xt7k9882nm10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k9882nm10/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1998 Vol.69 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 1998 Vol.69 No.4 1998 2019 true xt7k9882nm10 section xt7k9882nm10 i ‘ .
1 I
F T . ; .- "fifth: 1 ' ' ' 33.5.. ‘ \-
t . -; I I V ‘ ' *'
Cut 2 ‘ rHF KFNTUCKY Apnl’ 1998 I
.; cm. , . 4 .4 r ., J Volume 69, Number 4 I
ookout ——————.. . . I
, r , The OffICIaI PublIcatIon
,. _. oApx-it 23-24 of the Kentucky Press
. KPAIKPSA Senuna' '
' '6 I . am SerVIce '
Siiiiiiiadm "m “'2"
aNnOQIfigd £998 KPACNPA . F (UK) LEX 405
I unspGreil' 8:0 To' ay n" MARGARET I KING LIBRARY
'i-mwm"! O f 8-9 ‘ LEXINGTON KY .1 0506 '
' c. ,
- , i
{ KPAIKPS Board of Directors Retreat t
Natural Bridge State Park s . n , I
«I; ,
‘ Event drew nearly 7()() and a meniher ofthe KllS-IA .\(I\'l.\ttt‘.\' (‘ouncII ‘ w" ._ we a... .M
‘_ i'l‘he students were really Into III The) l R
V c , , ’ I . I asked good questions and partIprated In the ' .‘
SIUdentb dnd ddVlS€lS discussion with enthusiasm I was really " g
, They came from all across Kentucky and inipi'essedf said ('audiIl. \\ ho Ied a panel dis— . I “by 1‘ .-
5 front high schools of all sizes —~ from Apollo In (‘USSIHHUlH'iH‘t‘t‘l‘-\1H,I‘Illl'HilIi.\‘HI ‘" .. ., ' ""‘
I ()wenshoro to Stanton in Powell (‘ounty and 'l‘hc students and teachers were able to ' '
from tiny Menifee (‘ounty to one of the states ("II‘I‘IM‘ ”I’m 15 (IIIIN'PHI “‘“Vk-‘IWII “WI";‘I
largest schools. Lafayette High. ranging from Inedia ethics to newspaper layout ,
‘ But regardless of their origin they had one and (IV-"III“; . kCDtquky high 5013061:
,i common goal: an interest in high school jour- ()ne "I ”I" ”I‘M IMPUII”_"'"""f“”““ I"""“"I journ‘li ‘ "SSOCiitiGn
; nalism. The nearly 700 students and teachers on school safety, a hot topic In l\entuck‘\' and
‘ Came to Lexington for the first-ever Kentucky the nation In wake of the recent tragic shoot» ‘0‘ “mm." W“ '1' I" 4 I IWI 22, am
.5 ‘ High School Journalism State Convention and Ing Inudents “I WIN” "CII‘mI’ ”I“ f“~‘-‘”’” -I I.» I" 513%“, ., , l
j they left a lasting impression on the profession- was covered by Lexmgton niedIa and featured , ,- ,, " ~ ' ..L ‘ '3
al journalists and college professors who served state Education (,‘omniissioner llr. Wilmer S. I" ‘1 .
,. as instructors for the workshop Cody. Jack ('onway from the governors legal _, - , ~ , - «Hug. a
"I heard a lot of commentsioutside the g“- staff. Jamie Morton Paul of the Kentucky
sion, about how much they enjoyed them, and Education AssoCIatIon and Bill Scott. dIrectoI‘ The Courier-Journal's Merv Aubespin gave the
how much thev learned from them _ from both (If Studt‘m SUPPOrt St‘l'f'lt'vfi‘IUI‘ 1h" Kt‘ntlfl'kfi' keynote address. Aubespin told students the
students and teachers," said Lexington Herald- behool Boards AssoCIation. lhe workshop was world of lournall§m was always changmg
Leader Assistant Managing Editor Tom Caudill See CONVENTION. page 7 “mm“ made for excmng career opportunltles.
Fundra1s1ng underway for new AP copy edltlng/layout workshop
journalism scholarship program to be held in Elizabethtown
I", . . . There’s still time to re ister will be also be resented.
I I The UniverSIty ofiKentucky and Former Courier-Journal for the day-long copy edéiting In addition FIn Ryan. the work-
. a group of working Journalists in Publisher Barry Bingham Jr. has seminar Tuesday, April 14 in shop features Jim Ausenbaugh.
I March launched a fundraismg cam- pledged $10,000 to the campaign if Elizabethtown. retired Courier -Joumal editor and
I paign to prov1de scholarships to $30,000 is raised from other sources The seminar is sponsored by former Western Kentucky
i aspiring Journalists. UK and the by May 12- Billiter, who d'ed last the Kentucky AP Editors University journalism professor.
