xt7kd50fxx52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fxx52/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-01-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 1990 1990 1990-01-23 2020 true xt7kd50fxx52 section xt7kd50fxx52 Vol. XClIl, No. 95 Established 1894 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Tuesday, January 23, 1990 Wilkinson’s budget puts state lawmakers in a hard spot By MARK R. CHELLGREN Associated Press FRANKFORT, Ky. -— The docu- ments containing Gov. Wallace Wilkinson‘s budget proposals are colored black and blue. How appropriate. The color scheme may be indica- tive of the bruising political pugil- ism that is certain to result as Wil- kinson promotes his plan to spend $8.5 billion in the coming two years and raise taxes by $1 billion in the process. There had been clues that Wil- kinson was abandoning the higher- taxes-over-my-dead-body position that got him elected in 1987. During the course of some calcu- lated announcements on various ar- eas of the budget, it became clear that Wilkinson was either going to have to drop a couple of cabinets or raise taxes. Still, when the other shoe finally dropped, it hit with a thud in legis- lative land. The initial reaction was one of stunned surprise. Almost universal~ ly, legislators agreed they never thought Wilkinson would advocate any kind of tax increase, let alone one that ran into 10 digits. Once the shock wore off, the sus- picion set in. Higher education praises Wilkinson for budget proposal By TOM SPALDING Executive Editor LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Council of Higher Education members unanimously passed a resolution yesterday supporting Gov. Wallace Wilkinson's budget proposal, say- ing his effort to help state universi- ties is an “act of faith.” “I think it's the best thing that's happened to us in years," said Ter- ry McBrayer, a Lexington attorney and council member. “It helps us move forward in a big way. It really is an unexpected surprise." Wilkinson was praised for his generous budget proposal, which calls for a $206 million increase in higher education funding. The measure still has to be approved by state legislators, but CHE members said that Wilkinson‘s proposal is a reason enough to celebrate. “What seemed weeks ago to be an insolvable impasse between the governor and General Assembly has now yielded to consensus,“ council member Morton Holbrook said. We may do for Kentucky this coming decade what has not been accomplished in 100 years.” The CHE, a l7-member panel based in Frankfort, serves as a co- ordinating board for the state’s eight universities and 14 communi- ty colleges. Its primary responsibil- ities include setting tuition and de- veloping statewide plans for higher education. Its main focus yesterday, howev~ er, was a little different. Gary Cox, CHE's executive di- rector, said that Wilkinson’s efforts to improve higher education indi- cated a “step in the right direction, and one we were excited about." Holbrook, an Owensboro attor- ney, said Wilkinson‘s achievement is almost unprecedented. People are beginning to realize that it’s time to “reach the goal all of us seek —— to pull Kentucky off the bottom of higher education," he said. CHE member Michael N. Har- reld said that Wilkinson's attitude toward higher education may have changed during the last 18 months. In that span, he said, the govem- or was able to understand the role universities like Morehead State and Louisville play in helping the state. “The attention we have paid, the responsiveness, led to this act of faith," Harreld said. “It’s a start. We have to make sure it's imple- mented." Jim Hill, the student rcprcsenta~ tive on CHE, applauded Wilkin- son‘s proposal, saying it “breathes new life into higher education.“ “It's sort of the dawn of a new, progressive era for higher educa- tion,“ Hill said. Hill said the budget ensures pros— perity for schools like UK for years to come, allowing faculty members to complete their mission and stu— dents “to be sure (that) their educa- tion is secure." What worries Hill, however, is that students, faculty and CHE members — who just last year had a doom-and-gloom attitude — arcn’t doing cartwheels over Wil- kinson’s proposal. “Here we have the greatest educational budget in probably 30 years from a governor who had a great reservation about higher edu- cation,“ Hill said. “If you told (CHE members) a year ago that this was going to happen, they would have said, ‘No way.m muzvémmm 'adi CHE members Michael Harreld, left, and