xt7kd50fz21f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz21f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1957-01-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 14, 1957 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 14, 1957 1957 1957-01-14 2020 true xt7kd50fz21f section xt7kd50fz21f           




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The University Faculty met in Lefferty H 11, Honday, Jennery 11, 1957,
at 4:00 p,m. President Dicke“ yrssidefi. Members absent were W. H. »ther,
a M. Chamberlain, F. J. Ghee , Jr , F. 3. Coolsen, 7ichvrd M. Eoughtyfi
" D ymwn V. Ginger, 3. V. He.eman, As D. Kimmn,

. T. Lesshafft, Robert L. Mi

T .m
L1 n. e
C. Howard Echel, no ~. Werrifius, 1
Q 2


Po Sloue, D. G. steele,

.m Ra Willard.

T1 1,: 'W'fl‘

u. a . - . . v as" ., 7. *
Mlnutes of tee Unlvergity flrcultyz venues; sea *,AL

11 x 2-3 .
Helen u, Reeo, Roy n S;
e 'I

,, VP ,__ -,. 1y _ ‘_ 5 _r_ -
Irroif? Aennetn vonleuu nqham, one

The minutes of the meeting of December 10, 195b were ream one BoprOVed.

certain new

"1‘ 1 m a a _ -, 7", A u‘fi, . . .
Peon sell presentex fo: the VOIICJS at figrlculture int Jomv coacnlcs
courses, a drorned course eni n curricuium change Which weref
- - . a V“
the Unlver51ty raculty.

approved by

New Courses


New Curriculum in Food an& Fq



Breed histor', éeveIOpment and pedigrees; a general study
of the a‘nto e “ o
prevention Una cure of common

Nnd physiology 01 the h
8 S2
and trainings Lecture, 2 hours; leo, 2



A discussion of the spec fie nutritional requirements
beef cattleD sheep and swine, with emphasis on recent
nutritional concefitsn f8 d formulation: and economi
considerations. Prerez: A I 81 and aphroval of instructorso

pment Demonstration

Leading to the Deere? o r of Science in Home Economlcs

O Bachelo
(Effective? Seyt. 1957.)
This curriculum preyares the student for commercial demonstration
position or for experimental wor. in foods and equiyment.
Gore courses (see general Cirriculum) 59
Home Economics electives (starred courses are
rcouired for majors
in Food and Fnuioment
Femonstrction) 1

‘Absence excused


‘H E 168 HouSehold Equipment 3
’H E 105a Experimental Cookery 3
H E 1152 Foods for Special Occasions 3

“H E 170 Demonstration Techniques 3
H E 114 Food Preservation 3

H E 133 Community Nutrition 3

H E 41 Institution Marketing 3

H E 73 Farm Home Problems 4

H E A2 Institution Foods 4


General Electives __22_u_

Total 136

gofus, JonEh Skilem


A ~—~——\\. , A—‘,_



Minutes of the University FaeuitrL January 14, 1951

Course to £3_Drofined
Animal Industry 1h3, WOKK STOCK PRODUCTION


Change in Curriculum in General Agriculture
9 Remove Library Science 25 as a requirement

ProfeSaor Grouse referred the Faculty to a mimeographed list of new

courses and an outline of the fournyear program in Chemical Engineering which

I lmd been circularized by the College of Engineering Faculty under date of
December 18, 1956. He stated that Metallurgical Engineering 250 had been
included in the list through clerical error. The Faculty approved the
circularized recommendations with the deletion of Metallurgical Engineering 250.




