xt7k0p0wt219 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k0p0wt219/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1986 1986 1986-11-17 2020 true xt7k0p0wt219 section xt7k0p0wt219 Q
l i , i ,
n . Vol. XCI, No.59 Establishod 1894 Universny of Kentucky, Leningran. Kentucky Independent since I97] Monday, November 17. M' -
7 C t ct' n n'ons or at 'ft ' t ‘
1 B) 31-“th .\~\( If" Americas labor lim‘ and “‘"k ”1“ W to curb.” lamented one labor letter unable m “in a unmn hiring I, ‘ " ’.
‘\>>“"*“*“‘ PW» Japanese “3-" " ”I feel like 16 years of work is going down the ““"“ 9mm“ Speak” ”" m“ “"“d’ “WWW“ .. - . ' '1' - I
. , . . , ”We want the buck to stop here b“ 9. ““1“” 6110115”)th "Vie re in a box here. said an of- ' , .. ' ;'
\\.-\.\lll.\(.l().\ (onstruction not to have it shipped over to Japan 1U L. “I feel like to years of work is flCtal with an industrial union. “The ' ' '
I unions protesting the wide use of m the form of profits made at ”I”. Lam", official. going, down the tube. the official last thing the labor movement needs . ‘ . » '
, non union craftsmen for building a expense," said leaflets “mu.” m ‘ ' .- . _ and i-(iipmng to the campaign to at this pomt ,5 disserLsion within the . , , .
'l‘oyota auto plant in Kentucky are both English and .lauines‘e and in speaking 0" dn‘m5mn.‘ eliniinateracialhias ranks But how can we complain _ . ' ' .', ‘
opening a major ritt among laoor‘ tended for distribution at the demon other labor otheials. spoiiklml on about Nakasone's ethnic remarks if ' ' ’ ' - i . .
leaders \\llil new tactics that sonic stration _ 'he same t‘tltltlllttil‘i deplored tactics we're making the same kind of ap- " V‘ 1 ’ . '
-' ‘i- t* 2;.1)» . i'i - s- ' z 5
New York for later this week But WNW”) dPP’m‘h lh“ “W ' ”“5- \‘\orkers and 01h“ um‘m“ h"..”“‘“-‘ uni its priniirv contra-tor tihh-na [”“m‘ and "1h” “d““ll‘” Of a - . '> ’
The 1;) union .-\l“L-(‘lt) Budding the development that has Mum. lead two of the largest building trade years have instructed their officials \’ corp til‘Jitititll 1:} h”_('_ 1h 1th more protectionist t' S trade policy . ' _ ’. _' .‘
and i‘oiistruction Trades Depart- ers of non—Ctitlslrug'litin unions most “melts the t'ai'penters and the attempting [0 ”WWW“ “”"khh‘ “' \ifl“ himitii’t't‘lllI‘HUflhltK'dlUlllttlis (‘al’lh‘h’t‘d “” “93““0 Pm“? Mm‘ .- '- 4 .' . ' I i
ment has scheduled a rally today at upset 15 a proposed "l’earl llarboi Sheet Metal Workers are pushing Japaneseowned plants in the tnited Lei“- \‘asuhiro \akasone's com- . . '7 '
f Japan‘s embassy in Washington to Day” demonstration on Dec 3‘ .it the hard to hold the event. \ihieh \iould states 10 avoid PlUNlhts‘ “It “it'll” dll‘ 'l‘he Georgetown plant is the tirst merits in September that Japan has . » f , ‘ 3‘
mm.“ A, demand 1,} Toyota and its 51“} ”f the 33m milhon 'i'o‘eiihi plant tall on the 43th annuersai‘y oi' the imosities datingfrom\‘l'orldWai‘ll multimillion dollar Japanese auto a higher Intelligence level than the _ »
.' Japanese contractor that ['8 work- now under construction in Heorue ~ldlktllt‘5t‘ i)t)llll)ltlL‘ "l Pt‘drl llarhor_ “It's a Philistme reaction that intestnient in the l'nited States t'nited States hecause it is a one- I'. . ' I
. We illH‘ up ”11.”. rights under town. Ky iiei-ordinutolalmrsourees vie'i e been (101ml, everything he can it here the l)ttll(ilt‘.tl trades have been racesoeiety - ’,.',_" ’ .
' ‘ W 'Candidate for vice chancellor
to meet students at rece tions
- t , , s
“ Statt reports i"‘ll. .‘ :3 ' 'tii- «.1ll'. iti‘t - . zv-tr‘uiiity t» " i-i‘ tlit latittdates and ‘ 5" » I"
. _. .itirtnl a: opei: rm‘i'p'to! ,1. ‘Im Iit'ul \ilia‘ : xii-"its tiriit opimons ‘3 l i i
It" . ’the nrst finalist toi the ptistltltl‘: 'It l'lt'\|tit‘lil \ t-toon. oi thi- s'iiiiezt .m- hem _.= ' ,. -. . I.
l A U ' - \ii'e chancellor tor student attazzs i ilzz'ei‘ where he uiii ,n' .i that v The . ,. 'tee aeooires stu . i, ‘ . i
T ”3 » \\lil be meeting: \iith students Yoda? to’ali. .‘.'ll'& s‘iidetfs ‘ehts .h;; 'v wits or ‘llk‘i arr: date V ' »’
i z ‘ 1 .. III the Student t 'eiitei ~ ‘ ' ‘. , . ‘f
K it; ' “h; M ‘> . . ‘ ‘> 'm' V , , h .- \tlttlllt titt'Jlf .‘tts tlt' llt‘ld ' ‘4 ,, " 1“
’ '\ .~\l l .itl p tit . the Lititmam .lllt\- .lhi Iota! itttp ioti is ii air. i-ii ”M”: ; 1 . .H 4 l‘ llii.:“'tii_\11‘i . .. ‘ . ~ .
