xt7k0p0wt45r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k0p0wt45r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-06-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 21, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 21, 2007 2007 2007-06-21 2020 true xt7k0p0wt45r section xt7k0p0wt45r he Vthe Snipes,hAoZeHa,[LJJaIN/Jettand Devnithe





\\\\\\.l\\l\H\’7\‘H.(’()\\ ll‘\l Jl Jtttl"

(HIBRAHNU it» \l/\I\’\ ()l [\lll l’l \‘Dl \(‘l



A crescendo of young talent

search for


By Blair Thomas

A i,\_.;.,..w

\tuifciit ( iti‘it'iiii:¢:ii \ waitii tni iii aii
xix-ct iiia\ tatw Etiiigci than niiciiiaifl gitaiiiicit
hut \(i l)l\'\l\lk'lll \iik l'llk'l;‘\ t\ uiiiiiiti'iit
Shat the tiitiii: [‘tlk\‘\\ t\ ll!ltlk'l\\.l‘-

It? \.1\ iii '\\t‘ ti» Iliit'c \M'tlm an “i“:
haw a stunt turn} it! taiitlitlato.“ l’lit'liw \\l'\i

i itatEit'i ilii~ attic

lht' xiii \\.i~ .ii‘uiw‘x
5‘5 l l\ llitiizaii RUMHH‘ cx and. t\ tunic-J tvz.
lttfiltt't t'iitttaltziw ‘iil‘ \hq“ \:Yt‘\ .:\ .‘ag ‘ .i\l K
.l \.i‘.\l \(i
\ it: l’icxitit‘iit liiittain I altfiill‘l‘. '\\\"it‘

It i..‘ ‘\ :ia'niia‘ want:

litviiiii: t“. lifi. to.)

‘fiau Imititl “mien:
\(i appimcit thy tl\l\i\.l iwmtiuii a! fix

I" and


t \tt"tt‘i'\‘! \t'iiat; 'r'wtrti; i‘ll \l.i\
A ;"tct‘ti': tit Tliv .ltl‘~‘.‘-‘L.l \ \ai.ti\
"‘n“ ‘ yl:.!tt \
lllt‘ t‘l.ltttt ‘~ Hi i .,

[CH [lititlfgltl «t! _ ~ tti leV/lFl',’ljliU

lll\ll\l\lllill iiixtiuii’giir

.iiit! iiiat'titiii; i' um

.tlh l‘x'kl‘ll‘lk'\ .i \ttw


(.itli\ lx’ti‘. ' r

t'tutiw din-Ht i

thc Hu' 1 l\ \

\Ckh* tit t, ILHIL'C that itiiitci‘titii;

lilxh C

tiilt' m tittitiiiut' \i :th



ilt 'f‘xll\

yr ,,3

t‘tt'll' Phlllt‘il‘t‘ tlt l'imf ‘

Ilium: ‘aliw iniitaigiat \lli‘ «hiitx tithitih

\aiii \tiiiiigm

l’iaiititt'xt ,‘Ht'V \tiitttt‘t~ lt.l\\
"a iait‘ iiiiiini'iiiiitx "it lk'ltllll‘i iii
Cll\L'llll‘lk‘\ \nlltl \ula \liKa} tlit~
mt‘iit'x it'lit‘i in out iitiw iliitu


L‘i‘ t“ t .ttti;‘\l\

aiul 2\ when ‘

Ruiaiitl \Llll
l‘tii\ ‘

\ i‘itt .'\


'l \t.'tt M NH!
kitl~ whit t \tlllx it: ihiii t ham:
miwiiviiiix mutt \lt ix 1\
tut «it the l'tatiw l’iciiatwn l‘itt

:iaiii at lltx‘l l\ \\ litni‘ .-t \ltixzt


itiiqi Iii; cutie'

UKB‘ new assistant coach fill

By James Pennington

\w v'atiiwm a if i

l K\ iii-\tliall triacliiti: staff ttllltl.ll|\ \n‘l
tumctl l)liltl.i\‘ \\tt'.1ltl a\ the 11C“ giatluatv .l\\t\
taiit unix‘li tiii \1iitiila\

“night. from
l.l\\i't'iltt.‘ (‘tiuiitx Hugh \t ltmil iii l iititxa.
K) . .ttllllii\ in l‘t‘llt‘J a lift-lung; l K tau
and \llkl that l‘t‘llt‘J liiiul iii lltt‘~ pmititiii
|\ a tllt‘.llll miiic tiut' ltVI liiiii

" I'm he .ll‘lt' tn \I‘tlk |i lUl a u him] that
llmv i~ a git'at lt't‘llllf.‘ '“iiulit \lltl

“tight piawil liiicliatkt-i at \1iaiiii
t()|iim l'iiiwrsih trtiiii 3H01 Wi \ttci hc
.L'r-klllullCtl iii \la\ Stilt“ uith a hathcliiiK~
tlcgrcc iii i‘vli}\it‘.il t‘tliitatinii. he iiim ml
tn l,t‘\lll:1litlt to pursue a dream of twat liiii:_'

"l'w alums “antnl lt‘ kUith‘u he said

“right. the tlt‘lk‘n\l\t' graduate it\\l\i.llll. uill
perform wwral tlllllL‘\ for the squad He “Ill he
helping mach this lincliatkcrs and “I” st‘iiut up
posing defenses and \k‘ll \ttiut [K \ tlt‘tciixiu‘ tcii
ilciit‘icx, ”C “I“ also «\rggatii/e \Hilllln}: reports

\\llti giaituatt'il

First issue lroe. Subsequent intro: 25 cents.



l‘t'\ « ittil ht". l“ titltl lth *ll\.





