xt7jws8hht30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jws8hht30/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-01-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1983 1983 1983-01-26 2020 true xt7jws8hht30 section xt7jws8hht30 .. r ’ . ._ V : I __ . ... . , . . - .. ,1 - 1. . . . ‘. 1. w. ’,'-_4‘.‘.-.. .f ‘1'»;
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KENTUCKY 1"" 3 ’
'il .
" loath-flageln? .; ,'
Sort of, but not really. Football coach .1
_ Jorry Claiborne and his staff are on tho ‘
road recruiting, trying to got the boot
‘ players from Kentucky and as many of ‘
l l ’ . the best player. «i on. use...” in .__.*__ __
"fl...“ ._.... : \ \ hopes of burying tho memories of an 0
‘ ‘ .- lO-l season, Soostoryon pogol.
_._—_._ _HwW
Vol- LXXXV. N0: lOOWOdnostY: January 26: ‘933 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
m..__—.~—___M_.__11.-..-. 7“ ”MM ,
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Freeze on federal spending 1 ..
proposed to curb deficfls : v ,
Reagan sees unbalanced budget as present danger / . :I. gt . , a: $6.: . . - .
' ' 333211.111 ‘ . g . f t.
' :' ._. as ' ,
———?—— called “a clear and present danger" words. the federal government will . .. Q? is My 1; 32E 1
I By JOHN ‘OSKUHI‘ to America. hold the line on real spending." ' ye 3;?ij t . 3,52 «52; '
Reporter V His spending limits would apply to To deal with the highest unem— ', 1 '3 ii if , ' «4% V _
and The Associated ”65 the total federal budget ~ sparing ployment rate in more than 40 ' I 53 ii; 313 3:1 :3: ’33: .
defense. The 5 percent increase is years. Reagan proposed a sixmonth V' f fay-V1?" :1 43.1: 25% 1 _, .
l “In W . "WW I'HW'AAM‘W ’ designed to take account of inflation. extension of unemployment compen» zt _ - 1f; a ’ Qt . if: , 5 '
, : t R . In his State of the Union address. sation for those who have exhausted V V 23' g ' V . . a? : . :, :
I WASHINGTON _ :PreSiden 9‘11 Reagan proposed an outright freeze their benefits. tax credits for em- ' ‘_ . "‘ "1:: t1“; .5 g . ,5:
gan asked Congress "853 "$333.30 on most domestic spending pro- ployers who hire the long-term un- ' . it. 7? If 2%: g g; ‘:
1, freeze overall federal spending grams, with no inflation allowance. employed. additional job training . . - - w: 3:..1; .2 “" ' 1I :
. about 5 percent above current "‘3‘" He said federal pay and retirement funds. and a below-minimum wage , V; V. i __ 1 :
l els, and to ”Pm“? a $33"de tax m1 benefits. both military and civilian. for teenagers hired for summer In -1 :33" I; 3 v3; 3 1 1 '; .. a
crease to curb ”mums dawn“ he should be frozen for one year. and jobs. , . 1%: 1 :3 I. V t: "
l j - 1‘ cost of living increases in Social 50- The tax increases would be levied 1 1 5-3 ‘1 :3» IV! iii .3 313 a . :1 5311-:
.- curity. veterans benefits and the like as of Oct. 1. 1985 only if the deficit is ' é 531 1 2; Z 2113-;
3 shouldbedelayed for six months. projected to exceed 2.5 percent of I . 9t 13: 51.; at; ,5: 1 VV :
Reagan said he would adjust his the gross national product — and V1 .1; :3 13-1 fr; :3 W , . , j. g"
: _._. , defense budget to save about $55 bil- only if the economy is growing. not I‘: I. I y ’ 2‘3 f W ' . i3
1 lion over the next five years. But a in recession. ' _ ‘3 i 1,1 y y I 3. 3Q . ' .: _:.
,, 2E senior administration official. speak— “For too many of our fellow citi— , ;- :1: (t ' I3 f. 1 ‘f' .1: I . ' .} if
. ., = ing on the condition that his name zens ~~ farmers. steelworkers and :. 1"" LII111V :5 5:: § 1‘ : 1 1 I :I’
s M '3 *- not be used. said the proposed freeze autoworkers. lumbermen. black j 23” ' 3; 3g . ‘ 3‘s. 1 - '1 -
1 11 it would leave room for an increase of teenagers and working mothers — . _ 4r 1 :4 ._IVvI I‘ :s \ ‘ - : l . V' ..-
v :11 , ._1 _ about 14 percent in the defense bud- this is a painful period.” Reagan . I' . 'I- ‘ -. E 1:. , . i g . »:I '
' 2 get next year. said .V 11 *3 ' ~ i i V .. f1
3 23:11” ,- “l know this is strong medicme "We must all do everything in our V ' ' ‘ . 31.4, . , , __.
”’v 3 but so far we have only cut the rate power to bring their ordeal to an 1. 'I : 1353 V: '3 ' .. . :1 . ‘ : _:;'
‘_ of increase in federal spending." end."hedeclared. ' 3. ,. V; 3 . _ z I; . - x;
Reagan said. “Taken as a whole. the Reagan's own budget for fiscal . ‘7' V 5 ~_ if e? “ll 5 : ; g , , I ,
budget lam proposmg for the next 1984. due early next week. is ex- ..' 3;], I1; .52 E1 t I, g l ._ jg?
