xt7kd50fxw7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fxw7p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1982 1982 1982-02-15 2020 true xt7kd50fxw7p section xt7kd50fxw7p WW
. Ker 2] It might as well be Iprlne Solo days . - .
Today will be spring-like as
thetemperatures near 50. Mostly cloudy ‘ Lexington "leithonts celebrate
with scattered showers Monday night and Washington‘s btrthdoy in u special supple
Tuesday. Lows Monday nlght in the mid PY1ET‘J til today s Kernel Take a legit inside .
305 and highs Tuesday m the upper 405‘ and discover what DOlgO‘llb you (Oi pith
Southwest winds 15-20 mph on Monday. «4' 0' 50195 all we“ 'OW' ""5 W9?“ '
V°"'-"XX'V1N°-‘°° Monddva-bworyls. lee: Unwemvy olKenturtiy ”mgr... ”WAY ~ 1,.”dependenumden,”WWW WNW, ‘— ———‘—-*"—"———‘—-~—'—‘—-r~—-————~*— .
Some Kentucky pol'cel k to alt a'n'ng '
W topics ranging from basic criminal member of the force, said UK Police standard multimedia first aid course. during the loweek training course In the mandatory KSP training pro 1.
Senior StaffWriter law, pohce investigation. mechanics Chlef Paul Harrison.) a sixvhour cardiopulmonary because the entire force graduated gram, the cadets become certified
of arrest and police administrative The curriculum of the course is resuscitation modular system course from the program before the emergency medical [echmcmng said
-——-——————— work, Bird said. divided among several “relevant anda session on emergency childbir- emergency procedure was added to Capt, David Butler. K51) academy i. .
, But training of any nature — rang- areas of training,” Bird said.’l‘he th, said L.J. Weber, first aid the curriculum.) commander "2'93
Althougheo percent 0‘ Kentucky 5 ing from arrest procedures to largest portion —— 81.5 hours -— is instructorcoordinator for the train» In contrast with the 18 hours in first 1,. 1
police “he?“ have had formal police emergency first aid—is not required devoted to instruction in criminal ingprogram. aid training given in the optional "All State troopers are emergency ‘
tralrllng,th1s “Mb“: “Philhhhs only for law enforcement officers in the law. CPR instruction was added to the training prop-am offered to state law medical technicans“ Butler said,
one-half 0‘ Kentucky 5 mdmdual law CommonwealthofKentucky,hesaid. First aid training is allotted l8 brief curriculum of first aid training enforcement officers. the Kentucky “Training is an extremely impor- ~ .
enforcement eschews, says Robert Bird said the only incentive attrac- hours — only 4.5 percent of the total in 1980, Weber said. State Police requilfi its beginning tant aspect of the KentuCky Sta”? 3 "
B."d' bum“ 0‘ "3"““3 °°mm‘s‘ tins many to the basic training pro training receivedhesaid. (A copyright story in the Kernel cadets to undergo a rigid 80-hour Police," he said "An officer in the j '
59?”: gram is the pay increases offered to In the 18 hours devoted to first aid Feb. lreported the UK police depart- emergency care course at the KS? Kentucky State Police is reflective of f '
Thlsmeansalot 0‘ one 0" “”0 man law enforcement officials who suc- instruction, officers are given the merit did not receive CPR training Academy in Frankfort. the training he recel ves." ~' f
departments m the “"31 areas 0‘ the cessfully graduate from the course. . .;
state have not received any training.“ Kentucky law enforcement officers » i s- _ 1 . .- ‘ . " 7-
3‘“ “’d' . . are given extra pay by the state if » ' inns-1 3.
. The 10-week, 400-hour has“: traln- they and their entire department suc- ‘- s "3 «ago»; cs .
“18 00W: offered by the "'31th cessfully graduate from the course, ' h - c 1‘ m‘yéfijf'ffi“ this??? 1
bureau of the state Department of Bird said. - A i 3 . ‘_ g . '3 ¢ witfigw {Q3} . ‘
Justice and taught 0“ the Eastern (All UKpolice department officers . ’3’.th .t “ F »‘ s “ . « 1 af§$§3t§ '- - I
Kentucky University campus in Rich must undergo the basic training pro- ,. l . y 1 - . x. g i * ' .i ._ "k 3.3%.; if A: ”
mond.prov1des officers instruction In gram before they can become a x” w Vi)“; ’ 1 ‘ l I a .. -. s; ‘- l . . . .. h ' '. ‘ : dig '1 H I ‘ " a, Q; L l i;-
l . _ .‘ ~ . ‘ A ‘ q > . a ‘ L!" ‘ ., .
. ’ t M is l '35.“; ‘ r." 5“ § w: 4;" § I '
House panel opens V 1" ‘ _, ‘ .
' girl: 1 ’ l -, .
I I 'l 'x j: , l I g _ .l‘ ‘>
caring t 13 wee 1 - § - ll .. * z
f ' . “ ‘. ‘ l . 4 ,
I I I «'il‘ .‘ l 1 i , IA
1. gig. I t _ § ‘ ‘1. . .
on mining policy , ‘ , ‘ It; \ A , . \
‘ l air: -‘ ‘ 1' “ R . .. : . ‘ ‘\ S $.& ,-
' *v 1. ‘ y ‘ s t N?" w , .‘ '
—— was lifting a ear-old hiring freeze in / ‘ ‘_ _‘.
By TQM SEPPY the agency. To begin hiring new in- u h “V . r--‘ ' x: ' _~ ‘
Associated Press _ spectors, he released :2 million in ». ‘ ' is 1 i
_.________ federal mine safety funds he had 3 / w _. , .1 ‘ ,
previomly refusedtospend this year. . . , . ;
