xt7k3j393529 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j393529/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1992 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1992 Vol.63 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 1992 Vol.63 No.12 1992 2019 true xt7k3j393529 section xt7k3j393529 , . . . ,5ng “a ' H :11: 1* ll: 1 :“am ' '9
fl fiwwo’ m n w Hrwgzfig H W:- i;-_E:;l-il"l"l..lli::lei-i" L. l: 33l11=il551ll'%i l: r , , i
,El.‘ {‘9' LE‘i: l: Hllill liii‘l" Iii-i119 me e
, DECEMBER 1992 as . .
.. , VOLUME 63 0 NUMBER 12 we? ,
. *————__——— e .
. The official publication of the no i. .
' Kentucky Press Service ' ’ I '
"_MM“_ V . 'i
/ " Jan. 21-23 of Exegufive Inn. Louisville . ' . .
m - ,_ , beatnik I I I I A "
Season rest 5 Winter Convention: A little something for everyone ; -
““— Ohh, the) wfeafiiter outside affects newspapers. until the Wilkinson adminis- Association. A '
mig t not e ig ul, but the The panel discussion leads tration. Gov. Jones indicated The first, “Ph ." ‘
SCO", Afldel's cold, dreary days of winter are into the Friday luncheon. Gov. at the 1992 Winter Convention Tips for Reponemffcigrgzieigg r 3
f b d fast approaching and that Brereton Jones has been invit- that he would return to the to reporters who find they 9 '
new 0 CC" means it’s almost time for ed to deliver his State of the tradition. have to cover meetings or d i ‘=
Bob Scott, publisher of the another Kentucky Press Commonwealth address at Friday afternoon’s division other news events and need to (I , '
Georgetown News & Times, association Winter Conven- noon on Friday. breakout sessions are high juggle a camera at the same , ’ f
and Mike Anders, publisher of two The tradition of the gover- lighted by two photography time- . '
The New 8- Enterprise in The 124th KPA winter con- nor delivering the State of the workshops, presented in con- The session offers easy-to- ,, . *
Elizabethtown, have been fab is scheduled Jan. 21-23 at State address began with Gov. junction with the Kentucky use tips for improving the .- l I
elected to three-year terms on the. .Executive Inn in Bert T. Combs and continued Newspaper Photographers quality of your photographs, ' '
the KPA/KPS board of direc- Lomsvrlle. along with a question and ‘ - l
tors. . An addéd feature this year . answer 5953“"! 011 Specific 1'; ‘ '
Their terms ofiicially begin 38 3 Charlie MW“? Adve'fis- AnnuiusmessSessin Problems i .
Jan. 23, 1993, although Scott mg Institute 5955“" 0n The second photography , 2 T
assumes the uneisnired serni Thursday, Jan. 21- . scheulefrJn23 session will be a curiquooizs In
of Jim Green of the Lexington A130 0“ Jan- 21 W!" be the ’ selected newspapers on photo , -:
Herald-Leader. KPA/KPS board of directors TheKentuckyPressAmociatwn/KentuckyPress coverage and quality. The ass 7 -
Green resigned his board luncheon and meeting, begin- V, SemceannualfiusmessSessnonhasbeensched-i sion also allows the chance to
Q seat earlier this im- cling at 12 moonith91993 KPA ulefiforfiamrdayilan23b§ainninoagi93me get a four design/Hana. tannin- .
Dorothy Abernathy, general noon; and an opening recep- Kentucky???” .Advertising sessions feature . . .
LaGrange; Teresa Revlett: . Friday’s general. sessions yearrendfinanclaistatements;1993preedbudr Federal Laws Affecting i ‘,
general manager of the Inclufie .Ed Henmnger “1 gemandelectwwufficmmmfls“1993 Newspaper Advertising,” fol- l

, McLean County News 081- redesrgnmg your newspaper; TheBuslnessSessionisgpartotiff} lowed by KPA General ,’ L '
horn and Charlie postmann we Charlie Mouser on what “WWW“Asmmfimwmmcmemwn*0 Counsel Mike ,Judy and ' . .
gene’ral manager of rhe’ newspapers need t0 d0 to build “he”“themmutweimimmne Executive Director David T. ,
Franklin Favorite. up advertising; and a panel KpApresrdeutMarySchurzwfllpresxdooverthe Thompson discussing KRS 424 l‘ 7

Abernathy is also treasurer discuss” °f the meme Bummimm —Pub1icNoiiceAdvenisins ; .
HI/meefimlfnsw In fernshlps 7‘0 r 9.0/0 C e scholarships .; . '
ueincmmleyn nie sensuciry press nose- ’1984, only our core presently arougii the remission. . 3 .