~ identity is not being lt'kt'dit‘ti ~ ‘t‘it‘ s o hieet w'l‘. he prospei .‘1‘ 5mm” W.“ - ~ ‘ ‘ .' \.
\ ' g. ttlt‘t'l with about 37 sltittt".' .I.iiit'f\ I . t i‘!‘:.i.".(t'iiiit' \iti‘i i,itl'l':- - ‘ . . ~
- i l. , The students \\lli ti.i'.t‘ .i tll.ii.\t h- x : ii- i; i'lln‘l'lllitli ~-i the wail-h tltit‘t’ . t't't‘t'ti'w‘.‘ .~ . he I i . . vi .
- 1 6;! offer .in official lelrtt‘li ‘i ':v .. t tint: hi erwuzaaes o‘ heii: - t'hans’ 'we I.“t's oi v ’ '.
l “V thahielloi siaiihto..,... n - iv on em I . .w .i.. up .i.i.- . :rotm . ~ . - ‘ ,. ‘
1 ’ o o . - ' ' ‘ 3 .
I United Way campai n tops oal' .
| 93.sz , g g ’ ' I V I
‘ Jana-13‘ : ‘I ‘ ‘
R \ coordinator credits UK and famil '3
‘ l . g“ 1‘ “ 1“ ~ By .\I\I{K N ll\H-.ttl\ t.;;_:wti i ,it its ('ttnt’t‘pllttll Sept 1‘“. tor the iooso mange people put in ‘ ' . i 1
. ‘ ‘ i ‘ ,, . (‘ontrihutinu '\\rite:' 1 En»? _ ear > 33.39 t‘do them. but ais 'Ieeause they serve as - ‘
i 3's ' . 0 \)Ck\-\ ,a-n‘ f N“. ~' ‘3’ lht‘ Mh k‘ttlht‘ hdL‘k “1 lht‘ a reminder ":.:t the campaign is - , i
} ’fi " Q 0%,?” W“ «3. ' r. i : 'erstty particularly the Metht‘dl going on and 'ne thermometers let ' ' >_ p _
l . N .9" i ‘ H” i 1% Th" l'h thtmd?‘ 'th l't‘tl' i Ferret liet'icksoilsaid people knovi how the drive is gomg. . 7'
i it“ .. ‘ “ 4. V .‘ tics, ' ' i he} hit‘ (‘M't’t‘tlt'd i" 4‘5 "9 ’1‘ r it» t‘lt'l-vstttt attrihutes the sun es.» liei'ieksonsind I ' .
it in ‘ ‘ ’ 1 .- ' 4;”; {3* . ' . {gs M‘ past week. aceorduiu to limit". lie 1 his year s tlt'l‘.(‘ to the putilteit} \-~.\thei contributing tactor was ‘ " » * .
i ' ‘1" i . W1 h W is ' ‘ ‘ ' ”(him m" publicity "‘y‘hhh“ "‘ 1"“ "3 'l-t (RHHPLHRH- lht' ‘tt‘tluhl/iiht)” ”t the oteanrmfion ot the campaign." ' ' '. . " i
r L -. (to! ’ " ~ ; ‘ ' . " ‘\\ thetl"“~e the i-.o:ipus and the t.‘htt|t't' ot 'ths said ltt'l'tt‘kN'l‘. "Eiery college has _ i W
. i W} Y e. 3. k j i : y, ' ' o i "" ‘14. ’ I . (’1 jht‘ 3" Uhlli ln'\t’i‘»\"l :i- Illt‘ \t‘rtl s t ttited \\.i_\ family the that a rppreggntdiivo on the cabinet and , , _
’ l :i‘i' ’3‘“ . ,. ' i 2 ~ 1 ‘1 v.“ '* . . campaign 1“ “Wm: fill“ “l“ ‘U' s-iti- at oi theni haie a once in how the . ‘
i " .. .1 u _:'j’ ’ ‘ . .. . ‘q . «a? rounding counties. l h is the hrs. [no t iiii;i_-i chose: this year .\it\ .pmwmmei-m ' . . . ,
l ‘ "I; i . ,m‘fs.‘ ‘ H.157, . ' » one to reach its goal sair‘. Lots «iii-onion helptut Iierieksoi. \.t.ti ‘.1.,tii.-i- mso credited the enthu~ .' ' ,. x
l _ ; ‘ ,f' \ Mather. ['K [titted \Vaj. eaiiine’ to the). xii-n 'ii'sl .is uood as could in s “a Hi the cabinet and enthusrasv ' . ‘ r
l i: .- - . . ”‘prf'x' ‘« “‘ chairman .i. ».; tllltl out and nxeetme people and ' iooz‘t'linators and solicnors “And . ' I I
i x in g -E}: Deriekson said that the turnover: in iiiiiathen‘iahout the l'i‘iited\\a_\ wore .idn‘iinistrative support from ' 7 ' j '.
I (i {a l Q4517" hi" "”hht'h'd ”WW than 3334 W" til“? inn is lhckson and his tamitj. my toiwtoxtnf he said _ ‘ ., ‘ .
i 1+ § ' 4% flight; V another 3 (it. ti thousand is t'\lt(‘t'l(-(i Ari-is selected by flip campaign tip i" t‘tl.it, “Ni" .‘tlsi recognized ‘h .i _ v ‘ .
‘ I; j "‘ if..." . to come iii between no“ and the end (dim- they hire a good example of . p ‘_ ”Hm“ int role .1 ‘ , . ' . .‘
‘ 2.. 2.2.25: ottheyeai' hi.:- the l'nited Way helps. people :11 ’ ' ‘ " ‘ h . l f ‘ , t .>
A 9 'y‘ ~ 2 t z ,. a . "I m pleased to announce that the new! His picture is on the timed. t A nth-'L‘Uthnti’ntl l t‘ heme or .. ’ . i ‘
. .4.“ . ‘ f;- bra /\ campaign has met and greatly m ‘i\a\ nitlhoards and posters around 'ttt' Wt ="ui ”“1‘ W (“”1" m covering . v'; . 1- . .
