xt7k3j390q2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j390q2k/data/mets.xml  1901  books b92-88-27381156 English [ s.n.] ; : Lexington, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Postal service Kentucky Lexington.Walker, Tom L. History of the Lexington Post Office from 1794 to 1901  : with additional important postal information / compiled by Tom L. Walker. text History of the Lexington Post Office from 1794 to 1901  : with additional important postal information / compiled by Tom L. Walker. 1901 2002 true xt7k3j390q2k section xt7k3j390q2k 






         FROM 1794 TO 1901


            COMPILED BY
       TOM L. WALKER
           Assistant Postmaster

           LEINGTON, ICY.
           JUNE  15, 1901


    All diseases which are I nown as curable-acute as well as chron-
ic-treated successfully.  Female diseases a specialty, as well as
obstetrical. Case, handled in less than half the time and with less
than half the pain.

       There are Three Classes of People

              Who Fight Osteopathy

    FIRST-Those whose business it interferes With, who are igno-
rant of the science, but well filled with prejudice.
    SECOND- s hose whose Lills are und 'd.
    THIRD-Tnose who have taken a few treatments and quit, when
they should have coitinur'; foi scen time, thus not giving us a

Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Missouri,
        The Parent School, under Dr. A. T. Still, Founder
                   of the Drugless Science.

        Consultation and Examination Free in Office
          Office Hours 8 to 4 Every Day except Sunday.

   Lexington References-Tom L. Walker, 169West Third street,
Assistant Postmaster; J. K. Clem, 29 Constitution street; J. R. How-
ard, West Second street.


    Office In Residence, No. Z3 North Broadway
          Removed from 173 West Third
Telephone 1 Z5                  LEXINGTON, KY.


Respectfully dedicated by the

     Employes of the Lexington Post Office

                        to the

         Business Men of Lexington
whose liberal patronage in the way of advertisements has

        made it possible to issue this publication

                of Postal Xnformation

Printed by E. D. Veach.
Cuts by Cheno Engraving Co.
Photographs by C. Foster Heliri.


      A. K. LYON

            47 E. Main Street

                  LEXINGTON, KY.
Manufacturing Jeweler
Complicated Watch Repairing

Martin  Woolfolk

     Wholesale Grocers

              Corner Mill and Water Streets

                    Lexington, Ky.




     fine Cut flowers a Specialty

Full Line of Seeds, Bulbs and Plants always on hand.


Phone 354.



   In presenting this guide to the public, the employes of
the Lexington Post Oflice bespeak for it a careful perusal,
in order that errors in mailing may be avoided.
   If you will carefully read the rules and follow them,
you will save much annoyance to yourselves and your
correspondents, as well as a vast amount of useless laboer

                        CLERKS AND CARRIERS.


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         Lexington Post Office Directory

                  STANDARD TIME.

         Room end of Walnut Street Corridor.
         Office hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

      F. CLAY ELKIN, Postmaster.
      TOM L. WALKER, Assistant Postmaster.
      MARY E. NEALE, Record Clerk.
  t  Requests for improvement in the service and all com-
plaints should be made to the Postmaster's office. The
entry of new publications and the regulations governing
the mailing of second-class matter and deposits on account
of postage on such matter, and orders for request en-
velopes should be made here. Accounts against the Post-
office paid at this office.


     Window on Right Side of Main Street Corridor.
     Office hours from 8:43 A. M. to 6 P. M.
            H. C. SWIFT, Superintendent.






               CITY LETTER CARRIERS.
P. C. FOUSHEE,           WM. R. MONTAGUE,
BEN SIMCOX,              JOHN B. SNOWDEN, JR.,
                NATHAN CHISHOLM.






       CAS. F. WARD.

        W. C. HUESTON,
        E. L. SIMCOX,
        E. L. CUNNINGHAM,

   To this division is assigned the supervision of all mail
matter delivered in the city by carrier, through lock boxes
or general delivery. Boxes rented and keys issued and
returned. The delivery of special letters by messengers;
also the supervision of the rural carrier service in Fayette

                  MAILING DIVISION.
      In the rear of the General Delivery Window.
      Hours from 7:00 A. M. to 9:' 0 P. M.
           GEO. R. WARREN, Chief Clerk.
                    DAY CLERKS.



