xt7k9882nw7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7k9882nw7x/data/mets.xml Dean, Emmett S. 1918 1 close score (unpaged), 20 cm. Call Number: BV385 .V53 1918 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) BV385 .V53 1918 English Trio Music Co Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox collection Hymns, English Victory: for Christian Work and Worship, 1918 text Victory: for Christian Work and Worship, 1918 1918 1918 2023 true xt7k9882nw7x section xt7k9882nw7x E‘fic Glam for flu: @iliw. -, 1. we know that He cares for the lil - ies, , , 2. We know that He cares for the lil s ies, ‘ 3. We know that He cares for the lil - ies, E. R. Latte. Copyright, 1915, by The Trio Music Co. Geo. W. Sobren 5955 .4 45:4: ~ ~ ; . 441 IU fi- 1—;4 _1:.—*:r '44 w—v - — L:_f4;1::":l:2‘-:j 4% d—d ' O 3-“ ' .L‘...‘ —' d— w— :1 L. _. y “11‘ - Al 4" IVL - F— 4,. , “9 E V For His word has told us so; On their ten - der stems a - blow; Wher - e’er they chance to grow; , 5‘. . A-nA- +7.9- ALA »- . 245 - 6 t E '5 [ 5 -. t‘4f4;:::r 5:1 4- F; .:. ‘ a. a 'a— ht— n—ea—L—Lfi— r-———4 —-—4‘ 4 ‘ >-—— hes—'44 ‘ -551 i—-— ,1 3 ,4 :1 U 3,41 a 9’- lr-‘éz'r—f- —— i‘Q’gblT‘fi‘t 1 5‘ 4; =1] “ ‘l :K 5115 1 5‘ fi.‘ [[ Al ' 45-4 514*: :;;:r-4: :_ ._r; , g- 4'_ *__1__j- -- s. . .. 5.42--.. 5. 545 l Thefi why should We doubt that His will is, And will He, whabVev - er our ill is, That we, too, His care should know? Re-fuse us His care to show? 444““: 5 And sure-1y, it must be, His will is, His chil-dren His care should know? 'LA— “A- a .A-. -LA- -A- #:A __'_ b'-_-___ 0 J4. 5,39“ .1: I. 4.995 a. 21.], 344:4;24 4 - U 4 .. ‘5 44‘7‘ 444-4.: —— i 4-59—41 1' 3' V 1‘ $45 #1 “r g I " filth-4' CHORUS N ‘ L—l—L- «+4 4‘7 Wk gl— ~454— -r‘-— g 4 A!“ 4—3::lw 4' "5. - -5 .:.;-.::;..: -5, - :, :.':- : H 3—5—2: ' ____;43'.4_43a_— . v—d—EI' 5&533—4e4g4—a—u4a4fi: 44:43:; We know that He cares for the lil - ies, E2. .rA- -A---A- .A. .53; 5 FE: -A- -A. -A- -A- The lil - ies as white as snow! ”TA. A- Then why should we doubt that His will is, -9. 5A- -A- -A- -A- -A- p- 4:14-94: ’—‘r—_4r4;r4r:4:: L. ”EVE—l; fiflfl 4m:u——u+m.——a— nex- . J A n :32 :35: 4 g..&. 1 Tia-44> 4:44:44 __-:-_-., Egg}; 32:1- :4:— —!¥4g4—d—:— «gaff: J4 [— L4 44d m“ 4; -£4|;*_, 4 [d— . That we, too, His care should know? 44% ‘FAFT‘C—Lfi 5;: 4—V45:4 v 447‘ v > 4 r I 'E—j'fn- 4—0—8} 41-- 04:4 h 1: +4— 44— 4—r—4 4524 -H ..“._—< — 75A. :52;K ; - . _ 23.1.1“ . :s: 11. H sb’ww '11.... . Ch11311a11W011111111 OISl] ». ”i... Mi“? ”A!“ BY5J - _, {If X. _. ,. , j 3. j " .,.. Curtis]. Williams, E. L. Bariett,']. aW.LCIYEGLines, 3.4:. If ess:Geo. W.. Sebren, B B Bateman, Jno. W Woolard,. M. D. MeWh'orter, , R. B. Riggs, (. M. Bateman, RheaA. Walker, P M. Fagan, H. L. Boyd, 0. L. Francis. Miss Nellie B. Wood, Ben Ht Parrish, J. E. Willis, Ted Robertson, ErnéstRippetoe . * " T. E. Hall, Andrew Irwin, B. A. Mcfiuiin, W. A. Stemy C. E. Skiles, V. P. Cassaday. COMMITTEE ON SELECTIONS: T. Q. Dyess, Geo. W. Sebren, B. B. Bateman, E L. Barrett, Curtis J.\Villiams, J. F. Mayfield, Jno. M. Green, W. R. Purser, R. J. Sandefur, S. E. Reed, M. D. McWhorter, R. B. Riggs, T. E. Hall, 1110. W'. Woolard, P. M. Fagan, BLn H. Parrish, G. M. Bateman. COMMITTEE ON COIVIPILATION I E. L. Barrett, Curtis J. Williams, T. Q. Dyess, 1110. W. 'Woolard, Emmett 8. Dean. EDITED 111‘ EMMETT S. DEAN. 25 Cents the Copy; $2. 75 the Dozen . f PRICE - 1 $11 00 the 50 Copies $20. 00 the 100 Copies. } POSTPAID PUBLISH E D BY THE TRIO MUSIC COMPANY, WAQO. TEXAS MEMPHIS. TENN. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ?REFACE VV Efk y ‘1. . ' nu :I . Bit-it thgnks be to God, which give th as the VICTOR Y through our Lord [esus Christ, 1 Cor. XV : 57. W A. ARW nggm‘x Copyright, 1918, by THE TRIO MUSIC COMPANY. :l l .4 VICTOR .\ 1- ‘61ng Katheryn Bacon. . Emmett S. Den. n L- 'r 4 2 , a J 1.4 .3 1 4 @5WH" LA : 41 'T9 4 E ¥ g.— a 3L ' 4 ' .3- ' ' - '—'--‘ 1. Joy and peace are onrs to—day, Doubt and strife have pamd a - way, Praise to 2. Sin and darkness dis — ap-pear, Gone is ev - ’ry care and fear, Christ our 3. O - ver all the pow’rs of wrong, That have us re-sist - ed long, Now we 4. Where 0 - ter-nal prais-es ring, Soon we’ll see our match-less King... And with . -5- l l . . r . =3 ! l ‘ g, . _‘__,_‘-__ [P —‘ IF 1 i S F7 ig‘“ , o l {i l L I i : 1 1 L j l. A P “l L H r I r r v xrrr :A 1‘ LA LA . Lr . J l l l l (team's. n l . ._. I n h 4" / Tl I) h 1 r l j J J I .T 4 _; E? {,V 91 “1 re —] /_\3 'L e .4 . $41 A l 9 .9 = 1 i ' .‘_H e/ ' l Christ we’ll sing for aye, We haVe gained the vic - to - ry. Vic - in- Lord is al - ways near, We have gamed the Vic — to - ry. . . . . d -- Vic - to — ry we Sing the trl-nmph song We have game the V10 - to - ry. hap - py an - gels sing, We have gamed the vic — to — ry. Vie - to- *M‘E—:~— ‘! F 39- ’_ ~ A #- A a 3 qu' [As _._ r it; —— r? L 9‘1; LH—“f’i. -:l E“— .. ,k—. . l L :‘i L v If , l C r ' U, '74 x L l A - | EA ’1 / V I r I V ry, Vic - to - ry, Sin’s dark reign at last is o’er; sing, yes, vic — to - ry we sing, for ry, yes, vic - to - ry, for reign is o’er; Vic - to - ry, Vic - to - ry, Christ is ours for ev-er-more. Vic ~ to - ry we sing, yes, Vic - to - ry we sing, for Vic - to - ry, yes, I ‘0- »#—e. 2- 3:} 33121111191 ut‘ gm». (lopyrizht. 1918, by The 'l‘rio Music Co_. in “Victory." Jno. 0. Haynes. Mel Forest Hendrick. flnr. by V. P.Cassaday. @E‘ifittfi‘h E E ”NEE :L—j—Q 1— —‘i: :3:: "*L:;EE3:£:‘LE +< ~o~ -o— -o— -o— -o— 4~ @- 1. A mes— sage so true I am bring-i mg to you, ’Tis a mes— sage from 2. He wants us to come to our heav-enb - 1y home, When our tri - 318 here 3. 0h, do not de- lay, Heedthe mes- sageto- day, For to- mor-row may A kfl—A—t—k—flk—r‘ ‘ A e . .A. 0 1.1 1° I l _ h I — “th I l E ramp LL: 1L 1 L — U VII 0 up 1 1/1 v‘ a I I L 9 l , l w v v v 1/ w u D a v A 5 \ v v V hem-en a - bove; ‘ t tells of God’s pow’r To save us this hour, all are o’er; -' So trust His dear love That with an - gels a - hove, be .t00 late; Come, trust the dear love Of Je - sue a - hove, h j A CHOR «0- w ~0~ . V And of won-der — ful met -cy and love. You may rest in His light ev - er - more. Oh, sin- ner, be-lieve the And en — ter the fold’s bless-ed gate. ' l h “—13— ZP*’fi—+‘}_‘_ aJ$§fifi§ \ KEJ ~»-—1~:j;1ifi__d:fifliijgjgfi news and re- -oeive The Saviour who suf-fered for you; And to day make a R (T —— fi+k k—A—I A—jk~—A—'A—*—.—i— —~ ?~——A——€.r*— h!*'£ ' '3 I ‘ l - L L '4 ‘ V V I ‘7 '1 kill? l l i 1 I ‘ 1— -‘ 1‘ E’ —‘—‘—d——d. 1 : V U ‘ {A LA I l i 47 1 1 1 1 1r1 L L '2 v v u V V ’ V VI I start g1v ing J e 6113 your heart baymg,“W hat wilt Thou have me to do?” ..... to do? H ’3 3- é‘t’cTill finmchudg (Bart? itlilfl film? Ada Blcnkhorn. to .mm 1918 by J \x (1mm. .i. ‘W. Guinea. Not too fast. May be sung in Key of G " i 1' l J _l {é—‘L—— ‘_ —— ‘——--l—— —~——[:3!——-Q————‘—~—6——— —» d"——‘—' ., ffii i: -._ 5: rv—hg— iii—2'.— .? 3. q «a» as w 1. While Je- sus doth plead for some one to lead His sheep in the 2. Where trou— bles a- bound, where love is not found, There’sso much for 3. When temp-est are nigh, and clouds hide the sky, And dark seems the 4. For this bless —ed task the Mas — ter doth ask, He dai - ly, our J J l l H C ["0 A lA A A _] A‘ [A A A AL IA} l Ai _ .. U 1- - - 4 -, 1- - H 1- - -. 