.. . . w. 7 ‘V ' .fi» ’ ' ceeded its goal.” Derickson s.tl'l the t k t'ampUs and has made a hi: ’5“ -t1¥l'd14l‘ 1’9"“'k“"“"a‘d * ~' ', J . ; , . : ,
.h» L w ' "at ' l .‘ _ “It's ltt‘t‘ll a delightful campaiun tililt‘l‘t‘llt't‘ [writ-kson said 1h"lth~ v sdttl that much oi the ' ' . g ,‘
I V- ‘ I -. 5' ,' ' ()ne ”1 the he“! campaigns I H. ”W Four «ear old 'l‘i‘aHs has a heat t- ”5‘" i":-~""d comes from the sala- I .. y’. , . I .
' " "4" . V. I x ‘vf‘ 590” iiiL‘ ilzsatiility and the l'tiited \\_iy ’ i. It' Kt‘!lit)itt}(‘(’> .' . W; l' " r. .i
" ‘ A - . "If it “as any better I couldnt has helped pay some of the costs tor “1.. “mpg; portion comes from ' 1 .- ., ‘ _
Atnuusm “meme stand it " histreiitmetit e:: p» ‘ we» "I the l'niverslty." he ' i ' ‘. ' ‘. ‘
‘Iictorv ride All this means that the campaign .\i\o credited with success \\(‘tt‘ \2 T Vii-“t“ ‘lPdUCl'Um — either . L" ‘J i _ ‘ ’
‘ could end up with a total as hiilh as the iontrihution huckets in the cafe ~’~~\t"‘t\t‘ "" ”h’h‘hl.‘ " are the S‘“' .' V i" '. ’ i
Defensive back Tony Moyes rides out of Comr tensive tackles Oliver Barnett left and Jerry $290.WI. compared with the 8276.719 terias around the campus. not only \ce(-()Al.back page K . ' :p .‘
‘ mooweolth Stadium atop the shoulders of de- Reese _______._______.__ . . . 4 " . " ,4 . V Ii.
i ' ‘ ‘ i ,_ “I
i_____.,________________.___________ mm Child explmtation focus , .~ _.
‘ ‘K' fB ’ . . ,
' mg 0 uegrass Got a tourney of anti- orn riest s talk -~ , '
‘ Rock 'n' roll for the eyes, ’ .
o o o o ears and the GPA will be of— '. . ' ' '7'
. team rengtratlon deadllne tonlght fered this spring. See DI- Byl)\\ll\ssl~1ttl‘ children trom exploitation and .. p . t. . .
- Staff “rite' abuse ' i' - ' ' '
VE'WONS. "69'3 3. Tiiiea "Our (‘hildren Should Not . ‘ 4
By \I \RKs‘HtH I~IRI\ Frank llestand. one ot the oruani/ two intramural teams and three or After the He\ Hruee Ritter gave a Be Bought or Sold," the lecture. 590- I, ' ' -' I , ‘-
‘ contributing \Vriter ers ioiir ti-aternities have said they \iill fl" Wildcats finally 99' the sermon about commitment to the ond in the DistingUished Speakers , ' ' _‘ L
"I” ”1“ PH“. ("'5 h‘ttL‘He lume- partieipate. llestand said Gators. For the play-by-plciy poor on one Sunday IL was .i stur Program. “til he at 7:30 at the New '
liver '.\.ttlli‘(i to he Kin).Y oi the from [,exmgton have pl.i\ed in the so to. it or H teams have paid of the Cats 10.3 win, see dent chahettblt‘tl hit” "practice manCenteron “”59 Avenue , i
Bluegrass‘ tournament.” said llestand 'ltut their registration tee and are com SPORYS Pa 94 what he preached ' Ritter is a “dramatic example" of . ' ' ‘
\o\\ sytiiii‘i'liance this year the city league teams de iiiitted to playing. llestand said In ' g ‘ Eighteen years later Hitters t‘ov- someone who deCided to put his » . ‘ ' f-
\ on haw until ti tonight to assem- Cided they needed to play their tom all. he hopes that 20-23 teams “I” enant House in \e\\ \ ork (it) offers preaching into action. said Rev. Dan . '
bie a team of around 15 players. g0 nament the same w eekcnd ‘ enter shelter, tood. emeruem-j. care. coun~ Noll. pastor of the PK Newman Cen- . ' 4.'
oyer to the flaggin flall office “lth So. Hestand and Tim laxison one 'I‘rophies. mum“, h) local sport WEATHER “flint-1. lt'K-H N‘Htt‘t‘j ttlltl t‘tlUtttlltt‘ 19F. ‘ . , . . ‘
$30 and register to compete in the of the othei organizers. (lt'tltlt'ti to i W 1‘ tr- “ ll bx . ‘1” h nal and \oe.itioii.it tiainmu to more "I‘m looking forward to seeing a . ‘ ‘_ _
‘ “King of the Bluegrass" flag f00t< open the tournament to other (“(11 ihhfh 51'2”?” rim? 393:“: ‘ than 20.0w runaway and homeless personal example of someone who
ball tournament. leges. .. , na(mcl:it \Klll‘ltlitl‘ ldiifihlemelinii(riii(t)iliirri youth e“""}“““ wound up usmg what seems to be ' , - -'
The tournament Will be held Nov. nis “Gnhflf‘i.:hdn::‘_i“:h: Il“““\‘\\.‘t‘; with-aconsolationbracket Partly. cloudy today and to. Ritter has put his iaith and uords common sense to at‘ack one of the 4 . y . _ ~
21-23 at Seaton Field and all pro- ‘ E “Em \ lr’ rte; WI} 1 i” .. , . morrow. Highs both days ”‘i‘Ch‘m {”885} problems (of soctety) m ' .'
weds will g0 to thellnited Way. em. as ”h dttt h mitt has lhis \Hll mean a team \Hll have to _ . x . . -. . .- f New \ork City. Nollsaid. ’ .
tand. Many of the other colleges are win tour or {m- games depending around 60. Low tonight In Rllltr. a Roman t dlhtillt priist o 't rd . I] an". . .
this is the first year that the tour sending their intramural league on how many teams enter to win tholower 405. the HWK‘L‘W“ "rd“? “"1 speak ‘0‘ Ritter Is" I) "II I y '
nament \till be open to other col- champions the tournament but could lose one Night about the need tor protecting SeeE‘tPlDITATIONJIclm .
leges throughout the sta‘e. said From l'K. tour freshman teams. mmaupeiund said
M h' b d l l ‘ 3L ‘ ‘
_ '
arc mg an not your usua c ass . - . «R i ‘ . .