I SChOIaf'ShlP committee hopes to raise year, served as 01W edltor 0f the L05 Association. Buck Ryan, director Ausenbaugh is one of Kentucky's
II a minimum _0f $40,000 to endow the Angeles Times Orange County CdI‘ of the University of Kentucky premier editorial consultants and
awards, which were established in tion, and prior to that as a political School of Journalism and writing and editing coaches.
honor ofa distinguished Kentucky editorof The Courier-‘Journal and Telecommunications, will be 3 Pete Brown, an AP General
Journalist, the late Bill Billiter. City editor ofthe Louisvflle Times. presenter during the workshop. Desk editor in New York, who
, §+W;>&w yd,ww wt» UK played host a few months works with bureaus across the
$3,152 V" p “5 §E”*:II*%£“$! ago to a national ASNE copy country and who has handled
%I%§§W$$1w~I$g;3m$jfl’f“l’ editing seminar and is also help- countless ma jor stories for the
Iggtsta? ing to sponsor the Elizabethtown national wires, will also he a pre-
mise” palermfiQ’ffi,IPuaI4*tztrwaswwm~swaIsmsI ‘rs 3”: program. . . 59mm“ ;
Hayfiéfitfijéfifvfl The program is deSIgned for The workshop Wlll be held at
figbéfifii‘6:§1§3?f§tzgershy current copy editors and also for the Ehzahethtown Tourism and
Wei: fliflam reporters Who might be in “WES t- Convention Bureau, located just
[kr’rsrmm‘wj‘i‘afi'a‘gmm ““le 3.. I ed in moving into a copy editing off Interstate 65. The cost is $25
III I ti‘rflfirw‘ “1"»-7+:w;;:/g-’I,a"‘::":f 5' position or preparing for further per person and includes all work-
?fiwfls ‘3“ stN‘» “ tag” .. I’ .I ." . ,
@fi!’ iéfifiiififighfixififijgfi newsroom advancement. I‘he shop materIaI and lunch.
I; ”M ii? r N _' ft prime focus will he on the funda— For more information or .I
f”' flaw‘fifrihéwéwmfim‘wwstiff, mentals of copy editing, but a registration form. call soo—zstz-
maIZffiWs?’fi$‘sf program on newspaper design 3561 l.
w ,. we: ; 3&3 g‘x_,;.*r{ii__II:'n7-;jv,Ig-'~:>I¢Irr:f..:,e' 31"" - I_‘:;-":";;3,=,II’,‘;:f._:I‘.',':sI,_-4-,._Ij'~g.:"v_ i“.
h I I '4 ‘ I .
I l ,

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, April, 1998
Cat-“$16 Mercury hires per exclusive rights to sell advertis- Providence as sports editor. While as a contrihutiiig writer for All:
. mg on up to a dozen cable channels. there he won awards for his sports Magaiine.
Rankin as CdIIOI‘ (‘omcast services about 6.000 cus— writing. photography and page
toniers in Tavlor (‘ountv and ahout design. Gruhb ‘ ' . , , . .
. . ‘ . . .i . , _ i ‘ t. ‘ (HHS HLW'SIUOHT
Amy Randkitn h“; tll( ( tz‘tialmtld 1i.000 in the l‘ilizahethtown area. J
managing e 1 or o ie arise n, . -_ N , .. t i.\._ , , ' ‘ , . . -' ' , i ..
\lercurv l( l. yyhith optiatt. tht tahlesy. PUPC “dined llTCSIVlCS ‘11 T] l-Cfl) NC\\ 5
‘ -' . _ F V tem in the northern end of the . ‘ . ('l _ 1.“. ll l
A Thin)" ”l ‘Nldmlu’ ( ounty.‘ News-Enterprises market. has sold Cdltfir LII Harlan DilllV ll t H “1" {“1 H h I h. ”tlmiq
‘ ‘ < ‘ “ ' I w . " t ‘ l ‘ .‘ i l . ' ‘
Rankin. ‘1‘ L “ “I‘ldu‘lu "1 ads on the ltlizahetlitown svstem _. , . t , .1} ( 1.1”“ . H I H 1,‘ “ H ”m H ‘m
Mavsville (‘ommunitv (‘olletre - , . ~. .. ' 11‘4““ "““U ”4‘11\“("”‘1l”l“‘ lI‘I-( iI\ .\e\\s iii( tliilllt‘i’lttiul
‘ . r‘ for a numhei ol yeais. }« . l ‘ .. ‘ . ‘ ~
where she majored in arts and iour» M" "W” W‘mwu'd I“ I‘l""1-\l“‘ "‘1" (”'11“) 1‘ 4* .L‘YlitlU-Ht‘ of
nuns,” ‘ ' . . . term the Harlan Hath tintei‘pi'mn (‘uinlierlaiid High Stliwl anti l~
MLKlnle JOHTS nC\V.\ POW" it’lm'tl lltt' W‘\\~‘l)41l)“l"-‘ currently a first-year ioui‘nalisiii
. ~ . . staffin 1.091 and will he responsilile ”H ‘ t ‘ it ‘ -
‘ . (it)! .it fioiitlit .ist ( omiiiiiiiity
t ‘ ‘ I l ' ) . . . . . . ‘ -
E—t()WI] paper t() Be“ Staff (It Mtldl5()r]\ lllL fur (‘dlllllfl and (lt‘fil'fillln‘fl lllt'fil}lt‘ (‘tlllt‘lflt’ ;\l SHlltllt‘il5l. (il‘lllllt “.15
cable adVCI‘IlSino Morgan McKinley has _]Hint‘(l ”Ml ”(“00” WW“ i“ ““ll 1“ “WW" editor of the school newspaper. The ' .