fiscal year Will increase no more pected to forecast a deficit of $188 I' U 35“ .: :31; ,: E g " '3; VI
PRESIDENT REAGAN than the rate of inflation -~ in other See I!AGAN.pagea '1._' IV - j? if; . . i ;. I2; 3 i,- 15:
I a I I L 3111 , if '1 11 g 1' i V .1 : ' g '
Committee recommends 24-hour VISItflthfl :5
i a"; I113": .V V ., . . ..1Iz11j;
on Fridays and atur ays or one an my .
cials. who will deCide whether or not it should he contm- ' . "331.3% ' E . ,
By.-\Nl)REW()PP.\IA.\'N ued.'1V 5.1% V ......1. i.
News Editor 0 Only juniors and seniors will he allowed to live in ., E “ ?~ _ 3 t’ W ,,
Blanding i if the new visitation policy is adopted. Sopho * gag ' ' i, 3“; 3?
.. . . mores who have applied for the residence hall will he 1 3% mugs ._ _. _ . W.“ I '3' g
reassigned. Lei . ' ”’ . ‘ t- w
A special l'niversity committee last night recon)» - ()nly Blanding l residents will he allowed 24Ihour ' _‘= ,
mended that 24-hour internal vmtation be tried in Visitation. and then only on Fridays and Saturdays Nor- I * } ”_V. '
Blandiiig l. a coed upperclass reSIdence hall. on lI‘ri- mal visitation hours for upperclassmen will be enforced . ‘1 1V
days and Saturdays this Fall for non-resident guests in Blanding l _ _'. "4...:
The Advisory Committee on Residence Hall \1lSllall0n - Blanding l residents will have to sign a special . :3 .~'
PoliCIes also gave tenative approval to starting week— agreement. saying the right to privacy supersedes the ' . . i
day upperclass open house at :3 pm rather than T p m privilege of visitation After I am. residents will he ’ 1 1 '3 ' : _ . 4 _,
But it voted down a proposed extension of visitation able to ask their roommates to escort their guests out of . _ ' » : .
. hours from I am to 2 am. on Fridays and Saturdays in their room . 1
other reSIdence halls 0 There will be weekend quiet hours from 1 am to 8 V_
The committee will include its recommendations in a a.m Resident advisers will be able to ask guests to ' ""‘
report to be forwarded in February to Robert Zum- leave the rooms during quiet hours if noise disturbs JACXSYIVIn/K-mls'a"
winkle. vice chancellor for student affairs. for final ap- other reSidents Tunnel travel
proval if the proposal is accepted. the L‘niversity will request . . _
_ The committee approved the proposed 24-hour visita- applications from students interested in participating in David Bridges, a sophomore in production agriculture. walks up a corridor that seems to resemble
tionin Blendinglwiththefollowing conditions, the experiment and move out any students assigned to a tunnel in front of the Agricultural Science Center North yesterday. A telephoto lens, which com-
o The visitation policy will be on a one~year trial the residence hall next year who do not prefer the liber- presses elements in a picture and makes yhem appear closer, was used.
baSis At the end of the 19mm academic year. it will he alized visitation policy
subject '0 "administrative review" by University offi- See ViSll’AthN,poge3 T k $8 5 . .
r stees se . mill/on
WEDNESDAY Challengers main engines will delay its late Feb- u e
ruary launch date at least ‘several weeks.” the f h b 'ld'
F A . todProssroports head of the shuttle program for the National Aero- or new p armacy "I [fly
m nautics and Space Administration said yesterday.
“1 Gen: 1.10m“ A1 Abrohamson 501d yesterdays Bv BILL STEIDEN but classes and laboratories are scattered
Arms taIks to resume 20-second firing of the new shuttle 5 three main en» 1EditorIin-(‘hief throughout campus
gines had disclosed leakage from at least one of "The original building was deSigned for 10
GENEVA, Switzerland — U.S. arms negotiator the engines. _ ....._.._ .. , tawny members with no graduate program
Paul H. Nitze said yesterday the United States is The start of Challengers five-day mission could : and domg virtually no research. he said “Fif-
"not locked into the zero option" in talks with the be delayed much longer : possnbly a month or The Executive Committee of the Roarill 1)” it“? years :il9;~s";'9nl:m’l:nd iragfiiginfir‘grit
Soviet Union on reducing intermediate-range nucle— more .-- it one or more of the engines has to be guiheiiesstrfiilgiridgfyaxge?("gllgt‘btgl’haTmzlcil Selartfgghhtrajts ..
0' missules 3" Europe. removed from "he Shume‘ 395313'red and replaced, building north of the Health Sciences learning And some grants. he said. are being turned '

