xt7k3j393755 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j393755/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1981 1981 1981-10-26 2020 true xt7k3j393755 section xt7k3j393755 , . , _ ,, , - - . 1 1 ,1 . - 1 . " yaw . '21:- . at: films if 59517.}? f
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Vol. LXXXIV, No.51 An independent studmt newspaper since 1971 University 0' Kentucky
Monday, October 26,1981 Lexington. Kentucky 7;. -
“ {,3
I I t el'eve Huber as inst'tute director t '
' WW ecutive Committee, Singletary said manceofDoctorHuber,"hesaid. details are negotiated by your at— hamperedtlieinstitute. Sing' letary further recommended
By 1 t Editor his decision followed a recommenda- He added that the case had been tomey and representatives of the The panel gave these five recom- thatanadvisoryboardbeatablished
W“ e tion from Wimberly Royster, reviewed by lawyers who felt that University’s business and legal of- mMfim for consideration by tooverseethe mmted at 1_
.—____________. graduate dean, that Huber should there were no grounds for prosecu- flees." Singletary: the institute and that a posititn of _
l . ‘ “notbereimtated.” tion. The exact amount of money involv- , The institute be maintained and “associate director for administra- .
l Amid controver 3195 over "3V9! ex- The controversy over Huber arose Included in the information provide ed was not disclosed. supported. lion” be coated.
t 90135. sexual harassment charges last April when administrators ed to Fayette Commalwealth at- Addressing the charges of data , A campaigi be undertaken to Singleer also said he would be ' *
,1 and scientific W0“ found “un- received complaints from institute tomeys was the possilility that fabrication,Singletary saidastudyof provide the public with a better tryilg to molve the quation of who i
,1 distinguished," Gary HUNT. head 0‘ members charging Huber withsexual Huber, as well as assistant directa' the institute that he had commission- mmmmofmemtlmte'g gonlg would head the imtitute. Currently,
. the TOWN" and Health Research In harrassment, fabrication of research Val Pochay, had received WW)" ed earlier this year found no basis , An external evaluation be made Lanton Davis, who was appa'nted 1
. solute. was fired l‘fnddybyUmvefir data and questioning some of his ment for traveling and moving no that Huber had practiced unethical to am use scientific m sup- temporary director last April, will ,
6’ President Otis Sligletary 1 ' financial dealings. pulses. proceedures in presentation of scien- ported by theimtitute. continue in theposition. '
« Huber. who had how temporarily Singletary said, howevu', thatthe In his ll‘elentation to the commit- uric research. , Continued sumort be given the “with these actions,” said 7,
“5‘3““ ‘° "‘9 medical demon dismissal had “no relationship to the we. Sinsletary oaldheaokod Huber to However. the study conducted by insfitute by administrata-s including Singletary, “I believe that the Univer-
,‘ was “fiddly relieved 0‘ his [”81th legal and scientific 00003118." . “make restitution as to the amounts 3 five-member panel said research at the wane!“ and tenure of ((3) Siva HICKS“ have“ served."
. as the director by Singletary 133‘ “This action is based upon our of matey which are rightly due the the imh'tute was “undistinguished” faculty. Huber. who will continue as a full
week 0" the mmmmd‘m“ °‘ the perception of what is in the best in- Urdversityf’ and the lack of wtside peer review I The institute’s focus should re- time member of the medical depart-
Board 0‘ “115W?“- , terest of the Institute and upon the un- Singletary, in a letter to Huber, said and intradepartment communica- main on a narrow and clearly defined ment, has the option of appealing
In a WMWM ‘0 the Board 5 3’“ satisfactory administrative perfor- “this will,_I assume, occur as soon as tion, and inconsistency in funding had path. Singletnry's decision.