~ NomatronsfartheKenmckydoumahsmfialloff‘ame ciation board of directors has employed in the “”5989" N ”3133”” mum 1‘“ be If i4;

' nreduebyFnday,Jan15 unanimouslyapproved a sub- business. required to pay the intorn’s - ?

. Nearososerionshaveoeeninductaintotheoaoof stantial change in the scholar. Following a lengthy discus salary, but would be asked to <

; KentuckydoumahsmiaiummAssocmtmntorecogmze the Kentucky Journalism its August meeting, the board travel and mileage expenses. . . ,
Konrs'siolssilosvisitorsthesisiogmi‘mimini'ntii-llnflimWith8 Foundation. directed the KJF Committee The program begins in the - , i
iomahsmprofesszm The move will not only help to consider alternatives to the summer of 1993 with five ; ; 3
SeleCfiODS3mm3defi0mm31WduaIS”hVinganfiaeafi" college students with financial present scholarship program. internships to befundedi _, , ,

" when”namesofkentuckynrwhohavespentasignificant assistance for their education, The KJF Committee included along with 21 renewed schol- e _
ti‘aenthackgroundinformauonaboutthenomineeandapho- and serve as a member ser- The committee’s recommen— a:2:2his;s22;:22522232253;2iis;222232;siséséeé-zé£222ieésésésas:séeéaésasg2;:g:2aéasa:a:séséz‘saésézésé22333225325225 f * ;
moans vice. dation to the Oct. 29 board Insie f ,

' Shoolofiomehsm Journalism Foundation scholarship program to an : .

: GIMJOWI’WBWIW awards 28 $1,000 scholarships internship program. , . .

. Ummstssfmmoo ‘each year to college students. It involves pissing in the AG s opinion on the _: . i
Whimwmfi The awards are renewable program over a three-year Parole Board, page 3 i ,

, “await“ education requirements estab foundation will be funding 10 Who is KPA? page 6 i ,.

- i‘hoselecoosoommtteeoomstsofihoiososfthsim lished by the foundation. internships each summer. Readership up :
JomahmimétmmmtwfAuxmmckyamaacam‘s survey of past recipients, KPA gested each internship be for page , i i
awarded scholarships since receiring $250 per user OUdI’r, page 18 ,3 , i

_ e . . J

 j ,. .___ , 7’, f” -
x \\ .3» 3‘ ‘7 ; 3 r’
e 5; . 3r
_ .‘EE EE EE E E E:
Page 2,TheKentucl _'
at the prisons would have to- they do not want this in gen- employee telephone habit, 34 sion others are likely to get. ”(6‘) : , 1,
be renovated to accommodate eral. percent chose “using the hold It also can keep employees on ‘\ 1’
’ more people, Runda said. “Most victims who appear button without asking per- their toes. ’ " Av. \‘ ' j
“It’s going to cost in the before the parole board want mission.” (West Virginia PressAswcialion) , , ,. ; i f E , , , ',
1 ' l
; ‘ %:fjf__w__ T 9.1—- -'