WASHINGTON — A House panel The White House said Reagan also . I - . .;
will hold two days of hearings this will ask Congress to increase the ‘ » y _f-
week on the govemment’s policing of agency‘s spending by $15 million in 1 ' \s' \ ’x - ~ 123.12% 5‘
the coal industry in the wake of 35 the 1983 fiscal year. t ’ j
deaths in the nation's mines during MSHA officials contend that staff v’ ‘ ‘1'
thelast two months. attrition during Reagan’s freeze V 93 1‘,-
More congressional hearings are reduced the safety enforcement staff —I, ‘ ' * , 1
planned next week. And even the by only291nspectors—from 1,346 at : ,_ .
Reagan administration is responding the end of 1980 to 1,317 now. But they \ ' ‘ , . '
to the recent outcry over the climbing concede that some field inspection of- “ «I ,. . ;
toll by reversing itself and seeking fices have had much larger staff ‘z :
more money to help protect the na- losses. ' a . '
tion’s miners. “What we do know is that miners 4“ _ g, ‘ .
“We cannot live with what is halo and others are deeply concerned was“, E ,I ,
reruns." Sam church. president of about the reduced capability of the - -- “Tomfig‘rw
the United Mine Workers “Noni said Mine Safety and Health Administra- Dirk Minniefield drives around on Alabama la er durin Saturda 's ame. fhe Cats moved Intc a s'ctbou " j“ r"
laSt month in calling for the congres- lion," RBP- Chrdlss Collins, D—Ill., Driving Dirk place lie with LSU in the Southeastern ConfeFrJenyce after tie 72-62 Lingin Tuscaloosa See story page ‘our 1
sional investigations. said last week. “We also know that I I _ .
In 1981, 153 miners were killed in vigorous safety and health efforts can Ca d II “a k Stu II c bs b k I d .32; -
job-related accidents, the highest reducethedanger associated withthe u I a c s '9' ' am In new 00 on Goa an energy 2
since 1975. Sixteen already have died mining of coal.” ——————————-——-—- submitted manuscript tentatively titl- asked him to document it." said Ken- “They have no trouble with the ." I :
inthemines this year. Even though Congress is on a 10- 33’ NANCY BRQWN ed, “Eastern Kentucky in the Age of neth Cherry,director ofthe press. history. that is the dead people it ~
’ UMW officials have charged there day recess and won’t return until Feb. Senior Shift Writer the Moguls.” He explained that most Universny the living people they worry abou', j}.
is a direct connection between the 22,theHouse Government Operations ___________ The references to Sturgill. who Press books are footnoted and He also said he is reworking mt
I mounting fatalities and the recent manpower and housing subcomnut- William B. Sturgill, chairman ofthe recently resigned as secretary of the therefore this is not an unusual or final chapter to make somellc‘cessdl‘} '
personnel policies of the Mine Safety tee that Collins chairs will hold hear- UK Board of Trustees, and Bert T. state’s Energy and Agriculture unreasonable request. editorial changes. although he is on g,
and Health Administration. the ings this Thursday and Fridayonthe Combs,aLouisville attorney, are be- Cabinet. and Combs are in that final Caudill told The Courier~Journalhe sure if he will re—submit it to m..- .‘
federal watchdog of the underground effectiveness MSHA's inspectidn pro ing called “energy-industry moguls" chapter. believed he had provided sufficient press. ~
coal industry. 81‘ am. by a UK professor in a controversial The editorial board of the press. a documentation in the manuscripts The 2lopage book traces the power .3 J ,
Beginning in 1980, the agency’s in- A hearing on the recent accidents book submitted to the University ‘ consortium of Kentucky colleges. has bibliography. and influence of Eastern Sea board 3f...
spection staff was reduced, dropping themselves is scheduled for Feb. 23 Press 0f Kentucky. asked Caudill to document his asser- “(The press) wants the last chapter coal companies and their owner ..‘i
from 1,400 tOIibOllt 1,2003“ resulting by the House Education and Labor In a copyright story in The tions. The book has been only ten- deleted,“he said. “They don't want to director~tycoons over practically .7 '1
in 5,000 fewer underground mine in— health and safety subcommittee. Louisville Courier-Journal yesterday, tatively been accepted for publica- touch it. every aspect of Eastern Kentucky life ' i:
spections last year than in 193°. chaired by Rep. Joseph Gaydosi D- itwas reported thatHarryM. Caudill. tion. “I thought this was rather tame in the 20th century. " 3' .
Reagan announced Feb. 6 that he Pa. UKprofessor ofhistory,hasbeenask- “(Caudilll is used to writing stuff, but the people over at the press‘ Sturgill. Caudill “flies in in. 11
. ed to revise the final chapter of his without documentation and we have Iguess, are frightened by it,“ he said, manuscript. "is almost cerrhrili 1,. ,3",
—___._.____——___~.—.—_.-_a.a__c______~c_. most powerful Kentuckldn Wlih 5'11',‘ ..