His Soviet counterpart, Yuli A. Kvitsinsky, he said. Centeron Rose Street, down becauseof the lack of researchspace

1 warned that time is running out for reaching a set» . . . Because the market for longterm securities Blanton said he does not expect the Pharma—
tlement at the Geneva talks, which are to resume sung." consudering Frankfort run is weak. however. the committee put off (lE‘t‘ldI cy faculty to protest as vehemently as-in Octo
today after a two-month recess ing whether it Wlll issue bonds or notes for :the her. if the incomplete or smaller building is

: _ .. ‘ V LEXINGTON - State Energy Secretary William 8. amount The deCiSion m” be announced l-eh necessary

Nitze said. We are prepared '0 examine every Sturgill, chairman of the UK Board of Trustees. says 15 after a telephone poll of the committee's "()ne of their mayor concerns was that there
kind of proposal that secures the security interests certain 11political leaders want mm to run for gov- members. Albert Clay. “a, chair ot 1m, Board would not be space for animal care tram“.
of our NATO allies as well as ourselves. 1 ernor b t the odd inst h . b ‘ n_ said llt‘S'. he said “But now we have managed to

He said, however] President Reagan is com- . 1 U S are ago '5 ecomirg O CO Followmg the meeting. Jack Blanton. Vice “Urhlhalml‘llhedei‘lgn

I" d , II", nt‘re elimination of the most don- didate. chancellor of administration. said the commi He Said:bld§ for the construction work Viill be
m' e o e e .1. . _ . Sturgill said yesterday he decided last fall to tee members may prefer notes. which haw :i opened lIebruar} 2:» The full Board meets
gerous and destabilizmg (305$ 03 intermediate range stay out of the race after a summer-long ossess- shorter term than bonds. because they can be March:
missiles on both the US and Soviet sides. merit of his chances Since then he said he has refinanced Treasury Secretary Donald Regan in other business. the Trustees accepted a

b 1 1 earlier this week predicted interest rates will SZNHIIl grant from the Andrew Mellon Poun-

° ' een encouraged to run by political leaders he continuetodecline dation of New York for the l'niversnys Appa-

watt CPO'OQIZOS to Indians WOU'd "0' identity. A five-.andone-half story building is planned lachian (‘enter PreSident Otis Singletary said
11' V9 always WOh'ed ’0 be governor 0* Ken'UCkY for the college. Medical (‘enter \1l(‘(‘ Chancellor the moneyhewill fprovide“opportunlirtliesf for :2:-

1 - The bi reason I'm not a candidate todo is that I Peter Bosomworth said. to he completed in ulty mem rs o 32 co eges in e IVE-S. e
WASH'NO'ON — Interior Secretary James W03. (any cgmmw m sell that I (Quid Wm Tire encour: 1938 But. he said. there are contigency plans Appalachian region to use t‘hs Appalachian
mode ° surprise appearance before Native Amer" y hy h 1 for an incomplete building or smaller building i‘ollectiontor research projects
<0" l90d9'5 YOS'O'dOY '0 say he was 5°"Y ll he agement o 0' ers 1305:1103," ongéd my oPm'o" if the bids exceed the amount allocated for con Also. the grant will permit faculty workshom
"caused hurt" when he pointed up the high rates of but '3 has made me reconSIder, he said, struction : and interchanges between i K and seven East-
alcoholism and other social ills omonglndions. S'U'Q'“ 50"“ he planned 59"0U5 d'SCUSS'OhS 0l 0 In October. the Pharmacy faculty protested ern kentui‘k) colleges f berea. Sue Stennelt‘:

He added however II, don't apologize ‘0', the candidacy in the next two weeks, but a decmon to when the administration said the building lnion. tumberland. Pikeyi le. Lees r a