. . . . \t - ‘ l " ‘
\lt)\l(‘.\s‘1‘t)t‘ll mg the season Several of the shovis through the repetition provided at (‘larke said that being in ‘he hand '1 ' _ '
t‘ontributinu Writer are of a contemporary treetorm rehearsals is demanding in that it reqmrcs a lot 7 my I ‘ i '
style. using expanding and contract It band members find this isn't of timeand work ,7 v ;
It's only a oneeredit course and ingcurves and circles enough. they work indiVidually on "We don't exaggerate anything; I " ‘& . if, . ‘
it‘s not even required for most stu~ This tvpe 0f drill. according m theirpart Sometimes this is a necesr we don't tell them thlslts a piece of X s i . .
dents who register forit. Harrv (‘larke director ”f the t K sity. sometimes it 5 Simply the band cake. (‘larke said. “It s hard work. ‘y b, , .V \— fn’, '-
\et 270 (1" students start fall se» marching band for 19 wan LN m0“, members' des‘ire to perfect their purely and Simply ~ and they know "“t' Vi.” L—T'J'
mestcr one week early to partiCipate difficult to learn than more tradi part ofthe show that " 4 _ it ‘3-
in the demanding. intense week of tional "blockhand '"s‘tvle tince fall semester offiCially be So why do the band members do I ”M
learning rcqmred for this “course" i ‘ gins and the band members have it" 3‘:
called marching band Band members learn th“ 5h”“~‘ h.‘ other classes that require their at One reason band members Cite is " " "(0‘
During "early week.“ rehearsals “5mg "dr‘l' Charts." “"0“ “‘"N" tention.rehearsaltimeis reduced. that it's a good way to meet maple i x t " ' ‘
Wilt" t‘étrl)‘ In the morning and con» 0f patterns 0f dots representing each But rehearsal time still demands and develop some long-lasting \ \ ‘4' ' '
tinue to well into the evening. This member's POS‘h‘m on m“ he'd ‘” V“ \H hoursaweek. three daysaweek frienthIps ’ u ‘. w .5 g‘
' adds up to nearly to hours a day of ”0‘5 times lthEth ”‘9 Sm“ Many sections Within the hand. In Freshmen Becky Langston and t ‘ f‘ ‘
m“""h‘""~ and musm rehearsals that Drill charts for a particular show cluding the flags and majorettes. Kella Truitt "‘9‘ during the first _ ' ‘ ‘\
“'mk are often several pages long. 'd'tti practice more often. Additional band week of band practice. and are re- . ‘ 'WH
Part of the purpose of “early members must memorize their so practices are also held as necessary {erred [0 by other band members as .
week" is for the hand to begin work- ries of coordinates Most of the during the week before home foot- the ”Siamese tWInS" because of Members of the UK marching band and variom high school
my. on the shows it will perform dur- memorization can be accomplished ball games Sec BAND. back page bonds PGHO'm during T"WW-’9’ D0V 50'0“!”-
l .

 . r | t
' 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Maxi-y, November 17, 1905
.' : Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
‘ V', ' the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
'\ " editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
3.. TV iii/ritions or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
": 5‘ (‘alcndai form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
‘ 3‘3 Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
"r ’I ' ‘ t publication date.
:.' -‘.,’_-r
V,‘ “, :
‘- ‘~ ': C: F: f' N g
r ‘ “"5."- 1 DAY 1 8 UESDAY ... I i 99 {at};
ii 7 I - x
.:' 7.“: .T V': . . ‘I II \ mum) .3 Ip 8 MIIIIVOIIUII Di William C o Workshops Learning Skills Program lest Taking 20l a. ‘..-"". -.
x; s; ;- . _ N. MGM 501‘ .. might," (mi Frazee Hall 3 30 4 is p m Call 7 87C! .,
"\"l'; 33‘". » , ., 4 iii A m 0 Concerts Ohio State University leo E"59'“b'e “"9 n n A I “A A Mus.“-
.’.\ III.\;“-I'I." . .I _ ;‘~ Ammo.“ 5mm P10910111 Organizing to Center tor the Arts 8 p m Call 7 4900 A L L 1 £1 _
"[31"! u .-r ' L". . r‘p .‘ rinse Hair ' 1 50 o m Col1778701 0 Concerts UK Jazz Ensemblel Vincent OiMartina IA , g
5“ : 3;}; . .\ - .w is we »~~»g Skills Program Words Words tribute to Stan Kenton $5 Mernoriaf Halt bp m Lnl a
C} ... .,i 3, w r w 3 ‘1 nee Ho 3 3 50 p I“ (all 1 870' 49m
it: ', $1.. _ _ . \V I A "I“ 8 c M .i, Cho‘y F'ee SC 0 Meetings American Advertising Federation Free-
:3? ‘ ‘ ’I ‘ “ . u H Journalism Bldg 7 30 p m MOVIES
r....:~. .: _,» cs...4..s‘
431333;: . . . c.“ .d N; n9 Rnrinht ,wr sold Fr 0 Meetinqs Japan Karate Association lJKA UK
..‘.;s‘i “ ‘ 2‘ ‘ ‘ _" “'u ,: .— -'-,.? , _ l t" 8 . . . . i
l“ ' ‘vyi‘f‘i‘f 3' ' KW“ ' ”3"" 1 JO 9 m ‘0" 255 856° SmotoéaIrIi7ClIaIsss S30 semester Ammm Gym 0 6 11/19: Movies: Gone with the Wind: $1.95: Worsham 11 ’17: Workshops: Leadershth Motivation- Dr. William C.