Aetli mutt aiiwtlici. shy
t _..tt iijll
‘.‘I«‘\\ ” Rlllttllti


ll‘tlll\1ll‘t“1l Ht

fair! to :xiit'i tpn'


ittitt“~\Il1;' V:
\lil\\\‘\ _‘i\


l’taiitittxt t .1ll"\'l\ t‘ia\ haiiillwllx aiitt l‘L‘l

anti \lfiflfil‘.
\i‘i acti\:tit'~ .iit'


important at lu'ii: .i

iiviiiitlmt tttlht
\lt l\.i\ \att!
_’tltl‘ll.t\t\ t‘t
\Mii't. cit:
ltl‘ttt 'llk‘ yuaix




{he 1H.il\

.giit ait' Itii th:

lit tlt‘




ttiii \'\;‘\'ll_llk\'\
match Ilillt'l iii

”(Htlk'l \iu


tn \t't c\.tt‘it‘i_\ Ittt

aunt \tiiiiiyt'i

.tl' \i‘t'l‘i'ihhh'l' u;
all twitvtit Ituitt H

l‘,.iiitttv~' t\ iiiiiltigjt‘ia'iataiiia“
«i all slaft

Ilic k .ttttl‘x‘h \llk! lli!‘

llitt‘f .1 \ldll

"liilit‘lt tit


Piano ::~ 6

\\tt‘_'lt'i \ahl lit”
lttx‘tl H
ltht' ll.t\ll‘.‘.' the ”I‘l‘t‘llttltit‘. tin
taiit tut \Niiclit. he \ilhl
\\ii;'tit \iill hi- \MtllklllL' ii-m‘
\\itli .i lt‘lltlt‘l tt'aiiiitiat: (it'iatt l' tlLll tlit

A ill .ll‘t‘ tin .tll\'ll!t.:' i m


,ii I am. tau

t‘llk'll\|\\' L'iattuatt‘ .t\\t\l.tltl
lllk'tlkl t‘l “leL‘lll «lttttllff lllL'll «limit

\\iiglit \illtl l’aikci
Ullel t'tiaii hiiii. t‘l't‘ll can lttlti Itil\‘\ lt‘

\tl K then ttiuiittsliiii it til \tlllllllllt tn
”0“th l’ailu'i saitl \\ii~;lit Hill mutt It
tiatc t‘ll \lk'lk'll\k' \\ltllt‘ l’ai'lu'i \I‘lht‘ltlliilk‘\
on Ullt‘ll\t‘ .Illtl the hm \\ tit he \mikiii: tn
{Jt‘tltct \ll“k'l\. l’atkct \aitl

“right \\il| use l'ailu‘i x t‘llt‘lt\|\t' cx
pcmsc ll‘ help uiiiiiiih' lib tlctt~iiv‘.t-
l‘t‘ttx ht‘ \attl

Itht‘\\l\t‘. l'arkct “Ill use “right \ ilt-tvuxiw
mind to it\\t\l \th h|\ iiftcnxiw \\ t‘tllttt‘,’ lt‘l‘t‘l'l\
\iw thc tun \\il| “th lt‘L't'llIL‘l nii llit' xii-niai


it \41‘\\‘

‘Aiti‘ !~ tuft \\‘.i;\

\tttiitttt: tt'

l‘arlu‘i lwlimw that \\ll;’lll has uliat .' all“ \ in


Staff Repon

”i .i:: w!"
htitt‘l ltxiflt' ‘it 'l‘th “a,

3i? ftiiii \yais ll“

ini'iittitm't iii

:itt‘ii,.tl\‘l\ ll.t\t

w ‘i‘il; ‘.i
I'litlkat \.i.il
Hi. 1\ l'ath'
\t't titit ti» M .i \t‘i'\ \lk.|: loitict’
\\tlL‘lil 1~ itiiiiiii‘.‘ We 1 k
.‘twtt time, .i\ the ( .tlx at; _t~i:iiii:

\t"l\t‘ll ill \ t'.ll \

\t_'i_\ iii.ii»?'i.iti

\‘VJK .i

“vi; :tuii: in '.\i'tl\ as haiti as xx:
\\tt\:ltl MHK.
\\I‘Ll‘,t' \ii‘tl lt

.liaiiit- tn he 11".ti' it a ta"

luv mt mu t‘\i\'\t.itinii~
\‘miktu: li't a M limit ht- .‘tm-x t i c w .,
‘7 ‘lu lxuii'ititli

ri’. ‘]\ H I‘vl‘l‘


l\ t‘\\ llt‘tl 'J‘ ll.t\t' .t
that 'tt.t\ \ltli‘ltw gxuitiu .nitm 'hr tt.1llt‘l
llit~ \I‘lllllL.|\lxlll t wiittitiiu‘ 1~ .iiit . “
tin-thall tittittiit'iiam ‘t‘ 'h' it‘til'll\ \\::;t ~~ H s - '~ ' "1“"
l l\ li.i~ 'lit t'Clil .1'lilllkl" Y“ st“ ~. (it ti 3} l ' \‘ ‘I I“ W H ” Mm ““‘7
“tight M41 \ "‘ 'i‘ I‘ht"

