xt7k6d5pch9r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k6d5pch9r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 2000 2000 2000-01-31 2020 true xt7k6d5pch9r section xt7k6d5pch9r LEFT 0F CENTER

llztttzat: re hat. 1:):


Certain temperatures
and how they affect




65 Hawaiians declare a
two-blanket night.

60 Californians put on
sweaters (if they can
find one).

50 Miami residents turn
on the heat.


Students support African struggles

45 Vermont residents go
to outdoor concerts.

do to take action."

The group handed out literature to pa-
trons of Shell while others held signs and
shouted “No Blood for Oil" and
“ilonk for Human Rights."

i.aFollette emphasized they

are violated especially when people who

have defended the environment have been

attacked by their own government or by
other groups more concerned
with their own economic inter-

Giving earth a voice: UK chapter demonstrates for human,
enviromental rights at Nicholasville Rd. Shell station

40 You can see your
breath. Californians
shiver uncontrollably.

Minnesotans go

35 Italian cars
don't start.

32 Water freezes.

30 You plan your
vacation to Australia.

25 Ohio water freezes.
Californians weep
pitiably. Minnesotans
eat ice cream.
Canadians go

20 Politicians begin to
talk about the
homeless. New York
City water freezes.
Miami residents plan
vacation further

IS French cars don't
start. Cat insists on
sleeping in your bed
with you.

to You need jumper
cables to get the car

5 American cars don't

0 Alaskans put on

-iO German cars don't
start. Eyes freeze
shut when you blink.

-lS You can cut your
breath and use it to
build an igloo.
Arkansans stick
tongue on metal .
objects. Miami
residents cease to

-20 Cat insists on
sleeping in pajamas
with you. Politicians
actually do
something about the
Minnesotans shovel
snow off roof.
Japanese cars don't

-25 Too cold to think.
You need jumper
cables to get the
driver going.

-40 Californians
Minnesotans button
top button.
Canadians put on
sweaters. Your car
helps you plan your
trip South.

-80 Hell freezes over.


compiled by Samantha
Essidliton Norton


3.3 2.2

sun chilly.


VOL. “105 lSSUE N90


News tips?
Call: 2574915 or write:


By Ann Mullins

Horns were blowing and people were
shouting on the corner of Nicholasville
Road and Southland Drive Friday after
noon. but rush hour road rage wasn't the

Around 18 UK Amnesty international
members gathered at the Shell station at
the intersection to protest the oil corpora-
tion‘s involvement iii environmental and
human rights abuses in Africa.

Amnesty claims more than 2.000 ()go-
ni people of Nigeria died iii the struggle
against Shell's destruction of their envi-

ronment. Now they're worried the curretit
Doha pipeline project iii (‘had (‘ameroon
will become another ()goniland.

Ryan l.aFollette. student area coordi—
nator for Amnesty international at UK.
said the organization is launching a new
campaign with the Sierra (‘luh called
"Just Earth." The purpose is to defend
those who give the earth a voice.

"There are human rights activists and
environmentalists who put their lives on
the liiie to protect forests. oceans atid llillv
ural resources from pollution. political re-
pression atid greedy corporate interests."
he said. “We want to tiiake our presence
known and let people know what they can

are not asking anyone to boycott


"We want Shell to address
the environmental pollution iii
the Niger Delta." he said. “We
also want Shell to provide infor-
mation about the guarantees it
has made for the protection of hu-
man rights iii i‘liad t‘amcroon."
Atny Shelton. group coordina-
tor of Amnesty international at
['K. said they wanted to call atten-
tion to the issue and get more peo-

ple to care.

"Amnesty International is
concerned about the way human rights tocomment on the protest.



UK ROTC's Pershing Rifles
hosted an invitational drill
meet in Barker Hall and in the
Student Center ballroom


Above: Jefferson High School's
drill team flashes their syn-
chronized rifle ability.

left: Drill Sgt. Johnson
inspects Cadet Garter from
Muhienburg North High School
before a preliminary perfor-
mance assessment.





