WELCOME VISITORS The Kentucky Kernel UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KY MARCH VOL XIII No. 21 9. 1923 CLOSE SEASON LITTLE THEATRE SEASON GAME TICKETS TO GO ON SALE FIVE STARTINGJXT MONDAY Largest Crowd of Season Sees Last Performance of Yearling Net Men. Reduced Rates Are Offered For VICTORY DUE TO PASSING COMMISSION FOR SELLERS Have Freshmen Undefeated Gained Southern First Year Championship Prizes To Be Given to Those Selling Set Number Of Tickets KITTENS BY TAKING HARD FROM VANDERBILT freshBy defeating the men 28 to 19, Saturday night in the Kentucky gymnasium the Kentucky freshmen basketball squad maintained a perfect record for the season and established an almost undisputable claim to the Southern freshman basketball title. Vandy presented 'the strongest team that the Kittens have met on the home floor and it was not until the second half that Kentucky forged ahead, the first period ending t 14-1- 4. Probably the largest crowd that ever witnessed a game in the small Kentucky gym, was on hand to see the Kittens play their last game it. the freshman class, and although both teams were hampered by the heat of the gym, their supporters witnessed one of the closest and best played games ever seen here. "Turkey" Hughes the only member of the Kitten team who is not a former Blue Devil, started the scoring for his tam, and his Ibasket was closely followed by goals by Underwood and Vandy Captain Jimmy McFarland'. soon found the hoops and tossed two field goals. Another series of baskets by the Kittens and the Kentucky score stood at 14 and the Vandy tally at 7. But the Tennessee players then hit their stride and tied the count before the half ended. Starting the second period with a jump ,the Kitten five got off to a lead and continued to run their score up, never allowing Vandy to seriously In this hatf threaten their lead. Hughes and Underwood performed brilliantly and sent the crowd into an uproar with their fast work under the (Continued on Page five) -- FACULTY K- COMMITTEE REPORTS ON LOAN FUND More Than Seventy Students Provided For By This Fund. A little less than $11,000 is the total of Loan Funds being administered for the students by the Faculty Commit tee. This fund provides for more than seventy students annually, loans rarging from $25 to $100. Tasks ranging from financial aid e employ and the finding of ment to settling family differences fall to the lot of this committee. The loans are often repaid when the stu dent is still in the University, chief ly durir.-- the summer vacation. Not a dollar has been lost in the handling of the fund which has grown from less than $3,000 two years ago. n Recent gifts are $500 by J. W. '98; $57 by the class of '02; $250, the balance on a pledge of $500 by Charles R. Brock '90, and the George Clark Rogers Memorial fund $500. The Alumni Fund has grown to $2,000. part-tim- Four Productions On Campus The campaign for the sale of tickets for the Little Theatre season will begin Monday, March 12, according to a statement made by Professor One seaFleischman, the director. son ticket covering the four numbers will be offered at a reduced price, $3 for adults and $2 for a special student ticket.- On account of the fact that two of the numbers are to be given by a professional company, a Government tax of 30c and 20c, respectively, will be added to the above amounts. The four numbers are, first, "Gam mer Gurton's Needle," an old English Comedy, by the Coffer-MillPlayers, March 22; second, "The Imaginary Invalid," by Moliere, given by the Coffer-MillPlayers, March 23; FRESHMEN BASKETBALL CHAMPIONS OF THE SOUTH third, "Beyond the Horizon," by Eugene O'Neill, the University Players, April 9 to 13; fourth, "A Mid summer Night's Dream," by William HIGH SCHOOLS OF STATE KENTUCKIAN PAYMENTS NOTICE OF MEETING Shakespeare, the University Players, DUE May 18. The last number wilt be an BEGIN TOURNAMENT FOR outdoor performance produced with full orchestration and music under the The Patterson Literary SoThe last installment on the direction of Professor Lampert. SUPREMACY pages in the 1923 Kentuckian ciety will hold its regular These four numbers offer one of are due and all fraternities and weekly meeting in room 304, the best Little Theatre programs that organizations which have not 300 Boys and Girls Flock to CamBuilding, FriAdministration has ever been undertaken. Aside finished paying for their pages pus to Try for Net from the advantage of considerable day evening at 6:50 o'clock. are requested to see Charles Title saving in the purchase of the season Graham, business manager, at This will be an open discussion ticket, it gives the holder the privionce and settle with him. The of "The Proposed World Court," FINALS SATURDAY NIGHT lege of first