xt7k9882nm2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k9882nm2k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1963 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1963 Vol.29 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, July 1963 Vol.29 No.10 1963 2019 true xt7k9882nm2k section xt7k9882nm2k ,, g fl 1 . . 1
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1 Published in the Interest of Commumt Journalism . . . Of B and For Kentuck News a ers 1 ‘1 1
I I 1 ' ‘ 11‘
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“\1 I 1 1| l I 1 ‘
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The Kentucky Press Association recognizes 1 1‘ 1‘
the fundamental importance of the implied ‘ 1 -
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination 1
0] public information. It stands for truth, fair- 1
ness, accuracy, and decency in the presentation ‘ 1
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- 1 1
ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its 1 1
advertising column. It opposes the publication 1
of propaganda under the guise of news. It af- ‘ .1
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, 1 1
honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re— 1 ‘ 5
Spects equality of opinion and the right of every 1
Individual to participation in the Constitutional :
guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes 1 1 1
"H1119 newspaper as a vital medium for Cifl‘iC, _ ,1 1 y ,. 1, 1, . 1 - , a 1 1 1
90”"07’110, social, and cultural community de- 2,11 . ' .1 1 1
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vol - , ’1 1 1 1
ume 29, Number 10 - I ' H1 Classroom' Workshop 1 1 11
Study Group During Newspaper m e 1
O 1
1 11 . 1

