xt7k0p0wqj3n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k0p0wqj3n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1951033 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1951-03-apr3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1951-03-apr3. 1951 2011 true xt7k0p0wqj3n section xt7k0p0wqj3n Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Univer- sity of Kentucky, April 3, 1951. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:00 am., Tuesday, April 3, 1951. The fol- lowing members were present: Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby, Chair- man; Paul M. Basham, Boswell B. Hodgkin, Harper Gatton, George M. Cheek, H. D. Palmore, J. C. Everett, Harry F. Walters, R. P. HobsOn, Carl Dempewolfe, Herndon J. Evans, and J. Woodford Howard. Ab- sent: Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Dr. W. M. Coffee, and Guy A. Huguelet. A. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the Board of Trustees of December 12, 1950; and the minutes of the Executive Committee of January 19 and February 17, 1951, were approved as published. B. Comptroller's Report. The Comptroller submitted financial report of operations of the University for July 1, 1950, through February 28, 1951, He read a summarized statement, which statement and financial report follow: UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON Office of Comptroller March 29, 1951 Dr. H. L. Donovan, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky My dear Doctor Donovan: I submit herewith the financial report covering the University fund transactions for seven months ended February 28, 1951. The current general income received from all sources during the period covered amounted to $5,729,069.17 or 79.6% of the budget esti- mate of $7,181,674.51. The current general fund expenditures and en- cumbrances totaled $4,567,601.31. This sum equals 62.2% of the de- partmental appropriations of $7,338,722.86. The difference between current general fund expenditures and encumbrances and current general fund income received represents.a carried forward balance as of July 1950. Plant fund expenditures and encumbrances amount to $644,445.17 during the period or 62.6% bf the $1,028,802.59 budget estimate. It is difficult to presefft the financial report of the University of Kentucky as a combined statement. It is necessary in an education- al institution to do "fund accounting". Current, restricted, plant, loan, endowment and agency funds are recorded separately and accounted for as separate funds, hence the various sections of the report pre- sented. The balance sheet for the Division of Colleges, Agricultural Experiment Station and Agricultural Extension records current, re- stricted and plant funds, and investment in plant. There is nothing unusual about the balance sheet and for detailed information, you are referred to the statement of assets and liabilities. The total ap- praised value of the plant, excluding the value of the Journalism Building, is: Buildings $20,356,295.09 Land 1,073,218.83 Equipment 6,780,403.69 Total $28,209,91'7.60 There are outstanding serially maturing bonds amounting to $2,815,000 including $225,000 bonds of the Journalism Building which is in process of construction. The net investment in buildings, land, equipment, and other fixed assets, after adjustment for outstanding bonds is $25,619,917.60. University properties are insured thrqugh the State Dr. H. L. Donovan March 29, 1951 Fire and Tornado Insurance Fund as follows: Buildings Equipment Page Two $18,o61,995.00 6,245,055.00. The premium on these properties for the current fiscal year amount- ed to $55,731. Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson Comptroller University of Kentucky BALANCE SEIET As of February 28, 1951 A S S E T S Current Funds: Ge ieral Cash in bank Petty cash advs. State Allotments: Tiirrent year Prior year Revolving funds Receivables Inventories Deferred charges Unrealincome Total - General Restricted: Cash in bani Petty cash advs. Investments Total restricted Total Current Plant Funds: Uneixended: CashIn bank Revolvfunds Unreal income Total unexpended Investment in Plant onSt.ruct on authorized Fixed assets Total Invested Total Plant Division of Colleges $ 32,563.89 653 00 399,276.81 4,939,38 794,873.84 8,343,58 596, 265,63 111,768.20 Agricultural Experiment Station $ Agricultural Extension Division 116,118,45 $343,882.05 $ 149,102.75 1,621.23 283,293, 17 103,i68.78 27,910 .00 Total 492,564o39 653,00 651i 548034 6,560o61 1,078,167.01 8,343o58 624, 1750o63 111,768.20 1 1464685.2Z 193 859-52 39 2511.30 1430, 05 09 3,i1452,3t7-oV $ _771 905-l 2 M$4t6b 0o $ 796,604.66 $ 59,739,.73 $250,651.62 $ 1,106,996.01 12,090.00 200.00 12,290o00 688 251.49 15 000000 703 225149 1,9 4.1 14 377 -0- 51o2 4,4,1-5 '~ b.9 $ (72-20 $ 11,416,64 $ 11,416.64 377,933o14 $ 151,625o13 529,558.27 22,551_25_ 22 551.25 $ 225,000,00 225;000000 25,498 340o61 2 711 576,99 28 2200 01,60 25,,721440 Ill __2___1_____f 28,20919-17 .60- r 5~~~~2b2221 bz 417E~',' '6~~ Loan Endowment Agency Other Funds: Cash TinTank $ Notes receivable Investments Total other fundsTW 4, 228 .52 6, 486,88 68 000o00 7B-754 $ 6,39156 $ 58,661,55 $ 1 96 20a2-.7T. 15 000,00 $ 73.W. 70 182.63 6,486.88 278 180,96 3, 0 Total Assets ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~$5,5 666,~58 Total Assets University of Kentucky BALANCE SHEET As of February 28, 1951 L I A B I L I T I E S Agricultural Agricultural Experiment Extension Station Division Current Funds: General: Res. for encumbranc Current year Prior year Res. for inventorie Other liabilities Unapprop. surplus Approp. bals. Total General Restricted: Outstanding cks. Restr. bals. Total Restricted Total Current es: T 239,493.13 40,985.14 zs 596,265.63 111,768.20 293,514.28 1.863,.341.22 $ 6o, 816. lo 1,992.45 27,910.00 257,257.07 $ 2,711 .30 423,929.50 48.850o. 83 $ 300,309.23 42,977.59 624, 175.63 111,768.20 553,482.65 2.771.121.55 $ 3,145,367.60 771i905.12 $4bb,562.l3 $ $ 5,320.13 $ 5,320.13 1,491 626.02 74,939.73 250,651.62 1,817,217.37 ;1 _496__94b.15 -i 74,939j73 j250,b5l.j 2 $122 b'4-2,313- ' ; 46,6544.85 ;7723.75 $ b,226,37 .35 Plant Funds: Unexpended: Res. for encumbrances: Current year $ Prior year Surplus funds Approp. bals. Total Unexpended _ 165,942.15 $ 2,408.96* 248,367.84 411,901.0-3 T 15,635.55 135 989. 58 151,b25-13 $ 181,577.70 2,408.96* 384,357 .42 $563, 52b. lb Investment in Plant: Bonds payable $ 2M815,000.00 Net invested 22, o8,340.61 $2,711,576.99 Total invest. L711,57 99 Total Plant $2b, 135,241.64 ;2,83, 202.12 Loan Endowment $ 2, 815,000.00 25, 619, 917.60 $26,434517. 60 $2b, 99blt 4 .7- Agency Other Funds: Bal. aEs to principal Bal. as to income Total other fundsT 56,297.61 $ 199,928.18 22,417,79 2,545.34 75,715.40 $ 202,473.52 $ 73,661.55 $ 329,887.34 2J,96 :13 $ 3~r Total Liabilities $35,579,666.58 *Def ic It Division of Colleges Total $ '(3, bt)I t5 $ University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS AND SURPLUS PLANT FUNDS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 Division of Colleges General Plant Total Balance, July 1, 1950 Additions: Proceeds of bond issues Encumb. liquidations Transfers Estimated income Total additions Total credits Deductions: Transfers Appropriations Total deductions Balance, February 28, 1951 *Deficit $ 539zL27.92 $ 195,845.69 $ 734,873.61 $ 153,663.17 $ 153,663.17 $ 5,979.32 393,042.52 399,021.84 77,291.43 77,291.43 4,283,807 37 202,783-00 4,486,590-37 ;4,367,07b.12 ' 74,866 1 5,116,566.bl 4,90b,10b.04 i945,334.3b 5,b l,440.42 $ 74,741.43 $ 74,741.43 14,612, 9176 873,001.91 5,485,593.67 $4,612,5 $ 947,743934 560,335.1 $ 293,514.28 $ 2,408.96*$ 291,105.32 Agricultural Experiment Station General Plant Total Balance, July 1, 1950 Additions: Encumb. liquidations Transfers