xt7k0p0wqz9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k0p0wqz9s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19361208  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  8, 1936 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  8, 1936 1936 2013 true xt7k0p0wqz9s section xt7k0p0wqz9s Best Copy Available









Red Hagan, End, Picked KHSPA EXPECTS
By Mates to Captain 1937 200 DELEGATES
Wildcats; 21 Get Sweaters FOR CONVENTION

Freshmen Receive Letters;
Swim Team Recognized;
Charles Striplin Is Appointed Track Coach
Kernel Sports Editor

Joseph Edward "Red" Hagan, Louisville, a junior in
the College of Education, was
elected captain of the 1937
Wildcat football team by vote
of the lettermen at the annual
football banquet held last
night at the Lafayette hotel.
Hagan has bean a regular
end for the past two seasons
and one of the outstanding
performers in the line. He is
also a regular forward on the
basketball team. Hasran was

8t. Xavler high
school In Louisville and while there
was named to the
high school basketball
Before the dinner the athletic
council approved the awarding of
21 varsity football letters, and 25
freshman numerals.
The council
also approved the appointment of
Charles Striplin as varsity track
coach and sanctioned the recognl
tion of a varsity swimming team as
graduated from

Names Added To
Student Directory
The following Is a list of students whose names did not appear In the original 1936-3- 7 issue of the student directory:
Duncan 8m Thrmnn Hrwln, Tenn.,

8 I, Bradley hull, SUM.
Jnckson, Nanr.y Ann, Lexlnfton. corn
1, Route . Hnrronburt pike, Co 8301-Bloff
Lexington. Agr 1,
711 Central Ave., JORD-Stokes. Lee Duncan. Motlcellot, Lw
1, 311) Rvcamor. Rd 76I-X- .
8toke. 8 J., Lexington, Agr 1, Route





8tone. Jack, Lexington, Com 3. S73
Linden Walk. 1JM-8lone, Robert Clark. Mon'clalr, N.
J , Com 3 219 8. Llm?tone, 4597.
Stone. William O , Hopklnivllle, Eni
1, Bradley hall
Stotx, Mildred L . Louisville, Educ 4.
Stovall, Eirrleda. Nlcholasvllle, A ft 8
3, commuter.
Stratton, Mollle Evans, Ntcholasvllle,
Educ 4. commuter.
SViuss, Allr d J., Louisville, Agr I,
Bradley hall, 6803.
Stretcher. Abe, Louisville, grad.
BtroJim, John Robert Chicago, til.,
Eng 3, 311 East Maxwell' street, 6017.
Strong. Wanda, Hazard, A 8 3, 333
Aylesford Place. S739-Strong, William Mason. Jackson Law
1, S53 Linden Walk. 64S3.
Williamson, James Barnett, Lexington, Eng 3, 166 Bruce street.





a minor sport.
Striplin from Auburn
The new track coach has served Faculty Student Conference
as assistant trainer for the football
Closes Two Pay Session
squad for the past three years, since
On Campus; Winchester Is
coming here from Auburn with
Coach Wynne. A graduate of Au
Chosen for 1937 Meet
burn, Striplin also served as fresh
man track coach at that institution
Tom Spragens, Lebanon. Junior in
for three years under Wilbur Hut-se- ll,
who is recognized as one of the the College of Arts and Sciences
country's leading authorities on the at the University, was elected
president of the Kentucky Y. M. C.
The swimming team was given A. faculty-stude- nt
conference which
recognition after a petition had been
presented to the council by members convened here at the
last Saturday and Sunday. James
of the team.
Jarrell, Pikevllle College, was electSeniors Speak
Six graduating members of the ed secretary, and Kentucky Wesley-a- n
football team were Introduced by
College, Winchester, was seCoach Wynne and each spoke brief lected as ths 1937 meeting place of
ly. Captain Nevers was the first the conference.
speaker and was followed by Gene
The conference, attended by 85
Myers, Lexie Potter, Bert Johnson, delegates from ten colleges and uniBob Pritchard and Joe Huddleston. versities in the state, was concluded
Following their remarks. Coach at a luncheon-meetiat the UniWynne made a brief address In versity commons following special
which he thanked the team for its services at the First Methodist
cooperation, and said that In his church Sunday.
three-ye- ar
term he had "learned a
Mr. Spragens, who Is also presigreat deal and hoped to profit from dent of the University of Kentucky
experience In the years to come." Y. M. C. A., Is a member of Lances
He added that "the team had been and the Pitkin club.
overrated at the start of the season
Included on Saturday's program
but were underrated at the finish." was a group discussion under state
The varsity "K" was awarded to leaders, a tour of Fayette county
the following men: Black, Bosse, stock farms and a dinner at the
Coleman, D. Davis, R. Davis, Elling- First Methodist church, where RabHewling, bi Milton L. Grafman of the Adath
ton. Garland, Hagan,
Hodge, Huddleston, Johnson, My- Israel congregation of the Ashland
ers, Nevers, Nicholas, Potter, Pritch- Avenue Temple, spoke on "The
ard. Robinson. Simpson, and Skaggs. World Today." Miss Mary Louise
Freshman numerals were award- McKenna, university student, sang,
ed to Boles. Bailey, Byrne, Carnes, accompanied
by Alice Robinson.
Ellington, Fritz, Hayes, Jackowlsk, Dean W. S. Taylor, of the College
Kaylor, Keller, Kennedy, Klncaid, ol Education, was host at a faculty
Lackman, Marker, Murphy,
lur.cheon at the University ComParda, Ramsey, Shepherd, mons, while Dr. Frank H. Caldwell,
Spears, Spickard. Sydnor, Tognoc-ch- l, of Louisville, was the discussion
Vires, and Willet.
A minor letter was awarded to
five members of the varsity crosscountry squad. They include Rogan,
Durbin, Hillard, Moore, and Steck-me- st. Gillis to Address