 I :I II " II
‘1 l“ III III I II I | I II I Th K t k P t He said hi: has ip mind ingtances in which I
III I ;‘ 1 r_ A W S I newsmen 0 tain rom con dential so ’
I I‘ II I‘ 1‘ e en “C y ress 1 S e ee + fact:< they otherwise could not get £1:in i h
1 I ‘ I - mas corruption and other wron (loin . I R g l
I II I- Volume 29, Number l0 Mark Ethrldge BIGStS “We are all familiar with case: in i’hichl
‘I1 II _1 1 TV News coverage journalists have gone to jail rather thanI ‘
I II I‘. Official Publication A Kentucky newspaper executive deliv- reveal their sources of information,” KeatI Manage
:I 'I‘ 1 Kentucky Press Assocrotion, lnc. ered a verbal salvo against television news ing said. “I have been asked many timesI Pub
II 1 II 1 : Kentudq Press Sen/Ice, Inc“ coverage June 10, at Asheville, N. C., and whether this situation is jllSt.” I Ch' , .
II II ,I I: Victor R. Portmann, Editor blamed it in part for causing a decline in . The SUPPI‘CSSIOD 0f sources 0f informa.‘ d ipplllng ay
II 1 1 Perry J. Ashley, Associate Editor the number of daily newspapers in recent tion, he said, would be “one of the grem'I om ls aPPe.
1I 1 II : 1 . Member years. est threats to a free press.” men encounter
III I Newspaper Managers Association Mark Ethridge, board chairman of The “If reporters couldn’t aSSlll'e their source‘- Of course, all(
1I ‘I I 1 Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Courier-Journal and The Louisville Times, that their identity WOUId DOt be l‘evealed.I ly figmegefiI
II II I 36"“ BUSINESS Bureau: LEXIngm" criticized the limited amount of time tele— many who WOUId otherwise cooperate WOUICI are ltIII' lea I
III ‘II I II 1 SustainingIMemberI . Vision offers its news program and said it refuse to talk. AS a result CVCH the most L00. m you
:i‘II I : 1 National Editorial Assocmhon was “Superficial even with such masters as shocking instances of corruption and worseI 201mg restr
III II I 3 . ASSOCIOfe Membf' _ . Huntley-Brinkley and Cronkite.” would never be detected . . . and the sysl protection Of a
1I II II II Namnal NewsPaper Fromm" Assocmhon “You get tired through the car more tem of checks and balances would be seriI when a p mp 61
II III I Publication Office quickly than you do through the eye,” Ously threatened.” l guild an apart
II II :1 School of Journalism Ethridge told a meeting of the National Ad- . He conceded that difficult problems arII dor eyieryone i
I II I I University of Kentucky vertising Executives Association. involved, With a division among newsmei enie dsome 0
I. II II __ In addition to television, Ethridge blamed themselves on Whether they ShOUId be ex“ wily: I
I I I I _ _ the decline in the number of daily news- empted from possible penalty, usually III hiehs see Sf
II I I:I1. Kentucky Press Assocmtlon, lnc. papers on “mergers, suburbanization, and contempt—of-court cases, for refusing to dis ‘3 C the mdl
1 'I 1 :I ‘ I Fred J. Burkhard, President . decline in national advertising.” close sources. . WIISIOHIeEare
III . III . Casey County News, Liberty He said weekly newspapers are being “Finally,” the senator added, “there isi the a ough
III II II George JOphn 111’ Vice-Preszdent 1 established in suburban areas across the feeling among many newsmen that the} 10% who won
III I11 II Commonwealth, Somerset . . . . . . . . 1 Iust don’t want an . 3'1 ,. .1 1 Information—no
1‘ I. I 1 1 Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Manager countiy, cutting into areas piexriously dom- .l y speua P1I1V.1 eges 3““ call "regular r
I II I1 ‘I 1 Perry I. Ashley, Assistant Secretary-Manager inated by the big dailies. that they WOUId. rather go to IIIII than IIIII “Specialized me
I .III 1 Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer Ethridge offered newspapers four SOIU' for legal protection. I TISING
1 I I ‘ University of Kentucky, Lexington tions which he said would perk up their * alt * a I‘ Through stat
1 ‘1 District Executive Committee Elliilllclitrloioolihclg pUt them on a stronger Two State NewsPapers by administrati
II II II II 1 Chairman, Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, Mld- He urged then] to take advantage of Honored In NEA COI‘ll'eSl'S I defelgfndépr]
I III 1 I 1 . dlesboro (Tenth); First, William T: Davis, automation, to use more color on their Two Kentucky newspapers were honoref‘ Seivices. Ingmar
1 I’ ‘i' I‘II Lyon County Herald, EddyVille; Second, Larry news pages, to increase the price of the . tl 1963 NBA . . tsts Tlr ese
‘L I III Stone, Messenger-Argus, Central City; Third, a er and to raise re ortei's’ thfies m 16 newspapei cone I .. ““91“?“ (or
I, II III Basil Caummisar, Courier-Journal and Times, p 1? fI . -. 1 ,p 1 ‘ ‘ I. Anderson News, Lawrenceburg, R. E. Car} reading aboutt
III II II 1 Louisville; Fourth, Howard Ogles, Favorite, . I 37109111156 “6.131106. (if “I? P111361 ‘3’?“ rison, editor, received two third PIIII‘; prOlessions and
’ II Franklin; Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trimble Demo- 1311319; 1t 0s: lion]: lefldefls’ 1? iiidge said, plaques in the News Photo and TypOgl'flPIlT Ilave not yet re:
g}: I} ‘ f I crat, Bedford; Sixth, Edwards M. Templi'n, “t youc e ”ettei O as a1 as finance classifications. The Cynthiana Democral nigrecOgm'Zed
1III II 1'1I Herald—Leader, Lexington; Seventh, Warren R. was concerned. . Thomas Preston, editor, received a certii Who is it t]
II II Fisher, Mercury, Carlisle; Eighth, Louis .De- Regan‘mg better salaiies £01. Ilep‘mtffls’ cate for Honorable Mention in the TYPO? lawg and regula
; I I 1. Rosett, Adair County NewS, Columbia; Ninth, he said. The time has come fOi Iouiiialism raphy contest. “ye extend congratulflIIOII' Certa‘ 1
I I III III James T. Norris, IL, Independent, Ashland; to be fully professional, which embraces Over 9 300 entries were judged in ll] lon my not
I II 3 II State—at-Large, S. C. Van Curon, State Journal, the idea of paying people as professionals.” ,, .- .HI. . I deg as. the aI
I I :IgI 3 II Frankfort; State-at—Large, James Lee Crawford, vaiious contests. la Cent It is We
_ i .I‘1 I II Times-Tribune, Corbin; State—at-Large, Al I. * * * * I s a a 0 iii bWS and regulal
‘I ‘:I II Schansberg, Voice of St. Matthews; Immediate Senator Kenneth B. Keating proposed a ‘A real treasure map 15 a chart] odon fey (1)116 group W
.I 1 I I II Past l’reSident, John B. Gaines, Park City News, new federal law to spare n ews men from the United States sliowmg which IOIIGs-q hi! ti 0551011 Which V
. II II Bowling Green. threat of jail for refusing to disclose con- have toll booths. The Purnam C01 1‘9 i “2
. II III II 1 II fidential sources of information. Greencastle, Ind. _/1II ofone hears mi
II I 1: I 1 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. The New York Republican said he would . of teach- StriICIIIOIeSSiOHSI I
I KI ‘ I George M. Wilson, President introduce such a bill, not as a final answer to ON THE COVER' A group . oi tit‘ advertisinI
II :I Breckinridge Herald-News, Hardinsburg “tough and controversial” questions in-1 ers pause during 0 STUCIY 5955“)“ e ion? Volunta
III I II I I1 Landon Wills, First Vice-President h valved, but to encourage exploration of the Newspaper in the Classroom males asIlfis gu
1 I; II I: . . Mama" could" Ne‘f’s’ Cal 0““ possible methods of a fair solution. short course which was heId at the _}’restrict adv1
II 1 1 William T. DaVis, Second Vice-President _ H 'd . . . . , J ne I71 nits simpl
1II‘ 1 '1 Lyon County Herald, Eddyvrlle e 5211 its intent is to stiengthen the UK School of Journalism, U (i when Y exe
" I I‘ ;; Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Treasurer public’s right to have a free press, without - 28. Thirty teachers were enroIIeI law Such code
1 II 1 1 Pen—y l- Ashley, Assistant Secretary removing the right of redress through libel in the first such program con—1 of :1? made In
II ‘1 1 1 Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer or slander suits as a precaution against irre- - ‘ PiClU'edI 1, Oard tha'
III 1 . . . . ducted at the UniverSItY~ _ , aWay atfre d
‘1 I . Board Of Directors sponsrble Iouinalism. are' Mrs Jane Butler Lexmgioll “Th e or
‘I ‘ . . . “This isn’t for the benefit of the news ‘ ' . I 1IIe-Mrs11 e Plea of
. I1 Chairman, _Martm Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, Lon- . I . I h l . . d . d‘ _ Mrs. Reva Chrisman, DanVI , 1 trades is th
il1 1 don; Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, Middles- iepOiteis 01 t e te BVISIKm an m 10 com ' I |'ffe' CIOY 5all an d' . at ad1
1 1| boro; Niles O. Dillingham, Progress, Dawson mentators who play a Similar role,” the sen- 5‘3”er PurdYI WIC< I I sIeYI e 1tonal in t}
III I Springs: R0 Gardner, Courier, .HICkma“; RObe“ ator said in a statement “but for the bene- yer, Dayton, Ohio; and Coy Pal II years ago. “Eth'
.‘I ‘ . Fay, Shelby News, ShelbyVille; Officers ex- . ’ . ,, 1 ‘ ‘
‘1". Officio- fit of the public and the nation. BOWllng Green. I
I” 1 s I
1 II j I

