xt7k9882m590 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k9882m590/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_611 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 611 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 611  2014 true xt7k9882m590 section xt7k9882m590   Producing
Corn S11H·g€
O K 1 Circular bl l
m   y By S.H. Phillips
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Page ·
Advantages of Corn Silage ...........................,............ 3
Land Selection .............................................................. 3
Siluge Double Cropping Systems .............................. 4 ~
Selecting Hybrids ............................,........................... 5
Planting Silage Corn .................................................... 5 Q
Fcrtilizntion .................................................................. 6
Weed Control ........................................................,..... 7 n S -
Insect Control .............................................................. 7
Corn and Corn Mixtures for Silage .......................... 7
llurvesting High Quality Silage ................................ 8
Increasing Crain Percentage in Silage ...................... 9
Problems with Silzrge .................................................. 10 K
Silo Safety ...............................................................i...... ll

 Producmg Corn Siluge in Kentucky
Corn silage is becoming more and more important as a source of
feed for livestock. Feed and its availability, of course, determine how
I much milk and meat Kentucky farmers will market. Corn, either as
grain or silage, will be even more essential because of reduced hay
I supplies caused by the alfalfa weevil.
Corn silage production is on the rise in Kentucky. The acreage
jumped from 40,000 in 1958 to 60,000 in 1963, and Kentucky produced
81,000 acres of corn silage in 1964. Even greater corn silage production
is possible, for a University of Kentucky study shows that farmers in
the state are using their land at only one-half of its capability. lf
farmers are to realize all the advantages of this crop. production should
reach 500.000 acres in Kentucky.
‘ Corn silage production has several advantages. Corn is an easy,
‘ dependable crop to grow. The rather extensive experience needed
for making legume or grass silage is unnecessary for corn silage. Silage
may be harvested, stored, and fed mechanically as opposed to the labor
needed for handling hay. ltis a high energy feed with excellent palata-
bility, and if more corn is produced than is needed for silage, it may be
picked and used as a feed concentrate. Corn is inexpensive to grow
and is higher yielding than most other crops (Fig. 1). Average yields
in the state are 12-14 tons per acre; however, some growers report
yields of 20-25 tons per acre.
Land to be used for silage doesn’t differ from that used for grain
production. Deep soils with good internal drainage produce high
yields. Class I, ll, and III land should he used within their capabilities
—row crops each year on Class I, a row crop every other year on
Class II, and a row crop 1 out of 3 years on Class lll land.
Because the stalk is removed in silage production, continuous silage
depletes the soil more than corn for grain. Therefore, you should put
back about the same amount of other crop or animal residue so that
the physical condition and organic matter content of the soil is kept

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Fig. 'l.—C0mparative yields per acre.
Many producers will grow corn silage for 2 years in order to reduce
seeding cost of hay or pasture crops following corn. VVith good
management, this practice is possible without loss of soil. If you have
limited level land, you may conserve soil by intensively cultivating the
land with less slope rather than rotating your steeper fields where
erosion can be a problem. `
Land that has the potential for row crops may be planted in corn
for silage. and any production above your silo capacities may be
harvested for grain. This crop program will produce maximum feed.
for yon. -
For maximum yields, some farmers with small acreages use double
cro > ning systems of corn and small grain. Timin is a critical factor.
t . D
Corn must be planted immediately after small grain silage harvest. .