1 levers that reach into coal. ml. 2.15. in .f- .‘l '
l I surance. banking. tobarcn. (fur:
a y man structlon. real-estate dcvc'lopr‘zcnl 1. "I '1'
' fertilizer. higher education ant.
‘ railroads. If anyone in the Siiilt‘ ,' .171"
I, . . I deserves to be called "Mr (‘oal' 1: .~ 1“
Ebony editor Bennett talks of Importance of Black History Month g fiérghgggfopfig'tehfmuch mun
3 While Sturgill‘s power and in IL.
———————" Februar 1982, is to understand people they are today. fluence are immense. Caudill says it 1.
By KATHIE MILLION that mohth and to do something He said all Americans are equal ‘1 ls doubtful they exceed (‘ole =1 3
/‘3;‘“‘ Reporter about it in your life, in my life, in and all Americans are black One l After Combs Joined the since '1 “
,5 ( ._.____———..———.—— ourlife,“hesaid. example he gave was from the l renamed law firm of 'Iarranl, l‘nmlis
, Bennett called Black History movie 10. in which Bo Derek wore l and Bullitl. Caudill said. his office
, 3 1 13th contributions to American Month “a holy month" and said it cornrows (braids) that were bor- l "became the unofficial headquarters .1
.g» “ ' history ShOUld be honored is “a month to remember the rowed from black culture. I or a large segment of the combine as a. f
' \ Wt the year, and "0‘ 105‘ richness of the black y'ft to U , , l Combs and his partners and ' .
"" . ‘ during a specific month, said America." All Americans. certainly ’ associatfs obtained profitable decr
‘ 1, IX - ‘ Igrone Bennett, Jr., seniOr editor He said he was concerned about mfifgfifgfiaga“ or at least ' sions from state regulatory agencies. L
. \‘t 1 ;: . ' ‘,/’ “Ebonym‘mm' _ the tendencies of pewle to ignore Bennett said black contributions {22:36:23rie9‘s‘am” and “we" ' 1
.r , ‘1 t ‘1’ - “The important thing to the achievements that blacks have to America are endless and in In 1980 the t‘ombs' firm mer ed . ' l .
' . - ‘ rememberinthiSFebfllal'yi" said contributed to the American clude things such as the potato tow ' / . g m a 7'
,> . 1,... u . , , . yatt.Tarrant&tombs, ..
3.. .- Bennett, is that every month “1 history. chip and ice cream. Whil C d‘ll _ ~
as; ' .’ J this year Is still Black History . _ . . e au 1 contends that the ma ' >
' Month .. “It is impossmle to understand ”The black st tells m that no JOI‘ energy companles haVe pumped .
1 ” j ' - - - George Washington. without first . . pa few of their vast profits into Eastern . .
- Bennett spoke Fnday mght In . group in this country has done _ .
‘ the Student Center Grand some understandlng of Geroge more work than black people .. he Kentucky, he notes that Sturgill and
. ‘ Ballroom as the highlight d UK’s Washington's slave. . .," hesaid. said ' Ashland Oil. which he calls “the only 5 \
. . _ Bennett paid tribute to many ‘ . globe-girdling, multinational hillbilly .
, celebration 0f BIOCK History M0“ . Bennett said black people have _. . ~.
. - th black achievers who have been worked hard 16 hours a day from corporate conglomelatc in the :1 ,
a ' forgotten in history and said many t do . th ' t ' l world.“ recently have made generous . .
Despite more than one and a black contribution have been ig- 5“: “P 9 mt. W" w‘ °“. Pal I donations to UK. . -
half inch of smow and harsh noted and credited to the white an "ms 'blme for Amencans ‘ “These outbursts of generosity cast
' \ weather conditions, approximate man, topay m tn ute, l a bright light upon the other mineral " ‘
'_ , ' ""‘ or. ‘ ly 375 people showed up to hear . . . . Welfare ents received b1 baronies whose stinginess toward '
.1 fl 3 Bennettspeakon “TheShepingof He 33:: 'm 1'"?ng mmtbumpigomy asmall past l local and state institutiom makes
- ‘ 1 . ' Black America." acca‘dlns to ““6”“ much of the debt that is still owed to Scrooge resemble an open-handed
, ‘1' ' ‘ Gluteanmdy.dlrecta'dl-he0f- mtotheBlack man. blacks,Bennettsaid. spendthrift,"(‘audill says.
av... " w.) a» “s ' - ' fice of Minority and Students Af- There are three "1830f gifts that He concluded his lecture by say- While Sturgill was not reached for .
. . - . , ~ . y fairs. blacks have made in America. ingitisupto theblack people to comment, Combs told the Courier
l .. ‘ , .1 1..._r . . .- ‘h‘hf‘t‘ . I Emmett said black history is im- Bennett said. They are "the gifts makeapersonal effort to let others Journal, “What you have read to me
fw, . t ”t 1 ' patent toell American. notonly d ‘m and 90M. of sweat and MdIMil-Mimge_ is one-tenth history and nine-tenths _
‘ “ ,ummmm N-ckAmerlcnm brawnandthegiftofthesprit." “If Jefferson Davis didn‘tdoit. fiction .
“To undu'Itand black history Bennett said without m 8““. that mm Reagan won‘t do it"‘ (Caudllll has reached the stage .
“ION! “MN!" and Black History Month, black American would notbe the herald. where he is unable or unwillim to
___, distinguish between the two“ he said:
h ‘ ,:‘1‘;
a g. -\ ‘ K -o ‘-