 J JULY 1963 JWWJtt-eae ;. J, , M: ,
‘tstnwhiclil ' THE KENT “‘
m1 ; UCKY PRESS J ‘ J l‘
get to un-‘ ' J JJ
I mg f To Adve i' PAGE ONE J J l l
“h“ "‘“h r '59 lS Basic l i 1 ‘2
rat er than! A . J l l J ‘1; J
K111 M B‘ CA“ WEBB O IIIel'lca n F re d i ‘ l i «z.
many timeJl ”Egg? Otftgon Newspaper duct1 Ge that treats 0f mOraIS a1 d - e OmS l f 1 t .
J Ch 11 IShers ASSOCtatiOH an J The theOW 0f the profel' rlght con- Pressure 1 l J J l l J” Jtt
of - J ipping awa at . . , , y persen Wh J ‘ Ssmns is that ~ , UCers, etc., h J J J x J)
“£222; J do m is happenihlg exitydlgdlvgluals free- Or in licensedotgctlgtlchs 1n the professions drugks day in and dayagztto ta}: Certain ‘ l l t it
' Y- ews a pra d - S 1S immo 1 Wee out A d . ’ Wee in a d l l t: ’
men encounter these activiti P per- ve if he ad . ra and de- . J - octOr glve h . n J J1 J J
es all the t' c 1 - Vertlses. That 1 SCl'lptIOn— f S t 6 Patient a l r 1:4 ;
iheir source Of course, all of these actjo r J 1me. One uslon When w ' IS a fantaStic h 0 ten a repeat of Wh pre- J J J J J
~ Jl 13’ for the ns are Supposed- 0f the ri h e reallze that - as been takin f at the Person J l J l J (N1 :
)e 16Veald general welfare g t t0 ad 7 exeTCIse - g or \Veeks_( , J J J J :
)el‘fltewofilé are they, really? 0f everyone, but Connection with at??? has not a whit of :hcltual may pay $7.50 for 188d .tlhat 11nd]— 1 J J .
in the most LOOk ht your Own city or 0 fm 1JhdiVleual, 1t assumorals or conduCt Of a littelr (‘J‘mg Store or muCh lesspilf hat the l J ‘ J21 .»
1 and worle Zoning restrictions are ad Ollnt}: ls morally pure if he d es that a Seoundrel T e shoPPtng" around e does J‘ l l iJ;
and the svs protection Of 311-” Maybe it Ospthd lior the ihat a person maintainhes 3:“ advertise and rat XV: Oreg0n Chains Oh so call d l J ‘ J‘ J
1 l 1 or t e b ec lng ehi h . e rug st _ - e “cut- J J t ‘
)uld be seri When a PtOPertY Owner ' eSt Omes a renegad g eSt Ideals . ores decrded th 1 l l x ‘J
l build an a 15 told he cann t right . , 6 When he exe . J pete With the - 63' could com- , l ; l , 1r; ‘
Partment or p - 0 as a cmze . relses his Prices of th N 1 J J J
' ht In a stor b h to advertis ” CagO or Ka - e ew York Ch‘ l 1 - x J
trohlems an? for evely‘me except the ' d' ‘ e—~ est Make no m' e. fill' nsas Ctty mail-orde -’ 1- ‘ J1‘ 1 = J
denied . “1 1V1dual Who ' t1 “take about it— d 1 - mg films. Th t prescrlption- -1 1 1
1g newsmeJ some of his freedOm “I . 15 16 essenCe f , a Verusmg i th - 636 Stores be . . J J 1 J .1? «
' ’nch he - O competitiOn S .- S elr advertis‘ _ gan listing in 1 1 l l _ J
lould be ex enJoyed, Once hlgh-soundi ‘ hip all of th - . lng some Pl‘lces J J J J Jr -
1 usually 1‘1 Let’s See some of the th 01‘ Prohibit Itliphmses from Pleas to restric: long 1t Clear that thCSe were CritiqugSJ makt 5 J l M l‘i; l J J.J
using to dis which the individual—Mr BO er Ways in by licensees ofuse 0t HONEST advertising 10);, preffittption. Their prices :able Only JJ J‘lJ JlJ JJJJlJ’J‘ 1lJJl1J J J
Customer—are 1 - ' Dyer and Mrs th- Some Occu ati er an the ere much J :1 J }J111E1J1J‘JJ J
05mg some of fl J . - rough the PaSSa f P onal group drug st . recommended lists th l J1 JJJJJJ JJJJ . ..J J
7 “the- . J we all thou ht 1e1r 1tights and . ge 0 a law or 1- - . 0105 were ch . ~ 0 er J r J 1 J‘l‘gi Jl'J- 1 1 J ';J J
n thqtetlleJ those Who wguld V3:re Sacred. There are atiOnsy 0(111 W-IH find ECONOMIC ecgdlxtigom ItemSJ algmg for the Same Ill Jl lJ'llJl ‘J‘JJ Jl: ' tl
1 J. . , , tr 1 -_ JJ1J1 J J'J11J JJ.:J._
'ivileges and IIIfOrmafim—not Wh fly a P6180115 l‘Ight to restrict e lllvolVed_ One group Wants 61 On AugUSt 10 1961 J "J JJ J‘JJ“J ‘l “J ‘J I ‘