 Delays of 1 to 2 days are equal to 5 t0 10 days in early May. Oats tend
to work well in such a system. A double cropping system not only
needs additional fertilizer but a high level of management also.
Recent experimental work shows that the hybrids grown for grain
should be used for silage. The late, tall hybrids that used to be grown
for silage do not have the grain content and are usually lriglrer in
. moisture content. See the current progress report which lists hybrids
with greatest yield potential for grain} These hybirds will produce
good tonnage and excellent quality. Avoiding extremely late, tall
I material and growing normal maturing hybrids will result in the
highest quality and production of the most dry matter per acre.
Good, even stands are the foundation of a successfrrl silage pro-
gram. Match planter plate to grade of corn, plant slowly, and regulate
depth of planting to insure a good stand. Don’t let seed come in con-
tact with row fertilizer containing nitrogen and potash.
_ Populations for corn silage should be similar to those for grain.
_ The number of stalks per acre is determined by hybrid type. Early,
short hybrids grown under favorable conditions should be planted
22,000-24,000 stalks per acre. Intermediate types in terms of maturity
and height shorrld be planted 18,000-22,000 with the late, taller hy-
brids thinner at 16,000-18,000 (Table 1).
Table `I.—-Rate of Planting Guide for Drilled C¤rn*
Inches between com rows
42 40 38 36
Spacing in rows (inches) Plants per acre
6 if 21,100 22,200 23,400 24,4T%
_ 8 15,900 16,700 17,500 18,300
10 12,700 _ 13,300 14,000 14i00
° N()t(‘Z Tl1(Y 11lll11l)CI`S of pl1lI1lS DCT QICYC l1U.VC l)CCl1 il(.1illSlC(l l() £lCC()lll1l l·Ol' lll]
QIVCTHQC of   p(§I`CL’I]t l()$S ()\Vl]"lg to gL‘X'1UlI]l\t1()I1, Cl\1tl\'11tl()Tl. ('lk`.
. Avoid extremely high populations in all types of hybrids. High
populations will limit grain production, thus resulting in lower feeding
value and increased stalk lodging. For discussion of solid drilled eorn
for silage see page 8.
lThis progress report. published each year by the l`niversity ol Kentueky
Agricultural Experiment Station, is available at your eonnty extension olliee.

 You may grow narrow row silage corn, but yield increases will be
very slight unless you use early, short hybrids. Even then, the yield ' .
increases will be only 2-5 percent. Machinery costs may also be
Dutes of Planting
Early planted corn will produce high tonnage yields with higher
grain content. Silage corn should be planted from April 20th to May _
15th depending on season and soil type. Growers planting late usually
sacrifice yield and quality. ·
Early planting of a short-season or full—season corn hybrid also
tends to eliminate labor competition during tobacco harvest time. As
the farm labor force shrinks, careful planning will be needed to avoid
competition between crops during these peak labor periods.
Corn silage removes large amounts of plant food. Soil tests are the
basis for a good fertility program. Determine lime, phosphate, and
potash levels by a soil test. The results of the tests along with know-
ledge of cropping history and silage crop removal give you a guide in · . '
determing rates and ratios of fertilizer. Phosphate and potash should
he applied before or at planting in accordance with test results. -
Soil low in phosphate and potash should receive 80-120 pounds of g
phosphate and potash. Bates may be reduced on soils with higher
levels of fertility.
Nitrogen may be applied just prior to planting or shortly after
plant emergence. Nitrogen influences both yield and protein level in
the silage. Corn silage grown after sods should receive applications of
80-120 pounds actual nitrogen. These rates should be increased to
120-150 pounds, following corn or other grain crops. As larger amounts
of fertilizers are used, the eorn plant recovers less of the fertilizer in
the immediate crop year. Some estimates of nitrogen recovery by rates
are listed in Table 2. This table also indicates the higher protein levels
Table 2.-—Nitr0gen Recovery
Recovery of
IlltI`()gCI`l l)y
Actual N Protein com plant
applied, level percent of each
lb per acre percent additional 50 lb
50 5 15-30
100 8 15-20
150 8.5 5-15
200 A jg m—hi 10 K Less than 1()

 that occur in silage with increased nitrogen usage. Excessive nitrogen
' . rates during drought years can cause nutritional problems in livestock
(see page 10).
Weeds are strong competitors for plant food, water, and space.
Control through chemicals, cultivation, or a combination of these
methods is needed. Atrazine, 2,4-D (both pre-emergence and post-
—- emergence), Eptam, and mixtures of Lorox and Atrazine are cleared
and have proper label clearance for use on corn harvested for silage.
Caution.: be careful when handling chemicals, and use all chemicals in
accordance with label instructions and clearances.
Cultivate compacted soils where chemicals have been effective.
This tillage will improve water infiltration and provide needed air for
the corn roots. Do all your cultivating as early and shallow as possible
after weeds come up.
- Corn insect problems fall, for the most part, into two groups: the
pests in the soil that feed on seed, early plant growth, and developing
roots; and the second group that feeds on the developing corn plant
above the soil level.
K Soil insecticides are used to control seed corn maggot, wireworm,
cutworm, and northern and southern corn earworm. These insecticides
are applied before planting and should be incorporated into the soil
_ immediately after application.
Insects feeding on the corn plant can be controlled by timely ap-
plications of recommended chemicals. DDT and other chemicals that
have long residue should not be used on silage corn.
See the latest insecticide recommendations, available at your county
extension oflice. Exercise extreme caution in using chemicals on silage
corn. Read and follow labels for rates, clearance, and metliotl of use.
Corn silage is considered the standard of comparison of the silage
crops. Mixtures of corn with other crops have been used in attempts to
increase yields, protein, and other silage characteristics. Mixtures, how-
ever, give little advantage over straight corn in either yield or quality.
Several disadvantages are evident, including: (1) few crops will grow
or compete with corn,   most crops will not mature at the same time
for ensiling (storing),   lodging of a companion crop can be a prob-
lem, (4) seeding two crops at the row is difficult, and   total yields