                    NIGHT CLERK.
                    OTTA T. JONES.
   This division has charge of the classification, distribu-
tion and dispatch of mails.

       Room at left end of Main Street Corridor.
       Office hours from 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M.
            HENRY K. MLLWARD, Clerk.

   Domestic and foreign money orders issued and paid in
this department.




                  REGISTRY DIVISION.

    Room at the left end of the Main Street Corridor.
    Office hours from 8 30 A. M. to (6:00 P. M.
    At night stamp window, 6:00 to 9:00 P. M.

                     DAY CLERK.
                     VAN H. DENNY.

                     NIGHT CLERK.
                     S. H. SHEHAN.
   All valuable matter should be registered and mailed in.
this division.


        Office hours from 7:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M.

                   S. HENRY SHEHAN.
   This division has charge of the sale of postage stamps,
stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers, the collection
of box rent, delivery of packages too large to be carried
by carriers, the delivery of mail matter to those who call at
the office for same, the registration of mail matter from 6:00
to 9:00 P. M.


Secretary's office room left end of Main Street Corridor.
               LETCHER LUSBY, President.
               H. S. FORMAN, Examiner.
               T. L. WALKER, Secretary.

   Application for examination for positions in the Post-
office and information on Civil Service should be made to.
the Secretary.

                     CLAY ESTILL.
                (At carrier's window.)



Lexington Postmasters

Innes B. Brent .October 1, 1794.
John W. Hunt ...     ........ April 1, 1799.
John Jordan, Jr.....    .  .   ......... July 1, 1802.
John Fowler...........         April 1, 1814.
Joseph Ficklin . .. ................ January 11, 1822.
Thomas S. Redd...........      July 22, 1841.
Joseph Ficklin .M........... March 29, 1843.
George R. Trotter ..     ........... October 4, 1850.
Squire Bassett...........     February 25, 1852.
Jesse Woodruff ......... ......... September 4, 18 5.
Lyman B. Todd .... March 23, 1861.
Samuel W. Price.          .   April 5, 1869.
Hubbard K. Milward ............. March 24, 1876.
William Samuel McChesney ....... December 23, 1887.
James R. Howard .       ............ March 19, 1891.
William Samuel McChesney.      January 17, 1894.
Fielden Clay Elkin .May 10, 1898.


         History of Lexington Post Office

     L  EXINGTON was first settled in 1779 by a band of
       sturdy pioneers, who chose this spot for the build-
     ing of a frontier post, because of the great beauty
       and fertility of the surrounding country; the great
number of big springs bursting forth here also attracted
their attention and last, but not least, they chose the spot
because of the natural advantages ote-.ec- bexx! ili the high
bluff over-looking tnhvpl e o; a Lraach oi Ciouth Elkhorn
Creek at this point and on which they builded a block house
that commanded .ve :.rappzioach irqid fale to them protec-
tion against an attack of savagae foes.
   Emigrants came flocking in frcm Peirsvlvania, Vir-
ginia and the Carolinas in such numbers that 3oon the sec-
tion, now known as "Central Kentucky, " contained a
goodly population, and Lexington had the distinction of
being a village of several hundred inhabitants, consisting
in the main of refined and educated citizens. Schools were
established and well-patronized, and the little backwoods
metropolis took on the sobriquet of "Athens of the West,"
which.term has clung to her even to this day.
   It was but natural that whenever opportunity offered,
the people of such an enlightened community should keep
up communication with relatives and friends left behind in
the old homes; but because of the unsettled condition of
affairs in those days, the Government was deterred from
extending the Postal Service to the West as rapidly as
was intended, and the inhabitants of Lexington and sur-
rounding country had to avail themselves of the services
of traders and such people as journeyed to the Eastward
to have their letters carried and delivered. This was an
uncertain service at the best, but no other could be had