Estimated income Total additions Total credits Deductions: Transfers Appropriations Total deductions $ 426,355-15 $ 13,001.69 $ 439,356.84 $ 1,198.62 $ 3,549.15 $ 4,747.77 139,249.84 1392491.84 1,136,602.21 1 Q136,602.21 11 gl 37,800u8b3 $142 79b99 11,2b0,599.tJ2 t1,5b4,155.99 155,bE395bb 1,5719,95bsbb $ 139,249.84 $ 139,249.84 1,167,649.07 1558008 323,44975 $11306,Ub9 155,bOROy6bE 1,462;699-59 Balance, February 28, 1951 $ 257,257.07 $ 257,257.07 Agricultural Extension Division General Plant Balance, July 1, 1950 Additions: Estimated income Total credits Deductions: Appropriations Balance, February 28, 1951 $ 2,71130 _ $ 2,711.30 $1,558,481.93 - _ $1,558,2481.93 __11_561,1_3._23 $1,5 2,193.23 $1,f558,481-93 -1 5 ,$ ,71_S3 $ 2, 711 *30 Total University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF UNREALIZED INCOME For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 General Fund Budget Estimate Realized to Date Unrealized Balance Division of Colleges: Educati5onal and feneral: State appropriations Federal grants (through the State) Student fees Endowment income Sales and services and rentals Subtotal Auxiliary Enterprises: Residence halls Miscellaneous Subtotal Total-Colleges Less-Income allocated to plant Net-Colleges Agricultural Experiment Station: State appropriations Federal grants (direct) Sales and services Total-Experiment Station A ricultural Extension Division- State appropriations Federal grants (direct) Total-Agricultural Extension Total-General General income allocated Stores overhead Total-Plant Combined Total $2,714,400.00 $2,384,400.00 $ 330,000.00 127,617.87 1,131,515.00 9,644.50 40,200.00 87,617.87 455,556.83 9,644)50 13,638.00 40,000.00 675,958.17 26,562.00 $4,023,377.37 $2V,950,857.20 $1,072,520.17 $ 337,200.00 $ 196,324)77 $ 140,875.23 93414.o00 110A126.13 16,712.12* $430,614.00 306,450-90 $ 124,163-10 $4493,q91.37 $3,257,30b810 o1,19b;6W3.27 17Oi184.oo 170,184.00 $4,283,807.37 3087,12410 $1,196,683.27 (72.19*J $ 376,550.00 $ 343,530 00 $ 33,020.00 310,852.21 233,62o. 40 77,231.81 4149,200.00 Y5,5229 3q0 449 200*00 365,592. , 83X607*71 $1X136,602221 $ZI92 727.469 $ 193J59.52 $ 4o06,05000 $ 357,050,00 $ 39,000.00 1,152t431.93 1,151,92o363 511-30 lt,55b,481r93 $1451b,97Oe63 I -39T711.30 vli6,978,89io51 $5,548,837.42 _tl 40 .509 t79o59fi) Plant Fund $ 170,184.00 $ 170,184.00 32,599-00 10 0475 22,551.25 0,3-5$ _lt;22 5-51.2-5 $7,181,674.51 $5,729,069,17 L1,452,605.34 (79.6%) *Realized in excess of estimate University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 General Fund Depart. Approp. Division of Colleges: Aam . 5Hd Ge-ner-a- .Exsense.- General TF..Ofcs. 228,099.53 Student welfare 7,540.88 General expense 90,278.19 Subtotal ~ 325t91STb Expendi- tures Encum- brances 140,220.22 $ 4,487.80 Approp. Balances 2,570.63 $ Instruction and Research: College of - Arts and Sci. $1,405,6 Engineering 396,1 Commerce 170,3 Agriculture & Home Ec. 218,6 Law 66,6 Education 301,1 Pharmacy 84,6 Graduate School 9,7 University Res. 18,1 Library 238,9 Univ.Extension 125,7 Other activities 24,1 Subtotal $3,099 15.68 85.97 34.42 93-76 0o. 67 16.26 71.13 40.33 92.12 12.93 25.07 .40.76 39.10 $ 827,732.01 $ 209,807.17 105,931.59 130,840.50 42,329.30 177,339.75 43,424.96 6,470. o6 7,915.10 142,629.44 7S1 ,879.43 5,956.15 $11775,255.4 T (6l.bT 43,750.02 19,631.71 50.14 1,492.12 1,733.20 2,979.42 9,630.95 15.00 224.82 19,836.41 2,436.85 7,320.96 109 101.60 534,133.65 166,747.09 64,352.69 66,361.14 22,548.17 120,797.09 31,615.22 3,255.27 10,052.20 76,447. o8 48,408.79 lo, 863.65 , 175,5b2.04- $1 Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant etc. General approp. 715,829.34 Special approp. 