Applied Mechanics 1 a, ELEMENTS or DYNAMICS (0) II
A basic course in dynemics including rectilinear motion, force and f
acceleration, curvilinear motion and rotation, work, energy and power. j,
17 weeks at 2 hours per week. Prereo: High school graduate and {l1

J satisfactory grade in special test in mathematics and general ability.


l [
--‘*—~——- --—‘ g N.: .


s Mechanical Engineering lée as he? TRAINING (O) I. 20 weeks at 20 hrs per week. '
Mechanical Engineering 16b a, -HOP TRAINING (0) II. 18 weeks at 20 hrs per week. !
f Mechanical Engineering 16c -- HOP TRAINING (0) S. 2 weeks at 20 hrs per week. f
; Training in machine tool practice covering basic machines with an

I introduction to toolmaking. Prereq: High school graduate and satisfactory

? grade on syecial test in mathematics and general ability.







[ * Mechanical Engineering 17 m- ELEMENTS or moor DES GM (0) I

Study and design of jigs, fixtures, gauges and dies as related to
production machines. 17 weeks at 2 hours per week. Prereg: High school T
graduate and satisfactory grade on special test in mathematics and fl
general ability. l4

\_. .

Metallurgical Engineering 20 .. ELEMENTS or MFTALLUBGY (o) s _
Busic metallurgy including various methods of heat treatment and ‘p


, other nertinent data. 8 weeks at 2 hours per week. Prereq: High jt
’ school gnaduate and satisfactory grade on special test in mathematics ;
f and general ability I

Chemical Engineering 21 -m CHEMICAL FNGINEERING CALCULATIONS (4) II Hite H
Calculations with emphasis on material and energy balances as applied 9
to industrial processes. Prereq: Chem 22, Physics 3a and Math 20a

/ Chemical Engineering 101a ., UNIT OPERAT ors (3) I Kite
Principles of the unit physical operations of fluid flow, heat transfer, L
evaporation, and filtration with quantitative problems in the operation
of chemical process equiyment. Prereq: Ch E 21, Math 20b

@ Chemical Engineering lOlb n- UNIT OPERATIONS (3) II Staff
’ Continuation of Ch E 101a. Principles of mass transfer — distillation, i1
gas absorption, liquid ertrnction, drying, etc. Prereq= Ch E 101a I, ‘ll‘



_.,...‘_g“1-4.¢.4 .{
1, .. ‘S-r«









Chem1C'1 Eng1neer1ng ‘1" an 33 “ ;;~ .ut¢h ‘u11

Quantitetivc study of fluid flow, heat transfer, evapc

C3C‘171’0P1'"5-111;T 13119 OIiEI‘é’t’Cnion of {Actual 8i 1311:1sz‘1 V i ‘1']. 2 1‘1 73?
¢ l i a 9 1
10 an of 12r0.,1em$1n deSLgn and E°ori wr1t1ng; L

Prereq: Ch E 101a

Chemical Engix1e€r”ng 104E ”a UEIT OPE-¢"TTTT LABCEATOEY (
Continuatio r of Ch E 104a, cover mg diffusional Operati
distillz'ioz1, absorpticn. and drying; abora cry, 31: h
?rereq: Ch E lfllh, 1043

Survey of the technclogy and econcmics 3f the ChemiCa;
Detailed analysis of several selectEu chemical processe

auction to precess design calculations. Prereq: Chem

Chemicrl Ennineerins 107b as CHEMECflB “KG "“EETV” PROCESSES
Contiruation of Ch E 107a? including a comprehensive d
Prereq: Ch E 101b, Ch T 1078

Fundamentbls of thermodynrmics ,
and chemicgl equili: rium, and applica
“ Ch 3 210 Math 20b, thsics 3b.

0 2’81'81'73

51111 (1 each} I? II



ChenlCFl Engine Bring 175,, b 1-
General discussion of chemical 91/1Aeer1hfl subjec is; p
delivery of papers and reports: extemporaneous spe€kin

ingTOf current liternture. Two hourse Prereq; Si: semesters in

chemical engineering.