When the exigencies of the case demanded it, the more
wealthy employed a messenger to carry correspondence for
them. It was much easier to receive letters from the older
States than to send them, for emigrant parties were con-
stantly coming in-some via Cumberland Gap and the
"Wilderness Road" from Virginia and the Carolinas;
others from Pennsylvania and the Northern and Central
part of Virginia, came by flat boat down the Ohio River
to Limestone (now Maysville, and from that point to Lex-
ington over the old ' Buffalo Trace "-and to these were
entrusted letters for delivery to the inhabitants of the new
    Thus were letters and packages received until 1.87,
when John Bradford, who founded the Kentucky Gazette
at Ltwxiagwri, the brss newspaper west of the Allegheny
Mountains, employed men calletl pfrst-riders, " to deliver
his paper to subscribers in the outlying communities and
to bring. in matter Zromracrrespondevts at different points.
One of thaso "post-riders inase regular journeys to Lime-
stone to carry papers and t( obtoin whatever mail matter
there might havo accuarrnl1teoc at that point for Mr. Brad-
ford. This rider also brought in correspondence which
came from the East down the river via Limestone to citi-
zens of Lexington, and in 179), Mr. Bradford, to still
further accommodate the people of the community, opened
a letter-box in his printing office, where all letters and
papers brought to town were deposited until called for.
This service was kept up until sometime in September,
1794, when the Government established a Postoffice at Lex-
ington, then a town of about 1,'000 inhabitants. The first
Postmaster was Innes Baxter Brent, who was appointed to
the office by President Washington, October 1st, 1794. Mr.
Brent was born in Prince William County, Virginia, in 1771.
Early in 1791 he, together with his brothers and sisters,
emigrated to Kentucky and settled in Lexington. Upon his
arrival here he was immediately appointed Deputy by
Sheriff Eli Cleveland. Soon afterward he was made
Jailor of Fayette County, which office he continued to



occupy while Postmaster. He kept the Postofflice in the
public room of the Log Jail, which building was located
on Main Street, near Broadway, on a lot now occut ied
in part by the Maguire Block, northwest corr.er Alain
and Broadway. The Postoffiee cons stedof a box divided
into pigeon holes, in which were arranged lhQ! papers and
letters in alphabetical order; this box: occupied a position
on the mantle above the wide fire-p ace, in rea h of the
public. Mser Brent evidently did not get down to business
in the capacity of Postmabter until over a month after his
appointment, for Mr. Bradrord, in his paper, issued
October 18, 1794, states that "Three mails from the East-
ward" were then due.
   On the 29th day of November, 1794, Mr. Brent adver-
tised in the Kentucky Gazette a list of unclaimed matter
remaining in the Postofflce. The advertisement was as
   "A list of letters remaining now in the Postofflice at
Lexington on the 10th day of November, 1794. "
   Joseph Beatty, South Elkhorn, Woodford Co., care of
Col. Robert Patterson; Newton Cannon. Scott County;
William Day, near Lexington, Fayette County; John Duff,
near Lexington, to the care of Mr. Samuel Conkley in Lex-
ingtOD: Evan Francis, in Kentucky in care of Mr Todd, Lex-
ington; Alexander Fischer, Bourbon County, to care of Dr.
Downing, Lexington; Robert See Mason, near Georgetown,
care Mr. John Grant; Thos. Hedge, near Lexington; Benja-
min Healy, Davids Fork Meeting House: Jertmiah Hoskin-
son, Brackins Creek, near Charlestown; John Hedges, care
of Jas. Morrison, Lexington; John Hile, Scott County; Mr.
Hitle, Breeches Maker, Lexington, to be forwarded to Jas.
Ryan, Breeches Maker; Jos. Jones, near Lexington; Jane
Lowry, near Blacks Station; Elizabeth Kincaid, Lexington;
Jas. Lacke, near Lexington; Samuel Lowry, care of Mr.
Marshall, Tavern Keeper, Lexington; Mr. Geo. Lewis,
Lexington; Thos. McCarty, Fayette County, to the care of
Mr. John Burnam or Mr. Thos. Lewis, near Lexington;
Col. Jas. McMillan, Kentucky; John McCall, Millright,
near Lexington, to the care of Mr. Ro Barr, Merchant,,
Robert Meeks, Washington, Ky., America; Hamilton
Rogers, Kentucky; Mr. Benj. Rogers; Jos. Sterrett, near
Georgetown; John Scott, to the care of Captain Scott,
Lexington; Rev. Benedict Swope, Dick's River; Rev. John



