
courage many high school graduates to attend college.

       In view of this anticipated increase in attendance in the col-
leges and universities of this state, it is essential for Kentucky
to make preparations now to take care of the education of the youth
of the state.  We cannot afford to put off the preparation for this
impending tidal wave of students that will assuredly be knocking
at the doors of the colleges and universities in the years immedi-
ately ahead.  It takes t:'me to erect buildings and to assemble a
faculty to instruct these young men and women.



              I would suggest that the Board acknowledge receipt of the
       report of the Committee of Fifteen on "Future Enrollments of the
       University of Kentucky" and that a digest of the report be includ-
       ed in the minutes of this meeting and the total report be filed
       with the Secretary of the Board and made available for anyone
       who may be interested in studying it.

       President Donovan exhibited a few charts giving information on the sharp
rise in birth rate since World War II, the teachers needed to man the schools
during the next ten years, the percentage of young people of college age
(18-22) going to college, et cetera.  The charts indicated the university enroll-
ment would double during the next fifteen years.

       Members of the Board exhibited much interest in the report of the Com-
mittee of Fifteen and the information given by the President. and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried acknowledged receipt of the report on future
enrollment of the University and expressed their appreciation for the very thor-
ough study made.

       I. Future Buildings Needed.

       President Donovan stated that he had a list of buildings which needed to
be constructed during the next ten years if the University was to meet its obli-
gations and take care of the increased enrollment of students who would un-
doubtedly register at the University.  He read the following statement and sub-
mitted a schedule for building construction:

                             Future Buildings
                                 TIor the

              At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee it was requested
       that the administration furnish the Board of Trustees with a list of
       buildings that should be constructed during the next decade.  It was
       also requested that we should list these buildings in order of their
       priority.  Vice President Leo M. Chamberlain, Vice President Frank
       D. Peterson and I have given considerable study to this matter for a
       number of years, and we have conscientiously endeavored to present
       what we consider a minimum requirement in the order in which these
       buildings should be constructed. Our figures are conservative, es-
       pecially when the high cost of construction is taken into consideration,
       We know that some of our colleagues on the Faculty would not agree
       with us on the order of priority, but. we are presenting to you our
       opinion which we believe is an objective judgment,

              Those buildings that are needed for classrooms and labora-
       tories for instruction and research will have to be built out of funds
       appropriated by the state.  Housing for students can be erected and
       paid for over a period ol years out of revenue bonds,  Womenv s Res-
       idence Hall No, 5 (Holmes Halli and Apartment Project No. 2


(Shawneetown) should be
dents in the fall of 1957.
ly for graduate students

erected ~n t me to be opened for stu-
  Men s Residence Hall No. 6 primari-
should be planned to open at the same

       This list of future building needs does not take into con-
sideration buildings for a college of medicine which should be
considered as a separate project.

            A Schedule for BuOudjng-Construction
               at the Uni   t  f Kentucky

I. Facilities for Instruction and Research

1. Physical Sciences Bui.ding
Z. Alterations and Renovations of Kastle Hall
    and Pence Hail for other use
3. Classroom, laboratory, and office building
    for the Northern Center
4. College of Commerce
5. Addition to the Library
6. Addition to Mineral industries Building
7. Agriculture Building for instruction and
    research, and including a divisional library
8. College of Adult Education and Continuation
9, Addition to William S. Taylor Building
    (College of Education)
10 Experimental Farms (expansion}
11. Classroom Building for Arts and Sciences
12. Addition to the Engineering Quadrangle
13. Animal House (for biological sciences,
    pharmacy, etc. )
14. Addition to Lafferty Hall College of Law)


$ 3,000,000

    400, 000

    500, 000
    800, 000
  1, 000, 000
    800, 000

  1, 000, 000

    800, 000

    300, 000
    400, 000
  1, 000, 000
    600, 000

    100, 000
    150, 000

$10,850, 000

       The goal for the next five years should be the completion of at
least the first seven items, The total estimated cost of these seven
structuresis $7. 500,000.