1 ha I a, -. l - . l 2 I. l V‘i l l l I ’ L.—‘ —-‘ m- A A A A a A] Ar A f V " :éL—Té _ __:-—ir;‘:4—.—él—‘1—i-=I—-‘——#—-A—I—Fq:§m } I - v i -"— «E— «9'- -g- ~o- -o— —o'- -o‘- —a‘- way straight and true; They wan- der a - way from Him day by day, each one to do; God’s com — fort to take to hearts that will break, path to our view; To let in the light, and scat -ter the night. strength will re - new; Now quick - ly to go to light ~ en earth’s woe, 9. _-_____ ‘_- __ __ __ _. 9 .' ire—~- ———-+— “F3 izw— _, Ethe_e__’_z_p_g_” Mf‘M;_:3 vi ’ V " It 1 r REFRAIN. -9“ 7.. ‘ u... Will some —bod - y care? Will you? Will some- bod- )7 care? i. Will some-bod -;v . I l I l -o l i work and by pray - er, To help, for the work-ere are few: ......... . From care? by work and by pray’r, To help, for the work-ere are few; paths dark with sin to gath-er them in, Will some-bod-y care? Will you? '\ A gilnt gtc Copyright 1918 by Ted Robertson. J T * _l r__4 ——~~w——:— ‘ 3] 3—2,:I;_ _*__ 3:1,LA_.;_.:L__.:E.J_§1:_+ ' -o— ‘L -e~ H: 1. Pre-cious Sav - iour, pi - lot me, 2. Let the light of love di - vine 3. Should the mist - y fogs of time Lest my ves - Bel, weak, shall £3.11 From the lights of heav- en’s dome, Seem Thy light-house to ob - scum, Bond a - bout my vea - sel shine, Let the bells of heav’n which chime, A—.- -:A—— . ‘i _ ‘ A E‘— H Wu: é .- 0 E= be; 1% l 5r? “F g i it u r L . 1 1 l ‘ '1- fi r J- : r :1— v]; , - fii Ti H‘— _ 1:. e—Ei—H— ij —e_ Thou canst speak and calm the sea, Mat- ters not Thow strong the gale. Thus to guide me thro’ the gloam. Pi — lot then my life -boa.t, sure. A—fi—k—f— A. E:g:::—:1: Pi- lot me, ............ O God Yes, pi - lot me, 0 God of 1°" l l of love, Iowa, 0 God of love, 1.- Till I I] i. 1 fl 4“ \ A; \ h R J IN N 4 . h ' ' mi '1 a . '1 .4 ‘1 a L ‘N tho j}.o;‘.g E . = E-leaf “f 6 , g 5- 1;: e F W :2 icky" - U \__/ ‘ 5 V V . . reach ........ my home a- bove, T111 Thy prec - lOllS Until I reach my home above, my home above, Until Thy precious facel see, faceI see, Thy face I see, Je - sus, -| yd me, Oh, pi - lot me. Saviour, pi - lot 5- 630 @5113 «wttay'tux thia Eimz. Knowles Shaw Copyrixht. 1913, by Emmet 5. Dean. Emmet 5. Dean. H __ _1 " A n A ‘ 215% q——P«—F—fi———r—‘ —d——-——1-:l————L—hs b: hr—k— #41:;x——m—z1—U—n—E-——§-——-—-—— —-;.'- V ‘v‘ ‘v‘ 'v‘ 7‘ vb” 1, Go thy way for this time, The eon-yen - ient day may come 2. G0 thy way for this time, It’s the noon of joy - one life 3 Go thy way for this time, For the world has thrown its shack-lee ' “L _1h 4% nghP‘w—FI—q—j-—W :‘Efzfi N—A L N‘ d L1 3,4 LLJ L7 Li L7 9‘65: I W ' J _ 1 NA \ k ' iZl .4 [J . 4" W 1 m e5: e3 . ‘- F‘r— _ ‘ r4. *3 u n 1 T71 L 3 L V 'V L) , g1 by and by, (by and by); But I’ll not heed the call of Christ to- new to me, (now to me); Let me not be hin - dered now, I e - ver me, (o - verhme); But when death comes knock-ing at my : , a 4 l h“ h b h A k - F”— m‘lfi / E517 L2 9 1.4x - n J D .Ifit J A \ 4s 4x 4 2m; RENEE _ Bib -n_]'id 6‘. ’P% Egg- :g-‘o‘fiqs . v o v {- v - . r ,r I L . M ! fin 4:. “v. L J- r fir— irtvuw _] day, Nor lis-ten to His ten— der cry. Go thy way, pray, When ready, I will call for thee. heart, I’ll lis-ten, I will call for thee. Go thy way, , 5 : f 1 r .4: “we _..":.EF':J.: - :F—hfr‘fi ‘ “’4 ‘.L L! L1 Li L1 r l ['9' " U V SJ Go thy way;... The con-ven-ient time is fut - ure, Go thy way; yet. with me%.. In the night of death I’ll call for thee. \‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ", e 6- gimm- ’35- tlw mun-hm». Copyright, 1018, by The Trio Music Co., in “Victory." Thol. Benton. Thus. Benton. DUET. Alto and 80prano. h \ J l ' N _ r __ A l .' 