Willi 7~ Ti— - um i » we: .2' .e shares Seminar :m The D m 9 ‘ _ Theatre' 3 p m 'Call 7-8867 Parker (Minority Attairs);$90; Carnahan Cont.
m». « . - s m ' --' , .
.", II.I.-I.tI .é Mi II . , . . II PW V \hem phys Bldg 30 - ReligiOus Tuesday N ghi T2<;gcettI1er :0:an 6:31: I" ll 20: Movies: Gone with the Wind: $1 95; Worsham Ctr. Lexington: 8-4:30p.m.
“fa-F: 11-5}; » x ‘ “’ ' Baptist Student umon Free 4 O um '0 V K Theatre; 8 pm: Call 7-8867 1117: Workshops: Learning Skills Program: Organizing to
55,1... ‘~,"-'~ - - . - u . V he Buckf‘ur" ‘5 'i‘ “we CO” 7 398° ‘ , 1 , . ll 21: Movies: Gone with the Wind, Sl .95. Worsham Remember: Free: 201 Frame Hall; l-l:50p.m.: Call 7-870l
w {1.5.3}: ~r ‘ - ‘ ' ' ’ F :' ' 71‘ (new 9"” Bldg . semmors po'theneS'S 0' 01‘E,"Yoce'lu or 80‘ 'U 0‘ Theatre; 8 p.m., Call 7-8867 ll 17: Workshops: Learning Skills Program: Words. Words,
.i'i‘Zr ’1‘ -. . -..—4 Parasite H lntuenzo Free MN 463 A r1 m ». d , Ih 11 .22: Movies: Gone with the Wind $1.95: Worsham Words,Free:201Frazee Hall; 3.3;50 p.m,; Call 7-8701
,i_‘r Jill-1': _- . _ ,. _. s _ --, ~' v r: Vmc‘ Discussion Free Rear" 0 Seminars Dept ol Chem Paul Yeary Sic res .iiI I; Theatre: 3 p.m.; Call 7-8867 1], l7: Workshops, Special "were“ Workshop- Government
3}" .‘I‘ . . ~ -- .- s to - ; ' Coil ’ 3454 Stereochem Course at Phosphate -ans Free kiwi . Employment:Free:Room103 Mathews Bldg: 56:50pm.
33?} 51.3.": .. _ ,. . s \I I_ -i- my. WW “my Qt Vapor“. Chem Phys. Bldg 4 p m Coll 7.3484 Call 127“)
" :thiKr‘Ei-j . , ~ e- v \- Mathews Bldg 5 S 50 a 'n 0 Sports UK Basketball vs Yugoslav-a H ll 18: Workshops: Learning Skills Program: Test Taking;
I “-'..-"z.‘:.'3*r: ~ ’ 59mm“ 0’ 3'0”? H0””‘99' "°"“">“"‘ 201 Frame Hall, 3:30-4:15 p.m.; Call 7-3701
I': :7 "i‘fvri’; Transmitted Viral Diseases Free m i 15 New L.“ i ll 18: Meetings: American Advertising Federation; Free.
it t“: 'gi 554° Journalism Bldg; 7:30 pm.
‘ “Iii-MI}; ll 18: Meetings: Japan Karate Association (JKA~UK)A
.‘ .i‘.i-._"‘:"i Smotokan Class. SSO-semester: Alumni Gym (lott): 6-8
Tit 31“» p.m.: Call 7~l 195
.I‘ if} ifffsj. ll 19: Meetings. Cycling Club Meeting; Rm. 106 Stu. Or;
'7» '; '3!" » 3.30 p.m.. Call 254-7765 _
' '17. 7"?"- ‘li 11 19: Workshops: Job search strategies workshop -
Eligibié‘. ‘ Career Planning 8 Placement 07.; Free; Rm. ‘03 Mathews
£3913 Bldg: 33:50 pm. Call7-2746 I
5‘3, .V “5’1 l l 20: Meetings: Psi Chi Meeting: .lacquelll"e 5"“959" '
' Lia-'14": Lex, Spouse Abuse Ctr.: Free: Rm. 213 Kastle Hall, 5 p.m..
..'. .“l' 4' '
r 5;: r’r Call 276-1490
\ 11.25.45"; 11 22: Meetings Interact Meeting Interact Pot Luck
QJ‘J‘HJ’ 1 9 Dinner Free. 4i? Rose St, 5 p.m.. Caii 254-1881
.II.I.-VIV'7 it I__ I I ,
.,("I¥; . . .I: Var}: I _. i , 2» 7.355 .1” Ca» ~ I Sports UK Men 5 Tennis Region 1' iiii‘ria's wee
5 ’b’rf':;"{ _ 7}. Athens GA Call 254 4072
62):}! £1.13; - - » . ‘ x: m, -- f.) ~.~ c 3 ‘ 2808 ' Acadentris Last day lr‘r candida‘es to when? w 3 ”‘0‘
:5 ’, . : f or “I I, ; um K, V. 5.. excmmoimp m the Graduarc— 8(hr'cl tor a Deter tmr
,. ~.-I.-I‘II.'-I-I‘I‘I.,I. ‘ ,. degree
3621i”! 3;": .i V V . ”‘6 Vi‘ . S ;: _‘_ \r\>.afi~ ~hpaqe o Ccncerts University Art.5t Ser es ‘SLJO'F‘PF' ."fl‘g
‘ "31;; * i ‘ Quartet $8-Stu 8 Sr C» 5‘3 de C" ‘cr ."F AV: 8
_: “Ie . .' . - : qr“ ~ , .. ‘.‘ 1:8,, '1”. p m Coii 7 3‘45
31!?“ ,v . . _ r-J r . . r, .' y, c , w: 3.; t C:»n(erlfi Brass Department 991 "5‘ Fr ~D J " l3!