Garry Cox discuss Gov. Wallace Wilkinson‘s budget proposal yesterday in Louisville. ANALYSIS The more conspiratorial among the members imagined all sorts of scenarios wherein Wilkinson was setting the General Assembly up to take a fall. The most popular was that Wil- kinson had proposed something so large, so politically unpalatable that the governor knew legislators could not accept it. The theory continued that even if legislators agreed to such a large tax increase, but substituted their own plan, Wilkinson would try to brand them as shameless tax- raisers. Bits and pieces of historical fact were used to substantiate the th()< First, legislators seemed inclined to substitute a 2-cent increase in the general sales tax for some of the more politically explosive parts of Wilkinson‘s plan. The hit parade started with his cigarette tax, then the services tax and finally the idea to eliminate the deductibility of federal income tax payments from state income tax li» ability. Wilkinson has promised to veto any increase in the general rate of sales or income taxes. Conspiracies aside, Wilkinson had done a masterful Job ot setting expectations Wllh his periodic peeks at his proposed budget and then defining his own tax package as something other than a real tax increase. Some legislators grumbled that Wilkinson was guilty of “defini— tional avmdance,” proposing a tax increase but calling it something else —— the equivalent of staring at a horse and swearing it's a cow. lndecd, Wilkinson calls his plan “revenue revitalization," which sounds like some sort of a patent medicine cure. Wilkinson also boasted that his plan Wlll mean more money out of the pockets of only the rich few, 8 claim that may not bear up well to scrutiny. chcnhclcss, Wilkinson said, “I think it l\ lair to ask those few who haven’t been paying their fair share to come on down and help the rest of us pull the wagon." Wilkinson promised to sell his package, something he is particu- larly good at. But there is selling and there is selling. And the one thing Wilkinson hasn't yet learned to appreciate is that in the final analysis, thcrc are only 138 people who have votes that count COMING HOME By ROBERT NORMAN Staff Writer When Todd Bearup walked onto the basketball court, some- thing seemed to separate him from the rest of the players. It was not his size. At 6—5 and 210 pounds, he is about average build for college basketball. It was not the fact that every- one knew hc was Bret Bearup‘s younger brother. The older Bear— up hadn‘t played for UK in sever- al years. It was something that people wouldn‘t expect to find in a bruising basketball player: It was an air of calmness, combined with confidence and security. Granted, that is a strange way to describe a basketball player, but in this case it fits. Beamp, the newest member of the UK basketball team, speaks softly, and he uses the word ”love" in daily conversation. People would not suspect that he‘s spent his entire life banging for rebounds or driving into the lane for power layups. Of course, the fact that he has been preaching the Mormon gos- pel on the other side of the globe for two years probably has some- thing to do with the seemingly well-being of Beamp, a walk—on small forward. In those two years, Bearup, a member of the Mormon Church, preached the scriptures in Seoul, Korea. He returned last May. “l think I only played basket— ball there (in Seoul) once," Bear- Bearup transfers after 2-year mission tip said. “They mostly play ping- pong, and l got pretty good at that. l could hold my own " i‘hc .irticultilc missionary speaks of Korea in a tempered VOICC with waves ol enthusiasm setting a rhythm. "l lcamed to love other people. to love a dilfcrcnt culture. and to learn another language.” licarup said. ‘I was there mcctmg the people in their homes, lcaming their culture. and trying to get them interested in the \Cl’lpltlft‘\ ‘ Bearup, a 22-year-old sopho- more, was converted to the Moi» mon religion while attending school .it Laurel County High School in Kentucky. And from that moment he has Scc BEARUP, Page 5 PHOTOS BY STEVE SAWERQW Sufi Transter todd Bearup, brother ot tormer UK player Bret Bear- up, practices recently at Rupp Arena Gaines seminar explores man and his environment By DONNA J. OSBURN Contributing Writer David Hill is interested in the way landscape affects people, but as a mechanical engineering junior he does not get much of an oppor- tunity to be creative. “Engineering doesn't have to be boring and cut and dry u there are things I