Seawell, Lexington: William Scott, Woodford County, on
Glenn's Creek; Arthur Stewart. Merchant, Lexington;
John Smith, Fayette County, nehr Lexington; Jos. Stevens,
Kentucky; William Thornton. Lexington: John Tapp,
near Lexington: to Solomon and Lucy Walters. near Lex-
ington; Mrs. Lucy Waters: Mr. Ozius Welch to care of Mr.
Alex. McConnell, Lexington.
                            INNES B. BRENT, P. M.
    The Postage on letters in those days was regulated by
a table of distances 30 miles and under-6 cts.: over thirty
and under eighty, 10 cts ; over eighty and under one hun-
dred and fifty, 12'2 cts. ;over one hundred and fifty and
under four hundred, 1834 cts. ; over four hundred, 25 cts.
    Sometimes the sender would prepay the charges on let-
ters, but not often, and those to whom they were addressed
would have to pay the charges before taking them from the
   During the years 1794-5-6-7 the mail was brought down
the Ohio River in boats from Wheeling to Kennedy 's Bot-
tom, and from there to Lexington by post-rider. Ken-
nedy's Bottom was situated some distance up the river
from Limestone (Maysville), the road from which landing
place to the interior of the State was considered less ex-
posed to the attacks of wandering bands of Indians. Dur-
ing the winter time mails were very irregular, and when
the river was frozen no mails were received for several
weeks at a time. The contract for carrying the mail by
boat down the river ended January 1st, 1798, and from that
date until some time in the month of March following, no
mail whatever was reeeived by that route, and the only
communication with the outside world was obtained
through the meagre mail which came in from the South via
Danville. As early as 1792 a Postoffice was established at
Danville by the Government, and a post-route was put in
operation from "Moffats in Tennessee by Col. Orrs,
Powell's Valley, Cumberland Gap to Danville once a
week," the post-rider coming from Cumberland Gap to
Danville over the " Wilderness Road. " On April the 254h,
1793, the post-rider was ambushed on Laurel River (now
in Laurel County) by a party of Indians and killed, along




with a companion who accompanied him. The savages
stole the bridle and saddle from his horse and also the
mail bag. In l796 post-routes were established from Lex-
ington to various points in Ken!ucky and mails were re-
ceived and dispatched as frequently as once a week to
Washington, Ky., (Mason County). Paris, Frankfort,
Harrodsburg, Danville, Bardstown, Louisville and George-
   The mail-carrier or "post-rider," as he was known,
was quite an important person in those days. He was al-
ways mounted on a fleet steed and carried a horn, which
was vigorously blown to apprise the people of his coming.
When he dashed up to the Postoffice a crowd was there to
meet him, and as soon as he had deposited the mail-bag
with the Postmaster, he became the center of an inquisitive
throng, to whom he related the news he had gathered along
the route, and this each individual in the orowd event away
and repeated, until everybody in the community was in-
formed of what had transpired in the other settlements.
The arrival of newspapers from Philadelphia was eagerly
awaited, and the days they were expected crowds gathered
about the office to hear the news, which was read aloud by
some strong-lunged individual, who occupied a point of
vantage on some dry goods box.
   These facts but illustrate the crude and uncertain
methods by which Lexington and Central Kentucky had to
communicate with the rest of the world. Compare these
methods with the wonderful system that obtains to-day and
think what time and God have wrought.
   John Wesley Hunt was the second Postmaster ap-
pointed at Lexington. He was selected for the position by
President John Adams, April 1st, 1799. Mr. Hunt was
born in Trenton, N. J., in 1773. His father was Abraham
Hunt, who was Postmaster at Trenton in colonial days,
and who was afterward continued as Postmaster there
when the Postal Service was re-organized and established
by the new Goverment of the United States.
   John Wesley Hunt came to Kentucky about 1794 or