Further research


over a year of study. Monticello officials
announced Wednesday that research has
nearly conclusively proven that founding
father Thomas Jefferson fathered at least
one and maybe more children with his
slave. Sally Hemings.

Monticello officials commissioned the
study after former University Pathology
Prof. Eugene Foster published a study say-
ing that. through DNA research. he had
found a link between Jefferson‘s family
and the Hemings' descendants.

Daniel P. Jordan, Thomas Jefferson
Memorial Foundation president. said the
study was conducted by historians and sci-
entists that already worked for Monticello.

Jordan said the Foundation did not be

gin its research hoping for any particular

“We came into [the project] with an
open mind." he said.

The committee performing the re-
search was charged with several tasks. in-
cluding examining all evidence about the
possible relationship between Jefferson
and Hemings and consulting with outside

Foster said he was pleased with the
outcome of the committee‘s research ef-

The committee reached “more or less
the same conclusions“ that were reached
through the DNA research. he said.

Foster was not involved in the Monti-
cello study.

Foster pointed out that the Monticello
researchers had more information at their

disposal than he had had while conducting

his scientific study.


Amnesty international members
frotii 'l‘ransylvania University
demonstrated with i’K’s mem-

The gray skies and below freezv
itig temperatures didn‘t seem to
matter to the group.

"if there are people in Africa
that get killed because corpora—
tions watit more money. it's a
small price to pay to come out on
a cold day." said Amelia Davis. a
i'K French and international
Economics sophomore.

Shell Station employees declined

A website for


On the



Wouldn’t you like this

800 lb. gorilla


on your aide?

world wide

Students can access
information on the
internet at




The (lorilla Group for Stur
(lent [intrepretieurs offers fund-
itig and information for stu»
dents wishing to storm the
business world.

UK students can take full
advantage of their assistance.
which includes money for start
up costs and workshops that
teach strategies and tactics for
student entrepreneurs.

Kentucky is not well
known for having a large
amount of entrepreneurs. said
Kris Kitiiel. president of the
Kentucky Science and 'l‘eclinol
ogy Council.

“Kentucky historically has
lagged behind every other state
iii start-up companies formed
by entrepreneurs." said Kimel.
“The (iorilla (iroup will at
tempt to turn history around
and head into a new direction
for Kentucky."

The only qualification for
using the Gorilla (iroup's re
sources is enrollment in a Ken
tucky college or university.

The Gorilla Group is spoti
sored by the Kentucky Science
and Technology (‘ouiicil iii co
operation with the Kentucky
Department of Energy Fund
ing for the group came from the
Department of Energy and the
Brown Foundation.

links Jefferson, Hemmings

Jordan said he does not feel the find-

'l‘he idea for the group
came front the Kentucky Sci-
etice and 'l‘ecliiiology Council.
The council has a series of iti-
stitutes on Entrepreneursliip
and (‘oiiitiiercialization. iti-
creasing student attendance at
the institutes alerted the coun-
cil of student interest iii entre-

"College and university
campuses are fast becoiiiitig in
cuhators for new enterprises
and innovative enterprises,
The (iorilla (iroup was created
to help tiiitie this talent and en-
trepreneurial energy that is so
essential iii growing new Ken-
tucky companies." Kimel said.

Initiatives and resources
available on the Gorilla Group
web site

Workshop info

Monthy business plan

E-mail links to Gorilla Group

Job postings

itigs will damage Jefferson's image. but in-

The committee reached four


nottnced Wednesday.

Vk't‘i‘t’ an -

These include that Foster's

stead may serve to humanize a
sometimes remote. Ill'silil'lt‘ili fig-

“His legacy is secure.“ he said.