7 l 3-! L _B “ ’ ”W" “wry a {til—L— ‘ i—h-d—H—E, 1 1TH _ A L LL ~i_6___1. ‘ o—. ~ V —o ~3- 1. Je - ens is the sun-shine of my life, He is just the One to 2. He will give me strength from day to day, And will lead me safe - 1y 3. When my life is end - ed here be - low, He will take me home with ‘- Hi - L l I) - - 4 _ _ A - LL‘ F 1 | f' l' E "4'j ' F l .Lu?:4fi F L L [LL 1: 0' i I r _i I/ 1. ' ""'—' ’ i -' I VII‘I LIZ? (g L J n 1.. I h I 3 h J‘ A 7 :j .. fil p. h ' ‘7‘ W 1. ' "i *fi—‘i—‘V‘ -—l ' ' ' ' ' ":3 d _, 5} “‘“iN ——“‘“T;*.“—'—*—7}-:E "‘ w— w- a ban - ish strife; I have joy and glad-ness, Naught of care and sad - mesa; all the way; I am ev- er near Him, when He calls I hear Him; Him, I know; He, my cares, will light - en, And my way He’ll bright-en; I) I) \on. '01: 3 .v I 3 l nub gruelr L i l L j my ' rfi' ' I .' 1 {1;} Hil‘l l l J 1.- Vs, la l He's the sun‘shine of my life. He’s the sunshine of my life, bless-ed sunshine of my life, av 7.- ~9— -._g ..‘ a 'v "if i He's the sun-shine of my life; bless - ed sun-shine of my life; He’ll for-sake me _ —o‘ 4« nev- er, But will love me ev - er; He’s the sun—shine of my life. A W 'v m “as ». .l‘fim Awe. . view? ",4“ : .~ 1 ' mk,ew‘v1fitL’—Wwy ._ .‘£§:- 2». 7- flap” on the Wag tn (filmy “gland. Geo. W. s. owned byh‘eu w Sebrex Geo W. Sebren. ”I”: _4~_ j‘ a 3 [ -4—-——1:. —+‘ a—A—i—1tfi+fi——ar———{~—+—1— ~——-J—-A——£»—3 #d—g'- v 9 ' ' ' r v w ad- — 1. Hap py on the high- -way to a bet- ter land We are mov-ing on ward 2. We should never fal - ter nor a moment stand, Fol- low-ing the lead- er 3. Go - ing to that home the Sav-iour for us planned, Hoping soon to join the .fl- L 'k' -2. u 10 'k' a .0 0&1 A A A A 1A [ .A {A l A {A I ,w ‘r'E‘EhLTJ EL Pi ‘I 4 A F . hr; - h’fl. ' V L. ;._ . . 1 u u x u i 14 la v a l' K .—e~fi-+——-« n , 5 ,1, - ~ 1 i? H .5! it“ ii: .i 11 E . r'o‘d' at the Lord’s command;Spurning ev - 'ry of - fer of the e - vil hand, of our might-y band; He will guide us safe - ly o’er the den -ert sand, heav’nly cho-rus grand; Ev - er~more to sing on that e - ter -nel strand, g: t- -k- s” 4- —P- —-:- . ~k- 3» a EEt—Pfl . L EA 'A A ‘A 1L :A 3 1- ‘Jv‘ 4V .5 Li‘ C IL E 1‘ 1 1 1 L g :1 E P f “a ‘4'; ’a 1244'; :- L ' 3 1 1 1 1 J u l CHORUS %#9f*54 ‘ A» i i 1 4 f? . —0—--L P-—:?—:i 1A A A 1A A v L: ' ' ' Emu :— - 1- i- . L-n T'Wfiflfitflfl—x‘fl u #4 'v v w ' 1 ' ' v u / v r Hap-py on the way to glo - ry land. Hap-py on the way to . "6" ’0” glo — ry land, Sing-ing as we go to that fair strand;Leaving ev -’ry l sor-row in the vale be-low, Hap—py on the way to glo- ry land. I 3- filmy-him ix“- flaming. lem “Amend. Copyright, 1918, by The Trio Music (30., in ‘ ‘Victory." Bell H. "mh. h ' - h #1 J. ' . ' * 4% - | 531.24. , " - - 1:. A iii? gd—d-‘r ’ '— i I: l. The skies will grow lighter though dreary the day, Soon will the shadows de - part; 2. ’Tis good to be liv-ing though rough be the road, Yield not to doubt nor des - pair; 3. Bright sunshine is coming, though long on the way, Hold fast His strengthen-lug hand; A A T A A A A A A A A o ;_ ‘_ ll ' - ' i H. l. a; l‘ 1 'fi ' 0 ~ ll LI? 1' 1' IL L L j j , CL A HA A A A A L'L': l. r. A 0U l f [A 0 0| x V 0 Ir - iv. IV V V - L9 1 "1 l1 1 1 L I , . . V v ’ I ’ I J J H- l I“ b _{\ 1} \ 'Al \ ‘ h Ab b A1“ L JAJ‘ ' .— “3:1! —1-—A' ——+—v——A ‘ ‘L‘Tfi ..._‘,_ . Sunshine and gladness are com-ing your way, Sing, and be cheer-y of heart. Some one will help you to car - ry your load, Je - sue the bur-den will share. If you're dis-cour-aged just earnestly pray, Kept by His pow-er you’ll stand. . . _'- A 4 1 ("IN .