‘ 1 1. ‘ 1 W . , ,‘1 «e . Conference concluded ,,
. » - “'5 -~ w poo to 3 st ~
, e at! .- u -. , . or- r na I n mu , .
‘19 : ~1~ . -~ oak or so u Ions
I . _‘ \ , " w ’ W" t ""7 "at” \ a , ———_— ' ‘ " _ i"
l r" ‘ ‘ "‘ o1 -. / ‘l 1 e1. ayononce GEDDA “sauna?” “macaw" g;
! it, , if?" , l - V" t ". '". , ,. n " htwms write. mmmce _ .L .1
- ,l l '1 1 . 7 U ' ; ; A" :' Nyrere argues that Tanzania’s pro-
m \§ . ‘1.» . .3- ~ E —-—————__ bleim stem mostly from a steady 3;:
I ‘ ft, ‘ .;, " "fete, . 7 45;." CANCUN Mexico _ The North— detgioratton in the tents of Tan- .
..,. ‘1- ,1 e. r 1 ’. zamasforetgnu-ade.mneyeam ago, .
, . , 2111c _ - , f South sumnut conference held here m tom of Tanzanian cotton cx- _,
.' "J 9 ‘3, ‘4‘ ' - ' “ , n so? last week, reduced to its simplest m could buy a seven—ton truck. .
" 1 1 o «1 ‘ , 11 are" ""“l 11‘“ terms. was a debate over whether the .-
35 . . . #7} , , , i... = $9 poor tries are victims of an un Last year, the purchase of same
~ . ‘ 1 . .. . . - 1 ' '1 00““ ‘ eamingsof28
" t j K . ' 1 K , ’ i 4 g just international economic order or ggmateupme
" ' " Q ‘ - ‘ a . Q .a ”N 7;, w ltistheplightofcountries literar-
, 1 . "11 - ,. - . ,4 . , _=:1 _. , we 4 I Third World countries in support of
I h . . ., “Em " . . “I" It" 1 ,. ' ' - \f "‘ W anaIYSIs the establishment of a new interna-
’ .7 . 5"" "11. \r s w "‘ -1 tional economic order which, in ef-
' ‘ .‘ V , " '. ’1 - ' f ., , ._ J fect. would transfer global economic
‘ of en‘ _ ,1 _ 7, f _ .1. $1 17:; *———— decsion-makingfromtheindustrializ- _
V as», . - 1 11 N '1 “ 1‘ ,7." "A; 1 “7%,: " f“.- "sto'igg The debate was really about coun- edcmmtriestothe'l‘hirdWorld.
’ 4' , s11" . - 'A , ‘51 1‘. '- .f I‘. i 4 .c Leg, seafleyfiyfit tries like Tanzania,acountryplagued Under theeflsting system, Nyrere
. _ e. 5 ' 1' '1 - h s. l" L) ‘ 2‘5": 1‘ ’3"? "la, W":“«g§ with massivedebts,decliningproduc- and his allies maintain, wealth is
fit‘ a ":- ‘ ‘ ‘fii - ‘ a '1-1 ' . ".1 , ‘ ' "3* 11‘ -~ ‘ L”:ui tion, an acute shortage of foreign etc transferred from poor to rich coun-
at .. oé 1 b3. 5 ' ‘ A. " ' ‘ " " 1 ..'.-:1l.: change and of even the most basic tries insteadoftheotherwayarwnd. ‘
I ’ ' ‘ ‘ 1 consumer items such as bread and Nyrere’s critics, while recognizing
I By BURT [ADD/Kernel 8““ soap. that external conditions have not been
- Where 3 The Ball? In any North-South dialogue. Tan- favorable, claim that his dunestic
. zania's claim to membership in the policies are the principal cause of ;_
1 Kentucky running back Pete Venable (left) has the football jarred from his lost possession on the following play. (Riyal) Coach Fran Curcl had fire in his undeveloped “South” is unquestion- Tanzania’s economic decay.
1 hands after penetrating the Georgia defense to the 5-yard line durlng the eyes fouowingadisputed third quarter turnover. ed. Itisoneofthempoorest countris One such critic is Kenneth
fourth quarter of Saturday's game. The Wildcats recovered this fumble but in the world and the only one Adelman, a former mjsmm defense
1 . represented at last week’s summit secretary who was named this past ,
u I n which is located wholly south of the summer as deputy U.S. represen-
It so vorystablonronorty an... uncommon... .
, 'Ib President Julius Nyrere. who Before his appointment, Adelman
. was here for the 22-nation conference, wrote, ”Nyrere has carefuny design- '
1 Herald-Leader solvent re rt shows 11111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111111 m ‘
. i I past decade provides irrefutable thepeople's neecb. notforthemaking _
' . , _, _ evidence that the existing interna- ofprofltsfflehasdoneqmtewellm
———-—— 3161990 amual flmnolal report of to Advertising Director lewis Owens. SearsandGold Grcle have in thestin tional ”mono order is Impelessly thelatta.

