xt7jws8hht55 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jws8hht55/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1984 1984 1984-01-27 2020 true xt7jws8hht55 section xt7jws8hht55  


Vol. LXXXVl. No. IOl


Established 1894



University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


Independent Since l97l

Friday. January 27, I984


Collins’ proposals
are disappointing,

UK presid

1984 Kentucky Kernel

President ()tis A Singletary ex-
pressed disappointment after Gov
Martha Layne (‘ollins announced
her decrsron last night not to include
the eight public universrties in the
state budget's funding priorities for
improvement in education

Collins. in a speech before the
General Assembly in Frankfort.
called for $324 million in new taxes.
with To percent of the money' to
be raised over the next two fiscal
years earmarked for im-
provemerits in primary and second»
ary education

She also called for a freeze on all
state capital construction proyects

“We are pleased that the elemen»
tary and secondary levels of educa
tion in Kentucky" are receiving sig-
nificant support." Singletary said in
a released statement

"But we are. of course. disap-
pomted that the universities in Kenv
tucky have not been included in the
(‘ommonwealths funding priorities
for improvement ot education," he

James H King. \ice president for
administration, said the state-sup-
ported umversities received a "cost
of-liviiig ’ increase. according to
preliminary tigures given to the [lit
versity by the (‘ouncil on Higher lid-

King said (‘ollins~ recommenda
trons call for state institutions to re
ceive a 3 8 percent budget increase
in 198.3 and a ti percent hike in 1985.
along with the approved funding ley
els for the state universities deseg-
regation plan

"While I recognize the budget con
straints facing the commonwealth.
there are several serious concerns
for the t'niversity of Kentucky
which should not be overlooked'
Singletary said

Of particular concern under the


proposed budget. he said. will be the
L'niversrty's inability to provide
competitive faculty salaries. the in
ability to raise funds to solve com
puter problems and the treele on ur
gent capital construction

"The absence of funds to meet our
compelling computer problems
'Wllll have a lain-aching effect
upon not only our teaching mission.
but upon our role as a research uni
versrty." Singletary‘ said

King said (‘ollirLs' recommenda-
tion to freeze all capital construction
would stop work on several projects.
including improvements to t'niversi-
ty Hospital. new boildings tor ngl‘lr
cultural engineering mining and
minerals. lexmgton 'l'echnical Insti-
tute and animal care along with
several community college plans

Collins. in her speech to the legis
lature. called for three tax lllt‘rt‘¢t\
es. including a change in the person
til income tax structure extending
the sales tax and Hit rcasiiig the (“or
poration License 'l a\

:‘dtcr raising the standard deduc
tion from Stifio to Slooo ('ollins pro
poses raising the {as level from 0;
percent to 7 percent oi. taxahle in
comes between Sl’i ooo 'i, aim «loo lll
come over Sim ooo would be taxed at
an H percent rate 'l‘hi- n percent
level would stay iii place tor those-
eariiing less than $1 '. woo

she also proposed t‘\"'t‘itlil‘ik’. the 1
percent sales tax to a wide \ariety
or services not currently taxed The
change would generate $4.1; million or
tiscal year 150th attoi its .mplcnicri
mum on Dec :‘it'f. and No million
iii fiscal year Who

The third la\ proposal wouli in
crease the ('orporation l,:tt.'l‘i_\(‘ Ta\
lt"l'. To it‘fils p-r $1 no - x..;.t.-,.
employer! ll) SI T'i pci $1 in» or cap:
tal cnipioy ed

The budget will now go iii-tore the

tieneral \ssenitily ioi uppinyai

T'l"i'”:lll. r"

L'ilt'iw’i'il ’2\ l"i ;


1~ d

l' (iil‘. \l;"~'; ll: s! t'ii'
Resolutions pawcf ' '
l“!slllllt'1.'. .if .i '.

kk‘lllllch\( tiiw’ic-


Rah-rah resolution




i. hl'ii4l1\

Interfraternity Council gives $200

to the Student 0

My \\1.H 0 It lll- \lll ltsti\
N‘tttilt‘ \tatf “run-r

.la/i' iiiusit mill-ins
tropic l'ttllit' To Ill" \"
/at‘.oi‘i (enter ycs‘z-r'la.
and i‘i'it-lil‘ali' .i XVII Lil
tei tl‘lill1‘tlli'lf.lvi‘fr‘ii‘i'

“ctr glad lit it"
tlii-sc greek Ulg'aftl/u'atlr
~I ‘rr ~-‘~. "
sociat'oi. aiai a t!i‘1">'.'
tcr s .‘idytsoi'y toai ‘
goodway iostai‘f i' o."