. c- the staff M» the Madisonvtllt' iiig lireaking news lit‘llit' mornings Southeasternt-y; Aftt‘l' graduation i
The lulizahethtown I\ews- Messenger as a news writer and ”l h” ”3‘“ lm-‘l‘ll‘m‘ 5h" P""‘""“-‘l.‘ from Soiitlieast.slit- plans to attend l
Enterprise recently signed a con- (-()p\'(-dj1()p “"‘l'k"‘l 1” ”l" T'HI‘Tlm-‘t‘ ”‘mlr‘ml‘tlt the l'niversitv of Kentucky and l
tract to sell cable television adver— A graduate of Western ““ “l l‘ ‘1‘ m Ih‘ (”‘Ul‘lll‘m “”‘l niaior lil‘llitti'DttllSitl.
tising in partnership with (‘omcast Kentucky t'niversity with a degree composing departments 4
(‘ommunications. ' ‘ 4 'z s ' i‘ i ' " t' ' " - Y ' . u l
V . 1-H hioidti ting \lthinlty woikt d . . “.3 . ‘ LlnlUn C0. Ad\ ULdlC
The contract gives the newspa» for [he Journal lanterprise in DUUQldS hlltd ‘15 l
b .
. . ., . aunchcs web sitc
__ __ leOI‘ICI. plTOIOQldphCI .. .
uc y reSS ‘ lllt' l iiion ('ouiity .\d\oc;ite
., _ . _ . Lu KCHIUCkV Standard launched its oiiliiie edition lll iiiid»
lhc lxcntuckv l’ress (l55\s0033—t1324) is puh District 13 ' . . , , ~ , -
_ - .\l.iitli llie newspaper s welt site
Iisiwdmmuhixbt tiwwnmtwn-s (mam. tritiumrat-W Mm-in-ii Hung-ins lWil the ... l l . -.i
Association«”Kcntuckvl‘rtssfk'rvicednc newsroom at The Kent ucl~1\ ”'L m if 1 N top ”my“ THY“: “t ‘ “A
Periodical-classpostageis paid(it‘l-‘rankfort, District H Standard in Hardstowii as a “MIT“ ”in”? “NWT" (“MINA Him-
l\\.40601.5ubscription in 1" ET pcryeat‘. Stuart Simpson. t't'lmi‘tet‘ and plintog‘i‘tthhel‘. “‘11 “‘5' ‘1 ht ”H“ “T (Hm m H “I“
Postmaster: send changeot address to the _ y . >\ ‘1‘ -. 1-1 ' A "ll . l) '1‘ eyents and columns
Kentuckvl’ress,101Consumerlane. Somerset I “"15“ NH” lournal ‘ ”d I“ U “”1"” (7 ”ll-Mb If 1‘ ~ \l 'l ' ‘l l ' ' ' .
. , » . .. . , . , ,( itoi i it iat tanks said lllt
l‘ranktort, [\\ 40601, (302) 223-8321. t it lllt it) ]{(‘](i.\1()\\ ll ll till] lllt‘ ] . . .
District 11A (ieoi‘getown Nt‘\\>-(it‘tt})lllt' where “H m“ ”mm” "1 1“" ”W” “'H hMl’
Utticersand Directors iomCaudill, l cxington Herald-l eadei‘ he worked as city reporter. lle grad» flu.” '3‘“de ‘ ’1‘” “ll 1” Tim" "'1
Kcmw‘k."I)rt‘-‘“‘\~‘5”\‘mit"‘ uated from the l'niversin of “H".‘km-L) ”H“ ”mm“ H" mm”
1‘ "t l)lstl‘lt'tl;-l5 Kentucky with a degree in lintzlish ”1‘” l ”W” l "11“” ”till ”"ht‘t’l ‘
('nvlll‘iii H (t; y g; I‘ lohn \(’l\t\n, Damille.-\d\otateMessenger and served as a staff writer and l't‘Tkl'm‘m H'w‘m‘d ‘ih‘l‘mlll‘llhh'l’
IU ' d U , 11’ ‘n H T ‘ In ‘5 . . . .. rv . . . - . i
‘ l l H X t columnist for l ks student newspa— L‘m“ ”"l‘ {l 1"" I‘m l“ ”Mk" “ ”‘
l‘rtsidentElect Sldlt’M'drg“ per. the Kentucky Kernel While at Ih‘” “""k " ”"W‘lmll‘w‘ l’l” 1""
Russl’owell,AshlandDailyIndependent Sharon luminski,“inchester Sun ['K. mi was 1}“. recipient (,f‘ a game story was iiiiinetliately :t\;tll*
. Lexington Herald-Leader fellow- i‘l’lt‘ on the weh site
Past l’rVCSlant’ V id Rint‘\,Uwcnsboro Messenger lnquirer Ship. l)()uglas illSU \"()I‘k‘l(i ii.‘ a gon_ -I§iink5 5111(l l‘t‘itdt‘r.‘ ('llll Ht)“ t"
LieneLlabestecorder Newspapers .. > “.31 assignment reporter for the mail news or advertising items to
Vice President 19”)” Mu”"‘" Berea ("mm Louisville Defender newspaper and See PEOPLE, page 12
T T - I ‘ ' ‘ I ‘ ~ v M
om Laudill lexmgton Herald Leader Don White, Anderson \cyvs
Treasurer . i . .
