xt7kd50fz294_23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_03/Folder_25/Multipage3055.pdf 1999-2000 2000 1999-2000 section false xt7kd50fz294_23 xt7kd50fz294  


JANUARY 4, 1999


The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met January 4, 1999, at the home of Anne Gay. There were
fifieen members present. Betty Kenan, Second Vice-president, called the meeting to order at 9:40.
Anne Gay, Secretary, read the minutes of the December 7th meeting, which were approved. Judy
Philpott,Treasurer, reported a balance of $6, 1 86.44.

Awards: Betty Kinkead reported that Kay Steffee, Horticulture Chairman, had recommended the

That an award for outstanding achievement in the field of horticulture within the club, be presented to
Jessica Bell;

That a certificate of honor for horticultural contribution to our club, especially in the field of
propagation, be presented to John Michler.

The board voted unanimously to present these awards.

Betty also informed the board of a Zone VII arts award in honor of William C. and Roberta Scippe, to
be given to someone who has done outstanding work in horticulture. Betty, Linda Carey and Kay
Steffee will discuss this zone award and make a recommendation to the board.

Flower Show: Janie Romaine thanked members for the lovely arrangements which were brought to the
Christmas Tea. These were delivered to ladies who had been unable to attend the meeting.

Announcements: There will be no meeting in February, nor will a Bloomin’ News be published. The
next board meeting will be March 1 at the home of Alyce Hoskins.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00.

Respectfiilly submitted,

(LW At,

Anne Gay





JANUARY 4, 1999





The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met January 4, 1999, at the home of Anne Gay. There were
fifteen members present. Betty Kenan, Second Vice-president, called the meeting to order at 9:40.
Anne Gay, Secretary, read the minutes of the December 7th meeting, which were approved. Judy
Philpott,Treasurer, reported a balance of $6, 1 86.44.

Awards: Betty Kinkead reported that Kay Steffee, Horticulture Chairman, had recommended the

That an award for outstanding achievement in the field of horticulture within the club, be presented to
, Jessica Bell;

That a certificate of honor for horticultural contribution to our club, especially in the field of
propagation, be presented to John Michler.

The board voted unanimously to present these awards.

Betty also informed the board of a Zone VII arts award in honor of William C. and Roberta Scippe, to
be given to someone who has done outstanding work in horticulture. Betty, Linda Carey and Kay
Steffee will discuss this zone award and make a recommendation to the board.

Flower Show: Janie Romaine thanked members for the lovely arrangements which were brought to the
Christmas Tea. These were delivered to ladies who had been unable to attend the meeting.

Ag nouncgments: There will be no meeting in February, nor will a Bloomin’ News be published. The
next board meeting will be March 1 at the home of Alyce Hoskins.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00.

Respectfully submitted,
C{» 'r\.t\»L » i) «-jcfi
Anne Gay





MARCH 1, 1999

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, March 1, 1999, at the home of Alyce
Hoskins. F ifieen members were present. Linda Carey, President, called the meeting to order at 9:45. Anne
Gay, Secretary, read the minutes of the January 4th meeting, which were approved as read.

Garden: Ellen Chapman announced that she has a box of old books on gardening, which was formerly kept at
Ashland. Nancy Bishop and Anne Gay offered to go through them to see if any are worth offering for sale to
members. Ellen also reminded members to speak to her if they wish to change their garden assignment.
Monnie Long reported that there is a serious problem with dogs running loose in Ashland garden, especially
in the afternoon, disturbing people. She offered to make some phone calls to remedy the situation.


Conservation: Joy Hinkle reported that she and committee member Jeannie Codell would like to propose that
the Garden Club of Lexington become involved in the planning of the widening of Paris Pike. Members
supported this proposal and suggested that Joy contact the office of State Transportation to express interest in
this project.

Program: Ginny May reported that there will be a community tree planting event at Coldstream Farm April
. 17. The trees will be donated. The Board agreed that we should volunteer to help plant on that day. Members

were urged to sign up and bring a friend. Joy also announced that she, Betty Kinkead and Linda Carey have

composed a survey which will be mailed to members asking what kind of meetings they would prefer.

Horticulture: The theme of the plant exchange at the Zone VII meeting in September will be “Butterflies,
Magical Creatures.” We must send a fourteen-inch wreath planted with three to five herbs, as well as
photographs of butterflies.

Special Projects: Mott Nicol has made inquiries about setting up a web page. She showed members a
beautiful book, entitled Earth on her Hands, in which the author lists Kay Steffee in the acknowledgements.