\cstcrday .ias tlir
day lipt'lttllL’ r‘i-co-p‘.o:
reiiov ated center

The studcni organs

is located lt'; 'llt‘ frtisi"..»'f'

New location allows Student Health
to place its service under one roof

8} TR,“ \' “llY'l'lZ
Staff Writer

llold that cold

\‘isiting the [K Student Health
\‘crvice may be popular this time of
year. but before you catch a cold or
the flu. remember that the health
service has moved to a new location

The service now in t'niversity
Medical Plaza. directly under the
overhead walkway on Rose Street
is easier to find. .lean ('ox. health
service administrator. said t‘ox
said that when the student enters
the doors of the budding. he or she
should look for the "big blue" doors.
behind them lies a new. expanded
health service

"It's so well organized. with all
the colored flags." to direct people

to the cashii-i’ .inif «i'lii-i’ art-as l‘llti’
ahcth \lci ali .l.‘ i'li‘lllt‘llltil‘} with a
tion ircshniaii sazd \lit'ail said i'
is ‘\cry coinciiicii’ although she

lienisc iiwens .
freshman. agreed
find than the other plat c she said

Health services was formerly lo
cated in Medical i‘ciiti r .\niic\ 4

The moye to the ire-w lotatioii oc
curred "right after iinals. ('ox
said She said it ‘ook tiliout one week
to move supplies and isiiiipniciii to
the new location

The health service which mined
to the l’la/a hecausc it is larger.
now has "oncthird more space.
(‘ox said It also is better organized.
she said. with the waiting room, ex-
amination rooms and clinical ottices

tl ai" history
it was easier to

all under one root [ti-viii a.
'hcv were iii Ylit'm

to\ said there taxi iuw
kinds or student i‘cat' l'» «.
delighted. ‘ she sad: im a
environment is pleasant ltd". _.
are pleased with the lllt l't'tiw'il v'
cal attention they rcccix c

Employees also lirc ‘lir
death with the new llt'ii.'.’. si't'.
(‘o\ said ’Moralc .s “'

There are some proliicj'n '.
or ('o\ said Students ii.
second floor tor lal~ .Kiilr. In
hut solutions are lx-iiigs'id'm

t‘o\ said conimi-ii's tion. varic' 's
are welcome siiicc 't.c‘. :»- s2.»
(‘val‘llllc’llllllfi with lllr new llKil

“/lit’ 1\'/li)/t‘ lt/t‘u' (I? ”It
( ("Ilt'l'fl so stilt/elm
H'r’lU are Hot [/1 con (7/

l'i. \‘t‘ it'. 't ("W {II (’(It f."
ill/‘1’ film" ft?


.lcmri Home}.
‘ zcc I’I'cyio’t'lll 0/. \ ll}



' tx'iitm
li'ttiti' <‘
she sat-:

".i-ita‘v o-yi-r‘.

iii trzng pro
“my“: ' i si‘l girth-lines
*‘l'ilit .‘ .».':.a'toi1 To tia'tv
'lii"¥ ..vv itlliiil' {1"‘ii't‘i'lllr‘l' llii!
si-y \u ' twia iv lit ’tiv- itlt't‘t‘iisit;
'itlltito : o’ studci ' "l'fitili‘iztllllllis
ll‘w tytioiv- .itvzi oi ’hc cciitcr .s ..

‘lllill"i'\ Hill) .i'i' 'lU’ lli‘.til\t"l llti‘i“

rganization Center

*"Latt '

;it.i' 'v\iwil\\iiti‘

-.!‘.a' '.\t -‘ilt1.1

V .\.v‘ - v i ‘
. lurk : .- tic siraaci

LIout-s vizii "‘lli- We!" tron; ‘E::~

'Hzii‘icj. .. . .i.. .- .i'i‘tl 'ltc

ie-i'ti” and t' i k at

\ii’il \liil l M "y "

triort- ‘liiy - "i more


Poor burley
crop hurts

By \I \lt'l‘ll \ Rhl,“ Plaltkl

Stall Wri't‘l‘

The hot dr‘ surrirricr took :Ls ml.
or. 'otiacco crops around the state
For some i-oiicge students who reg.
'it‘. prolits troll. totiiiiiii trolls “Ii pa‘.
for tho-1r educatioi it *‘Iuttl 'aKe 's
'ol; on their wallets

l-.irii.ci\ brought .3. viii} about
half of ‘heir asua. crop wriicr.
trieaiis ‘nej. made only abou' 'iai‘.’
't‘o- ravine; 'he. cut: to ‘i l"
liw Klt"» executine secretary or liar
iv, liltiacto liriiwcrs 'Uui' ‘ia’nn‘
\h‘lK .iri'llil. sdlfi

\iiti' \li‘lltifti

iii-citing srnzoi ~a.’1 'n- rein-s mm...

