xt7k6d5pc572 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k6d5pc572/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19620314  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 14, 1962 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 14, 1962 1962 2015 true xt7k6d5pc572 section xt7k6d5pc572 Leadership Conference
Slated For Saturday

Approximately 2o0 representatives of women's government
associations will atteiul a statewide conference here Saturday
to exchange ideas on government for women.
Dr. Elizabeth Orernleaf, dlrec- - citv ulll cnonlr tn Iho rnnfxronra
tor of residence hall counseling
and- activities at Indiana Unlver- Future."
There will be three discussion

Top Rating

groups led by Dr. Doris Seward,
dean of women, on the "Future of
American Women;" Miss Dixie Evans, director of women's residence
halls, will discuss "Rules and Regulations;" and Dr. Oreenleaf will
talk on "Cultural and Social Aspects In the Residence Halls."
Two University debaters received
Representatives from UK will
superior certificates for speaking
Include members of the Associat the Miami University Tournament held in Oxford, Ohio last ated Women Students, Women's
Advisory Council, Women's Resweekend.
idence Hall Council, officers of
Sco-vilDeno Curris and Warren
and representatives
replaced third and fifth
from the women's residence halls.
in individual speaking.
The conference is sponsored by
They were in competition with
the Women's Residence Hall Coun
88 debaters from the midwest.
Those participating in the two
Gloria Sawtelle, president of the
tournament were Bettye
said registration will be
Scoville, arguing council,
held from
a.m.. Saturday.
the affirmative,
Cannon and Curris for the negaUniversity women will pay no
tive. The team was accompanied registration
fee. Transportation
by Dr. Gifford Blyton, professor of will be provided to Carnahan
and debate coach.
House for the discussions.


Vol. L1II, No. 80


University of Kentucky






Eight PagcJ

Military Groups Required
To Repay Congress Loans
With a
vote Monday night. Student
gress ruled that three military organizations will have to
the remainder of the loan granted them for the 1939
tary Hall.
the Military Ball Saturday

Congress members were also told
a proposal to elect officers in a
snriras. rnmnuswlrip election mieht
be presented in the near future.
The motion to release Scabbard
and Blade, Arnold Air Society, and
pershing Rifles from a loan con- tract ln wnlcn the organizations
owed stUdent Congress over $800
was made by John .Williams, SC
vlce president,
Williams said the chances of
the societies making a profit on

- But Ao Phones

Theft Causes Donovan Men
To Be Without Telephone

Fourteen men in Donovan said Dennis Alerding, sopnomore turned ln the report and did not
premed student. "It worries me
Hall have been three weeks every time it rings since it could' know wnat happened to it.
MrJack Hal1- director of the
be somebody from 'home. As far
without a telephone.


as I know we've reported it many', men's residence, halls, said, "The
The phone was torn out of. its many times but we have yet to see report was turned in the day after
on the first floor front a repairman."
wall fixture
the phone was torn out. I gave it
section early Sunday morning, Feb.
"We've told our counselor, Joe-- - to Mr. Bob Seay since it is more in
24. Since the connections were not Birch, and he says he's reported it his line. We know the
phone was
disturbed, the incoming calls can to Jack Hall. But there's nothing . taken between 2 and G a.m. Sun- be put through. The bell will ring ve can do but wait. We' can't hook day morning."
ln the room boxes but the phone the phone up ourselves."
Hall emphasized that' the re- cannot be answered.
Charlie-Aldewas a. little mow . placement of the phone was not
There is no way to stop the direct. "I think its inconvenient.
being purposely held up to teach
We could be getting an importphone from ringing until the perthe boys a lesson, as- some of
son placing the call hangs up. In ant call from home or somethem seem to feel.
many cases it has become a comwhere and never receive it. I
mon prank to call one of the men think the Maintenance DepartA call to the operator turned up
and leave the phone off the hook. ment is very inefficient for takthe fact that there was no way to
ing this long. I paid for the use stop the incoming' calls. Since the
The men then discovered a way
of the phone and I think I ought
line was not dead and had not
to short circuit the wiring and
to have one to use. I do hope been shut off calls are forwarded.
now the ringing can be stopped.
they do something about it."
But the caller simply tries to call
Bob Seay, director of men's
again not knowing why the calls
"I think we ought to have one residence
halls, said he' reported
are cut off but not answered.
and I think we should have had the disorder
our week
The men of Donovan Hall, first it within three days. It wasn't
ago and again Monday
are becoming angry.
fault" the phone was torn out,"
"Every time my phone rings I commented Pat Kile.
The University operator said that
have to sit here and listen to it
The counselor of the floor and the telephone repairman had Just
and every time I want to phone of Donovan Hall declined to corn- - returned from vacation and re- made soon.
out, I have to go hunt a phone." ment except to say that he had pairs would probably