 ' W
Kémr I
Dole O. Morton
tdr'olrol [d It“
. . P I - ,
Illl it'll.» Ken Alvin. mg," m.. Ale: Crouch . Klvby “when M. (handler Iolln
, Educ: .nchmi [)uy hind: Nutty I. Bovi- walls to...“ An» (duo: Graph-u EdlIU' Pholo Editor
James “who Norm
‘ ' ' . e3u33'on Ann. charte- Hana“... )ohn Little 'fihlt-im tulle Mlcholm Peggy Iced: loam.
. Managing trill-u tony tduw Assrslom Managing Edilms A,,.,iqm w... I. that” Assislam All) [dual layout Editor (his: Photograpllel
' I
5 Hefltage Blacks' history should be integrated
. , I. . To some people, the most riveting, exciting range from slaves to senators, from inventors h {-1.} . .i. ..
p ‘ ~ j '5 and enjoyable books are those dealing with the to teachers, from soldiers of war to fighters *" t , '

. . a history of man and the world. They feel the for peace. They all had one common goal - a ’

I. . '_ .- greatest work of any author cannot match the better life for all of mankind —— and in the pro-
. l . . shaped civilization as we know it. another achievement —— the advancement of
‘ .' ' ' , . To some others, however, there are signifi- their race. ’ ’7)

" , ‘_ cant portions of those books that are missing, The black segment of the American popula- / W
.~ ' historic chapters as full of characters and tion, however, has not yet made the greatest /" ,

l -‘ - I. events as those that do appear. Only recently advancement — black history is still for most "
. _ _. L ' have the records of these events become the study of slavery in America’s early years.
I.I .‘g i familiar, and they illustrate a culture rich in Elementary school students spend time learn- , '

.‘ r hertitage and achievements. ing about the American Revolution, yet they // / ..

