xt7jws8hhp5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jws8hhp5z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 200704 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2007 text GLSO News, April 2007 2007 2019 true xt7jws8hhp5z section xt7jws8hhp5z ~“~7 ' Ga and Th N w
\ Y e GLSO E S
-. Lesbtan
. o
\ time April 2007
’ Organization
A Publication of the flexington (jay and Eesbian Services flrganization
- Volume 22 Number3
Pride IDOL |mperia| Court
The Pride Idol Contest is back! Bill ,
Chandlerwillbe your host atallevents. , , The 'mPef'a' Court Of Kenn?“
This contest is open to all; you can bring inwtes you ”19'” us fortwo very 9mm”?
your favorite Karaoke CD to sing to," use 33%;“; m ATI'b Or; VXednesday, ffpnl
one of ours, or accompany yourself on at ' we w' e ,°s'“9, an erorca-
guitar orotherinstrument. themed show entitled Check Your
The preliminaries will be at Basket" as a fundraiser for the Kentucky
1.Mia's Restaurant & Bar 120 S. Upper FairnessAlliance. This event will be held
9 pm Thursday April 5 at The Bar Complex with doors opening
2.The Pride Center, 389Wal|er Ave. at 8:30 and the show starting at 9:30.
6 -8 pm Tuesday April 10 There will be a $5 cover, with proceeds
3. Crossings, 117 N. Limestone St. gomg to KFA' ,
8-10 pm Friday, April 20 On Wednesday, April 25th, the
4' The Bar Complex 224 E. Main St. Entertainer of the Year series will come
9pm Tuesday’April24 to a close with the crowning of our
The registration fee is $10 and Entertainer of the Year for reign 25.
applications can be picked up at any of the Come supporthyourhfavoilt: female "23
participating locations or can be taken off member and ep t en; a e gorge t_ :
our web site www.glsopc.com. If there are crown. Doors at 8:30’ s ow at ,‘3 'fw't
enough participants, a semi-final round will pCroceeds benefitting the charities o the
be scheduled. The finals will be help at the ourt. _
Pride Picnic in June at Windy Knoll Farm. Congratulations to our newest
At that time, the audience will vote for their round 0f Drag Hall Of Fame inductees,
favorite singer. inducted at a very successful Fal3ies
The winner will receive atrophy , a gift Awards Kceremolny on March 20th"
certificate for Disc Jockey in Lexington Karen olllett, aToya Baccall, and ;
Green and studio time at Grooves Cheyenne. commued 0" Page 2 ‘i
Professional. Recording Studio to make my. - , ‘
ten copies of two song CD. , . Sponsor of the Month
ctOut ‘T outs i,. . i , i
fl ’3’ 2153;; ” Ernesto Scorsone
Act Out is looking for 6 actors (5 male “33:, f’
and 1 female) fortheir June play The Paris ._ Attorney at Law
Letter by Jon Robin Baitz. Homer Tracy t its;
will be directing. Auditions will be at the . it? 2545766
Pride Center 7pm ThursdayApril 26th and 7.
2pm SatApril 28.
continued on nextpage s -