were very slim. As a result of
lack of real inrome it might
take 20 years to be paid, he said.
A representative
of Scabbard
and Blade indicated the society
nmnnpH tn ept. lin th Hanrp mnra
efficiently in order that the debt
may be paid back.
The best way Student Congress
could help the societies, the repre- sentative concluded, is to support
the Military Ball themselves.
The vice president said .later
he thought Student Congress had
done the right thing in taking a
stand on the Issue. He explained
that it must be brought to the
attention of the congress members each year.
Student Congress members were
told that a proposal might be presented to them in several weeks
asking that congress officers be
elected in the spring through a
campuswide election.
Presently, the constitution states
that the officers will be elected
within the body itself the first
meeting following the campuswide
election of representatives.
The slaie of candidates is prepared by the Elections Committee
and presented to the new congress members on that night.
The jiew proposal would mean
a change in the constitution
which would call for a two.-thirmajority in congress and
majority vote from a campuswide- election.
Most of the Student Congress
members who expressed an opinion
Monday night felt that the campuswide election would raise the
interest in the. governing group's
However, the method of selecting candidates for the election became a matter of controversy.
Briefly, should anyone be able
to run for the offices, should there
be a screening board, or should
there be a screening board to pre
sent the candidates to congress, in
addition to the ability of SC representatives to nominate other candidates from the floor.



To Receive
Group Minnies
Student Congress ruled Mon- day night that the minutes of
subr,roups will be
turned over to the congress



Jim Daniel, president of Student
Congress, said the minutes will be
reviewed by the cabinet and peri
odic reports made to the members
of congress.
The subgroups include Inter
fraternity Council, Panhellenic
Council, Men's Residence Hall
Governing Council, Family Housing Council, .Associated Women
Students, and the Student Union
The approved motion of the
governing group followed a proposal two weeks ago that the Campus Affairs Committee study several systems by which Student
Congress could be represented in
these subgroups.
Two suggestions were:
A verting
each gi'oup.
2. A committee
of review that
would report back to Student
Congress, but each representative would hive no voting
Ka'hv Cannon, a representative,
of the Campus Affairs Study Com-- 1
mittee, presented-- lie proposal that
the minutes of the subgroups be
given the secretary and reviewed
by the congress officers.

said the
Congress Judiciary
Board had ruled a congress representative in the subgroups as
Daniel said that the Judiciary
Board ruled the representatives
Unconstitutional because there was
no provision for such a system In
the SC constitution.


Dean Wh ite Speaks
At A&S Banquet

The knowledge, maturity, and intellectual curiosity of
freshmen at UK. is remarkable compared to 10 ta l. years ago,
Dr. M. M. W hite, dean ol the College of Arts and "Sciences,
said at the college's annual'dhmer last night.

AVir I nit idles
Being Initiated today and tomorrow are new mem- bers of Keys, sophomore men's honorary. They are,
first row from the left: Jim Wheeler, Tom Lmbry,


Steve I.arimore, and George Strange. Second row,
Joe Couglilin, James Statins Jim Bond, and Mike
Sells. Absent from picture is John 1'1'ciffer.