Teresa Revlett, McClean County News Assoaates D‘V‘Smn e a S
Ed Mastrean, Kentucky Educational
District 1 Television ——-——-———————————-——-————-————
W‘ll'amMj h ll i . V
' ' kc e ’Fuflm Leader Ad f _ D' . _ Norman E 153305 authored a hook. ‘L nteiided (rates.
verism 1V|Sion ~ , ‘. , , ‘ ).,..-~, ,4.
D‘Lstn'ctz LarrV Broois Lexington Herald-Leader Norman E~ 1533(‘5- former 1m Mismanagtd hf A“. and “(h
Jed Dillingham,DawsonSprings Progress . ' . . ‘ g . . , quoted as saying. the America
Louisyille newspaper editor and “0‘“an would rather break .1
District3 NewsEditorialDivision executive died in (‘alifornia March “0“. than understand it ~~ He
Teresa Revlett,McbeanCountyNews Mark Ne‘k'rk' Kentucky P0“ h: three weeks before h” 90th helped create an omhudsman‘s
_ _ , . _ .irthday. . position at the ('-J to hear readers'
District-1 ~ . Ioumalism Education 15380" 100k 0"” 35 managing complaints reportedlv the first of
CharliePorunann,Franklm Favorite Jo-Ann “Uft'AlbeTS'WGStern Ken‘UCkY editor of The Louisville Times in its kind in It“, n'ition ‘
Universi' (rt. ,‘ .,. .., .. b.. .‘ ' . ..
District“ t} liTutt'md if“ 18 59*” IN“; d> I loved him and I hated him.
. ~ execu1vee itor an vice resi ent .. ' ‘. rt ’ “ . ' t ‘_
Dav1dCreer,TheKentuckyStandard, GeneralCounsels of The (‘ourier-l P, l . d saidtxtorgt .\. (till. rt tirtd ( ,J
Bardstown Ion Fleischaker and Kim Greene . . V. ‘ ' ourna d” publisher who worked for lsaacs in
Dinsmore&5hohl Louisville 'Iinies( o. the 1960s. “I loved him because he
Districtb A native of Manchester. taught me a lot. He was a very
Dorothy Abernathy,Oldham Era Kentucky Press Association England. Isaacs retired from the good teacher. I hated him because
Kentucky Press Service Staff Courier-Journal and joined the fac— he never gave up.
District? David T. Thompson, Executive Director ulty-ot ( olumhia Liny'ersrty as edi- lsaacs served as president of
KelleyWamick,GallatinCounty News Bonnie Howard, Controller t‘0r~in-re51dence of its (xraduate the Associated >l’ress managing
Gloria Davis, Advertising Director School of Journalism. He continued Editors Associat ion and the
DistrictS—9 Lisa Camahan, News Bureau Director with (‘olumhia for several years American Society of Newspaper
K9" Meg” Bath County NewsOutlook Reba Lewis,Research/MarketingCoordinator and came out of retirement to he [“11th Although h“ ”(‘WY‘ WMTW
DistrictltHl SueCammack, Administrative Assistant lWPSTant and publisher ”T ”1“ ated ”Um hm" “hm,“ h“ “'3‘“
Marn'Backtis APPaIAChian News Fxpm‘c Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant News-Journal in \Vilmington. Del. awarded an l"”‘”_"‘”1‘ (l‘Wl‘H‘im‘ l‘fi'
' Samantha Barger, Advertising Assistant lsaacs was well known as a 53"“V1150l ““"‘"~*“.V~
DistrictlZ David Shropshire, Indiana SalesSupervisor fierce defender of press rights and H“ '5 NH‘VWt‘d lty his second
lackG. Th(imas,]acksnn Times iamieHobbs,'i'earshect(,‘oordinator critic of media failings. He See DEATHS. page 12
. I

We Kentucky Press. April. 1998 » Page 3
,.,__.*-_._.-. _ ___...“__._._w,-....______._ ___-..._-,..- __-._.... M ., .- _. . .. . ._ ., ___“ __ __W , __ _ , , ,- _ ,.