Chapter Members

Cwens Sponsoring

Japanese Bazaar
At Patterson Hall

be a Japanese menace!
Deck yourself out In a Japanese
and sandals, light some Incense, and achieve the lure of the
Orient, or else buy some trick boxes
at the Cwens Japanese bazaar, and
or somp'n.
astonish your friends
Anyway. Cwens, in their annual
Japanese bazaar, are providing you
with an opportunity to purchase
unusual Christmas gifts for your
friends. They're sorry that there s
nothing unattractive enough to be
given to your enemies as Christmas
Drop into Patterson hall sometime today and walk to the back of
the hall . . . and you shall see what
you shall see.





BSU To Be Hosts To

Regional Conference

Student representatives from six
colleges and universities will attend
the Bluegrass Regional conference
of the Baptist Student Union to be
held Saturday, Dec. 13. The Uni-

versity B. S. U. Council will be hosts
to the conference.
A program has been planned Including morning and afternoon ses
alons at Memorial hall, s banquet
at the University Commons and an
evening session at Porter Memorial
Baptist church. The speakers will
include Miss Mary Nance Daniel,
Nashville. Tenn.. associate south-wisecretary of the B. S. U., and
Mrs. Frank L. McVey. William A
Lamkln Jr., president of the University B. 8. U. council, will preside. All students are invited to attend the sessions.


Prof. E. L. Gillis, registrar at the
University, will speak on "Relative
Costs of Instruction" at the regular
meeting of the local chapter of the
American Association of University
Professors to be held at 7:30 o'clock
tonight in Room 111 in McVey hall.
Professor Gillis will present Inter

esting charts and material on the
costs of Instruction in the various
departments of the University
which he has collected during re
cent years.
Officers for the coming year and
delegates for the annual meeting
of the American Association of
University Professors will be chosen.



"Is It true what they say about
o runs the refrain of a
popular song of a season ago.
"It Is true what they say about
Dixie" was the enthusiastic answer
of the nationally renowned radio
team, "Lum and Abner."
Lum, the taller partner of the
famous pair, was sitting in a portable chair in his small 6 by 6 dressing room In a local theatre. Abner
was busily chatting with the mayor
and the chief of police. Both were
automatically applying make-u- p
while pleasantly replying to the
barrage of questions tired at them
by their interested audience.
The time was 4: It) p. m , Sunday
ten minutes before the entrance
on the stage of the
team for their second performance
of the day. The Interfraternity
ball of the precious evening was
under dlcuttlon. The question w&