3’ 4.1"; ~11: N : :‘ the Arts ‘a p m Call 7-49“:
" v3 ' ' ~ - ,_:cianesc “: 2 A ‘Be: - "er Classes ‘ intramurals Entry Dec-dime 5:» 3r can-3 Baske‘bair
;.-§-‘_iVj:-:V’1‘i:~V_-' ; .. .; . .. ,. 3;; . 7 3.5 . .2 Sector Ctr Call 7-2898 , .
“if/i . _. : "Tit. \. u 9\ VV 1‘“): Come, 0 Meetings Japan Karate ABM: C'i'I:" I SW "CV-‘1‘ '—l0‘-5 . l ,____.,.,..
7.- "."t.l‘,"':'~,“,' —‘ V, _- 5 . ‘C‘r : r.» ' _; \iv... m,” 313‘; S30 semester Aitrmni Gym latt c. 195 l , _—_____Q""#—‘
3152!". 4‘ . x: . ‘ ‘4A 7 7 ~ 0 Meetings UK Table Tennis Club Free Searr (tr 7 l. l I/fl
“as . :V ‘ . ,:.,. We ,. 5 ~. .. re p m Call 252 7081 ‘ -. 1 VJ /
42;;f‘g‘1 ‘ 1 .. . _ V t ~IIK; “V, .- .. : M. '35:, 0 Movres Gone with the Wind 5' 0: s’vfllsfl/J'T‘ ‘nect- C‘ WI
.gv-Irg-I,I_I»-V;’r’~I,§; ' l 7 8 P m Coil 18867 . :\_\ : X/ /l‘\'
$1325.6st i 9 Other Jaurnaiism m idtti (Onto: . Gi-'*a"w 3‘ ‘ M71
li‘ngiIrrIIIf- - Jeremy Popkin History Gra'man (7 ac Sm r“ * ' ’flfly
{554455332 Annex 203 7 3‘7 p "’1 Call 7404 l
I». ,‘;~‘ 0 Plays The Lion ‘ne Witch K thri r‘rarilrrric ‘anrogs I
523.3.“ story ‘l‘iie Narnia CllrU’HC as S4 it ‘J (Cm ARTS SPORTS
:1.“ .',;‘.~. .
:I: 3.3:?! Theatre 7 30p m Cali 7 1385 I,
twirl ' Religious Fellowship at Cn'is' a” A't‘ i'il- ti
'v.‘i}', K’FWO" ‘ basement 9 p m C0" 5““‘2‘ _V 1117‘ Concerts. Daniel Amos 8 Youth Chair Free, SC 11 18: Sports UK Basketball vs Yugoslavia (Hl
,Ivi-Ij'is I Religious D 8 L Grill ~ BapIIISt 3021" “ UN?" 5 )- ballroom 7~30p m. Call 254-0250 bl 11 19 intramural: Turkey Trot. Seaton Center Call 7 7898
r v. ‘ 7,- w . . - - , . .
:.’,-."-i{: 479 COleblO Ave Noon Co I _ I . _, 11118. Concerts. Ohio State Unrversrty Viola Ensem e ll '9 Sports: Aikido Japanese Martial A" Beginner
5 fit" ' “90""95 PM“ “99"“? ”"4““ ’9 “' i‘” :5“ Free Centeriorihe Aris 89m 'CoII7-4900 Classes Free Alumninmlott 8300 m Call 266-0107 ~
’ :52 Spouse Abuse C" Free Pm 17” ““75“" H“ ‘7' " ‘V‘ is“; 11 18 Concerts UK Jazz Ensemblel Vincent DiMartino l 2 'S VUK M , T R ' I 'II d F
-~:I’:,.",i'.‘.,‘t‘3~'l,:: 276-149”. Atributeto Stan Kenton $5 Memorial Hall 8pm. Call l 0 ports, ens ennis egian in cars ree.
s: bk: 3);}, 74900 Athens, GA Call 254-4072
‘1' 2: 51.3, f c‘ I1 20 Concerts University Artist Series Guarneri String 11 20‘ lntramurals Entry Deadline for 3-on-3 Basketball
{E'Jg‘i' Quartet $8-Stu 3 Sr Cit 513 Pub Ctr for the Arts, 8 Seaton Ctr.. Call 7-2898
‘3‘ '71“ p m; Call 7.3145 11 20. Meetings: Japan Karate Association - Smotokon
“135 ‘ ". . ll 20: Meetings. UK Table Tennis Clu ; Free aton tr.:
:;‘»1 (' i. for the Arts 1p m Call 7 4900
‘,f ll 20' Plays TheLion the Witch 8the Wardrobe: famous 7-lOp m, Call252-7081
'l: 1’3‘ Ki story at the Narria Chron.c|es $4 Sta 8 55 other, Gurgriol 11 21- Meetings UK Badminton Club, Free Seaton C"
"‘ii, ' ' - ‘ _ . ‘ ‘r 5 ‘-‘on'reaux 8A0: Spotlight Jazz ' Other Intercollegiate Fe‘rxwg .3: .‘I' t; Egggrbc': ' Theatre 7 30am. Call 74385 8.30pm.. Call 3-5157
'-‘ ‘..r}'"f",%i§?II:I ., '7 'V 7' N ‘ M ”(A $9 VUV‘C' 3 HO" 8 p m Oriesn Fr'eeCBi knaaRva If ,, .4 ..,..,t : 01"“; I ‘=1 21 Concerts Liz Story 8. MOntreaux 5°" 5 590‘“th 11 22. Other. Intercollegiate Fencing UK at Uot L - ’
.\.IiVI.I,:{.‘_ its"; . ., . par 5 amaus ecreo to i . "a. be) Jazz Series , Windham H,” Concert $9 Memorial Hall. 8 Bourbon Open. Free, ailkngp Gym (Iott); 90111.. Call 252.
