xt7k9882nr3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k9882nr3c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-07-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 17, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 17, 1997 1997 1997-07-17 2020 true xt7k9882nr3c section xt7k9882nr3c L ..,.


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Midsummer night
at “K Arboretum


By Lisa Rippetoe
Staff ”’riter

The Shakespeare Festival
invaded the Arboretum at UK
last night and will occupy it until
Aug. 3.

Brian Larson, 3 UK theater
junior, has been hard at work this
summer racticing with partici-
pants in t is year's festival.

Larson, who lays Agrippa in
“Antony and Cleopatra," audi-
tioned in March with a one
minute monologue from “Much

Ado About Nothing."

With three main stage plays
under his belt, Larson has been

practicing rigorously
sincejune 1.

“You can always
count on probably
three (hours daily),
sometimes four," he

Practices are held
at St. Micheal’s Epis—
copal Church and at
The Arboretum.

Larson expects the
Shakespeare Festival
to be more of a chal—
lenge for him than
regular semester the-
atrical productions.

“People are out there playi
around," he said of the out-o -
doors audience. “It becomes a
real excercise in focus."

CK . ll't‘lJlft’L‘flll'L‘
Ivor/(shop brings
See pages 6— 7.

Outdoor theater is more chal-
lenging because of more distrac—
tions such as people throwing


_.. ,' I m
4 1&qu
, Fania!

and how talented they are."
Larson said he has learned/a
lot by working with the other



Fris ee, he said.

“'ith three produc-
tions this summer,
practices become
intense, and time
becomes precious.

Larson, who hopes
to move away from
theater and towards
film, said that partic-
ipating in the Festi-
val has been a great

The best perk of
this experience, Lar—
son said, is “the peo-
ple I’m working with

students to the craft.





ju/y 17, 1927 7

Spot Ii 4 l in. [mu/I 8


“(mom 5 (.lrlH'lfh'r/Y 1f}



JAMES CRISP Krr’m'l itafl

"I “E III! "0' to BE Lexington 3‘ Shakespeare in the [Mr/(festival lug/m
last night at the UK Arboretum and continues through Aug. 2’.

New lflflk lfll‘ Patterson plaza llllVBllBll

77): area in
from of the
0 we
ever will
be borne to
3 7 trees.





Also, look






for more

gr “-“YY

areas and












Central campus gets
green, par/e atmosphere

By Joe Donner
Staff H liter

The newly remodeled
Patterson ()ffice Plaza is slat-
ed to open this fall.

“Acts of (Pod would be
our only enemy now," said
Project .\lanager.lack Miller.

Excessive June rains set
the work back two weeks, but
the project is now back on

The laza's surface will be
exposefaggregate, the same
material currently in front of
White Hall Classroom




Building. lt will feature four
clusters of trees on slightly
raised platters.

'l‘he renovation of the
plaza will be an im rovement
over the previous (lissign. said
(leor re Debin. UK vice
president for mlministration.

“It was a safety hazard for
people with disabilities," he

Debin also cited attrac—
tiveness as a consideration, as
prospective students often
see P( )T Plaza as the center

Consulting firm CM“,

lnc. studied foot traffic pat
terns in designin’ the new
layout. ‘l‘here wil be unob-
structed walkways along the
most heavily travelled areas
and dead space for students
to congregate and talk with—
out getting in the way.

Currently. $365,000 is
slated for the project, but the
final total could be slightly

liorlnerly. a fountain was
the central object in the
)laza. 'l'hat fountain is now
buried with other debris.

“lt had a good life," l)ehin

l)ehin cited the fountain‘s
expense as a reason to do
away with it.

The new centerpiece.

See PLAZA on 2



 2 Ilium/at. .7”/.‘ l

—. l‘/'/_. [VI/rail) [\tl'm/


Industrial hemp on
KBIIIIIGIW'S llfll‘ilflll

Actor leads movement to
grow comm of marijuana

“ \Ialt r/w ”mi of l/‘t' lat/ma
Hull," ‘K t i,’ am/ m: If r. l fits/ten”
(lit/NE! Hat/vagina. ["94

By Manish Bhatia
s3,” {ll/r1,

It all stJl'leil on a la/y Lil-let“
noon in the hunt oi lieattyville.
l\_\. Ullhlllnc 1. WW).

