xt7k6d5p902b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k6d5p902b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1947063 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-06-jun3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-06-jun3. 1947 2011 true xt7k6d5p902b section xt7k6d5p902b Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of.Kentucky, June 3, 1947. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President1s Office at 10:10 a.m., Tuesday, June 3, 1947. Present were: Governor S. S. Willis, Chairman of the Board; Judge Richard C. Stoll, Mxs. Paul G. Blazer, Thomas Cutler, Robert C. Tway, Eldred E. Adams, Harper Gatton, J. C.Everett, H. D. Palmore, R. P. Hobson, Judge Edward C. O'Rear, and Grover Creech. Absent were: John Fred Williams, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Elliott Robertson, Commissioner of agriculture; and J. N. Smith, A. Approval of MIinutes6 Uporn motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Board of Trustees of April 1, 1947, and the minutes of the Executive Committee of May 22, 1947, were approved as published. B. Comptroller's Report. The Comptroller read the f'ollowing summarized statement and sub- mitted the following detailed report. May 21, 1947 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear President Donovan: I submit hereto attached the University of Kentucky Financial Report for the period of ten months ended April 30, 1947. Income realized during the period excluding Restricted Fund transfers amounted to $5,390,377.11, The amount realized is 93.8% of the corresponding budget estimate of $5,744,061.93. Income allocated to Plant Funds amounted to $577,327.50,. Departmental and Plant expenditures are summarized in the following statement:. Appropriations Charges Per Cent General Fund Division of Colleges Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Division Subtotal Plant Fund *vTiTsion of Colleges Agricultural Experiment Station Subtotal TOTAL $3,049,4A4.05 $2,203,171.29 72.2% 745,001.10 568,459.11 76.3 1.235,240.76 914,025.18 74.0 $5,029,685.91 $3,685,655.58 73.3% $1,181,646.70 $ 545,317.72 46.1% 90,000.00 41.20 $1,271,646.70 $ 545.358.92 42.9% $6,301.332.61 $4,231,014.50 67,1% Plant Fund expenditures not chargeable to current year ap- propriations amounted to $122,538.87. Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson Comptroller Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 College Division Budget Estimate Replized to Date Unrealized Balance Educational and General State Appropriations Division of Colleges College of Agriculture Summer School Repairs to Buildings Library Equipment Sci. Lab.Eqtuipment Engineering Equip. Home Ec. Equipment Research in Coal Vocational Education Subtotal Federal Funds Bankhead-Jones Act Morrill-Nelson Tch.Act Smith-Hughes (Voc.Ed.) Int. on Land Grant Bonds Subtotal $1, 580,000.00 40,000.00 11,000.00 '0, 000.00 11,000.00 40,000.00 22,000.00 112000.00 8,250.00 $1, 580,000.00 40,000.00 11,000.00 40,000.00 11, 000,00 40,000,00 22,000.00 11,000.00 8,250.00 32.000.00 12,903.46 19.096.54 $1,795.250.00 $1,776,153.46 19,096.54 $ 44,867.87 $ 44,867.87 42,750.00 42,750.00 32,000.00 12,903.45 19,096.55 -A- 8$644.50 8,644.50 $_______ -).