 AVOL Beaux Arts Bali 1
"3”,, GAY AND This year’s Beaux Arts Ball is on April 7 and
w, L E S B I A N will be held atthe Old Tarr Bourbon Distillery, 899 1
3 SERVICES Manchester Street. AVOL is the benefiting
:2 ORGANIZATION charity. Doors open at 7 pm. Tickets purchased
Lexington Kentucky in advance are $20 and are available at Third
’ Street Stuff, The Pride Center, KY Theter,and
6 "80 NEWS The Black Market.
—i The music of Q-Burns Abstract Message,
V0]. 22 No.3 Parlour Boys, CunninLynguists and The Juan
- . Maclean will follow throughout the evening.
PUbIIShed Monthly by' Come dance with us until 3 am. There will also be
GLSO fantastic performances by the UK Dance
P.0. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 Ensemble at 9, Mecca at 10:45 and a Drag Show
wwmlexingtonglso@yahoo.com at midnight. There may be a Fashion Show in
www.glsopc.org there somewhere, but then the whole night is a
—""_—' fashion show of sorts. F o r m o r e
News Ed'tors information: beauxArtsBall@hotmail.com
Mary Crone & Jackie Cobern
ACT OUT AUDITIONS continued from page 1
Pride Center Office Manager Wall Street powerhouse Sandy Sonnenberg
Bi” Chandler finds his personal and professional life
threatened by the unraveling secrets of his past.
859 253-3233 A tragic game of financial and moral betrayal is
———-— played out over four decades and between two
friends at the cost of family, friendship, love and
GLSO BOARD marriaga
Tom Co||ins’ President Reviewers agree that this is a wondeful play:
"Head and shoulders above most current
Sondra MeHOtt’ Secretary dramatic offerings,The Pan's Letter has potential
Aaron HUtson! Treasurer to rank beside works of Arthur Miller and
Jackie Cobern Tennessee Williams. Baitz writes vibrant,
Mary Crone stinginglyliterate dialogue. " Variety
Terry Mullins Imperial Court continued from page 1
. Be on the lookout for our recently launched
GLgelrvfgstfghlp line of greeting and post cards featuring shots
In divi duals [Couples from four of our previous calendars and
selected, never—before-seen outtakes. Cards
$20 per year are $15 fora set of 20, and postcards are $10 for
a set of 10. There are three various sets of
Opimons eXl’ressefl'i" the 6530 News fare postcards and one set of greeting cards. They
22:33:21::géhgfhznggg$636,?”er will be available at Court shows, The Dar
Submissions received after the deadline, which Complex, Th'rd Street Stuff, and Sqecral Media.
is the 15th of each month, may be cut or not
printed when space is limited. The staff GLSO Thank; the Court/for
reserves the right to edit or reject submissions
and ads. their generous donation of$1,ooo
Page 2 '

 3 - ° .
a ; ammum I] BID:
9 ’ '
g I o ‘ ‘ '
d ‘ Fairness Fundraisers W‘Sl’m‘S 01“"
g ‘ KFA will host two fundraising drag Wishing Chair is scheduled to play
shows. On April 18‘“, the Imperial Court of two times in the Central Kentucky area in
. 3 Kentucky will host a show at the Bar at 9 'n the next week. These are the" only
31: pm. on behalf of the Bluegrass Chapter. shows here until the fall so be sure to
l The Chapter hopes to draw in a large come and check out the new material that
9; Lexington crowd to support fairness for all. we re working. up for. the next
e On April 28m, the Kentucky Fairness CD,due out sometime late this year
v Alliance will hosta differentdrag showinthe Saturday, March 31 9 pm
n showroom of Connection in Louisville. Natasha's Bistro www.beetnik.com
a 112 Esplanade Cover $7
e , Friday, April 6 Coffeetree Cafe 7 PM
Iosli Zuckerman at Crossmgs Frankfort, Ky price; $10
Josh Zuckerman, the nation's number Poet Steve Holt, et al WI" be reading _ .
one recording artist on Sirius Out Q Radoi The Octagon Hall Museum In
9 and MTV/Logo, will be performing at Bowling Green has JUSt added "Sue
e Crossing on Tuesday, April 10. Josh has MUFdY" from our Underdog CD, e8 part Of
t appeared with the Indigo Girls, BB, King, their ongorng exhibit about that infamous
S. and Macy Gray. He has performed at CIVII War guerilla. Check the webSlte for
o numerous Pride Festivals and club venues last minute Changes and updates.
d across the country. . .
With influences from Bon Jovi to Faith lexmgton [vans leather/let" Club
,: Hill, and a little Elvis Costello, Zuckerman _ . _
it rocks while reminding his audience that The'Lexmgton Lyons wrllmeetApril9
1| being real is the only way to be. The show at the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. at 7
d start at 9:30, cover is $5 Info at pm. The Lyons areagroup offriends who
i www.joshzuckerman.com. Crossings 117 come together .to celebrate Strength
' N. Limestone ph 859 233-7266. ' unity, and diverSIty for those who enjoys
' _ the Leather/Levi Lifestyle. For info visit
: . . .
PRIDE MONTH PLANNING —p————L—9~““ ”W '9’“ °”3 0'
5 8 h tt' "D' l
j 7 PM AT TIIE PRIDE CENTER pag Q L Ll’lfler
. Ever one welcome to attend.
> .y . . Fundraler for GLSO Pride Center
r Artists: display a piece of . . .
‘f your work at the Pride Center 3nd“!!! flpftl 1 3
'; during June. We also need 7 Pm $ 5
items for the picnic rattle and E11 . W l.
people willing to volunteer an cryone 1:3 9’ come
hour or two at the June 10 Pride at the Prlde Center
. Picnic. call mary 26 6-5904 3 89 Waller $112.
,_ , ,_,_,,___._Wwwww