. ”y ””1 “3"" “mm-Md“ 00mm“ will”?to retail advertisins is (10% 3 Permit day paper. biased agaimt Tanzania and coun- “Nearly half of 330 companies he _
Staff Wnta' Hesta’s evaluation 01' the Herald- compared with the first 68h! months Accordjm to Owals, retail we. mes like it. has mam, in everything fm
———————-—-———— “we” stability. According ‘0 "n3 9‘ last year for _8 total 1088 01’ 357.58 print advertising is up 6 percent for To Nyra-e's detractors, Tanzania clothing to cloves, were bankrupt by

. . report, the Herald-Leader is ioth in lines of advertising. National ads are 191 with 215,533 more lines and na- represents a textbook example M 1975‘ Almost a third of am that are
lllsh interest gelled. :flcreosed Ff gmqengfm’gemmnmum "1 :he 211““!me “dilimr and tionol Dre-mo t is up a whopping 81 what can happen to a country which left lose money despitea monopolyon
duction costs an ass revenues o - r n, an lrnpressve as l a ' ingis wn it per- percemwith 173,094 ling, hat President theirres five markets,"hesaid.
' television has caused some of the figure for a corporation that hadnet centorl.tB7.4981ines. does not rely on w pec
l country's larger evening newspapers earnings of more than $92 million last This loss of ads is attributed to high _
1 w m "11 “'11 W “”1- ‘m‘ "“11 a 8'” W11 Grou march laces focus on re
’ ington residents wondering if thech- The Herald-Leader is, in fact, Owens said. 7
‘ ington leader is in for the fate of the something of a showpiece to Knight- The reason classified ads has suf-
Worhlngton Star. Ridder’s stockholders in the report. fered the greatest loss is especially ____________ _ . _ . . . . _
- Nothing could be further from the mncwsz: million plantis mention- due to these factors, which have By BARBARA SALLEE i Dammuwgsfis “10:2; figu‘fii mggrgfiia I? '3 "fifths:
truth, according to Roger Hester, ed several times as an example of severely reduced automobileand real Staff Writer ”"31" e pe ut of pie . . women raped occ ml in I .
chief financial officer of the Herald- company progress, and Knight- estate advertisilg—botha largepart childrefi totmthem I?“ ”h “3:: homes ,. Lawless said
3 Leader Co.“1 don’tthinlttheLeader is Bidder estimates that revenue from of theclassified section. dous amount of sexual 3.03:" All of the en "'nment at the
I in any danger, it's a very stable pro- :ommuenrsual prtinting will quadruple :gigh interest rates are the biggest With the theory of solidarity behind directed at children .. mm was by voluntl n
”WV'Hm‘ ”“1 mm ' We" ‘°“- 9" ““rmmmd them. aboiitasotoaoo lemarched ’ 1 I 1 ' - .
He added that there is also no con- One cause for concern has been the However. the Herald-Leader is not from the High Stmtpfiigleyvs park- Thebgiréhew? :lilnhmwglifi ”gym? "Emery“ mg?» ‘
sideration of going to a 24-hour press loss of revenue from advertising that loosim money on all fronts. Owens “1810‘ throughWoodland Park, tothe 3:3,] t walks on the “merit aim is an),
run, like the Baltimore Sun, which the Herald-Leader, along with most said, because many national adver- Student Center Ballroom Frida c 1 , ,
'th 1 other ha daili has - ced tisersha - y Followmgthemarch wasarecep— lectedtothethreatofrapebyverhal
”Yb” my 3'“ ”m4: ”‘5': In J: "t mfimgl’fc‘cfim ' ted v: gnaw 31;? ”3'55; nishttofocusoothe Fromm“ "Pe- tion held at the Student Center harassments and actual rape."
' who“: sprea overa urperi ' pas ' ng prin a v ng e "3&3?“ flurcgamml “Take Back Ballroom. Featured at the reception In 1980. there was a 52 percent in- ‘
“ ' ' " mar _- were “The Reel World String Band," crease in the number of rape victim
Journalism elevator renovation postponed me much. a... a... a; . pm. as... t, .0, we... a... a... to... by a. we... a... on...
' 3v“ 390% bill Alternative: for Advance. and music by “Advance Center, from approximately lmtolso
—————————-—— elevatormi tforce hertotake an in- t the contract for the jotmialism omen, r can “°duc ions. andKiya Heart Wood,“ victims.lawlas said.
By 3“ “MY complete gr":de in one class, and be finding into default. Elli “'1 Elms“? mom 0‘ "*3:- Women uniting to “take back the lawless said. ”his is a part of
1 a Staff Writer unabletocontinueherjobasa sports According to Denny. “we asked 9°"! Orgamzation for Women, nd nisht" focused, thrwsh poetry and “‘9e Awareness Week."Rape *1
- —__—__._ the at h Kernel. that the date he cha to accom- ington Rape cm“ . Center a dance by Landrum, on women as Awareness Week runsfrom Oct. into
7 ‘ writer-for Ks uc y “Bed . Cent ”m m . . ..
.. “ Hal will not be bl to modate Miss Hale. The contractor Womens “'0 ngt ' pl'mmasmagedinside their homesto 25.
Renovation scheduled for the MW e ‘ the s lism agreed to do that." Denny said the , l ,
Enoch Grehan journalism building “In: any Wt tier 8'39"“ . Unlversityhaswaivedtimerestraints I . n _. , ‘
1 elevator. that would have prevented z’mmnf‘efinfm ‘mg for the completion date, but there ,, . fi- , ,,- 1 Q .. ‘ .‘
11 3 accustombtmdinstondiuhled “““ry ° °°"' ' shouldbenofinancialpataltyincur- . g h i . ,t . . .. ~1
' “I would have liked to work next , , g, . i . . __
! jotn‘naliam junior, has been postpon- ter but “u they will redbyeitherparty. . . M l a
' ‘ °d' must 'it crlopdndl'hlbeableto ”mm“ “id mm‘“ “’m “°‘ i ‘ - . . 1 ,3- ‘ ‘ , in ct ~ .
I Jsclt Blanton. vice president for F°mplm§l 9,“ fife, month...“ begin until the currem sanestsr is v. . - - 7 . fl *7 . . ,
; bilinessaffairs,saldFridaythepl'o- mid ‘3 ”“9 1 completed. sometime in the third , ‘1 .1 ‘ ‘et; -, . l’ 3 1-
! )ectwill bepostponed until the third as ‘ week of December, or more likely, , - ' “ 1, ‘W C ‘t‘ 3.x . ; 1
: week of December, a- most likely Warren Denny, scum director of after the new year begin. The time ’ _. . ‘ N W e1 1 , _ . . a, . .
i Jan. 1. Dulgn and Como-tachommeti‘rlday atlmtefwjobcolnpletlmislatols .. ‘ a, ‘1. . g ; ,. 3., .. .T . g‘ 9 ; 1
but ‘Ihm'sdsy. Judy Hale. who in morning steam with Wayne White, m. . j 7 as, . 4;, _, ’ . 1 ~2- ,. -.1""1--1 Sim-{$7 1 . .
l callnedtoawheelclulrmuiMM- theownerof White Comtructlal Co. Halessldshehsdbssnlntouchwlth 1; ~_ 7 e, "‘41... '1 I 1 y :.1* ..‘-"‘~v.‘":"""" it _1\ 1 , ., .
ed "I!!! mention tothebulldlns‘s thatwastorenovatethedevator. and an attorney to begin lroceedlnga if s-j"..f 1‘ o - ’ ,, .., fl 1 “ r i - ‘ _ ~
1. O O the negotiations failed, but that she ..',_ _ '1 it“. ~ «71.; w . . X .21. E - ' ,
1 IDSIde wand-eekmhmhuleul-cdon-t sy BARNN moron/Kernel start
« 1 thiatime.“lwashsppytocallmy . _.. .
- ‘. - parentsandtellthemthatwedldn‘t WEIR on . 1 -.
, . , Human milk bank serves rich infants at UK Medical Center. See story on mod up, lawyer." maid. ‘ 1 ‘ W