O .
gG ~ in ~i
. reat writers now “tow w ten to C eat
I . 9 ‘ s
T l
; ' ‘tt'i‘itl «our» cheat "'“*'—"‘*‘““—*'“‘“‘ _‘v—efi i lye that m tilt-iiiitgii tvo etlt‘titt's "tam-ii n... .i l
VV Vllth y tton V. (ll! a. on it , oi . tllL.V tanV; dot. t I C‘,z'(.ll s f... ,- V V“ .lyyinilivng nninhei oi pViiystt tans ate inteii-sVit it l
Ltieat .iy tll.t\\lliL‘. tinsulistatitiated iont tiisiotis . in proytding .iltortions lhe siihiect is sitigtitai'. l
they don‘t cheat hy writing around “acts they (y I .A. 2%: ~,-,Hmt..i,3“ a, it“. predicate should i... "i..- “ Hut 5
haven t pinned do‘w n ._ . F’r'l‘ r g .‘ “,3 physicians." plural. conttised the \\ i'itei'
BUT "’mM‘lll‘V‘ 1h“) t'llt‘i” “mm ”1‘“ W” a When you haVe l"l\iilllt‘ deducing what the
words I‘lflt'lllt‘l‘ ll illmml dl‘ViU‘ l‘4illl"‘ll-“ “TV” I" '“m ""“"“‘H stthiect as. cheat' "cacti yeat teyyei ;th\.-:cian\
' ”Mil-WNW” 5”” ”I‘m“ ”W limp” grammar "l. |____m...__._.-.__ _._ __E?___._w_.__._.-_jul are interested iii proyii. ‘ii’ it!”"""tll.\ ”‘Sillllih l
“‘“rd ”VN‘LWVIH 1‘ ”HHNNT‘» ‘ important iitialittes The Hilfiis inns: work .\t ll .liiinp ot:e ..i lllt t‘ttiili‘. lHtL’ words l
l ‘5‘ ”1”“! “NIH” ”hm” ‘lVW‘T "Vim “”1"” together and the words inns: emit. iE t m thr l ots it! writers haw troiihii with ‘lte part i
sure. whetlier to use ~[)tttipt(' s.i_\ its hard ti.» M, Home “V,“ ix lul‘. V 1; .3 '1? ”WM .11. .VV VV. Rump}, ia'lcd m. V“ HHMV .i \Mi, hm” ”Midi
l llt‘lltWt‘ 3:) \t‘dl" hill”: TUI‘QI Mk “V!” I Mr,- 3‘“ litil’ltlt. :Tl' .‘Hii'rl~1~'.;t'lllt' il' . Kilt! “In". 'Al‘llfi’ 1‘ . t~|t.t‘i \Vlllt‘l‘ il"til {it‘t'il l'l lllltlt‘l'filJllHE
I“ 2”: hi.” LIN}: l“ ,, . . 4h with t’ .- lat ’s \‘2. . i\ lllt ‘. ..i'i :.. 73w i“! ‘ttc '1' t .iai t'xccpt to they llit\t‘ to lie. .tli l
Tet‘l‘itttt'aiik. ii? t'tv'ii’se, it.i'~.i is .‘tte t'I‘?"t'('l . - . .-
. , . . . . . .,»-- ‘ttai‘. i‘. ,w "i rs ~"- "11' to ttse ipiisscsstyi 'tt‘itl‘iltt r ‘.\‘H' : .
.pi‘eaicate. tears .~ .t pairat s=ttitect Hill. tne “UV .. . V‘ .. V V . :-... , .. 1.. .i . V,‘ .\ _ _. ., .‘L _,
ll'l‘lllllSHl'l (‘Xlsls tit-catise he \\.iiiteil to stH- tin VH‘ ’ k M ANTI". I“ ‘ It M A! A“ I W ”NH I w m l I (-MH ll- ‘ ‘4
l _ ,. . y .. - . '..' 'ltr '. iii-giec: 't-i- \\=ttlis ‘.\y sa‘ s‘ii‘t: iieopi. .-.v WT? l'i‘t“ 1st- of *IHTlll‘T'Ti s ctii'sint: tit. “he i?! l
’ inpiession ot a ltltlth. ot time not ._'.>Il1til\l(ll..t! ,V tt VVVV .i VVVV VVV ,, .. V VV ' .. Johnson c tore“
V . lieat‘s‘ TH grasp the distinitton. consider this ‘1' (3.1. ("U”V' h M" ' l LA .|.‘ VV H. I . c i . .