70,000.00 Work in progress 25,000.00 General stores,ete. 27,250.00 Subtotal $ 83b,079.3 356,340.96 $ 10,882.25 745.18* 13,225.94* 353252(.09 54,663.75 2,141.12 2.85 69.50 56,877.22 $ 304,824.63 56,976.63 25,742.33 40,406.44 427.950.03 Auxiliary Enterpr'ses: Residence-hall- $ 294,656.00 Miscellaneous 93,998.72 Subtotal $-388,654.72 $ $ 169,102.41 $ 22 915 64 192,018.05 $ k 64. bfi) 36,521.98 23,7R9_99 59. b2l.97 89,521.61 47 293 09 $ Total-Colleges $4,612,591.76 $2,509,757.41 $ -59' b6 239,493.13 $1,863,341.22 *Negative number 85,308.68 3,0 53.Q8 44,523.Z9 11,121.7 3 , 3) 5 1bqz23l-bl $ 13,692.34 $ 122,994:45 (6 3%) T _ Z - _, _ University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 General Fund Depart. Approp. Agricultural Experiment Station: Administration o Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Creamery License Dairy Dairy Cattle Improv. Entomology & Botany Farm Economics Feed and Fertilizer Home Economics Horticulture Markets & Rur.Fin. Poultry Publications & Libr. Public Serv.Labs. Regional Research Robinson Substation Rural Sociology Seed Stocks West K[y.Substation Miscellaneous Total-AgriculturTl Experiment Sta. t1 150,301.00 180,322.00 74,490oo0 59,050.00 12,000.00 43,335.00 15,000.00 76,2 0:00 57, 6;5 000 140, 000O o0 17,100.00 41, 980o00 85,224.oo 32,728,00 22,747.17 33,050.00 10,325,00 22, 4.00 00 38,742.00 7,000.00 40,400.00 7,500.00 Expendi- tures $ 67', 346 93 112,092.36 57,557.59 39,302.52 7,880.86 30,o80.72 7,352.74 47,710.02 35,147,04 66,511,56 9,422.45 25,749.78 45,414.02 22,569.68 6,589.47 18,863.02 4,988.69 14,144.59 25,723.16 4,600.00 28,689.15 5,167.22 Encum- brances $ Approp. Balances 2,340.50* 4,441 56 2,797: 5 94.47 15.00 2,651.83 1,054.25 1,256.28 38,021.36 1,834.20 35.23 837.65 120.00 347.54 1,804.20 19.30 2,627.16 518.12 80,613.57 63,788. o8 14,134.96 19,653.01 4,104.14 lo,602.45 6,593.01 27,303.70 22,537.96 35,467.08 7,677.55 14,396.02 39,774.75 9,320.67 16,037.70 13,839.44 5,336,31 6,451.21 12,999.54 2,400o.0 9,083.69 1.814.66 167,649.17 629057 $ 60,816.o $ 423,929250 b(3 76 University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 General Fund Depart. Approp. Agricultural Extension Division: Administration $ 57,328.00 Agr.Engineering 18,840.00 Agronomy 34,087.50 Animal Husbandry 22,260.00 Clothing 12,220.00 County Agents 719,414.44 Dairy 21,010.00 Farm and Home Con- vention 1,500.00 Farm Management 13,520.00 Forestry 5,780.00 Foods 11,500.00 Home Dem. Agents 431,030,00 Home Management 26,660.00 Horticulture 17,645.00 Junior Clubs 78,461.99 Markets 13,265.00 Poultry 21,790.00 Publications 13,850.00 Public Information 16,850.00 Rural Sociology 5,100,00 Miscellaneous 16,370.00 Total-Agricultural Extension Div. $1,558,481 93 Combined Total $7,338,722,86 Expendi- tures $ Encum- brances 36,331.67 15,594.09 20,671.34 14,834.05 7,478.68 505,116.37 12,461.03 1,325.78 9,964.35 6,505.57 7,298.54 317,232.73 17,356.82 11,550.26 49,271.62 8,214.16 12,426.41 5,147.08 11,987.14 3,513.41 350.00 Approp. Balances $ 20,996.33 3,245.91 13,416.16 7,425.95 4,741.32 214,298.07 8,548.97 174.22 3,555.65 725 .57* 4,201.46 113,797.27 9,303.18 6,094 .74 29,190X37 5, 050 4 9,363.59 8,702.92 4,862.86 1,586.59 16,020.00 $91,074,63110 $ 483,850.83 (69208 3 $4,267,292.o8 $ 30,09.23 $2,771.121.55 T62T2T''T' *Negative number University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF PLANT APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 Plant Funds Dept. Approp. Division of Colleges: P.W.A.First Bond Issue $ 37,003-37 P.W.A.Second Bond Issue 17,078.47 Dorm.Rev.Bond Issue 23,019.25 Audit-Fieldhouse issue 103,053.50 Library & Service Bldg. bond issue i7,130j77 Stadium rev. bond issue 23,630.50 Dorm.Issue-Rose St. 2,5514.17 Journalism Bond Issue 20,020.00 Dicker House annuity 363.01 Fieldhouse 31,761.e46 Norwood Hall fire loss bal. 15,911.25 Service bldg. constr.122,207.96 Fine Arts bldg. 4,111.62 Dairy Center 2,031.04 Journalism 255,356.83 Dorm.Constr. -Rose St. 74,500.00 Libr.