DNA study was conducted in a
valid. scientific manner. The re-
port of the committee also states
that the DNA study combined
with other evidence indicates
that Jefferson most likely fa~
thered at least one and possibly
all of Hemings' six children. The
study also indicated that many as-
pects of the HemingsJeft‘erson re.
lationship remain unclear. The final con-
clusion of the committee is that the impli-
cation of the relationship should be used to
enrich the public's perception of Jefferson.

w '7 The—Student Newspaper at the UniversityioTN—ehtfiy: Lexington


The study was performed at a

negligible cost. because all the

participants already were

Monticello employees. .lordan


Foster said there is still some
DNA research that is being done
with another possible Jefferson de-
scendent. Thomas Woorlson.

Foster said that confirmation of Wood

son's heritage would be important because
it would then show a third line of descent
from Jefferson and Hemings.




z I. MONOAY.JANUARY 31,2006 Iw’i'cnrucsv'iinnci.




The Low-down

have we
had such
a blessed
nity ——
such a

profound -

tion — to
build the



union of


- Raider!
delivering his
final State of the
Union address on
Thursday night.

fut. candidates trade barbs

MANCHESTER, NH. Al (lore and fellow
Democrats jumped “into bed with special inter-
ests" during the 1996 fund-raising scandal. rival
Bill Bradley said yesterday, as he struggled with
questions about his own health two days before
New Hampshire‘s primary. Gore's team released
a statement from Democratic congressional lead-
ers asking Bradley to “abandon negative person-
al attacks. Sen. John McCain said. "There's only
one man who is fully prepared" to be comman-
der-inchief. suggesting himself over Republican
rival (ieorge W. Bush. Bush. the two-term Texas
governor. said his executive office experience
would make fora better president.

Elian's grandmothers leave U.S.

(‘HAN'l‘ll.l.Y. Va. Elian (ionzalez‘s grand-
mothers flew back to Cuba yesterday without the
dyear-old boy at the center of an international
custody battle. convinced he will not find happi-
ness in the United States. “We are leaving but
Elian is still here." his paternal grandmother
Mariela Quintana said. "He will never be happy
because he grew up in Cuba." Mrs. Quintana and
Raquel Rodriquez are scheduled to arrive in Ha-
vana around 1:15 pm. EST.

Albright headed to Moscow

I)AV()S. Switzerland Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright is headed to Moscow yester-
day to press a heavy arms control agenda and to
size up Russia's acting president. Vladimir
Putin. Albright is ready to discuss sharp cuts in
l'S. and Russian long-range nuclear arsenals
while urging Putin to approve “modest adjust-
ments" in a ban on missile defenses. Before tak-
ing off. Albright said life in parts of the former
Soviet Union often is tougher for ordinary people
than when Communists ruled.

Austrian says Haider must moderate

VIENNA. Austria The man negotiating a
possible coalition government with Joerg
Haider's far-right Freedom Party, called yester-
day for the patty to soften its opposition to Euro-
pean integration and to prove itself ready for the
responsibilities of power. Foreign Minister Wolf-
gang Schuessel. head of the Austrian People‘s
Party. defended his decision to enter coalition
talks with llaider's party despite Haider's past
remarks against immigration and in sympathy

Catherine Zeta-
Jones is
converting to
Judaism before
her marriage to
Hollywood star
according to a
British newspa-
per. The 30-
year-old Welsh
beauty, who has
just announced
she is expecting
Douglas's baby,
has become

‘ ‘fascinated"
by her future
Jewish faith.

Wayne Bobbitt,
who rose to
fame in 1993
when his wife
hacked off his
manhood, was
found guilty of
harassment this
week, following
a Nov. 2 alter-
cation with a
former girl-
friend, adult
film star
Desiree Luz.
Bobbitt, 32.

was jailed 17

days before
posting the
$50,000 bond.

with aspects of Adolf Hitler's regime. Schuessel
said he would never let Austria be branded a
“neoNazi country."