_ The culture is not a mysterious one from know nothing of Crispus Attucks. They learn / "

i : » ' -. ‘- ' centuries ago — rather, it is the culture of the about Lewis and Clark, but pass over Jean de /':.-‘ //// /
; . g ' American black. Baptiste. The inventive geniuses of Edison // Iona/I ./,-'}"-"' .
' g , . ‘ Without the 1976 television adaptation of and Bell are lionized, but that of George / /
. _ . ,- Alex Haley’s best-selling “faction” novel Washington Carver receives only slight atten- % / "I

' ' . - . - - '°.--':.--'::-':::'::$::$::.’::$f::'::$::.’=: ’/ ////I :'-':.-'-'..-‘:.-'-'::'-‘:.-'-‘::-‘::-'::."-‘:.’-':.~'-':.-‘-'-':'-‘:.-'-'..-'-‘::'-'::'-‘:.-’-'::'-‘::-'::-‘:.--‘:-‘

. . . '. merely a passmg knowledge of the history of For the experiences of an entire race to be /' ,

' ,- . their black countrymen.Haley’s chronicle of limited to a single month of discussion and /

.j. _ _I ' his ancestors’ lives and struggles enlightened reflection is disgraceful. Every American ,I///
.- " . I" the American public and gave black alive or dead has made a contribution of one .
' . ' . Americans the opportunity to present a por- kind or another to the survival of his or her g ,
'I- t -‘ trait of their existence toa mass audience—a society, and that contribution should be . ’1 /
- v, ' . f L": portrait that had survived for 300 years recognized. For the American Indian, recogni- - / ,, .

despite burial beneath virtual ignorance. tion has come in the barest of ways, and the ”"

a R But for every Haley whose story is told, black American is not much further ahead. °
- if ' there are thousands more whose stories are There should come a day when Black ' "-'""-"-'-"

j 7: '.I‘ ‘. still unknown. With the current celebration of History Month will not exist. There is, after '

. If. I"; _, Black History Month, the multitude of ac- all, no “black" history and no “white” history ' .

5 . . complishments that blacks have made — there is just history — and the two should be a

' " ’ .. throughout our history is publicized and integrated to reflect that. Until that day, a I .

. I, reflected upon. Black History Month should be avidly saluted .
? ' , The personalities involved in the celebration and celebrated. (@982 «I. KERNE l. (.091) al.39név

" ‘ 'Dn Considering Suicide’ or 'I Wish Basketball Would Dry Up and Blow Away '
' , . ‘ " ’ ' . I know I once said I wasn‘t going to "fit 0f season,” it said. UK would by some chance one day be by 45 foot patches. He put poles in the carpet. all hell broke loose. more work.

n . ' take on stuff I didn't know much 0 barredfrompost-seasonplay. middle of the narrow ends, hung To listen to Joe B., you’d think [realize that’s h0t much 00118018‘

:.'.:":j about. That‘s not about to stop me I had my sanity questioned the “Did you say you’re from Ilex- orange rings 10 feet up on them and Bowie had lost his leg.l’ve never tion when the promised land is two
‘ fi ' - .2 now- other day (and the guy didn't read my ington?" the guy screamed into the made balls that would go through the heard so much whining and crying out games in New Orleans, but the NCAA

. .’ - . -. F01k5i We got to get something Off column from two weeks ago). phone. rings. Oh. yeah, and He created nets of a guy. “Oh, if we only had Sam Final Four, contrary to popular Opi-

. , . . ., my Chat Even if it means Changing I was on the phone to the National 0 and glass forJoe Dean. back!" seemed to be Hall's anthem nion, is not 8 reasonable facsimile 0‘

, . _, my address. [don’t know about the rest of you, And then several millenia later, since October, and he played it likea the Pearly Gatfi- {thd one more

‘ .I . 0 but this week finally tore it. Goddecided He neededasontodoHis broken record. NCAA tournament wIth no Wildcats