lit a carefully orchestrated
setpieiite ol‘ events. \\'« iody llar—

rclson got hmisell arrested lioi‘
planting tour seeds ot hemp hy

the l L'L"(:()lllll_\ police.

lhe hroad \yoi‘tliitg ot Ken-
tueky‘s ntariiuaiia legislation
helped llai‘rclson \\in his court
case on ‘luly i. and in the
process. the state moved a step

closer “wards the lcgalI/atititi ol

the cash crop that eait produce
everything trom paper to tev



..'...”r”‘-" --»-I



The Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Defenses



Nam: Mndm Ann \ego

Program: PVH‘hOlt n
Dmmnrflkflhe Films til Aging on
Dirt-tied F4 aiming

Milo: Professm [tr Jenamar tit rldaie
Dale. julv 1' WW

film: 950‘ ll Klimt

PM: 21’) Rule iiall

Name: Hon tun (iuo
ngwrt P aniueeuiitul \‘irnrts
Dbscmu'on Title: Puliirinan Anrn' l-‘ndothelul
(ell Regulation ut Uiithiiie lX‘t'AI’lMXVlJK‘ and
bpeiinidine l puke The hilt-ti oi Mentxrotalint-
and lkliydnxuonlx‘muline

' r: in lat k Olson
Date: July :1. iW‘
Tunevuliiiiix-iiiinat/ lllllld ill llk'lt‘fix‘l
Place: 220 Phamiaq liking Mr Phamtaey lilting



Name. Abdul Khan
- (.nil Engineering
0mm Title. lx-veloptnen! it .i (A intvptual
\‘on limmntal Watershed .‘l‘tth‘l
Major Proftxwr. l)! Iandell ()riiishev'
Date: liih 2-3 W)‘
Time. 1" liliptii
Place. 2." (him Ill ll,l)l\o




Nmflime llall \Voll

Wm: Mtisit

Dbstflmion Title”. A l‘erfomierx i made to
selected Solo bangs by lose it Batter
Mayor Profm: lit lonat Mn (ilixon
Date: ltllv ll l‘N‘

Time: 1 ill: p ill

Phct: FA an







Advertise in the
Kentucky Kernel!
(Zall Jason

"‘N-P .I" "'


5 ~ -~ my-Jf- 4”». -av 9-~~-voo~.<. c.» ,.

“l think tltat (the victory)
hrotight puhlie attention to the
matter. It‘s going to liorce the
legislators to re\ isit tlte statute."
said loseph llickc}. executive
director of tlte Kentucky llemp
(iro\\ei“s Cooperative ,\ssoci;t~-

i'esurlaeed the
industrial lteiiip as an economic
suhstitute {or several industries
including tohacco.

lit a letter to tlte Kentucky

court victory

State legislature, .\le\ l’arker of

the Parker 'lohaceo (Iompany
said. "I leitip \\ as successfully
gt'oyvn iii Kentucky previously
and it can he processed in otir
present tohaeeo processing plant

l’aul Kalis/ a L'K faculty
iiieniher and adviser for the
(ireen 'l‘hunih cluh at L'K. tell

"l lemp is definitely not going
to replace toli'acci) as a cash
crop," he said. “(I lemp) is a field
tiher crop. iitore like corn. harm—
mgr is a prolit driven enterprise.
It is hard to l‘CL‘tl a family \\i[l1‘.l
eoi‘ii farm.“

()ne of the chief opponents of
industrial hemp has heeii the
Drug lintoreemeiit \dministri
tioit (l)l" \l. 'l'he apparent like—
ness ol industrial hemp to its illei
gal eousiii. mariiuana. has heeti
one ol their main concerns.
Besides hemg the same species.
hoth plants contain the iiiehi‘iat»
mg ingredient H l(). .\lariiuana
has a lll(i tonteiit hemeen i
percent and 1‘) percent.

In a letter to the Kentucky
llouse ol Representatnes.
\Villiam \l. l’iei'eeltx. .i prof-es,
sor ol pharmacology and tovieol
out at l ot' l.. notes that “ liitlllsA
trial hemp often contains as little
as ,IH pereent h\ “eight ot
'I l l(

Hickey helie\e





bass, ]a.\‘on Pollock. lead guitar. jason Ross. lead vocals. an


I’lmlo lurlml'ul

Iary Three band ”ten/[wry (from lift) (.11er I )mm'l.
d Giti Kbalsa. drums. bare rerently released their xer—

(md album, Rode Crown. to follow-up tbeirfirst. American Standard. u'IJ/rlv went platinum.