 Jubilee Fellowship U.U. Pres. Slflkal’d' honored as
an Influential Black Spiritual Leader
Jubilee Fellowship has a new meeting . .
location, St Mychal the Martyr located at G9 UUAPresidentVWliam G. Sinkford
1350 Eastland Dr, Suite #5 in Lexington. was honored for the second
Eastland Dr. is off New Circle Rd one black consecutive year by Beliefnetcom as one of
North olenchester Rd. Once on Eastland the nation's Most Influential Black Spiritual
Rd, take your first left. It is "Inside" New Leaders. He was chosen by the editors for
Circle. It is in row of small offices behind Mi his work in support of marriage equality for
Mexico nearNewCircle same-sex couples and for his prophetic
We are meeting on Wednesday nights leadership in opposition to the Iraq war.
at 7 pm for Bible Study. We are studying a Upon learning of the award Sinkford,
curriculum based on John Bever's book, said, "It's an honor to be recognized within
Dn'ven ByEtemity. Call859 514-5518. such a religiously diverse group. The
Jubilee Fellowship welcomes richness and variety of African American
members of the GLBT community and their spiritual life is ajoy to behold."
friends tojoin us in growing asacommunity Beliefnet says: "While by no means
of believers in Christ. We are fanatical comprehensive, the list represents some of
about loving people with God's today's most prominent--and controversial--
unconditional love. spiritual figures, as well as those whose
If you have questions about our lifelong efforts have earned them a place in
fellowship, do not hesitate to contact Pastor history."
Cori Wood a 859 514-5518 or Beliefnet offers resources for dozens of
jfellowship@windstream.net. We have a religious traditions, with the aim of helping
big vision and a big God. There is room for readers explore their own spiritual paths.
you. www.iubileefellowship.us Beliefnet is a recipient of the Online
Journalism Award for General Excellence
Online, the highest honor given by the
NEED YARD ”Elk? Online NewsAssociation.
RAISED BEDS Voices of Kentuckiana Concert
BRUSH Stomp Your Foot: A Celebration of
REMOVAL American Composers
MOWING Fri., April 13 & Sat. April 14 at 8 pm.
Clifton Center, 2117 Payne St, Louisville.
TRIMMING LIGHT For tickets or info www.voicesky.org, or
HAULING call The ChorusLine, (502) 533-1013.
Bluegrass Women's Network
call- Jane Bluegrass Women's Network is a
' 4 9 4 5 4 2 7 social group for women of all ages. Debby
_ and Lynn are building a list of women who
, q‘ ‘1' are interested in receiving emails about
1‘ K . ”r ‘ ,. ‘v * events. They have set up a Yahoo group to
l" _ , a , ’ . it ~- . i a? make it easierto e-mail announcements. lf
,‘ '. , "I _", . ‘2'“ ,., . _‘ 3 you want to be on the list, contact them at
-» -,*__- 4; ———|* “3544“,-» --L ‘1 debbmoman‘@gmail.com.
Page 4

 . 1 Sp0nsor of the Month

EM '
‘ KENTUCKY 40507
FAX (359)255-5508 .

