xt7jws8hgb1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jws8hgb1k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1992 athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs Kickoff Magazine, Vol. XIV, No. 5, University of Kentucky vs. Mississippi State University, October 31, 1992 text Kickoff Magazine, Vol. XIV, No. 5, University of Kentucky vs. Mississippi State University, October 31, 1992 1992 2014 true xt7jws8hgb1k section xt7jws8hgb1k p ‘ V V ' " V . _ _ V ’ V "'."j§5·_’7y';.{ » ‘ ‘ " ' iq, ·-A .`q ._ `·` ;- . ,
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Ojlicial magazine ofthe University of Kentucky *1- S/A
Football games at Commonwealth Stadium C "
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Associate Sports Communications Director joey Howard I ` {g > · `T
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The second Bulldog invasion in as many wee/es takes V , i tf, [ *· 1
place on Homecoming at Commonwealth Stadium j H ` S ~ S i 7
A particularbl fierce member ofthe Black Watch, Dean 1 A i p V S iv
1%lls is a quarterbacks worst nightmare come true 2 we .- { » T V ,
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1 S Game Statistics 9 Athletics Administration 52 Opponent Roster 60 Retired jerseys 78 S
f Scouting The Opponent 10 Football Support Staff 34 UK Managers 62 Football Records 83 V y
ly! Meet The Opponent 1 1 Graduate Assistants 36 Kentucky Network 65 All-SEC Selections 88
{ UK ln The News 14 Commonwealth Stadium 38 Practice Facilities _ 66 All-Americans 90
g Opponent Schedules 16 Meet The Wildcats· 40 Academic All·Americans 68 UK Songs 91 I
· Q;} Bill Curry 18 Alumni Notes 49 CATS 70 Cheerleaders & Band 92 {
·jS University Profile 20 UK Roster 52 AD`s Honor Roll 71 UKS In The Pros 94
of UK Administration 22 Meet The Newcomers 54 Gridiron History 73 Blue & \1Vhite Donors 96
r’ C.M. Newton 24 Meet The \Wallt·Ons 55 Coachesf Records 74 I
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1 ” . - . i I » r·· :.~ i .i1i . . 4 —·a‘r iiir ‘ Iiaa ~ KENTUCKY STAFF .
A A ·_ A*A,», », · A A A I , A;]-LAAA AA A A'·; i ` AA . Publisher: C.M. Newton, Athletics Director CIL
AA ¤ AAA AA 1 A , ’ , ·· AA A AA A 'A A Associate Publisher: CIIYIS CQIUICTOII. [\§Si$[I\II[ A(l]lC(iC$ A
A AA q IEE , Q LV; A I ‘ ‘ I . ·· Director 4 Communications 311
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rg Vi It (II. V V. _ It, I qw · · — ., { Pliotography: David Coyle, Ulx Sports Communications CV
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P From ’ I 'he Press Box
Q ``‘ `‘
Ever wonder who comes up wzth all those storzes and stutzstzcsf
_:r_ G VCT WOHC1€I` W1`1€I` C [TIOSC yards 1`LlS1`l1[`1Q HS 1] [C2lI'D... 1:101`1dlI is 11]
,;=*»¥ *Y'*’·' ` . . — . ».
_;._ numbers come from a y ?* games played inside the state of Florida.
;V,; H€WSpH]D€l‘ 1'€pOf[€1‘ LlS€S IO . · 7. ,,, At 1\€n[uekV, the UK SID Off1Ce Can
· ;-. ` . ' fd ;$· ` =·· · - . .::5 »*~ - '
describe team trends? Or \ ” so ` W throw its share of numbers at you as well.
· “··: . —
what about those interest- Q" ‘ r On page seven of last weeks press release
,.,.r · · · · · A / n s 1 · w a .
11`1gl1f[l€ Stories a television ·· for the Georgia contest, a note appeared
p ay- y-p ay an- » entit e e ense uy t e um vers. n tue
els. . L · ·
nouncer reveals about a player or coach? _- w ‘ 1, Bill Curry era, Kentucky 15 9-1 when hold-
Where do the come from. in an o onent below 3h0 yards of total
S PP .