‘ " ‘ The-“lay was a Pretty 510W news '. I’m not your typical Kentuckian. To work on Earth. So He created Adolph Think of how the rest of the team In the m Four W0" t mean the lyn-
> ’ g , . ~, day. Nothing really happened; whenI . me, God created the Earth and man Rupp. felt during all this. Everywhere they ChmB 0‘ a rotund man Wh° wears
' ' . . > went into our budget meeting at five ,‘ , , and the birds and thetreesand Bambi The rest, as they say. nukes me turned, they heard, “Sam this," and, wire-rimmed 8185805- Honest, J06.

g “Z, thatafternoon I had less than five real , \‘./ fl" . and German beer and Mick Jewel-I wanttoretch. “Sam that.” Hall on the radio doing And finally, to all Of you who are .
.; ~ hard news stories for the editors to ' 9"" God did it an, the good stuff and the Folks, I have had it with Cade the Sam bit. Hall on television with probably looking up my address as l

runfrom the Associated Press. “stakes, Ledford and Tom Hammond, Kyle the same schtick. Melvin 'hirpin’s speak. theije’s this. I don’t hate
" I. ‘ ‘- ; So it wasn't any surprise to me Collegiate Athletic Associationtofind There are those Kentuckians, Macy and Rick Robey, Alan Cutler self-esteem must have really risen Sports- I Still get GooseflfihIWheh I

', if when i SOt up Wednesday morning to out about a couple things, and during however, who believe in a different and 30b Bromieyi Billy M and the after hearing about how thihss W011“ hear the words “Lake Pigc‘dv" 1’“
.‘I ‘ “I I . '. throw 152 COPIS Of the Lexington the conversation I made a crack scenario. Then- God cream the Ear. hack from downtown, the Big Blue It SO much better if the guy he was never get over "B NHY Glants, COI-
,1“... Herald and saw the banner headline. about basketball. Something about Oi, then laid down hardwood floors, Line and Sportsline 59. Joe B. Hall. replacing came back. lapse In 38“ Frahclswi 1 mile the
.I “UK‘s Sam Bowie decides to sit out how it really didn’t matter to me if blacktop, concrete or plain dirt in so SGZm Bfwie’s 1:. siIlIlbegilIIs tin“ doe, take some advice. Kwitdierbit- .553“ng fills thtzw York W5:
» r nera Assem a s et in c 'n’ and face the music, bud . l 0 8“ W3" 3080'“?

i 35 :1 'g. I BLmM COUNTY by Berke Breathed general. y Life’s a jungle, and to survive you‘ii‘l’e charge from Jack Nicklaus.
~ For what it’s worth, I’d like nothing got to be topgh. limit wish this deificationof basket-
1'_ t1: my NW 56% if %;m% A GETTHE more than to see basketball dry up Okay, Sam got hurt. It’s too bad he baIl and its players would come to a
mwmmg WW I WON WW NEANW cuffs, and blowaway. broke his leg, had to red-shirt the quiet close. Lets keep religion where
WW ORIGINS CHAPTER 9! ALTHNA‘IE memes... WIN pom/1r It‘s hard to tell what the biggest season and took an unexpected leftm it beloh88 — in our chiimhw and

‘3'" a‘. " “WWW” ONE“ 6") ' W'5MWW'NG' \ ' newsstoryoflast year was.Ithinkit the path to his pro career. But synagogues — and not In Ruckus

\ \ TlERE? \ l , was a toss-up between Poland and remember something, coach: Sam‘s ArenaandWildcatIiodge. .

I .. :3 — 3'9 — fi‘ — @s Sam Bowie’s broken leg. Now I'vegot leg didn’t fall off —— it only broke. After all, Jesus is coming —— and
c. .\ j ,~. /~ ‘ z; (W 3 nothing against Sam; I understand 'I'here‘sadifference. About44inches this sort of stuff could make him
i i lap.) , that . ’ ‘ ii!) «7? to.“ he's a fine individual, a good sport worth, I'dguess. awfullymad.

I.’Il'- "t. . l». “A" ‘ \, A 'I ” .~ p, f 4%, .. .h‘ "' fiféggz‘. and a he“ of a basketball player. 1 Last time I Imkw, the World was Some people are here 0" the five-

:.\‘Il -. “ l I‘ b T, ' h '4 ¥ 35‘ ‘ g "I I Wish him the mmt succus In Still mm. It Shanda that way for year play“ Kernel Assistant News
'i 5 d 2: ~ 5 \ iris V)! = 1’ “4? .7 everything he doesBut the guy you and this team- There's a same 01' Editor Jim Harris is here on the six-
3,;' ., .1 i 5 if “ i -. i T . g ? ~Y\ 1, '3 J screwed up; he somehow broke his two left to be played, and from what semester plan. He is a senior during
T I a Q i~ll\ I \ Asa-It? § .7.— " 9i “7 -“'i' leg. And. almostasif the Russians in- I've read the m 5110mm" ‘10 ‘00 all six. thinking he majors in jour-
.j',!‘;' ' vaded and Reagan laid out the red badly in them. It just involves a little nausm.

