xt7k0p0wt331 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k0p0wt331/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-10-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1997 1997 1997-10-07 2020 true xt7k0p0wt331 section xt7k0p0wt331  


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lSlABl ISHt I.) 1894








siz'e Player of the l/Veek. See Sports, page 2.


mm .1 lastly sunny
today; high in mid-80s. Cloudy
tonight, low of 5 0. Partly sun/iv
and warm tomorrow, high 8 5.
I» M MI For the second time this

season Tim Couch was named SEC 0119”—




October 7, I 997





o (fan/pin 4 [)1: 1 room 6
Z (.‘IJUIIH'IIA 9 Sports 2
( ll)\\'..‘I/Il/ 9 l ten/mutt 8


State education relorm up lor award

By Becky Wood:

Contributing H'ritet‘

Kentucky is a finalist in 1997’s
Innovations in American Govern—
ment Awards Program for its
work in education reform.

Kentucky’s Recreating Public
Education for Results program
will be presented by a delegation
from Kentucky to the National
Press Club in Washington, DC.
this morning at 11:40.

The entry was one of 25 to
reach the final phase of completion
out of more than 1,500 local, state
and federal government entries.

“Kentucky’s (program) was
selected frotn a pool of 1,540
applicants for its originality of
approach, effectiveness in address-
in important public problems,
value to clients and the otential
for re lication," said Micliael Li -
sky otpthe Ford Foundation in t e
Innovations in American Govern—
ment news release.

Kentucky’s entry has already
won a $20,000 grant for being
named a finalist, and will compete
for a rand total of $100,000
funded y the Ford Foundation.

Schools in Kentucky ranked
near the bottom of every list of

educational indicators in 1990 and
were criticized for being dishonest.

As a result, the 1990 Reform Act
was established for a standards—
based educational system by abso-
lute and high academic standards,
accountability and professionalism.

Seven years later, 92 percent of
Kentucky schools have shown
improvement, according to the
news release.

In addition, one half of all the
schools, during the most recent
testing cycle, have reached their
academic goals.

“The whole education system
was completely revamped from

the bottom up," said Lisa (iross,
program coordinator for the
Office of Communications at the
State Department of Education.
“No one state has sustained this
reform for over this time."

In addition to state changes.
L’K's College of Education had to
make adjustments on how they
teach L'K students to teach.

"Lecturing children in the
classroom is not favored any»
more," saidjane Lindle, co-direc-
tor of the L'K/L’niversity of
Louisville joint Center for the
Study of Educational Policy.

“Kids are working more with

projects and in groups. They take
more responsibility for what they
learn." I

\Vilnicr S. (Iody. Kciituck\ ~s
commissioner of qucation, said
the award would bring recogni—
tion to Kentucky.

“The prestigious distinction is
a tribute to the vision of the state
legislators who crafted tlic Ken—
tucky qucation Reform Act, to
the dedication of our educators
who have embraced an entire new
education system and to the
resolve of citi‘leiis‘ throughout the
(loniiiionwealth to sustain
reform," (Iody said.

Robert Sexton. cxccutn c direc-
tor ofthc l’richard (Ionunittcc for
Academic leccllcncc, .uid Kevin
.\lorro\\, sports medicine fresh—
man at L'K, “lll picscnt the pro—
gram entry.

Morrow n as nominated by the
l'iducation Ambassador's (Ilub to
make the presentation.

Both representatives will
address tltc cducational initiative
that incorporates Illl‘t‘t‘ key ele~
iiiciits of schooling: curriculum.
finance and governance.

The 10 winners “1” be
announced at the National Press
(Ilub tomorrow morning at 10.




students helping
South Hill area

By Tom Colson
Contrihtting Writer

While most UK students were
enjoying their summer breaks in
july, some architectural students
were playin host to an intense,
short-term esign session called a

The students, in conjunction with
the Downtown Design Center, held
the charrette to resolve issues con-
cerning the proposed South Hill
Common housing complex. Since
then, they have worked continuously
to find a solution to grant everyone’s

The complex, surrounded by
South Mill, Pine and Cedar streets
and Lawrence Alley, came under fire
when the proposed complex began
to concern the residents of South
Hill Historical District.

