xt7kd50fz294_27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_04/Folder_9/Multipage3644.pdf 2007-2008 2008 2007-2008 section false xt7kd50fz294_27 xt7kd50fz294  


NOVEMBER 5, 2007

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday November 5, 2007 at the
home of Mary Montague at 241 S. Hanover Avenue. President Ellen Chapman called the
meeting to order at 9:45 am. Twenty members were in attendance: Lauren Van Balen,
Martie Mayer, Ellen Chapman, Nancy Bishop, Sheilagh Hammond, Callie Keller, Jessica
Nicholson, Mimi Milward, Kim decamp, Barbara Young, Anne Kraus, Ginny May, Gay
Van Meter, Wende Bell, Mott Nicol, Mary Montague, Luanne Milward, Libby Brown,
Anne Arvin, Janie Pappas. The minutes were approved as read by E-mail. Gay
VanMeter gave a balance of $7,233.35. Two CD’s have matured in our money market
acct. Hostess Mary Montague was thanked.

Committee Reports:

Admissions: Nancy Bishop began the process of voting for new candidates by reading
the names of the prospective candidates as well as the names of board members who
were eligible to vote. The ballots were passed. The ballots were collected and counted.
It was later reported that we had elected three new members. Their names should be kept
confidential until they have responded to the invitation (which they should receive on
Wednesday or Thursday.)

Conservation: Mimi Milward said that clean-up day on the Ashland Estate ground is
Nov. 17th. The Grounds Committee at Ashland approved the cutting of the Hackberry
tree behind the rear wall of the garden. The Ashland Estate Board will have to approve
this. Non-organic apples contain the second highest amount of pesticides.

Awards: Mott Nicol received new information about the rules for the award process.
There will now be awards for those members who turn 90 or 100 years old. December 1St
is the deadline for applying for the Plant Award — J an. 2nd for the Horticulture Award.
Ideas and suggestions for these awards were discussed.

Garden Project: Libby Brown said that afier two years free of vandalism, we found
graffiti and paint damage on our marble table top. To keep from replacing it.for $1500,
the grounds keeper at Ashland was able to buff most of it out. The citrus tree has gone to
Pemberton’s, the gardenia to Gay and the twp jasmine trees will go to -- a good home.
Libby thanked everyone who came to help with Bulb Day.

Horticulture: Marion Jones our Zone 7 Horticulture Rep sent word that the Shirley
McNeese Workshop will be in New York City’s Botanical Garden in October of 2008.
Our ‘Real Dirt’ web site is being updated and improved! We have been asked to send E-
mails of at least 10 members for its ‘address book’. A sign-up sheet was passed. We will
need to bring a specimen of a ‘Native Plant’ to the Zone Meeting on May 3rd.




Program: We will meet on Thursday November 15th at the IHCC at 10: 30 for a flower
sign- up sheet was circulated The Christmas Tea will be December 13th at Celeste
Newman’s new house at 1600 Eastwood Dr

Publication: Mimi Milward will help Sheilagh Hammond with the Dec. newsletter.
Founders Fund: The Yew Dell Garden Project did not win an award this year.
Friends of the Garden —— Party: We will need a new chairman for next year!

Cookbook: Ellen recognized Betsy Bulleit and Benny Williams for the excellent job
they are doing to market the new cookbook. They are in the process of setting up an E-
commerce web site which will be: www'BluegrassWinnerscom. Pricing details will be
ready soon. We currently have 43 cases of new cookbooks which include 5016 books.
Our GC members have ordered 20+ boxes of books. Vendors who have placed orders
include: L.V. Harkness, Keeneland, For Friends, Joseph Beth, etc. Joseph Beth is
planning a promotion event around our cookbook. During the 2010 World Equestrian
Event (WEG) we ‘may’ be sharing a booth with GC member Pat Green and her ‘Jockey
Silks” business. The cost to have a booth is $15,000. We will work towards finalizing
our plans and putting any agreement we have for selling cookbooks at WEG in writing.