‘ sentenci "1 lite hundred \ears are a long time‘ “’1' "m" “'11:" " h H ”M!" '1 .;..- 'WN ‘ l. '1 IV” “1',” I” l H WW H' ,I “I “Mm" l
V l'l‘t'at sittittiis Wrong. its the sense VV' "(lite lilttt~ striiggli \z't ‘tie ‘.\-ii‘ii.s _\ :y .\'~..:t in term {’10: \Vii. arm \\ it sliotittt it: -lt:lilistltl . t‘ittstttz' i
t lttt'ed Nears :s singutai'. “a longtime "m“ mm H“ ix" WM] “”1 3’ E" h ‘7 “"7 “hm \m' ”Mk ”le “mm m“ m" (lil'TllW ,M l
My in. . d ”ski-ti m.- "\ytm \iiiiuiii i iii." at 'i“ H“ “W“ “3”" "H ”We ' WW” " """”"”‘ .“m " 7““ "" ""‘ ““",‘.‘ ”M” N" “"‘ l
. l .tse ‘hayi t imply I‘m talking ahout 2:? indiyid ““1 “-‘Vi‘s’t' Titles my editor knous l” "m." "Ulm‘qm “I“ “Hm“ . l
l s ital \‘eat‘s htit it'l ttse ‘has. I look as it‘l don‘t (it"utt \\t'lt(‘t‘.\ don‘t know I't'l'\ iil‘\l are '“l‘it‘ ““1““”“H‘l'li‘ul'llfil‘ 'l ”“5 5* "l' l
i understand linglish‘ Him So when the\ get in .Hi t'.\r\‘.\.tttl sti‘t.t JUN" “““Wl l)!” '1 "4'” film“ lt‘" “”W'lltllttl
l i‘ecotnmet‘tded he cheat. lhitiip “2;, years :lm, {hp} surrender lnstead H. “rm“: “ml... iultiia: tilntotislv. “what" is plttiaiVVhet‘e 'Hhe l
and write “ a quarter century has gone hy thing they're not sure is wrieci llH'\ nay.- llit fir“ ““1” ”Dim” I“ l’“ ”W‘t’ “WIN“ ’
since. " “Quarter century" is singular. and the savvy to avoid the tittestionahlt usage to FM is “”1 ”"T‘H‘V ”“ll‘lh “3"“ ” *"“"‘l“" “1”“
message couldn't be clearer int.r the sentence ”1" plural it"t’dlt‘m‘ WUWl“ WWHL’ ltt‘t't‘ "Wltii'
Excellent writing combines two equally This writer made and undo-rs'tandahle nus See CHEAT. page 11
o q o
NAAI Study Shows Bulld your newspaper s all-important brand
K L.
carrlpalgn Increases By ANTHONY M. (‘ASALE product is to distinguish it trem oth» the progress otthe campaign after it
Of all the columns I have written ers. has been under way tor a reason-
readers, awareness for ldeas Magazine. Vl received the Next . ahle amount oftittte. VV
niost reaction from the lirst. a col- ° Have .t lirm agreement. from But you are not done. lhere are
f . uttiii about the importance ot‘brand— the publisher on down. ot‘yotir over- some important things to consider
0 newspamrs ing newspapers. Recently. however. all brand positioning. This is how before launching this kind of cam—
According to a recent tracking the unestions have begun to Change. you want others to see you tor years paign. V
study. the Tirst flight of the hewspaper marketers are now to come T‘H‘SI. you Will need to he patient.
Newspaper Association of America saying. VVWe buy the idea. How do ' lleyelop concepts and themes to And newspaper people tend not to
iNAAt national advertising cam- you do it. support the oyerallposittoning, he patient. We want a qutck ll\'
paign has created a substantial Here is a basic. step-hy—step ° ( reate specific tiiess‘ages tai— Building a brand takes time. htit
level of awareness and favorable approach that has worked Vtor us in lored to key audiences lhes‘e audt- it is the surest way to hutld long—
perceptions among readers In the a variety of markets to hutld news- ences include loyal readers current term value in a product so we can
target 18-49 age demographic. The paper brands. . readers at risk ol dropping out and eventually stop relying on short—
campaign. featuring former presi— 1. Determine where you are potential readers. advertisers. term Band Aids such as discounts
dents Jimmy (‘arter and George now. V media huyers and employees and incentives.
Bush. Barbara Bush. retired gen- ' Measure how welt the newspa- home marketers torge' aliotit Newspapers have heen consistent»
eral Norman Scharzkopt'. MTV per stacks up on the most important reaching a(l\'ertisers.Vmedia huyers ly under promoted. relying on spo-
iouralist Tabitha Soren. Super elements of hutlding brand equity — and employees. I ntortunately. a radic. short-term bursts of advertis—
‘Bowl quarterback John Elway. awareness.Vloyalty. quality. value significant percentage ot media huy» ing and marketing. Marketing and
and rapper. televismn star and and (Vitfihncttveness. V ing decisions are made hy yotinget promotion have to he consistent.
author LL (1001 J. finished its ini- ' ( (induct a thorough. competitive people who may not he newspaper That doesnt mean you have to triple
tial seven-week launch period in analys1s of the market.Vnot .I‘VISt reader.s themselves. l‘anployees‘ are your advertising budgets and adver-
November. NAA member newspa— among print or other activates With important since the hest campaign ttse heavily 12 months a year \ou
pers ill-“Y Finished running the which newspapers compete tor reads in the wortd can hthtndone hy an can still have the advertising hursts.