The answer is simple —- The Sports 56-6 thumping of-Arkansas State last week. offense. The 1990 victories were against
Information Department. These offices In their weekly release prior to the Central Michigan (343), Mississippi Stare
around the country are responsible for the Arkansas State contest, this was a note to (344) and Georgia (276)... The 1991 wins
l publicity or information which is distribut- show the Bulldogs, recent success against came versus Kent State (290) and
ed to the media. Generally speaking, the 12 non-conference opponents; "During the Cincinnati (292)... This season, Kentucky
, SID offices of the Southeastern Conference past three and one-half years, Mississippi has wins over Central Michigan (257),
‘ generate approximately 800 press releases, State has dominated its non-conference Indiana (334), South Carolina (215) and
' which are mailed to regional and national opposition. In that span, the Bulldogs have LSU (347)... The lone blemish in the
media outlets, each week. The releases con- posted a 13-1 record (.928 pct.) against Curry era came in 1990 vs. North Carolina
sist of uotes, notes and statistics. non-conference o onents which includes 311 .
Each of the SEC schools conducts an 11-game winning streak from 1989 to Or what about these items from the
weekly on-campus press conferences, sends Kentucky press release: "Smart Catsll and
video highlights via satellite, and has radio- J "Matthews Ranks Among Strongest." The
ualit teleconferences with head coaches \ , n; . Smart Cats note is about OG Todd Perry
` »--. { " `W I-- N . '
and players. Ihe news, or what SIDs call Q ' —§_ and STR Dean Wells. Both are three—ttme
"the good stuff” must get to the newspa- members ofthe Academic All-SEC Honor I
Y . . . . ‘ 5
` pers, radio and television stations by what- 7, Roll team. Perry and Wells have a chance #
ever means it takes. 77 { to be the second and third \)€/ildcats foot-
For a sam lin of ress release matter, H I ball vlaver(s to make the Academic All-
P S P 1 .
let°s look at a few column notes from I SEC team four times during their careers. A
around the league. ,,. Entering this season, LB ]im Kovach ?
. . . ru . ‘
First, we stop at Georgia. In their week- (1974-76) was the only Wildcat to make `
ly release, the Georgia SID office is pro- last season. During that time, MSU has the team four times. The l\r1atthews note l
H moting scatback Garrison Hearst for the beaten Memphis State and Tulane (three lets the media know the breakdown of
Heisman Tro h A Inside their weekly times , Southern Mississi i, Cal-Fullerton strenvth by Wildcats OG ody Matthews. e,
H P ) . PP ev . . ,
release is afour-color, one- a e s no sis on and Texas (two times , and Northeast He is erhavs the stron vest ulayer in the 1
P S Y P P 1 S .
Hearst, his 1992 statistics and a com ari- Louisiana one time . The Bulldo s` aver- country with a bench ress of 580 wounds, ·
P S . P 1
son with former Heisman winner Herschel age victory margin in those non—conference a squat press of 675 and a clean of 400.
Walker. A quote box from the page caught games has been 16 points? Of course, tonight`s game program `
m e te... `(Garrison Hearst is henomenal. From the Florida Svorts information could to from cover to cover with such I
1 P 1 S `
He`s the college version of Thurman Department, numbers, numbers and more items if you combined the weekly press Q
,4 Thomas. He can beat rou catchinv the numbers are the dominant item in their releases from all 12 SFC schools. But at Y
` Y O
‘;‘ football or he can beat you running the weekly fact sheets. For an example, the least you get an idea of the types and bits
sa football. He has so many moves, if ou Florida SID office says this about the Steve of information which are venerated for use ‘
. Y . to
blink twice, ou mi ht miss four or five of S urrier era — "Florida is 16-1 in the bv the media. j
Y S P . _ ,
them and heill be in the end zone." lust Spurrier era when the Gators score first in Its those type of notes and anecdotes 1
attribute the quote to former Pittsburgh a game... Florida is 21-1 when leading at you may read or hear or view next week '
Steeler All-Pro and current ABC-TV ana- the half in the S wurrier era... Florida is 12- when the media weviews an u icomin t col- l
I S ,
lyst Lynn Swann. 0 when a Gator back rushes for 100 legiate football game. And when you recog-
Next, we look at Mississippi State, yards... Florida is 19-2 when the Gators nize a tidbit in the making, you now
K€ntucky`s opponent tonight. The MSU score 24 points-or-more... Florida is 17-0 understand just where it originated — the
Sports Information Office is coming off a when it holds an opponent to less than 10() sports information department.