-28,262l376 $19165.82 74 19,096.55 Student Fees All Colleges except Law College of Law Federal Tuition Auditors Late Registration Special Examinations Transcripts Applied Music Tr. School-El. Tr.School-H.S. Univ. Extension Subtotal Less--Amt.Allotted to Plant (See Plant Fund- Contra) Net Student Fees $ 529,000.00 13,700.00 470,000.00 300.00 1,925.00 175.00 1,550.00 7,000.00 8,500.00 16$000.00 11.000.00 405,913.98 11,499,60 266,408.38 2,084.00 150.00 1,618.18 11,227.50 9,404.41 16,024.16 8.881.68 $ 123,086.02 . 2,200.40 203,591.62 300.00 159.00* 25.00 68.18* 4,227.50* 904.41* 24.16* 2.118.32 41,059,150.00 4 733,211.89 $ 325,938.11 45,327.50 45j327.50 -1,013,822250 7o33211:89 280j610 61 *Income in excess of estimate. Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 College Division Budget Estimate Realized to Date Unrealized Balance Endowments (Current) Peabody Fund Sales and Service Locker Receipts IKiso.lViaint.and Op. Other MiscReceipts Rent of Insti.Prop. Rent of Residences Subtotal Total Educational & General Auxiliary Enterprises & Activities Residence Halls Men Women Subtotal Allotted to Woments Halls Subtotal Post Office Total Aux.Enterprises & Activities Total General Student Fees Assigned (See Student Fees - Contra) Restricted Funds Allocated to Plant Fund - OaplVtl Outlay Approp. Total Plant Combined Total 1,000.00 $ 1.000.00$ $ 2,600.00 $ 2,792.50 $ 192.80* 600.00 687.26 87e26* 1,000X00 3,441.32 2,441.32* 4,0OO.0(! 5,636.00 1,636.00* 3.000 00 2,623.75 376 25 $s 11,20(00 $ 15 180.83 3,980.83* 9 8 2, 634,71200 314822.87 $ 45,960.00 50,017.67 $ 4,057.67* 272.031.00 246,640.89 25 390.11 317,991.00 296,658.56 $ 21,332.44 7,000.00 _ 7, 000.00 $ 310;991.00 $ 296,658.56 $ 14, 332.44 4,000.00 4,510.61 510.61* 31499100 $501.169 4 1713,821.83 $3. 264a 87 PS2,935,8 1.17 G 328,644.70 Plant Fund $ 52,327.50 $ $ 52,327,50 403,291.00 403,291.00 525 000.00 525 000.00 93,0618864S ,291.00 j 52,327,50 -6;4 ,245. 144. ;57 $i3 . 64,s172.217 380 *9'2 Q20 . ~ $ 2 _ *Income in excess of estimate. Statement of State and Federal Allotments For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 College Division Allotted to Date Expendi- tures Encum- brances Division of Colleges Personal Services Non-Pers.Services MCtA.& Supplies Other Current Exp. Ga ital Outlay Subtotal 1,412,000.00 ;;1,388,780.55 45,000.00 50, 000.00 18, 000.00 55.000.00 Bl.580.000.00 41,024.74 39, 992.27 8, 085. 08 27,248.30 $1.515,130.94 $ $ 23,219.45 760.00 3,215.26 1,106.03 8,901.70 85.08* 30,805.51 3,053.81* $ 32 ,671.54T 3-2197.52 College of Agr. Summer School Repairs to Bldgs. Library Equip. SciLab.Equip. Engineering Equip. Home Ec.Equipment Research in Coal Capital Outlay Subtotal Bankhead-Jone s Mvorrill-Nelson Tch, Act Int.on Land Grant Bonds Smith-Hughes (Voc.l 'Vocational Edb (St. Pept. Ed.) Subtotal Combined Total College Revolving Fieldhouse Redemption Fund Total $ 40,000. 00 $ 11,000.00 40,000.00 11, 000,00 40,000.00 22,000.00 11,000.00 8,250.00 525,000.00 34, 000.00 11,000.00 40,000,100 9,169.7'7 3,611.18 14,760.18 760.36 4.,400.72 16,000.00 $ $ 6,900.00 1,473.39 356.84 35,964.06 424.76 2,945.63 4,294.19 324.8? 