Announcements: The GCA web address is WWWGCAmericaorg. When the screen asks for users name, type
“GCA member.” The password is butter*fly.

The Garden Club of America is pleased to announce that it has a new member club, the Grass River Club of
Delray Beach, making the total number of affiliated clubs 194.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15.

Respectfully submitted,

r. q f-
UV/UVZ' // M

. Anne Gay, Secretary





MARCH 1, 1999

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, March 1, 1999, at the home of Alyce
Hoskins. Fifteen members were present. Linda Carey, President, called the meeting to order at 9:45. Anne
Gay, Secretary, read the minutes of the January 4th meeting, which were approved as read.

Garden: Ellen Chapman announced that she has a box of old books on gardening, which was formerly kept at
Ashland. Nancy Bishop and Anne Gay offered to go through them to see if any are worth offering for sale to
members. Ellen also reminded members to speak to her if they wish to change their garden assignment.
Monnie Long reported that there is a serious problem with dogs running loose in Ashland garden, especially
in the afternoon, disturbing people. She offered to make some phone calls to remedy the situation.

Conservation: Joy Hinkle reported that she and committee member Jeannie Codell would like to propose that
the Garden Club of Lexington become involved in the planning of the widening of Paris Pike. Members
supported this proposal and suggested that Joy contact the office of State Transportation to express interest in
this project.

Program: Ginny May reported that there will be a community tree planting event at Coldstream Farm April
17. The trees will be donated. The Board agreed that we should volunteer to help plant on that day. Members
were urged to sign up and bring a friend. Joy also announced that she, Betty Kinkead and Linda Carey have
composed a survey which will be mailed to members asking what kind of meetings they would prefer.

Horticulture: The theme of the plant exchange at the Zone VII meeting in September will be “Butterflies,
Magical Creatures.” We must send a fourteen-inch wreath planted with three to five herbs, as well as
photographs of butterflies.

Special Projects: Mott Nicol has made inquiries about setting up a web page. She showed members a
beautiful book, entitled Earth on her Hands, in which the author lists Kay Steffee in the acknowledgements.


Announcements: The GCA web address is WWWGCAmericaorg. When the screen asks for users name, type
“GCA member.” The password is butter*fly.

The Garden Club of America is pleased to announce that it has a new member club, the Grass River Club of
Delray Beach, making the total number of affiliated clubs 194.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15.

Respectfully submitted,

[14wa 79, fiyj

Anne Gay, Secretary





APRIL 5, 1999

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, April 5 at the home of Nancy Bishop. There
were fourteen members present. Linda Carey, President, called the meeting to order at 9:30. The minutes
of the March 1 meeting were read and approved. Judy Philpott, Treasurer, reported a balance of
$7,779.39 in the checking account. She announced that the club is in sound financial condition thanks to
the party and to Ginny May’s book sales.

Admissions: Nancy Bishop, reporting for Callie Keller, read a letter from Erma Johnson requesting a
membership change from active to affiliate. Anne Gay moved that we accept this request with regret.
Judy Philpott seconded the motion and it passed.

Conservation: Linda Carey suggested that we ask someone knowledgeable about the controversial
pipeline issue speak to our members. The board agreed that Linda should instruct Ginny May to
schedule a slot for this at a future meeting.

Flower Show: _Janie Romaine said that members will be asked to bring a spring arrangement, from their
garden, to the April meeting.

Garden: Ellen Chapman and Barbara Young reported that the japonica will be replaced with boxwood,
that we are planting pansies again this Wednesday, and that the underground spigots have been repaired.

Special Projects: Mott Nicol announced that Channel 18 reporters will be coming to the garden April
14 at 11:30 to do an “alive” spot on their noon hour show. Linda Carey will lead the television crew
around the garden and workers will be asked to stay a little later than usual. Copies of the cookbook will
be on display.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee distributed containers for plants to be sent to the plant exchange at the GCA
Annual Meeting.

Announcements: Katsy King is in Nashville, having broken her hip. The board will send flowers to her.

Linda Carey read a nice note from Helen Pinckney praising Monnie Long for her document about the
garden at Welcome Hall.

Linda reported that Dottie Cordray had given her a copy of the plan for the topiary and had asked if we
wished to display a copy in the garden so visitors would know what it is going to look like when mature.
After discussion, the board decided not to display the plan. Dottie will talk to us about the topiary at the
June meeting. Meanwhile, we have been asked not to trim the plants unless so instructed by Dottie.