Gay VanMeter has arranged for a Cookbook Kick- Off event on December 6th from 5:30
to 8: 00 at Keeneland’ s Clubhouse— 2n dfloor main dining room. We are working on the

‘guest list’ list. The Keeneland Gift Shop will also be promoting the cookbook. Gay
read a thank you letter from the Grayson Jockey Club concerning their cookbook

Margaret Cowgil and others have had some great marketing ideas for the cookbook.
Members are being encouraged to help market the cookbook to various organizations and
locations. A sign-up sheet was circulated. Mott Nicol suggested that all active members
be ‘required’ to do ‘something’.

Benny Williams and Barbara Young need help returning photos etc. to the farms as well
as writing them thank you notes. Talk to them if you can help.

A special thank you was sent to Barbara’s husband Bill Young for free storage of the
cookbooks in his warehouse. Bill will also allow his ‘runner’ to make ‘some’ deliveries.

Our office secretary may need extended hours to take care of orders, deliveries, etc. Anne
Arvin encouraged us to call her about cookbook orders if the GC office was closed.

Martie Mayer needs help with the cookbook booth in the ‘Holly Market’ at Southern
Lights located at the Horse Park. Workers are needed Fri. Nov 30th and Sat Dec 1St
from 5:30 to 10: 00 Please sign-up for a 2 hour shift Ideas were discussed for getting a
credit card device for that event as well as others.


 Old Business / New Business:
Benny Williams is suggesting that we design a Garden Club logo that can be used with
the cookbook sales. Ideas and copyright issues were discussed.

Luanne Milward has continued to talk to our mayor Jim Newberry about how we can
help with the 2010 WEG. We discussed the ideas of fixing up a highway exit vs. hosting
a party at the Garden. We were more enthusiastic about the party. Ellen asked Luanne to
get details about our portion of the expense, numbers and times before we ‘commit’.

Ellen thanked Mary Montague again for being the hostess. As there was no further
business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00,

Respectfully Submitted,


Anne Kraus
Recording Secretary


NOVEMBER 15, 2007

The Garden Club of Lexington met on Thursday November 15, 2007 at the Idle Hour
Country Club in Lexington. President Ellen Chapman called the meeting to order at
10:45 am. Betty Kenan introduced speaker McKenzie Royce from the Blue Grass
Conservancy. She gave us a brief but informative update on the Conservancy’s status
and objectives. McKenzie said that BG Conservancy currently has almost 4,000 acres in
flexible agreements tailored to landowner’s objectives to preserve the land for agriculture
and / or open space activities, thereby protecting the land’s conservation values. The
minutes were approved as read with one correction.

Committee Reports:

Conservation: Mimi Milward said that Saturday Nov. 17th was ‘Leaf Raking Day’ on
the grounds of the Ashland Estate. She circulated a sign—up sheet for the ‘Real Dirt’ E-
mail list as well as a copy of the GCA’s ‘Conservation Magazine’ (order on the GCA

web site.)

Flower Show: Mary Louise Fisher said that Joy Hinkle would lead today’s flower
arranging workshop entitled ‘Making Something from Nothing’.

Garden Project: Libby Brown said that a couple of beds still need to be ‘put to bed’.
She thanked everyone for all their hard work in the Garden this year!

Horticulture: Mary Montague encouraged everyone to sign—up for the ‘Real Dirt’ E-
mail list. She circulated a GCA book list as well as an article on ‘Winter Gardens’ by
David Pulp.

Program: Janie Pappas said that the Christmas Tea will be on Dec. 13th at Celeste
Newman’s new house at 1600 Eastwood Drive. Louise Parker will be the co-hostess. An
RSVP sheet was circulated. Our January meeting will be a flower arranging session
guided by two GCA flower arranging experts. We will not meet in February. The March
meeting will be the annual meeting.

Newsletter: Mimi Milward will be doing the Dec. newsletter for Sheilagh Hammond.
Assistant Treasurer: Kim DeCamp reported a balance of $1,077.45.
Friends of the Garden — Party: We need a new chairman for next year.

Scholarship: Barbara Young has been moved from being our Zone VII Representative
to the GCA Vice-Chairman of Scholarship.

Special Projects — New Cookbook: Our new cookbook Entertaining with Bluegrass
Winners, is ‘out’! Ellen Chapman thanked everyone for all their hard work on this




project. She briefly reviewed the cookbook’s progression starting from July 2003 to the
present. She recognized the cookbook committee which included: She made us aware
of all the professional time Benny Williams, the Bell Group and Eclipse Press donated to
this project.