9,914.77 1,083.92 2,765.36 66,500.00 442.600.00 708,250.00 $ 133,702.2l $108,291.87 $466.255.92 $ 44,867.87 $' 40,256.56 $ $ 4,611.31 42,750.00 47,972.08 5,222.08* 8,644.50 8,644.50 Ed.) 12,903.45 12,903.45 12.903.46 12,903.46 122069.28 6 11.03L5.55 $ 8,033.73 42.410.319.28 Q1,7622868.70 $l40,963.41 $506_487.17 State Revolving Fund Balance Receipts Expendi- Encum- Free to Date tures brances Balance $ 870,256.40 $ 367,184.87 $204,435.09 $298,636.44 403,291.00 403,291.00 20.416.25 20,416.25 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1, 2935 963.65 $ 387 601 12 T607,726.09 $2938636.44 *Expenditures and encumbrances in excess of receipts to date, Free Balance Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 College Division Depart. Aoprop. Administration & General General Admin.Offices Bd. of Trustees $ 1,200.00 President's Office 7,980.00 Comptroller's Office 12,308.50 Acot. Division' 18,402.50 Purchase & Stor.Div. 14,010.00 Offf.of Dean of Univ. 6,695.00 Off.of Dean of Men 6,050.00 Off of Dean of Women 12,350.00 Registrar's Office 36,768.00 Personnel Office 25,415.84 Service Men's Surv. _1370. 00 Subtotal _142 549084 Expendi- Encum- tures brances Free Balance $ 281.14 $ 8.60 $ 910.26 7, 083.43 65,00 831.57 9, 612.64 4.80 2,691.06 13,757.36 4.,645.14 11, 354.66 321.81 2, 333.53 5,305.62 1 389.38 4,683.25 1 366.75 9, 657.16 6.00 2,686.84 32, 607.23 519.17 3 641.60 19.477.44 1,566.88 4,371.52 1 363119 6.81 T115 183.12 W2,492.26 24. 874. 46 Student Welfare Lectures, Convoca- tions, etc. Public Health Serv. YMCA-YWCA Sub. Subtotal $ 2 ,300(,00 5,230.00 5 742.00 a- 13,a272e 00 $ $ $ 2,300.00 5,207.69 25.18 2. 87* 4, 50O 18 12 25._82 8 9,713.87 6 25.18 $ 3532.95 Public Relations & General Exp. ?romotion & Pub. $ 14,766,00 Alumni Assn. 6,540.00 Alumni Publications 2,000.00 Catalogs, Announce- ments, Part,,, etc. 7,500.00 General Expense (N.D.C.) 6,500.00 Stenographic Bureau 7,515.00 Out-of-State Travel 6, 500.00 Soldier-Alumni Postage 400.00 Adm. of State Veterans' Scholarshios 1000000 Subtotal 052721.00 Excess & Surplus Property 100. 000.00 Total Administrative & General Expense $308,542.84 $ 11,380.55 4J 955.88 1, 399.43 $ 358.32 18.16 419.22 $ 3,027.13 1 565.96 181.35 2, 914. 32 7,635.23 3 049. 55* 1,988.26 8,073.20 3, 514.46 695.52 456.57 1, 293.78 3.,816.22 1, 014.77* 1,691.76 400.00 1,237.50 237 50* $ 35,463.60 $ 10,876.80 $ 6,380.60 4 51,691.77 $ 1,J231.49 $ 47,.076.74 $212,052.36 $ 14,625.73 .$ 81,864.75 *Expenditures and encumbrances in excess of approp. Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending ADril 30, 1947 Collepe Division Depart. Expendi- Encum- Free APprop. tures brances Balance Instruction College of A & S Adm.& Div.Expense $ 14,263.90 $ 12,086.66 $ 142.36 $ 2,034.88 Anatomy & Phys. 26,544W00 15,295.99 7,380.53 3,867.48 Ancient Languages 3,460.00 2,891.72 568.28 Anthropology 13,500.00 8,240.28 695.39 4,564.33 Art 18,703.34 13,928.96 33.30 4,741.08 Bacteriology 59,575.00 35,567.11 15,122.88 8,885.01 Botany 16,250.00 11,459.94 1,991.23 2,798.83 Chemistry 81, 310.53 54.,166.47 9,150.79 17,993.27 Eng.Lang. & Lit. 81,167.98 63,385.06 10.00 17,772.92 Geology 29,513.33 20,164.68 1,600.82 7,747.83 German Language 20,940.45 17,233.39 10.45 3,696.61 History 47,234.26 35,648.68 121.29 11,464.29 Journalism 20,348.00 15,777.74 577.02 