There is a new Garden Club of America publication, a kit explaining, with illustrations, what the GCA
does. Judy Philpott will order one. The cost is $6.00



. The September Board meeting will be held in August.

Ashland is having a fundraiser June 26. They have asked us if they could auction a cocktail party in the
garden. Alter discussion, the board decided not to allow the party.

Motion: Anne Gay moved that the books, collected over the years by the club, be sold by silent auction
at the May General Meeting, with the proceeds of each purchase benefiting Henry Clay Memorial
Foundation. Ginny Adams seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Kay Steffee announced that Kathy Brewer will be the new Zone VII Founders Fund Committee
Representative, Anne Gay the Zone VII Publications Committee Representative, and Kay Steffee the
Vice —chair to the Flower Show Committee for Zones VII, VIII, and IX.

Judy Philpott asked whether or not we wanted to include the topiary in our insurance policy. She was
instructed to find out the cost and report back to the board.

The planters in fiont of the garden entrance have been damaged. They will be repaired in the fall after
the garden has been put to bed.
There being no fiirther business, the meeting was adjourned at 11.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Gay, Secretary




APRIL 5, 1999

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, April 5 at the home of Nancy Bishop. There
were fourteen members present. Linda Carey, President, called the meeting to order at 9:30. The minutes
of the March 1 meeting were read and approved. Judy Philpott, Treasurer, reported a balance of
$7,779.39 in the checking account. She announced that the club is in sound financial condition thanks to
the party and to Ginny May’s book sales.

Admissions: Nancy Bishop, reporting for Callie Keller, read a letter from Erma Johnson requesting a
membership change fiom active to affiliate. Anne Gay moved that we accept this request with regret.
Judy Philpott seconded the motion and it passed.

Conservation: Linda Carey suggested that we ask someone knowledgeable about the controversial
pipeline issue speak to our members. The board agreed that Linda should instruct Ginny May to
schedule a slot for this at a future meeting.


Flower Show: _Janie Romaine said that members will be asked to bring a spring arrangement, from their
garden, to the April meeting.

. Garden: Ellen Chapman and Barbara Young reported that the japonica will be replaced with boxwood,
that we are planting pansies again this Wednesday, and that the underground spigots have been repaired.

Special Projects: Mott Nicol announced that Channel 18 reporters will be coming to the garden April
14 at 11:30 to do an “alive” spot on their noon hour show. Linda Carey will lead the television crew
around the garden and workers will be asked to stay a little later than usual. Copies of the cookbook will
be on display.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee distributed containers for plants to be sent to the plant exchange at the GCA
Annual Meeting.

Announcements: Katsy King is in Nashville, having broken her hip. The board will send flowers to her.

Linda Carey read a nice note from Helen Pinckney praising Monnie Long for her document about the
garden at Welcome Hall.

Linda reported that Dottie Cordray had given her a copy of the plan for the topiary and had asked if we
wished to display a copy in the garden so visitors would know what it is going to look like when mature.
After discussion, the board decided not to display the plan. Dottie will talk to us about the topiary at the
June meeting. Meanwhile, we have been asked not to trim the plants unless so instructed by Dottie.

There is a new Garden Club of America publication, a kit explaining, with illustrations, what the GCA
. does. Judy Philpott will order one. The cost is $6.00



. The September Board meeting will be held in August.

Ashland is having a fundraiser June 26. They have asked us if they could auction a cocktail party in the
garden. Afier discussion, the board decided not to allow the party.

Motion: Anne Gay moved that the books, collected over the years by the club, be sold by silent auction
at the May General Meeting, with the proceeds of each purchase benefiting Henry Clay Memorial
Foundation. Ginny Adams seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Kay Steffee announced that Kathy Brewer will be the new Zone VII Founders Fund Committee
Representative, Anne Gay the Zone VII Publications Committee Representative, and Kay Steffee the
Vice —chair to the Flower Show Committee for Zones VII, VIII, and IX.

Judy Philpott asked whether or not we wanted to include the topiary in our insurance policy. She was
instructed to find out the cost and report back to the board.

The planters in front of the garden entrance have been damaged. They will be repaired in the fall afier

the garden has been put to bed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11.

Respectfully submitted,

JL "r14 \L i , w" Qt4.»
Anne Gay, Secretary


MAY 3, 1999



The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday, May 3, 1999, at the
home of Monnie Long. There were fourteen members present. Linda Carey, President,
called the meeting to order at 9:45 am. The minutes of the April 5 Board meeting were
approved as read. Treasurer, Judy Philpott, reported a balance of $6,665.45 in checking.