“tight sail: ‘l“”“"

iiiii MN

Mutt” _ ”Jill ‘twit i‘tik

.i'Hl "Hf tit

193‘ 'tth'i'
\lti. h it ililt'Jlt \Illilt'lt'lh
\Il thm \.tlt' .ll‘t‘lt' is uiiiiiiii:

lhm .t littit
'lim uaiit t‘ tw ‘alu ti 'u 'li;
il\"~\‘ 'lliil ill‘A \ tttlttt )\ 'l‘it .tl

t'tl tit z‘rl'init’W' {‘ltk'Er-‘l ‘|\ it‘l\i‘l\‘.g'il {\i

gm i,“ ,if _1 ,u \r ‘1: '-"t‘« Hi part: i i “v tit f u [ht ~IN‘ll\t'lk'1li1t\'

.tiii‘\\ tinu :aiiii‘n

, Benefits ; 6

. . .i H ,. ,w l
m \' i“ l't't \ .\ ,Xiiit. i' ,ll‘KIJ \nii‘i.


mi .1 “it .mwt'

Newsroom: 2‘)? '975 Ammsinz 252-2872



 PAGEZ | llttitStldy Ilttltt‘:'l ;’llI‘/

uveku Go to wwwkykeiiiel com for the solution

your daily dose tit entertainment, pop culture and fun kme' ‘ a.









By Linda C. Black

, .o. .
In III‘I .t I}. ,7 .!.i

Aries (\Iareh 2| .\pril I9i

'I‘oda) is air A I’ostpoiie
tune] and stop daidieaiiiiiig
there's inneh \\oik to he
done. Don‘t do it It“ the nioiie).
do it tor the taiiiil}.

Taurus (April 20 Ma) 20)

'I'oda) is a (\ Yotiie enter
mg a l'aseiiiating phase, [or the
next tour \seeks. )oti‘ll soak up
DC“ iiit'oriiiation like a sponge
Learn a he“ language or master
another eratt.

Gemini (Hay 2| June 21)

'I'oda} is a 2 You're going
into a \er_\ strong; ltltdlkldl
Plltlst‘ right no“ [or sueral
neeks. _\oIi tan make lots ot
iiioiie} KL‘L'I‘HI}: it is tip to _\on

('aneer (June 22 Jul) 221



l‘oda} is an N You‘re en
Ieiiiig )ttlll iiiost ta\oied phase
ot the teat. lot the iie\t loin
\\t\‘I\s. \oti'll haw a strong ad
\aiitaet Squash the eoinpetition
\.\ ith :raee and st) le and a smile

Leo t.lul_\ 23 \ug. 22t
loda\ is a '1 'Ihe dil'tietilt
l.‘.\l\ is to keep \\hat )oti gain
It'll tend to slip lItIUILL'II )t‘lll
ltll},{t‘l\ Do not sit domi “1”]
the gait}; toi a liiendl} game ol

\ irgo I \uu. 23 Sept. 22)
Ioda} is a . \oiii soeial tal
eiidai or]: he patked toi the
new loin “eeks let _\oIii laiiii
l.‘ kiiou toti‘ll Set l‘au‘k to them
as soon as \on Iain

Libra iSept. 23 ()et. 22i
Do more listen

I'Ittil‘s It Iltlli

lodai is a w
in; than Iaikni};
eiilt .issigiiiiient. (air) it out and
_\oti'll lIllIt},’\
V\on‘\e been doing: the I1.il\I \\.l_\
Scorpio IOU. 23-Nm. 2It
hi the ltt'\l
“~t'L'I'\\, \Hllkll ltttxl iitls itl


lodai is a H
:ii..ie.ise \oiii inlltieiit e
\oii ll tint: iieu markets to \IL

\\‘_\s III

\elop and iieu areas to e\plote
I'his “III also. quite Ullt'll. l‘e
Sagittarius (\m. 22 Dee.
2Il loda) is an .\ \oii'ie
iii a good position to take on
more anthoiiti Illls \\ill
.‘l‘l' in a hetter plate iegaitlriia'
henetits So make the trim;
('aprieorn thee. 22 Jan.
I9) ‘ \\h.tt
son‘ie learning doesn't make


It‘tlet} 1\ ti

\\ nse \\hen eoiiipared \\ vth \\ hat
trill-\L' I‘I'L‘It IUIII I’tiu evil \\ illt
mutton .iiid
tioiii Iietion

\qnarius Lian. 20 IVeh. Hi
\I‘ llk 'Ilrlt '\

learn to tell tatt

lod.i\ :s a
\oii “all him to inn titlieis .2l,’
(onstiz' I~‘Il:

ttfllliiltal \ti;.!