Jane Stilz recognized the intensive work of her recipe committee which included: Martie
Mayer, Ellen Chapman, Mott Nicol, Ginny May, Katie Alford. Sub-committee chairman
were also thanked: Judy Philpott and Nancy Bishop — Appetizers, Lauren Van Balen and
Kathy Brooks — Salads, Kathy Dalton and Luanne Milward — Eggs, Cheese and Pasta,
Ellen Chapman and Melodye Kinkead — Seafood, Mott Nicol — Vegetables,

Betty Kenan and Bettie Bos Haggin — Meats, Betty Kinkead and Ginny May — Deserts,
Barbara Young — Breads, Anne Gay and Sue Glover ‘ Soups. She also thanked Benny
Williams for going above and beyond.

Betsy Brooks recognized her committee which has been marketing the cookbook to
previously used markets as well as new vendors. Ads have already appeared in the
newspaper for For Friends, as well as in publications of Eclipse Press and Blood Horse
Magazine. Betsy circulated copies of price lists as well as order forms for new vendors.
She encouraged us to purchase the cookbook for gifts to family and friends. Betsy also
gave us a handout with ideas for finding new vendors and encouraged each of us to help
market the new cookbook. A web site is being put in place to sell cookbooks on line.
For tax reasons and marketing PR, we were encouraged to refer people to retail
marketing sources rather than selling to individuals for a price lower than retail.

Old Business / New Business:

Ellen said that she has talked with Glenview GC member Margaret Calk about their
Garden Tour on June 14th. They would like for us to volunteer some of our gardens for
their ‘tour’. See the Bloomin’ News for more details.

Ellen thanked the Flower Committee and leader Joy Hinkle for the Flower Arranging

workshop set to follow. Appreciation was again expressed to hostesses Anne Arvin and
Jane Stilz for providing coffee and a delicious luncheon at the IHCC.

As there was no filrther business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.

Respectfully Submitted,


Anne Kraus
Recording Secretary


DECEMBER 3, 2007

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday December 3, 2007 at the
home of Callie Keller at 2012 Hart Road. President Ellen Chapman called the meeting to
order at 9:45 am. Seventeen members were in attendance: Jessica Nicholson, Nancy
Bishop, Mimi Milward, Mary Montague, Ginny May, Ellen Chapman, Lauren VanBalen,
Martie Mayer, Gay VanMeter, Barbara Young, Anne Arvin, Wende Bell, Mott Nicol,
Betsy Bulleit, Libby Brown, Callie Keller, Anne Kraus. The minutes were approved as
read by E-mail. Ellen thanked hostess Callie Keller. Gay VanMeter gave a balance of
$31,422.28. She also reported on our 2007 Contributions and passed a list which
included: Fayette Alliance — $200, Ashland - $200, Bluegrass Conservancy - $ 100, UK
Arboretum — $200, GCA Scholarship — $200, Shakertown - $100, Raven Run - $100,
Ashland Neighborhood - $15. Mary, our gardener, will receive a Christmas bonus of
$200. Susie Hanks, our secretary, will receive a bonus this year too. We have just
received a $500 donation from the Crutcher family.

Committee Reports:
Admissions: Nancy Bishop said that three candidates have accepted their invitations for
membership: Lucy Graves Foster, Sarah Caroline Asbury Sanderlin, Elizabeth Schnabel.

Awards: Awards will be given to three members who are 90 or more years old: Alma
Haggin, Harriett Holladay, Sally Johnson. Individualized Birthday Citations were read
and circulated. We can nominate someone for a Zone Award in 2009. Club Awards can
be given with 2 or 2 1/2 mo. notice. We are starting to assimilate a Birthday list for all
members. We were asked to record our birthdates on a list.

Garden Project: Martie Mayer said that all ‘systems’ in the Garden are shut down. All
borders have been put ‘to bed’. Vandals threw the saw horses, which were placed to keep
people off the grass, into the boxwoods. We will be giving away these saw horses.
Different ways to keep people off the grass were discussed.

Horticulture: Mary Montague circulated two articles: Fertilizing Basics by Sandra
Gorry, Off with their Heads by Tracy DiSabato-Aust.

Program: The Christmas Tea will be on Thursday December 13th at Celeste Newman’s.
Louise Parker will be the co—host. A hostess sign-up sheet was circulated for the 2008
Board Meetings.