.: Hie-i Latin a. wig.
or. 'iitiatio crn, Harm-2 :-ii ’a.’.':i‘
\li‘tfiit'f grows up ’l'lltl't’i .,; .:
ta'i'. .ix air-v: .' r rain-L. .'.< war}.
‘gnte' at: in.
4 \f‘l Y" i flip

Astut‘v" \‘u'tt'tls

dint: pruflratta

o s i iincer‘nett
.ippt‘t't.i.tt'sl‘.ltb art:
loiaw El Mira". exit-r.
' sax:

- {trim l‘r

': ‘lt act H -'
.: Uilm’ ti

3. ‘.‘.Y~\t‘ri“i *'\'.t‘.'.: of

pr it." :I'.‘

\i splii -.'Y.'il“~

’ln .1\ i'li'ltl'r 1&1! \Llau ..~

.o'H-‘i for j» staiicrfs per progrart

ll‘-'~">t'l.il sa i: Tire utensioi pro
d'ar: Us: .‘ti't‘yv-nts .I‘ii'ude one sr~
'1 WM“: i' “.11.: all” .- gm 1!. pl
.wrigc i' . - w." higher ll» .l.\-
Ml Putt, ' si .t‘Ti iii.” a Lllturt‘ei

'M.’Y1lv‘\ i.’ 1 ’Z or is pie

w: "i-d

llc sa 1 AilT‘KiT‘ifi .t. “i:.s
,irogz‘air. '. . . .; w :r: tin-rant.
' wirifa t‘eid 'Livs

'"llttr 17' ri-


ipr'ntui tar.

a DrilltKNi‘.’ 4? irflt‘l'

accrzrig sa.d students .r

i'cwaht prrigrarr. wort; with
l'!"|it‘\>i-Y\ or ‘nei: researcr projects
_ i , Their senior year
~‘Lidcnt~ hati- willie good expert
t'llt’t‘ lit-truireiiiciits for th- ."
t i‘ade a sophomore standing by May
13 19M .1 i, l’ \ 4.; J‘ or lllflhv.’

and a iotiai t o rotates: ina‘or

\ppaca’ is for hull. programs
may he pitkeit up :i. in: mice or the
assoi late than. for Itis?f‘ai"ivltl Room
\ .. \gi 'cui'urc \ encc center
\orth The deadline tor next year is
the ili‘\' wis-k ol l-‘cliruar'.

Education College more advanced than schools, officials say

Staff Writer

Although the t‘ollcge of Education
works hard to equip its students
with the latest teaching methods. to
produce the new teacher. it will take
years to convince the school system
to employ these skills. according to
College officials and students

William Stilwell, acting associate
dean for graduate studies. said the
college is domg a better job of pre
paring teachers “Our quality has
improved, Last year we started re»
quiring our students to have 72 basrc
skills before they could graduate "

Stilwell said that despite learning
new teaching methods. the students
may not get the opportunity to prac-
tice them, “We will equip our stu-
dents with those skills and then put
them in a school where they still use
chalk. black boards and seat in

"In order to survive. that 72~skills
teacher must either leave the
school. acqmre skills expected of
them by their students. peers and
principal. or acquire a 73rd skill."
Stilwell said. “That skill is to teach
their students. peers and principal
the roles of the new teacher. "

Michele Bernard. a junior in el-
ementary education. said she tries

to use her newlyraciiuired skills to
update the sy stem

"Tradition outweighs the new
methods.” she said "The teachers
l'vc trained under are no! tarniliar
with my methods. but I try to bal

ance it out They rc usuaiix .\ il‘llL'

to try my methods

Bernard has heciz (lt‘tllt'ali-(l c4:
ucation sincc deciding to lX‘t‘Hltii a
teacher after completing kiiidci gar"
en "I feel the educatioi: dcpai‘tiiio-i.‘




l|\\llll‘ll "(I b

at l K is wally .uirkiiig and kccp.::'

'lhi- collo-gc began iiiipioxini; Is
program as early as WT.“ Alli‘l: -'

adopted a sen-i me alr'nss oiis poi‘
i‘_\ lillt' ('tlllt‘L‘t .\.t\ Htit‘ 1? TM 'I‘\'
t; 'l'l state toadopt this p-via \
\' that '1iiic we wi-ri-
down around N pcicciit or our illll‘rll
t‘dllls said l-Tksi: \igaii dean or
the t‘ollcge of ‘ lumifioi‘i t'urrci‘th
the a\cr.igc is tritium to and ‘io
percent a Unit
The student cai. lahi' c with .ition
ioiirsc and apply ioi 'lc woman.
.ittci coiiiploting our and villi‘ had to
two \cars of general studies
In lllt' screening proccss the pro
gram s faculty looks at the students
grade point average lllt’ll \iiicrican
t'ollcgc 'l‘i-sting l‘rograni \i‘ttlt“
and gncs them .i lvisii skids test if]
reading. math and writing \ per
sonal intcryiew with the faculty fol
low s the testing



' I think those .‘ltlllllllt‘tl arc aver
aging around a to grade point
Sagan said