7 Mary 3 grows on road

Louisville visit
fills venue with

By Brian Dunn
News Editor

The crowd was sweating.

It, a mob of about 1,600 sar-
dines. was packed into the Thun-
derdome in Louisville last Fri—
day. and it, a glob of heated.
human emotion, was sweating on
the band.

And the band. Seven Mary
Three, was sweating on the fans.

“\Ne didn’t take it lightly."
said jason Ross, lead singer and
songwriter. about the band‘s
fourth stop at the venue.

“We went in, and we played
the show," he said.

“That's how you find out who

our audience is. You can actual-
l; see them—you can hear them,
you can feel them." he said.

“They‘re sweating on you,
you're sweating on them."

The band’s current tour has
stops at mostly venues that hold
between 500 and 1,000 fans in
such cities as Cincinnati.
Louisville and Milwaukee.

Night after night, the band
discovers and entertains its audi-
ence of moshing and screaming

Probably hundreds have been
hoisted above the madness this
summer and thrown about (and
many women have had their
shirts ripped from their bodies).

“There‘s alwa s a little bit of
havoc that can e turned into
some kind of positive energy if


you can get everybody to get
along," Ross, 24, said.

The band's tour. which started
on june 4 and ends in the middle
of August, celebrates the release
of Seven Mary Three’s second
album, “Rock Crown," which
follows the platinum—selling
“American Standard.“

Ross said much of the inspira—
tion for “Rock Crown” came
from a maturation the band and
crew members. most of whom
are best friends from high school
or college, experienced by being
on the road the last two years.

“Being out on the road is the
best and worst," he said.

“Being able to go out and
search and search for a new
experience. but then there’s an
emptiness left behind as you

Ush ahead into a new territory,"
lie said.

“Whatever moderate success
we’ve achieved has been due to
the fact that it's more than one
person who believes, who has
faith in something that they can‘t
put in a ba or touch," he said.

“They Tielieve that together
the music means something." he

And Seven Mary Three wants
its fans to experience the music
as something with meaning
instead of trying to scrutinize the

“I want there to be people
that walk away from the son s
understanding the lyrics simply
because of the feelin the music
brought out in them. Ross said.

Critics have said “Rock
Crown" has songs that are hard-
er and songs that are softer than
those off “American Standard."
which sprung such hits as “(lum-
bersome." “\Nater‘s Edge,"


“Devil's Boy” and “My. My.”

“l think so touch of our first
album was in the middle." Ross
said. “I didn't like it in the mid—

So the songs on “Rock
Crown" match more what the
words mean, he said.

Among the softer songs. Ross
likes most “l could be wrong"
and “()ven," because he can tap
back into when the song was
written. _

“(()ven) evokes for me." he

“l can almost smell the place
where it was written."


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Photos by James Crisp







Summer is a time of rest and relaxation for many stu-
dents, but some use the time to catch up or get ahead.

Several students from many different levels of educa-
tion are at the UK College of Architecture attending a
summer workshop that startedJuIyB' to do just that — get

The summer workshop has l‘) students from seven
states. It is being taught by L'K architecture students

\Vith projeets ranging from life-drawing to construct-
ing dwellings the group hopes to gain an understanding
of the architectural process and explore whether or not
the field is for them.





— Jamey Crisp






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Open your eyes

\Ve're glad to see that
some Americans are opening
their eyes.

This week, the Centers
for Disease Control released
numbers showing that 1‘)
percent fewer peo-

cantly within high—risk

Apparently it’s the hetero—
sexuals who aren't listening.
For women and minorities
the number of deaths from

AIDS has not

ple in the United IN OUR OPINION dropped nearly as

States died from AIDS last

This means that more
Americans are heeding the
warnings about unsafe sex
and drug use, as well as safe—
ty measures when dealing
with bodily fluids.

More people are listen—
ing, but some are still ignor—
ing the message.

AIDS isn’t a disease that
only affects homosexuals
and drug users. In fact, the
epidemic has slowed signifi—

significantly as it has for the
high-risk groups.