can add as a human being," Hill said. This semester Hill is participat- ing in a seminar offered by the UK Gaines Center for the Humanities that studies how humans related to their environment. The program. taught this semes— ter by Raymond Belts, is pan of the "Special Seminar in the Humani- ties." Belts said he created the scm. inar so that it would be “structured, but not unbearably rigid" and that it would “satisfy instructors and students." The seminar, which includes only 10 students a semester, is open to all upperclass students. Each student receives a $500 sli- pend to pay for research and travel expenses. Instructors selected to conduct the seminars are free to choose ma— terial from any humanities-related field, and are giycn $4M!) to pur- chase materials tor the class and to conduct research rclalcd to the top- ic. The seminar is it lull-timc project for the instructor each semester. “i don‘t know of another program llkt‘ it in the country,“ Belts said. The seminar, which is funded by the Bingham Fund, will be ollcrcd again in fall 1991 or the following \K‘lllk'\lL‘l'. Belts said that the pro- gram will skip an academic year to give lacully members lime to dc~ \clop a program and choose their guest lecturer. the llllt‘ ol this semester‘s semi- out I\ Space and Place; The Crea- tion ol landscape." The seminar deals “llll how humans perceive their cm ironmcnt. this year‘s guest lecturer is Bar- ry lopcl, a National Geographic contributor and author of Arctic Sec S'l‘liDl-ZNTS, Page 5 'Versmns -- ' Exhibit showcases human body. Stag", , Page. 3., \ 2 - Mucky Ksrnsl, Tuesday, January 23, 1990 SPORTS Associated Press 1 NEW ORLEANS -—— His team comfortably situated at the site of the Super Bowl, Denver coach ’Dan Reeves hoped to approxi- nme as normal a work week as - possible in preparation for Sun- day’s matchup with the heavily favored San Francisco 49ers. The Broncos arrived in New (hearts on Sunday afternoon, one day earlier than their arrival at Super Bowls in January l987 and 1988 ._. both blowout losses. Reeves said the earlier travel partly was to try to change his team’s luck. “Whenever you lose —— wheth- er it's a regular-season game or the Super Bowl -— you try to learn from your loss,” he said Sunday at the first of .1 half dozen press conferences this week. “We realized that the teams which had “Reeves hopes for ‘normal’ week won the previous Super Bowls had always come in on Sunday. We used to come in on Monday. and that meant media day was upon you right away. “By getting in today, we'll be able to work out tomorrow. We'll lift and run like we nor- mally do on a Monday. So it will be like a normal schedule.” The Broncos also installed what Reeves called “the heart and soul” of the game plan last week, instead of waiting until this week. ”This week we’ll just perfect it." he said. The 49ers are 12-point favor- ites. a fact with which Reeves and his players have been bom- lauded “We‘re reminded every day by people in the press that we don’t have a chance,” he said. “But I think we do. “If you're any kind of competi- tive person, you don’t like to read or hear those things. It ruffles you a little bit. But if we want to change people's perceptions, we‘ve got to do it on Sunday. Talking about it won't change anyone‘s mind." The 49ers are 3-0 in Super Bowls and gunning for a fourth victory that would tie the record of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Broncos are 0-3. including a loss here in 1978, and another loss would tie the Minnesota Vikings’ record for Super Bowl futility. But Denver has beaten San Francisco in the last four regular- season meetings over the past decade, For that reason, Reeves said he believes the 49ers won‘t beoverconfident. "They have within their grasp a chance for a piece of history,” he said. “They’d be one of the few teams to win hackle-back Super Tuesday 0 COLLEGE NIGHT Exquisite Fashion $1.50 Silk Panties Wednesday - No Cover Ever The Blind Thieves The Idiot Box ----1 I r- Thursday 0 Reggae Night Upnflng from Trinidad Friday Walk the West Saturday 10 ft. Pole Bab Blue I lzippy I {our 8710 Everyday 75¢ Draft Always 23 l-ROKK ‘I-h N BYSU ( norm/1w! "Pv‘wlvv‘u'r rt Nikos 1‘1wa the smpr so 0‘ {l perrr' Right now we're hat/ing (‘ARI‘InR ()I’I‘OR'I L \lTlIiS AT CAI‘ISARS Richmond Rd. . , 268-1414 EXPERIENCE OUR EMPIRE l, CAESAR have chosen the students of UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY to join me for the chance of a lifetime. CAESARS TAHOE will be on campus recruiting for internships and seasonal employment Jan. 25-26, 1990. It’s a chance to work and learn from the premier casino, resort hotel of the world. CAESARS TAHOE is located on the shores of beautiful LAKE TAHOE. Don’t let this opportunity escape you, contact your career services department NOW!!! (606) 257—3632 CAESARS TAHOE offer a competitive compensation and benefit package. Some positions require substance abuse testing. Non-smokers preferred. CAESARS is an EOE. 2 l6 oz. Long lslond Ice Teas $2.75 . $1 Genuine . Free Cover with College ID 23 Ladle: Night - $1 wells 0 $1 Little Kings 7-11 a Hot Log 24 Coddflold '59 may» Men Only - $1 Covor Ior lode: alter 9.30 25 anlolengl . 