Ieaiii hetoi'e ion «In itk or there
\\ill lie lli‘ltl‘lle

I’ist‘es II'eI). I‘) \Iarch 2t):
Iti-l..\. Is .I I kt i‘tlmtlx
«lik'sttd .Il\\.t\s acne ‘IL‘KtiHis ‘.
\L'L'II‘A llIxt' ltt‘I‘attli

ll. :9

Right iio'u. i'
uaiits to .not L'KI alone "

tient and «. ie.iti\ .




Us Weekly investigates the idle chatterand pressin questions
dominating water cooler conversations everyw ere

What Was Up With the
Sopranos Finale?

lhe onlx tone liisixe .iiisuei‘

to \lllt'\llt\ll\ raised h} the ,IllllL‘
llt \ellxl :le \'o
lily Ilid ti//le otit
.reatoi l).i\ ltI (‘hase s detisioii
to dl‘llll‘lh \III to lilatk as
\harlim 'l.iii::e I \iiii Kigleri
io'i'eil Iti‘l I.IIIIII_\ at a diiiei
etiriii‘ist-tl .irid iipset iiiaii} latts
\\\Il' lItL \tl;tl.tttt‘\ .Il‘tittl In :Jt‘I
\tliatked t\\ the shad}. am .it
the Ioiiiitci '\\.is it siiiipl\ .i ie
'ElilHILi ol the tension loii_\
(Liiidoltiiiii must al
\\ 1th ’ l’ostshou toiii

piaiiits III‘I()\ \\eh
sI‘I‘ \t I! Iosnii loriaine ltiat
' lltaI.
\lit hael

\ IItIk\I
that amt IIII‘.I
Rink llnv't‘ t\ ( .zmllt‘ it. tli‘ l\
unmet. l ‘t‘vthl.1 \s l s l\ win-e
It'llflliiiflllis \l\ til



_\otii \tI’

not \x‘ltes

\\.|\\ l;\t


is the .‘ii:


it‘rIx‘lH I \ I.

y I

\.lII ICU, \Ull

l'r‘periofi suitl he

\\:t'= the up the shoo

r .

.il .: it (In

t:.: dramatit
\gt'riigtl {v.tl tit t-l‘lt
smitetl Lin; l. l

{MM ‘6‘ “C

What it Jennifer
Played Mariane Pearl?


\tznyt‘“ lu'i;'\
:v t \ ‘xlr'IJ'

”Iki‘ _
Him !l;" 2 ll] Himi
.ilitl l‘il‘lIlesI .'it.:.l (HM.
Ilttll It ls'n:

Mimi .‘ I llte

'l‘\ l Lt'llii‘all‘x.

di\oi'eed. I’itt heeaiiie Plan It s
sole Miner and the lead went to
I’itt‘s ne\\ gal. Jolie. l's tilin
eritie l‘hehiia Adams thinks its
tor the better ”Jen \iouldke
heen great in. sa). Knoeked
l'p. hut she doesnt haxe the
range tor this role"

What Does Amy Wine-
house Look Like Without

I'hat sIIill that the British
singer, 2 I, has ealled 'ni_\ uar
paiiit‘ ’ \he didiit pile it on so
[Itltk oi tease liei‘ hair so high

haek in lell-l Still. that same
\e‘dl. itiaiiitaiiied. 'Iiii .i

I'tIfJItrfglett‘itUIll girl."

ls Isaiah Really ‘Mad as

I]! .1 “old. fies


he is lIIii
(‘U‘ \.i_\\ .t sttttlt'e’ th‘\t' lit lllt'
.i\ed (iiI-x s \natonij» aetoi. ~11.
who iii the \sake ol his tiiliie.
released a statement repeating
tht letllllk line lioiii the WV»
tilzi'. \etnoik liii mad as hell.
[or take it
[\plains the \UIIII

and not going: to
lle lt‘t'altl ‘.\h.it he said It !‘s
lliej» asked him to
do ts‘ItllII things to keep

Hos I!

Hi" : lithe
. r. ._ stir \‘.eiit Iv I otiiisei
lIlL' and taped an antihate pith
"t some ad alter 'il\lll§_‘ a ho
'I:\‘l‘ItttI‘le \lliI

lls’. I\l|lf_‘IIl

It IIII\ \\ tl‘t

.l;,‘.lll]‘~I \:I\I.II
and the} liied

Iltttl I'M)


How Long Will This

Volume Trend Last?

I‘.\[\C\'I to \CL‘ I‘lllou} st)les
tor at least mo more seasons.
sass l's lashion direetor Sasha
(‘hariiin Morrison. eiting the
loose trousers. hi; knits and
trape/e dresses iii iipeoming
eolleetioiis lt'oiii YSI. Io IItSkM.
”It doesn't hurt that it s a more
toi'gniiig. eoiiitortal‘ile st)|e "
Hut designer Miehael Kors, tor
his part. is ahead} our the
look ”I think e\ei'_\ones going:
to look hatk and say. \Vh) “as
| “eating; a iiiaternit) dress‘ |
\\asnt pregnant."