-~ call at you newsm , competition f to of Ph . . ’ ithe Ol‘ego B l J; 1; JJJ‘1J ,1J 1 1 :1
Jud tlmnale “ iegular news” so m h en would which Chosses t rOm another group almacy issued a Pl‘omul _ n oard J 3} JJ JJJJJ JJJJJ J 1.'.’ff”J‘
J Specmlized news” or ' me 'as a more and sim le 0 advertise—that’s it pur makes it Unlawful for 11 gation Which J J’J hilJ 1JJJ‘l l 5
l TISINGJ JUSt plain ADVER- I Op ' ’ e Vertise any drug whichd'ly drugglst to ad- ‘ J1JJlJlJl J1j1J J l
T h 1'6 0n, ub' . ls availabl J .l Want» ' ; 1
b hrough Statutory laws (1 ested in g _ Irlany of us who are inte P_ 11:: only With a Pl‘eScriptjo e to the J ‘J JJ JJl J J ,: I J J
yadminishhttve bodies an regUIatiOhs the freedmamtfammg’ in so far as possiblr- Sildh the Puhlic health welf n. Th; board 1‘ ‘Jl ll lllh “J1‘l ll
S J are being deprived f _50me Americans J 0m 0 the individual t J e, o t e Citizens is in _ ’ fire an safety J JiJJ J iJ l3 J1“ J
other Am - ° thelr RIGHT thatlon, Via adverfi 1 ° gEt lnfor- . Jeopardy. 1 5J1 JJJJleJJ J§1J1 JJ - 1
vere honorer SCTVices Titans about their good? :23 crse his tl‘eedOm Ofséhgiczo'helfi: him exer. ”(Ergo Olegon Newspaper Publishers A Jl JJJJJJJl l JJ Jl ‘Jl 1— ll
contests. Th Custom. Se same Prohibit' or from wh in W at he buys h Pl‘OteSted the- m1' S‘ l l J‘lJ‘J lill l‘ J J 5 7’? ’-.
ers (Or 1. Ions p1~eVent Om he bUys and h board to rev k J lng, aSked the J J JJJJ JJJJ J JJJ V “1:,
Y7 R E. Gill readin ClentS or - Of any One t _ ’ t e freedoln 0 6 It, and aft . , J1J JJJJ J Jl JJ JI’J- 1 ii J
7 . g about th _ Patlents) from . 0 adVerhSe so 1 months {30. h er Wmtlllg sever I 1 1 12“l J J‘ 1! ‘111‘1 l .2; J
third plat. profess e Offerings of Vertlsing is tr ’ ong as the ad- - t t em to do so t k a ’ 'JJ iIJle lJ lJ'J1J'l ll 1 as» J
J 10118 and 301116 Stores uthful and Into Court . 00 the matt J ll 3‘ llle1 fwl‘ ‘ - J5
TYPOglflPhT have not Yet reachvfln OCCupatiODS (Which Concerned ht August, 1961 decent, became Our POSitiotrjhielihthe Case now aWaits trig:r 1 JJ lJ'JJJlJJJi J J lJJ JJ JJJJJJ‘rl ‘
a dDemOCJJiJ 111g teCOgniZed as ea 15:8 iofty status of be- (friolr to that time severhl n t‘ 1 because it is the ditctthe pfilblic is Pl‘Otecte d J1 JJJll J'J JJ ll llJl A 3er C
1’6 11061“ Wh . J r0 esstH”) 0r er pres .7 . alona mail_ .1. _ or w o dec‘d J JJ JJJ1J~J l Jl1JJ JJ - “,J J
. 0 Is t . - . , CllPthn dru f' er “5 patient 1 es Wheth- l 1 ' 3‘ JJ I’ll ' , .le .
l the TVPOQ law 1 that 1S C] - tlsm 1 - g trms Were ad needs a dru . 1l J 1 Jl J IlJJ _
(J sand re 1 . amoring for J g tie prices of dr . Ver- Pl‘eSCription T g and wntes the 3 J 1 J1 a 1Jl1 J JJvJ Jgi _
ngratulahont Ce J gu atlons a a' mOle direct . ugs 1n magazines b A . ' he druggist h :l :JlJ J‘ h J1 NJ :1 .J
, rtalnl g Inst adverti ‘ 1,) mail, and in 1 Y prescrl tio . W 0 fills Such J 1: : l: lJl J J JJl1 J=.~1 J
lged 1n thl 1011 y not the PU Slug. 0th . newspapers rint d . p n, more times th l] JJ1J1J JJJ 1J 1Jll ~31:
g as the BLIC becaus e1 states I have be p e in takes a big b an not, simpI J {J J1 ‘qu :l J Jl; J}: ,1
l decent ‘ - adverththg ' - e as Save ab en tOtd that one ca . Ottte OH the shelf y l ‘l ‘Jl'l ll ll J1 ‘1 1“ 1
It Is w 15 tluthful J out half Of the c . n so many pllls . ’ Counts out J 1‘3 J; J‘ll J J1 J l Jlll jg: .
1 ftJ-JJ Laws'tnd tegulaiigomed' MOSt all of thaer: gescnpfit’h t0 ChicagOOStkgy sentghg his and tYpes up, Eulzsibthlem 1? a Smaller bottle J ll 1’1JJJ,‘J JJ l‘J JJ J llll tJ-Jl ‘
015M 0 ‘ yOHe . US are the CW YO'k , 1153.8 ity 01‘ t‘ J . ‘ e Wit] the d .> - ’ ‘ ,l JJ‘ 1’ JJJ JJJJJ ‘JVJJ ;