& Sv.Bldg. Clearance 7,343.25 Omicron Delta Kappa 2,550.00 Sprinkler System 4,443.32 Rose St.Dorm.Bond Issue III 2,932.14 Dorm. Constr. III 76,000.00 Total . ;73.001.91 Expendi- tures $ Encum- brances Free Balance 3,531.18 17,012.31 4,024.75 62,137.50 7,317.50 4,256.25 1,1490.00 17,105.00 132.33 1,511.19 106,207.96 1,952.15 2,031.014 86,829.40 74,500.00 2,550.00 1,520.00 64,583.36 4~5 691.92 I-_ k 71- 7o )fff .E $ 33X472.19 66.1L6 18,994.50 4o0,916.00 39,813.27 19,374.25 1,064.17 5,000.00 160,942.15 2,915.00 230.68 30,250.27 15,911.25 11,000.00 2,159.47 7,585.28 7,343.25 4,443.32 1, 412.14 11 416.64 165,-42. 2 . .. , . _ .. University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF PLANT APPROPRIATIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 Plant Funds Dept. Approp. Agricultural Experiment Station: Animal Path.Bldg. $ 2,390.93 Repairs & new equip. 12,809.75 West Ky.Tobacco barn 3,800o.00 West Ky.Water system 6,600.00 Agr.Engr. Bld$. 75,000.00 Sheep Barns 2,500.00 Brooder House 8,500,00 Miscellaneous 44,200.00 Subtotal 55,b00.bb Combined Total $1,028,802.59 Expendi- tures $ Encum- brances Free Balance Y+ 603.00 $ 1,787.93 4,126.20 202.52 8,481.03 3,5410.00 6,1400.00 260.00 200.00 75,000.00 2,500.00 8.500.00 k ~~49.35 4,89o.o3 39-,26o.62 (i1755 1 5655 1352,9U9 56 ~12j775) $ 462,867.47 $ 181,577.70 $ 38411357,142 University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF OTHER FUND TRANSACTIONS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 Balance July 1, 1950 Receipts Disburse- ments Balance February 28,195 Restricted Funds: Div. or Colfeges Agr.Exp.Station Agr.Ext.Division Subtotal Loan Fund: Principal Income Subtotal Endowment Funds: Principal- Income Subtotal Agency Funds: ies'ces Combined Totals $i,40l,510.02 98,891.21 247,236.26 $1,148,589.55 58,982.59 841,488.38 $1,058,473.55 $1,491,626.02 82,934.07 74,939.73 81,073.02 250.651.62 $1,74t7,37. 9 $1,292,060.52 6112227, 213 $ 56,297.61 $ 56,297.61 20,923.96 $ 1 493.83 22,417.79 $ 77j22157 ,1jj9j3 3 $ =__,715.4_ $ 198,1428.18 $ 1,500.00 $ 199,928.18 2,298.60 300.29 ; 53.55 2,545. 4 200,726.7b 1 ; oo 2 53.55 $ 207 73. 52 $ 801627.42 2 3,337 90 $ 274 1,03.77 $ 73.6l55 $2,106,213.26 $1,562,692 5154.12,496,837.96 $2,172,067.84 *Negative number University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF STATE AND FEDERAL ALLOTMENTS For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 Allotted to Date Division of Colleges State Allotments: Current yea $2,384,400.00 Prior years Total Revolving Funds: Current-year Prior years Total Expendi- tures $1,985,123.19 $ Encum- brances Free Balance 43,468.91 $ 355,807.90 h Ace Do $2,3b9,33937 1952 . 9 4691 $ 0,74726 $2,0o9,202.02 $ 903,135.03 $ 332,900.26 $ 813,166.73 93,013.03 66 290.84 26,702.78 37.21 $2,142,2i505 _969_2425_7 $ 359,603.04 T __ 3,203._4 Agricultural Experiment Station State Allotments: Current year Prior years Total $ 343,530.00 $ 1,621.23 194,427.25 $ 2,576.45 $ 146,526.30 1,621.23 ,$ 345a151. 23 $ 194,427 .25 $.5 2, 4 14745 3 Federal Allotments Current year Prior years Total Revolving Funds: Current year Prior years Total 233,620.4o $ 11, 326.74 200,732.53 $ 32,887.87 11.326.74 24947.1 200,732.53 I________ $ 724,807.01 $ 291,919.34 $ 57,620.66 $ 375,267.01 26,678.02 24,647.39 1,992.45 38.18 $ 751, .b 1 6,485. f03$ 59,613-.11 $ 375,305.l2 Agricultural Extension Division State Allotments: Current year Prior years Total $ 3679,050*00 $ 263,881.22 $ 103,168.78 6703TO-O 2 3.8122 $ 103,16R0d Federal Allotments: Current year $1,151,920o63 Prior years 2,711 30 Total $15X63l.93 $ 810,749.88 ; 10OT749.00 $ 341,170.75 2,11,3 ,_ _ , _ __ X ,, , _. _ _ ___. _.._ _.. _. _ A.. _ 11. University of Kentucky STATEMENT OF COMBINED RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES For the Current Fiscal Period which began July 1, 1950 and ended February 28, 1951 Receipts and Transfers: General income Plant income Restricted receipts Loan fund receipts Endowment fund receipts Agency fund receipts Total Receipts Expenditures and Transfers (Including