Admissions: Callie Keller reported that there are two openings for membership.

Garden: Ellen Chapman announced that there is a water problem on the main path and
that the sprinkler system may need to be updated. She will also look into a drip hose
system. Holly Sipple will occasionally do work in the garden but will be paid by Bonnie.
The jockey is being vandalized and Bill Chapman will have the jockey reset. The peonies
are blooming and look beautiful.

Horticulture: Bettie Kenan and Barbara Young have plants for the plant exchange at the
GCA Annual Meeting. They need to be turned in to Kay Steffee by May 13. These plants
are judged as follows:

40% difficulty in propagation

40% condition of plant

20% information on card

Special Proiects: Mott Nicol was on Channel 18 on April 28 to display “picnic food for
the Derby” from Bluegrass Winners. Mott took two cases of cookbooks to the airport.
The airport store manager is unhappy with numerous club members always inquiring
about Bluegrass Winners. She did, however, buy the two cases. There is a gourmet show
in July in Atlanta, and Mott will discuss with Judy Philpott the possibility of attending.


Announcements: Linda read a nice note from Helen Pinckney to Monnie Long
congratulating her on the wonderful job she did on documenting the garden at Welcome
Hall. The documentation will be on the internet.

Linda read a thank-you note from Katsy King’s daughter expressing her appreciation for
the flowers sent when Katsy broke her hip.

Jessica Nicholson reported on being a clerk at the flower show at Zone VIII’s meeting in
Knoxville in April.



. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Callie Keller,



MAY 3, 1999


The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday, May 3, 1999, at the
home of Monnie Long. There were fourteen members present. Linda Carey, President,
called the meeting to order at 9:45 am. The minutes of the April 5 Board meeting were
approved as read. Treasurer, Judy Philpott, reported a balance of $6,665.45 in checking.

Admissions: Callie Keller reported that there are two openings for membership.

Garden: Ellen Chapman announced that there is a water problem on the main path and
that the sprinkler system may need to be updated. She will also look into a drip hose
system. Holly Sipple will occasionally do work in the garden but will be paid by Bonnie.
The jockey is being vandalized and Bill Chapman will have the jockey reset. The peonies
are blooming and look beautiful.

Horticulture: Bettie Kenan and Barbara Young have plants for the plant exchange at the
GCA Annual Meeting. They need to be turned in to Kay Steffee by May 13. These plants
are judged as follows:

40% difficulty in propagation

40% condition of plant

20% information on card

Special Projects: Mott Nicol was on Channel 18 on April 28 to display “picnic food for
the Derby” from Bluegrass Winners. Mott took two cases of cookbooks to the airport.
The airport store manager is unhappy with numerous club members always inquiring
about Bluegrass Winners. She did, however, buy the two cases. There is a gourmet show
in July in Atlanta, and Mott will discuss with Judy Philpott the possibility of attending.




Announcements: Linda read a nice note from Helen Pinckney to Monnie Long
congratulating her on the wonderful job she did on documenting the garden at Welcome
Hall. The documentation will be on the intemet.


Linda read a thank-you note from Katsy King’s daughter expressing her appreciation for
the flowers sent when Katsy broke her hip.

Jessica Nicholson reported on being a clerk at the flower show at Zone VIII’s meeting in
Knoxville in April.



. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Callie Keller,




JUNE 7, 1999


The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, June 7, 1999 at the home of
President, Linda Carey. Eleven members were in attendance. Linda called the meeting to order at
9:45. The minutes of the May 3rd meeting were approved as read. Judy Philpott, Treasurer, reported
a balance of $6,008.80.

Garden: Ellen Chapman reported that the garden looks wonderful. We do have a problem with
security, however, which was discussed. Motion lights were suggested. Ellen and Barbara Young are
working on the armillary, which is our millennium project.

Awards: Betty Kinkead reported that awards will be presented in July to Jessica Bell and John

Flower Show: Janie Romaine reported that the Vintage photograph that she sent to Judy Terien was
very well received. Judy wants to keep it for the archives.

The process of judging at general meetings was discussed. Janie asked for suggestions to make the
process go more smoothly. It was suggested that we have a workshop on judging so members will
know what to expect. Another suggestion was to have a moment of education at each meeting,
explaining the different criteria for flower arranging.