Americans are still fight-
ing the misconception that
AIDS “can’t happen to me."

It can happen to you, and
it will if you don’t pay atten-
tion and protect yourself.

AIDS isn’t particular. It
doesn’t care who it kills. And
right now, it is killing thou-
sands of Americans every

Pay attention people, you
could be next.


joe Camel and the Marl-
boro Adan are dead.

The FDA regulation
against the cigarette and
tobacco campaign killed

them both. Now, instead of

might be influenced by these
characters, the majority of
young and old smokers
begin for reasons other than
being influenced by the chic
lifestyles of Joe Camel and

joe Camel, it will be the Marlboro Man.
()ld joe and who IN 0"“ OPINION Maybe the FDA

knows what for the Marl—
boro Man, maybe some ran-
dom cowboy.

This is absurd.

How many young people
honestly start smoking
because of cool joe Camel
and his camel friends? Who
really starts smoking in
order to obtain the rugged,
cowboy lifestyle of the
Marlboro Man?

While it is possible that
some of those who begin
smoking at an early age


should talk to young people
and ask them why they start

They might learn that
peer pressure and trying to
appear older could actually
be what leads to the decision
to smoke.

Characters in ads don’t
make people smoke.

Before the government
goes after cartoon camels
and rugged cowboys, they
need to look for more realis-
tic influences.




._.. . . (mamemm “.3 1.. .nmmawan-‘v w... I

I Dunno 9qu we
use mm 6900 AT
times we (cow TR?
um. THE 'eovemwr


Nike abuses
human rights

To the Editor:

Well, well here goes Nike
again. They not only have the
University of Kentucky under
their dictatorshi now but also
the University 0 North Caroli-
na. Another multi—million con-
tract that pretty much controls
the athletes aml coaches to what
they can wear. But this is only
half the problem. According to
“(ilobal Business," a San Fran—
cisco Report agency, the corpo-
ration known as Nike hires thou—
sands of workers in Vietnam,
China and Indonesia to work for
a wage ranging between $0.20
and $1.60 a day. And Nike —-— the
king of shoes -— can feel good
about this. Is this really a living
wage? To make matters worse,
the CH) of Nike brings in $5
million a year while allowin a
continuation of human rig ts

This reign of power must
come to an end. We cannot
allow such corporations to run
our society to their own well-
bein .

T us, I ask bother the Uni-
versity of Kentucky as well as the
University of North Carolina to
reconsider what kind of agree-
ment they have signed to.

Is it worth wearing fancy
shoes to allow human rights vio-

Christopher J. Clamunts
graduate main"





7b the Editor:

The point in question is
Why does UK lose students P I
cannot completely answer that,
but as an International Student, I
can make a few points that may
assist the decision makers to
update their strategies.

First, most of UK’s colleges
barely make it into the second or
third tier in the national college

Second, The university stud-
ies program and colle 6 re uire—
ments are increasingfy di ficult
to pass, therefore, several stu—
dents either drop out, are sus-

ended, or move to other col-

Third, I did not really want to
point this out, but the general
student body at UK is racist
towards non-whites in general.
This attitude becomes even
more a gressive towards inter—
nationa students because they
have problems with their Eng-
lish comprehension and elocu—

There has been no effort by
the University to promote uni-
son, and understanding between

Make the UK community
more hospitable at large by
introducing race friendly work—
shops. Improve the standing of
the UK colleges by generating a
better pass rate.

Don’t try to flush out the
brainiacs from the normal stu-
dents in the pre-major classes,
instead help and encourage them
to learn and prosper.

M m

w tactics not III
Tb the Editor:
Those who support the

Southern Baptist boycott of Dis—
ney have come up with a novel
argument to silence critics. They
say that people who express dis—
approval of the Baptists’ intoler-
ance are intolerant. And people
who disagree with bigotry are

Come on, now. This is a
ridiculous argument and a
pathetically weak attempt to
defend meanness. The Baptist
boycott of Disney is a bi oted
action in every sense 0 the
word. It is hatred disguised as
dedication to religion. Yes, they
have a right to boycott whomev—
er they want, but let’s not call it
noble. The Southern Baptists
aren’t bo cotting on behalf of
greater liberty, equality or fair-
ness for humankind, they are
boycotting in an attempt to
withhold those things from gay