— b To-mor-row your troubles may all dis-ap-pear, Sor-row prove on - ly a dream, The Friend of the friendless is waiting to bless, Look up and trust in His grace, Though trials you meet as you’re passing along, Soon will the years hurry by, —— ._ . , r , f: ' A A .A ~ol- ' a L , fi—p—P—- “A a L FP~74EH i 1 1 ' ' I 5' , l . l x A O | l i i L 1 {VJ . . . : ,’ ' V l :1 1 1 ’71 :1 {'1 l VF: 3 LA {N N 4‘“ 1 _J ____L ___.fi_L ._- J . k—Lr Dk—k—I 3‘ f- 'kTi . O - ver the shadows that look so drear, Bright ........ rain-hows gleam ...... '1, Brightly they gleam,raiubows gleam, ev-er gleam. , Comfort He’ll give you in storm and stress, Run .......... well your race ......... " Run well your race, run your race,weary race. , Sing as you trav-el a joy - ful song. God .......... still is nigh ......... g’ God still is nigh, still is nigh, ev-er nigh. ‘ - h h K ‘ ._______A__A__,A_A_A_ A_ _ ' H—o—o—A— ‘ ‘. « ‘jZ—Q--—+- fif-P—P—FPWZFP-‘P—P—P—PJ‘F‘fl‘l-q "t—F—i. y, 5, {.ll r if. s, M :i JAHL. . .-_| I t v u r. ; w u v l f v I I? v v v w 1 4,- _| V, ' V 1/ r V F“ I . CHORUS. " _ K J r h _ J: 0 n ' J A 1 l‘ AL ' ' 3 §'_%__l,4=-_;_jl_.+_ ‘_T i__-_________‘ i t “—2 . “##4'9—9—‘T'P—7— I I i —C « v u u u . . u u D u .v , V. V V . Sun - - shine is com - - mg, there s Joy ........ for us Sunshine is com-ing, sun-shine ‘is com-ing, joy for us all, Sun - - shine is com - - ing, our Fa - - ther’s a - Sunshine is com-ing, sun-shine, is com-ing, Father’s a-bove, A A A A ‘A l j e e 9 g E % trjr i i jr i u .,= ‘ , ‘9—3 .1 +r—r—r-jp—c—fl-fl ~;‘§~%”ak-#—§A—t*—l* ’ Le 2a 1a a- n; ’ Hi v u y " j V ‘d V V V I7 (I V V V ;..;.e+..,,. A «5,: < ‘ Sunshine is Glowing. U all, ......... Though ........ dark the shed ~ - owe round ........ joy for us all,Though dark the shadows,Though dark the shadows, round us may fall; loove, ........ Safe .......... in His keep . ing, Father’s e-bove, Safe in His keeping, Safe in His keeping, h ' . Li A A - - - OLL 1‘ l i I A -IL: 1: {X nun :- ul L gr 1: r r [h ' I. A II x 1 A A A A .3}. I. J. n r v 1' 1; y 1 J J - - 1v V v7 J J J H J J us may fall; .......... rest ............ in His love. ..... round us may fall; rest in His love, His dear love. 9. £2dwmcx’5 Egmim. Chas. Wesley. » (OPENING HYMN.) Carl Glaser. 4 J n [I L {I 1.0 for a thou-sand tongues to sing My great Re-deeerr’spraise; ZMy gra-cious Mas- ter and my God, As - sist me to pro-claim, 3. Je - ens! the name that charms our fears, And bids our set - rows cease; 4‘ Our voic-es we will raise in song, To Thee, our God and King; -9~ -o- -o- - -9- .9. .. u A -* . J 70' +—. "I" *7 “a +7 — \mno 1—K I e— 0 o__[,-:§ ' l I- o L J . no; 1 [‘42 g it h—E‘rv p: E” J] ‘g't—f I. L i l ‘r i l I J l l # __ J J I Val! J j l [J _l—\ l _l _] TI 5 '1 . cg l. L‘f .J I r 9-th Jé l l- The glo - ries of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace. To spread thro’ all the earth a - broad, The hon-01's of Thy name. ’Tis mu - sic to the sin -ner’s ears, The com-fort,- joy and peace. We’lljoin the white‘robed an - gel throng, And let Thy prais- es ring! -'_ .9- M + +— 4— - -P-— 3.— -e- -l>-— «a- xo-L" 1P 1* -‘- H l“: [‘r a“ :3 F‘ "I.“ '_i___.1_._ “)4 n 9 IL: L l: t?— L _l‘_d__?_fi %fl__la__ 1 r u LIL— 41 : % L: ‘ L L LEJJ ‘ u, l’ A. s .e 10. @112 fiunahim gem. Dedicated to our Sunday Schools and “Sunshine Bands." Copyright, 19”, by The Trio Music 00., in “ The Mn-ical Trio." B. B. Bdmlaston. Howard E. Smith. 11 Li . '5‘ :N I l l l 1 JP 7. .l L . _'L _ i 1 1 l‘ L Y . 1‘ ( I l‘ d ' A i I d a J ‘l 5‘ £ - l 5:“ E3 L‘J' ;’ V‘ Q 1 w» 4’- -o- . D -.- -0- -.~ 1. We are a hap - py band, glad-1y we sing, Marching to vic - to - ry, 2. Smil—ing and sing-ing we con-quer the wrong, Fill - ing the world with love’s 3. Forward, the watchword, as glad-1y we go, Nev — er complaining of ~9— i" . 