7s: walk . $125 Coors Xgold 7~ll . Strut your Stuff 26 Rockin' Rob's BBQ Ribs and loco Bar 0 SI 0" mixed drinks 0 50¢ on beer 4-8 Sports Editor Lady Kats fall to No. 3 UT Tennessee stops UK’S upset bid with 76-60 win By GREGORY A. HALL Staff Writer After last year's blowout loss in Knoxville, Tenn., the UK Lady Kats would have made an improve- ment by simply staying in the game with Tennessee last night. The Lady Vols came into Memo- rial Coliseum with a No. 3 nation- al ranking and two All-America candidates. But until midway through the second half, UK gave the Lady Vols all they could handle. Tennes- see finally put down the Kats 76- 60 before a crowd of 7.100 — the largest UK crowd to see a Lady Kats game this year. And Lady Kats coach Sharon Fanning said that last night was one of her biggest games since coming to UK three years ago. “It's the next step for this pro- gram,” Fanning said. “They know that they can play with anybody in this country by playing with Ten- nessee." “(UK) is a tremendously im- proved group, playing harder, smarter, together,” Tennessee coach Pat Summitt said. With the win, the Lady Vols re- mained unbeaten in the Southeast- ern Conference with a 2-0 mark. Only 4-0 Auburn has a better record. UT is now 14-3 and has won its eighth game in a row. The Lady Kats fell to ninth in Editor in Chief Executive Editor Managing Editor Campus Editor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Arts Editor Assistant Arts Editor Photography Editor Julie Esselman Adviser Advertising Director Assistant Advertising Director Production Manager are $30 per year. Shepherdsville, KY 40165. Phone (606) 257-2871. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic year and weekly during the eightweek summer session. Third-class postage paid at Lexington, KY 40511. Mailed subscription rates The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buckman St, Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel, Room 035 Journalism Building. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0042. C.A. Duane Boniler Tom Spalding Brian Jant Tonia Wilt Michael L. Jones Barry Reeves Kip Bowmar Hunter Hayes Steve Sanders Special Projects Writer Mike Agin Jeff Kuerzi Judy Furst Evelyn Quillen \ g .\ r.\’i.\’.‘i... the SEC with a 1-3 conference record. UK is 13-4 overall. From the opening tip, it appeared as if the game were going to be dominated by Tennessee All Amer- ica candidate Tonya Edwards. Edwards hit an early 3-pointer to give the Lady Vols a 3-2 lead, and from there she continued scoring, 26 Opens- S7HoppyHour-Jovo Drinks 7-9 $l.75 Men’s Billiards 1 p.m. January 27 New Student Center Gameroom Winners go to Regionals —--—-------1 F PERMS nur g'col 40% 0" perm sale that includes showpno (ul style rind perlorrHonce perm If you're randy for o perm come on in and lake ndvonloq" of our 40% savings. II you're not sure (lbou’ how a perm erI look on you, Ivy our (ompnlm wden styling system and don t I... m qi‘. be surprised Ses- yourself with three different 0mm styles and them dnride If you think 0 norm .\ try you then 80V. 40% during our DOV 'T TAKE RPRISE Oorllnanll STYLING SALONS 4 Lakevicw Plum Richmond Road I Imperial Plow Waller Avenue 255-1113 269-5345 252-4013 269-5346 Savings end February 24, 1990 - - - - - STUDENT CENTER FOOD SERVICES WANTS YOU! S4—an—Hour Day Jobs are now available! FREE MEALS, FLEXIBLE HOURS! Go to Rm. 239 Student Center for details! PHI BETA KAPPA December 1990; campus; The Membership Committee of Phi Beta Kappa is now receiving nominations for membership. The preliminary requirements which must be met in order for a student to be eligible for consideration for election are: 1) GPA of 3.5 for students who graduated in December 1989, 3.52 for students graduating in May 1990, 3.6 for first semester seniors, and 3.7 for those graduating after 2) At least two 300 (or higher) level courses outside the major or principal area of concentration; 3) At least 90 hours of "liberal" courses. 