Thomas McDowell, president of
the South Hill District Neighbor-

hood Association, said most of


. '9'



these homes were built from the
18005 until the 19205. McDowell
lived in South Hill as a student in
the ’605 and later purchased a home

Residents oppose the plan
because the proposed complex
appeared to be tar eted toward stu-
dents. At first g ance, they were
0 osed to students living in South
Hill. What they actually oppose are
“huge projects that segregate people
by age, class and race,” McDowell

McDowell and Jed Porter, the
former president of the association,
said the residents want to keep the
historical district as a “mixed—use"


student or not.

While residents like the idea of
the South Hill project promoting
healthy development from Bolivar to
Pine streets, they do not want to lose
their sense of community and its his-
torical flavor in the process.

“We have always welcomed stu—
dents in South Hill, and we have
always welcomed new developtnent
that is appropriate for the context,"
Porter said. ,

Many residents purchased homes
in the neighborhood, some of them
run-down, during the ‘705 and '80s.
Over the years, McDowell said, they
have spent thousands of dollars

community compromise

my mw-vtwr-«w- . 5 . W. ,_


area, making it available to anyone,

restoring their homes in this neigh-
borhoot , listed on the National

(iraphir furnished

cm UK students hope a tobacco warehouse (above) may be replaced by a housing plan they designed for South Hill.

Registry_of Historical Homes.

UK architectural students heeded
the call, developing a plan they said
benefits everyone.

Dave Silvernell, a research fellow
in the College of Architecture, said
the students’ biggest concern with
the proposed plan was it was out of
scale with the current neighborhood

Questions arose as to whether the
parking would meet required city
codes. Also, the four-bedroom
design would lend itself to student
housin .

“V1 en you're building some-
thing like this, it's always going to be





lyman Johnson

Man responsible
for integrating
UK dies at 91

By Joe Donner
Staff Writer

One of Kentucky's staunch
leaders in the fight for racial inte-
gration died last week.

UK alumnus, educator and civil
rights pioneer Lyman Tefft John-
son died Oct. 3 while being treat-
ed for pneumonia.

He was 91.

“He made America be America.
He made the University under-
stand what ‘universal’ means,” said
Chester Grundy, director of UK’s
office of African-American Stu-
dent Affiirs.

A lifelong foe of segregation,
Johnson forced UK’s doors open
to blacks with a 1949 lawsuit and
became the first black to attend

I‘ I

..-A... J .


the University.

“This was a well-spent life,"
Grundy said. “He’s not just some—
bod we can fly the flag at. He was
tota ly committed, totally dedicat-
ed to social chan e.”

Even though he was extremely
ill,]ohnson still planned to attend
the alumni banquet that bears his

“It shows his generosity," said
Laurette Byars, vice chancellor for
Minori Affairs, who remembers
him ma ’ng several trips to the
podium to offer insight to students.

See JOHNSON on 4


IT'S ticket time madness

By Brian Dunn

Assistant News Editor

In a change of tradition, people want—
ing a seat at UK basketball’s Midnight
Madness probany won‘t have to stan in
line for hours or ( ays at a time.

Instead, people can get tickets to the
Madness when they pick up Homecom-
ing football tickets starting Monday at 9
am. at Memorial Coliseum.

Students are allotted 2,000 of the Coli-
seum seats and will be given the opportu—
nity to take up to two Madness tickets
with each student ID they show, said
Rodney Stiles, director of administration
services for the UK Athletics Association.

The tickets are free, he said.

Stiles said UKAA chose to distribute
the tickets with football tickets on Mon-
day to help people who didn’t want to
miss the homecoming game versus
Northeast Louisiana. The scheduled
kick-off for the ame is at 7 the same
night of Midnigfit Madness, the tradi—
tional first practice for the UK basketball

In the past, hundreds of people would
start to line up throughout the eve of the
practice. Throughout the day of the prac-

tice, that number would eventually grow
to several thousand just hours before the
doors opened.

The concern, this year, Stiles said, is
that people would have to chose between
the Homecoming game or standing in
line for Midnight Madness.

“It's a control problem down in front
of the Coliseum," he added. “And most
people don't want to miss the football
game to go to the Madness."