Linda asked Janie to form a committee of six members to help her.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee reported that the horticulture schedule for the September Zone meeting
includes wreaths. Gay Van Meter has offered to plant seeds for this. Linda directed Kay to purchase
two wreath forms for the exhibit.

Program: Ginny May announced that Glenview Garden Club has asked us to have a joint meeting
with them at on Tuesday, May 16‘“. There will be a speaker on Native Plants, and a box luncheon.

Motion: Nancy Bishop moved that we accept the invitation from Glenview to co—host the meeting
May 16th at Elmendorf. Callie Keller seconded and the motion passed.

Admissions: Callie Keller reminded us of the Admissions deadline. She has the forms.
Announcements: Barbara Young reported that Ashland would like some brochures about the

garden. Ellen Chapman will get bids on printing them. We will ask that they not be given to

Motion: Anne Gay moved that we approve an expenditure of up to $500.00 on the brochures. Libby
Brown seconded the motion, and it passed.



. Linda asked board members how we should handle the problem of members not working in the
garden. Afier discussion, it was decided that captains of boarders should call their workers to remind
them of their responsibilities.

There being no fiirther business, the meeting was adjourned at 1 1:00.

Respectfiilly submitted,


Anne Gay




JUNE 7, 1999


The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, June 7, 1999 at the home of
President, Linda Carey. Eleven members were in attendance. Linda called the meeting to order at
9:45. The minutes of the May 3rd meeting were approved as read. Judy Philpott, Treasurer, reported
a balance of $6,008.80.

Garden: Ellen Chapman reported that the garden looks wonderful. We do have a problem with
security, however, which was discussed. Motion lights were suggested. Ellen and Barbara Young are
working on the armillary, which is our millennium project.

Awards: Betty Kinkead reported that awards will be presented in July to Jessica Bell and John

Flower Show: Janie Romaine reported that the vintage photograph that she sent to Judy Tergen was
very well received. Judy wants to keep it for the archives.

The process of judging at general meetings was discussed. Janie asked for suggestions to make the
process go more smoothly. It was suggested that we have a workshop on judging so members will
know what to expect. Another suggestion was to have a moment of education at each meeting,
explaining the different criteria for flower arranging.

Linda asked Janie to form a committee of six members to help her.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee reported that the horticulture schedule for the September Zone meeting
includes wreaths. Gay Van Meter has offered to plant seeds for this. Linda directed Kay to purchase
two wreath forms for the exhibit.

Program: Ginny May announced that Glenview Garden Club has asked us to have a joint meeting
with them at on Tuesday, May 16". There will be a speaker on Native Plants, and a box luncheon.

Motion: Nancy Bishop moved that we accept the invitation from Glenview to co—host the meeting
May 16d; at Elmendorf. Callie Keller seconded and the motion passed.

Admissions: Callie Keller reminded us of the Admissions deadline. She has the forms.
Announcements: Barbara Young reported that Ashland would like some brochures about the

garden. Ellen Chapman will get bids on printing them. We will ask that they not be given to

Motion: Anne Gay moved that we approve an expenditure of up to $500.00 on the brochures. Libby
Brown seconded the motion, and it passed.


 Linda asked board members how we should handle the problem of members not working in the garden.
After discussion, it was decided that captains of boarders should call their workers to remind them of their



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00.

Respectfully submitted,

CL'I'VV I) 23 aj

Anne Gay



JULY 7, 1999


The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Wednesday, July 7, 1999 in Ashland Garden.
President, Linda Carey, called the meeting to order at 9:00. There were thirteen members present. Anne
Gay read the minutes of the June 7th meeting, which were approved as read. Judy Philpott, Treasurer,
reported a balance of $6,023.75.

Linda introduced Polly Rowley, Zone VII Horticulture Representative, who told us about her plans for
the horticulture committee.

Flower Show: Janie Romaine suggested that points be awarded to everyone who brings an arrangement
to the picnic in July.

Garden: Ellen Chapman reported that the sprinkler head has been repaired and that Jim McFarland is
scheduled to trim this week. Peony workers are needed for September. Ellen and Patty King have been
working on a brochure. Barbara Young will ask the Henry Clay Memorial Foundation if we can add
information to their publication.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee is hoping to schedule a workshop with John Michler for August. He charges
$50.00, which will come from the Horticulture budget.