1795, and in 1797 he married Katherine Grosh, who was
the great grand-daughter of Guttenberg, the inventer of
printing. Mr. Hunt was a very energetic business man,
and had great business interests, not only in Lexington,
but in Philadelphia as well. He was an extensive dealer
in hemp and was interested in a line of sailing vessels from
Philadelphia to China and other Eastern countries. He
conducted an extensive mercantile business in the building
on Main Street, opposite the Court House, now ocftpied by
the two firms of Greenway and Purnell, stationers. This
building is still in the possession of his decendants, being
owned by William and Miss Clara Dudley, hisgreat-grand-
children. Mr. Hunt was also associated with John Jacob
Astor in the sulphur and saltpeter trade in 1812. He was
also President of the Lexington Fire, Life and Marine In-
surance Company. He died August 22nd, 1841.
    The Postofflee during Mr. Hunt's term, was moved to
Postlewaith's Tavern, which stood on the present site of
the Phoenix Hotel. Here it remained until July 1, 1801,
when it was located in the office of the Kentucky Gazette
on West Main Street, on the site now occupied by the Van
Deren Hardware store. Mr. Hunt's time being occupied
in his various business enterprises, he appointed Andrew
McCalla his assistant, who conducted the office for him.
When Mr. Hunt took possession of the office there were
132 unclaimed letters, which he advertised as 'List of let-
ters remaining in the postoffice at Lexington, which will be
returned to the general postofftce as dead letters, if not
taken out in three months. "
    In 1800 a mail route from Washington City to Lexing-
ton was established by Wyandotte, Va, Owingsville, Mt.
Sterling and Winchester, mail to be carried over same
once every two weeks on the following schedule: Leave
Washington every other Saturday at 8:00 A. M., and ar-
rive at Lexington on the Monday of the next week at 8:00
A. M. Returning, leave Lexington every other Thursday
and arrive in Washington on the Friday of the next week
at 4 P. M. Fifteen minutes were allowed for the opening




and closing (,f the mail at all offices along the route. In
this year a mail route connecting Lexington and Nash-
ville, Tenn , was established via Frankfort to Shelbyville,
Bardstown, Elizabethtown, Russellville to Robinson's C.
H., Tenn.. (Nashville) once every two weeks. In this year
mail connection was also established with Hopkinsville,
Henderson, Greenville, Bowling Green, Glasgow, Greens-
burg, Stanford and Lancaster.
   A census of the town taken in April, 1801, shows that
the town of Lexington contained a population of I7 95.
There was in operation here a number of manufacturing
establishments, and Lexington was the commercial center
from which all of the western country procured its sup-
plies. Such an extensive trade as carried on by the mer-
chants and manufacturers at that time necessarily resulted
in tbe exchange of a great deal of correspondence, and the
revenues derived from postage on the same, most of which
went to the Postmaster's compensation, were considerable.
   About the first of the year, 1801, the Southern mail, which
came in over the Wilderness route, was held up at Cheek's
Cross Roads for seven weeks on account of there being no
post-rider between that place and Orrville, a distance of
12 miles. The consequence was there was much complaint
among the patrons of the Lexington office. Judging from
the frequent non-arrival of mail on scheduled time, and the
delay of weeks ata time between mails, it would seem that the
mail contractors and their deputies did just as they pleased
in transporting the inail from one office to another on their
respective routes, and the editor of the Gazette said: "the
newspapers all over the land are complaining about the in-
efficiency of the service. "
   The third Postmaster at Lexington was John Jordan,
Jr., who was appointed to the office by President Thomas
Jefferson, July 1st, 1802. Mr. Jordan was an Englishman
by birth and was an early settler of Lexington, and during
a life of active commercial enterprise, was one of its most
useful citizens. It was during Mr. Jordan's term as Post-
master in 1805, that Aaron Burr came to /Lexington, ac-
companied by his dupe, Blennerhassett. Mr. Jordan en-