Assistant Treasurer: We have a balance of $1,177.35.

Scholarship: Barbara Young asked that we think of eligible candidates for the Hull
Award — a National award given to educators.


 Special Projects: Betsy Bulleit said that our cookbook has been out for a little over 30
days. 2800 copies are out/sold. Our web site will be ready to go in about two weeks.
Sharon Thompson will feature our cookbook in a newspaper article on Dec. 9m. Sales
forms and ‘talking points’ were circulated. Cookbook direction / printing problems were
briefly discussed. Directions to sign-out cookbooks purchased from the office were
given. One case of books cannot be accounted for at our last meeting. Amazon.com has
sold out of our books and wants more!

Old Business / New Business:

Our accountant, Lendy Carnes from Dulworth, Breeding & Carnes, spoke to us on the
‘state of our finances’ and her ideas about restructuring our investments to receive
maximum income while keeping enough cash to cover expenses. Current factors were
examined: Our expenses exceeded our income for 2005 and 2006; Our Board has never
set a formal policy concerning the use of interest vs. principle (although we have a
pattern of only using interest); The Board has the power to restrict fiinds; Most of our
money is in CD’s; We have too much money in (several) checking accounts ($94,000)
which is not drawing much interest; There is a problem about where to put contributions
and how /when to use them; We have an anonymous donation of $25,000 and another
anonymous donation of $25,000 if the membership can match this sum with their
donations. It was suggested that we work towards consolidating our checking accounts
and to move CD’s that are penalty free into an endowment.

After some discussion, Gay VanMeter made a motion to commit $200,000 to a Board
Restricted Endowment Fund upon permission of the membership. Ellen Chapman
seconded the motion. It was brought to a voice vote and passed.

Mott Nicol then made a motion that the financial committee should be given the power to
select a financial advisor to oversee this endowment fund. It was seconded by Jessica
Nicholson and brought to a voice vote and passed.

The nominating committee was thanked for presenting the Board with a new slate of
Executive Committee
President — Jessica Nicholson
First Vice President — Barbara Young
Second Vice President — Ellen Chapman
Recording Secretary — Anne Arvin
Corresponding Secretary — Callie Keller
Treasurer — Mimi Milward

Chairman of Standing Committees
Admissions — Ginny May
Awards ~ Janie Pappas
Conservation - Kim DeCamp
Finance — Mimi Milward
Flower Show — Leslie Baldwin


 Garden Project — Mary Montague / Mary Louise Fisher
Horticulture — Brenda Barrett

Program — Wende Bell and Marcia Salbaugh
Publication — Lauren VanBalen

Special Projects — Benny Bell Williams / Betsy Bulleit

Non Voting Committees
Archives — Janie Pappas
Archives of American Garden History and Design - Margaret Cowgil
Assistant Treasurer — Anne Kraus
Founders Fund — Martie Mayer
Public Relations — Kathy Courtney
Scholarship — Katie Alford
Visiting Gardens — Kathy Brooks
Garden Party — Edie Gess

Finance Committee
Chairman: Mimi Milward
Jessica Nicholson, Gay VanMeter, Benny Williams, Betsy Bulleit,
Barbara Young
0 meets at least twice a year

Ginny May made a motion to accept this slate. Martie Mayer seconded it. The motion
was passed by voice vote.

As there was no fiirther business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10.

Respectfiilly Submitted,

(ix/601,); , Arum 2.)

Anne Kraus
Recording Secretary



The Garden Club of Lexington
General Meeting
December 13, 2007

The Garden Club of Lexington gathered for their annual Christmas Tea on Thursday
December 13, 2007 at the home of Celeste Neuman, 1600 Eastwood Lane in Lexington.
Louise Parker was the co—hostess. President Ellen Chapman welcomed our three new
members: Lucy Graves Foster, Sarah Carolyn Asbury Sanderlin and Elizabeth Schnabel.
Celeste’s new home was beautifully decorated and admired by all. The circular dining
room table was filled with delicious tea sandwiches and yummy goodies of all kinds and
adorned with a stunning floral arrangement. Jessica Bell graciously poured tea. Several
members brought flower arrangements which were later taken to shut-ins. It was a
festive occasion enjoyed by everyone!