Also, he said, every Coliseum seat
wasn’t filled for last year‘s practice, Big
Blue Madness, because people were
scared awa by the long lines winding
around the block.

Student opinion about the decision is

“I in self don't really like the idea,"
said Mi e Nash, an accounting freshman
who plans to attend his first Midnight
Madness this year. “You might want to
see how crazy the line is.

“It just won’t be rowdy. People won‘t
be pumped up because they won‘t be
waiting in line.

Tom Greer, a communication senior,
said, “I think any move that's going to
accommodate the students is a lus.

“They won‘t have to wait in ine."

‘ .0



Judge signs plea
agreement on ox-Cat llelli

I..\\\'Rli\(II’,BL'R(i A judge signed .1 plea
agreement .\1onday in which former Kentucky
basketball player Tony Delk agreed to pay a $300
fine on a pair of traffic violations.

l)c|k, who now plays for the (Iharlottc Hornets
of the NBA, agreed to pay a $100 fine on a speed—
ing violation and $100 on an amended charge of
failure to comply with a traffic control devise.

The incident occurred in August when a Ken—
tucky State Police trooper clocked ‘.1 I‘m." black
.\lustang eastbound on Bluegrass parkway at ”0
mph, according to police. The trooper turned on
his flashers, but police said the car driven by Delk
did not pull over.

Instead. he exited the parkway at the LES.
interchange. He went several miles north toward
Lawrenceburg and police eventually found the
unoccupied car parked at the fairgrounds.
Lawrenceburg police officers said they found Delk
at a nearby fast—food restaurant .iiid took him back
to his car, and the trooper then cited Dclk.

The lea agreement w as signed by District
judge Fred Bond. Delk was not in attendance.


Court looks at Mllrmativo Action

\A'ASI TINGTON —-— As the debate escalates over
the fairness of voluntary affiriiiativc action admis-
sions and hiring policies. the idea of afliriiiative
action could be expelled from campuses for good
depending on how the Suprcmc (Iourt rules on a
new case it has put at the top of this year’s docket.

The Supreme (Iourt began its new term yester—
day by accepting an appeal of a workplace discrimi-
nation case that threatens to end all voluntary affir-
mative action guidelines.

The Board oi qucation of l’iscataway NJ. v.
'l‘axman will require the court to decide whether
or not racial employment guidelines are acceptable
under any circumstances.

In 198‘), the Piscataway Board of l5duc:ition cut
one high-school business teacher position from its
budget. ()f two existing business instructors. one
was white and the other was black.

In order to protect racial diversity .it the
school, the board decided to lay off the white
teacher. Fight years later, Sharon 'l'axman was
reinstated because other teachers retired. but
continues her claim of racial discrimination in the
initial layoff.

But Hilary Shelton, assistant director of the
\\'.ishiiigtoii chapter of the NAACP. is not as
optimistic about the opportunities campuses
would face in the wake of a possible anti—Affirma—
tive Action court ruling.

“Affirmative Action has opened the door for
women and ethnic minorities in places we were
traditionally locked out of," Shelton said. Flimi-
nating the policies and goals created by such pro-
grams “would mean thc rcscgregation of society."

The polity summit will continue today with the
l’iscataway case leading the discussion throughout

the day.
NAMEdroppin g

llowltt: Journallsm, ontortolimmt Illllor

DENVER -— Don Hewitt offered alphabet
soup at a recent luncheon.

The creator and executive producer of “()0
Minutes" said he wants his colleagues to return to
hard news and re—establish a line between enter-
tainment and journalism.

“Maybe it's time to put the ‘c' back in enters
tainment and the ‘n‘ back in news and do some-
thing for the network's ‘S and P,"‘ Hewitt said,
referring not to standards and ractices but to
“their souls as well as their pocket )olcs."

Hewitt, 74, was the guest of honor Sunday at a
roast at the annual meeting of the Society of Pro-
fessional Journalists.

Technology often leads journalists away from
tellin a story well, said Hewitt, who has been
with :35 News since 1948.

“If you don‘t know how to communicate with
words, ou're in the wrong business,” he said.
“And I eel there are too many of the wrong peo-
ple out there in my business.”