 are usually reduced, when compared with corn planted alone.
If you want a mixture of crops such as corn and soybeans, corn .
and sudan, corn and sudan-sorghum crosses, plant alternate blocks of I
each crop and then harvest alternate rows to mix the two crops. This
eliminates shading by the taller corn plant, and delayed planting can
be made to produce the best stages of growth for both crops.
Corn vs Sorghum ond Sudons for Siloge
Silage yields are usually quoted in tons of green chop per acre.
This can be misleading as silage can vary from 60-90 percent water `S
Table 3.-Corn and Sorghum SiIages*
Corn lb per acre Sorghum lb per acre
Green weight T in 40,00() 60,000
\Vater 28,000 45,000
Dry matter 12,000 14,000
Stalks and leaves 5.200 10,000
Ears and heads 6,800 3,400 i
° From experimental work at Ohio State University
Sudan or sorghum-sudan crosses have the general characteristics of
sweet sorghum. The yield of sudan will be less than sorghum and the
sorghum-sudan crosses will be slightly higher. Low-energy silage will A
result from any of these crops.
Solid Drilled Corn
Heavy populations of solid drilled corn have been used in silage
production. Harvest is completed when the corn is from 4-5 feet tall
to the silking stage. High tonnage yields have been reported; however.
this silage will run up to 90 percent moisture, thus losing large amounts
of nutrients by drainage in the silo. The silage will usually be acid. un-
palatable, and low in energy because the harvest is completed before
the grain forms. Lodging and harvesting are always problems with
this method of planting.
High quality corn silage has;
1. Maximum grain formation for high energy.
2. Excellent palatability. (Cutting methods. stage of maturity. and
proper ensiling will determine this.)
3. Properly kept with absence of caramelization (a process where
the sugar turns brown making the silage unpalatable) either by
heating. molding. or other forms of deterioration.

 4. Increase protein through nitrogen fertilization or additives at
_ ensiling time.
Time of Hcrvest
Silage corn is being harvested much later than in previous years.
Adequate fertilization which maintains leaf and stalk growth later in
the season and disease resistant hybrids contribute to later harvest and
greater grain formation. Harvest silagc well after grain formation so
that you will get the highest combination of feeding value and yield
~ per acre. Table 4 shows the importance of cutting in the dent stage
relative to dry-matter yield and ear formation.
Table 4.-—Yield and Grain Ratio Varies with Stage of Harvest"
Stage of development after silking
Silking 12 days 25 days Mature-
Silage weight (lb per acre, 65%
moisture) 15,000 24,000 33,000 39,000
Dry matter (lb pcr acre) 5,400 8,300 11,700 13,600
’ Stalks and leaves (percent) 93 72 53 37
Ears and husks (percent) 7 28 47 G3
° Results of University of Kentucky experiments in 1965 (15,682 stalks per acre
with 100 pounds nitrogen per acre).
Growers are using several systems to reduce the stalk and leaf con-
tent of silage and to increase grain percentages. These systems are
more commonly used to increase grain and decrease foliage ratio.
Ear c0rn—silage consisting of grain cob with or without husk chop-
ped fine or crushed and ensiled.
Shelled corn—corn shelled at 25-30 percent moisture and ensiled.
Crain may be cracked or put into silo as whole kernel. This
method works well in airtight silos.
Ear and mid-.staU<-—tlie ear, ear shank, and mid-stalk are cut. chop-
ped, and ensiled.
Alf€7`ll(Ii'€ row picked ear and chopped stalk and C(l1`—Ol1(‘ row of
corn is chopped as silage chop with adjacent row ears picked
and chopped.
Dairy and beef feeders tend to go to higher concentration of grain
than other types of livestock enterprises.