" 1 .. ml. ” 211:, ,

1 ‘ 3 mmlmwl$umwg Matsndworhshdhitsdn-ldsynightinsmmmmmmmshsmu-mummm tro- 9
.. ' Former Dean Sarah Holmu' ugh birthdqy celebrated. 5.. my, on POI. fer Hale will be able to take violence agalnst men. he march. sponored by several lexlngtal ergardutf-s. was held In the UK area do: so It 5 . 1.1“:

“ < . - t ”m? ' ,, high crime rate. ~ "1 ; ,zgay

- aerate-Iain. page: ,x if

I" ' 7g". V a... . - 4.... . . * t . - - o.....- -‘r‘A—o -- ~ 1 ,. o - “”‘NMW““ ‘ ’ " ‘ ‘ ' “WM—-ax-1va "~1’ ‘ ' f " " " " "T ”"14 ‘7‘ W "' ' " ' :‘ " " "1." ‘ '"' "\‘9o‘pm nvfi’ , ‘fig‘é’:
‘ I ~ " “ ‘ :" ixe'dn’t'fin 1' K 111,; ’ "l "3“" Within? 759510" Egg“ :

1- 4 ,- ” ‘ , x .‘ J f .7 _. .t .' “' ”‘ 1;; ' 1 11 1.". ' ,. ’1"; $3124: 3. {nitric it

w";\sy:n*rnaanjj ) F . 1 , ,,‘ {~11 {eggs no . _ ' 1, , . ' . , . .1 " , .,1_ . s r ., valet . fianflh’fia‘txfiasfimflw‘aflw astringent 211:1" - hem. , - ..

 . . . .. .. . . .. . _ , . - ‘4 and»? use: 22'." ‘"’"'“K "WW " . ‘2 f ' " '~ ' ‘ " I 4" 3 ' I ' 1"?! J ‘.
. gefigefl'hké jfltgigspifi. . 3 33-3.. 3.3;»: ,: t , 3,,” 3 . . . h. - , 3 , {a} mi '33.;p33,,15‘35333'3;"a.“ .' illii'hhja’. . . . {33. 1y.“ .. '3 3 3 3 ' , 3 3 3 .. ,, 3 3 . , _ .3 _ - x .. 3,-3.‘
3.3... ea» 2‘ ." . ‘ ~ ": : ' - ‘ - ._ . ‘ ‘r , . x , . . _. ' ~ . . . . ,3 _ a
ti? ’ Wag»; = _. ,- .- .- c. ... ‘ .- - . . . . . - ‘ ‘ .-’Wv;i ’ - :..‘.L...,........_..' 'Wg--.: ‘ 3 ' ..,-...............‘ ‘~ . . , e?
i“? ”“3
’ ‘1 *‘t‘ . fit-ht
.5353: fix? “32".; i. .3
it“ a I, M- -,_______.m_ mm ____._.__ __‘_._____..__._.___._______._.__ a
‘“ j ‘ 11 ‘ " ' 3 3 Bill Stride- can. Ash James Edwin Harrls Anne Cliarles Use Wallace M. Chandler lioiln
h’, 3 _ . l-iditu-m-thiel Editorial Editor Dale G. thon Sportsmmr hwimimw Wound!
.:~ 3 4 ‘ ' _ AseistantNeweMtors
P _ a I 3 ‘ per 5113510” Jet“ 3"“ uni Kadabe Steven w. Lowther Leslie Michelson I?“ u“
‘ " ' ’ , AlloclINEtfiWCOPY Copy Editor AsslsuntSporuEditer Assistant Entertainment Editor (hm Photographer
:_ ' ’ limwciiv Kirby Stephens
: I Kernel I r... We ..............
I AssociateEditor-News
V i 7 . g—MW _i H _
‘ L of ' h ' ‘ ll ' Th'rdW l ‘
, r —.- eaders l'lc nations MUSt a eVIate I OI“ d GI'ISGS
The summit meeting of the leaders of 22 in- those two deny the vast majority of the world .
dustrialized and developing nations in Can- the chance to obtain expensive agricultural
cun, Mexico has ended. The conference had and industrial technologies which would free THE PR 2 SE24 THE THIRDWWLDS SALVATI ON LIES IN.-. 3