"-2.1 ‘¢f-;:‘;i‘:’ ' r‘ ‘* ‘v‘csi' M“ Vim: at Hernricn Taurnment Free Seatan C" 4 ~ r ‘ Co: .: .b p 11 Call 7 8867 5929
“""r:' . . . . .. .‘ws r'v‘ ' , t 'ici C‘£~"". ' 9 TV” "‘ I . : .
Viki-rill‘firii iii-'1’ , A V he, A, 8L: ' _ “a 7 f0? . . G igfgceflfmggzogs; 19:6 I ., r. F .7“ m; A'rig 5 ll 21 Concerts Collegium Musicum - Music of Heinrich ll 22' Sports. Campus Recreation sCanadian Doubles
I. I..I.I:I\:~ «259‘? . . . I- sour r ,, ,r flint Seotczr C" o JO u“ ICOI?;.4900 J i. . . t , lsoac Free. UK Ctr tor the Arts 8 p m .01” 74900 Tournment. Free: Seaton Ctr.: 4‘8 p.m., COIN-3928
1‘: ’ i753}?- ' 7 ‘ S Q; .V h h p . Concerts High Scno . \ 'c , J i‘ - 3 -, I 11 21 Plays- The Lion the Witch 8 the Wardrobe, 54‘ ll 22 Sports: UK Football vs. Tennessee at Tennessee
rI,"I )1" IerIcI'» I 0 -,~ ,i. , __ A i» we «v.10 ' , , org Orr T gone ’3 ’Or; - a" i. c or I I I _ . I .
“it; It; tilt“: ' . ,. ”a . . Meetings interact Meeting is“ 3.. ;.I . UK, Drnner _ Stu 55-other Guignol Theatre 7 309 m C0“ 7 ‘385 ll 23 Meetings, UK Badminton Club, Free. Seatan Ctr“
"-f="‘.r".".‘.'.‘ai ' .5 - - F 4m pr” n c : C i .5. m. 11 22 Concerts Guitar Society of Central KY Robert 2 30p m Call 3 5157
AIL-{“il’g'wd . l I, l ., ...,\ “In” 5 me Wmdmbe $4 3” $3 lee " “w w JP a» ‘ ‘ -— '” th ‘t $4 505' $6-0tl’ier Ctr lor the ANS 8 11 23 S rts Aikido Ja anese Martial Art Be inner
‘F '“U-J '3' ‘5"- ”‘ F W " "‘eri‘w ‘ 1 p m Cali 7 1385 ' Movies Cane with the Wind 5 ’: i'.r whom -heatre "U “619‘” or - U ' P0 P 9
‘-'"’-‘*"-i"-"»t’*‘ \ 7 F l ., .., , v H7 v p in ,Call 7-4900 Classes: Free Alumni Gym Lott-1p.m.:Coll266-0l02
.'.'".-:'.'-'::“‘ _ . _ w C01" »5 . . es xv Academy ot Sciences 8 p m. Ca 886 H' h S h l V D Call 7933] I I I
:.jss.s!'¢..-*:r’ . - » :., ~.~ "l‘e-rr pm 7 3m; w Call 'Plays Therm the n. tcnis'm .'.,-arol»r $4 -~i. 55' ll 72 C°"‘e”5 '9 ‘ 0° we °V “ 2" 590'“ “mp” R“'“"°"53°d'“'"'°" T°U"‘°me"‘
“35:3, I . ” ' ‘ J " other Gurgnol Theatre 3 8 7 3,: D T 7:4, 7 .355 11 22, Plays The Lion the Witch 8. the Wardrobe” $4— ,rsmgles doubles men 5 women 5). Free: 135 Seaton Ctr.
‘ ':*'uz.‘ ' " ~ \ flutt- :: .: matter here 8 "is“? Dr Michae' ‘ Sports UK Football vs Tent ens-vi; 3‘ Te irressee stu $5-other GU'an‘ Theatre 3 8' 7 300 m’ Ca 74385 '0“ 73928
riicriij‘él‘ii‘s ' . _ ., .rw . _ r ones Free Krr-g Library N Noon ° Sports All Campus 8 Bali Your: 2“ ‘ Men ~ wmnC'> ll 23’ COMGT'S Center SundOYS 59"95' Central KY VOU'h
'y' 95-“: .313" , ‘ Lugé to regionaHKncirwie I'N $3 Cl? 3-1 C-Qri izri‘or' Neon Concert Orchestra Free UK Ctr. tor the Arts. 3 p m Co”
I s" .' v
.i ~ :_.,V_ ~. .5 . : , ,. _ .. v.» st . .: r H 7 star. 74°00
5; At; 1" liti‘fl F, v V m ,. VglviV‘g p n can 7 4°00
IiérI;;e-IIIII{I,I'7II.3I _ , _—. ,. . . .70... Lamp Sk p ng n.1,.n,‘,H0Use
rift-6:55,} {Edi} A - _ . ' . .;
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“11.7." '=',:_';{.,,. - 4 u w ww‘er Sundays Series Cei‘tra! KV Youth ' Spor‘s Campus Recreation 5 Badminton Tournament I . _ . h ld N tBe Bou ht or Sold- I
'.-,’i’,» ETC”). y up? UK (it lfr the Arts 3 p m Cali singles doubles rr‘en 5 women s‘ Free ‘35 Sector Ctr. H ‘7 Religious Children S 0” V0 Cgll 255-8566 “/25; Concerts; UK Percussion Ensemble Concert; Free;
" 7"" “Eli ' Call 7 392a F'-R"'°'1F'°° ”NM" “me" 73° pm ' ° ux Ctr tor the Arts' 8p at Cell 7-4900
"hi-ff? 1,. I II , . I . , III II .. I
fl'r', i': {5 .""' "t v _. a 9nd~~ntor Clut‘ Free Seaton Ctr 2 3O 0 Conte'N Opera Scenes by UK Opera Theatre Phillip H '_8' Religious Tuesday ngh' Together WorshipISerwceI ll 27-11/29: Academics: Thanksgivrng Holiday
w ‘ .I’" " ‘ Ba tist Student UfllOn' Free' 429 Columbia Ave 7 30p m . -
.l 7 Jags: 3-35., ‘ , i . ’ ' Miller director Free UK Ctr tor the Arts 1? 15 p m Call Call 7 3989 ' " ‘ " 11 28-11 ’29: Sports: Lady Kat lnvrtational Tournament
, ’1’," ‘9, ' ’ “ A “ " ”90"?” “OWN A" Beg'me' 005"” 74900 , 11 20: Academics Last day tor candidates to schedule a
73",, -.I"" ' I'LL AM": ”Jim“ .ot’ p M Call 26670102 0 Seminars Chemistry Ms Robin Minion Systematic tinal examination in the Graduate School for a December
5" 5-3“; {.3-3 Ettects ot Crys’al Packing Forces Free Rm 137 decree
7,? r’qt’f', Chem WW ~00" C0” 73‘8“ ll 20: Religious: Fellowship at Christian Athletes: Free.