choice in the reserved annual has gone to press and it and three individual discussions seat sale before each performance. is necessary that all payments Winners of Sectional Honors to on "Things That Will Help Our be collected before it can be The tickets will be sold according Display Ability on Local Government." to the following plan: Students of the Floor. class of Dramatic Production, and KKany other student who wishes, may The fifth annual state interscholastic have tickets to sell. Ten per cent of began at 9 basketball tournament VARSITY TRACK SEASON 9 o'clock this morning when the first BEREA TO DEBATE U. K. the actual value of the ticket will be of twelve boys' games scheduled for (Continued on Page Four) OPENED AT CINCINNATI today, started. At the same time the HERE SATURDAY NIGHT feminine quintets started operations POLITICAL SCIENCE FRAT in the Armory. The first and second Cinder Men Make rounds in both boys and girls play are Brother Against Brother For Kentucky Fraternal Superiority Will Be GETS NATIONAL CHARTER Good Showing at Indoor in both divisions tomorrow afternoon Added Attraction Meet to be run off today, with the semifinals in the gym and the finals tomorrow Berea College will invade the Blue Local Honorary Fraternity is The Varsity Track Squad opened night Granted Charter by Pi Sigma Grass for the initial debate of the seaits 1923 season last Saturday at Cinvanguard of the 300 athletes son with the University of Kentucky, The Alpha cinnati by a very satifsactory showing in- the Saturday night. March 10. The dein the indoor meet held at the Armory. that were expected to take part fraternity in The local honorary With but five met: entered in the meet tourney, made its appearance in the bate is one of a triangle to he held on morning and its in- the same night. The University of Political Science has 'beer.' granted a the Cats finished fifth in team list, city Thursday Kentucky affirmative team remains at charter by Pi Sigma Alpha, national annexing two seconds and two thirds vasion was complete wh'eu the and Frankfort qn'ntets came in home, while the negative team travels honorary political science fraternity. for a total of eight points. this morning Boys' teams from all of to Danville to debate Centre College. The members of the active chapter Of the five men entered in the meet the 16 districts are entered in the play At the same time, Berea and Centre are: Prof. J. C. Jones, Henry Taylor, but three of the Cats brought medals but several of the fives declined will mix at Berea. A. V. McRee, Sarah Anna Captain "Red" the entry. back to Lexington. The question for debate is: "Re- Louise Connor, Ann Hickman, J. C. secDavidson, Cat weight man, won The rivalry between the prep solved, That the United States should Merz, Mabel Ruth Coates, James ond place in the 16 pound shot put, schools of the state for the honor of adopt a Cabinet Parliamentary Form Darnell, S. B. Caldwell, Laura BenBob Porter, distance ace, contributed holding the State title is keener than of Government." It is thought that nett, Roscoe Cross, S. B. Neal. two thirds, in the mile and two mile, ever this year, assuring the spectators two of Berca's strongest Glenn Tinsley, Alumni members: debaters. finished second in the while Gorman of numerous fast tilts before the tour- Clayton Callihan- and H. O. Porter, Henrietta Rogers, James E. Wilhelm. half. ney closes Saturday night. Several of will uphold the negative, while rep- lima Thorpe, W. Hugh Peal, Gerald The showing of Porter in the two' the quintets have scores to settle and resenting the University of Kentucky, Griffin. It is the nurnose of this fratemitv mile was better than his finish indi- are only waiting for the opportunity H. C. Johnson and C. M. C. Porter cates for Watson, of the Illinois Ath- afforded them by the tournament to will maintain the affirmative. The to further the study of political science letic Club lowered the track record get eves. While no one team appears two Porters on the rival teams are and to arouse new interest in the sub- seconds, in to outshine the rest of the quintets brothers, so that the debate will have ' ject. Delta chapter has been organfor the event 15 and winning the race. The time was 4:34 Manual, Owensboro, Hazard, Fran' the added attraction of a contest for ' ized or.1 the campus of the University of Kentucky and pledging exercises Porter's race was against heavy fort and Lexington seem to be the fraternal superiority. Circle has promised for new members will be held within The odds and the Indiana lad was beaten best and should they not meet before - er BASKET -- -- - Clark-count- Blan-ding- , co-e- d - Su-K- y (Continued to Page Four) (Continued on page 8.) (Continued on page 8.) I (Continued on page 5.) *