7—— \. ‘— ‘5" . I n 1 —l 1 T4 '4 Eta—3% a nllé— :‘L—s'r—V—‘f' pra1s mg our King; Sor-rows may come to us, but we ll be brave, beau-ti - ful song: Nev-er re -treat-ing nor count- ing the cost, sot-row and woe; Look-ing by faith to that beau— ti - ful shore. A A A A A A t ' l - l: :{P‘ - 1 . - - l ‘ P 7‘ E l . 1 u I l— l ( r 1 l“) (JH: L 9—4 , . :2 _ J I V V l (A (A (A A A l 2' 1' V J V J z i U U 2 1 V I x h CHORUS. Trust-mg in Christ, the Lord, our 301113 to save. 0n - weird we has-ten to re — claim the lost. We are the “Sunshine Band," Where we shall praise the Lord for ev - er - more. no. ‘ —l e N H l D ,l b J 1 ‘—" ' [xgfi'd :e': O i 1" _i In, L r. J l ’1 1 2—: l I ah" ’ 'L ' ‘11:“ —+—u ’3— ' “ ; 7%);___a__._:‘__63:1_§ _g.T:.F Q 1 V / 1 , 1 , hap - py and strong, Truaflng in Je- 8118, we conquer the wrong; Ev -er our” 7‘ "- ‘9‘ t, making the pathway Dl‘lglib, Fill - ing the world with love’s song. + hearts are A A-.e£..-,~‘.:15-;.;cl;. A ‘4. ’Ww >v v ».u=;..«. ~:....»« .4, 11. 3 flirthdag filing. Copyright, 1917, by The Trio Music 00., in “The Musical Trio." J. M. H. Mrs. Bessie Brown. e—t L; . Q \ a ,‘_ ; a 4 . l n u ‘ V7} p H L _‘ ' l 31“ 90";- h,:H‘l:. Q 'o A‘ do V A. _4_____§"-l— Ni try a Lgi- 5' .' . :I—gEt-l—T __ _. '1 -f.- G 3 ' 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 J 1. We oome‘ this hap - py morn - ing here to meet you, To 2. We are glad that you are with us, and we love you, We 3. Ev - ’ry birth - day marks a year that God has giv - en, Has l A 0 A A A A‘ thew :9 i: e—u .. I; A * VVTI‘FIA 'A LIA- /A ‘A- 'A - . 4; AL]: lavv l2 2 v 5 z I a 5 l D ’1 'ig_;r9_ ! i fir 1 § 5" 5 \ :— - 1 t— w—fiitqfl-fWM—U—fl -'. =fi . “1 U11 3' 4 _ l ‘. 5‘ 'L::0 9' I, : v i ‘5 V V ‘ «a 313 j‘ —o—' " d— 17- ‘ of « J meet you. to meet you; With flow — ers and good wish—es do we love you, we love you; May the an - gels al-ways keep their watch a- giv - en, has giv - en; May they all be hap - py years and end in - ‘ A ____.__Q l " 'A‘ ‘ 1 mmfi—F-e—Jtv—efle—Lt—HL ‘ .4. +4.94 V"! l I; {Lu [A ALA-41.940“ A-A .A‘ TA 1 | l DVD v ‘v u y 5 v 5 REFRAIN. greet you, We greet you, we greet you. bove you, A ~ bove you, a - bove you. Hap - py birth-day, hap - py heav - en, In heav - en, in heav -en. BI" birth - day! May those that come here-af-ter be as bright,( as bright;) May you ‘_ I V ev - er love and serve the blessed Sav-iour, And your burdens all be light. 12. B. B. Bdmhiton. U iflhr gflnvc of 05nd. Copyright, 1918., by The Trio Music, 00.. in "Victory." M. D. Mew barter” C: I ; 04k_-g 1. Hap - py saints are sing-ing songs of won-drone love, Ech - o - ing the we jour-ney on the rug - ged way, we sing, Tell - ing sin - net’s the love of Christ, we glad - ly go, Fol - low-ing the I 0 L HA- LT ’ I Wm 4- 0 9- .- ls— h- '1 lA- {A HA lA . ,1 n :1 I: r {1 '1 J U (C l r 7 V 7 V l Vii ‘w ‘ V strains of joy from heav’n above, Love that fills the world with light, Driving out {he of the love of heaven’s King, Send-ing this glad news a-broad, Rec-on — cil-ing way where sweetest flow ers grow, Trusting Him who died to save,Him who tri-umpbd 1n!— .0! L I v n.- . o 0| l j l l l I ‘ l;- P ,_ Ill CA-ZA L '- L l [A0 LA- l/HLL ‘1 1 L 'L' ll) l v 0 0 ll L f) I VT? 1:) Jl l i’ l 1 [J71 U Q \ \ laN NJ L at L K N T n s 5 ~ Mei, e: fiTi—W. ‘T‘ " V (Y +——‘-l!- 4—- ---. . , . .L k I k—r—TP—ke-k , ' f ' I! .'