IRA arms report due tomorrow

BELFAST. Northern Ireland ~ Northern Ire-
land‘s shaky .new Protestant-Catholic adminis‘
tration is hanging in the balance as the province
awaits a report due tomorrow on whether the
irish Republican Army has begun disarming.
David 'l‘rimble. the Protestant leader of the new
Cabinet. predicted yesterday that the four-party
coalition would lose its powers or collapse out-
right if the report doesn‘t indicate [RA disarma-
ment is under way. He made. an 11th-hour appeal
to'the lRA to deliver something of substance to
the disarmament commission.

High-tech exec beaten, brain-dead

SAN JOSE. Calif. A Silicon Valley entre
preneur visiting Beijing for a high-tech confer-
ence sponsored by the Chinese government was
de(' ired brain dead after he was severely beaten
and left unconscious. relatives say. Family mem
bers told the San Jose Mercury News that Steven
Leung. chairman of Mountain View-based Scenix
and the president of Santa Clarabased Emvix
Communications. was found unconscious with a
head wound on Jan. 18 in a karaoke bar. Leung. a
resident of San Jose and the father of three. is be-
ing treated in a Hong Kong hospital. Relatives
say they have received little information from
Chinese law enforcement authorities.

Knicks 120, Kings ill

NEW YORK ~ , Latrell Sprewell scored 32
points and Allan Houston had 28 yesterday as the
New York Knicks had their highest scoring game
of the season in a 120-111 victory over Sacramen-
to that made Jeff Van Gundy the Eastern Confer-
ence All-Star coach. The victory gave the Knicks
a record of 2615. moving them into a tie with Mi-
ami for the Atlantic Division lead. AllStar coach-
es are determined based upon records following
yesterday‘s games. and Van Gundy got the call
over the Heat's Pat Riley because of a formula
giving the edge to whichever man has not
coached an All-Star game most recently.

Kenya Airways iet crashes into sea

ABIIDJAN. Ivory Coast A Kenya Airways
jet en route to Lagos. Nigeria. crashed into the
sea Sunday night. shortly after taking off from
Abidjan. airport officials said. The plane. an Air-
bus 310. took off at 9:08 pm. and crashed just a
few minutes later. the airport officials said on
condition of anonymity.



Now hear this

President Clinton shakes hands with the oldest living ".5. San.
Strom ThIIInond. n-s..c, right, after the State of the Union Speech
Thursday in lashington. .

State of the Union facts


State of the Union firsts State of Union numbers

mem 12 lassagudalv-uhy
Min” ”MD

2 Idnotsonntaqanaa‘

833 "anthem

Over m In an m
25,000 m" ""V m

Clinton's ech ti 5


a Will-lions






An article in January 27 edition of the Kernel should have
said UK President Charles Wethington will retire in 2001.

To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915.



" JC' i’l' ES BOARD




it; i


8:00 pm. Saturday, Februar 5th
Singletary Center for the rts

$19 Students w/ H). $15 Faculty $17 General Public

For tickets or info call 257- T I C S



Saturday, F cbruary 51h

at 1:00

The first 1500 students will

receive a


compliments of UKAA

' . ‘aé inmate:





Dining options
present problem

Dining debate: Students have difficulty choosing
whether or not to eat on campus

By Krystal Spears
courmaurmo wrurrrT.

To eat or not to eat. that is the ques-
tion. Whether 'tis nobler for the body to
suffer the slings and arrows of campus
food orjust go to Telly-Ila? This is the
daily dilemma of several UK students
who live on campus.

One might ask, what makes this de-
cision so difficult? Each residential stu-
dent pays $675 for a diner account. The
diner account can be used at any UK
Food Service outlet except for Block and
Barrel. The Lemon Tree and Intermezzo.

When broken down. this is a daily
allowance of about $6, enough for "a
meal and a snack." according to a UK
Food Services brochure.