3,993.24 Library Science 14,579.00 11,152.94 153.49 3,272.57 Math. & Astronomy 75,054.99 63,635.72 121.85 11,297.42 Military Science 3,800.20 2,994,72 15.60 789.88 Music 66,160.00 36,981.48 5,825.17 23,353.35 Philosophy 14,482.66 8,510,27 3.70 5,968.69 Physical Education 53,655.00 31,497.71 3,381.89 18,775.40 Physics 69,916.66 48,966.39 13,459.30 7,490.97 Political Science 36,852.47 27,331.33 9,521.14 Psychology 47,617.53 34,163.78 1,570.97 11,882.78 Pub.Health & Hyg. 6,470.00 4,700.15 1,769.85 Romance Languages 31,410.97 25,170.23 6,240.74 Social Work 12,064,19 6,667.43 104.69 5,292.07 Sociology 23,263.34 17,979.92 4.00 5,279.42 Zoology 32,440.00 20,397.95 5,580.81 6,461.24 Radio Arts 3,440.00 2,424.91 147.79 867.30 University Radio Sta. 13,060.00 9,112.08 2,066.69 1,881.23 Geography 16,788.33 12,904,03 754.96 3 129.34 Total-Arts & Sciences $953,866.13 $670,437.72 70 026.97 213 401 44 Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 College Division Depart. Approp. Expendi- Encum- tures brances Free Balance College of Engineering Adm.& DivExpense $ 57,310.94 $ 42,151.71 $ 5,027.61 $ 10,131.62 Lab.Supervision 22,780.00 14,701.73 195,50 7,882.77 Instruction 125,741.66 92,343.78 33,397.88 Publications Engineering Equipment Research in Coal 8,550.00 4,509.14 1,087.46 2,953.40 Engineering - Exp.Sta. 8,100.00 4,223.12 3,876__88 Total-College of Engineering $222,482.60 $157,929.48 $ 6,310.57 $ 58,242.55 College of Commerce Administration $ 7,661.33 $ 6,024.54 $ 1,220.49 $ 416,30 Instruction 77,459.83 59,390.46 18,069.37 Bureau of Bus.Research 10,609.50 7.559,17 17.96 3,032.37 Total-College of Commerce College of AgriculturE & Home Economics Adm. & Gen.Exp. 'Agronomy Animal Industry Ent.& Botany Farm Economics Home Economics Horticulture Mkts.& Rural Fin. Short Course Animal Pathology Total-College of Agriculture College of Law Administration Instruction Total-College of Law $ 95,730.66 $ 72,974.17 $ 1,238.45 $ 21,518.04 $ 15,010.00 $ 8,027.05 $ 22.57 $ 6,960.38 27,214.00 18,901.35 131.17 8,181.48 41,096.00 25,427.39 2,689.62 12,978.99 4,950.00 4,988.54 38,40 923.06 16,590.00 8E,773.24 7,816.76 53,630.00 30,465.13 512.03 22,652.84 13,125.00 8,259.61 137.58 4,p727.81 12,650,00 5,841.03 6,808.97 1,080.00 50.00 1,030.00 3.680,00 2,938.29 741,71 $189,025.00 $112,671.63 $3531.37 $ 72,822.00 $ 7,717.00 $ 5,028.94 $ 427.82 $ 2, 260.24 40.420,00 30,081.94 424.30 9,913.76 $48137.00 j 35,110.88 2812 $ 12,174.00 Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 Colle~e Division Depart. Apnrop. Expendi- ture s Encum- brancesB College of Education Admin.& DivExp. Agr,Education Bur.Sch.Service Business Education Distaib.Occupations School Adimin. Ed.Psychology El.Education Univ.El. & H.S. Bureau of Curriculum History of Education Home Ec. Ed. Phile of Ed. Placement Bureau Secondary Education Trades & Industries Sum. Sch. Spec. Total-College of Education $ 10,670.00 30,140.00 18,446.66 5,150.00 5,380.00 4,110.00 12S,426.92 5,968.60 77,194.80 12, 587.25 1,680.00 17,725.00 10, 271.92 2,870.00 9,44t-1.66 111730,00 2,000.00 $ 8,064.76 20,890.53 15, 580.57 3,793.33 4,437.14 3,393.27 . 