Curriculum Leading to the Searee of Eachelav 0*
Chemical Engineerizg


irst Semester

Ch E la The Engineering Profesaion

1" "‘
X; L otaff
Gus cuch as

«‘35-? (311 I Staff

a and 811 intro-

1501” Chem l40b

$15: problem.


nience in

econ& Semester

Eng 1a English Composition Eng lb English Composition
Chem 15 General Chemis otly Cher 1 3r ne“P7 Chemistry

Vath 17 College Algebra
Math 18 Plane Trigonometr"
ED 13 El

\JJ Lt.) \fi V.) O ‘1‘:

ED lb

en mtary LLClueprl‘F
DI Plulng
Military or Air Science

Physical Education


Physical Education




Math 19 Plane Analytic Geometry
flat E 27 General Elementary Met
Descriptive Geometry
Military or 31? Science

nearing 11a ”1 c HETIC L1 119 K?711NG TEFRTCFL Yhfi”ICS (3) I smff
1 yrcfierties of
tions to chemical




_V,_._‘*,fi” 4


Ch E lb The Engineering ProfessiMIO








University Faculty, January 14? 1957
' ( First Semester Second Semester f: ,,f :33;
' Cl‘s Urs . j;
Ch E 23 The En ngineering Profession 0 Ch E 2h The Engineering Profession O i "ll :"‘
hath 20?: Differ ential Cc 10111115 1 Math 20b Integral Calculus 4 ,i
Phys in General College Phyeics 3 Phys 3 General College Physics 3 Q q i
1 Phys 48 PhysiCQ InborBtory 2 Phys 4h PLYSiCS Laboratory 2 i; , W
f Chem 21 Anelyti crl Chemistry 5 Ch E 21 Cherical Engineering {i 1
Military or Air Science 2 Calculations 4 jt ?
Econ 51 Erinciy; les of Feeliomics 3 Military or Air Science 2 l . :
flfif AMg Statics Q ,g 1
19 18 1%
tro- i
1401: , JUNIOR YEAR ‘13
First Semester begond Semester 1&1 ;
taff Crs UTE ‘Ei f
n. Ch E 3a The Engineering Prefession 0 Ch E %b The Engineering Profeseion O F? : [fl
. Chem llfle Organic Chemistry 5 Chem l30b Organic Chemistry 5 ' ‘ 7w
’ Chem 1403 Phreical C-emistry 3 Chem 14’b Physical Chemistry 3 1
I smff I Chem lAAa Ehjsical Chemistry Lab 2 Chem 144b Physical Chemistry Lab 2 I
of I Ch E lF-la Unit Opera ions 3 Ch E lOlb Unit Operations 3
31 l AM 190 Strength of Materials 4 Ch E 104a Unit Operations Laboratory 2 “ 1
‘ ‘Nonotechnicel Elective 2 ‘Non~techn10“1 Elective _;i, i :1
f 20 18 ~ :
nd { SENIOR YF‘R :
bstract- } > 9
’ First Semester Second Semester
Crs Crs
Ch E 4a The t‘ngineering Profession 0 Ch E 4b The ”ngineering Frcfession O
1 Ch E 107a Chemical Engineering Ch E 1 7h Chemical Engineering
/ Processes 3 Proces»es 3 >
‘ Ch E 104h Unit Operations La.oora tcry 2 Phys 159a Fundzmentel Atomic and “ L . A
ter Ch E llO Chemical Engineering Nuclear Physics 3 " l IVE,”
Thermodynamics 3 “Non-technicn1 Elective 3 ‘ E?
ssim1 EE 105a Electrical Engineering ”E 105b Electrical Engineering f
_ Circuits and Machinery 3 Circuits and Machinery 3
7 ‘Nonetechnicel Elective 3 *Nonatechnical Elective 3
ry ; ‘Technicel Elective 3 "T‘E‘C311"i<>"‘-1 Elective 3 ' I
Ch E 175a Seminar 1 Ch E 175b Seminar 1 ‘ 1 =1
18 19 E

‘All electives selected must have the enprovel of the Head of the Department.

"' (3
\O Hmmwmu‘uwou

f The Faculty adjourned.

t \ MY \‘c\ LAg/Zg— {LL/{>4}: [I

Acting Secretary