tertained them while here at his home, and this circum-
stance was the cause in later years, when Burr's conspir-
acy against the United States was uncovered, of bringing
down upon Mr. Jordan's head a great deal of harsh crit-
icism and adverse comment by his fellow-citizens. The
anger of the community soon died out when it became
known that that gentleman had no knowledge of Burr's in-
tention against the Government, but entertained him solely
because he Was a distinguished man and a 'stranger within
our gates."
    Mr. Jordan was Postmaster under three administra-
tions and died September 9th, 1813, while yet in office.
    The Postofftce was located for some years in Mr. Jor-
daD 's store on Upper Street, facing the Court House square.
In 1808 he located the office in another of his buildings,
which stood on the site of the present Odd Fellows Hall
on East Main Street, between Limestone and Upper. In
1812 Mr. Jordan moved the office and located it in a little
red frame building which stood on the site now occupied
by the livery stable on East Main Street near the present
United States Government building, and used by Cren-
shaw  Company. Mr. Jordan's assistant was Benjamin
    In addition to the one mail received weekly from
Washington and the East via Mt. Sterling, Owingsville
and Wyandotte, Va., the Government, in 1802, added an
additional mail from the East to Lexington, by Chilli-
cotbe, Ohio, overthe National Road, thus giving to Lex-
ington two mails a week from that direction, scheduled to
arrive at 3:CO P. M., on Monday of each week. The route
from the East for this mail was as follows: From Wash-
ington, Pa., where mail routes from Philadelphia, Pa.,
and other Eastern points converged, by Brooks Court
House, Virginia, to Wheeling, Va., Zanesville, Ohio,
Hockhocing to Chillicothe, Ohio, and from Chillicothe-an-
other distributing point--to Manchester to Maysville, Wash-
ington, Mason Co., Kentucky, Paris, Lexington and Ver-
sailles to Frankfort. Returning, the mail-carrier left Lex-




ington at 6:00 A. M. Saturdays and Tuesdays. A mail route
was also established this year from Washington, Mason
County, Ky., by Augusta to Cincinnati, with one mail each
way once a week. And in the Fall of 1802 a mail route
was established from Frankfort by Georgetown, Cynthiana,
Falmouth and Alexandria to Cincinnati once a week, and
mail from Lexington to Cincinnati was dispatched via
Georgetown and Washington both, for Cincinnati. A
weekly mail was also put on this year from Lexington to
Nashville, Tenn., via Frankfort, Shelbyville, Bardstown
and Russellville. Mail connections with Somerset and
Monticello by Danville was established this year with mail
once a week. On October 30th, 1802, the mail from Lexing-
ton and other points throughout this section for Nash-
ville, Natchez and New Orleans was robbed near Shelby-
ville, Ky. Besides taking the mail from the post-rider, the
robbers secured most of his clothing and assaulted him. A
regular mail was established this year between Lexington
and Louisville once a week both ways.
    In August, 1803, stage coaches were put in operation
between Lexington and Frankfort, and from Lexington via
Mt. Sterling to Olympia Springs, trips being made once a
week to the latter point and twice a week to Frankfort, and
soon the mail to these points was transferred to the stage
coach and the post-rider became an institution of the past.
On November 3rd, 1803, the post-rider carrying the Eastern
mail was stopped by a highwayman between Paris and Lex-
ington and pulled from his horse at the point of a pistol.
The highwayman then mounted the horse and rode away
some distance into the forest, where he cut open the bag
and rifled its contents. Postmaster Jordan offered a re-
ward of 200 for his apprehension, but no record is had
that the robber was ever captured.
   It would appear that Lexington was well supplied with
facilities for receiving and dispatching mails, but for some
reason, probably a combination of swollen streams, muddy
roads and the almost trackless wilderness through which
the mail routes were laid off, mails were very irregular in
their arrival, and the Department came in for a good