 . Pride center News
7 389 W_llel' Ave. 859 253-3233 Mon. - fri. Ill - 3 Sill Ill - 2
P362 Centet {\CttVfltcs MONDAY, APRIL I 6
$fi, Games N19” 7 PM AT THE PRIDE CENTER
Saturday, April 14 Artists: display a piece of your
1? work at the Pride Center during
7 O 9 pm June. We also need items for
DISCUSSION GROUP the picnic rattle and people
Every-Wed. .7 pm Open to all Willing to volunteer an hour or
Jane. ladylaneky@yahoo.com two at the June 10 Pride Picnic.
lexinglon ”Isiah! call mary 266-5904
Poflack anles'eass/bn Group .
Pride Center 7:00 pm Kentucky Rain
0,364,535.”, 70pr f0, 40,71 Body Lotion personally made I)
April 6: Easter, the season of new Clancy McClanaban
_ _ beginning? H 859 278-7203
April 13. $1223 it mean to be C 359 576-2186
April 20: What is a Living Wage? Essential Oils Available
Demanding Justice for the
Economically Disadvantaged DogGone BadHabits
April 27: Understanding lslam Dog psychology and Behaviors
Also SPONSORED By INSIGHT Is your dog driving you crazy?
. . Do you feel that you've lost control?
Spaghetti glnner Is your dog's behavior frightening?
Fundraler for GLSO Pride Center DogGoneBadHabits
firiday flpfil 1 3 Call for an apointment today!
7 p m $5 ” 859-221-0987
Everyone is ‘Welcome ”Keep the love you final
Pride Center 3 89 Waller Ave. Getthe Love you Want!"
Low Cost Printing at the Pride Center Jessica Bollinger LCSW
Black and White $.06 Imago Relationship Therapist
_ EMDR Trauma Work
COIOI' @ $.50 Couples, Family, Individual
call 253.3233 imagoconnection.com 552-6533
- Page 6

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Page 7

 HighlightsofKentuckyFairnesslllliztnce Fairness legldatlve UPd‘tte
The March 27th edition of the Advocate The Kentucky IFairness Alliance
features a segment on Lexington as a great breathed 3 3'9h 0f relief when 58152 was
place for LGBT people to live. Awriterforthe killed in committee before reaching the floor
magazine came to Lexington and met with 0f the House for a vote. 38152 sought to
including the Bluegrass. Chapter of the offering domestic partner benefits to its
Kentucky Fairness Alliance. The article empleyeee- Proposed by SeneterMCeehel
BluegrassChaptersteering committee. problem and went on to the Health and
about the relatively cheap cost of living in intense _l°bby'h9 efforts from the Family
sense of family, and Jeffrey Moore, a get em ofcommlttee.
Henderson native, mentions his desire to Reps. Tom Burch and Stan Lee have
live in Lexington as opposed to leaving the asked the attorney general Greg Stumbo to
state. The article includes a photo of give an official ruling as to whether domestic
Thomas, who graciously acted as host to Amendment. Such a ruling could take time
which will be the site of the GLSO pride may resurface in 2008. $0 the Kentucky
picnicon June 10. Fairness Alliance will start preparing now to
even-footing with bigger cities such as 2008's session-orany session. .
Dallas and Tucson and represented _ No S'gh'f'eaht pro—gay or anti-gay
Lexington as supportive, open, and friendly. legislation was adopted th'3 year.
Scott Ackermom Real Estate Service With
“nasal-ms , {fiat
! " l r. l l ‘4
' a IIEnIcA'rIo-n
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Mobile: 859 338-8483
Fax: 859 269-0065 Serving Lexington &
E-mail: SAcker4224 aol.com a Q
@ a All of Central Kentucky m
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
Page 8