Does Nicole Weigh
Enough to Support a Preg-

Riiiiior‘s Ile‘»\ attet‘ Richie.
3‘. \‘sas reeeiitli photographed
\‘»lIIl a tins hell) and \isiting a
iepi'odtietne elitiie. «Reps lor
her and heart Joel Madden. 23.
had no \Hllllltclli 1 to he e\pee-
taiit. the Srtoote l . estimated 85
pound starlet \xoiild need to
ha\e enough hod} lat to our
late in the liist plaee tor take
It‘l'lllll‘i di‘tigsi, Plus. it she \lllr
leis tioiii an eating disorder
something; she has repeated!)
denied slie \\otild taee health
ha/ards \\ith iiialiioiii'ished
_\oti unit} ahout iiiis

sais Khalil Iahsh.
eliiiital prolessor ol ohstetries
at the l)a\id (iellen Sehool ol
\Iedieine at I'(‘l..\ \rid \xhile
a \\ititt.t[t hei si/e toiild tarr)
Il‘ lt'llll. there is a risk ot pre
:iiatiiit deli\ei\ oi lo“ hii‘th





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 Xlulellu I ll 1//

()11 her 1lch111 .1Il111111. l)clru1l 11.1l1\c \ln/clln mum-x Nut-1
tl11pp111;;.g11lt'l1) clcpunmt lw11h11111l1l1c11111~l 111111\ll11‘11111k\ 1»' \_-!!~. I 11111.1?» \l.1t 1 111.11 111.1
J11“ Stunt-\\11l1l1c1'111u~1c. l'l11\.1|l1111111~ .11w11ct'. ~11111111c1 1t-11-11x1-zx1111 .1\ 1111-11111 x1.1‘1.111\-11111.1
1111\c1l\\1ll111111.1/1n:.' \m'ulx ".\11111c~111” 1\ .111 .1111l1c111 I111 1|1t- .111111\ .11111 l|\‘1llll‘l'.‘l\1‘ll ulm; l.1\,
$311" h 1111 adorable lmllml tor the ur1c111pl1>_\ul, Although 1l111l1-\ 1‘1‘. 111: 1‘11-1 121111 \I 1 ll11\ .1‘


(:1) R1e\'11-:\\'s

By Cass Dwyer

'ml11'r:>‘~1.hyk>111e 1

}~-~;1;1\ R11 ,11’1‘ 1x "\1'11 t1.:1111



hum 1x1111l_\ tor the Lulu-x






The White Stripes
I1A’1 Hut/11,11
()11 the l.1lt*\l lClCd\k' l1’11111
ll11- Ill-111111 111111111111|1\l 1l111».
1111\1} 11111l 3.11111} 141111111 1’11l\ .1111l
.l11tk \\l11lv\ l1111111l111g: \nm'
c.1113 .1ll111111~ ll.11nl 11ml 111
1111111 luv: 1111clu ~l1t'l1.1\“lt'l\}
ll11111111w111111glc \\Ill1 lmx kc)
\\\C\‘lllk‘\\ llle‘ "3”“ .\l l’ll
lt‘llk'lllLll Hulpmu llluw“
\lmt ut 1l11' mngx .11’1' 11111t111c|1
' ' ‘1l ., 11111} ‘11111; 111111- l;111\ mll low 11 “(‘1111t111cxl"x1111111lx
«1&1 lulu hccn l1111-11 111111111lc1l1111 lull .1ll111111 \‘llllt'
‘ - llwlll. “1:! Mum-ll) “11111" 1~ 1141111111: lr1lmlc 11» the


11111111) l‘lllL‘gl;l\\ 1mm l‘l11x l‘11llzl\lllc\ \n 11111t‘l1 \\1ll1 w
Hl1c11 [111C l11l1'11l 1x11l\\11111~1111ll11\1‘rlc.1\c

\ Mighty Heart honors memory ofslain Jewish journalist

By Glna Ptccalo .l11l1t'11\l’c.1ll\ \\1!c..\l111'1.111c,.1111l1lc
. 1‘1“; 133 1mm 1111lx llL'l My“ ml lllc t‘\l11111\11\c w.11\l1
1111 llL'l l111xl111111l.1l11c~11'l lL'lhl 1lxcl1 111
;. ‘ l\\\1)1)[) l11\11:111' 11111 \ 11.1'111l‘\1‘1'\.1111111\111 1:l1l\1111111111j: ll\ .1
1.11 [1111 tum-1111.111 11» 111k 1.1.11'111l1111}; \1111}. .1111l l’c.11l. \\l11\\\'
1* :111-2 lit-111'}. 1l1t- \l.1111 \Lall 1111111l1‘1 \\11\ l11'11.11lt.1\l 1lkl‘\t\\ ll1c
‘ .11111? 1t-11111‘1c1 l1111c1111.111 p111 \mll1l. l111\ hunmc 1‘111l1lc111.111t ml 11
’l1c 11c“ 11l111 " \ \l1:l11\ 111111: \;l\.lf_'k‘ «111111 ml lc1‘1’111‘1xm l|111l
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FYI: Spinning Soon


I F119 Up the Blades 3lncnes 113ch
I Easy f1qer, Ryan Adams

I 81/1/11 A Nat1on, Bad Brams

I Aux-Up, Beast1e Bovs

I My December, Kellv Clarksm

I 61119 Me Your SOL/1’, Klnq D mom?