Sunday Musicale FAMOUS EXPERT
Audience Hears
Men's Glee Club




presented to an
vesper audience
braved a hard rain Sunday after
noon in Memorial hall to hour the
University Men's Olee club, unrir
the direction of Prof Carl Lamper!
in the fourth program of the ves
per series.
Outstanding among the numbers
presented by the club were "All
Through the Night," arranged by
Oalnes, "Keep In the Middle of the
Road," a spiritual arranged by
Bartholomew. "Sympathy"
"The Firefly" by Friml, and "A
Song of Fellowship." by Gaul. Each
number showed excellent blending
and demonstrated the careful bal
ancing of voices.
Numbers were also presented by
a string quartet composed of Lee
Crook. Virginia Tharp, Jcanetie
Lampert Brown and Virginia Row.
land, who played "Genius Loci," by
Thern: Harlowe Dean. Jr., who
sang "Here Me! Ye Winds and
Waves," by Hansel, accompanied by
the quartet: Adelle South Gense- mer, who played "Am Meer." by
Schubert-Lis- zt
and "A Russian
Dance" and a male qu irtet composed of Jesse Mountjoy. Harlowe
Dean, Dawes Thompn and Robert
Dean. These numbers were well
done, but were distinctly not up to
the calibre of the glee club's pre
sentations, and more singing by the
club would have been appreciated.
The numbers given by the guest
artists would have been belter in
a separate program.



Lexington Newspapermen To
dive Addresses; McVeys


Approximately 200 delegates from
more than 45 schools throughout
the state are expected to attend the
twelfth annual convention of the
Kentucky High School Press Association to be held at the University
Friday and Saturday.
Membership to the association Is
open to any high school or graded
school which publishes a newspaper
or Deriodical. either printed or mlm
eographed, and the majority of the
ellelble schools are planning to send
large delegations, according to Prof.
Victor R. Portmann, of the department of Journalism, who Is director
of the association.
Last vear's convention was at
from 27
tended bv 125 delegate
schools. This year, the registra
tion rules were amended to permit
any number of delegates to register
from each school, instead oi oruy
four delegates In previous years.
A full two days' program Is being
arranged for the convention. Four
addresses on practical newspaper
production will be heard by delegates on Friday, in addition to the
regular business program.
speakers will be Gilmore N. Nunn,
managpublisher, and Olln Hlnkle,
ing editor of the Lexington Herald;
Joe Jordan, columnist, and Brownie
Leach, sports editor, of the LexPresident McVey
ington Leader.
will address the delegates at a noon
luncheon, and President and Mrs.
McVey will be hosts to the delegates
at a tea at Maxwell Place that aft
The annual banquet for the as
sociation, given by the Lexington
Herald and the Lexington Leader,
will take place at the Lafayette ho
tel Friday night ana wm prooamy
be preceded by an inspection tour
the Lexington
plant. Prof. W. S. Webb, head of
(Continued on Page Four)

Eight Menlnducted
By Phi Delta Phi
Delegates from Four Univer-sitieAttend Initiation
' Ceremonies