.. 1 . 1 . _ run would require ‘ a drastic turn in the cards. would be reduced to four stories it the $8 3 mil Alice Lloyd .
message. and advised the tribal leadeis no' 3° lion was not enough to cover current construe: Singletary said the grant is actually a rene-
“mutt" the OPPOV'Uhl'Y he h°d "90'9“ '0' Indians ’0 tion costs The General Assembly allocated the wal eta 1979 grant to the i'niversity
attack their problems. money in 1978. but construgéion of the budding “Tlemaranlzg 23:22:: dflgnagwfifigig

1 1 was delayed by a stateWi freeze on capita i . ea l :

Watts attempt to "3-0."? pzace d'dI no, 530? -°ne WEATHER construction afterabudgetshortfallinimo of Home Economics Weeks. an assomate‘po-
group, the National Triba C airmens Association, The administration compromised with the lessor of family studies. replaces Manor"
from voting a short time later to ask President Rea- faculty members In November. proposing that Stewart. who was granted sick leave rm
gun to tire Watt, saying his comments indicated a the shell of the fivaandfim‘ half story building Jug?) the 1 t f Trustee Sally
" ‘ " ‘ ‘ w' the t one-andonehalf meeting was as or
callous disregard 30' Native Americans. today and tonight wlll be cloudy with a ‘0 :mfgsnsimclnfigompite untllpfurther funds be Hermansdorfer. whose second term on the

percent chancootlight snow. comeavailable Board expired Honorary mm Gov A.B.

L0.“ dOIOVS 'm*.hun'° "‘9'" High today will be in the mid 30:. tow to- Bosomworth said yesterday that even it an (‘halndrier’prtxsedhoher seryiceasaIi‘rnigstctzeh.e first

I . . " 3 nor 0 a in
MI." w". b. 'n 'h. '0" '0 m“ 20" gingl‘filewlll sftrllaiitl’e'hettl‘glfilggn Fllszl‘l‘uanrhi woman do the Board) been [935." he said.
CAP! CANAVIIAL. Ila. — Another hydrogen leak tomorrow will be mostly cloudy with lingor- weha1ve now .. ‘ .1 am deeply saddened by her 3mm“ lack of
detected in a second test-tiring of space shuttle in. "UNI-Ilfldlhllhlfl ”W'OW 303- Currently. the Pharmacy (‘ollegc is qiiar wisdom for not wanting to come back. Shown
tered in a127yearold central campus building. dedicated and we Will all miss her "
a. ‘ '