I fheo/oqy, Smead O’Connor

I We at the Gorge, pearl Jan

5 w CDC~~'~:

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June 21, 2007
Page 4


Kmm Eorronuu BOARD

Shannon Mason” :' 1 1 11.111
Chris Miles. :1 1;' ,11it 1


verhaul benefits ,


[K is making all the right

'l‘hls “Ck‘b. l'K reshaped lls
plan to proyide health henetits to
employees~ domestic partners in
response to .1 statement by Ken
tucky Attorney (ieneral Ur'eg
Stunibo that said 1 K's plari. as
well as the L'iii\ers1ty ol
l.ouis\ille's plari. \\ as tltlcttlhll'

In an ettoit to keep some
thing that is ultimately .1 boon
tor the iini\ersity. [K is making
.1 stand tor a cause that it be
llc‘\cs 111

Stumbo deeiiied l K's plan
unconstittitioiial because it al
lowed loi‘ domestic partners to
haye some ot the same rights as
.1 male and temale married ct\ll~
ple The state constitution de
t'iiies 111.11‘1‘1age as .1 union he
tween a man and woman

Stunrho‘s announcement 11 as
.1 blow to l'K. \\lll\ll had set tip
the partner henetits plan only .1
tew months earlier

The plan. houeiei, was .1
step 111 the right direction tor the
uniyersity. l'K showed compas
sion to its workers howeyei‘
small a minority they might he.
and show ed that its message
"an equal opportunity tlll'i\'c‘l\lr
ty." which appears 1111 exery l K
business card is not .1 mes
sage that the takes tor

'l he henetits. which cater to a
small portion 111‘ the employ ces
at l'K. do s11 iii order to create
an .1tiiiosphcre tor equality liir
ther. it shows that [K is com
inittcd to all 111 its workers. .1 tact
that was doubted when 1K an
nounced it would raise tactilty
\\ ages higher than statt \\ ages.

Many iiiemhers 111 l'K's
Board 111 lrtistees are 111 layor ol
.1 plan that gi\es doiiiestit [Mtll'
llt‘t l‘c‘tlt.‘ltl\

lhc111.11oiity 11! the 1.1ciilt\ is
also 111 1.11111 111 .loiircstic p.1rti1ci
bciietits. 2.11 ulty .lctt
l)e111h11 told the Kciiiel 111 \piil

"l11.s will 1111d1111htedly he



good 3111 1h1. ttlll\1‘l\1l\ because


the more comple\ our academic
community becomes. the more
different our iiidi\idual
becoirie." lteiiibo said

In .111 .\pi‘il 24 Kernel article.
board members said that the de~
cisioii to otter partner henetits
was made to ensure that [K is
competrtne 111 the imiyersrty 11111

“What we are pimiding is
111st access to benct'rts.“ said l‘K
general counsel Barbara .lones.
“lt doesiit establish any type 111
relationship "

Stunibo also said that it the
wording 111 [K and l'ot‘lfs plans
\\.1s e\panded to encompass .1
wider demographic. not neces
sarily 111st \;tlll‘c‘rst‘\ couples. the
partirerrbenetits plan 111111111 1111*
hi“ the lines 111 the state L‘Ut‘islir

l'he 11111\e that [K made did
exactly that. rewoi'dirig the plan
111 include not partners hiit
”adultrsponsot‘cd dependents.”
oi people1\|1oh\e\\1th['K cm

But tlieie is still opposition
to this moye. especially troni
Republican State Reprcsciitatiyc
Stan lee. \\ ho says the plan still
specilic..lly targets s.1nierse\
partners toi its health benetits

llowe\ei'.l K is right 111 stay
111111 111 its itidgiiicnt to keep the
plan ln an et'tor't to dixersily our
uni\ersity and make it as user-
triendly and \Htt'kL‘Fll‘lL‘lltll} as
possible. l'K should look 111
cater to all parties. no matter
how small, The domestic partner
henetits plan is oite that will
keep [K on the right track 111 be
coming a top mineral} and one
that can compete \\lll1 other 11111
\cisitics who s1nrilarly tdlt‘l to
minorities 111 .111 el‘loi't to bring
equal opportunity.

l l\ '.\ill undoubtedly 111111111
tie to 1e1c1\e ci'1ti1 isiii lot the de
cisiori that it has made to keep
this plan but that ci‘iticisni
should tali 11111leat ears



a necessary

\1.111y fresh 7.11m 1.111'11‘1'11
sceii 1111 and .111111111l ., .1111ptis this
s1111111,c1diir111; l K . lle\lll‘.l.111