 , GLSQ 2007 Rainbow Sponsor
f, The Imperial Court of Kentucky...........252—39 14
3 A Charity Organization
, 2007 Pride Month Sponsor
j ScottAckerman......................(mobi1e) 338-84583
v For All Your Real Estate Needs
a GLSO New Sponsors 2007
3 SisterSound 8060243
3 Diverse music for all women
3 Richardson Vision Center
H 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside..............................................278-4201
i Ernesto Scorsone
if Attorney At Law 2545766
y Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Cafe and Cot‘eeBSQ 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley lnsurance.m.........................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
3 Lexington Lyons 619-3650
‘ Levi and Leather Club
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7431

 This is a complimentary capy of the GLSO NEWS ‘
Where is the Calendar???
, 7ne colendnr is only in fie snoscfloers newsle/fers Iii/£9 n7onni
by subscribing to the GLSO News: '
. Yon nelo sonoorf fie 6-150, 7% Pr/de center, Pr/de Monni, Pr/de PI'cn/c,
7ne Teen Group nndn/l fie nciiw'fies #nfnnppen nere. Ail/D...
Yon ml/ receive Tue/tie issnes of tie 6-150 News delivered lo your door. .
News and opinions from the local community
GLBT friendly business and service directory
Calendar of events and activities
for only $20
. . Name : ‘ Phone:
5/?” ”p' ”are Address: ____————————
City: State: Zig:
[ ] $20 -’l year Membership & Newsletter for Individuals or Couples
[ ] I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate 8 [ $4 2 or up]
[ ]/ am enclosing an additional contribution of S
. Please mail to: GISO News PO Box 1 172 Lexington, KY 40588 1172‘ -

 ' '7 .I Rediscovering Our History:
_, Eleanor Roosevelt and the Lesbians ‘3’;
, 1;“, , Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most remarkable “'9'
’: , :15333'), 3 people of the Twentieth Century. After a difficult childhood, fad
.' “1,33%3‘ she married her distant cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt but
:; [£13213 fl3/‘.§§gr (FDR), in 1905. FDR became President in 1932 and $6?
”:3. 33 . 55:92:” Eleanor became a ground breaking First Lady who was mm
’3‘ #fi ”i f .. g: oneofherhusband's mosttrusted advisors. Afterhis death
j" 3 ; " '-" ' ' she became our first representative to the United Nations the
g .5 .. 7. SW}; .3 and chaired the UN committee that drafted and approved SCI
33%,, :34 .. age“ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. President wa:
” J’W,"—§:§( " Harry S. Truman called her the First Lady of the Wor1d in mte
' shrugs} 1.} honorof herextensive human rights work. are
Alot more could be said about Eleanor college professor and publicist. These eVE
Roosevelt, but this article will focus on her women encouraged Eleanor in her ‘95
relationships with lesbians, particularly her dedication to politics, education, and im
love for Lorena Hickok, and how those progressive reform. Eleanor increased her Arr
friendships influenced her life and the activism, continuing her relationship with the on
presidential policies of FDR. League of Women Voters, and joining the Co
In the first eleven years of their Women's Trade Union League, and the in 1
marriage, Eleanor had five children while Women's Division of the New York State faC
supporting her husband's successful DemocraticCommittee. 90‘
campaign to become a New York State Eleanor was even more closely tied to
Senator in 1910. In 1918, Eleanor Nan Cook and Marion Dickerman, another acr
discovered that Franklin was having a long couple who also lived in the village. These LOI
term affair with her social secretary, Lucy friendships were not hidden from FDR who be
Mercer. She was devastated and offered found Eleanor‘s friends to be politically arc
Franklin a divorce. FDR asked Eleanor to astute. He had ongoing conversations with 18
stay and agreed to end the affair, Their women he met through Eleanor. In fact, it
marriage became a strong friendship but was onapicnicin 1924with Eleanor, Nan and
they never again shared a bedroom. Marion, that FDR suggested that the three
Historians agree that Franklin had contact women build a retreatwithin his family estate,
with Lucy up until his death in 1945. Hyde Park. He drew up a lease giving all
This affair caused Eleanor to consider three of them a life interestin the property.
how she might have a life independent of The three women shared the $12,000
the needs of her husband. She supported construction cost and Stone Cottage was
Franklin through his unsuccessful completed in 1925. Eleanor, Nan and Marion
campaignforVice Presidentin1920and his established themselves as co-owners by
years of illness and recovery from polio. embroidering all the towels and bed linens
But she also established friendships with with their initials “E.N.M.” These initials were
women who shared her interests in politics also carved in the furniture that Nan hand
and social change. crafted. -
A number of her close friends were In 1926, the three women built a larger
lesbians. Throughout the 1920's, Eleanor building near Stone Cottage in which they
spent at least one night a week in the establishedVal-Kill lndustries, an assortment
Greenwich Village home of Elizabeth Reed, of manufacturing projects that provided work
an attorney and expert in international for farmers in the area who had little work or
affairs, and her life partner Esther Lape, a income to support their families during the
' Page 12