The reason for this is because the state's high schools are giving
students an opportunity Ui learn more, said Dean White.
In his talk to the Arts and Sciences faculty, the dean reminded
the professors that UK is not just a school for the top student.
"Sometimes I hear that certain parents hesitate to send their
children to us because we are too advanced. This is nonsense. Any
high school graduate who is serious about getting an education and
willing to study can succeed at the University," said Dean White,
Dean White pointed out that better students are coming to the
University than ever before. In fact, the best students in Kentucky
are coming to UK, he said.
Concerning the College of Arts and sciences faculty, Dean
While said that over 95 percent of the faculty lias taught for
more than three years, and the majority for over 10 years.
Last year, Arts and Sciences facul'y members published 203
articles or books, a number of them selected by professional journals
as among the outstanding of the year.
Twelve faculty members returned this year after spending at
least a semester in a foreign country doing research or teaching, and
seveial others spent a month or more abroad.
Dean White said in the future, the college would have to
on Page 2

* 2



I, 19f2

Y Groups Collect $800



Fund-Raisin- g

for the daily discussions, activities,
and programing of the
on campus and also enables delefund-raisingates from the University to attend conferences and meetings out
of town.
Mr. Leak said an editorial and
a full page spread in the Kernel
drive for which explained the
This year's
program has enabled many peo$1,600 will continue through March.
ple to take a new look at the orYearly the
letters to the members of the
ask"Personally," Mr. Leak said. "I
I'niversity faculty and staff
feel this is an opportunity for the
ing them to contribute to the orfaculty and staff to show the stuganization and become supportdents their concert? for student
ing members of either the YWCA
or the YMCA.
is the sum
The contributed money is used "The

More than $S00 lias hven
contributed to the
drive since it
started Feb. 14, according to
the I lev. Don Leak, University
YMCA director.


Koss Shank, right, president of llir Agriculture and Home Economics Council, presents awards to Stanley Humphries, left, and
Carolyn Dunn. Humphries was the recipient of the $100 Burpee
Award and the Garden Club of Kentucky scholarship. Miss Dunn
received the Statie Lrikson Award.

Chapel Plans Made
For Keeneland Hall
Keeneland Hall is remodeling a
room in its basement to be used as
a chapel.
Miss Gwen Marksberry. the new
chaplain, said the University offered to paint the room while repainting the dorm.
A bulletin board.- bought with
money from the social fund, will
also be installed and will feat up.
from the various
churches about their activities. The
UK florist will also donate one
bouquet of flowers each week.
"The chapel is open now, but
not decorated." Miss Marksberry
said. "We have not bought material
for the curtains yet, but some of

IJiLini And Hosiery



Is a barmaid

tired in ballet tights with a Bikini
cut and mesh hose respectably attired?

Probate Judge Nathan J. Kaufman has been asked to decide this
knotty legal problem.
Detroit Bartenders

Union Local

562 filed suit to keep barmaids "re-

spectably attired." The suit against
Edward and Joanne Lesinski, owners of a Detroit bar was filed on
behalf of Madalin N. Haviland, 30.
The union contended Miss Haviland was fired from her job as a
barmaid Sept. 9 because she refused to work in "a costume which
was immodest and offensive. "
The suit asked Miss Haviland
be reinstated and that the bar stop
dressing its barmaids "like burlesque queens."

the girls in the dorm are going to
make them. We hope to have it
completed by spring."
"I wasn't here last year," Miss
Marksberry said, "but I saw the
chapel in Jewell Hall and this one
is planned Just like it." Miss
Marksberry is a transfer student.
When asked why she opened a
chapel, Miss Maiksberry said the
new officers were considering improvements for Keeneland and she
thought a chapel would be good.

ODK Applications
, Oinieron
Delta Kappa, men's
leadership society, is accepting
applirations for membership. Applications are available in the
Office of the Dean of Men. Com- pleted applications must be returned by 12 noon, March 26.


Pep Group
Planning Trip
To Iowa City

SuKy, the University pep organization, is sponsoring a bus
trip to the NCAA finals in
Iowa City.