Compiled fim wire repeats.
‘ ‘


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.u «we». ._ 7,,




 .. ,-. m awawa

Take Richm

<-n-o.mtauw.a. ‘W’A

z I 'umlay. October 7'. 199.", Kentut'ky Krrm‘l



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Couch earns

may miss

By Price Atkinson
Syn/or Stat} ll ‘ritcr

For the second time this sea-
son. UK quarterback Tim Couch
has been named the Southeastern
Conference Offensive Player of
the \Veck.

(louch completed 32 of 4‘)
passes for 355 yards with four
touchdowns and three intercep—
tions in the (lats‘ 40°34 overtime


win against Alabama Saturday.

in five games, (Iouch has bro-
ken the (Iats’ single season mark
for completions with 164. He
broke Bill Ransdcll‘s record of 151
completions set in 1986.

The llyden. Ky.. native has 25]
attempts and trails Ransdell’s
mark of 366 passes. (Ioueh's 1,784
passing yards is also second on the
UK list, trailing Rick Norton‘s
record set in 1965 when he threw
for 1,823 yards.

His 21 TDs put him second in
UK history behind Babe l’arilli‘s
23 TDs in 1950.

(Zouch leads the SEC in total
offense averaging 340.2 yards per
game and is second nationally.


VFullback Anthony \Vhitc

rushed for l 17 yards on i; carries.


STEPHANIE molt Kn‘ml «at?

M W“. UK wide rerehrn' Lame Mirkelrm get: defensive afier an

Alabama defensive back hault in an errant Comb past.





"Al FACEMASK? . 5‘ Alabama quarterback F rcddic Kitrhcni'
(top) loo/cs for an open rcrcivérdownfield, he provider a liber—
al interpretation of the phrase ‘im‘idcntal contact‘ for CK

definxite tar/ale Anniar Stewart. Though UKcoach Hal ll lmmm’
rang the praises ofhis‘ (fimdve line against the Tide, Cari" quarter-
back Tim Couch (lcfi) felt the brunt of a rare Alabama jailbreak. ‘
Air Raid '97 has [iced up to it: aerial billing, but running bar/c
Anthony thitc (above) has made a nice living fin‘ himrclfon the
ground. He it averaging 95.2 yards per game rushing, ranking

him fifth in the Southeastern Conference and 31st in the nation in
that category. The Cats now head for Columbia, S. (.1. to battle the
Gamecocks Saturday. The game has been related ar the SE C Gan/v
ofthe lVee/c and will be televised regionally on lVKl'T— Channel 27.


his second Hill—yard game this sea-
son. raising his average to 95.3
yards per game. He also caught six
passes for 55 yards.

\Vhitc is second in the SlCC in
all—purpose yardage, averaging
135.8 yards per game.

VThc (Iats’ 40 points on Sat—
urday are the most they have ever
scored in the Alabama series. L'K‘s
previous high was 28 in 1988.

VFreshman halfback Derek
Homer had his first IOU-yard
receiving amc with 103 yards,
including the Cats” first Tl) of the
game, a 62-yard screen pass from
Couch that left head coach llal
Mumme thanking the Bill Curry

“I was just thinking, ‘God, I‘m
glad they recruited that guy,m
Mummc said.

VCornerback Tony V’i'tiods is
listed as doubtful for Saturday‘s
game at South Carolina. Woods
suffered a hamstring pull in the
win over the (Irimson Tide and
did not practice yesterday.

VKio Sanford went down with
a grade one ankle sprain —— a
minor sprain — and is listed as
questionable oing into the road
trip to Columfiia. S.(Z.

VAlso 0n the injury front,
Jimmy Haley, who missed the
Bama game. is questionable with a
sprained foot. Kicker Brian John-
son is still nursing a groin pull.

'On the defensive line, Robert
Jones has a shoulder injury and
will most likely play a ainst USC.

VMumme praised1 the people
of the Commonwealth for the
support in the wake of the emo-
tional win over Bama.




SE6 accolades

“l tell you what. our fans are
great," he said. “’l‘herc's not a bet—
ter place to coach football in
America than the L'nivcrsity of

VSaturday's attendance of
59,226 was the largest crowd at
(Zommomvealth Stadium this sea—
son. and the second—largest L'\ er.
The record still is tenuously held
by the 59.384—person crowd at the
1995 [iii/Louisville game.