Being admitted is only halt the

The state law also mandates class
room experience from the \ery first
education course students must
have approximately 13o hours of
classroom evpcrrencc before begin

ning s’tlili‘t‘l lt‘.iil‘.'l‘ii.i iii 'lic'r senior

lri aildt':~ii to those rciiuiri-riicnts
Kelley l‘ulks .i othior ii: special ed
iicatioii thinks ciitliusiasrii ls one ot
'llt' hasa‘ skills .i ':‘.iclii'i' lli‘mls

liii lt‘a. wwhwd and I ‘hizik
'ii he a teacher
should he enthused she said '1
sec people lll tlic progran: lictause
they \t' heard education is an easy
'iiaiui hut El s not easy Each child
is .i st paralc prolilciii and you hau
li- tlt'ii‘ will] them on a Hllt'ltr-Ollt'
hasis.indasagt‘oiipas wcll

H the new iiii-thods Fulks said.
I can really make them go over
A illl 'hc teachers

\iilm-ll said he believes it will
Kilo t or i; lillli' lit-lore the innova
tioiis happoniiig El: 'lic college arc

"l‘hc beginning tor \ nangc iii edu
cation llt‘s in the readers or thc
newspapers hecause those people
are the ones who must become in
volved iii the process ol educating
ourchildren hesaid

"The readers are the ones who
hire the graduates. praise the sys
tem to their children create the
supportive environment for educa-
tion." Stilwell added

cycryonc who -.\.i:. ~

Sagan said. Nationally only 25
percent of households have children
in school and the other 73 percent

arc not as n'crcsted .r‘. educa

.‘lll'dt‘ll said Vic need tommu
iity support not 'hc attitude that

lni not going to pay ior that be-
caiisc l didr. T haw it when l was ir



Where to go? The weekend has ur-
rived. and for many students it is a
time for wining and dining. For a list-

ing of this weekend activities, see PAS-
TlMI-‘b. page 3.

The Kentucky Wildcats will brawl filth
the Georgia Bulldogs tomorrow. For a
preview of the game. see page 6.



Higher imperatives will
the Bluegrass today as the
the mid 405 under partly
Tonightthc law will be in
20:. Tomorrow it will he
again with a high "m the Iowa








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0 two for one drinks
weeknights 5-7 p.m.‘
0 free hors. d’oeuvres
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O complimentary parking
next door after 4:30 p.m.

. tip PAYNE
Radisson Plaza Hotel BROTHERS

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On basketball home game nights. Spirits fuels your team spirit with two-fers
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Book Store

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0 All 1984 Calendars

0 Plus Many Other Sections

Books In:

Monday, Jan. 30th through
Saturday, Feb. 11th

The Tony nominee for best musi-
cal of 1982, which is making a three
day stop at the Lexington Opera
Home, is a look at life off Highway
57. Somewhere between Smyrna and
Frog Level is a gas station and ad»
Joining diner inhabited by SIX of the
friendliest and off-beat people you
might ever meet. And they‘ll sing
and dance their way into even the
coldest heart faster than anyone can
say. “Well. golleee."

Those looking for a book muswal
like this season's earlier “Pirates of
Penzance" will be disappointed be»
cause “Pump Boys" is little more
than a revue. But this proves to be
one of the show‘s strengths in that it
allows for more music and comedy

The majority of the score was
composed by Jim Wann. who wrote
“Gold Dust" for Actors Theatre of
Louisville. His songs are a pleasant
cross section of ballads and honky
tonk arranged in a definite Broad-
way style - just to make it identi-
liable to most theatergoers

()ne of the most popular songs is
the humorous plaint “The Night
Dolly Parton Was Almost Mine"
The title alone suggests the type (ii
good~natured humor that t‘nt'llmr
passes the show And the cast. head

. ‘Pump Boys’ cures the blues






energy to lighten even the dreariest
of theatrical seasons

The intimacy of the show is ideal
tor the compactness of the ()pera
House. and the six cast members
warmly embrace the theatergoers
as it they were a busload of tourists
making a stop

down-toearth humor is the right
panacea for the cold»weather blues

‘Pump Boys and Dinettes" Will be
performed at 8 tonight and tumor
raw night and at ‘2 p m tomorrow in
the Lextngton Opera House For res
vrt utitms call 233 3535

ed by Nicolette Larson. has enough 'l‘heir tootstompin' music and


This Afternoon at 803


3:00 to 7:00 p.m.

after the game


til Closing

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Any large pizza

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This Sunday is


at Calvary!

Sunday School - 9:45 o.m. Fantastic Bible Study and Fellowship
(coffee, O.J., donuts served) Room 306.

Morning Worship - 11:00 o.m. Dr. Dan Cooper, pastor, preaching.

Luncheon - Immediately following the morning worship
service in the Fellowship Hall.

*Good home-cooked food.
*Entertainment by the Calvary Single Adult Ensemble.
*No charge.

College Forum - "Dealing With Depression” with Dr. David Sharrard.

(Room 306) *All the pizza you can eat for $1.50 - 5:30 p.m.
*Forum seminar - 6:00 p.m.

Eveninq Worship - Dr. Cooper, preaching.