The group of 38 includes members of SuKy, the cheerleaders,
and three chaperones.
The bus will leave at 7 p.m.
Thursday and return by 6 p.m.
Sunday. The group will stay at a
hotel in Cedar Rapids.
ommended books for further
Tom Harrington,
president of
"These aspects are some of the SuKy .said the bus will be decoratgreat developments in physical di- ed with banners and the group will
take shakers to cheer with.
agnosis," said Dr. Moll.
Art work for this exhibit was
done by Wayne Williams, head of
the Medical Illustration Department.

Library Exhibit Set Up
In Medical Center

A library exhibit, "Aspects of
Physical Diagnosis," is on display
in the University Medical Center.
The exhibit, located in front of
the Medical School Library, was set
up March 7.
Dr. Wilhelm Moll, author and
founder of the exhibit, said, "displays are set up to coordinate an
exhibit with our teaching program."
"We used the historical approach
to show something about the history of the physical diagnosis."
said Dr. Moll. He went on to exContinued from Page 1
plain how the four different aspects of diagnosis shown in the excrease the number of instructors
hibit came about.
in modern foreign languages
and freshman English; acceleThe first aspect was the pulse;
rate the present tendency to persecond, body temperature; third,
mit a larger number of students
(knocking on the
to work independently; and rechest and bark with the fingers) ;
evaluate the present programs in
and fourth, auseulation (listenmilitary and aerospace science.
Approximately 350 faculty meming to the chest with the ear).
Each aspect is shown along with bers and their wives attended the
dinner in the Student Union Balla draft of explanations and rec




4TH WEfciU cmu





Subscribing to newspapers from different countries
new projt ct sponsored by the C !osmopolitan Club,
"So far we have received copies from the respective countries,"



(Other Than Text)


said Barot.
"The newspapers have been put
5n the Y Lounge for University
students to use," said Barot. "We
started this project for the students."
The newspapers from India are
in English, and are a weekly
composite of seven daily editions
of The Statesman.
"We hope the University students will read these newspapers,"
said Barot.







A Beautiful But
Violent Story!








14 Academy Award



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"The King of Kings"

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Cosmopolitan Club Orders
Two Foreign Newspapers-

of The Statesman, a newspaper in
India. We expect to receive one
from Turkey in a few days," said
Virendra Barot, treasurer of the
The club wanted to subscribe
to six newspapers, but found it
A lare wooden cross was burned
in front of the- residence of a too expensive. "The CosmopolKernel staff member in 1957 after itan Club pays SG.CO tor the subhe had written a criticism of
and the remaining
fraternities in an issue of the scription
amount is paid by the students

total of the efforts of concerned
students and faculty in all areas of
campus life," he said. "This fund-raisidrive is only one way to
relate the two groups."



Paul Newman

'The Hustler"




"Breakfast at Tiffanys'


'OH KKN- T- Hoom in the home of a
former I'K student. Located in a good
residential area. Suitable for serious student. Male Kiaduate student or teacher
preferred. Phone

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WANTED Part-tim- e
appliance and TV
salesman. Salary plus commission. Car
necessary. Apply in person. Master'!
Radio and TV. 81G Euclid Ave. Sea Mr.

ALTERATIONS Skirts, dresses, coats.
or leave
Keasonable rates. Phone
at Robert's House, 109 Cooperstown.









vv. ,1

417 East Maxwell







and Fresh Donuts



Look For Derails

Friday's Kernel



* THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, WtliHNl.i),2f.mli

Social Activities New Spring Shoes.