V\\'idc receiver Kevin (Iole—
man‘s third—t uarter TI) reception
from Couch was the fourth
strai ht game the wideout has
caug t a scoring pass.

\Vith Tide pressure bearing
down, Couch stayed in the pocket
and tossed a high floater which
(Ioleman corral ed in the right
corner ofthe end zone.

“l told Tim that was the best
day l'vc ever seen on that partied
lar call," Mumme said. “He just
launched it up over that guy and
Kevin did a terrific job of running
it down.“

Vlronically, the last time UK
blocked a field goal was last year
a ainst South Carolina. \Vho
blocked it?

Anwar Stewart, who returned
the blocked field goal against

'Couch on the protection of
his front five: “The offensive line.
you've got to give them all the
credit in the world. They gave me
a lot of time to stand back and
throw the football."

VBama head coach Mike

l)uBose on (lunch: “I think Tim
Couch has a chance to be as good
a quarterback as I’ve ever seen."





a~ \.








: a bra _ a“;





» ~9ij s.

.v mv' w. qvA.-"fi~ :‘2.





. New w«.w¥b~~v- -. 'v .

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Wanted: yellow iron

By Bron Dawson
Associate Editor

and Price Alklnson
Senior Staff Writer

Rumor has it that two new goal
posts are rather expensive, thus the
idea of pilferin a strugglin Tates
Creek High School footbal team’s
poles is looking uite tem ting.

After UK stu ents yanfed down
the only two u rights belonging to
the UK At letic Association,
groundskeepers are now searching
for new ones to replace the two
that traveled away from Common—
wealth Stadium Saturday.

The man now in the business of
goal post sho ping is Russ Pear,
facilities coor inator for UK Ath-
letics, who will be quarterbacking
the recruiting efforts.

Sunday Pear and his staff exam-
ined the holes that held the stadi—
um’s goal posts for more than 20

cars to examine the damage done
by the thunderous tide of students.

Pear said his biggest question
right now is which type he would
like to see in the stadium.

Permanent goal posts are much
more expensive than the standard
posts that were whisked away. They
may cost up to $25,000. The per-
manent variety is more expensive.

“They’re not going to ask me
but I'd buy the cheap ones if I was
them,” UK head coach Hal
Mumme said. “Our fans deserve to
tear them down occasionally."

The final tally for purchase of
the standard goal posts will be
between $5,000 to $6,000.

UK officials kicked around the
possibility ofa goal post looting in
the week leading up to the Bama
game, Pear said.

“We discussed it, ofcourse, and
discussed how far our measures
would go to prevent it from hap—

pening," Pear said. “You don’t
want to create more of a problem
by t ing to prevent it."

T e final call, Pear said, rested
in the hands of Athletics Director
C.M. Newton.

Goal posts were not the only
thing on the took a beating at the
stadium Saturday night. Souvenir-
seeking UK fans dug out blue and
white colored pieces of grass at
mid-field to savor presumably in
the comfort of their own homes.

As the fans spilled onto the
field, the sod suffered slight dam-
age and the fences that enclose the
field had also seen better days.

“Luckily we’ve got one of the
best groundskeepers in the coun—
try," Pear said.

l’ear added that roundskeeper
Dan Bergstrom wil have the field
in playing shape in time for UK’s
next home game — an Oct. 18
game against Northeast Louisiana.


Cat In

By Dave Gorman
Staff M’riter

No matter the situation, UK
senior tennis player Cedric
Kauffmann keeps serving up aces.

One month into his final sea-
son in Lexington, he is ranked
No. 7 in the nation. His team is
ranked No. 6 and is an NCAA
championship contender. He is a
two—time All-American.

With all of this on his resumé
for the professional tour, what
more could he possibly want?

He wants to win a Grand Slam
Tournament, one of the greatest
honors in college tennis.

He had his chance this week-
end. Kauffmann came up just
short of his dream — losing in a
tough match 6-1, 6-1 to Pavel
Kudrnac of Oklahoma State, who
is ranked No. 35, in the finals.