encumbrances): General fund expenditures Plant fund expenditures Restricted fund expenditures Loan fund expenditures Endowment fund expenditures Agency fund expenditures $5,548,837.42 18o,231.75 1, 292, 060 52 1,493.83 1,800.29 267213376.90 $Y7,291271 .11 $4,567,601.31 644,445217 1, 222,480.60 53-55 274.303.77 Total Expenditures $6,708,884.40 15 Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report of the Comptroller was authorized received and made a part of the record. C. Nomination of Dean of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics and DirecEr-fti Q -eStion. President Donovan read a prepared statement. as follows: "Dr. Thomas P. Cooper, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics and Director of the Experiment Station and AgricultLral Extension, reached the age of seventy on March 2, 1951 A policy of the Board of Trustees, adopted in 1928, requires that a dean or professor at the University shall be given a change of work when he attains this age, Therefore, Dr0, Cooper will relinquish his present position June 30, 1951 and a new dean and director should be appointed to assume his duties and responsibilities at that time. "Cognizant of the fact that Dr. Cooper was approaching his seventi- eth birthday, I began to observe agricultural leaders in action more than two years ago with the view of having in mind a man of great lead- ership to reconmmend to the Board of Trustees for this position0 I have studied the qualifications of men from our own state and from all parts of the nation with a view of finding the very ablest man that could be secured for this important assignment. In my search I have consulted the presidents and deans and some staff members from many of the leading land-grant colleges and universities of the United States. I have also communicated with every member of the staff of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics of the rank of assistant professor or above, and of the Experiment Station and Extension Divi- sion of equal rank0 I have talked with farmers in all parts of the state and secured their advice0 i have personally been in contact with the officers of practically every farm organization and I have had some of them interview some of the people we have had under con- sideration. Others have helped me in making investigations of those persons under most serious consideration, There have been forty- zwo persons on the list of those we have had under investigation0 The.first screening of the list eliminated all but eight and these eight persons have been given most serious consideration. Further study and interviews gradually reduced the number to four, any one of whom would probably make a very good dean0 Extensive investigation of these men has led me to the conclusion that the ablest man avail- able for this position is Dr. Frank J., Welch, Dean and Director of Mississippi State College. t Dr. Welch was born at Winfield, Texas, August 2, 1902. The fam- ily moved to Mississippi when Dr. Welch was a young boy and he was reared on a farm in that state close to the Alabama and Tennessee state lines. He grew up working on the farm as every country boy has done. He attended the county agricultural high school and a boarding school where he had charge of the dairy herd0 After graduating from high school he entered the University of Mississippi and received his Bachelor's degree in 1927 , He was president of his senior class and his scholarship record was exceptionally high. He went to the University of Colorado in 1932 and took his Master's degree, major- ing in economics, marketing and public administration. For his Ph.D. degree Dr. Welch went to the University of Wisconsin where he majored in agricultural economics. He received his Doctor's degree in 19430 While at Wisconsin he did some teaching in agricultural short courses,, "Dr, Welch has been a high school principal. For