Library Science Luncheon
library science student and
faculty luncheon will be held at
noon today In Room 7 of Donovan
Ruth Grotheer, assistant librarian of the Queens Borough Public
Library will be the guest speaker.
Thl Alpha Thfta
Phi Alpha Theta will meet at
3:45 p.m. today in the Music Room
of the Student Union Building.
William Clay will speak on "The
Early History of Fleming County."



advisory board
luncheon will be held at noon today in Room 205 of the Student
Union Building.
SUB Social Committee
The Student Union Board social
committee will meet at 4 p.m. today In Room 128 of the Student
Union Building.
Sl'K Recreation Committee
The Student Union Board recreation committee will meet at 4
p.m. today in Room 204 of the
Student Union Building.
Dames Club
Dames Club will hold a style
show at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Ballroom of the Student Union
Military Bail
Voting for Military Ball Queen
will take place from 8 a.m. to 4
p.m. today at the ticket troth in
the Student Union Building.
Tickets for the dance will also
go on sale today at the ticket
Department Of Surgery
The Department of Surgery will
hold a luncheon at noon tomorrow
In Room 206 of the Student Union
Dutch Lunch
Dutch Lunch Club will meet at


noon tomorrow In Room 205 of the
Student Union Building.
Jam Session
The Student Union Board will
sponsor a Jam session from 2 to
5 p.m. tomorrow in the Ballroom
of the Student Union Building.
Sl'B Publicity Committee
The Student Union Board publicity committee will meet at 2
p.m. tomorrow In Room 128 of the
Student Union Building.
Physical Education
The Physical Education Department will hold a tea from 4 to
5:30 p.m. tomorrow In the Music
Room of the Student Union Building.
Student Union Hoard
The Student Union Board will
meet at 5 p.m. tomorrow In Room
204 of the Student Union Building.
Sl'B Dance Lessons
Dance lessons will be held at 6:30
tomorrow in the Socinl Room
of the Student Union Building.
Patterson Literary Society
Patterson Literary Society will
meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow in Room
204 of the Student Union Building.

Ti Kappa

The pledge class of Pi Kappa
Alpha fraternity recently elected
the following officers: Norman
Richard WalkLewis, president;
er, vice president; Kent Marcum.
Don Harris, treasurer;
and Charles Curry, sergeant at

lJ-- 3

check repolice received a
from Mrs. Jerome S hles-ing- er
of Port Chester, N. Y., for a
highway toll.
It seems she missed the basket
when she tried to throw a quarter
into an automatic toll collector on
the Connecticut Turnpike.
She started to get out to retrieve it, but a long line of motorists behind her began to honk their
horns. So she drove off.
t Later, she began to brood maybe she had better make certain
the state received the money. Thus,
the check.

decorations or point up the facets
of a carved heel. A pale shade
with a dark shade can Rive the
illusion of an open toe, shank or
And Just to add variety and
prove that openness is not entirely an Illusion, many new designs
will have open shanks, toes, or
heels and there is a great movement toward the open shanked
pump or near pump as it is being
Shoes that shine are the newest
footwear banner for spring. Patents, in every hue, are first on the
but also in the cateshiny-listgory is gold, which has taken to
the street and promises to be a
glittering compliment for summer
whites and beiges.
Fashion shoe colors are brighter
than ever and the dm per malt
.'hades are replacing bone. Grays,
whites, and thick pa'ents are
I'ried and may Le mixed with
snarfeskin. Blue, uKvayi a part of
the spring teason, is brightened
to tones that range fiu:n blight
navy to turquoise. Gieens and mis
are increasing, also.

Check your opinions against LWi's


Conscience Money


Cure Fashion Fever

By The Associated Press
Women can accelerate the fashion fever cure by treating themselves to a pair of the many new
spring shoes.
For shoe designers are free from
the obsession with the pointed toe
and the needle heel, but instead
offer a number of different toe
and heel shapes.
Toes are rounded, chiseled, flattened or squared. Vamps may be
elongated, shortened, widened,
tapered. Heels go from the very
flat to the low and medium stacked
to the small round to the hiyh
needle and the hour-glas- s
with the medium heels showing
the greatest gains. A trend to
watch here is the increase in thick-- !
er, straighter heels.
Due to the two-hu- e
spectators are seen as a major
influence as calf and kid are combined with patent, reptile or mure
calf and kid in another shade.
Two colors are used to complement, to contrast, to emphasize a
line here, to create a line there.
Thus color may shorten or lengthen in
patterns that
suggest openings, call attention to



Poetry And Trash
CINCINNATI, Ohio M? If you
put your mind to it, you can even
wax poetic about a trash can.
The Student Council at Walnut
Hills High School, campaigning
to mi.ke trah receptacles attractive so more sUulcirfs will use them,
has decided to. dec orate tl.t m w ith
the school color1- - a. id emblem
include this poem by
senior Kaic.i Roe:
"These halls will be cleaner than
ever befoie; if you'll u.--e the trash,
can msicd of the floor."