.11., mm
1 Billets

'l v " f

iI _ .I 3‘ I M"
.Ii;I .5151". Challenge And whydofaculty members at the it a demonstration of good faith with an increase to 20 to 5 perwnt on I don't consider the 85 my wallet and returned. These people must
" , v. j, UK community colleges makes 13 communities. weekends. Granted there were some contained asa loss. Iwould have glad- havenoconscience.
i:' 3' significantly less than their counter- abusers, but they amounted to no ly given it to someone desperate All you wallet thieves out there,

z. ~' , '3' We don‘t need a calendar to tell us parts teaching freshman and The above is a reprint of an editorial more thantpercent. Theoverwhelm- enough to steal for it. It wasn't so please takethemoneyif youneedit so
' - I . '- that the General Assembly is in ses- sophomore classes on the Lexington that appeared in The Morehead ing majority of residents I have been much the loss of every piece of iden- badly, but consider what you could be

» I ,« I-Ii slon and that higher education campus? News, Morehead University, and was exposed to handled this matter quite tification i had and all the time, trou- taking from someone and leave

'. budgets are being developed in Historically, the state general fund submitted to the Kernel. well and generally without incident. ble and money it will take to replace everything else. I just hope whoever
: l; ' 1" ’.-' Frankfort. We can tell by theflurry of appropriateion for the community Frankly, I feel the students of this them. Or even the fact that I can’t took my wallet reads this and thinks
. ~_, ‘ ,'.I activity from UK as administrators colleges is included in the single ap university are mature and ruponsi- write a check to get the cash to beforetheytake anyone else‘s. '

: ,' from Lexington and from the variom propriation for UK but no spearate Guest quest ble enough to handle 24m visita- replace them because I havenoiden-

- .. I _ -I ., ' ; community colleges scatter across figures are listed in the budget bill for tion, but that fighting for a one or two tification. Lisa M. Hamilton

L , I’ I'. -. - _ the state to tell of UK's concern for its the 13 community colleges. Rather Having read the “Guest" opinion of hour extension is trivial at beet. Anda It wasn't even the loss of the credit Political science junior

. .‘ .' :. Z .. . 13 two-year colleggg and the pressing than continue this practice, we the budding student politician, Dave waste of effort. It is really an all or cards that bothered me. All of those

a I, 3', . money needs of all 13. In fact, it's challenge the UK administration to Bradford, on the plight of student none situation. Maybe youahouldput things canbereplacedfll‘heg‘eatloas .

._. become a biennial tradition, this no publicly list the general fund ap- visitation.1reltcompelledtorespond. your efforts intoattainingat lentone was the personal uiings, things that somethlng
' I '. ' peal to local pride to support “our col- propriation for each community col- Every year, in the vicinity of SA hour of visitation per/day/week/Yw mean nothing to anyone else, yet
. .’ ., lege.“ lege when the budget is being debated elections. This issue is brought out of farthesorority Iioiisesl things that can never be replaced. I . to say?

' " , Frankly. we have serious questions by the General Assembly. the closet and disted off for one more just wonder if thieves realize what
2 ’I ' about the sincerity of UK‘s “help your This breakdown will show what go around. I worked for the raided! Andy O'Hare they take "an meme when they per-on «building lettere nod-pinio- col-

' .5 community college by helping UK" each community college will have in hall system for four years: three as 3 Geology Gradmte .mt stealawallet. ImuhthQKernellhoIId soars-moms...

’ V . PltCh t0 legislators Mid local leaders. state support when the budget bill is resident adviser andlaat yearaahead My wallet‘contained little things 1 rue-u typed udtrlple-epeced totheeflterlal

, .« . Moreover, we suspect that the com- eventually passed and signed. Then. resident of Blandlig II. Rarely, and . . had saved over the years, things that m u m Jmllh- sue-g UK. «as
' I .‘ j' munity colleges are important to UK when the budget pie is Sliced in Lex- on no occasions last year, did anyone ThIHk “1M held memoriesofdays gone by, notto no.