round of abuse because of the inefficient service. The
editors of Lexington's two newspapers almost weekly
chronicled the fact that "no mail" had arrived at the hour
of going to press. In his issue of January 2d, 1808, the
editor of the Reporter says: The Eastern mail failed
both on Tuesday and Saturday last, and should one arrive
even to-morrow, our dates will be thirty-one days old from
Philadelphia and Washington. We ask Mr. Granger (the
Postmaster- General), what has become of his improve-
ments and four and a half days from Wheeling to Frank-
fort-" The mails from Limestone in 1808 were brought in
by stage coach, and the owners of same, in their desire to
accommodate passengers with as quick a journey as pos
sible between that place and Lexington, often times when
the mails from the north side of the river were only a few
minutes late, would drive away without waiting for same,
and in consequence, mail laid over at that point several
days, or until the next stage left.
   The act of Congress, 1810, establishing fourteen post
routes in Kentucky, called for the re-arrangment of the
service between this city and other points in Kentucky, giv-
ing to the people a better accommodation. In January,
1811, the Postmaster at Lexington was authorized by the
Postmaster-General to furnish the different Postmasters in
the Western country printed way bills and other matter
needed by them in the conduct of their respective offices,
and Mr. Jordan advertised that all orders forwarded to
him for these supplies would be attended to by return post.
   In the Fall of 1813 the Postoffice Department made
arrangements whereby newspapers should be given more
consideration in their dispatch, and it was announced that
this class of matter from Washington and points east
would reach Lexington three or four days earlier and from
the South a week.
   Mr. Jordan died on September 9th, 1813, and Daniel
Childs was made Acting Postmaster for the sureties and
continued as such until January 1st, 1814.
   Lexington 's fourth Postmaster was Captain John
Fowler, a distinguished pioneer and a prominent figurein




the early politics of the Commonwealth. In 1787 he repre-
sented Fayette County in the Virginia Legislature as a del-
egate, along with Thomas Marshall. Later he and
Humphrey Marshall were delegates from Fayette County,
Kentucky, to the Virginia Convention which ratified the
present Constitution of the United States. Captain Fowler
was elected the first member of Congress, September 17th,
1796, from the Fayette District, and he served in Congress
several terms. Captain Fowler for a number of years
lived in a residence situated on East Main Street, on what
is now part of the ground occupied by the present Govern-
ment Building. He operated a corn mill for a long time
on the spot where Nelson's elevator now stands. This mill
was run by water from the natural lake situated several
hundred yards to the east, and which body of water was
the headwaters of the town branch of Elkhorn and was
a considerable stream at that point. This spot for long
years afterward was known as Fowler's Garden, and was
a prominent place of recreation for the public.
   Captain Fowler was appointed by President Madison
and took possession of the Lexington Postoffice January 1st,
1814. His commission, however, dated from April 1st, 1814.
Captain Fowler's assistant was Wm. F. Carty. The Post-
office was in a building adjoining the Gazette office on West
Main Street. where the hardware store of Van Deren 
Company now stands. The re arrangement of the routes
in 1814 seemed to have made matters worse in the reception
of Eastern and Southern mails, for there was great com-
plaint about the delays occurring in the years 1814-15. In
1816 stage coaches had superseded the post-riders on most
of the routes leading from Lexington. In 1817 a line of
mail stages were put on from Louisville via Lexington to
Wheeling, Va . where connection was made with the East-
ern stages. The distance scheduled to be covered daily
was sixty miles, with three trips a week between Louisville
and Wheeling. The same company operated a line of
stages from Frankfort, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn., three
times a week. Thus was Lexington enabled to secure a
tri-weekly mail from the East and South  In the year




1818 the schedule of the arrivals and departures of
mail from the Postoffice at Lexington was: The Eastern
mails arrived on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday even-
ings; dispatched on Monday, Wednesday and Friday even-
ings. The Western mail via Louisville arrived on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday evenings; dispatched on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The Western mail
was closed at 6 o'clock P. M., for dispatch; the Eastern
mail was closed for dispatch upon the arrival of the West-
ern mail. The New Orleans mail arrived on Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 11: 0 A. M. It was closed on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon. A Cincinnati
mail arrived on Monday and Friday at 11:00 A. M. It was
closed for dispatch Tuesday and Thursday at 1:00 P. m.