campaign ads three times a week ers time and attention . employee With piihlic contact who hut look tor other promotional
at the end 0f March. after which ° hegment consumers tnto various inst doesnt get it opportunities tsttch as newsletters to
the second year of the three-year audiences and identity which specit- Finally. create an integrated mar— subscribers and co~Vtiiarkettiig oppor-
campaign islplanned to launch: tc marketing messages Will work kettng plan that ties together all the tunittesI the rest ot the time
“This dynamic campaign is best to reach each. [his is your road various strategies. marketing yeht— Finally. and perhaps the most
demonstrating that newspapers map to developing the marketing cles and ohiectiyes into an integrat- important. your messages have to
can actively and et‘fectiely promote campaigning. ed, long-range. consistent pro- he consistent. laktng one position
themselves with the American 2. Develop your brand. . gramme. in the spring and using another in
public nationwide and on a coordi- . Just as you assessed your post— 3. Bunld your brand. the autumn Wlll simply confuse con-
nated baSIs." said John F. Sturn. honing in Step 1. the first phase in ImplementV your integrated mar- sumers and you Will have no strate-
NAA president and CEO. “The Step 2 is to assess your current ketiVng plan. Start your campaign. gic positioning at all.
results of the study are extremely marketing programmes. This You can use all the traditional Remember. hutlding a brand takes
encouraging and they bode well includes assessing your internal marketing strategies. including years. not months. .
for the future of this advertising and external marketing, promote internal and external advertising. )IAnthony M. (asale is president of
campaign and the newspaper programmes. sponsorships and the direct mail. . public relations. Irinceton, i’Veu' Jersey-bawri
industry. I am also excited about events you support. employee relations. direct response American Opinion Research. and
the willingness of the entire indus- You also need to analyse your marketing and event sponsorships. can he reached by VtelepV/uVmeV. I609)
competitors marketing programmes 4. Refine the campaign. 683-4860. by far. (60.9) hH.i«8.i.‘)H. or
See STUDY, page 11 since one of the ways to brand your Finally. it is important to check on by e-mail at (Hneropin7()7"l]ao[.t'nm.I
‘ ‘.

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, April. 1998
Sometimes called the most under—reported beat of American newspa»
Pers. religion coverage has excelled when it looks beyond the church as its Pressing lgg|l(lq
. . l L I L I
only source for stones.
A workshop gave such tips to about 54) religion reporters and Journal-
ism instructors at Wake Forest University this spring. (‘o-sponsored by the lb “am“ “In“. A ’0'." Hilliard
Poyrnter Institute for Media Studies and the host school, the daylong event in“ Tel-Inmm- “a“ ‘ hhvnn‘
provided plenty ot'speakers and sessions for all participants. '
Among the highlights was Finding the Sacred m the Secular by David resources on line in the February issue ol'the Internet Newsroom'
Waters. religion reporter at The Memphis ( ommerCial Appeal, Hes the ‘l' .. , ,_ ‘ ~ , . 7- ‘ , . .
,, . . . . . . . . . . . . iiless noted. the addresses for all begin vs ith http. \\ \x u .i
1991 wmner of the American boc1etv of Newspaper Editors Distinginshed . . ‘ . ~. .. l , 1‘ ‘ l . l
Writin 1 Award for Reli ’on and s iritualitv iiineautom home ianite (a endar and #t u tura
Witers' Wisdoni g1 ‘ ‘ p ~ ‘ (‘ontains cultural and religious holiday information.
.. . . . . . .. , . ° catholic org
Look for (10d for the religion beat. Waters adVised those in his ses- . I, . . , 4 .
. .. . . ( athoiic ( )nline is quite valuable for Roman ( atholic intorniation
sion. But look beyond the church. which can be too limiting . . | "
He coin 'ired ones search for (‘od only in a church as out looking tor episcopalnetorg
( t . I ( (. ‘ .
p . ‘ ' rockies net. sspirit,sermons.easterpagelitml
death only at a funeral home. . . . ..
.. . ' . . . . . loo late for this month. but a great luaster resource bookmark
This vears 'Ionva Harding—Nancy herrigan nationally televised meet-
in Y was a i'eli Tion story " Waters s'iid 'The to ic was tor rili'ene ' . “WP“ com ~tmmh easter
l“ “ l“ ‘ .~‘ ‘ “ . ‘ p “ .l“ ' " (lreat for Easter customs in other countries
Another sacred in the secular story to support Vtaters theme was a o 1 rd . } t ht
‘ . . n V . v ~- . I) ‘IQ‘UUS. ‘( i t' . l
bports Illustrated article asking. Does (10d ( are \\ ho “ms the huper \l _)'l' I ‘ ’m-l ’C ”Ill? 'nt 1 l t
, - . av- l.‘ asce . o i .' ‘e e in ion.
Bowl? Players interViewed on both teams said yes. yet only one team won » ‘ ‘ n“ n l "1‘ t l
. - 7 . ‘ j . . ' logoscom wbsaisearchasp
His second suggestion to reporters was to put themsehes into positions \l 'l l' l d t . t
- t - . - - - . .» ) i ‘2 i o v; .‘ ‘s.
to hnd (rod. In covering the popes Visit to Denver. for example, Waters . }1 "(ti £5111 .( ~ “15"“ "P“
found the press room to be "too isolated. ‘ Instead. Waters spent time with (‘l "1: ianimsvu ”(If k ll l l
. .. . . "4 . " ‘ )' ‘l')“" 2' ‘ CL“ A .A')‘; ;_
a youth group In the heat and humidity 0f the outdoor terrain. iiis ian. nswers . (tvsor st Y'\( s as an i piiiposi siti in st \(l i in
. i . t . , . . T Q T I_\
He said he did the same thing for a Promise keepers rally. bhunning L” i“.