"University Day at Calvary, a great way to start your Spring semester. Hope
you can join us."

(3 blocks north of the 0.x. Student Center on High 8. Harrison)















Altalta's. 557 South Limestone Street Pat McNeese liazz‘: tonight at 8
p in Classical rnusm Saturday lrom8 30 to To p m
Austin Clty Saloon, Woodhill Plaza Greg Austin Band Icountry westerni
9 pm to l am Tuesday through Saturday ST cover Tuesday through
Thursday 52 Friday and Saturday
Bottom Line. 361 West Short Street
r: it tonight and tomorrow 57 cover
Broodlng's, 1505 New Crrcle Road. Exile ’(ountry rock‘ tonight and tomor
row $3 (over Exile Metropolitan Blues All Stars and Charlies Garage
.ik Monday lrorn 8 p I" to l a in 53 cover Charlies Garage Tuesday
truin 9 p tr. to l a in S? (over Larry Redmond Band ((ountryr Wednesday

Usual Suspects rock 9 pm to l

ttirouqli Saturday how 9 p in to l a m S? (over weekdays $3 on week
r‘li is

Carnalot East. Richmond Road Plaza Raven ‘rockl
tr Mi 9 p in to l a m S? cover lor men Sl for women
Camelot West. 1761 Alexandria Drive Strylier rock
rm. limit 9 p in to l a m $7 (over tor rnen ST for women
Chevy Chase Inn.
‘l‘rough Saturday liom 9 p rn to l a m

Cowboys, l515 Russell Cave Road Uncle Liiah icountry rock Monday
through Saturday 9 p m to l a in No covet Monday $7 Tuesday through

tonight and tomorrow
tonight and tornor

Euclrd Avenue Jo Turley 'pop rork Wednesday

Grlngo's. 225 Southland Dllve Ritchie Suther
andtornorrow9p m to l o m

Hall's on tho Rlvar. AthensrBaonesboro Road Andy Ruclrer
vary country tonight and tomorrow 9 p m to l a rn
Hall's on Maln. 735 East Mom Street Dave McCool
tr 'llOllOW at 8 p m

Hyatt Regency Hotel. Lexington Center

country soft rock tonight

{Ollety tonight or‘d
In Pints Pub Cross Country

ll‘ Roots Ed Bazel
Brushl to

tonight and tomorrow from 0 D m to l 0 m
tonight and tomorrow lrom 6 to 9 p m In Treetops

J pfilry
rilUPQlGSS Saturday noon to 7 p in

Jefferson Davis Inn, High and Limestone Lush Pyle and the Carpets r‘ew
tonight and tomorrow lrom 9 30 p in to l a "V 57 'Over Chases
New wow Monday through Wednesday 9 30 p ni to l a w Sl (aver

lynagh'l. 500 EU(lld Avenue Wild West Show
Metropolitan Blues All Stars


variety lolk music
"lQ'l' lrrwi o to B p n, No cover b'ues 201/
' .. uht und tomorrow lrotn 9 30 D in t3 l a m 53 cover

top 40 tr

Hadlsson Plaza Hotal, vine Center in Spirits Pattie Brr‘t‘ers

UT" '1” 3 t rrrr-rrgw tr: rt‘ 9 p rv‘ to l (J "‘ NOtO-IP'







amidst the turbulent Cuban relugee int-“ration in South Florida The iri'ipr

8t 01‘ De Parmas gangster epir. about one men s r se and tail

workings r\I the cocaine industry and extreme violence predominate rt,“
lr'r'rs acttu' Starring At Pacino KERNFL RATING ‘
. 5 t: ‘l
The Gray Fox A new release starring Richard Farnsworth about a rori
.itl dubbed The Gentleman Bandit being released lrorr‘ prison other 33
CrossroadsCiiiernas 7 3 50 5 40 7 35 930 ll l5

Uncommon Valor
“eve! returned home lollowinq the Vietnam war

Sou'hparh CritP'VVGK

The films central locus is a search tor POW s who
Potrllcol espionage and
graphic violence occur throughout Crossroads Cinemas 1 45 3 45 5 45
7 45 9 45 l2 l0

pose hazardous working conditions to the public and the press
Streep Kurt Russell and Cher star Southpar'x 7 l5 4 45 T 30 9 55
and Turtlond l 45 4 3O 7 l5 TO


John Halloween Carpenter Christine 0 lirered 1958 Plymouth Fury and

The story at a nuclear power plant worker s struggle to err
l2 to
Stephen King 5 latest screen adaptation under the directlori of
her high school owner deal murderous revenge upon UrlSUSpPLling
rogues KERNEL RATlNG 7 Southpark '2 4O 4 55 735 9 40 ll 50

Tarms at Endoarmant Shirley Madame Debra Winger and Jack Nich
clson star in what (ould be the linest American movie 06 the year lt is a
story at relationships and the everyday tribulations ot our human exis
terice KERNEL RATING 9 "Southpark 210 4 4O 7 ’20 9 50 l? 05 and
Northpork 2 05 4 3O ‘ 70 9 50 I? 05 i