 winters. The simple, well—made furniture, women wrote to each other over 30
pewter and weaving produced at Val-Kill is years. The debate focuses on their
lie highly valued by COHeC'iOFS tOdaY- The relationship: was this a friendship or a
d factory closed during the Great Depression love affair?
alt but it did make an impression on FDR and Rodger Streitmatter has edited a .
1d served as an example for larger New Deal book, Empty Vlflthout You, The lntimae
as initiatives during his presidentcy. Letters of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena
th in 1927. Diokerrnan suggested that Hickok, containing 300 of their letters
1s the three of them purchase the Todhunter along with commentary and information
3d SChOOl for gilrs in New York City where she from other sources. He firmiy believes
int was Vice Principal. They all shared an that these two remarkable women were
in interest in giving young women a riQOFOUS lovers. Much of the following material is
progressive education. Eleanor taught taken from that source. The book is
American history, English, and current availableinthe Pride Library.
e events forthe nextten years.Sheincluded Hick was assigned to cover FDR
lr lessons about the lives and contributions of when he was governor of New York. Hick
d immigrants, POOF people, African saw that Eleanor was not a typical
tr Americans and women. She i00k students political wife, but a woman with her own
e on field trips to the New York Children's career and experience in political
e Court and various tenements and markets activism. When FDR was nominated as
e in the city 30 they COUld see the problems the Democratic candidate for President,
e facing New YOerFS and hOW the Hick recommended that a reporter be
government mightaddressthem, . assigned to Eleanor. She was wary of
o in 1932, Eleanor Roosevelt became being assigned to “women's news" and
tr acquainted with Associated Press reporter wanted to continue to cover FDR. She
e Lorena Hickok. Their relationship has did agree to interview Eleanor and the
0 been a matter of debate since 1978 when two women found that they enjoyed each
,y archivists at the F.D.R Library discovered other‘s company.
h 18 boxes containing 3,500 letters the two continued on next page
'" Tiff? NEW! Principol Office in Lexington i
o _ Office: 859-225-2348
f: , is . Cell: 502—220-5555 -
i: ' ‘ Emoil: elstonlow . windstreomne
k Member. Kentucky Bar Association; Fayette County Bar Association; -
)r Louisville Bar Association; American Bar Association.
le Section on Family Law 8- Committee on AlternativeFami‘lies, 8.
_ National Lesblan a. Gay Law Association.
n--- ‘9
' '._—_——————-—————-—-—-——————-—-——--_—