 ‘ . . L'- 5 '
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Keene" I ’
nun-u... nun-w minimum Mommiomim tuilt.KldIhI ammo...- unnamed '
idiot in (tool News Ediiol An: initial Sports Editor Spocial Proton! Edna! Photo Editor Graphics Editor
P E R5 ASION Jmlfiuln Monk an... Mn ““00 lull. Mu. may” now item. Million ”v.0“ chm Ash
l ' ”Mathew"!!! m"°"°"""°’ ““"°"""""'°’ Auutontsno'tifduo' swioirroiocuAImtom Chid'hologlophw (op, neutrino
______~___ _m——M i
- .
ac -sta in la ues SGA / ' ~ ”W”
o / « . ' /,. 7/ / w/W/ , i
though election is far away i U t WW”; /
~ ~u' : ./ '. «v/ 4/“ ’/
' ,r’ I,’,/,« /,/ / . I / l . y, fl [I/ " "I //4/ /
////////. f [/9 0 ”7/1,“? 11,217] r ‘
All is not well in 120 StudentCenter. ator-at-Large Jack Dulworth. And, before ' // ‘- 4/ //i.////' (by / ////"’7
With the Student Government Association long. Dinkle‘s vice president. Davtd Brad- 7 , / “"74 6/) ./.// I ;//¢,¢
presidential election still two months away, ford. was said to be running a campaign of K / I". / w ,; W’ “#4;
. i . , . . i ‘ r
the campaigning in SGA 5 offices has al- hlS own. ’ / ‘4' ///)"%/o. I,
ready begun in earnest. An atmosphere of Dinkle has Since backed down. and Dul- I, , I ,i , y/ We, 9'
intrigue permeates the room — rumors fly worth. said to have his support, has taken // /‘ a ‘ ’ , ‘3 . / i
and back-stabbing has become the order of the fore. Meanwhile, Bradford’s campaign is /// ,/ "// 1/ // 3/ , , l.‘ 4/ , t§ ,4 ,
the day. said to be gaining steam. And some say Sen- —,/ " // I ,r/ / g/ . ‘5 l/ / ,
As a result. the organization is crippled. ator-at-Large John Davenport, Senate chair- / // ,/ a /. / ) / a M I
Members are preoccupied with their politi- man pro tempore. is planning a run of his / , / “/l/t \ ,’ '/ / . 5
ca] ambitions. and the important work of the own. ' l ' , / i/ I ,l / L : It // ’ ‘ /) - ’
i . . . . . - ' l f /
organization — representing the students — So it seems to be preSident vs. Vice preSi- / /// /,,;/ VI; / l; /// , // '
has taken a back seat. The comptroller‘s re- dent vs. God-knows-who. Even outside orga- ' ‘ I" l/ ,;/,’i’,;/, ’ / / /// / 4 .t‘ ,
port is over three weeks late and senators nizations with political interests are getting , - // / r/ ,/ , y/ ' :5 . I
don‘t know the financial status of the organi- into the fray. And Dinkle has repeatedly / . // i/ , 3; , l/ , ‘
zation. Monday night. they voted to delay a complained that the campaign intrigues and ‘ \ / / ’ / . i / ¢,/// l:
much-heralded publicity campaign against political manuvering are preventing him ‘ , ' / / . mil/7W ,
timber farming in Robinson Forest until from doing his work. . 4'3 / '4 i //W/; i
their bank balance becomes clearer. Yet. the blame fOI‘ the troubles tying :1 l a ‘ ‘ //// W//////////[//// l’« l
. . . ’ ‘ ' ' l ‘ I , . I 9” ' / . \ . l
The Situation has ominous echoes of the Dinkldes halds he Squaé'ely atdh‘tsthg’ The y‘ ‘\///// s/ / l I i .
mess that debilitated the organization last {”299 95"”? 0 grfimllsgnflohf." feth ynast— ‘ q ‘i’\ /‘ . / | l
spring. A botched comptroller's report. pre- .y ant teil p3)! ica ' lg 13g 0 e pas 7/ WM!" 4‘ l , v O ' . H"
sented late. became the focus of a vicious Jump-s ar 9 campaign. y announcmg /? — . ,- ., s ,
political contest earlier than any candidate in recent mem- “g - I ‘ I _ , .
_ ‘ ory. And his withdrawal. like so many of his 1?; ; | x a, 1,, , 1'77"! ' l
_ But this time. the comptroller isn t be- other flip-flopping stands. probably has w ~ , _ fia‘l ’ L 1’» ’ ,
lieved to be planning a run for the presxden- worsened the situation by opening up the \ / \‘- ‘ é: a: 7" ‘ ,
cy. Currently. the favored target appears to field. His complaints reek of hypocrisy. , _ 7 / (ék'E .
be PTeSldent Jlnl Dlnkle. “hO announced hlS Soon. he may be forced to Stand before the \ ‘ ’L" ‘ —: , ”E
reelection campaign in December after Senate. asking for a renewal of peace and :‘t‘. .: “‘
broadly hinting at his desire to run again in brotherhood. And if the senators laugh in his
()ctober. Soon. he was paired up with Sen- face.he shouldn‘t be surprised.
B 'dd' f ' ' h f II 1‘ II
I mg or MOVIE fig 13 sure ('0 O OW. . . even U3 y
it: there ltemcmbcr mo itt lllt' personally So. as always when polished it up a bit. and turned it in picious looking characters entered a Crowded grocery store Heck. l 50 there you have 11- Wht’tht‘r WU
coursc you do' Im the lllt'l“‘tlllll\ I am moved by something other lio an' behold. the little booger got and began watching me The way would gladly give them my reCipe want it or not Now pick it up off the .