Students have mixed
feelings about eating on
campus. Many stu-
dents choose to eat
on campus because
they do have the
diner account: it is
almost an obligation
since only $50 car-
ries over from
fall to spring «my
semester. 4: ‘ ’

“I eat more
on campus be-
cause I have the din-
er account: instead
of having to have cash
on hand all the
time." said

Making“ 1-; chaise:

therapy freshman.

Eating off-campus can take a toll on
a student's wallet.

Katie Bolton, sociology freshman.
learned this lesson the hard way.

“I hardly ever used to eat on cam-
pits. I went out to eat with my friends a
lot at ()‘Charley‘s. until I saw my bank
account decrease. Now I must eat on
campus." she said,

L'K Food Services does offer some
nutritious alternatives. which keeps
some students dining on campus.

“I never eat out. I like to eat at
()vid's in the Young library because it's
healthier for me," said Nikki Martin. an
accounting sophomore.

Others experience sheer despair at
the thought of eating on


Amanda Gregg. an
undeclared fresh-
man, said. “I hate
eating (‘ommons
food. It's cold, it's
nasty and its gross!”
One more choice in
dining does exist:

the grocery.
A simple trip to
Kroger can do
the trick. "I
only eat at Blazer
when I have to; I go
to Kroger a lot and
fix my own food." said
Amy Hulker.
an ISC‘ sopho-

Krista Hinton. Students consider several factors when deciding where "10"“-

a pre-physical

to eat, including price and nutritional value.


«elm rcttilttirllltl | nouoxiuruiuxinratzoool 3


students to
fill two seats

Piclt up a form in the
SGA office.

Bring in the completed
form and a resume by

‘ Felt. 21, 2000.

You can also nominate
someone else for the
seat by filling out the
form in the SCA office.
SGA will choose three
students from the
applicant pool. Those

applications will be for-

warded to Billy Joe
Miles, who will choose
the student represen-







’ ...... ... .





Spring & Summer



0n Bus Route
Private bedrooms

Individual leases



Norman Roth, left, and Lourdes Monteagudo, right. demonstrate for the return of Elian Gonzalez
to Cuba Thursday in Chicago. Approximately two dozen members of the Chicago Cuba Coalition
demonstrated in downtown Chicago and then marched to the 0.5. Department of Immigration and
Naturalization office to show their support for returning the six-year-old to Cuba.

Protesters demand Elian's return home


About 200 chanting. tIag~waving protesters marched in

front of the Immigration and Naturalization Service's office Saturday. demanding

that 6‘year-old Elian Gonzalez be sent

home to his father in (Tuba.

But Rep. Dan Burton. whose congressional maneuvering to keep Elian in the
United States has infuriated the boy‘s father. said Saturday that the boy told him

he doesn‘t want to go back.

“He‘s a very intelligent young man and I was able to ask him without any
coaching a couple of questions.” the Indiana Republican said after meeting for :10
minutes with Elian at the home where the boy is staying with relatives.

“The first question I asked him is how did he like living here and he said he liked it
very much as he was blowing bubbles. And then I said ‘Would you like to go back to
(Tuba? And he was very firm in saying 'No' and this without any coaching."

Camups Calen

January 31 -

February 6. 2000

The Campus Calendar IS produted by the Ohm oI Student Activities Registered Student Orgs and UK Oepts ran Smell information Ior FREE online ONE WEE
PRIOR to the MONDAY inlormation IS to appear at, hflp://www.uky.edu/Student(enler/StudenlAttivilies

(all 257-8!


' Internship and Shadowing Orientation, IO-I lam, Rm
III Student Ctr.

‘Amnesty International, 7:30pm, Rm 228 Student (tr.

'Chomber Musit Rerital, 8pm, Singletory Ctr.


‘Kempo Sell-delense Club, 6:30pm, Alumni Gym Lott
’Tae-Boxing, 5pm, Baptist Stud. Union


'Compus Progressive Coalition Extravaganzo,6:30pm,
24S Stud. Ctr, FREE PIZZA!