. . I.: only at budget time and that after— ington next July l,therewon'tbeany residing in the hall approach me mentimapecialphotoathat cannever “We" 3" "WM“ M m"- “-
j > , ,' ward the schools revert to what many question about how large of a slice about extending visitation burs. The Last week I expel-lexical a bumm- be replaced. Orleln particular, the on- dram. kiwi-Ilium In! their mm.
. . . of their faculty members openly goes to Ashland Community College only exceptions were persons from aminvuimofmvmy. 1y photo 1 had of a good friend who iii-snowmormmux. micr-
- ' describe as "statewide stepchildren" or the mothers. SA. lookingtobeelected. I was at a party at a {futility died in a car accident two day: afte- Ih"*lm“mM-“‘ W-“
. , of themain campus. If the community colleges are 85 Surprisingly few laments use the home and, upon preparing toluve, I wegndmtad fromhighachool. “hi“! “I'm h wru- ""‘“ W ‘
' If the community colleges really important toUKaatheirleaders say. visitation privilege if at all! I kept discovered mnguammm_ m... m mean m to Ullmettlver'olleueu.
, arethisimportanttoUK,whydon't andwempetheyare,thentheecan weekly statietlaonthenumberof mmymmukegmmt “mmmanmhemo noxomimmnmuwm
.. the individual came-es have any be no reason to oppose line item ap- raldents receiving sums. and the tosome, it catalrflywutotllpollce edmleutthethiefcouldhavedone mammal-mini bw-“uwmu
autonomy in academic mama or propriatlonil for each campus. Some numbers werenfollows: (averaged) officet- who wrote the reput on a was ditch the wallet when It could llbele- material.
' other policy mtta‘s? might call it a radical change. We call is to 16 percent during the week and crumpled piece of notebookpqt. have been fomd by an hornet person
, . . I t

, “ m: KENTUCKY KERNEL, Manda .Fobrucr 15. 1982-3 ' ,
News ‘
R cl “‘ ”‘ '
oun up .
-_____ _._.._______—‘—~v .,,,_,,_ W . ,,_, —m—..——-——~ 2“,.-. , ,, , , , , 7, 7, , g ‘ \_ , I
State others were damaged. Peck said two pieces of seniority and an experimental program at two ' 1 " l ‘ -, " 1‘
metalwereon thefloorof thesenerator and part plants where most workers will have “an ' » ‘ . ‘
mamas — A citizens’ group has ex- Mastecm pipewas missing. equivalentoflifetimeemployment.” ' t "
pressed amet- over the proposed settlement of a In exchange, Ford's 170,000 autoworkers would ,1 ' ‘ ' .
legal action aimed at stopping the pollution of PIT'I‘SBURGH—Mtyeardd boy mauled bya give up wage hikes and eight paid persona] ' ., s ,
YellowCreekinBell County. cougar advertising Lincoln-Mercurycarswas in holidays during the life of the contract and , . .
Victor Baltaell, dtieer at a hearing on the pro- stable condition yesterday. torego cust-ot-iivi—g pavments until 1981 , , . ,
blem, said he had concluded that a city sewer The cougar attacked the youth during a car ' S\ . . I .
plant in Middiesboro had dumped inadequately show In PittSburgh- World - 1 . .
treated sewage into the Bell County stream last I?!) ofIfsduty 9013) gigs? shot elm:d killed a: f I
th. ca asi owner, e.struggl to get , . . II _ ,
moB‘Illt he also recommended that the state animaltorelease its aripontheboy. a 1:51?" “"12" ‘ ”“2" mm" “3‘" 4 . . I , '
Department for Natural Resources and En- A hospital spokesman said the youngster's must“; 3mg, 19‘ pzf0plelntheu3esternln- I . , . . ' - . .
vironmental Protection dismiss an emergency condition had stabilized after three hours an“ o ‘y °t fm“ If " °’°‘” 2mm" «its; I . , j . .
abatementorder issued Feb.5agaimttheplant. wager-y. Stad | u, the Sam-Edgrnmen sogansa refinedtodisperse L ,,,. i 3‘s". ”I. .'~:’ , II
H 'dhewould' toad recommend thatthe wn er, an anima trainer wi ' . . . , , ' ‘ I I . ,I
ciwmfllestatewdr outanearlier, permanent cougar, was arrested after she