witty and insightful incitciiil' col than tinted Van Lines. 1 waslmi tbr an A‘ ithanks. teach. and the in- they looked at me gave me the idea for fudge if It would save innocent floor. Now that you know. don't you
iimnist who thrilled you all last Inc of a tree and wrote a letter to structor suggested that l send it to that they were comparing my face lives .. , like mine. The one with WlSh you cared" But hey. at least .
year \es. I am back once again to thc Kernel with the full intention the Kernel I gave a "nobody ever tonne onapostoflice wall glasses intercepted me and asked if I've got it published now This way I
continue my sporadii writing in that it ncycr be sent I wrote it lrom really wins those sweepstakes" type I‘ H led ~tt . , t y l i’ b ‘ l l was Emanuel Brown. Seeing as won‘t get any complaints when the
recr my viewpoint and experiences. tiled answer but typed it up and sent it in i ”d a p1): ytyIilrvuouvs ' e :1! , hOW I was the 0'11} black present. Doubleday hardcover (""11” ”Ht
_ , , i, it with my other masterpieces and anyway l recall the guy I handed it gigure may Q were d or and towered conspicuously over the When the movie rights conic .
I thought that this ycai you would . . y _ ‘ something I knew How should I - f
m 11“ to mu.“ m“ I hm, mu. .m iorgot it almost to as thinking it was about the Pub a know" I g -d th Th . V)“ crowd.l doubted if anyone would through you ll all certainly want lllt'
‘ , k " , _ f .. (imtiooorsomething ‘m em up 9} “‘4 confuse me with someone else un« to autograph your copies oi Moro
writing dynamo that appeals bt-ioit not athletic looking. no gun-holster l .. , - .. . , . , . ‘ . ,
, . _, ‘ .. . . , ‘ ess Ray of “hats llappenin hnianuel Brown lni having the ;
you today l‘lll intisc ot you who say I left ll got published l took d bulges that I could sea and no ah» _ . _ ,
- . , . , ‘ _ . ‘ _ , y y . suddenly showedup rubber stamp made even as we 2‘
I am “m mm mm 5h“. ll! coupla hundred topics I then as- normally large muscles [figured ll l bubbled I talked l snitched l g ak '
\ou'll Epml H M. the ”.5, “mm” ‘ Emanuel sumed my public writing career had I made it to the door I could out~run rattcd l ‘1 iii" ltd l W‘IS‘ H. n the .pe
think how ninth This ll i-ost .iitcr it v rpmmm h, its usual state of dor them withease ‘l. «H g i g
I 1‘“ NY hm! WU” ‘ BROWN mancy baking instructions when the guy
)“ m“ 'l ‘ ’ ' l edged toward the door. forget with the black coat. hat. and bushy Emanuel Patric}: Brown is (l stu .
It started in a lllllt‘ shack we all WRONG-tr ting the game I had been domg so mustache shut the up After a mo» dent at L'K Hi- claims his study in '
know as white Hall t'lassrimni I was standing in the grocery well at l was thinking about how mciit oi conlusion. I learned that politics forbid him to n'\'(’lll ttm
Budding l was reading lllt' Kcrm-i :\> it happened. two days later an down the street from my house long I had worked on my wonderful these two were .Iiin Harris and Hill much to thc gorioriil publu about his I
between classes and hit upon a rcai assignment came up in my English about three days later, playing a tan and how awful it would be to Stcidcn I also learned that they educational status Thai and thc tut'l
ly interesting article by Jim Harris class which the letter was perfect cheapo version of the “arcade sen~ rum it with bullcts l was certain wanted me to write tor the Kernel that ho isnt surc Ho is pretty sure 3
It was tunny and real and related to Ior Thus. I dug ll out dusted it off. sation“ Donkey Kong. when two susr that they wouldn‘t start shooting in 'l‘hercst is history that he’sa Kt’tm'l i-oluninist .
Brouhaha demonstrated after "Cap'n Zap" writes under another '8 name i
The Zap rides again The column. however. they liked. editors‘ information. my "high Hope springs eternal and all that. _ . Of course.theseare college boys. ,3
Some 0' my readers actually a It seemed similar to my rambling. school" paper was the Lafayette You throw all your money in the pot l noticed-how 1h" other ‘0‘"?! paper And that's not loveanyway
fairly miriscule number know what carefree style. so they ran it Only Times. and they never printed and draw one card. 1” town d'd" ' mention the Kernel‘as Neither is love. being captivated .
"[l'ih ice-k s concept" and "(‘ap n they ran it by James A Stoll instead "(‘ap'n Zap“either Any Heart means a flush and a bang among r9350“ for deng by some theater major that I see as 'y!