Program: Peachy Kohler, Zone VII Chairman, and Judy Terjen, Zone VII Conservation Representative,
will be in Lexington for our July 15th picnic in the garden. Libby Jones will also come to speak about
the pipeline issue. Ginny May reminded members that there will be no meeting in August. The
September meeting will be at Celeste Neuman’s house, and the program will be on stone fences.

New Business: The Association of Master Gardeners is compiling a directory of garden clubs. After
discussion, it was decided that we would like to be included in their list, but that the information
provided by us would not be for publication.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15.

Respectfully submitted,


L/L TWA—L _, 41,1]

Anne Gay, Secretary


JULY 7, 1999



The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Wednesday, July 7, 1999 in Ashland Garden.
President, Linda Carey, called the meeting to order at 9:00. There were thirteen members present. Anne
Gay read the minutes of the June 7th meeting, which were approved as read. Judy Philpott, Treasurer,
reported a balance of $6,023.75.

Linda introduced Polly Rowley, Zone VII Horticulture Representative, who told us about her plans for
the horticulture committee.

Flower Show: Janie Romaine suggested that points be awarded to everyone who brings an arrangement
to the picnic in July.

Garden: Ellen Chapman reported that the sprinkler head has been repaired and that Jim McFarland is
scheduled to trim this week. Peony workers are needed for September. Ellen and Patty King have been
working on a brochure. Barbara Young will ask the Henry Clay Memorial Foundation if we can add
information to their publication.

Horticulture: Kay Steffee is hoping to schedule a workshop with John Michler for August. He charges
$50.00, which will come from the Horticulture budget.

Program: Peachy Kohler, Zone V11 Chairman, and Judy Terjen, Zone V11 Conservation Representative,
will be in Lexington for our July 15th picnic in the garden. Libby Jones will also come to speak about
the pipeline issue. Ginny May reminded members that there will be no meeting in August. The
September meeting will be at Celeste Neuman’s house, and the program will be on stone fences.

New Business: The Association of Master Gardeners is compiling a directory of garden clubs. After
discussion, it was decided that we would like to be included in their list, but that the information

provided by us would not be for publication.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Gay, Secretary



. Janie Romaine will be the club delegate to the Zone VII meeting in Roanoke, Virginia
September 21-22. Linda will go as President, Kay Steffee as National Flower Show
Committee Vice Chairman, Kathy Brewer as Zone VII Founders’ Fund Representative,
and Anne Gay as Zone VII Public Relations Committee Representative.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Q/km f A?

Anne Gay, Secretary


AUGUST 30, 1999



The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, August 30, 1999 at the home of
Bettie Bos Haggin. There were 20 members present. President Linda Carey called the
meeting to order at 9:45. The minutes of the July 7th meeting were approved as read. Judy
Philpott, Treasurer, reported a balance of $7,235.21.

Conservation: Joy Hinkle is going to meet with the man from the department of
Highways to discuss the plans for the Paris Pike.

Garden: Barbara Young reported that we are following the city drought guidelines for
every-other day watering. She has lovely photographs taken during spring, summer and

Program: The September meeting will be at Celeste Neuman’s house. Ginny May is
looking for someone to hostess the Christmas Tea.

Publications: Nancy Bishop read a nice note from Melodye Kinkead thanking Jeannie
and Jimmy Codell, Elise Boyd, Janie Romaine, and Ginny May for their help in obtaining
a permanent historical marker for the area that formerly was Melodye Park. There will be
a dedication ceremony September 2.

Special Events: Mott Nicol reported that Missy’s son is helping us get our computer
compatible for Y2K. The Cookbook Exchange printed a nice article about our cookbook.
Discussion followed on obtaining our own website. It was decided that we should ask The
Henry Clay Memorial Foundation to include information on their site about ordering our

Archives: Monnie Long announced that Kitty Graddy Tonkin has received a letter from
the Smithsonian informing her that her garden has been placed on their register.

Admissions: Callie Keller reported that there are two vacancies in the club and four
applications for admission. She read the list of proposed candidates. Discussion followed,
after which Callie reviewed the bylaw requirements for voting.

Announcements: Linda read a note from Jessica Bell thanking us for giving her the
Horticulture award.




. Janie Romaine will be the club delegate to the Zone VII meeting in Roanoke, Virginia
September 21-22. Linda will go as President, Kay Steffee as National Flower Show
Committee Vice Chairman, Kathy Brewer as Zone VII Founders’ Fund Representative,
and Anne Gay as Zone VII Public Relations Committee Representative.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Ca rt :34

Anne Gay, Secretary