 In her biography of Eleanor, Reluctant discreet in her letters to me.”
First Lady, Hick described how Eleanor lnthe letters that remain, Eleanor used re
frequently sought her out for private chats, endearments and expressed love for Hick. ‘ “1'
breakfast in her hotel room, and in general One example: b
pursuedarelationship'with her. When the Hick darling, All day I've thought of c
reporterwho had been assigned to Eleanor you...l want to put my arms around you, | 0
resigned from the AP, Hick was given the ache to hold you close. Your ring is a great a
assignment. This time shetook iton gladly. comfort, l look at it&think she does love me, ti
She wrote about Eleanor in very flattering or I wouldn't be wearing it.” s
ways, calling her “an outstanding civic and In July of 1933, Eleanor and Hick went a‘
welfare leader". on a road trip together through New fr
During the rest of the campaign, Hampshire and Maine and into Canada. .1
Eleanor and Hick spent a lot of time The secret service was set against the idea
together. ltwas during thistimethatHick's but FDR declared the women deserved a s:
feelings for Eleanor led her to compromise holiday and that Hick could protect Eleanor “ll
her professional ethics. Specifically, Hick as well as any man. They were gone for kl
allowed Louis Howe, who was running the three idyllic weeks and were not recognized 0‘
Roosevelt campaign, to see her articles until they returned to Maine on their way yr
before she sent them to her editors in New home. 0'
York. Hick recognized what was FDR requested a special dinner with w
happening and after the election asked to them on their return so he could be the first
be reassigned, saying she could no longer to hear of their adventures. in private with re
beobjectiveaboutthe Roosevelts. Eleanor, he jokingly referred to Hick as 0‘
In the months following FDR's “your man.” FDR's ability to accept Hick, E
landslide victory (Nov. 1932), Eleanor and and to encourage Eleanor in her activism, c<
Hick spent a great deal of time together, proved to benefithis presidency. Politically,
going out several nightsaweekto plays or Eleanor was often disparaged by
concerts and having late dinners together, Republican opponents who criticized herfor
often in Hicks apartment. For Christmas making public speeches and taking
that year, Hick presented Eleanor with 3 positions on issues. .
sapphire and diamond ring. Eleanortried to Eleanor was aware of the pressure
protest but that the gift was too valuable, being put on Hick by the Associated Press
but was induced to' wear it, which she did and she suggested that Hick might be an
forthe next fouryears. asset to the administration by investigating
After the election, but before the 4 federal relief programs and writing reports
inauguration in March of 1933, Eleanor for the Federal Emergency Relief
and Hick spent many days together, Administration (FERA). Hick resigned her
' inclUding weekends at Val-kill. On March job as a reporter and traveled across the
4, 1933, FDR was inaugurated as U.S., sending reports to Harry Hopkins
President of the United States. Eleanor (head of the FERA) and FDR. The ‘
wrote a list of events in her engagement President was impressed with her work and
book, and at the bottom wrote “Said good- read many of her reports aloud in cabinet
buy to Hick." The next night she started the meetings.
exchange of letters with Hick that When she returnedto Washington from
continued forthirty years. various trips, Hick lived at the White House,
Only eight letters from 1933 survive. occupyingthe room adjoining the first lady's
Hickok destroyed most of her letters to bedroom. While they were apart, they
Eleanor and most of Eleanor's to her in the continued to write letters and sign them with
l9603. As she dropped the letters into a phrases such as “I love you deeply &
fire, shetold Anne, Eleanor's daughter, tenderly” and “I long to hold you in my
“your Mother wasn't always so very arms.”.
Face 14

 In one letter Eleanor explained that in a overcome by the conditions there that
f’ recent phone conversation she couldn't say she convinced FDR to use this location
" ' “jet'amine etjet'dore" (I love and adore you) for a homesteading project already
because her son James was near by. She approved by Congress. “Arthurdale”
)f called it “our little saying." Streitmatter points became one ofthe successful New Deal
I out that her caution indicates that she was projects.
it aware of keeping the more intimate part of During the Christmas season of
3‘ their relationship secret. in another letter, 1933. HiCk came to Spend three weeks
she commented on the Washington gossip at the White House With Eleanor.
It about her daughter's affair, remarked on the Eleanor‘s schedule and family matters
N frequency of gossip in DC. a