Will Ta'k on "Rapid

Memoriz-Inj- r

and Circulations";
Classes Dismissed



UK Music Conclave


German Professor
Speaks at Meeting

good-looki- ng


A demonstration
with a simeested
of rapid calculation
will be one of the main features of
discussion on "Rapid
and Calculations" by Dr. Salo Fin
kelstein, Ph. D., from Warsaw, Poland, at a general convocation Fri
day at 10 a. m. In Memorial hall.
Dr. Finkelstein, holder of a Doc
tor of Philosophy degree in psy
chology, is widely known through
his rapid summaries of the election
returns broadcasted by the Colum
bia system In the last two presi
dential campaigns.
He became In
terested in rapid calculations and
memorizing of numbers while a
student at the University of Warsaw, where he took his doctor's degree. Several studies of his methods
of memorizing were made at Ohio
State university two years ago.
Three doctor's theses resulted from
this research.
of Dr. Finkel- stein's ability have been given be
fore faculty groups of Harvard,
Yale, Columbia. Cornell, and other
universities. After his visit at the
University, he will make a tour of
universities in the South and West.
His speed in calculations is illus
trated by his record on the test
devised by Professor Janet of the
University of Paris. His time on
this test for memorizing twenty-fiv- e
digits in the form of a five digit
square was 8.5 seconds.
As re
corded at Ohio State University,
this performance excells the best
Sheep Breeders to Meet at previous record was the scientific
made by Dr.
literature which
Experiment Station Wed Ruckle in Germany.
While the explanation
of his
nesday; Exhibition Winphenomenal perception and memners to be Featured
ory for figures Is still under dis
University owned sheep which cussion, some results have been ob
won prizes at the Internatlonl tained, and he will suggest these
Livestock exhibition In Chicago last as a possible explanation in his
week, among them a pen of grand convocation discussion Friday.
championship wether lambs, will ba
on exhibition here tomorrow In
connection with a meeting of sheep
breeders at the exepriment station.
The Cheviot ewe lamb which won
a reserve championship, will alsc University
Musicians Play
be shown, In addition to other
Scholastic Rand Numbers
she?p from the flocks of prominent
for 1937 Meet
Kentucky sheepmen.
The primary purpose of the
meeting, according to Richard C.
More than 30 orchestra and band
Miller of the College of Agriculture, directors from various Kentucky
Is to discuss better use of feeds at schools,
attended the Kentucky
this time of high feed prices. Head-le- y Band and Orchestra Directors' As
Shouse. of Lexington, and sociation clinic, held at the UniFrank Riser,1 of Paris, will discuss versity last Saturday and Sunday
their experiences in the use of rye under the auspices of the Univerand wheat grazing In reducing feed sity Music Department.
Saturday's program consisted of
Herschel Well of Lexington, will c"emonstrations by Russell McKiski,
speak on the value of milk in pro- cboelst, and Nolan Hlbner. clarlnet- ducing Iambs. Following the talks st. members of the University
Band; and the playing of state high
listed on the program, the meet
ing will be open for general dis
chool contest numbers by th- cussion.
band. under the direction of John
Talks on lambing will be made by Lewis, Jr.
Compositions of Kentucky com
Prof. E. S. Good, Harold Barber.
of the experiment station, Tom posers were the feature of a broad
Clore, of Eminence: and Richard cast Saturday night from the uniMiller. The dog menace will be versity studios by the band. The
the topic of discussions by County day's sessions were closed with a
agent Curtis Park, and Ernest Hll- - smoker at the Lafayette ho;el hi
honor of the visiting directors.
The meeting will begin at 10 a.
The program was opened on Sun
m. in the livestock pavilion off Rose day morning with a talk by Prof.
street, and will continue nutil about
A. Lampert, head of the
3:30 p. m. T. T. Bryant, assistant
music department, on "Ths
director of the extension division Violin." followed by a short proof the College of Agriculture, will gram by the woodwind quintette.
be chairman.
A luncheon was held at the Betty
Beck Inn at noon.

Federal Judge H. Church Ford
was Initiated Saturday night Into
the Breckinridge Inn chapter of
Phi Delta Phi, national honorary law
fraternity, at the two-daconvention of the seventh province
of the organization held at the Lafayette hotel.
The other members
were: R. L. Brown, Williamsburg:
J. D. Hodson. Louisville; Robert
Lear, Louisville: Grady OHara,
Jelllco, Tenn.; B. W. Baker, Hazard; William McCoy, Inez; and
Patrick Dooley, Middlesboro.
At the banquet held in the Red
room following the Initiation ceremony, were twenty-fl- ve
from the local chapter Including
Owen Keller, assistant attorney
general of Kentucky, and J. B.
Johnson, commonwealth
Judicial disof the Thirty-four- th
trict. Also present were delegates
from Washington University of St.
Louis, Indiana University, the University of Illinois, and the University of Missouri.
The meeting was presided over by
Lon Rogers, Lexington attorney and
province president, who Introduced
Judge Ford, who made a brief address to the delegates. Dean Alvln
E. Evans, of the University law
Dr. A. E. Bigge, head of the Ger
school, and John Keyser, president
of the chapter, both, made short man department at the University,
talks. William Blanton, of Paris, gave a talk on the social and polit
ical condition in Germany at the
acted as toastmaster.
weekly meeting of the Optimist
club, held In the Lafayette hotel,
Friday. Doctor Bigge returned recently from a trip to Europe where
he observed the conditions in the
major nations of Europe.
The speaker stated that "we have
grounds for extreme fear as regards the future peace of Europe,
asked. "After visiting our dance, due to the recent action of Chanyou think of Kentucky co- cellor Hitler in regimenting that
what do
ed beautyf"
nation to a point where the recovery program can continue with"I have never seen so many
girls in all my life," assert- out the sllghest Interference."
ed Lum, as Abner nodded assent.
Doctor Bigge was introduced to
Both began to shower compliments the group by Prof. R. D. Mclntyre,
on the traditional beauty of Ken- program chairman and Instructor
tucky women. Lum concluded by in the university College oi Comr.aying. "You fellows must be pretmerce. Surah Blandlng, university
ty Independent around here, with so dean of women, will be the speuker
many pretty women."
at next week's meeting of this or"And what about Kentucky ganization.
we queried.
"Say, listen
We saw the most
beautiful horses in the world today."
Here Abner took up the
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser. dean o(
conversation and his admiration for the graduate school and instructor
the beauty of Kentucky thorough- in the department of toology, was
secretary treasurer of the
breds. Following introductions to
the mayor of our city, Abner re- Southern conference of Deans of
called an Incident occurring when Southern Graduate School at a
he was Introduced to another Ken- meeting of the roi.ierence held Dec.
tucky mayor. This harassed of- t. Dean C. 8. Pi K:n. of Louisiana
ficial confessed. "Boys. I don't have State University, was elected
(Continued on Page Pour)