“I was very happy about mak-
ing it this far. This is my last
year," Kauffmann said. “There
are still some goals I need to
accomplish in college, like win—
ning a grand slam. I had my shot
but I lost in the finals.”




king ‘grand'

Despite the loss, UK men’s ten-
nis coach Dennis Emery was still
high on Kauffmann and his future.

“I think it was really important
for him. He has really established
himself,” Emery said. “Ever since
he was a sophomore he has been in
the top 10 players in the country.
Until now he has never been in the
finals ofa grand slam toumament.
This is a good start towards him
accomplishing his goal.

“It’s sometimes difficult when
you are seeded second. All of
the other seven of the eight seeds
lost before the semifinals. For
him to get that far is a real tribute
to his competitive spirit.

“His opponent is the best col-
lege player I have ever seen. He was
just real hot. He was really on.”

Kauffmann will have another
chance to capture a title next
week in the National Outdoors in
Texas. Another opportunity

awaits him in February in the
National Indoors.

Before closing out his career at
UK, Kauffmann has a few final
goals he wants to accomplish,
including getting ready for the

professional tour, strengthening
his serve, and winning a team
NCAA championship.

Kauffmann has shown more
than steady im rovement and con-
sistency in his our years at UK.

“I have pretty much accom—
plished all of my goals here at
UK, except winning a grand slam
and a team NCAA champi-
onship," Kauffmann said.

Joining Kauffmann on his mis-
sion to win the NCAA champi-
onship in their last season together
are seniors Marcus Fluitt, who is
ranked No. 48, and Kauffmann's
doubles partner, Dan Spaner.

“This is our last year to ether,
so we are going to do our iest to
win the team NCAA champi-
onship, Marcus, Daniel and
myself,” Kauffmann said.

Whether or not Kauffmann
helps the team win the champi-
onship, he will still leave a huge
mark in UK men’s tennis history.

“I think if he has a good year
this year, then he will be the best
tennis player to ever come
through the University of Ken-
tucky,” Emery said.

omen i Uqwoteoeu (Wee

Tuesday, Oct. 7

Wednesday, Oct. 8

Former Gov. Martha Layne Collins 4:30 pm.
Student Center, Room 228

Clothesline Display

Thursday, Oct. 9

at the Student Center Free Speech Area

Katie Koestner 7:30 pm.
“N 0- YES ” Keynote Address

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Memorial Hall


Bats nah lil‘St
I‘BGl‘lllt Ill Smith
era ill Gamara

By Brett Dawson

Associate Editor

Fittingly, the first jewel in the
Tubby Smith recruiting era is

Souleymane “Jules" (Iamara, a
6-foot—ll power forward from
Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of
Wilson, Va., committed to UK
last night. (Iamara, a native of
Senegal, becomes the first—ever
)layer to commit to Smith since
he was named UK's head coach
last spring.

()ak Ilill coach Steve Smith, a
Kentucky native, confirmed the
commitment last night on “The
CatsY Pause Sportsline“ on
WVLK (590—AM).

At just 205 pounds, (Iamara
will need to bulk up before he‘s
ready to compete in the South—
eastern Conference. But Steve
Smith said the forward already is
“four times stronger" than he was
when he first arrived at Oak Hill.
And the coach said Camara could
contribute as a freshman on the
strength of a versatile inside-out

“He’s not a (center), he’s a
power forward with (small for—
ward) skills," Smith said. “\Ve let
him shoot it from 17 feet (in
games), but believe it or not he’s
got range almost out to three—
pomt territory.

“In our drills, he shoots it as
well as our guards."

Steve Smith said the forward,
who didn’t speak a word of
English when he first set foot on
American soil last June, will be a
boon to the Cats on and off the

“He likes to have a good time,
but he likes to study and play bas<
ketball more than anything."
Smith said. “Like a lot of the for—
eign players I‘ve had, he really
enjoys studying and learning."

Camara chose UK over Vir—
ginia, Georgetown, Kansas and
Florida, among others, the Oak
Hill coach said.

“He felt like he really had a
connection to (Ioach ('l‘ubliy)
Smith,” he said.

“He heard from a lot of other
schools that he'd come in and play
a lot of minutes, but it's more
important to him that he feels like
he's going to be part of a family."



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