u}. 21-... e! ,1.















fl Note: ~ Praetiaal Mechanics 7e and 7b will reglaze “tactical Mechanics 1 L
"f i . \ . ’ ‘ , - .\ A ~ ,~ A
I»& (wooe Hurkl‘f g), P. M. 2 tyuztern makiig} Ln: 3a ail ,o (iobncrv Lark).
, W? Prestieel 32ma1ios 8e and 8b will replace 3. M. 4( J1 0 shop), P. M. 5
4 51' . .. 4’ , ‘
3 g 'h‘ (musline r ::Op) and r. L. o (P1833”3Ll gizomotLVe elk).
‘ l 3
j} i j ,m‘ Senate apprQVeu the reguest of a group of st deits to be allowed to J
J .i j I:5 v. ‘. - - . ‘ . - . . .. I
x !i y‘ petition Delta Le lie Delta :retergity. .
‘ 'i 1
~ 1 "1.
x vv -'
! m
{2H 11 5 '1 y w
1W :4 beoi ry a
‘ .3 ‘
g 52; l
l 1 r
X it a
s Ll; ; MIEJ”L rs as The series siege 12, 1923
3 “ 1‘ w
L: i ‘i
5‘?v '5
'ii’ wr‘u The Senate met in the Little Theatre Moneay, March ll gt 3:45, ,
E1 q:g 33 President EJeVey presiding. E
{J‘ In ‘- 1 l
i "
‘ 3; fl‘ 3‘ The minutes of February 12 were read and ayprovet.
\ pi‘ ‘, ,
i H's" J
1: lfl' ;f The :0 llO»lu reeommenuations of the Rules Committee were approved;
r": i .: , f
* t s
‘ ; 3“ ”Membership in Fraternities ~ reVisea to read: L
‘ 7
”No student shall be initiated into a frater:ity until he or she
has been in residence at the Univers pity one semes r, with a stanuing L
of l on his entire semester’s scheuule, whi :h Sh:.ll consist of not less {
1 w. ‘ . ~ . . , ‘
teen 12 creait nours. a group must have a standing oi one to nave hm ,
privilege of initiation." :
,- <, ‘ c n . l
b”' Neeklx»30nvooetion — rev;sed to read: V


"All members of tue freshman class are required to attend con—
voe ation."

L» Probation - first paragraph changed to read: 3

”A student is placed on p

entire scheeule for his Liededi


DaLi on 2 Me his standing upon his

ing Semeste is less than 1.”

I“ seeend paragraph omit: "or grades of A, B or C in 12 hours’ workfl’ ~


Omit last paragragh, es unneo ess r3 duplication.


Z Extra Curricular Activities - subst'tute for first paragreeh'

‘ a. .


"To be eligible to participate in extra~3urrioular activities,

at .( {\Q'I .


such as Ciébra~r aural athletics, public sgeeking, dramatios, membership

on staffs of University publ cations, class offices, SDORSOFShipS, {
a student must have met Thv in}: entrance regu irement and must, 6X06?t ;
in asses of st tents registered for the first time, have carried during

u’e Preceding se.ie;ter a: least 12 credit hours, and mum t be carryinge
SCA€JLL€ 0: ct lees: l7 credit nours “d *”.' ' be "

in erobation.