’ ,II’_ i-'.' :I ' Lectures Nocturnal Bruxism CLmiraI trnpli at Recent Kirwan ' basement. 9 p m. Call 8-682? I
:1 1’:fo V“. ' Research Results Dr J D Rugh Free MN 363 Col 11 go. Religious D 3 L Grill , Baptist Student Union: 5H1);
'1 ,i‘} i’ ’19:: 09"“er l7 W D "1 C0” 3'5‘95 429 Columbia Ave.‘ Noon. Call 7-3989
:5 "$22.33? 11 21. Other: Clouds and Weather here 8. there - Dr.
‘I"! Ir." I/I . . Michael Torbett (University Libraries); Free: King Library
. ‘33:, N. Noon;Ca|l7.5895 I ,
fr? 1 ’ 1,7 11 2], Other: 'We'va Come this For by Faith . I
_..’ "31' : VA ~’. - Thanksgiving Dinner (Black Student Union): $5.00, King
' V?- '.I’ v" '- Alumni House. 6-8 pm ; Call7-5641
w; '5'." I;
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M— xmrrucxvxsmvn, Monty, Nov-moor 17, run 3 7~ 7
(run one. -- ' ’ ,‘Q’ 7 Q
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Ass stunt Al's, [u] up '7 ,r L».”.7“- '7 77. .’
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. .. . .. - stasis}; 4:9 “semi - “vii I” -»
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1v1 charac r ... ~ .- ..
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‘Summer’ one of the ’ b tf’l .,
Year s es 1 ms -
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t ‘ 'th‘l ‘.’l' ‘11,?!-
. ~ ______—.—_ _ . . . e 9 ' ‘-4,.‘;-;-‘ _.I .1}. :1
If) “”9"“ng cursiorts Delphine takes while vaca» charactenmni”. ,1. , .. 1 J m. 1 . 5 ‘3 “ " . ‘- . ("3? ’. 7? {-17 .
contributing CrlllC MOVIE REVIEW [tuning {by the SOaSlde. on the alps), (an recall 'i a g ’ . b zt .. _ :Iffl'r 72:14:77,?
She Often ends up in tears At first ”Summer” km . i‘ L. " 7 : 'i . ,i r '2’. .5'; w"
. . . A - .'i Him. .11: main. - _ ~,,,.f.- -‘ ,;
f‘1‘)ielphine has: phoblem. §he cant I I w. suspect that she suffers from smaller plwfimm tilt Mum: . 3. m . . - 1;» 51.:I‘7i7"77't-"57‘7775
1“ anyone “h Vt om ‘0 spend her ust alone ‘n p- ,‘ , t th . ‘ some unspeCified malaise. After this Marie [tn-,9“. ”A Wm. “M m”. H .' , -° ' ,,- ._ . 7 '27} '9‘?» ’7t,*
summervacation. g ' ‘mb '5 jus '5 51d" happens several times however we ieedn 1 . n-v - . v i ' ~ J ‘ fl“ " 17‘7"“ ”‘37:” '77"
out Of this seemingly mundane Slt‘ of he” . . ‘ i . C l g _V dztlld .ti.‘. i.l-.igtl:n' .- - ‘1“ ‘ ‘O ;‘ .' .h’f“. .,‘ z“

. . . - - . . - (time [0 see that she breaks down at Rohmer has t‘leai‘h ti t‘l tits it tui'» -’ . 1' .‘ ‘ »- . " .. i 0 "'3'? 3515'4".
uation. French filmmaker Eric . NOl cainCidentally. Rohmer 5 hm these times because she has been re- im rovise mutt . o m .7 . 7 7 7 . 7 37 x. 7 '7 ‘ [tiff-3‘777’.?‘I'“’--"7
Rohmer has created one of the most hhhi The Sigh hf thetion“ ‘1959 minded of her aloneness. Although this tech,“ ”a! rm”: 7,777.3”,77 ‘ ' g r ' 7;}.- ,;'i"”,l',
charming films of the year. The film dealt wnh a Slmllar Situation. .Thal “he aPPFE‘CIates the beauty of na- than in an:I l7ll'l7 v 7” 'L' '77'7777 ' I it '1 . " grit.” @5167};
is being released in this country film 5 protagonist was. an lhdlgeh‘ lure. she has no one with which to ‘een it uied “1351‘. M777 7. 7 l 7 " ‘ ‘. 7il'iz'i’"5771727177
under the title“Summer-“ young man abandoned in August by shareit :lmt lob hr 1 In l .w- '- . . ...-53‘ . w ~:_ ::"'I{"

. . . i. - ‘ i‘ «in: .3; _. I. _. . _ . _.». »‘ ~‘ _ .i.-:. id‘. - r r

The original French title. “Le his friends. The young‘man ”590"“ Although I will not divulge the uences id