. . .=-..é_, . 1
ItenlurkyI·00i1mII .1
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P1 P P P e H P °eW
A ¤|:|¤|:|:|:.·|· r S S
I 1 UK Homecoming marks the second Bulldog invasion in as many weeks A
‘ `lli lllzl ·
°‘‘A r r »ls;. I A t
A ‘·‘; yn ‘ ` `P PV * . °»‘v A·
. ·= . . ·» P . VP-/. 1 -
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· Ag _Q»_ A, · AA . .;V, A A `:V· A s
V,.s_o_l;.·»,l PP Q; V-.l ;.e s'_;.‘` j$P P . ¤ —’‘‘= P I »`‘=A`‘:’ r `=s·»-=
P l``'l P A _, ] V‘.‘ VAP ` and a bowl game. They .
· »~·V It I °‘*-. ,4 · "%*°PP. , _:.r· ii r _P ° A A »·__ canPt afford to let one bad
il. A lj `P °?P PI €`- · · A. _ A P__ ~ j I performance interupt —
P P. 3 · AEI »_='‘ A ‘Pr .·P .l`_VV A AA I A _ P" ~A what could still be a very
. P P' ug ._l» f `A »A ’‘‘’ . A .P successful season. >
P ~ .P P . ~! ,,•·· ,P` _ ____ A‘_P;P ‘‘·· A »‘r» C ._.“ A ·A 1 P°We’ve shown that
A ‘ .‘*~· P· . A- 7;.*PPP -;..l; P 3 ‘*»‘ PT sr‘— I .·‘' FQ ;.—AA. s.s . ; We ¤¤¤ Play muy good
P _ ,/S. X PP .. — _ P , ‘»·· A PQ? ._ ··Vl»»’ [_A?A } football,” Curr said. V
1; *1 .A . t · ‘ P -»·'. . . ‘ *‘:" :A=.é‘ .·v— 1 .. 2 ' “ , Y
· A- _“ A A A . ‘ AQ { A.A° 1A‘AA·A AQIAA _A__` “ A· We ve also demonstrat- 1-
A { I ‘ A P Al’' ‘_A:'.rrA 1 AA j j· BA? °‘'V ..P_ ; QP ed that at this time we A
· \ .A··. __AV AA __AA “ to take on the top teams
P A- A AA, PP li'i` P` AA . _ P ii’i Pu in our conference on an [
P A ’P A- AA · . ‘ PP “ ‘ _ {. A_A AAA A A A t €V€I1-SIEVEH basis.” {
1 A .A A;A sai? . - P T5 ’ PPP" ’··.A¤ ~ A-- t¤—· AA AA.s ... T<>¤iah¤» Wim they S
[ P P P PPPP‘ P ~ ~~·~ Q IPP? ‘ hir the Field fo {M6 5
P` =“n¥ C `A A:. · - ’ 4* ` 1 ‘ ‘‘=··‘ I PP ; . s
A A . A‘‘‘ { L ‘ A 7;* ‘· ~;i2ji22 ‘*‘= AAA.; ts»‘ arrorhor group of Bull- h
- A C =·_AA A " A A A ’ A ·A ` A'-I [ AA ` :`i?;TP `—`% '° ’ A ° A
_ . _ Ar r. . ‘A ..5% A gt dogs — this one from [
¥°A·?r‘¥ ‘ — " A ¤ P" · " .A-v . . · PN Q P. Nr} ’ A A A A A
· AAAj;gA;3¤ A ———. .AA _ A AA? »— A; A /» A _ ’‘r’ A Mississippi State —- they y
P A ¤ __.A , . go will have to show they Y
..._ AA AA PP P A A ·‘ P ° _ t learned their lessons well. 2
A .»• Jn · L .4% . .A.A.,Ar¢.·· ,.AA..,,.».A... .,—..,»,. ..A. -...1 A A A A
AA ‘ Mississippi State en- S
BY 1)/\V1l) K/\1)l.r\N this whole scenario (playing in a pivotal ters Commonwealth Stadium in a similar t
//,,5; (f,,,,,,,,,,,,j(·,,,·j,),,5 SLC game). lt was too much for tts this predicament. Although sporting a 5-2
time. Next time, ifwe get in this position, record, ]aclttt.tt;e