. ' L! ;' |'l .' -—'._l: \0 ER 0 o {A u k- . Vg L V l I V__l l V- l 0 “4L J ‘1 __ v V v if ufi 1 1 4 71 I 1/ V K n i. N a I i‘ B N 4'“ LL an:.:_L§41v 9 e ___T“_*tflm§15.1¢ ¢.v 9- L . V by the woes of life, Saviour’s ten-der care, U for poor fall - en man, Love re-veal—ing to the world ea] - va-tion’s plan" In the Or when we are wea—ry of the world’s dark strife, Strengib we He has promised that His glo-ry we gm Ll eham, Hope grows -o o o a L 0-0 9-0 o-" iii“ Q;_ no L x l r : i l o - i , L i t z : r r a L '1nT olAl A A LA-‘ALLA-IA 'Aom mom: :. lf_ / h L :1 l r L; u L :1 l .1 .f u L :v 1;; , V [Z A n 1 ! L J a u a ' '1 1 n L l l __ r r V 7 V 7 V 7 l D F r . V L l L P ,kJ k! b R 'fl%$§’qjfiflfifiL*%fifir#+fi:l . . ' . v . . . . . l name of Christ,our King, Happy praises now we bring,Filling earth With low“: so act song. find in Je - sus’ love, And by faith we look above, To the land of pure de—light. brighter ev - ’ry day, As we sing a-long the wayLead-ing to fair heaven’s goal. _ | , Alt—941‘". . 44fp¥i1fl£~ffLfl—E—tfi—fl—k~ _ o __ ___l__T fi l l: ' V FTAUTTA' b___'__ HIT—LY f F : Iii, . —.v.-—.v :4—r—H: Z—b’f‘d—. 415'; L? ' P ‘ 3 TH: 'U 5 “£415 ‘2 ‘V ‘ I'll] 764%" Twsfl 3 sfi'.w; «Wm-£51. Em £11m: of @1111. N l b Won-der—ful love of God, great re-deem-ing love, Pow’r that brought the Saw - iour Won-der-ful love of God, to - deem-ing love that brought the Sav- iour -- from a—bove, Of ’it the saints in heav-en sing, Praising Christ, the worthy King, '2 u / It will live for - ev - er more; Glo-ri - one love for you and for ev - ’ry Glo-ri - ous love for you and ev - ’ry 3 one who be - liev-eth on God’s pre-cious Son, Thro’ it we shall the one be ‘- liev- ing on God’s pre-cious Son,Thro’ ,3- Vic - t’ry win, 0 - ver—com-ing hosts of sin; Love shall reign from shore to shore. u: i: l‘ ‘ :V‘fi! ilk-“4‘ @v‘huw gum gravel. Used by per. Thou R. Swe-tmon. :jt‘:—b::::: Thos. R. Sweatmon, owner. 5%:stifiv‘iw'“fi—‘T'M:T - e - ;-~~~,~ ? :_ ‘5”‘!1:C‘*‘—‘—““'"U“‘*‘—”‘f"“ fiEO—O——J_;~~—l;7§:3 '1' 'T' ’i‘ 'i‘ 2" . . "‘ ‘i‘ 1. As I la - her for Je - sus in His vme-yard be-low, Grow-mg 2. I am near-ing fair Ca -naan as I jour-ney each day, There no 3. Whenl en - ter the pear-1y gates all shin ~ing with gold, And I’m ~A- -A- ~A- ml 0 1 n :9 T“;*“' 'l’“ ‘F‘ _ ” __ L L L P 9' o i {r I g Q ‘ 1 y- 9:}: K i '9 5A In L A A {A {A 1A 1A A J 2&441-:_vpapp.y‘up stun . ,5 :8: ‘Ti'fbwln a 1“ h . F . l\ A F A @5132— ! " ‘4‘ l‘ P " —! a” J. E u ———‘——£::A:—: “24—; vémfl:TA—'A—A—'. :ig-LJLnj—i—A— V - . wea-ry, my footsteps are so fee-ble, and slow; But the ech-oes from treasures so pre~cious that could tempt you to stay; For my spit - it is viewing heav’n’s beauties that have never been told; I’ll be long-ing for "h k- k « ~—-— Tyres—3 we— ——————P—L‘—E‘—. : :74 g m r L I). S.—~I will la-bor for ‘lz—Am ‘ h r 1‘ h A T _. flier. . ._ __ '. n 4* ‘. A 1 l' ff 5' —J—~+———r— :fi—fi-‘fl 2*"!7“ =fli—=:‘_'*-“ _.‘_. 7-5—; L- i v g V l t H; r ‘ heav-en come to com—fort me then, And I’m long-ing to hear those long-ing for the man-sions on high, And the ech-oes are call-ing 'Je - sus and to kneel at His feet, Whilethe voic-es of an-gels * -A. 2:: :3: -.- :fi :5: __.z-.—4-4m 1': -:_-.~—.-::._4-flt__rk_k_.._e_.-n._ ~v' —3— _ m we a: I t - - :. u :A . . H C l, .4 B A L. L ‘, A7 ‘ s . ll u U I l L L [I ’Alnh __ [7% a a v r . t 9 a I a a men, While the and the glo -ry of ech — oes from heav-en d heav’n—ly ech - oes a - gain. me from o - vet the sky. Oh! the ech -o ech - 0 ’round me so sweet. m U doth my path-way at-tend. reach-es me, .‘. _‘. .r..- -|,_.. .‘. 4... h me, Oh! the an-gels’aweet voices are so pleas-lug from heaven teach - es h D. S. to me, ’7‘ -.«, .z < yaw-ax: ... <£ L: :5 A.“ < 453—.th yd ;; I: mam-.4. .c;;:. v as; ‘ , e ‘ :axuxd'n . 4-AA_‘.,¢~,1.