a year he was connected with the State Department of Education. He was Head of the Department of Economics and Sociology at Mississippi State Col- lege from 1937 to l944. He became Dean of the School of Agriculture in 1945 and Dean and Director in 19470 "Dr. Welch has conducted considerable research and prepared many reports, He has been economic advisor to the National Cotton Coun- cil and has served as Chairman of the Central Steering Committee that made many studies of the agricultural and economic problems of the Cotton Belt. He is currently serving as Chairman of a committee composed of representatives from Land-Grant Colleges and the Farm Credit Administration preparing a procedure on Pilot Farm Studies as Relates to Farm Credit Requirements for Needed Adjustments. "Dr. Welch is known nationally and has many contacts with various farm organizations0 He is an excellent public speaker and is in demand as a speaker before many state and national groups0 "Dr. Welch is married and has one child - a daughter about six years of age0 He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, a Rotarian and a member of the American Farm Economics Association0 "In checking Dr0 Welch's qualifications I corresponded with many persons in various parts of the United States0 My attention was first called to Dr,, Welch by President Duke Humphrey of the University of Wyoming, who was formerly President of Mississippi State College0 President Humphrey says- 'I have known Dr. Welch for thirty years, and I con- sider him one of the best trained and most successful deans of agriculture in the United States.. 'I consider Dr0 Welch a very able administrator. He understands people and knows how to work with them.' "Chancellor J. Do Williams of the University of Mississippi, a former member of the faoulty of the University of Kentuc-ky, says- 16 'Dr. Frank JO Welch is one of the nation's outstanding agriculture college deans. One would expect to hear some opposition from some quarter because of the many relation- ships that one in his position must maintain. As amazing as it may seem, he has the enthusiastic support of all of the farm organizations in Mississippi0 The faculty members of the College of Agriculture at Mississippi State College look upon Dean Welch as a scholar, a leader, a good administrator, and a very human individual. They like to work with him, "I am told on good authority that Dean Welch represents Mississippi State College before the State Building Comnmission better than any other person from that institution. The Board of Trustees for Institutions of Higher Learning have the highest regard for his ability and give Careful considera- tion to anything that he proposes, vI have observed him in positions of leadership, have heard him make reports, and have watched him when he presided at public discussions0 He handles himself extraordinarily wellO "President Brehm of the University of Tennessee said to me. 'Get Welch if you can0 He is one of the outstanding agricultural deans of this countryV "President E8 B. Fred of the University of Wisconsin, who knew Dr. Welch as a graduate student, saysg 'Dr. Welch was an outstanding graduate student0 He was industrious and applied himself to his studies in more than the usual degree0 His Judgment is well balanced and he has a fine personality0 It is not surprising to our staff that he has moved along so rapidly in administrative work0 All reports we have had on his activities since leaving Wisconsin have been commendatory,0 "There are two Kentuckians on the staff of Mississippi State Col- lege. I have checked Dr0 Welch's record with them, both by letter and in personal conference, since I was anxious to secure a very personal point of view regarding the quality of this man. Dr. J.D. Falls, formerly of the Department of Education at Frankfort, says: 'I can express my opinion of Dean Welch re