‘ Internship and Shadowing Orientation,
3-4pm, Rm III Student Ctr.
'LE.A.P., 3-3250pm, 203 Frame Hall
‘Last Day to Drop and Change a Grade Option

A tartar;

'Dinner at the Dorms with the Hillel/Jewish Student
Org, 61I5, Blazer Hall

‘TabIe Frantais, 3-Spm, Mogir Beans Cale (SH Station)

‘UKNOW, 7pm, Rm lISStudenl Ctr.

' Omicron Delta Kappa, 5:30pm, 206 Stud. Ctr.

'Kempo SeII-deIense Club, 8:30pm, Alumni Gym Loft
‘Tae-Boxing, 5pm, Baptist Stud. Union


‘DMA Voite ReritaI1Aliria Helm, 6pm, Sinaletary Ctr.

'Newman Center Moss, 6pm


Have a Great Weekend!
Go Cats!

67 lot more inIorniation

AM Tues
'Malh Tutoring, I09:3-3:50 8. ”3:44:50, 203 Eraze Hall
‘Maximize Your Test Stores Workshop, II-IleOOm, (all 7-6959


'Alpha Phi Omega, 7:30pm, Rm 359 Student Ctr,
'Green Thumb, 8pm, Rm I06 Student Ctr.

’TNT, 7:30pm, Baptist Stud. Union


‘EXHIBIT: Henry Chodlrowski Mavros Iobyrinthos Series, UK Art
Museum, noon-5pm

‘EXHIBIT: A Horse of a Different Color, UK Art Museum, noon 5pm
'Chnrlie Chaplin Shorts, 7:30pm, Worsham Theatre


*Tae Kwon Do Club, 6:30-8pm, Alumni Gym loft Rm I9
‘Men's B-Ball vs. Tennessee, 9pm, Rupp Arena (ESPN)
'Tae-Boxing, 3:30pm, Baptist Stud. Union

ACADEMK lhur's
'Math Tutoring, ”3:33:50 8. 1091-44-50 203
Frazee Hall
‘ACIU Forum on Posting Ten Commandments, 7‘30pm,(arritlr

Theatre at Transy

‘Thursday Night Live, 8pm, Christian Student fellowship
' Freshman Forus, 7:30pm, Baptist Stud. Union
'Devotion and Lunch, I2pm, Baptist Stud. Union, SI
'Hobitat For Humanity, 5'30pm, IIS Stud. (tr

‘WiId Water Cots, 6:30pm, I23 Seaton Ctr.

'Kempo Sell-delense Club, 6:30pm, Alumni Gym Lolt

’Tae Kwon 00 Club, 5-6130pm, Alumni Gym Iolt Rm 1‘)

'Tae-Boxing, 3:30pm, Baptist Stud. Union
Sat 5

‘Dr. Alan Nithols letture/Rerital, 2pm, Singletary Ctr.

‘Men's B-Ball vs S Carolina, Ipm, Rupp, (JP)

\V \

It?“ A?




'Sunday Morning Worship, Ilam Christian Student Fellowship

'Women’s B-Ball@ Arkansas, 3pm

'Sunday Fun Day, 12-3z30pm, UK Art Museum

'Newman Center Mass. 90m, IIBOom, 5pm, and 8:30pm
Computer tab

Next WeeItI

Alarm systems

Free parking


Fully equipped kitchen



Washer & dryer
Fitness center/Rec room

Swimming pool






“This was
a critical
win for

-Jamaal Magloire.
UK center.

the SEC at
this time is
a tough
thing to

-Tubby Smith, on
playing Miami on the
road this past Saturday.


“This type
of game
can give

or it can
take out

- Tubby Smith.

.1 i
o}. rw,

333:3. 333

s . it
w :3 t 3: 33

scored 30
points and

grabbed 17 p .
rebounds in 011's y
two wins last week. '


”7333: g .