great promise; there was in some quarters a them from the slavery of a single export pro- .t- . . -. ‘r-.,, . ' '..n.-- ..-.. -. .-..... -.'..:.t-. W'- '- °-J- - ': H'u't‘ V .. ,

desire to create a global New Deal to lead duct. 3 _ t . . ' 3

developing countries out of hunger and pover- The Third World also continues to grow at a i 3 P :3

ty. staggering rate —— it already possesses 75 per- I‘

But after two days of closed talks the cent of the world’s population — and has 3.... 3-! '

leaders could not agree on a plan to alleviate neither the money nit-the ability to feed its -._. O OL’ -- AND "33,531

the economic ills of the Third World. The con- peoples. The nations with the wealth and the % .3... 3 C, OD . ._ . .73., “.33. .353; 31;;

trol of making arrangements to restructure knowletue to solve the Third World’s pro- {33“.};71-34235 3. . D ., =‘j.75.__‘.== ' . , C 3-1.: (Tit _

. - - ' ' ' \.ii."~"".' ‘ x ' -e- - 43).”. . - ‘ ti. .
the world 5 economy is the stumbling block. blems are interested only in _ selling the 33.31.9333; 13' SU FLY - .- . ;—-. =3 ; 1.0. . at". 3
‘ Nineteenof the leaders favor giving control to developing countries guns and all. Guns and it??? '9 / z ._ .1 , 3;; . ~ g -‘ ‘15)):3.‘ .

a UN. body, while the United States, Britain Oil do not feed starvmg people. era/.1 you 3 ; i < 3 .3 3, g; - ' t 34:33:;

l and Germany want to leave control to existing The affluent _North has cont-oiled the .3'. M. 31/555 3 ( ._ . .33; .. , - _ ' .‘ I"? .

l international agencies such as the World economies, and in effect the destinies, of the .- 33.3.3: Q "7 , . 3: , . a: 35-33,” . 3 , 3 3 3.3;; i_ ,

E Bank, which the wealthier countries of the impoverished South during the post-World ':-_..:t “M ‘ . 33 - ‘ 3 . 1,. 3}": 3

3 world control. War 11 period. While Americans enjoy an \kg ’1 _ 35.1 ti ~ 3: g . ', ‘- gt. E

{' President Reagan believes that “Unless a over-abundant standard of living and the ‘x . \LV 3;... . V‘ “.- L .3 £73; ..5- = -' .3333

{ 3 nation puts its own financial and economic Japanese swun in_a balance-of-trade sea 0f ‘4 $53.52. .3 ~_ .::.-‘ Va ‘4“ n.3,“? _ W "=-;. 3"

3' house in order, no amount of aid will produce black Itik, poor nations borrow extensively to Q 43553,, ' ’55,‘ ' ' ' - y _, .

T progress." And Reagan advanced the p0wer- Pay their f°°d.bllls. their energy bflls and the 3 ’ 3 i 3 ‘ it? '1 ' l

3 ful position of the United States on Thursday interestonthelr debts. . 9 Ct" ’33: ‘ ‘ . ' ‘- 'i,rft?‘i%- ‘V " ‘t 7 i

; and Friday by espousing his belief in “the It is time for the nations of the North to of ‘ae’r -." :- - '- " é: ' !

; magic of the marketplace” — a nebulous cancel the debts of the nations of the South, for - ., [ii ' - , . . ‘ , 3% ('3 ' ‘ 3-,» f '
3 theory based on the power of free enterprise. the powerful to yield to the needy, for 25 per- i. I; -/=5§,= - °-:5fl:555 . ‘ j 3‘ - --’ _ 3;;- 7::- 3 \\ .. 3.”... 3

‘ There is no magic in the world’s cent of all humanity to give to the rest to en- [1”! - . g , (“'3 , 3 ' ~ 3 ~ - .2. ,5: 2;; 3 . 3:31:33 -.

3 ‘ marketplace, however. Third World nations surean improvementof themisery tint most . ’ a a 35;. -':.:_ - 3 . 3 3 .2 : . xiii—3,, :3 39",...333-

; are victims of a neo-imperialism, with both of the world currently lives in. All nations \3 33%;,“ ’~ 695??? 3.35.; 3-. 3. t:3. avg; .. .1)”

‘ the Soviet Union and the Western allies cour- should dream of freedom from outSlde 9/? ’ my,» Pg? _,‘ fir;- '.‘-'t 1- , ':_,_ '1 egg. 55‘:\M,- ,.;.

‘ ting them. The richness of the Third World’s asststance. It is only With the help of the seven 3:; _¢//® #67,} ,‘:,-_‘.;_"..f_‘.:- =1. 5": ' j; ._~ i'fifa-fi £33 LE? It,” .g- 22,1.- ‘

natural resources is the target of both super- richest nations that sucha lofty goal can beat- .-' {(4% ‘ ‘ . -/ ~«- '3;‘.-‘..'. :‘égéé . .1 w W I .