Zap's (‘rimestopper' are all about olt‘ap'n Zap Iowa is a special place 7— with edi- new pair of shoes. A ten of Hearts ”5 afternoon “mm“ a character in some sex play just it
These strange appendices appeared m tors clearly ahead of their tor lost means a royal flush and dinner out “9 iinderstand What should we because I do 18th century dance ill
at the cad of my column last Thiirs- ' mi time all next week expect. exercises with her. i
da,‘ Besides. my hippie liberal brouha~ You get the five of Clubs. No offense to those older. Wiser. The full‘body massages In get
Vthen I worked on the Simpsonian. I, James ha goes morelike this. , In life. you might despair. In a milder-mannered {O'kr‘ 0" ”‘0‘ this — “Basic" Movement do tend to
a college newspaper in Indianola. ‘ STOLL . game you would merely smile and paper They were too nice [00 often. encourage a somewhat more. well.
Iowa. 1 was granted a corner of the Poker is life accept your lumps. You fold quietly that 53“- _ focused interaction.
editorial page each week to fill . I do not mean to suggest by this amid the spirited betting. confident 000d 3W? 30 down {35‘ m me When your movement instructor
under the name "(‘ap'n Zap oi the statement that the very desparate your unpaired hand isadead loser newspaper b'z- tells you to mime waking up and
Space Patrol “ stranger things have happened on Vice of addictive gambling [S a fair Only poker is notagame, ° “discovering" the female student
My Kernel editors mulled over the deadline so I didn't give the editors Simile for the current condition of Then the other players expose l‘m can‘t be The Zap. (‘ap'n Zap next to you. the Danskins become . -
concept and expressed slight inter a hasslt' I just wanted the readers human existence their busted flushes and straights. wouldn‘tbelostinlove. no pun intended~immaterial
est so I typed a sample into the tounderstand whathappened ldidn'teven use”like"or”as -‘ and you realize your Ace~King high When you have lOtS of acting lowa was never liketliis.
newsroom computer for them to I (lldn t want to give anyone the lmean tosay poker is life. wasa winning hand classes you see legs in DanskiiLs all James A. Stoll is a journalism junior
mullfurther idea that I was (‘ap‘n Zap or any Picture youmif‘ just for a mo- That'slife day. , ‘ and a Kernel columnist. He is actu -'
They didn t mull too long. and thc thing i am many things. a few of mem. behind five plastic-coated Nowyou despair In high school. guys wouldnt be ally a theater major registered In
"t‘ap n Aap name went the way of which I deny in public. but I have Jumbo index playing cards. Four caught dead in tights. Nowadays it journalism due to a now-aborted at-
draw’ing flowers to fill white space never bcenai’ictionalcharacter Hearts. Ace—KingQueen-Jack. and 0 seems the ladies complain more tempt 10 double major H" Wt” b" 0 '
. back into the files for “high Anyway, I don't write hippie liber- the gm of Clubs The batting is fast Is It midterms yet" than the gentlemen about havmg to theater major again 5'00"- Wht’" he
school'newspapers al brouhaha like that Also. for my and furious wear them. gets around to it. '
. . . lhzng about this (‘ril oi musii lK‘llll‘i‘ It you question the tremendous Mary .Jancticis hoax ol history “ For the past if; r
llellC allllUde lll’ w rilt-s articles about ll \aluc of these bands. then do a little Journalism senior years. he has lectured to over Inc had.“ 0’ m. “much mind are
. , ~ , - _ . encouraged to express their opinions
lit'\,\tlll oiii- tlllt' does not compari- research Read the reyicws by pro l h tontcrt ( onimittcc t'oschairpcr million students on what he now be . .
_ on the Porsumion page.
ul‘atigt-s \\Illl apples nor one art icssional critics in Modern Music son Iicvestohethctrutli
_ i .. letters should be addressed to the
Scott \tiihoit s editoriai opinion it. mom- with another lhcri-tori- (lnf‘ and Recording. Rolling stone and in I have heard Josh speak and can . .
. y . . editorial odttOf, ”4 Journalism Butldr
llN' January 14th issuc v-l thi- Ki-rm-i should not conipaii- pop rock ii- iii-w spapcrs llkl' The New \ork . _ honestly say he is the most interest , UK L . ' n K 40506 0023
was idiotii and blatantly irri-spoiisi thi- Beatles with pop ic Barry 'l'inies Listen to their music ("heck JOSh IS comlng ing. straightforward. humorous 'ng’ ’ "m9.°' Y’ R .
.. . . . . . I . i . ‘ , , , i To be considered for publication
tile lhat the Kcini-i would own i-on Manilow oi disio ic \llldgt' lco into their biographies I think you speaker I hate cycr heard I cant I n ' be ' ed d d bl