Are Beautiful
Declare 'Lum and Abner'





Finished Unit Is Presented TO SPEAK
By Professor Lam pert In
Fourth of Series
Twelfth Annual Meeting of
Dr. Salo Finkelstein To
Kentucky High School
Convocation at 10
Press Association
a. m. Friday In MeOne of the most finished singing
units heard on the campus In sevConvenes Friday
morial Hall
years wns







An anatomy and physiology sem
inar will be held from 3 to 5 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon In Room 207 of
the Science building. J. E. Ever-sol- e
and Glen Cody, majors in
anatomy and physiology, will speak.

Ruppmen Open Net Season
Facing Georgetown Tigers
At 8:15 Tomorrow Night
Kittens Also Start Schedule

Second Cadet Hop
To Be Held Friday

I'layinir User Frosh In
Preliminary Game
at 7 p. m.

The advanced military students
of the University R. O. T. O. unit
will sponsor the second of a series of Cadet Hops to be held
from 4 until 6 p. m. Friday, Dec.
11, in the Alumni gymnasium.
In order to make the dance a
Rtrictly military affair, all men
are requested to wear their regulation uniform.

lettermen and one sophomore In
the starting lineup, will open their
season against Georgetown College
at 8:15 tomorrow night In Alumni
Cym, In what may develop into one
of the stiffest Inaugural assignments In recent years.



Group Adopts Resolutions
Condemnme (onsorship of
Student Newspapers; Advocate Student Aid
Resolutions co;idcmlng censorship
of student newspapers by administrative offices of colleges, advocating some form of remuneration for
the proposed act of Congress for
more aid for college students, and
showing interest In higher education were passed by the Kentucky
Intercollegiate Press Association at
the close of their annual two-d- ay
fall convention held lat Friday and
Saturdav. December 4 and 5, at the
The rewlutlon concerning student
emboriled that
press censorship
action was taken because It "had
been shown there has existed and
does now exist a d?grec of suppression of news and censorship of policies" and "because a student paper
is for the benefit, interest, and education of the students it serves."
A second resolution

either monetary remuneration or
academic credit for student newspapermen because many of the student publications are capable of
paying salaries as "they arc
and issued on a profit
basis, but few collegiate staff members are paid for their work."
A resolution promising support
to the proposed American Youth

Act, which will give more financial
aid to all youths between the ages
of 16 and 24. was accepted by the
delegates of the convention.
association also went on record as
showing interest In higher educa
tton by a resolution asking "oppo
sition to any breach of academic
freedom or the ideals of untrarr- meled educational thought and that
it deplore any encroachement upon
the same."
A temporary enactment was aUo
passed at the business meeting requiring a small registration fe? to
be placed upon all delegates attending the spring meeting which
will be held at Centre College. The
permanence of this statute will depend upon Its acceptance to be
voted upon at the spring meeting.
Robert Kelso, University of Louisof
ville, was elected
the association at this meeting.
A series of discussions on ail
phases of student newspaper publication marked the Friday afternoon conference. Samuel B. Nealy,
Murray State Teachers College,
spoke on the topic "Editorial Writing;" John Welch. Western State
Teacher's College, acting secretary
of K. I. P. A., discussed "Covering
Sports;" Elmer Sulzer, University
of Kentucky, made a talk on "College Publicity;" James Hanratty,
Ctntre College, president of K. 1.
P. A., led the discussion, on "Stan
Organization and Campus Coverage;" Jack Hughes, Eastern State
Teacher's College, discussed "Advertising;" and Robert Kelso, University of Louifvllle, spoke on
"Make-up- ."
Delegates from eleven
colleges and universities throughout the state attended the confer
(Continued on Page Four