$1011 ' - mutt of act' 1 to be filled . . Sluctions on 1t OCt01s m- l 11 J1 1: 1J1 m1 a1 .»
. roads don fes1 ,P Wlthln an . 1011 10c J > over takin 1t t - . . . 1 - We mai t ' l {J1 J lJJJ , J5 J1 [.11 3
C CH M t' SIOH whlch Wishes Occupahon or pro- th a1 dmg store if that local drug it ho hls tlslhg 0t prlces of specifi dn am that adVer- J J; J» Jllel .1l J l l J: ‘
or ip mm to restrain Competi e recommended retail price gtl c arges mg on a dl‘uggist’s athC rugs has no bear. 1 J‘; JJ J JJJJ J N .
1 ‘ “ . . ' 1 J JJ‘Jl 1: J’J'J: , .1?
_/ {one hears much b J :21? d plnce fixing” because thet r1: not handwriting or to fill (111;: {ead a doctor’s J J: J’JJJ J 1 l Jl .: 2 J;::.l
0 .- ao “ ne ‘ 1 Com- crit'_ 1J1JJJJJ1J11J 1%
3 0t teath' Sh'iJcJtoiieclJJons' Some OletheZCedestf ethics’, Franklin ltiltntlisngtocdtlel erJggJSt What the ilrjglreigiigmems 0f the adVertiIZihhnindust lJ "J lJ ‘J‘l J1J J ‘Jl J' él
. .J vertisin 00 es do - 1 . aaog is to n_neWSpa e rY l J1 ’J JJJ1‘31 J1 1JJ J ‘J 11.x 1“
SGSSIOF‘IOl tliloner g- If the - . , 18- Clal printe-_ a Comma- me . , P rs, broadcaste- JJ JJ J 7.
. Volu 1 lndlVld . I Only a ' . reial Pl'lnters - - 1s, COm— 1 ll J1‘ ‘JJ ‘ l 1 l ‘1” ll
Classroom ethJcsi, as hisngtfithly accepts a hidplac; more and some chargftiletises some charge vertising clubs etcad‘éertlfilng agencies, ad- g; l JJl J J13 JJ, J Jle 1 ;;J
6 - r -— ' ' . 1,1 J;J9‘J’J1E- ,.::
reld at The may reStriet ad 1 €31.9Ven though th 0 YOu are perfect] do something ab eel ed It was time to 1 ll ‘J JjJJJJ JJJ l ‘1lJ 11J 1':
June 17- ~1ts gimp] Vertisng that is h' bat Code “If I am ill and Y Correct when you say licensing boar d PM the encroachment of !J i l JJ1 1 J; J JJJJ . JJJ
I ._ 1 - ~ _ JJ1 J 1JJJJ lJfl‘ 1‘
'e enrolled’ When suchy exermslhg his fre ds USlness scrlthiOn to b Ely dOCtOI gives me a pre- regulation or S mt-O the field 0t adVertisin ‘ ‘l J J1J 1‘ l l l'l ll 1
ram con- law and marlJOdes are given the 0an It is 500“ as possible Ilild I want the Stuff as Advertise” b'llpmhlhtttofl A “Freedom t5 ‘ J‘J JJ J1Jl J: J JJJ ' :J J
. 9W. 6. ’ . l, ‘1 J J JJJJ:J :
t Pictured if a boat d :hJeJthandatory fer eVery iifilfisof a mail Order to 50m? :litthavet time to Send the famed Ohio ffvtleivfa; patterned after ‘1 1 l 1 . Jl‘Jl J.
' t V ” e . ' u 1' ‘ , 5 1t l l 1 ' J ‘1 "J
Lexington? (fly at heedOm we see some “Chipping One-tune prescriptiom areanhkCltyth Many “Ill be presented when the zen Jdratted and :J J J 1 . ‘li‘J .
wille,‘ MISJ tl'adTJJe plea of th need It and Want it in a hurry e at—YOU ver’t‘e}: In Janual’y, 1963 eglStatute ooh- J ‘ J1J 1J ll ' 1 1JJ‘3
.‘ eSi e rof - W’ , ' e Jt . _' :J' J -JJ : JJJ ' i
J Clay Salt aneditcluflla-t advertisiJng itsSSJOnS find some pres Sign“ tattmg about that kind of Cupatioihsl fit the- but Is that it Prohibits 00. 1 3: J l ‘J1 1 J ll 5 tel
oy ParsleYJ‘ Years agoa (J; the Indiana Itlnlflthlcal’” Said availabtltélonJ 1At bissue here are the drugs some 98 of $3151“? agencies—and we have J t 5 JJ J : 1‘Jll » JJ‘JJ J
r ' t ' . u {Sh ‘ 0n - . ' _ H A m— r0111 . t J‘ J J1J J J J J J EJ ;
hrcs 111 the Sin 1 er a few tUally help key Y prescription—which ac— ers and duties of the Lupsurplng the pow- J .j J} J JJ J J J J
J gu a1 15 the with ep some Persons aliVe Fe 1 ing J-eguJ t‘ J englature by ado t lJ J l1: J .1Jt1.‘ 11J .
J heart trouble diab . ' Ope along Which prohibit 1' - pJ l1 ‘l‘ ‘ J J l "
J , etes, high blood (Pl , lmrt or re- J J J l J‘ 11 J J
J ease Tur , JJJ‘ J ‘ Jill “ it
n T" Page E1ght) l J1J“: J» ' -.
Jli flll. itl .1
J ll Jl il‘JJl‘. lJJ Jt 1 J‘ :
:J1iJ‘ 1:’ -
1 1r .1 JJ J1 “1 ’1
l Jll1l1JJ‘l ’1 1