Opinion Poll


volunteer to man the first space
station if odds on survival were 50-5-

Would you

Baking cookies? When they come
out of the oven, use a broad
spatula to remove them from the
pans to a wire rack. Do not overlap the cookies, or place them on
top of one another, until they are



Style Detectives Seek

New Paris Fashions
By The Associated Press
With spring Just around the corner, style detectives are fitting
their evidence together and coming
up with previews.
The plot on how to drape the
feminine form, and clues on color,
fabric, jewelry, and line go like
this, according to reliable word:
23, back on
the scene this year with a fashion
house of his own, wants no i evolution and no eccentricity. You can
wear your skirt where you think
it lc:oks right as long as it is short.
Waistlines will be loose and supple.
Dresses will be a far cry from the
trapeze line for
was famous
which Saint-Laurewhen he was in charge at Dior.
Saint-Laurenline is balance,
youth, subdued makeup; the color
not pastel, but plenty of prints.
Capucci, a newcomer to this
year's Paris scene, will bring a
splash of bright color from Rome
where he has designed for 10 years.
From his art and music studios
he brings sober line, pure color,
unfussy design. But there may be
drama. His new, exotic Japanese-America- n
model Edmee says she
loves big capes and big hats.
Skirts will be short, waists will
move up and down, and there is a
promise of lots of orange and
bright green.
Philippie Bent. 32, who has nine
years of cutting at Glvenchy behind him, will show a few dresses
on only three models in what he
calls his "sensible little fashion
house." His women will be soft
and feminine, wearing soft "neither dresses nor suits" In pink, red,
white, tan, and green. Evening
wear will be straight black and
white. White coats on black
bheaths or vice versa.
and hips will be
rounded and the waist where
women know it really is. You will
have to take time to chanpe for
evening. Venet doesn't want a
dress with three
Jackets and three coats you keep
peeling off as the evening wears
Dior's Maic Buhan promises a
"carefree dandy by day who turns
ultrafeminine at night." By day

she will be a surprise, which means
there will be a change. Colors will
be bright like "perfect love," a
puiple liqueur, or green chartreuse. Color combinations will be
fabrics extra light
and vaporous, even for that extra
casual day line. Hats will be back
i'i a bi way for Dior on a flower
Other designers have come to
gripd with the twist, which is as
big in Paris as in the United
Patou wants a twist line. Fer-rerwanted one, too, but changed
his mind when he concluded the
twist would be out by next summer. Crahay of Nina Ricci is completely through with the asymet-ri- c
line because of what he calls
"the abominable twist." He thinks
the "twine" should succeed the
twist because it is decadent for
people to dance so far apart.
At Nina Ricci, sacks are definitely dead. There will be "a certain waistline," and no straight
skirts. Colors will be sunny citrus,
turquoise, and green. At night-plun- ging
backs and plunging necklines.
Pierre Balmain doesn't want you
to forget there is a woman inside
his dresses. Waist, bust, and
shoulder will be revealed more
than ever. He will show brilliant
Jean Desses, who has designed a
dress" for Princloudy "fairy-tal- e
cess Sophie of Greece when she
and Don Juan Carlos of'Spain are
married, also accents youth. He
wants to make
and says: "The future belongs to
the designer who can make Brigitte
Bardot look that way."
At Lanvin Castillo there will be
no more "narrow skirts for
women." Last season Castillo sold 150 versions of a feather-lid
model called
"Crescendo," so he is sticking to
the idea.
Pierre Cardin sounds as if he is
not following the trend. He will
show the waist, but his models will
be very tall and thin, and somewhat flat chested. Unlike other
designers, he will show pastels and
very soft colors.