4) At least 45 hours of classwork completed on the Lexington 5) Have satisfied the lower division requirements forthe BA or BS degree in the college of Arts and Sciences (May graduates may be currently enrolled in one required course). Should you know any individual who you believe meets these requirements. then we would appreciate you urging that person to come to Room 271 Patterson Office Tower in the College of Ans and Sciences to pick up an application. In order to be considered, nominations must be received no later than FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1990. PLEASE NOTE It is entirely appropriate to nominate yourself and, In fact, it you believe that you meet the criteria necessary for election, it is expected that you Will come to the above office for further information ' Zilllopics ' lll lim'clopcs Open 24 Hours 253-1360 ill] 8 l.llllt‘.\llillt‘ kinko's the copy center Make your resumé stand out in a crowd. ' 20 Blank Sheets ° Disk with Stored Resume Only $25.00 Open 7 Days 276-4673 5.1+ \ICIIIIILNIIIC Rd. FRE funding. - Results GUARANTEED SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS WHO NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE EvoryStudsntlsEuglhlstorSoms‘lypsot Financial Aid Regardless of Grades or Psmtsl Income. . We have I data bank or over 200.000 llstln or scholarships. mm- shlps. grants, and loans, npnssntlng our 10 button In prints sector . Many scholarships am given to students we on their academic Internets. csmr plans. lsmlly hsrltogc and piece of mldoncu. ~ There‘s money mil-Me tor students who have been newspaper carriers, grocery clerks. cheerleaders. non-smokers etc. 1 CALL ; ANYTIME i_._.__ For A F res Brochure — s ____I§_W_ lg] ending with 16 points at the half. In the early going. the Lady Vols scored six straight points to go up 12-6 with 14:22 left in the half. UK scored the next five points, cutting the margin to one. Tennessee then opened up a 13- point lead with eight minutes in the half. The Lady Vols held onto that lead until about three minutes left in the half. The Lady Kats cut the lead to seven at the end of the half, enter- ing the locker room down 36-29. The Lady Vols’ halftime lead was largely the result of a quick start by 5-10 senior guard Tonya Edwards. Next for UK is Saturday against Ole Miss at Rupp Arena. The game is the second half of a double- header. The men’s game is sched- uled to start at 1:30 p.m., and the women will begin 30 minutes after the men's game is over. MARVIN L. HENDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW SPECIAL ATTENTION GWEN T0 LI‘XEAL PROBLEMS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS Admitted to the Kentucky! Bar in 1965 Chevy Chase Plaza Suite G. 836 Euclid Ave. (606) 266A751 1 This Is an advertisement Kentucky law does not ccr‘ify specialities of Icflul prurllt c TENNIS o p.m. January 27 New Student Center Gomeroom Winners go to Regionols (It -tln Amman-— r-rm'r-‘rvf‘p—t b 1'? meat—mm: 1 '00—‘Y: DIVERSIONS ‘Nude ’90’ employs variety of mediums By KIP BOWMAR Arts Editor In a society that views nudity in either an exploitative or repressive way, it is refreshing to see an ex- hibit like “Nude '90” that explores and celebrates the human form. The exhibit at the Loudon House, sponsored by the Lexington Art League, is comprised of 69 works by 49 regional artists. Not only are a variety of aspects of the body delved into but so are a number of creative mediums. Although there aren't many sculptures in the exhibit, the ones featured are both mentally provoca- tive and sensual. “Phoenix," a bronze sculpture by UK graduate student Cambid J. Choy, is fragmented and chipped, but it still captures the human form powerfully. The artist manages to say a great deal about the human body in a limited amount of space. “Sitting Nude" by Wyman Rice, however, is a more voluptuous sculpture that details the sensuality of the human body. The craftsman- ship is impeccable as all the lines flow together aesthetically. A number of photographs in the exhibit use a wide range of tech- niques. David Kadlec's medium of cibachrome involves exposure of film. The colors that come through are startling. In an untitled work, a woman‘s figure is outlined in red and a myri- ad of other dark. rich colors seep into the medium. In “Swimmer" many photographs have been exposed and placed to- gether in a frenzy of action. A photograph titled “For Robert Mapplethorpe" pays tribute