IL H   ingfr Single Students, Married Students, and Faculty

Io Holmes Hall (Women; s Residence Hall
   No. 5 in planning stagel
20 Women's Residence Halls Nos. 6 and 7
3, Men, s Residence liadis Nos. 6 and 7
4. Apartment Project No. 2 'Shawneetown)


$ 1, 000, 000
  2, 000, 000
  2, 000, 000
  1, 500, 000

$ 6,500,000



               The above projects can be financed in part or in whole
       through the sale of revenue bonds. The University administra-
       tion is willing to make them as nearly self -liquidating as possible.
       However, it must refrain from making costs to students excessive.

       Ill. Other Facilities

              A Central Kitchen and Dining Units for Women, s
              Halls (a part of the cost, perhaps 1/4 to 1/3
              might be covered by revenue bonds)                   $ 1, 000 000

       A general discussion ensued. and upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the statement and schedule of building construction was received and
authorized put to record.

       J. Statutory Limitation on the President' s Salary.

       President Donovan stated that the Committee of Fifteen had made a
study of the salaries of presidents of institutions comparable to Kentucky and in
states adjacent to Kentucky. The Committee recommended that the salary lim-
itation placed on the president of the University be removed. President Dono-
van stated that he had formalized a. statement and asked permission to read the

                            Stato    Limitation
                            PresideriFs Salary

              The Committee of Fifteen has also recommended that the
       Board of Trustees be requested to ask the General Assembly which
       will meet in January to amend the statute which now limits the sal-
       ary of the President of the University of Kentucky to $9, 000 to be
       paid out of the Treasury of the State of Kentucky. This statute also
       limits the salaries of all other employees of the University.  The
       Committee has recommended that the statute be amended to raise
       the $9, 000 ceiling, and the !.University chapter of the AAUP has sim-
       ilarly recommended that the ceiling be eliminated from the statute.
       After considering various facets of the matter, I have had the fol-
       lowing bill drafted:

              AN ACT repealing Section 64, 645 of the Kentucky Re-
                 vised Statutes relating to the limitation of salaries
                 payable to officers and employees of the state in-
                 stitutions of higher education.

              Be it enacted bL the General Assembly of the Commonwealth
       of Kentucky:

                 Section 64, 64 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, relating
              to the limitation of salaries payable to officers and employees
              of the state institutions of higher education, is hereby repealed.



              The Board of Trustees will in the foreseeable future be
       seeking the services of a new president and if the present statute
       is in force the Board may be embarrassed in attempting to find
       an able and competent president. In preparation for an address
       on the subject, "The State University Presidency: 1955", I made
       a careful study of the salaries paid university presidents in the
       United States and found the median to be $16,375. The minimum
       salary is $10,000 and the maximum is $30,000.  You. have seen
       other pertinent data in the report of the Committee of Fifteen
       on this subject. It is obvious also that the University would be
       seriously handicapped in the coming fierce competition for high-
       grade college teachers if there is a low statutory ceiling on our
       salaries, since such ceilings simply do not exist in most other
       American institutions.

              I hope the Board cf Trustees will lend its influence in
       persuading the Legislature to repeal the statutory limitation.
       There would still be in effect the statute ( KRS 164, 225) which
       gives the Board authority to fix the compensation of all employees
       of the University.  This is fundamentally sound, and is the tra-
       ditional American principle.  There is of course also a Kentucky
       constitutional limitation of $12, 000 on the salaries of any University
       employees who might be held to be public officers of the State.

       Upon rnotion duly made, seconded and carried, the Secretary was re-
quested to notify Senator John C. Anggelis and Representatives Foster Ocker-
man and John B. Breckinridge that the present limit on salary of the president
of the University of Kentucky is $9, 000. 00 from state sources; that the median
salary paid to university presidents in the Ulnited States is $16, 375. 00; the
minimum salary is $10, 000. 00 and the maximum $30, 000. 00; the average
salary paid presidents in adjoining states of comparable institutions is about
$22, 000. 00; and that it is the wish and desire of the University