 a” E E : . ,.

EE . i;

.E E .


.‘ | E, 'II 1 I ‘ ‘

E‘ i II I EE l .

’ ‘ .E J . E
i ' G ,d I C R d d tainlly sluch wqpld ble :21 happy alternativg/ Local New:
. _E to t e ong an costy emises d - .'

E . t ecreedh rt 0

i Lll es oncep ecommen e the Comment By thetimeafaiseni Prope y.

E. I ’ . laid to rest with due legal solemnity it A deciswn

23E . ‘ . . - - - . . ’ -

i E . graveyaid is filled With its Victims. ll" newspaper PL

E By Better Busmess Bureaus a... the W1 choke techs... .1... 1y handed dc

E. EE ‘ would be but one grave—the false adve-E. preme Court.

E:E , f Better Business Bureaus, through their (as 011 ladies’ bathing suits). Defining the tisement.” . seven membe

E EE ' lZS-agency association, have made avail— “regular course of business” as the Current He traced the 12 steps necessary it items gather-er

E: E v, , able to the Federal Trade Commission selling season for seasonal merchandise FTC to stop a false ad, by which tin are the Pmp'

E1E E‘ '. their five years of combined experience in and up to 12 months for non—seasonal items. competitors have adopted similar theme. unauthorizedi

ErE EE 3 ‘ handling nationwide deceptive-price prob- Retaining the requirement that terms like He called upon fld Clh‘eCtOI'S, who are m" coinpetitor IS.