While corn silage has many advantages, it does have a few draw-
backs. Many farms don’t have storage facilities—trench, bunker, or »
verticle silos—and the initial cost tends to discourage widespread silage , `
production. However, new, inexpensive plastic storage has been intro-
duced and may be helpful to farmers with smaller livestock enter-
prises or be used as supplemental storage for the larger operations. `
Silage production also increases machinery investment, but growers
can hire custom silo fillers or share machinery with neighbors to re- n
duce this cost.
Overripe or Frosted Siluge i
Frosted silage or corn past well-dented stage or drought-damaged
plants may need water added. Table 5 gives amount of water to add
to silages of various moisture content for better ensiling process.
Finer chopping and closer packing will be helpful in overripe silage.
Table 5.-—Adding Water to Silage
Silage moisture content Gallons of water per ton
riipégggt lg to reach 65% moisture
GO 20 f ‘
55 44
50 72 '
45 _d_.#,i saga f-.4_}lLfc, T.
Excessive Nitrate
The relatively low cost of nitrogen fertilizer and the excellent re-
sponse corn makes to it have caused farmers to use much more nitro-
gen. Heavy nitrogen applications can cause problems, especially in
drought years, because of the buildup of nitrates in the silage. The
nitrate problem is associated with the leaves and stalk more so than
with the grain. The young plant tends to be high in nitrate nitrogen
and the nitrate level is reduced with grain formation and maturity.
While nitrate poisoning from silage hasn’t been a problem in
Kentucky, high levels of nitrate can kill livestock. It reduces the
oxygen in an animalls blood, and under extreme conditions can cause
the animal to sulfocate. Plant analysis can be made to determine levels
in plants or silage when growth conditions have been favorable for
accumulation of nitrates. Figure 2 shows the normal accumulation of
nitrates in the corn plant.
Take the following steps if growing conditions indicate that you
may have problems with excessive nitrogen: (1) let crop produce
10 .

 maximum grain so as to dilute or weaken the concentration in stalk
and leaves, (2) cut plants high (18-24 inches) to avoid ensiling high
nitrate level in lower stalk, (3) test plant tissue to determine nitrate
· level, and (4) alternately feed hay or other feed low in nitrates in
. order to reduce total nitrate intake by livestock.
P) \Y‘ A.
¢“ f \`
/·’ K   \ Top leaves—litt|e accumulation.
.   Top stalk—smal| amounts, more than leaves.
_ T / 1
r 4 >* l} Q;
c.~/*·"\y (Vs
( QM! L’ .
QU) wrkéii _
(Q;   ·‘*; Grain-practically zero, nitrogen mostly in protein
J \l CSR \\ form.
  " Middle sta|k——moderate accumulation.
¢ tr l
x V. L
. @9 efj
» `. l
fr t ;\r‘/ .
MX \·ll/
  · __ j Lower leaves——rnoderate, higher than upper leaves.
~ \   ‘\ Lower stalk-—highest range.
,/ W
Fig. 2.—-Normal accumulation of nitrates in the corn plant,
Few farm operations are more dangerous than silage harvesting
and silo filling. You must he careful in all machinery operations in the
Held and at the silo.
Silo gas can he a hazard. It is caused by the creation ol nitrogen
tetroxide (a yellow gas), nitrogen dioxide (a reddish hrown gas), and
nitric oxide a colorless fas . The fascs are deadly to humans and
in ln .
livestock. Turn your hlowers on heforc entering silos. and he sure all
ol these gases are removed l>t·{`orc you go in. Filling the silo to the top
will prevent accumulation oi these deadly nitrogen oxides. You can
usc potassium iodide papers to detect the prcs<·nc<· of gas. Tla·st· test
papers and instructions for their use arc availahlc from your area
extention agent.

 (`u<¤;>c¤·:lt1x·t— Exton>ipcrz1t1n;:. \\'illi:nn A. Sem". Dunn und Di1·¢·vtnr. Issut-cl in further-
unco nf tho Acts ut May 8 nnd Juno 30. 1914.