. . . _ 2.3:“ -../ 7 Ill/’Il// 4 "‘ _- l . c; - 1 a . - .‘a/._ A“. (a. ’e. 1.
powers, and in their chase for further riches tamed. ,//////, 7; .33.”: :. g 3. _. . . .3, 'I' 4533\53— .a “3.
.. 7/ ~33 . .",.-I " .‘f 3 ‘ r g}; ' 0,," u . ' ’33 '
3 I ~-- I I I I I 2: 1% 3.1,, /%'// g/ I 3/2," 3. ."1 @; 9343\7 quh‘" 3". .
"W m, -////// ////‘///~4/2/2 f.‘ 7."..- _ . A. ‘gwwéjwd” " " 4 ‘ '1:
- I - [I’a'. 'ylil/ “A, - . 3'7 I . _ 3 .5 5., T. g - B. . M ‘. 3
> Wins tokeepaccessiiitytoscheduhdm ~ 3 ~ ..
V i feel likeit’sOscar night andlwon. postpone the comtruction until the . 7 ‘ 3 . .
v Now, to make my accqitance speech. aid of the semeste- and I‘d schedule
3 l'dliketothankmyeditor Bill Sta‘thn Sf ff outofthebuildimnextsemesta'. .
L 3 for helm me fight a battle I was ob- He said he’d see what he could ti) ' ' ' '
- via-1mm- “ nataammauaamoym Egypt/ans disappamtAmerIca
; To refresh your memory, I’m the ing.
studentwhowasabouttoloseherjob . Billandlslidbackdownthesteps.l l l l
. .....W......M......... pmion a. i... new me me by not grlewng for slam Sadat .
and Frankfort forgot about the heavist objects Bill lifts, I’m sure. 1
i lumen elanent in me if their deci- —————- are press releases and The New York 3 rdrobe celebr u T
3 sin. Officials were going to close Times. “139 Sad: 03;“: 1:10;“ gift: 2'; .. '6” ”ed ”a” 3
_ down an devator, move two of my . . i wait back to the Kernel office, E _ pe ec _ uc _ - ° ‘ the hi U.S.of-
: classes and force me to take an in- fignmfitfi‘gnm‘ff $3,333 where Bill assigned the stay to Jim 9W, manned. mWashmson than . “fl“m’gmjmpflwmt‘inf; it but L
3 , . complete in a class tint is very time office to grab a couple of HarrisandBill Farleyiiiuedthemin mm amsmdimfl “WM mmuflflflm‘m, doom-em mm and, ”whiz. I’m
. W. on the day’s events, tellilg‘ my story 3 . ' , , ' . i .
i . mmmyutmmmded, firth" ‘0 h“'1’ “"7 me “9 forummfimg lng flags in America to flv at hali- Reporter and politician both went mfggiwpmm “mm"
E ~ - ' ~ _ “’9- staff and offered to luve the flippy-dippythesepast few days. The yo 3 -
meeuig with Jake Karnes, the direc Afterwarcb I went home, took a , hbili Sadat s murder has had the same
i tor of handicapped student services, 1 called Bill back and suggested shower and went to a movie. Ididn’t murdered Egyptian flown here to be dangeiou American “’3 W to effect at WSW as Mug a
l ‘ who said I would have to take an in- that we let the vice president help so enjoy the movie became I was wor- bur-led m the Mm National undastand how other W. e see and m point against the sole of an in-
3 complete in me class and have the he could better In tand the F0- ried. Cemetery. He was, if we are to think obliterated critical faculhe fant’s foot: an I ferentiated reac-
‘p other two moved. I was informed I blansofaccmjuity. Iskippedall my classes Friday and believe the spormnss from the elec— “11008 our most mama“ and tion of limbs and @8838 in all direc- ,
i could complete the due whenever I _ returned to the newspaper office to ironic faces on our television tubesta powa'fulpeople. _ _ dais. Every hour has brought with it
5 hadtime. But what about my job? Weamved at the Administration wait for the decision. 1 called Blan- Gm“ We“, and Put "'3‘ m A“? Per.“ °‘ a” mam“ “”‘h °' W pledge a- a repeat oi an old i