sider publishing this pvrstlll s pitiiui pic with blues rock ic the will discover that these groups were believe he Will be here at [K and o .2; "ms w a" 0” e
attempt .it i-ditoriai writing points stout-s In no so is ludicrous Each composed oi highly talented musi- WIIUISJUSII“ that you would miss the opportunity "Tc" ' h Id . ed 300 ,
out the unprofessional and ll‘l't‘ music torni \llfllll'l ll‘ Judged on its cians singers and songwriters All over campus, students have to hear him Whether you agree with :1." ds o‘.’ "0 h arse '
sponsibii- .ittitudcs oi the i-ditoriai own hast-d on what it is attempting whose music changed the course oi been seeing slogans and signs stat- him or not. he will keep you talking “yo-2135;" :p'mons s o” no 9‘
stall hmidml in Bill stump" Jim to do and how well it achieves that that umbrella term. "r0ck mUSlC ' ing. “Josh is coming " The question. lordays “w .' w°' 5.. I t d m '
llarrisand Barbara Silllfi' Hoal ll an artist claims to be a Research is lesson two howeverstill remains. who is Josh" \ltlioisJosh'.’ lle‘sawesomc' n .n as” est: lmcbu e 6'
\s ior Vtilhoit s opinion about the- blue-s rot kl'l, lllt'll ,iiidgi- him on how Lesson three concerns a journalis» Josh McDowell. a practicing law- "am“' 9 "‘s”. Q", one "um
, . . . . ~ . v , . bots mayors. classifications or other
Beatles and rock music in gent-i well he- piodiici-s that combination. tit technique \i‘vilhoit might Iind use yer set out to disprove the resur (ydney l‘rugc , n , th U ,
al I also enjoy the Beatles musu hast-ii on lllt' tl('llnllltln.\ set by the lul in whatever he writes You do reclion ()l Jesus (bust. "the biggest Journalism senior com“ '° s ° ° "New V
and applaud their successful career liki-s iii the stones and It I; King It not clasily things Wllh superlaliy'cs
. .-\nd I. too saw -,\ Hard Day s is beyond Illt' how Wilhoit manages like “the greatest How do you not Elm“ COUNTY by Berke ”feat!“
\ight The film s worth is in its in ()llt‘ statement rock is not worth know that tomorrow a band may ap»
documentation oi the classii songs anything to do away with Bob pear that will lar outshine the «WWW Fill/MY ll"t VEMARKABU
the Fab Four s WlllClSl‘n and the Ian Dylan the Who Grateful Dead. Beatles" The Beatles wriilo wonder 1%1'&me wdbgwfinmglzwmhlgovf NOT TO 5N
mania they produced, beyond this Joan Baez. tho .linii Hendrix l'lxperi ful songs and inspired many So did N M HAV may H W ANV “M ”W7
the film is a failure It would not once Led Zepplin. Stevie Wonder. Dylan Slldldt‘hut‘k Berry mm WEDMIRAN‘JMH‘HON my I
. have been worth the St 98 ll it the Velvet l'nderground. Deep Pur Finally. all mUSIC rewewers me thmott mitt WWW,
.é- werent tor the fact that I saw a pie. Mott the llmple. David Bowiie. should maintain an open and in5ight- l" mym? 7,. immlumqut/T. l ‘ ,'
Marx Brothers film along Wlll’lll Alice t'mper. Three Dog Night. ful mind. You don‘t have to like a / it / , A I “q ..
; Wilhmt is not alone in his opinion Emerson. Lake and Palmer. Yes. band or its muSIc. to see that it is a /-J‘. - ‘ ’ c K- V I, $‘/ r
1 that the Beatles were and still are ('SNY. the New York Dolls. good band With well-written and , ' m 5 ' , y i 1 l; ”fl ‘ l ” '7‘ \‘ .
3 “great " He is among the few who Kraftwerk. the Ramones. the Sex well-performed music " i . I i l X” ' 0"“ 1‘ A‘ ‘
2g still believe there are no other bands Pistols. the Police. the Clash. the I hope to see in the future. more is i A ‘,- i. r ‘ . ‘ ‘- , it a it; ’0’ k
in popular music that are worth at- Jam. Devo Robert Gordon. Thomas knowledgeable and insightful opin- ‘ Q ; ‘ 5' ‘ ' it."
tention or praise. Perhaps Wilhoit Dolby to name a few of the more ions from Kernel writers Wilhoit is ’i a... . c L " ‘ _ _, C355
J M ..._ M— ‘
3 would be well adVised to learn some- influential bands inexcusable. I i «n l i 1 i J L n 4 I I - y
* -I-"~» -..—..~m ..,a-.~v - - - . »~ v [ j

 . _ . , . e ~ . 1 ’ _ .. .
. t - l -._
3 ,
“KENTUCKYKERNEL Mum-72‘, 1113-: E
i I I I l
* 0 Vlsu‘atlon OReagan %
Continuod from page 1 Continued trom page I
' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' W ' “ ‘llions of us are homeless. That
The original proposal was introduced by committee Friday and Saturdays. billion. The current year s red ink is WOUld helpcure'the "30590" ‘ M1 4 _ 1
. . member David Bradford. who. as Student Government. “Deep down. 1 never W it would pass Bradford proJectedatarecordSiwbillion. Also. Reagansaddress lacked