5,210.80 4,739.21 56,339.37 6,484.64 1,400.00 10,101.32 8,112.60 2,014.67 7,504.93 9, 517.61 54 1.71 $ 2,605.24 250.00 8,999.47 793.22 2,072.87 1,356.67 60.00 882.86 716.73 7,216.12 1,229.39 2,372.45 18,482.98 210.34 5,892.27 280.00 7,623.68 2,159.32 13.20 842.13 1,936.73 2,212.39 1,458.29 $237,792.81 0168,126.46 $ 3,699.21 $ 65,967.14 Graduate School 060.00 2,268.96 791.04 Total-Graduate School 3 3.060.00 ' 2,268.96 3 791.04 Greenhouses Botanical Garden Museum Educational Conf. University Press Univ.Extension Adm. Univ.Ext.Instruction Libraries Bureau of Source Materials & Higher $ 150.00 $ 3,000.00 700.00 9,940.00 29, 505.00 9,930.00 136, 095.00 150.00 693.28 1,089.14 26,340.62 7,663.06 87, 110.97 .$ $ 150.00 2,850.00 6.72 20.00 8,830.86 366.56 2,797.82 2,266.94 18,947.08 30,036.95 Education 4 150.00 3,072.09 1,077.91 Total-Related Activ, J193470.00 Q2619.6 $ 19,333.641 L 48.017.20 Total-Instruction & RltdAtv 9438564.20 1.3455,63846 $104,992.33 $492,933.41 Free Balance Related Activ, Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 College Division Depart. Approp. Operation of Physical Plant Maintenance and Operations of Physical Plant Total-Operation of Physical Plant Auxiliary EnterpriE Men's es.Halls Men's Hall Annex Women's Res.Halls Women's Hall Anne) Athletics Post Office Total-Auxiliary Enterprises Fire Loss Replace- ment Combined Total Expendi- tures Encum- Free brances Balance $ 404,681.50 $ 260,633.02 $ 45,572.05 98.476.43 $ 404,681,50 260,633.02 $ 45a572.05 $ 98,476.43 ;es T 33,960,00 C) 24,406.33 $ 169.98 $ 9,383.69 1,434.64 1,434.64* 212,731,00 154,012.85 12,540.77 46,177.38 829.99 829.99* 5,000.00 4,166.60 833,40 13,670.00 6,572.32 812.05 6,285.63 @ 265,361.00 191,422.73 3522.80 $ 60,415.47 1 l27.294.51 214.711.81 L $112.582.70 -03,0'19,444.05 L2,024,458.38 j178712.91 g8462272.76 *txpenditures in excess of approp. Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 Plant Funds Depart. Aporop. Expendi - ture s Encum- brances P.W.A.-First Bond Issue $ 35,872.50 (v 4,480.61 $ p.W.A.-Second Bond Issue Dicker House Annuity Fieldhouse.s Service Building Con- struction 40V, B291.00 106,000.00 403, 291.00 490.75 105, 509.25 Fire Loss Replacements - Service Bldg. Fine Arts Building Construction 518,000.00 Dairy Center 16,000.00 50,000.00 64,000.00 438,000.00 2,500.00 47,500.00 Dairy Center - Hiller Prop. Men's Residence Halls Construction 14,000.00 14, 000.00 115, 718.52 115,718.52* Men's Residence Halls Constr.-Retained Percentage (Liab.) 11, 460. 84* Men I a Residence Halls Bond Issue Telephone Exchange Installation 38,028.20 Total-Plant Fund i 181,646.70 3,685.52 3, 685.52* 64.75 37,963. 45 Q3 145,478.47 )507.782,45 8528.385.78 *Expenditures in excess of approp. Free Balance 15, 980.00 475. 00 O 31,391.89 15,998.82 500.34 28.00 18. 82* 53. 34* 11,460.84 Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Endinf7 April. 30, 1947 Experiient Stat4on Divizion Budget Realized Unrealized Estimate to Date Balance State A o22triatlons General Tobacco Research Se-vice Labo-ratories Nursery Inspection Princeton Sub-Station "-aicksand Sf'-Station Horti culture Strawrberr- Mkg. & Lab. Dairy Cattle ImDrcv. Subtotal Federal Funds Ha tch Adams Purnell Bankhead-Jones Subtotal Sales & Services Serum Sales Seed Inspection Fees Fertilizer Tagn Feed Insp,.Ta&s License Fees Farm Sales Nursery Insr.Fees W.Ky.IMi c. Pub.Analysis Xisc. Subtotal Combined Total $ 55,000.00 7,500.00 23,100.00 4, 000.00 17, 60).00 17,6G0.00 10, 000.00 '1, 5.00.00 15.000.00 w 55,000.00 7,500.00 23,:100.00 4,000.00 17, 600.00 17,600.00 10, 000.00 1,500.00 15. 