 ; » r 5
Page 4, The Kentucky Press, December 1992 I ' .5 ,
The Lexington Herald- Kentucky, is covering city 555'”3”?'5z;5'55:"2§§§§55555575555535353555iiiiiifiifiiii“iiii5‘5595:555‘3‘5:§35§5§§§§§ Cabinet and, most recent] dent, has been elected to a t - ‘
Leader has announced five government. He has worked WKUSCQTGSGQGID ' ' y, h - th 1;, d " 3 c
. . . , , TWOWesternKentnck as associate editor at the t ree year term on e oar . c
_ administrative personnel for The News-Enterprise in $555555?F5352gziiessésszészsza;€535agsg:5éz::gz;sgz;sgg1g;5;;gsgs:rg5%zgsgsgs§55=ggsgsgggsgzgsgz::25351;;ggsgsgegagsssgggr¥35§§ Roanoke Beacon in Plymouth, of directors 0f the Kentucky ‘ 7
changes. Editor TIM KELLY Elizabethtown, The Advocate- gin?rmtyéstmiten;sand N .C. Humanities Council. The 1 I
has added 120.1118 responsiblli- Messenger in Danville and, €Leparmelil033ur; A new member of the sales communications director at , . ‘ 5
- “GS/title semor V108 PreSIdent most recently, a daily in naismwereonorea stafi' at The News—Enter rise St. Catharine College is for- 5 1x
‘ «thee33rdv=annualrwmiame: P
. 0f the newspaper. DAVID Jackson, Tenn. N OELLE in Elizabethtown is MARTY mer publisher/editor of the ‘7 A
. STONE and MIKE . PHILLIPS is the new region- fiand‘gphfi?mtf°“gg FULKERSON. Harlan Daily Enterprise and 1 $
1 KUJAWA are new Vice presi- a] reporter for Muhlenberg gmnourmmmwas Eastman Kodak retiree LaRue County Herald News ; g
dents; Stone for operations and McLean counties. She is ‘ swamflami JIM JONES has been hired in Hodgenville. 3 p
. and Kiuawa for marketing. a 1991 graduate of Western “I.s’,awnar as a art-time camera techni- Courier-Joumal editorial ?
1 - - iiournahemrm '- moot-items: p n
BRENDA WAYB.RIGHT has Kentucky UmverSity. A 1992 Columbialacgiseed cian at the Central Kentucky writer and columnist BETTY
. er, and BILL BASS is the STEVENSON, has joined the mnemrmmg Campbellsville. recently at Centre College. R
1 new asSistant to the Vlce COPY desk. Winner Of a DOW PaulBatdwinai-eeent KPA Associate FAITH ‘ MERLENE DAVIS, 5 ti
2, president for marketing. Jones copy editing internship, graduatefromliouisvflle MILLER COLE has been columnist for the Lexington 5 t}
3 ”Am ”.10“ 1f” . 513° Named “”1 the imam, named director of corporate Herold-Loader, was a recent ' .; N
5 announced his resignation 83 Richmond (V a.) N ews-Leader. p communications at Kentucky Speaker at Prestonsburg . or
director of the Umvers1ty of KRISTIN BIVENS is also Utilities. Community College. , : 0
Kentucky School, of . new to the copy desk. A for. CHARLES PEARL has At the Glasgow Daily JACK SIMS, a former I 7 re
1 Journahsm, effective With the met intern with the Joumal- been named editor and adver- Times, GARY JEFFERIES Kentucky bureau chief for ,. se
1. 1993-94 academic year: Gazette in Fort Wayne, In-r ’ tismg manager at the _ has been promoted from The Associated Press, has ' le
SCOTT WHIfl‘LQW W1" she was graduated from Tnmble Banner Democrat m inserter to mailroom foreman. retired as professor and head 5 ec
3 serve as interim director dur- Indiana University last year. Bedford. He has worked With CELIA MCDONALD, of Auburn (Ala) UniversitY’S 5 3t
1 gilt-1:: 222213;:Egtgigule . 3:51:33 331111113111: 1:: KPA immediate past presi- department of journalism. 3 , g 3:
1 ~ NANCY AKELAND ' , um 2
will remain on the journalism W - 13 a News-Journal in ' ' . » '
,1 f It new account executive at the C b 11 .11 . . . ec
t ”111ng ROW News-Democrat and Logan NomoEo ow oood The Sheroan Is deSIgn group contact; 2 F«
F . S: Leader in Russellville. She is 9}” "term“ In . r . _ : A,
1 pubhsher of the Central 3 1992 graduate ofWestem Elizabethtown: I-Ie has one WIII share tips, Ideas, experiments : a
; Kentucky News-Journal, was . Kentucky University and for- served as public information _ ‘
13 named Businessman ofthe mer marketing and a dvertis- ofiicer for the state Natural The Society of Newspaper to crow about your. successes, . 1
,;-...ir..ear by, earnestness...“ .iiig- intern mo. .rrunor the . :Requreee.eo;d_nut. . ~--= r, - ”are; shoals? zoom than = seasons to other or soot . .... . . w
1‘ grofessional Women’s Club in Loom. " - ,. EnvironmentalProteétioni‘f" Eire: 10239,. ineinbei: t1)“ L'i‘ldVice about nagging prob- 55’s 3‘.
1 ampbellsville. , en uc y, is tying o e ems. 31 ‘ ‘ W :_‘