to the late photographer whose work spurred last summer‘s debate over funding for the National Endow- ment for the Humanities. Mapplethorpe’s exhibit, which was partially funded by the NEH, was pulled from the Cochrane Gal- lery in Washington, D.C., because of the controversy surrounding some of the exhibit's homoerotic and sadomasochistic photos. The paintings offer a variety of perspectives about the nude fonn. “Clare at Rest,” for instance, jux- taposes a stationary woman with ‘ . ICHAEL WMomol Stan "Nude '90" includes a variety of sculptures and paintings. “Phoe- nix", at right, was done by UK graduate student Cambid J. Choy, brush strokes that are in perpetual motion. Although the parts are constantly flowing, the overall ef- fect is one of stillness. The colors are lush and have a definite texture. The exhibit also has a lighter side. “Venus in Grease" is an etch- ing of a nude woman from oven door grease. The title makes a clev- er play on words. “Nude '90" is on display through Feb. 24 at Loudon House, 209 Castlewood Drive. The exhibit is open noon to 4 pm Tuesday- Friday.‘ and l to 4 pm. Saturday and Sunday. For additional infor— mation, call 254-7024. UB4O seeks to expand the scope of its By MARY CAMPBELL Associated Press U840 drummer Jimmy Brown and percussionist Norman Hassan take life cheerfully. U840 has been touring for 18 months, promoting its album U840 and probably will tour until September. So its new “Labour of Love 11," the group's eighth album and first on Virgin Records, was re- corded on tour, in Hawaii, Italy, France and England. “Instead of having a two-week break and enjoying ourselves, somebody decided, ‘We know it's Hawaii. Let‘s put them in this little room with no windows,m Hassan said. “But it was fun.” “It was nice, recording,” Brown said. “It kept a bit of a vibe going, I think. We look on the bright side of things. We're not ones to com- plain. “We sold a million and a half records of ‘Labour of Love l.‘ We can certainly make a good living without being the biggest band in the world. It would be nice to be the biggest band in the world." Said Hassan: “We‘re the biggest— selling reggae band in the world —-— which is nice." U840 members write songs, but both “Labour of Love“ albums are made up of songs they‘ve known. The new one includes reggae ver- sions of American rhythm ’n' blues hits, including the Temptations’ 1964 “The Way You Do the Things You Do.” “They’re all real famous to us, from when we were 11 and 12 and the first time we ever danced with a girl. That's why they‘re all love songs,” Hassan said. The first single is “Here 1 Am," a 1973 Al Green release. A Neil Dia- mond song from 1968. “Red Red Wine," took off after it was played on a Phoenix radio station and be- came UB40's biggest hit in Ameri- ca in 1988 —— five years after the album it was on, “Labour of Love 1," came out. Brown said that when he first got hooked on reggae, he thought it would sweep popular music. “I imagined other people needed to be exposed to it and they would like it as well. I now think it must be a minority interest music, like Jazz." Hassan said he thinks that reggae would have taken over pop music if Bob \itirley had lived longer. “1 don't want to be disrespectful to Ziggy Marley,“ Brown S'dld. “What he does 1 think is good, but it seems to be old-fashioned. His style of backing tracks have a mid- ‘70s feel to them, to me. 1 love the ragamuffin style of reggae. We‘re trying to tuse different influences. 438 S. Asland Ave. Chevy Chase Minimum Delivery Order $3.25 FREE DELIVERY 2nd Anniversary of the Faulconer 75¢ off the Faulconer with a funk feeling." Other forms of reggae they talk about are dub, bass and drum- on'ented instrumental, and bhangra- muffin, which mixes the reggae of Caribbean immigrants, primarily Jamaican, in Britain with the mu- sic of Indian and Pakistani immi— grants. Slang is created in reggae lyrics. “Reggae is creating its own lan- guage which is constantly Chang. ing, which is true of any urban music," Brown S‘dld. Brown's current favorite phrase a he can’t recall from which reg- gae song it comes is ”oversized manipy," which means “fat wom— an." LTBAO, named for the number on Britain's unemplmment form. is Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, January 23, 1990 — 3 sound on the original eight men from Birm— ingham. “We added a brass section six years ago, which never got unadded, so we're permanently 10," Brown said. “The nucleus is eight. When the band was being sorted out 12 years ago, we had equal friends that became pan of the mad crew." Some of them chose not to re- hearse music, Hassan said. “They’d say, ‘1‘“ go down the road and have a drink.” Hassan said that reggae‘s main purpose is “to dance to, also whistle when you feel l.ke it or sing along" “Because intellectuals have tried to make reggae mUsi; into some kind ot spiritual or consciousness music. 