Vantl Barbara Streisand starred directed produced and helped write
the sireeriplay to what lS almost a onerwornan show She plays a young
woman trqhting to obtain an education in a world where Such opportum
tins were only open to men ‘Leiiington Mall 2 00 4 3O 7 75 ° 50 T7 05
and Fayette Moll l 30 4 30 7 00 9 30

Suddan Impact The latest chapter of the Dirty Harry saga lecturing
(lint Eastwood and Sandra Loclte .Northparl' 7 70 4 4O ‘ 30 9 40 ll 45
and Southoark 7 20 4 45 7 45 l0 l7 .

Hot Dog, The Movla A tun in thesun Ilick Southpork 730 4 30
730 0301130 Northpark 2 l5 405 555 750 950 l140

Tho Ilg Chill A group at friends that were close during the 60 5 receive
a rude awakening about themselves in the 805 {Southpark 2 40 4 45
740 945 ll 45 T? TO andNorthPork 7 4 6 8l01150,
Stryker Rebellious school kids lrolic in this lrlm
4 l0545 735 935 ll 35

the Lonely Guy Another Steve Martin “le .Foyette Mall
5 45 7 40 9 4O andNorthpark 2 l0 3 50 5 4O 7 40 9 30 HBO
Educating Rita Michael Come stars In the Story ot a British working
class ngl who becomes involved With a hard drinking professor Turtland
l30 335 540 745 950,l

Never Cry Wolf
qles not only to endure an Arctic wrnter but also to learn as much about

Northpark 7 75

T40 340

Charles Martin Smith star: as a biologist who strug

wolves as he can rn the second lecture lrlm ol Carroll Ballard drrector at
Black Stallion ,Lexington Mall 1 30 3 30 5 3O 7 40 9 35 ll 30

At the Kentucky Thaatar this weekend: Today: I 30 p m 005
Boot 7 30 Mr Srnith Goes To Washington 9 30 lEtorle du Nord

l? 00 Where 5 Poppa” Tomorrow I 30 The Seventh Voyage ol Sin
bad 3 30 Johnny Guitar 5 30 Strangers on a Train 7 30 Wheres
Poppa" 9 15 Das Boot l2 Trading Places Sunday l 30 The
Seventh Voyage ol Sinbad 3 30 Merry Christmas Mr lawrence 5 4S
Strangers on a Train 9 45 Trading Places

Warsham Thaatar: Student Cantor. today. Tomorrow. Sunday 7 30
Tlashdance lecturing Jennifer Seals and her struggle lor lame m the
world of dance





Studio Players will present Tarmac... Iluae. an evening ol oneAact plays
by Tennessee Williams Productions will include Portrait at I Madonna.
Something Unlpalian, Hallo Iartha. and Moonay'l Kid Don't Cry. Far
Iormonces are scheduled tor a pm, on Feb. 3 and 4 and at 5 p m on Feb
5 Admission is $3 No reservations Will be taken


THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday, January 27,1984 - 3

Larson depicts life from the ‘Far Side’

Arts Editor

Gary Larson is the author at the
current comic panel build lht' [‘tl'
Side and Beyond the Fur .Siilu ‘.\liii li
have been called the “host (ll thc
best“ of the panel til tht- \ltTTlt’

Contacted by telephone by lllt‘
Kentucky Kernel Larson iil
though complaining about all urui-iii
deadline nearing and that lht‘ iiiti-r
View was halting llls priigrr»
talked about his comii t‘lt‘lllltlll\ iiiirl
his brand of humor

Kentuck) Kernel

Gar) Larson: l was l‘itlst'tl iii Li
coma. Wash and havc ll\t'll
Seattle. Wash tht‘ lust t-iulit _-,t-..i~ l
graduated llt)lll Washingiriii
['niverSit} iii 1973 Will) it rlvuim ll

KK: Where and limit rlirl

(il.: lt urigimill) startcd rt.\ .: ~ilr
gle panel tor the Spatial lwwc lint ..
a week In 1978 it “as Ilrlfillltlll}
called "Nature's \la) and «tit-i. i'
became findicatcd b} l‘llltrlirklt‘
Features. the namc was (initial-it m
"The Far Side It started \jxlltllli:
tion in March 1980 and has lit-vie run
ning about {our years

KK: How do itlu tiriiiu 't‘trlf
to frumrm' \lliiit sparks 'lir
tix‘e hand tn titu- ll\ l'lr‘

(il.: Well that l't‘i'llu‘i'b .1 :i .m-ru
tu iiic leuc» )0“ mi illlT'Jllilt‘ ' ‘-
what s imulxm iii lllt' . rr-iifzur- pity
('51s 'T'licrr- haw tum-i: . i i’ at 't..',,;~
\irittcn b} .1 lat lll
knowledge-ublc thii: l l' 'il" w" i‘
happens tn mo l\t‘ limit» la»:
actiw iiiiaginatirir; Mr“ \M' l .x .4 .,
turtured child \s'rlr- lrur:

Wliiit .‘



Tllt' lair

iwriiilo '3. it ,.