000.00 $ 15 ;o). 0U $ 1510O0.00 51, 00C).0vO $ 15 ,000.O0 $ 15, 000. 0)0 15, 000.00 60, 0CO; . 00 60, 000.00 21 8. 387 &0 68,327. 0 L 15282327. 1783.'7. 0 _ $ $ 72.97 , 79297* 35 000.00 33,465.82 1 534.18 110,000.00 145, 664.70 35,664.70* 110, O00 00 107,452.05 2,547.95 14,540.00 8,303.03 6,036.97 51, 000. 00 50,975.77 204.23 2,000.00 385.00 1,615.00 15,000.00 18,155.54 3,155.54* __52.50 1525 0-'O* 337,3-6660.00 627. 30 27,3237.38* ~666 967 80 691 019 5.la 272817.38* *iRealized In excess of estimate. Statement 3f State and Federal Allotments For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 Experiment Station Division Allotted Expendi- Encum- to Date tures brances State Aopropriations General Appropriation 55,000.00 Tobacco Research 7,500.00 Service Laboratory 23,100.00 Nursery Inspection 4,000.00 Prinoeton Sub-Sta. 17,600.00 Qucksand Sub-Sta. 17,600.00 F.orticulture 10,000.00 S trawberry Mkg.& Lab. 1,500.00 Dairy Cattle Improv. 15.000.00 Subtotal .;151.300.00 Federal Funds Hatch Adams Purnell Bankhead-Jone s Subtotal Combined Total $ 54,689.04 $ 5,862,58 18,067.22 132.85 2,716.60 15,715.76 187.81 14 ,920.33 32.50 8,354.30 126.16 350.00 10.664.62 210.00 $131,340.45 $- 689.32 $" 15,000.00 $ 11,908.49 $ 15,000.00 11,535.00 60000.00 46,976.94 88.327.80 67,955.83 178,327.80 i'138.376.26 I L329, 627.0269.716.7l 89.32_ $ 310.96 1,637.42 4,899.93 1,283.40 1,696.43 2, 647.17 1,519.54 1,150.00 4.125.38 $ 19,270.23 q 3,091.51 3,465.00 13,023.06 20,371.97 .S 39,951.54 j 59.221.77 State Revolving Fund Balances Receipts Expendi- Encum- to Date tures brances Experiment Station $650,243.43 Animal Pathology 53,160.81 Post-War AdJ.Exp. 60,000.00 Repairs & New Equip. 109,680.20 Abattoir Bldg.Fund 108.41 S$873,1920. 85 $261,016.89 $ 45,64-1.14 41,20 1,125.00 946.58 w263,129.67 1,046.75 16.50 ,. 46,704.39 Free Balance q343,585.40 53,119.61 60,000.00 107,508.45 854.67* $563,358.79 *Expenditure in excess of approp. Free Balance Statement of Aporopriations For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 Experiment Station Division Dept. Approp . Expendi- Encum- ture s brances Hiatch Fund Ad~min.& General Animal Husbandry Chemi stry Horticulture Pub, & Library Subtotal Adams Fund Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemistry Subtotal Purnell Fund Faria Economics Mikts.& Rural Fin, Hiome Economics Pub. & Library Subtotal $ 7, 650.00 4 6, 100.18 $ 1,200.00 800.00 2,500.00 2,133.33 1, 200.00 1,0016.66 2,450.00 1_858.32 4 15,000.00 o 11,908.49 _ $4, 64-5. 00 3,933.32 3 5, 500.00 , 598. 31 4'. 855.00 3,003.37 -Q 15,000.00 4$ 11,535.00 ? 4 29, 485.00 6 23, 321,41 4 22, 815. 00 18,318.96 6,000.00 4,614L. 05 t 700.00 722.52 4$ 60,000.00 4" 66,976.9' 4$ $ 1, 549. 82 400.00 366.67 183.34 591. 68 4$ 3.091,51 $1 711.68 901,69 1 861.63 Q 3; .65.00 $ 6, 163.59 4,496.04 1,385.95 977 48 : 13,023.06 Bankhead-Jone s Agronomy 4$ 36,140.00 Animal Husbandry 5,720.00 Aniilal Pathology 9,200.00 Chemistry 4t, 900. 