Immediatdy after leaving his of- 3111 We“ With ‘0 89‘ MP- A8 I sat anotheroffice. llefta message at that Thea-auyEgyptians,uidifferentto With American ”ha“ is“ ax- to warn an, me,and admonish that
ficelfelttherageandfnistrationof therelwasosainremindedofmy officetopleasecallmeassoonasa ")efactttmttheywemmcamaahve loumtically described‘as a hard one Tummy” though
helm handicapped. icamedizectlyto helplessneee decision was made. “8 tatelhte t0 the 200 major hner. 8_ genetic,“ a redieel. an ' m the “an” an”; "ma.
my employer, Bill Steiden, and in- Biu and Dr. Gallaher carriedmeup Two hours late the decision came American market areas, perversely elm-ermst, or a tar-oust. These meanimeavld, ahoy! ;
formed him of the impalditu forced the steps. This niled out his 808' in — the construction had been defer- refused to weep'and tear "’3" ”1°" “’0?“ are used, "0‘ as what "FY ”c, There are so obstacles .
termination of my newspapa- job. 1 gesting that we have someone meet red until this semeste- ends. ful robs in grief ovatheu fallen winch are terms of denunciation and d pealcmnye between? .
also explained the rage and me bdore am every day to carry I’m sure the person who infamed 1m;mmf°mm"§°fmh oppmhrliun—whethermerltedornot Israels and E8311 two countrla who _
hdpleesnees ielt while dealing with me up the mpg u was very obvious me oi the decision is now deaf in one “0“ In ‘0 W“ the 1'“ "“5 Nd “M*”¥W“‘—W‘“‘MV" mm at m, “5'”, my, m, m. f I
theUniversity. Mdangeromitistotrytocarryso- car since I informed the entire not fail to note that3the only water offactasmptiveofieality. Israelis are fightiigthewahoare

Bill immediately got on the [bone mm in a wheelchair up a flilht of newsroomratherlwdlythatwewon. “0“"? was “1 the “V”! not °“t ‘1 Arabs M” am With 0‘" govern- notallowedtonegotiate.
andmadeafewcallsfiegotmanau— stairs. ' Nowbecktotheacceptancespeech. We”, merit are rderred t° ,b’f American It is as W in 1780 the W
(times with we, 9,5th for Stu- Thank you, Bill Steiden, for standing Ah,effaidl, quoththetranslators reporters "and politicians as and the French had I ted
dent Affairs Art Gallaha'. 0n the way Df- Gallaher listcied. He liked me up formewhen lcouldn’t. Thank you, ‘0 thejournahsts, probably “0‘ one 0‘ “moderate. "“03““ “‘9, .. American autonomy talks” without:
out oi the luilding we visited m. and understood thatiwasnotu'yins Nancy Great, for writing appeal let- Wmmmmci‘mwlm med?“ end/0? 9”“ .1°"i"8- mmmmmnnmmhn
itchertiiurpliy,drectoroitlieschool tobedifficultormeooperative. Ionly ms to Blantai and Dr. Zumwinkle. shocked and Wed to cry. They Unhlplallyforwllh-imne-therthe pm and M “med . mm which. . ‘
oi journalism. lie ind made a few wanted to finish what I’d started. I Thank you, Mr. Gallaher. for listen- “teee,m°"°‘"- WWW“ W“ "a“ W the mm“ med the colon... whoa mowingj
calls after hearing about my problem alsotold him my alternative toeduca- m8 and mam”. Thank you, aid? _ alesttmiedupforthefuneral. Wind to retain control we tan-Z
from Nancy Green, student publica- tion andajob—wdfare. Mr. Blanton, fir makiig the effort to The _ too~traumatlzed-to~cry ’l‘hisstateofaffairshes given birth tim currency army police natural"
tions advise, who sat in onmy initial Mr. Gallaher called in Jack Blan- let mefinjghfl'man hypothesis was. later confirmed .by to yetonemore wacky explanation to m mgww'mm' ;
hrieiingwith Bill. ton. vice president tor statue-s af- And as: but not least, thank you, that Nobel Pnrewinnins Arabmt. Mdsethesapbetween Wuhmtitons So the m“ is to find 'P‘ML;

Dr. Murphy gave the same story fairs. Kernel staff, for cariiu and showing Henry Kissinger-,whoalsoassm'edan “"3“ life and hard actualltiu. nlans who accepting tlis interesungi
mtrdmflmmmm_ 18W at “mum to Mr. thatthenewspepe'candosomethim anxiom America thatthe newman Wenenowbeing toldbyallandsun- muwaaummy WWW: 3
therewasnothimlcould do. Blanton. tofightalltheredtapeandwin. was strata, stable and friendly. the dry in high places that the moderate, in In the, ed tu-’