KK. Your pullt‘l l5 i-rpulu'w: ,\ ‘I
such things as Ellllllhl. 'ijm i '- in
cape cows who are t'tllilllii. . "l
something [“htt‘tl (mil airtime» pr-i.
t-rall} talking t)\t‘.' liziii,.i.'i~ " writ
aspect I guess “Tull l r:
about is thc pcrwmiiiiitmi w' .i:
mals thi-mi- Elia! st't'lt \ zriwlu“
natc tlirrrugliuut juriii pullt‘. Hm
you arriw at such lll/ut‘lt' '

l_\ humorous situatiuiis

(il; l dl“£l_\\ thiiuuht wt 'Lksr" l‘
more til (i trustrritcd mil >2 ~: 2in
cartoonist l ‘.\;t> quitv llllt‘lt‘5't'41 ..'
the field of liming} .iriii tt‘itiiru. r
college- llut '.lllllll.'tll‘. _
was in (“tiltlniutllt‘lllltlll\ l 'mn ii ur'
of zoo c-lasws N7.
ready t‘Xhllllg .tllllll.li tit-i: rm ill."
a natural t“;pl't'\\|tll‘ wt l.ll' vl.’ . 'r

KK: “that iil‘t' sirllit‘ H: until
sonal léh'tll‘lltK tlm .iiii air
back rm Htl'l \t} How

(ll; M} l£l\tlt‘ll(‘:\ Tt‘tlft 'wt rm
ones that ill} t‘tllltll'\ \t‘ll'l rim.
me lrceill} Iltllll ll.l‘.t‘ Airy. ’lt'f'
dous tiix‘tli'itt-s or .ii:_\ that «in 1 . “
in my mind \itt-r )iru tlti xi
the} all trail to bliii tugvtlii-r


l'l', i1»‘;_"r~

l L’ilt'\\ ii,_; .i

y .

l T".t..'v



Milk and Hone) .l')llll Lemma .iiiit
Yokutlno l’olidnr Ht‘t'lll'tl5

Maybe it's tiiizillx lllllt‘ in ltlll
John Lennon iii pcrsiiwtii t‘

During thc tirst )t‘.tl‘.\ at his win
career. he was ii rltllt'tlltitb t'ltl\\ll
forever making llt’.’ltlllllt‘.\ iiitli lll\
latest scheme to splash it little»
human crimpassinii tllltll lllt‘
world’s front pages r‘riiiimi-i'
Cials for peace." hc called them

But bod—ms and bag lib \t‘t‘lllt‘tl
51”}. however much “0 agreed
with the corny old titltltllh ribiiut
peace. love and understanding llt'
so Simplistically espoused

During the last five )(‘tll\ (ll lll.\
life. he claimed to haic louiid ii:
his retirement from the music
world a kind of middliwliiss
peace Married litc uith \nkii
child-rearing and baking hrciid
were more satisfying than i-iitci
ing to the mu5ical whims ill lll\
public. he said

We didn‘t b!‘ll(‘\t‘ liim 'l‘licrc
must be sonic fantastic llt'\\
album he‘s working on in tht‘
basement, we said John lA'nlltlll.
a limisehusband. liapp} baking
breadq Absurd

Double Fantasy rclciiscd Just
weeks before Lennon‘s death. was
filled with songs about htlllSt‘h()lti
joys The exceptions. likc "l'm
Losing You." had the razorsharp
sound of cynical depressmn or
what we called the “old" Lennon
and in the crazy emotional whirl
pool surrounding his death. those
were the songs we chose in re

After all. you can‘t make a mart
tyr of someone who Sings about


KK llrm
(.l lJtr iiti'w carry it iii \_\ndl('1.i

l\K A lt‘xi munttis ago. the local
[Nlpl‘l lit-l‘r' lht‘ liiingtun erild
”my.” (it-t'lrlt'd tr not run uric ()i
iirur llelt‘l\ t'tllltlt‘tl '(‘rm tools
t.ii: _‘,tt|.l Iiltr'! any possible cxplana
lltll. as m the. meaning ut the panel
\I’ilt ., int iii tx‘tiplt‘ w-rc obviously
r'iviitiiswl ti; ,'