17. OHIO ST.

18. LSU

19. KENT




Surviving the storm: UK overcomes Miami with
a too-close-for-comfort non-conference victory


MIAMI Kentucky‘s break
from Southeastern Conference
play was anything but leisurely.

Keith Hogans scored 16 points
and Desmond Allison added 15 as
liithranked UK (15-5) beat Miami
60-5? Saturday for its fifth consecu~
tive victory and 11th in 12 games.

“This was a crucial win for us
because it‘s so important for us to
keep our momentum going back
into SEC play." said UK center Ja-
maal Magloire. who had 11 points
and seven rebounds.

The Cats led much of the
game with the help of 20 offensive
rebounds. but the Hurricanes used
a 1252 run late in the second half to
go ahead 37-51% with ~12 seconds re-

'l‘ayshaun l’rince hit a run-
ning jumper in the lane. regaining
the lead for the Wildcats. Miami
(12-8) had a chance to take the lead
with 30 seconds to play. but Ver-
non Jennings" shot from under the
basket hit the bottom of the rim.
Saul Smith grabbed the loose ball
and called timeout as he fell out of
bounds to save possession for UK.

"I'm not sure we could have
gotten a better shot than Vernon
had point-blank in the lane." Mia-
mi coach Leonard Hamilton said.
"L'nfortunately we just didn‘t
make plays in the final seconds
and their kids did."

The Hurricanes fouled Ma
gloire on the ensuing possession.
and he made two free throws with
3.4 seconds left. Jennings‘ 3-point

er at the buzzer didn‘t even reach
the rim. Johnny Hemsley led the
Hurricanes with 18 points but shot
only 5-forv15. Mario Bland added 10
points and seven rebounds.

UK had several chances to
put the game out of reach before
the closing minutes. They closed
the first half on a 15—4 run and led
35525 at halftime.

The Hurricanes went on a 143
spurt in the opening minutes of
the second half and regained the
lead 39-38. UK then opened a nine-
point lead ,. its biggest of the sec-
ond half , when Smith made a 3-
pointer just before the shot clock

Smith. saddled with foul trou»
ble much of the game. scored four

"This type of game can give
you confidence or it can take your
heart." said Wildcat coach Tubby
Smith. whose club plays No. 11
Tennessee and No. 10 Florida the
next two weeks.

“Coming on the road and
stepping out of the SEC at this
time is a tough thing to do." Smith
added. “It was a war and if we had
lost the game. then it would have
been real tough mentally for us."

Miami shot 39 percent and
committed only nine turnovers
against UK's pressure defense. but
the Hurricanes struggled to keep
the Wildcats off the offensive

UK had as many offensive re-
bounds (15) as Miami had re-
bounds in the first half. The Wild-
cats out-rebounded Miami 4031 for

the game.

"They have good athletes and
it became a jumping contest and
they won too many of those.“
Hamilton said.

that. delivers

Desmond Allison scored 15 points on
6-oi-lo shooting to help lead the Cats
past Miami. He also had five rebounds.

mm ..
UK gets primed
for Tennessee


rllf H4010

Kentucky native Isiah Victor
and his Tennessee Vols
come to Rupp Arena on



_ '33-‘43:
57 We” it!





UK's Erica Jackson tries to get around a Volunteer in 011's loss on Sunday.

When it rains it pours:

Hot-shooting Tennessee

routs UK with three pointers, out-rebounds Cats

By Matt Ellison


KNOXVILLE, Tenn. It was
raining lll Thompson-lloling Are
na. as the Tennessee Lady Vols
buried l'K 77-18 behind an on.
slaught of three-point bombs.

l'K's 2-3 zone allowed ['T
freshman guard Kara Lawson
some good looks at the basket. and
she responded by canning five
longrange bombs in the first half
alone. which sparked her to a
game-high 22 points.