1 like the reaction against Kb Bowma Ans Editor “Cl-MEL Wi’Kornei 93" its tour it." Brown said. “1 like the hit"! of singing about gibberish. “We have no nianitesto. We‘re not trying to raise aiiybody‘s con» seioUsness. I feel offended by peo- ple trying to raise ill} conscious ness 1 don‘t think there is much Phil Coltins can teach me about living my hte , nothing against Phil Collins in particular. "We're politically c".‘il\~.‘l(1U\,i‘Ul we don‘t attempt to teach people All ue‘xe ever done in lyrics is iooked around its and [wanted out \shat we considered to he urt‘ng. not what should be time about it. "i think pop mast; is a medium that is shallow Jitti shouldn't be pretendintv to h .mxthing else. I don't look down on i' “autise it's :14 )1 deep ” THE KENTUCKY KERNEL DISCOUNT CIIOI’I'INCI 269-4693 DEUVERYHOURS MON-THUR ....... i1 am. to 11:30 pm. FRI-SAT ........... 11 am. to 12:30 am. SUNDAY ........... Noon to 11:30 pm. all of January Listen to WKOO for Freebies HOURS MON-THUR ....... 10 am. to Mid FRI-SAT ....... 10 am. to 1 am. SUNDAY .......... 11 a.m.to Mid ’s time to ask yourse‘ 1‘ w w my ‘C' a revolutionary idea An idea w' 339 We in: come Are you ready for a great its 'Ctfi .1: a :wa‘ ores? RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS Good Because we're ready to yr, mgw v‘w ve trained a new staff to cut hair the way we 3e .1 tshmaei. and were opening a new diniOl The Chop Shop For oniy 3‘ 00 yes a: great hair cut But iust a cut So dont expect uS to wait on you hand and toot We dont even taxe apporntments. It you're in a hurry or in the mooo mi some discount chopping The Chop Shop is the CASH IN (IN GOOD GRADES. If you're. a freshman or sophomore with good grades. apply now for a three-year or two-year scholarship. From Army ROTC. Army ROTC scholarships pay tuition, most books and fees, plus $100 per school month. They also pay off with leadersmp experience and officer credentials impressive to future employers. place tor you Open Tuesday through Friday, 10-8 Saturday 94 30 / I \ ,’ \\ \ / ‘ ru (nor sitar ipwnya nos 1] mm \Iil. 315 Souh Limo Street ’ mm m CAI rm For more information contact: MAJOR LES LETTERM AN 0 101 Barker Hall 257-4479 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, January 23, 1990 CA. Duane Bonlter Brhn Jon Jerry Volgt Michael L. Jones Editor in Chiet Managing Editor Editorial Cartoonist IEWPOINT ........ W. m..- Executive Editor Campus Editor Special Projects Writer Encouragement of i " - ‘ ' k’ d t - ’” ’ at-rts stu on s . , , __,¢,,._..s O O ,. should be priority . . . - a . o I, The University of Louisville was the only state university ‘ that dramatically increased its black student population since . , / 1978, according a report issued last week by the Kentucky Council on Higher Education. L’K‘s enrollment only increased slightly more than its 1978 level of black students. Increasing minority enrollment was a problem many higher education officials faced in the 1980s. Schools have offered more scholarships, created special programs geared at attracting minority students and commissioned committees to study the problem and suggest solutions. But the nation cannot only depend on colleges and universities to increase minority enrollment — the process must begin before grade school. A disproportionate share of the nation’s citizens who live in poverty are black, and therefore one of the ways to raise their standard of living is by getting minority students to attend college But in order to accomplish that. a major overhaul of the nation‘s welfare system is in order. \\ e do not propose to have the solutions to a situation that has goiter. increasingly worse since President Lyndon B. Johnson declared his “War on Poverty” more than 20 years ago. But it is not too much to expect those who call themselves our nation ‘s leaders to begin searching for some answers. One person who seems especially eager to help but has done little in the way of action is President George Bush. A recent New York Times/CBS News poll showed that Bush's approval ratings are the highest of any post-World War II president except John F. Kennedy. Bush often said during his presidential campaign that he wa