-A., . ,7 14. gmwxim of gunmen C. J. W. Copyright, 1918. by Curtis .1. Williams. Curtis J. William. Andante efi'ettouso. ' -———A ' ' _ l . _ Xvi—W liar _ 4“ “L ' I l , P 40 i ‘ A ‘. 5V77_‘ i A- TAM L. T‘ KIA. AF' [ 1 “415-4La'l a e‘?t4I--L;J V ‘ ‘ o-. —O- ~99 on 1 ' a a». o- 1. Oh, how oft I go in mem -’ry, Biol: to days, when but a boy, 2. Oh, how well I now re -mem-ber Kneeling at my mother’s side; 3. Sweet and ten - der is the mem -’ry ‘0! my tak - ing her dear hand, 4. She is dwell-ing with the an - gels, Wait-ing there to welocome me; . . “3'- L . A 9“»??? Elfmz—g FT“S*J:F§”‘"”=t=4 / 5 l a v 5 I l ‘I l‘ K. . 4"”. l 43— % l h J.“ . J J Ig-tfl—EE 3‘31““:53" 1' “‘1‘ 'I :- __.._T-,. F; g— 2:— _L.. ,, I would play a-round the home-stead, Knowing naught but brightest joy. Earn-est - 1); she prayed to Je - sue, “Take my boy, His foot-steps guide." As I pron -ised I would meet her In that fair and hap—py land. And when I shall crossthe riv -er, My dear moth-er I shall see. A . ~ ~ -———.-—-——*—.— _A l: A [A é A ' 4* H:—’——*—-—AT~-+q— 9:15:pr L- % -__ '1_~+Ell:il!:@ 4'bi—r : riff—"3 L ,gv,‘ :- t a r I v : REFRAIN. A N 4‘ 1—3. Moth-er’a love, moth - er’a love, Is call-ing me to heav’n a - bove; , ‘ my dear 4. She is wait-ing there for me, And oft my epir—it longs to go; wait-ing In my soul it ev - er ling-ere, Precious gift my mother’s live! Her precious love! I shall dwell with sainted mother,Where we’ll part, no nevermore. no newer-.more. \ .0. . 15. 3; gnaw :21 gm». James Rowe. Geo W Se mi, uuuer. Geo. W. Sebren. - h L .‘i70 L LL L AF AL .JL ‘ “ q [rifle-ere‘us fleeswa 4"; '1! -£——‘.: . —§———« —-.———-+—- . . II— -«_——-——.—E 1+» T‘W 74.?” _ ¥ ‘- 1' V 1. I know a home where joys a-bide, And ev-’ry soul is sat - is- ’ied; 2. I know a home in which the blest, For ev - er - more shall sweetly rest; 3. I know a home where I shall see The friends who said “goodby” to me; n T ° fiAT . i”- bl-A E-_ LA fig. “ -'_. - “a F 'r L - L C; - UL llu-F' A I4 h A {A A - E- . - - r. E 4 .v 1g l 17 I:. V ‘1 :- r [ 4 ; {7‘ L y r u .1 J V V A L. \ JR . EU A k k[ k _L 4 n L [ J—A—d ' a ; 4‘ 4V 4 T ear 4 4‘ i E - - ——I— 4 _——--4 -——.-—-—- . = n— ——L 3.. '— Tflqugi‘fi—4H-..‘ . , U "‘1- V To this bright home [I mean to go To live with Him who loves me so. Where darkness comes not af - ter day, For there the night has passed a - way. For, oh, I know that now they wait To greet me at the cit - y gate - A . A A . -I'-h -' . Ah —t22 5. i t = ' F: - "L " F ii ' =' ' i u m "— t- - L . A El 1' '1 . in . J. I r v g L :- - LL : . L r _3 V V V V J \ Oh, yes I know this home a-bove, A hap-py place‘ of peace and / And when He calls, I shall a - way To spend with Him the end - less day. h é “51365;: $355.45.. . .J~§l.~é::—‘ if» ‘ 1:3;1 E '4 v: 2‘ was. a; - “5 .ar \:....2. 16. fit in 3mm 3mm on! Joseph Parker. D. D. (upyright 1918,by Emmett s Dem. Emmett 8. Dan. fim_kh__# H_—_E:hiafii A _i . J :71 V_ H.- ' ll ‘ y 7 L7 1. Hope is sing - ing, sweet-1y sing - ing, Sing - ing in an 2. Night and day it sings the same song, Sings it while I 3. Sits up — on the grave and sings it, Sings it when the 4. Fur - that on, but how much fur - ther? Count the mile stones, 1. Hope is sing - ing, sweet-1y sing - ing, - 1.1. IA [ ”’Mm 0; 11‘! \D L \D l P i' L" E hv ,1 .‘ L A A A A ‘K L A A A A _.__i I V l C [n V ’2! L L J V L' V V M J V i i [111V ‘r L [F-I nrr l Lr if God had taught it, "It is un - der tone; Sing - ing as the heart would hear it, “It is sit a - lone; Sings it so heart would groan;Sings it when the shad - ows dark - en, “It Is one by one? No, not count - ing, on - 1y trust - ing, “It is z 4 . A ‘ .A ' A z. b F = F ’r i‘. . i L i x 1' j I [— l A O '