“Offensive players with that

mentality figure out a way to get
sortie points." ["1‘ coach l’at Sum-
mitt said. “I think Kara Lawson is
one of those kinds of players."

Hut Law son‘s hot shooting
was just one of many downfalls for
the (‘ats l'K was done in by poor
shooting. as the (‘ats struggled to
reach :13 percent for the game.
They also struggled on the glass.
getting outrelmunded 31-32 for the

"I thought we both battled in-
side." said l‘K coach Bernadette
Mattox. "They‘ve got such a strong
lineup. When you‘ve got a lineup

Wm away Cats

that goes 6-foot-3. 6-5 and 6-3. and
we‘ve got to put somebody 5-7 on
that last person. they're going to
get their share of boards."

Leading the way was Tamika
Catchings. UT's junior forward
who finished with 15 points to
match her 15 rebounds. including
five offensive boards.

"Offensively. there‘s no doubt
she‘s our best rebounder." Sum-
mitt said. “We don‘t have a better
example of how to rebound the
basketball than Tamika."

The game left UK wishing they
had put forth a better effort.

“I did not feel that our basket-
ball team came out and played the
best game they're capable of play-
ing." Mattox said.

"We just didn‘t box out well or
get to loose balls." said UK forward
LaTonya McDole. who finished
with 12 points to lead UK. She was
the only Cat to crack double fig-

UK played UT close to the vest
in the early stages of the game. but
Lawson‘s back-to-back threes with
13 minutes remaining in the first
half broke open the game. UK had
chances to slice into the first—half
lead. but McDole missed the front
end of two consecutive bonus free
throws. while UT got baskets from
Catchings and center Michelle
Snow. pushing the lead to 1.”).

The Lady Vols never really
looked back from that point. even
as they struggled from the field (it)
of 31) in the second half.

UK was also hurt by the ab-
sence of Shantia Owens. who
spent most of the game in foul
trouble before finally fouling out
with 11:42 remaining and without
scoring a point.

UT played Saturday against
No. 8 North Carolina State. but
showed no signs of fatigue. as they
shot 57 percent in the first half to
take a 47-27 halftime lead.

“For such a short rest. I
thought we had a lot of intensity."
Summitt said.

“We really came out and
turned things up defensively."

Neither team turned the ball
over that much. but UT's eight of
15 three-point shooting combine
with UK's poor shooting was too
much to overcome.

“We didn‘t make baskets."
Mattox said. “They took 64 shots.
we took 61. We just didn‘t make
many of ours."


Agassi claims
sixth Grand
Slam title


MELBOURNE. Australia Better and better as time goes
on. Andre Agassi claimed his second Australian Open and sixth
Grand Slam title Sunday in an artistic and bruising victory
over Yevgeny Kafelnikov.

Five of Agassi's most exquisite. feathery drop shots and
dozens of powerful groundstrokes sapped the strength and spir-
it from the defending champion in a 3-6. 63, 62, 64 triumph.

At 29. Agassi left no doubt that he rules men‘s tennis. In less
than a year. he has won the French. US. and Australian Opens
and finished runnerup at Wimbledon.

This time he put the exclamation point on his win with
three aces at up to 123 mph in the last game.

Agassi. the first player to reach four straight major finals
since Rod Laver won the Grand Slam in 1969. pushed his career
earnings to nearly $20 million with the 3485.000 winner‘s check.

"I think he's hitting his stride right now." Agassi's coach.
Brad Gilbert. said. “Ultimately he wants to keep improving.
There are a lot more titles for him to win. He has three or four
more good years left in him.“

Agassi thanked Gilbert and his trainer. Gil Reyes. for
telling him over and over that his best would be good enough all
the time as long as he stayed in peak shape. And though Agassi
didn‘t mention girlfriend Steffi Graf. who sat between them in
the stands. he saluted her as they exchanged smiles.

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