EEE ' ‘ lems under the FTC “guide concept.” “regular,” “usual,” or “was” be confined required to follow due process of law lation of :1 pr

EE EE 3 Their recommendations at a recent VVash— to the advertiser’s immediately preceding FTC must, to “exercise judgement 011th . Just 1“ cas

E E E E ‘ in ton ublic hearing: rice. you decide is unfit for printing.” - 1“ My 4 an

E g P P . .. 1

E. E , Continue the “guide” system; make some C. Broadening the “Guides” definition DIXOD concluded: The SliCk advertisE compete AP f
E E3 EE E revisions in the “Guides” (official state- to prohibit all general underselling or price- has 110 legal rights to advertise in yet The Perms;
EE EE E ments on approved methods of price ad- equalling claims—“\Ve sell for less”; “Never medium. You 02111 keep him out of ya? “1195 that ’10”
El E , vertising) but don’t supplant them—just knowingly undersold,” “Best buys in town,” columns before the 310W processes of ESE newspapers 1“
E 1" E 1 now—with any “trade regulation rules” etc—because advertisers as a practical mat- give him time ’50 bilk the public, Clobl)? that newspape
E: E EE plan. ter in today’s economy cannot properly his competitors, and make a fortune. Yr :Eradio Staff"
El E E E The general import of the lengthy state- substantiate such claims. have a very simple remedy—tell him N6. '9‘“ competitio
E 7 EE ment and documentation presented by D. Permitting manufacturer’s ad claims a * $ * E ertEhright. ’
EEE 1E E Victor H. Nyborg, president of the As- like “Less than $——” only when the pre— U S Circuit Court of A eals Washiri le courts‘
E; E E sociation of Better Business Bureaus and vailing range of selling prices in the area ' ' hl pp ( ’ ; "‘0“? that
'91: ‘:E El _ . . , . . _. _ ton, DC. has up ed a Federal Tfflt establish by I
EE .1 ,.. supported by othei BBB leadeis was this. for the article 13 not less than 5 percent C . . ~ 1. 1 f d
Eéi 2: (E 1 Re 'b1 1 , .11 t' b 1 th t .- S ‘t' 1 d- ommissmn iu mg tiat use 0 as con company has
M E . sponSi e )usmess wr con inue eow a price. ( ome ai ices are a uni sales ~i es w‘th hi her “man via 1 1 .
E'E E E t .7 1 t 1. 'th “h t t' d t' 11 t «1 th ,, 1 p< g PIC l g 00:1 news 1te
E . EE 0 gne v0 un ary comp iance w1 ones ver ise na iona y a ess an so muc i, turer’s suggested list prices” which are DE alized meth d
‘ EE and acceptable pricing principles”; but actually sell for far less. ABBB fears I , . 1 . .1. .. . til I 0 s
,EEE E . 2 Th “G 'd ,, h 1d b b h l'b ._ h' , . 1 1 11 _ usua or iegu a1 prevaiing pilceS in ne Otthenews

E . e ui es s on e 0t 1 e1 t is practice may iep ace tie 0c decep d . 3 . . d til _

E El . 1, d ‘d , _ _ _ “_ ,, . i, . .,, _, a vertiseis area constitutes a ecep\ use constitutes
E . . a 126 towai busmess in certain respects tive list 01 suggested retail price de- . . . . ,. n
'I E: ; . . . . “ . ,, practice under Section 5 of the FTC is right,

E i : and tightened in others based on BBB Vice which once was a national scandal. ) Court’s decision u held a June 13 1% Iustic B ,

. E EE i E experience since they were issued in 1958, E. Retaining the revised (1953) FTC FTC _ 1. . p . F d Iii r .e 8”,]
E E E E . . i. ,, . iu ing against Giant oo , ct, protection whl.
. .E EE . .‘ and, . posmon on use of the term free in ads. East Coast supermarket chain. In new petition does
E E EE ,EE 3. The ABBB vergion takes into consid- (This was a major subject of the hearing.) paper ads for household appliances Cir ance the u I]

E E1 _‘EE eration among other things the realities The FTC now holds the use unobjection— ‘ . - 'thtl- . Sm!
: . :1 ‘E . . “ Food had compared its sales price w1 Vestment and t
E H :U of enforcement obligations by the FTC able, regardless of strings attached” con- « , . . » my

.E.1 ,E. E . , , _ _ manufacturers list price. Court also 6 The Pottstov
2;}. :E . With the local-area BBB help; makes cer- ditions, if the offer has no tendency or .- . . - Fl 1- h'