How many crfddren
would you like to have

.when you're married?



men expect their
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their own cigarettes?







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* Security Requires It

President Kennedy's recent decision to resume atmospheric nuclear
testing emphasizes once attain tlie
long, rocky ro.nl toward disarmament. No doubt, this has been a
matter of much concern and heartbreak for many Americans. Some may
reason this is just another step toward inevitable war, rather than a
step toward disarmament and peace.
We, the young people should take
serious reflections on this action and
its consequences, for we will live with
this for the rest of our lives. As President Kennedy said, "The remainder
of this century will be one of conflict and strife. We will live with it
every day."
Much has been said and written
about the increasing "softness" of
America's younger generation, but
then these same people criticize any
sort of "get tough" policy, or the traditional "fight fire with fire."
We 'feel, as President Kennedy
said, that the United States did only
what its security required it to do.

It must be remembered the United
States has pressed repeatedly for disarmament and abided faithfully to the
moratorium on nuclear
lint not so with the Russians. They
conducted over 50 tests of nuclear
devices during their recent series
while we stood by.
Now it is quite apparent that the
only way to smooth the road to disarmament is through the maintaining
of national strength and to overcome
any advantage the Russians may have
gained in all fields.
This is true not only in the arms
race, but also in production, space,'
education, and other fields of the
free enterprise system. .
There is no alternative. To yield
weakly to force in the U.N. or aggressive actions' in other Western allied
countries is to Hivite destruction. We
have yielded too 'much already. It
must not continue. We must stay
young and strong, always ready to
but also ready to strive constantly for peace.


Campus Parable

Newman Club Chaplain

Religious, maturity is a progressive thing. It has its levels. Spiritual
maturity, intellectual maturity, physical maturity, emotional maturity all
of these are
I do not expect spiritual maturity
in a person who is a child physically,
emotionally, or intellectually." Society
has a right, however, to expect that
all of these facets of the human personality develop together.
We have to hospitalize 20 year
olds who can't control their emotions.
We eject from our universities 20
year olds who can't master intellectual

activities. It is a pitiful condition as
well to find a 20 year old with a
religious ability.

A rich

Texan was showing his
little sports car to a friend.
"All those gadgets!" exclaimed the
friend. "Is it ait conditioned, too?"
"No," drawled the millionaire "I
just keep a couple of spare ones in
the freezer."
Catholic Digest,
In the right state the scholar is
Man Thinking. Emerson.

Disarmament Conference

Susy McHugh

Hey, Genevieve, When Are You. Going To Start
Wearing BIG Girl's Dresses?


Another Search Is On For Arms Agreement


in peaceful
Geneva 17 nations will make a new
try to find the key that has eluded
mankind through the centuries: A
way to strip the world of its weapons.
A bleak and unbroken record of
failure' will hang over the delegates.
They know their chances for a breakthrough are slim. Yet, they must negotiate with the hope that some stray
beam of light will disclose the road
to mutual trust.
It is officially a meeting of the
U.N. Disarmament Committee, set up
by the General Assembly of the
United Nations. Members are:
Wesi United States, Britain, Canada, Italy.
' East
Soviet Union, Bulgaria,
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania.
Others Brazil, Burma, Ethiopia,
Mexico, Nigeria,
United Arab Republic.
France also belongs to the committee, but pulled out of this meeting, saying in effect it had no hope
such a large conference could find
even partial solutions to the disarmament question.
Like actors in some endless play,
the delegates convene with brief
cases bulging with papers, their
speeches nicely polished. The phrases
can be predicted. Opening statements
will stress the danger humanity faces
and call for an end to the arms race.
Why, if all say tliey seek the same

goals, are the prospects so slight of
making any real start toward disarmament?
The stakes involved are high. The
subject itself is dizzily complex. A
great natio