.111\ l\1llj..' .-11111*1:.'111. s |li.s \cai

it s 1111 sriipiisc 111 s11 s11111c112
Those l.l\\’\ lookai. . 111:.1s. ..’
‘Ni‘l 1‘li|\ 1i-I llu‘ llt‘\l!l?% 11 1.1 lh
l1.11c'11sti'111,'gl1 '111111111111111:
1111-11 ...\1 .111111111t'l11111 $111111.
\.1'II;\11\ 1111111121cl' 1s1111111i
thcitisclyes 1111111.sc1"1\ 1.‘ 11111
s11‘1111:1111 1.111.111 11:.11:

\taitniei 1s .1 21:111' '1.l:111
iii.111\ 111tl1-1s. new 1.1..‘s 11: s.-
lltL‘l l\ s 1.1i=11111s 1111 lltc 311st

l 11111‘1s11'1 11Y‘111‘1.1is .111
1111111111hte1ll\11111111111-1: .1511
111akingag11od111111111ss11111 ‘
sc’i\ t‘ lt‘ 1111 L \.11 ll\ lllt' 111‘;‘1 s f.
ll11\\t‘\ct, tlic‘ .til.'111.1l'.\1

during the 1.1.1 and spine.

1U. \1111111lh1'111111l‘11111’s1311-1
the llttl\t't\tl\

(Ull\llli1l|1'll .11l ls s
(handlerHospital 1s11111'111111:
.1ti1lw1111't wrapiiptititii Hill
‘11 hen the new building 11111111».
1ittitially open 1.1 patients llas
constitution 1.111 he 11111leisto111l

as the hospital “.Ill 1111111 111 st‘1\1‘

:1 111111 the state

111I1c'1e1 11.1\s and hem to
911111114 l ls 111111 the iankings as .1
t111‘1_‘11111:’1l1. Ie‘\t‘.llcll institil
llo'a met, I l\ .111111l1c
.1‘1\ .11 111111111111. toi that 111.1ttc1
1s sniait11111111111lctcother
1311.111111; 111.11Is.1111l repla1iii1:
l.:111's11111c 1111111111tli.-s1.:11111ei
.1.li.'i1tht 1.1111piis and the city
tia‘u. s111.1il1‘i populations
l \cii though \t‘ll\llllk 111111 1111
1.11‘1}‘ll's llt.1\ he lIlll\l1.‘.,t\.tlll 1111
1111111111111; tic-1111111111 .1111! we sit:
1 . \\l11‘.11.'\1~1l111}' l K 1111
-.11s1 ‘11.. 111s111111l.l‘ette1111
111' if 1111.s|1c1l ’11-11111‘ 1.1111piis
1111.1111111s 111111e .111'11111'11 111 the
\e-.\ stialciits .oiiiing 111
\1sit 1.11111111s 1111h1‘ slltltlllt‘l 111.1\
111 .1 lilll1‘ [11.11111 I1» tl1c.1111oiint
1111111111 1111211111111111111 dust and
1|i1:1‘in1.' .1111l .1ls1111111l11sc‘tl b\ the
blo1k1'1l 1111 stieets.birt it is still
l‘t‘lit'l that 1 1111s11111 tioii takes
111.111- 11111.1 than 111 the tall when

1.11111111s is 1.11 itioic \lil\\tlt‘tl



N (rte to Readers

l'nsigned editorials retlect the \IL‘\\\
of the Kernel liditorial Board. They are
written independently ot the Kcrnel's
news coverage Columns. letters and cartoons
reflect the \lt‘\\\ til their authors




(1.50“? ”that


i/oz‘z‘rg (DI/CC z“ \

Mecca /e?‘5 {ti/é



BRETT NOLAN, Kernel cartoonist

Students finance state initiative

The endowment at [K has more
than doubled in the last decade and
now sits conit'ortably ahoye ‘53 billion,
(lite would naturally assume that .111
endowment would.
\Cl\Cl_\. ll‘dtlsldlc‘
into .1 more all11rd~
able education 1e»
pecially .11 a public

That assump-
tion would be
ltiitioii rates lia\e managed to
easily outpace the increased budget
during this period and skyrocketed up»
11. aid at lh-l percent

‘\ccl‘1’tltlly_' to l‘K‘s 111111 budget re
ports. student contributions through tu
itioii and tees hate gone 11'11111 SIM
million 111 .‘IIIIl to ‘13!" million 111

111L‘tt‘ascd con—


w rong

Ztlt 11». Thus it takes a decade tor an 011‘
dowment to double. yet only tiye tor
tuition. lissentially. students are subsi»
drum; a substantial portion 111 the [111-
yersity .\ elloi‘ts to attaiit ”top-211" stai
his as .1 public research institution.
ll11\\e\ei'. being frustrated with the
unitersity is iriisplaciiig your ttltg‘L‘l, It
was actually the commonwealth ol
Kentucky 's idea to require by law
that [K reach “top-211" status. l'n-
fortunately. the state lacks the courage
111 its coiiyiction. hi the lit years. state
appropriations hayc.111ciall.decliried
considerably itrom 37.1 percent in
1W8 to lb 2 percent 111 21111111. accord
mg to an article 111 the l.e\irigtoii ller‘
aldilcadei. The uniyeisity has no
choice but to compensate tor btidget
shorttalls by looking to stttdettls

lieeling a bit exploited as a pupil
does not come without reason. ln
1997. the majority 111 current students
were not even old enough to tote. Ad»
ditionally. the (ieneral Assembly failed
to mention that students would toot an
increasing portion 111' the bill. Remem-
ber that \\ hen paying tuition this 1111.