E' El .. . , . . , . that a fine-print disclaimer by Giant 0( 18mg Co. w
E E E :E tain rules more practicable from a bu51- capac1ty to deceive the public. stating that list prices did not reflectpl Mercury siie d
‘E‘ EE :1 ness-operations standpoint and broadens F. Requiring that “two for one” sales, .. .. . . 1 i j ’

E. :E. . . a . ., a . . valling prices in the area served any ng C0., opera

E EE the prospects for more Widespread compli- half—price sales and free-gift-WIth-pur- increase the deceptiveness of the ter halt What is ca
E E E‘ . .E ance With the prinCIples in general. chase” offers be permitted for limited time “manufacturer’s list price” news Without j
‘. E II . .E Specifically, Mr. Nyborg’s statement was periods only lest they represent the “corn- hibi' tio "

_ I: ... .E _ , , _ ,, Oregon has enacted a law pro 11.

E! E E a detailed comment on the FTCs draft of bined usual and customary price for two false advertising of subdivided landS- The radio 3
. EE ‘ EE E a reviSion of the Guides. It embodied the articles. prohibits publication of any statementil]. January 0n gro-

E .EE . 1E thinking of three manr ABBB committees The ABBB statement said its recom- torial representation 01. sketch whichE have filed the 3
EEE 3E E 3‘. —Bait and Comparative Price Advertising, mendations, concurred in by merchants of - - - . whi under
E E . E false or misleading Advertismg COPY the cop
E. , . . . . ‘ . . . . 5, . - y
EV E ; Advertismg Standards, and National and the ‘highest probity and integrity deSir- omits “material facts” is also barredl the IleWSpaper

_E E EE Local Advertising—and that of the recent ing to meet their responsibilities, would the law Under the law publishersflrell efiy Tights in t]
El . E ‘E 49th annual ABBB conference at Colorado provide fair and equitable protection both held responsible for fradulent adverfiSE, The SUpre
. E . E .- . . ~ . . . H me
EE’ E E E Spiipgs,ECoEp. Among its recommendations f01 the public and for responSible busmess. unless they have knowledge of the Efalst court pogition 1
SEE E" E for Guides rev1Sions were: * a“ * * or have interest in the lands advertised. subject of an

‘ EE E ‘E E E A. Redefining the terms “usual and cus- FTC Chairman Paul Rand Dixon has ,5. ii. at: .9. held that Violat
EEE‘ ‘ E tomaf‘y price,’ generally prevailing price: called upon newspapers “to put a quick “Referral selling” schemes-the pha Tlght laws must

E E E and generally prevailing range of prices choke on advertismg you suspect is false “something for nothing way” of math CEOUI‘ts, whereas

E C. so a merchant may compare his “reduced” or misleading.” He made the plea in a dising products just won’t seem tod t1011 in actions
E price to a former bona fide efiort to sell speech before the Association of News-u The newest such plan started involves SHE PTOEpeiEy right a

. EE E? a given article at a higher price even paper Classified Advertising Managers at of a floor polisher This one is sure to let PehtionE),

. EE though he didn’t make “substantial” Sales a convention in Atlanta. its trail of anger and disillusion t00. E Attorneys f0
EE . at the former price or trade area price. While conceding that many classified Even occasional readers know the 5E“ fugued in its a l
E . B. Permitting advertisers, in claiming ads are local and not within FTC’s juris- well' You bu one get other people If it is stated%

' ‘E . reductions, to refer to an “original” or “ear- diction, the FTC boss said: “Business in bu lone- ouy get ’50 many bonusfis EnlIstberememb
EEI her this season” price charged during the America needs more stillbirths of false furlrliishin, ”live” sales prospeCtS that Y 13 totally lost b

. . EE | recent course of business although inter- and deceptive advertising or at least some g . a rig: fOreif it is lost3
E1 mediate markdowns may have been taken midwifery of the quick choke variety. Cer— (Please Turn To mg

 . ,,_,_...,.I .._7m:;—tz=“—fé==“‘“"“‘""2"" “" L“ ‘__I J

" 1 ‘ - 1 ‘2


f . . 1 . . ;

y atoning Local News lItems Ruled Mass. Bar-Press Committee FTC Ruling On Deceptive ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ g ,
adecreedby' Property Of Newspapers Adapts Pre-Trial Guide Price Advertising Upheld 1 ‘ ‘ 1 : :7: ’
)ilerfriirllsifyadthl‘ A decision extremely important to the . A “011169,: for newspapers 311C} lawyers . Internal Revenue Service issued June 24 ‘ I ‘ I ‘ . l
victims: ll” newspaper publishing busmess VtiaS recesnt- in the handling Iof court and crime news its final verSion of regulations on the de- ' ‘ ‘ :