00 Entomology & Botany 5,430.00 Farm Economics 3,860.00 Markets & Rur.Fin. 4, 300.00 Horticulture 5,680.00 Dairy 2,215.00 Pub.& Library 1 382. 00 Poultry 9,500.00 Subtotal 88.27Q00 Total Federal Funds 4$178,327.00 $ 28t7844.61 4$ $ 7,355.39 4,213, 18 1, 506.52 8,056.14 1,143. 86 2,115. 60 2, 484-t. 40 ',175.75 1,2541.25 4, w 344. 93 484 93* 3, 417. 92 882.08 1, 698.9 6 981,04 1,219.92 995.08 1,382.00 6.628,, _ 2. 871.4,.;8 'Q 67.955.83 2 0,37117 9'138,376.26 9$ ~,3 3 9 ,9 5 0 .7 4 * * *Expenditure in excess of approp, Free Balance Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending A-rill 30, 1947 ExDeriment Station Division Dept. Approp. State Revolving Funds Administration X 73,464,00 Agronomy 66, 300.00 Animal Husbandry 382221.50 Animal Pathology 16, 790.00 Chemistry 8,328.00 Entom.& Botany 35,280,00 Farm Economics 8,095.00 Markets 385.00 Horticultum 9,820.00 W. Ky. Sub-Station 15, 000.00 Dairy 19, 4258.00 Publ. & Library 13,980.00 Creamery License 14,340.00 Feed & Fertilizer 85,000.00 Pub. Serv. Lab. 230,70 Poultry 10,020.00 Subtotal T471. 682.20 Expendi- Encum- tures brances t"?47, 279.37 t 41, 303.35 16,779.01 11,332. 54 3,132.80 25,832.09 2, 202.00 124. 87 5, 923. 07 7,3283.82 12, 422.79 7,4 03. 54 9j 0,03. 22 63,476.62 941.42 1, 110.44 870.51 1 030.97 314.95 4, 298. 42 122.98 693.16 2, 544.53 396.37 49.39 24, 630.35 ,J7. 477 80 10. 65 Q261,016 ' 37,014.14' Fre e Balance ;'' 25,243.21 23,886.221 2O, 571.98 4,426z.9 4,830.25 5,149.49 5,a893.00 260.13 3,773.95 7, 023.02 4,460.68 6,180.09 5,247.39 3, 106. 97* 230.70 2,531.55 3116, 651.17 Fire Loss Replacement 691.90 Q 9 22.05 ,, 669.85 State ApproP. Funds Administration Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemi stry Entom. & Botany Markets horticulture Home Economics Robinson Sub-Station W.Ky. Subw-Station Dairy Dairy Catt. Improv. Pub. Serv,Lab. Poultry Subtotal Total State Funds Combined Totals 4, 953.00 9 16,107. 81 7,460.00 8,832.68 15, 105.00 10, 737,54 3,600.00 3,158.28 12,917.00 10,007.27 81680.00 6, 69.92 1,500.00 350.00 11 400.00 9, 537.58 540.00 17, 600.00 14,920.33 17, 600. 00 15,715.76 6,880.00 2,904.16 15,000.00 11,495.40 23,100.00 18,067.22 _ 4,965.00 2,856.50 151,300.00 131. 340. 45 .565,982.20 $'392 357.34 '~001-70 MZ30733.60 $) $ ~11,154.81* 1, 372. 68* 4,3 67. 46 441.72 2, 909.73 2, 030,08 1,150.00 118.96 1, 743.46 540.00 32.50 2,647.17 187.81 1, 696.43 16.20 3,959.64 201,00 3,303.60 132. 85 4, 899.93 2,108,50 689.32 9,270.2 ; 37.703,46 91352921.40 , 37,725,5.1, 6,541.99 Experiment Station Plant Funds Repairs & New Equip.$ $ 1,125.00 1,046.75 $ 2,171,,75* Animal Path.Bldg. 45,000.00 41,20 44,958.80 Abattoir Bldg. 946.58 16.50 963.08* Animal Hospital 45 000_00 _ 45 000.00 Total 90000 2 12. ,063.25 $ 86,823.97 *Expenditures in excess of approp. Statement of Departmental Appropriations For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 Experiment Station Division Dept. Approp. Expendi- Encum- tures brances Combined Totals of Exoeriment Station Admin.& Gen.Exp. Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemistry Dairy Entomology & Botany Farm Economics Home Economics Horticulture Mkts. & Rural Fin. Poultry Pub. & Library WKy. Sub-Station Creamery License Feed & Fertilizer Pub.Serv. Lab. Robinson Sub-Statior Animal Path.Bldg. Abattoir Bldg. Dairy Catt. Improv. Repairs & New Equip. Animal Hospital Subtotal Fire Loss Replace- ment 86,067.00 4~ 69,487.36 $ 941.42 109,900.00 78,920.64 1,110.44 64,891.50 36,463.35 870.51 35,090.00 27,145.27 1,030.97 33,500.00 20,692.37 314.95 28,523.00 16,546.87 2,560.73 49,390.00 36,657.76 4,298.42 41,440.00 29,868.34 6,540.00 4,614.05 28,100.00 21,176.27 241.94 29,000.00 22,211.75 24,48b.00 16,962.82 10,65 19,512.00 9,984.38 396.37 32,600.00 22,999.58 880.97 14,34.0.00 9,043.22 49.39 85,000.00 63,476.62 24,630.35 23,330.70 18,067.22 132.85 17,600.00 14,920.33 32,50 45 000.00 41.20 946.58 16.50 15,000.00 11,495.40 201.00 1,125.00 1,046.75 45,000 600 $83,4*-309.20 $532 B846,38 $3,66.71 4 15i638.22 29,868.92 27,557.64 6,913.76 12,492.68 9,415.40 8,433.82 11,571.66 1,925.95 6,681.79 6,788.25 7,511.53 9,131.25 8,719.45 5,247.39 3,106.97* 5,130.63 2,647.17 44,958.80 963, 08* 3,303.60 2,171.75* 45 000,00 $262,696.11 691.90 22.05 669.85 835 001.10 - 8-46.38 $ 38.788 76 S2633135226 *Expenditures in excess of approp, Free Balance Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 Extension Division Budget Estimate Realized to Date Unrealized Balance State Aopropriation General Federal Funds Bankhead-Jone s & Smith-Lever Capper-Ket chan Bankhead-Flannagar. Subtotal Combined Total S 250,000.00 $ 250.000.00 $ $ 625,981.53 $ 625,981.53 X 37,387.96 37,387.96 321. 871 27 321.87l127 5.2"O.76$ 985,240.76 __a 2_ _240.76 7 p 2- 5 6240760 $ Statement of Federal Allotments For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 Extension Division Allotted to Date Expendi- EncuT- tures brances Free Balance State Appropriation General - Personal Services$ 250,000.00 $194.021.45 $$55,978.55 i 250,000.00 194,021.45 5 5978.5 Federal Funds Bankhead-Jones & Smith-Lever $ 625,981.53 $513,517.60 $ $112,463.93 Capper-Ketcham 37,387.96 37,387.96 Bankhead-Flannagan 321.871.27 169,098.17 152,773.10 Subtotal _ 985,240.76 $720,003.73 X6 237.03 Combined Total $S1235,240. 76 $914,025.1B $3213215.58 Statem-ent of Anpropriations For the Period Ending April 30, 1947 Extension Division Dept. Approp. Expendi- Encum- tures brances Smith-Lever & Bankhead Jones Fund Administration $ Publications Public Information County Agents Home Dem.Agents I Clothing Foods Junior Clubs Agronomy Dairy Animal Husbandry Markets Farm Management Poultry Horticulture Veterinary Science AgrEngineering Farm & Home Conven. Home Management Entom.& Botany Rural Sociology Forestry Admin.Reserve Subtotal % Capper-Ketcham County Agents $ Home Dem.Agents Subtotal 11,000.00 20,950.00 3,140.00 404,785.38 L02, 184.21 1,200.00 2,200.00 16,900.00 6,900.00 4,400.00 3,300.00 3,600.00 2,600.00 3,400.00 2,300.00 1,600.00 4,580.00 1,200.00 3,200.00 1, 500. 00 1,500.00 1,500.00 22.041.94 8 a, 170.30 6,991.90 2,293.99 338,172,89 114,147.17 1,225.71 1,770.30 10,292.04 6,611.32 1,954.57 2s,544. 91 2,533.21 1,319.30 3,441.39 1,480.54 910,83 2,513.62 952.79 3,985.38 $ 797.08 1,408.36 $ 2,829.70 13,958.10 846.01 66,612.49 11,962.96* 25. 71* 429.70 6,607.96 288.68 2,445.43 755.09 1,066.79 1,280.70 41.39* 819.46 689.17 2,066.38 247.21 785.38* 1,500.00 702.92 91.64 22. 041.94 625 981.53 9513.517.60 $ 1112 463.93 12,500.00 $ 12,370.95 $