l The Messenger-Inquirer in Co$$$eidfilwr$€rlléamel more relevant and “Sible for T0 meet deadlines, ‘1 '
5 Owensboro has filled four I FLORA has jdihed the staff Inmemrim its members at smaller news- Sheroan needs your informa- 1 I
,, GREG KOCHER, a 1980 London as eme. en ser- SND incoming pres1dent mail the items to him at the 5 B‘
s graduate ofthe University of vices re orter fig , cy 1990 L. J Hortin Nancy Tobin and first vice Messenger-Inquirer, Box L Ti
‘ ‘ p ' e“ a ' ', president George Benge are 1480, Owensboro, KY 42302 —~
; EzE:E:E:E:E:E:E:E:S:E:§:E:E:E:i:§:3:3:E:z:§:1:5:52:32:325:2:52535:35:}:2225::13231522:2:121:22::E:=:¢:E:1:3:1:5=1:=:3$511115: 3mu8t0fEisteH1: Kentucky LJ' HOrtlfi, Whose career committed to carrying out 01' FAX y 0111' item to him at 5 I M
1 niversi y, w are ewas as a journa ism educator - - _ I "-' 5
Awrd3&5u¢h copy editor for The Eastern spanned 46 years, died Nov. tigempfifgga b t d . 502/685 3446' ' ‘ fo?
1 Progress. . 27 in Murray He was as "is ‘ s 8 °“ ”lg“ TI
1 . I “ Hortin taught at Murray are being collected monthly 5 h e
. v - - .
re t s. time_again for the Two photographers at The State University from 1928 to- by newly-appomted state _ 7 w:
., porters equivalent of wm- A dvocate-Messen erin , coordinators. Items from i f
I ning the lottery. The deadline D '11 h be" 194.7 end egam mm 1967 Kentucky, which is in SND , :- °
§ is Jan. 15 for entries for the anv1 e. ave en promoted until his retirement m 1974' Region 2 are being collected 0C 1'2 th
5 Selden Ring Award for the :dh:$;: 5:351? pagog- From 1947 t°,1967' he was by Ben Sheroan, managing :1: 5 :3
1 most distinguished investiga- p J e e s ' professor. and-director of‘the editor of the M essenger- q? g .5;
7 tive re - . JAMES MORRIS has been Ohio UniverSity Journalism - - " ' th
. , porting in the country ted fr hi f h Inquirerin Owensboro. 3‘ >
‘2 — with a prize of $25 000. promo omc e p otog- SChOOI' For the re ional re orts C '9 5
i . . ’ rapher to photo/pagination In his earl ears at . . g p ’ O: or, D . i a
1 For more information, con- editor He attended Eastern M h y y SND is looking for any news (J N o .
; tact William J. Woestendiek, and Western Kentuck uni- thurray, e :vas the head Of that will be of interest to its ch, ,4 N ' "“5 pa
213/740-3914; FAX 213/740- versities and has worlfe d for d E tleournh 15m timing! members: redesigns, faceliflzs, E W C. I 5 go
8624' . . the Citizen Voice&Times in 1'3: 603‘: Emma; dr 9 p i“ new projects, content § C. s t1:
;. . °Feb. 1 is the deadline for Irvine The Dail News in th 1 C)” an e 1 or a V15" 0 enhancements or other exper- O O .35 W
1 applications for John S. Bowlin Gr n y (1 th e 0 ege News. _ iments. Upcoming workshops, a: 5 g .
Knight Fellowships for R' h g dlge .an JIeM After returning to MSU "1 press association meetings g: D W _ dl'
; Professional Journalists for AfiDnltIBGEegzisgladuate of 196.7’ he Establgh'eddboth the and 501) changes 3150 are wel- "J a? ' "'55 lie:
5 1993-94 at Stanford Univer- ’ major an mas rs egree m come. ' 0‘ ’V I; e
; ~ . the Art Institute of ' Ii . 0s 11., .25
; lmty. Twelve print and broad- . - journa sm. Each month Sheroan Will - r?
cast journalists will be select- Plilttzburgli; movingmhstaff He was a charter member be collecting tidbits to submit : lil
ed to spend a sabbatical year p oh graIpR 311211“: p otog- of the Kentucky Journal-ism to Region 2 Director Roger _ 1 W:
at the university -— with no rap on} ERSON’ Hall of Fame and was nation- Holtman of the Roanoke (Va.) - . _ j fa:
deadlines or tests. Fellows gnohemlpfoyifi oil‘) the Kentucky a] president of Kappa Tau Times & World News. Tr» 151‘ hi
’ 1 receive stipends of $30,000, 008;: . e :af, 13 the Alpha honorary journalism The newsletter will be “a w . W
Plus tuition and book Emil!) “mg?! otographer. scholarship society. Posted electronically first on x ‘Q 1 5 h“
1 allowances. For information, the Ijis'atteii e fEKTU and He had worked for the St. SND Forum on PressLink se
:5 write John S. Knight Fellow- ,e mversity 0 Kentucky. Louis_Post-Dispatch, The and JFomm on CompuServe. 1 W:
ships, Dept. of Communica- 7 . 1 Associated Press, United A hard copy of the SND - - - 2 Si(
tion, Stanford University, \flfl' Press, Courier-Journal in Update willfollow. ,5
5 Stanford, CA 94305-2050; fifi Louisvflle, and Murray You're encouraged to par- 5 W(
. phone 415/723—4937. - *\ Ledger &Tlm68- ‘ ticipate.