Achieying top»2(1 slams is an ad
mirable goal. btit those who proposed
the idea should bear the most responsi—
bility in bringing it to fruition, The
next time you see a politician tout
Kentucky ‘s budget surplus. reali/e the
stirpltis could be 11sed to meet the (ien~
eral Assembly pi'eyiotis obligations.
That money was pulled lTDlll your
pocket through tuition and state taxes,

Now. it‘s time to ask tor it back 7
we could tise it.

Libe ‘als love to hate some science

l,1beials \\11tildl11\e lot you to be-

lie1e that all
ence hating. religions tundamentalists
What they don‘t tell you is that. al-
thotigh groups like that c\1s1.11 is the
lelt wing 111 this
country that is de-
termined to wipe
sctcttc‘r‘ 11111 mi e\-

k’t‘1ll\t‘l \ tlll\ L‘\ dl't‘ \k'l


. Ile‘llt‘L‘

We are told all
our [ties that reli-
gioii and science cannot coe\1st.
\\e‘\e been taught that throughout
history religion has been the catise of
scieiititic setback Modern day is no
ditterent \\c all remember watching
the nto\ies in high school about how
the Spanish Inquisition persecuted the
pooi scientists tor speaking out about
new ideas \\e were taught that
(ialileo \\.1s toiced to recaiit his dis
co\eries 1111 tear 111 death by the t’eli
giotts elite lime alter time we \\eie
torced to 1l\'\L'Pl the lact that reagion
has..1nd .1l\\.1ys \1 lll he. .1 thorn in the
\Itlc‘ ttl \t'lc'tttt‘

This .11111 religion indoctrination is
absolutely necessaiy iii order lot‘ libei
als to pie\.1il l1 people don‘t grots 11p
belieying that it is the religious iight
\\ ho hate science. they might ieali/e
it's the liheials

liberals. like those \\l111 pc‘t'st‘t‘lllr
ed (ialileo 1111 being .1 lieethinkei.
Plkb the scierititic «llsctt\t‘l!t‘\ they
like and tiy to shoot down .1111 oppos
111g opinions lake the teteiit liberal
protesting 111 ”1' Ianies \\ llolsirigei.
a piotessor 111 l‘K‘s ('ollege 111 l’ubl11
Health and chair iti l'K's Health Serr
1111's. to he the country ’s new surgeon
general as .1 piitrie c\aniple

llolsrrigei graduated lioiii Duke
l'111\.eisity with both his .\l.l) and his
PhD 111 anatomy and physiology He
now helps lead l'K's quest to be a
top 311 public research uniteisity lt
there's met .1 111.111 is ho has spent a
great deal ot his time studying sci
ence. llolsinger is that man l'tilottu-


Send a guest column or letter to the editor to
the Kernel Please limit letters

to 350 words or fewer. Be sure to include your

full name, class and major with all submissions

E-mail opinions@kykernel.com

11111er 1111‘ the lel‘t wing 111 this country.
some 111 his research doesn‘t esactly
lit \\lil1 tlteii liberal agenda.

In 1091. llolsinger published a pa»
pci titled "l’athophysiology ot Male
lloiiiose\11ality” where he e\plored
the heiiet' that lioiiiose\uality is both
1gasp'1 unnatural and unhealthy. The
paper has been described as a coiiipi~
lation ot scientitic peeraenew ed stud-
ies. and not the doctors peisonal her
liets That. how e1 er. has 11111 silenced
the \c'lctlcc‘rltdlltlg liberals.

The lluriiaii Rights (‘anipaign
claimed that "his writings suggest a
scientitic \iew rooted 111 anti-gay be~
lids." and lime therefore protested his


Libera s celebrate homov
sexuality, and any objection
to this belief is shouted
down. It's the liberal mind-
set to only love science
when they agree with it.


Yes. you read that right The Hus
111.111 Rrghts ('arnpaign is protesting his
nomination based on a yiew. which
they agree. is scientitic. Where are the
open minded liberals we ha\e been
li‘l1l [11 l‘t‘llt‘n‘ 111'

Despite what liberals want yoti 111
helic\ e. the} don‘t |11\e science. Their
“lo\e" ot stiente is 111st another he
they parade .1111imd to score points 1111
cable l'\. Nothing can make .1 liberal
more llilt‘llt‘tllldl than c\p|aiiiing that
they aren't blinded by "religious big
otiy” like their c1111sei'\ati\e opponent.
It only that were trite

liberals celebrate hoiiioseuiality.
and any 11b1ectron 111 this beliel. eyeii
it scientitic. is shouted down, It's the
liberal mindset to only low science
when they agree with 11

hi 2110(1. when President (ieorge

\\. linsh \etoed a bill to fund stem
cell research. liberals once again
sei/ed the opportunity to remind
Altlcrlcdtls that they were the true de-
lenders 111' science Sen. Dick Durbin
tl)4lll,1 championed this label by call«
mg the president‘