til i lili:t lllldt‘l'\l£tlltl it That
i‘.i.'"-Iiit tl‘l'dlllt‘ a had nighttliarv
in” 1\ mm at .i .oiig \Alndt‘tl
slur; trrit l had been thinking: back
till .iri irlrt iiiitlirupolng} class that l
lizirl hml llllt' til the mi” thc). had
'lt'lllli‘tl llliillkllltl was due to the
tmlx llm' had been ric-wltrpwd l
l-r-mr. tn .’.l).’lll(‘r what it would haw
llt"'ll llllt‘ ll ili‘.\\ and rrthr-i' riTllTTlZil.‘
”3;th" l kin-w
would llidkt' it
'tt‘lllt‘ndlllb N» lrlrr-w
standing lx‘tlilltl llh
.Ull'h twill-l: prnurll} dmpluyng lll>
tT’lltlt‘ lllilrlt‘llit‘lll It was srrmcwliat
.lltlTlE tlw Liiics ()1 what ;i \hzltltlt‘r'
'i'ldkt‘ The i'tit‘llrtiii 'Atluld
tidir- i-o-ri. miitusing at aiij» l‘ri’it' but
l fllt‘d 'vnl Hi the tools to resemble a
max rillll pwlplc tried in :uurc out
.l liu’ ltww'llt'." llritN “tartar .H‘l}
l{l'~‘-.ll i> .Kr‘rt‘ trill}; iillWM'l ll» ~t‘t'
-rI.ilrl tutti» i! nu' \tllllt-
i.lllt‘ti Tllt‘
'..iit littti

man). papers (arr).

till lllt‘

.tvtt- rilwtwuwr-tl (in
“lull f! {l in“
itlitiltmt“ .t l'lt\\

.tiiiiidiif M»

iv» minimal

{trill auriaiilf

t pvt-g ,-

~- i..,.:..r_ timiii lbw:

tillirfil 'l‘:'

’rl r‘.t‘l rt‘l‘el'rt‘ d." UT)
tlu- saint-ct it. ”'ci .i,
' fit'ln‘htll} Attli-lt‘

prulrlt' r‘i ’ K." a Film 'll

Tliit-t- l’ \ titillml’ l'~
.‘iL‘ l't‘ it .t‘ijm drunk: .4:

“'r-rprr illJln‘ and HA

actions to a cartoon Someone- rim;
laugh at it someone else may tarot
offense 1 never ntcnd an) Tllalllt'
That s the Via} it is when you «trait
\Allh humur \uu just never Kher
how people w ll takc a )(Ikt' Tllt‘lt
“I“ always “)0 diflerent roar-tit)”
and so a certain risk is im'ulu-d l' .
not been all overnight (iartir-Lrl \t‘l
sation for {716‘ but the rear", »i
across the couritr} has bm-r i,-...r-

KK What does Mar} Larxuii 1:
tor lui other than The- r‘ar \l‘it‘
iii thr llllt‘ Ui hobbies pristin-

(.1 l pla} musii and lllr a A.
{Atrb' iii a band I pla;
about ()litt‘ a week l t‘aht‘ .‘i
l‘t‘p‘llt‘h iii mi lltrttit' siiiw l i.» ,
an mere-st :iit i; t f5pt‘ of thing

KK: What kiiiri wt dlli‘illdi‘ a; pm:
llr.\()U must for aw i. tbt- pain-i

(-I. (‘41W\
Eildlish t'lL
L’crmaiic " Yl'ir
thl a i'api‘zizu‘w
LlT‘Tdelll'l'\ tur 'Tlt‘

KK lm pwrplri Mr! A: ll-
;mrl mg. ll»; lw- gin 'ti;- 5:.
idcaturu lfiir \ztit' pair:

(.I. l‘t‘wiut-titij. but l litiw
pollt'} ut .'lt"-.“.' using (ii‘ij.
'Jllt'rwi , . ..j Bd' .2 .

l){i\l".t‘l l)»:

ii.iiir.i_‘. lui‘

l‘n,’ run it ~ antitruw

... ,. r,

«5. 41).. i r

lt‘t l\;ti.' r,

sitKr wt 1: i.


Alia? s I. Z - T‘dl \. lv
[rlT'T't‘ :‘HL‘ luglf ’, c.”
\ltlll l in” u ft‘ii- ll..i‘.
Kls \
llt‘t‘ll.‘ i. M
‘ Irtliii‘ 'l.
t.l \ir
kmm 'l‘.‘


" it"rlfirllil')

. i. might
nilr' v\illllll\
'litt' fill;
'.i:ppt‘!l> .\

rvrt'x .-


4 .. _._.._._ “._,_._‘_ ....._‘





'as" N .i s ajven‘.'e a”
me to an abrupt end


Musical martyr?

Late?! (II/mm [rim Lennon ’s life in perspective — trim

t‘.i.’llllt; AI‘ ’tlt‘ Kllt'llt‘ll. and :ii
iitlltllt'llL‘l" xicils and world-urilc
",lti'lit'lll> -' \llt’l‘it't‘. we \wrc tlt‘
’. lll.lllt‘tl ‘n ltldh’t‘ him a nitirtti‘ 0t
tliv fll’ttll‘lt‘hl proportions Rcmcm

l't'll..lTl\ m- should haw titan

l7 1* .‘ i l’riri