\, Bill andlheudedoutoithchuildng Mr. Blantal made some stflges- three attributes that our whee-am reasonable and peaceeeehm Arabs “mu”; 3’: 'me Gmmsup‘mp the. -
andgot halfway totheAdmim'strah'm tiers, none oi which were attractive My Hal, i, a 10mm". Mia, and tram ever bans “one. Just and are secretly in favor of Camp David 1m em m Wm ahumgofind
Budding when l ranemhered i orviable. lmade my suggestion: jut Kemmmwfim, song: grub: hove {adheenrnd A193; and. the undie- trom the Emperor: 3m 8 M mam." mum or
a [raises oreign erw1 _
Perseus ubnitfl-glettersndephlu cdumtotbekernelsbeeldeddreutbeh-cemme-u typedudtrlple-epeeedto :mmwekfl .C' £23:
theedlterlaledlt'at m JollIlIsln Building. UK. M. ' ‘
- Writers must Include their names. addresses. telephone numbers and heir ne’er-e. chenille-flees or connection with Md “‘1 lt “V9 m m- .
blllets doux unison. sbeuldbelilnitedtezuwnrde.endhdivldlals submitting mmhmsbeeflbrl-gUKID-er yammu-uiqtgdmmd,&l::;
driver's“: . ' ‘
' Mfiegntrlesfertbe“Peht"cei-mn.whicllsopelteelyeneeucempuserhthecemm-Ry.shelldcuted afflfltrtggwfi' m:
Chrhhsberllflflefleletmlubefereeubmlflhgmateflal. wi PU) is ble it would:
he Kernelreservestheflfltteedltfergrelnmarmlefltysadleeglhendteellmllatelibeiounata-lal. 3 “scum: mmuwmy .nd mm-
“-mwm .
W fll' W filing, foul andtedlots. Nearly every that they have a section oi the mom utaisils, hewillbeedmitted. that no one in the library could we 3:813:2- Jimtwoucmrenfm: '
lyric and line was a direct quotation reserved for “abstract men." It If any of these possibilities is the mea Mt answe- tomy Mm“ blather about lammp had had the ‘
“Rum”, mm sanctum about col '
1n respome to the Oct. .16 review of m ‘ W per-m. Are they “0‘ 3:. for 'b' “a" 39‘": “mmwmtfl‘fidm a figgfndmecolors and, n8: guts We figmmtig
i 1‘3". “3.35.11? weal-it: 0.7:: “a “'0 “Ni "The W W mtg-Do ’2: huge 3a“£$“m .1“qu mm mm” w‘lww’otild appeciate it it some action °“ "' m ”h“ m “1' my“ in '
-' ocean and tenti ll nd - . ‘
ii W'Wmmmmw' .w':dum'; $1333; library?lftlislsthecasethailtldnk liook.lliketogetuehtractuthe couldhetahentorcnedytushotm- W ‘
g mimmufitrmmm- d a. ”gm “a" '0 m an, the library slnuld be opened up to neatpcnon.hitnotdiuingtlieschool mmavumMe-tudymee- 2:3?zmmnflm
'i MMJM‘ MN ' evu' rqardaeoftheirthu week pedally who . ‘ '
ii don. Form noon, he overlwked Mmmommmmunhbgyé “gm Dru: m '3',“ m be mm 3 J” J'% 3 M, M... [some of nauml importance in mi.
‘ dismtialbusewmenyfeults. no” W in “.mmny Kernel, an Wt“ d an M. ll um“ mm syndicated column. 3
3 _ Mlfllhvannehmmmmflsmfleam bysllbrary—evenfflthe . '
. . tten- chernistrylilr . '
www.mmddnauvecndlt m'mwmm' “7
. . when ildtn. Themth'eaimpeny “' ‘ 500d mgfitma Or perhaps it is ”m to MM CWNTY _,.. '5'ch [’th T _
> ”Marvell-theta!» m.“ ' ' shidsnts who like the with at W 5 WWMWM5 \ / 5 l
, :3 3 . ,l m Ilmflcld M It With fimmm alltl'lltll'tlltlllhpl "and, fihlfilg WI” W W% up ”I ‘ :SIOflc
3. , umeedprohblyued-fa'lnmof N"'“"'m";°'“ m or Gnu". Hen, i tlink that mM’fia ' "N," " "' 335W, ,
.. " malnutrition-kettle” l" ' palntmersallti‘ttbutldin'tiow WMYW' W%? I '30” . W. .
. Mon mm. the M-Ior'r ”a...“ them a- snythlng. is this a W- _ / W O . g 3 ~ / l . g
«(“3353 WWW“. datiorkespli'meoind dissection /' 'fi / '“D! «’1 ‘ k , i . ( \ ' (
Qty m Ortlfh's review attached the W-mm‘ ottiielllrry? f )3 \ ( '. JJ. , I 3 I“
has M m tithe-line with the 6- HMhahonotthec-eJMmIlt . 3 I... P. x. .. 3' e / ‘3‘ ; ,.
M3» &“ML:III- 80 m one walk, talk a die- ell-My? < r! l ‘ 4 ’ 5" V‘ . F. 6 ,\ ‘ .- : .
-; +3., pct: lbw. were “3: unpchspsltlsaiiebetnctpoiltical , ‘3 2 . " . 4o! - v ,\n f 3 .
”55‘ ”Mama“ “fill-VIII paiumtowhlch thesectialis .) l5 . 3 17". l / 5e ‘ A ‘ 3 .
f . i .5 .mm, m» a. Mentallqbelfaiedlonecard - 3 L» {-1 2‘ r 5
". 1' , “umummw matte-mettle mdnhtbuamd , r1 m . 1‘ .1,- , .
.r 3 . JWBMM.M Whaendlneflced sbetreetfootheetllwlthm 7 g t. "- 3
i (V I ' .
V . .. 3 . ,3 r,__..,:".""“'*’j“""":* ”“*WM ‘ ; ‘ "“"m* ' .. "v“ . . p , M---,,---. ..-.-__,_.
‘ Ni?“- “Viiiggei‘tmi. . We at » 3.; , , . .11: = 5.. ; , - .‘ e ,1 3 . ., t .. . .. n.3,, rm“ _,.~_ .3 ,3, . .. . .; . “Q 3
‘ ' r» fL-t' . 71-3”: tritrr’e‘ 5’ a‘ “‘1. 3 a; 3. f: ’3'}. f” «‘f‘i‘a {3