Boisterous. Elizabethan and
ous, "Twelfth Night" was presented
bv the Gulgnol players last night
under the direction of Lolo Robinson, with the gusto and heartiness
Shakes-pereawhich always marks the
comedies as Interpreted on
the Gulgnol stage. The play will


run during this week, starting at
8:30 nightly and closing on Satur-da- v

The main theme of "Twelfth
Night" concerns the lady Olivia,
courted by the Count Orsino, who
sends his attendant, Cesario, to
speak for him. Cesario is Viola In
and in love with the count
herself. When lady Olivia falls In
love with the pretended boy, combegin which are
when Viola's twin brother.
Sebastian, comes to the city and
. - K.l.luLan hv AV'MrvbodV.
In the typical Shakesperean man-- 1
ler. a number of





The Tigers will have one game
behind them when they make their
appearance on the local floor, having mot Alfred Holbrook last night.
Coach Bob Evans' squad is reputed
to be one of the strongest in
and stands
ready to give the 'Cats plenty of
strenuous opposition.
Coach Rupp has been drilling his
:lub over the past eight weeks and
feels that they are at least ready to
TO in earnest.
Tomorrow night's
battle will furnish Coach Rupp with
fn idea of how his squad ac ually
'hapes up and he hopes to be able
to substitute freely enough to give
the entire team a good workout.
Sophomore Guard
Captain Warfleld Donohue will
'ead the Wildcats from one of the
raard posts and Bernle Opper.
Bronx sophomore, will bfl starting
In the other backcourt berth. J.
Rice Walker, lankv Junior and a
product of Henry Clay high school.
will get the call at the pivot posi
tion. Ralph Carlisle,
forward and "Smoky Joe" Hagan.
another veteran, will be seen Ir. the
front line.
Other leading cmdirtntes who are
sure to see action against the
are Jim Ooforth. Bobby Ticc.
Duke Ellington. Elmo Head. "TW
Thompson, Bob Davis, Walter
Hodge and Lawrence Garland.
Kittens Play Prelim
The University Kittens will also
open their schedule In a game preliminary to the varsity battle, when
tney oppose the Georgetown Cubs
at 7 p. m.
This year's frosh outfit give
promise of being a capable combination and they will be getting
their first test tomorrow night.
Coach McBrayer plans to start
Jimmy Goodman, a Parti, high
school grad and Henry Ferony, the
New Britain. Conn., sharpshooter
at the forwards; Marion Clugglsh,
at center and
Bob MefTord, Winchester and Jeffries Harlan, another Paris product, in the guard berths.
The Georgetown frosh have another good club and local fans will
recall that they handed the Kittens
lacing last year. Tomorrow's fray should develop Into
another Interesting performance.
Tl-p- crs




"Twelfth Night" Opens For
Week; Prof. G. Brady Stars


around ihe eeniral theme, which are
tied up nicely In the last scenes and
conclude happily for everybody but
the effeminate Mercutio. whom nobody likes, anyway.
IXiminatlng practically every scene
in which he appears, George K.
Brady plays the part of the drunken,
Sir Toby Belch
uncle of Olivia. Professor Brady's
elegant dancing, drunken staggers
lusty bellowing and general
will probubly frighten
his more timid students out of their
wits. Doctor Brady makes Sir Toby
a living, hearty personality, whom
wo will not soon forget!
Mary Armstrong Elliott, as the
Olivia, Is
beautiful, highly-courtregal and poised. Her costumes,
her voice and her carriage are all in
keeping with her excellent portraval
of the noble lady. Maria. Olivia's
mischievous maid. Is petite high
school actres Noma Jackson, wno
iContlnued on Pue Four
red-no.- se

- Delta
Sigma Chi, honorary
Journalistic fraternity, will meet
at 8 o'clock tonight at 324 Avle
ford Place.
Delightful refresh.
menU will be served.

The regular W. A. A. volley ball
oractice will be held at 4 p. m. dally
in the Woman's gym.

There will be the usual meeting
of SuKy at 5 p. m. In the Alumni
Mill McOee, southern Y. M. C. A.
secretary, will speak at a Joint meeting of the freshman and senior
cabinets at 7:15 p. m. in the Y. M.
C. A. rooms Tuesday, Dec. 8.


Patterson Literary society
at the usual time to-

will convene

night In Room


in McVey hull.