. v . .. ‘, . . . . . . . . ' iclneterg
any special media treatment. he rode a church bus to the event VHIll a t‘ f (‘h , ‘ W l l k
group of men and sat with them during the rally. 'H (‘1, or / ”5:11;" ( l ”It" m 5‘
.. V ‘ . . H . . ., ‘ 0 ~ . - A .. .’
(.iover (10d as if he were real. Waters said tor his third tip. l‘illlll "‘(m‘l‘l‘l‘tfl to
instructs the lives ot'many people. hmd-l ”l B‘ ’19 ”(Who’l-
u v - C ‘ i ‘ I
I)ont separate the sacred from the secular \ ou cannot be ~inst church ”ml" IU’m-ml
. v . - ‘ . . . . . ' bible org
reporters. \ our stories need to be integiated throughout the paper not lll>l * _
. .. o \- . . i -
on the church ghetto page. "” ‘ hm” "m . _ . _ . _ _
Waters encouraged the journalists to Work on Sundays. attending as ljmks 1” organizations. ”ussmns‘ mm'ies. “mm.“ publications
many churches as possible. lerry Mattingly. a heripps Howard syndicated religion columnist and
. . . ‘ .,'.. . . , w ),..
anover stories about how church members use their taith in dealing \hlhgan ( “Ht L" b“ Ull.‘ ”1‘ I‘ll". r V“ dlldble at tmattnett. proxided l r‘ “511M
with issues in life." he suggested. ‘l’osition yoiirselt to lind stories that art “5”” with lllt‘s“ V*‘l”“l‘l" 5““:
happening now,“ ' icnlh‘ com news
Superb Sources 'r or the Jew ish (‘ommunications Network.
TWO books were available at Wake l’orest to lielliloiiriialists assigned ° Y‘t‘llLrlttlmt’\V-\l“d“.V-m’t
m], 1M.“ ° christiaiiity net
0 Deities 8: Headlines A Primer on Religion News t oyeiwige liy 'J‘lllll I'lllkfi '“ ”WW than “Ml” other (‘biistian Web sites
llart ° gosheniiet. iiiri‘
' Bridging the (lap: Religion and the News Media by John llart and Niill‘miil llllt'l‘llétli‘méil Rt‘llmtm ROW)”
Jimmy Allen. ° ewtiicom
Both are published by the l’reedoiii Forum First i\iiii‘ti'lliit‘2il Venter .it l‘Ut‘ ilddl'ilitttd: Roman (‘atliolic information I
Vanderbilt l'niversitv ° arlingtoi. lll'l today news religion :
, - ‘ I
.\ valuable organization lor l't'llgjiiiii \yi-itt-i s is tiie Religious l’lenty ol religion news briets tor reuorters
New s\\‘ritei's .»\ssoeiation. \\hicli ‘klll conduct its 3th ti iiiiiiml meeting Heiit ' (litl1&15nt‘“l“fl‘m ”Nit“ Y't‘lllfl‘m'm'mm l
H to 13’) in .\tlanta The Wake Forest l'iii\'ersit_\ Year ot Religion in Anieiican liile can be
This pi .il'essioiial association promotes religion eportiiig t‘Xi‘t‘lit‘li 'e ii‘i'esseit a: \\lll i-(lll whinews \'oi‘ htiii
among seciilai' I75 and ( itlli‘ltlliill print. electronic and broadcast media WW
For more details. check With llebra Mason. execiitiye director. at till ‘91— li’oml\ lliiii s illlt/ Jerri llilliriril. lists! 'I‘e/iiiessee filo/4* l'iiii'ersirx
Sltlttl or I'llltxlllllvuiltill‘tnti. ])t' Mir/men! iv ('oiiimiinii-ulioii llt'lllfV. Iiii‘ile \‘Ulll‘ . omnienls Thin i-rin lie
I .
Addllumul Ne! Resources- reiii lit-«l at [1'] Nl Box 70667. Johnson ('1!) l'.'\' ,‘f7o'l l-(Io'li'T l’lione numbers
(ll~ course. the World \Vide Web is a \aluahle tool tor all 'lttlll‘littlhls (ire-12."! Ill}? Jlo'flor ll’i'I' Firi‘ is 125! JIfHJIfUi‘i' 'l'liei mm lie selieiliilerl [or
l‘ll'('t“l2ilit't‘i‘ Robin Nobles compiled the following list oi ltt‘lpllll religious [A'Itl'li‘.\llit/).s it] to i‘iWSll/l Il‘lfll papers or met/iii L’t'oims on (I iiirieli' of lit/Hes ,
(Pg: :1:.s..s::r.-.:.»,..:...:.::—-_: :::; —..—.......;..:.:::.:.-s : --:-:7.:::..::—.—;. :1... : - — —_ 17:. *—~——_~_~.A_—;: ~ _«.;::_—__s::.—
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.l 7 .._.... . . . . . .

 The Kentucky Press. April. 1998 - Page 5
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