There will be no W. A. A. council
meeting tonight. A short meeting
will be held Immediately before the

mother and daughter party Thurs-

day night.

W. A. A. rifle practice will be held
from 1 to S p. m. en Monday and
Wednesday In the Woman's gym.

There will be a meeting of Phi
Epsllon Phi in White hall at 7:30
o'clock. Thursday, Dec, 10. Miss
Mary Wharton, alumna, will be the
main speaker.

Members of the Social Service
group of the Y. W. C. A. will visit a
session of the Fayette Juvenile court
this afternoon. All members are
asked to meet at the Woman's
Mrs. Smith will entertain the
members of her group of Campus
Cousins with a party at 7:30 o'clock
tonight at her home, 400 Rldgeway


AO time sheets for N. Y. A.
students must be 'n the offices
of the Dean of Men and the

Dean of Women bv Dim
Thursday, December 10.
'Continued on Page Four

* Best



official NrwupArrn or thf.


' tntr(l t the PnM nfflre M In.nunn, KenturXy,
i i iiese mawer under the Act of liarrh S, 10.

Hoard 61




Imerrolle gmte Pres Aocat1on
axon, represented b
A iri'TKhr! of th- - Mmr CnlWe
Tore City;
Jnd W . Ne
4 J Horns Pill Co.. IKS
n Frnrlco; Ml Wet-eoo- d
Jei-kDrm, Chlceuo: Cll BllUdlng,
., Seattle.
1004 Second
Blvd.. Loe Anaeles;



M. Spencer
rloss J. CMErELEi f



Editor-in-Chie- f

Managing Editor
Xews Editor


Business Manager

Ike M. Moore

Betty Earl
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William B. Arthur
Oeorge Turner

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Assistant Editor

Feature Editor

Eleanor Randolph
Odia Lee Harrl.
Ralph E. Johnson

Bporta Editor





Special Editor



Billy Event
Robert Rankin

Raymond T. Lathrem

O. T.


J. Dotnon
Haul DouahHt
Mrlvln Forden
Audrey Porater
John Morgan



Walter Mllem
Betty Murphye


Marjorle Rleaar
Lillian Webb

Sidney Buckley

Tom Humble




f V"'.

Advertising Manager
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Circulation Manager
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News, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, Univ.
Business, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m, Univ. 74, Sundays and after hours, city 2724 or 7542.

The other day a bright young miss we know
walked into her class a minute or two late, and
when the profe sor grimaced at her tardiness,

she very resolutely said, "Some of your colleagues
are not so pvompt as you in dismissing their
classes when the bell ring;."
When a teacher is so discourteous as to retain
his class a few minutes, thus disrupting the student's schedule, there is but one thing to do:

Major Francis Turner, director of the Children'!! Bureau at Charleston, W. Va., has proposed an industrial school for boys of poor families, which will equip them for useful trades.
The idea is an excellent one, especially since it
is providing the underprvilcged class with an
honest means of making a livelihood, a good
preventative of crime in any locality.
The greatest pity is that some of these boys,
who have the ability, cannot be given higher
education along cultural lines if they are fitted
to it, taking the place of some of their wealthier
but less talented brethren, who are miserable in
their efforts to gain their B. A. degrees, but have
the money to pay for acquiring it. Until some
method is found which will allow the mechanically talented individual to study in the field
of skilled labor, and the intellectually talented
individual to study in the realms of higher education, no matter what their financial means.
Major Turner's project should be encouraged as
a social experiment of value.

explains why his cold Is better.
Toddles are supposed to help colds.

The Uice
Of the People


Phltaw Billy
Evans brought Mildred Martin to
dinner In the PKT resturant last
Friday night and gave his brothers
a chance to embarrass him In.o
While the couple was
sitting and awaiting the vitamins,
the whole fraternity rushtd into
the living room and placed on the
mantle a picture of Billy's home
town gal. Someone struck a chord
on the keyboard and with all the
athletes solemnly staring at the
photo they sang "The Sweetheart
of Phi Kappa Tau." Needless to
say, Martin was vexed and wanted
an explanation.
Incidentally, why do they call
Mildred, "The Qouger?"

Cuttlv Up The Campus

covered that the prof didn't show up either...
the most embarrassing question to ask is, "Is
that lipstick on your check?". . .and the most
aggravating thing in the world is to try to write
on a typewriter when all the keys are