Respectfully Submitted,

/ ,
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Anne Kraus
Recording Secretary


JANUARY 8, 2003

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met at the home of Mary Louise Fisher at
265 South Hanover Ave. President Ellen Chapman called the meeting to order at 9:45
am. F ifieen members were present: Anne Arvin, Ellen Chapman, Gay VanMeter, Ginny
May, Janie Pappas, Jessica Nicholson, Luanne Milward, Mary Louise Fisher, Mary
Montague, Mimi Milward, Mott Nicol, Sheilagh Hammond, Sue Glover, Wende Bell,
Anne Kraus. The minutes were approved as read. Treasurer Gay VanMeter reported a
balance of $5, 127.47.


Awards: Mott Nicol said that she and Lauren Van Balen would meet to compose a
proposal for the Garden Club of Lexington to be nominated for a Public Relations
Award. Everyone was asked to send Mott any records of information or pictures
concerning Ashland Garden and its involvement with the city and state. They need to
have this completed in about two weeks.

Conservation: Mimi Milward and Luanne Milward will go to a meeting in Washington
DC at the end of February. Mimi discussed her ideas about helping the city get ready for
the 2010 World Equestrian Games by landscaping the medium area at the exit ramp of
Tates Creek and New Circle Road. She shared ideas of appropriate plant material. The
Board had enthusiastic suggestions and encouraged her to fiirther investigate the idea.

Finance: Gay circulated brochures from various organizations to which we have made
donations. She read a letter from Mary Warren thanking us for her Christmas bonus.

Flower Show: Mary Louise Fisher read a letter from Ashland thanking us for decorating
a room and fireplace in Henry Clay’s parlor for the holidays. Pictures were taken!

Garden Project: We are still pricing replacements for the holly tree.

Horticulture: Mary Montague said that the French Broad River Garden Club would be
hosting the next Zone Meeting at Biltmore in Ashville, NC on Sept. 17 —19th, 2007. The
theme will be ‘Regional Material’. Mary has a list of appropriate horticulture materials
to send as well as information on the history of the Biltmore and their head gardener,
Chauncey Beadle. Afier discussion the Board decided that we should do a ‘group’
horticulture project. Meeting times and places were discussed and will be pursued.

Program: Our general meeting will be January 18th at the IHCC at 10:30 — hostesses —
Ginny May & Sue Glover. GCA Zone Speaker, Susan Dumaine will be speaking on
Garden Design. March 15 will be the Annual Meeting at the IHCC - hostesses TBA.
April 19th will be our Horticulture Meeting — no details yet. March 5th Board Meeting —
Anne Kraus’s — 1441 Lakewood Dr.




Publication: Sheilagh Hammond needs information for the newsletter right away!

Special Projects: Anne Arvin discussed a new lead on office space — Wynn Paulson’s
office building on High St. Rental price is negotiable — $250 for one room + $150 for
additional room. Two Months free rent was offered as well as storage room & copy
machine. Parking will have to be on the street except for ‘loading’ in back of bldg. Idle
Hour Shopping Center - $290 — one room (larger). We now pay $295.

Assistant Treasurer: Our current balance is $1,112.58.

Founder’s Fund: Luanne Milward said that our Yew Dell proposal is one of three
finalists that will be voted on in March.

Old Business: Ginny May is on the Board for the Southeastern Flower Show in Atlanta
— Feb. 7 to 11m. Brochures were circulated. Get a group together and go!!!

New Business: Ellen discussed her idea of getting a really great speaker and having a
joint meeting for the state as well as having a lecture open to the public (for a fee). Ginny
May will be in charge of pursuing this idea!!

As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:50.

Respectfully Submitted,

Anne Kraus
Recording Secretary



JANUARY 17, 2008

The Garden Club of Lexington met on Thursday January 17, 2008 at the Idle Hour
Country Club in Lexington. President Ellen Chapman called the meeting to order at
10:45 am. She thanked hostesses Sarah Davis and Bettie Bos Haggin. The minutes were
approved as read. Gay Van Meter reported a balance of $30,088.08.

Committee Reports:
Corresponding Secretary: Jane Stilz circulated a membership list and asked everyone

to check for changes / corrections to their personal information.

Conservation: Mimi Milward gave members handouts with information about pesticide
content in specific fruits and vegetables. She also had similar information about paper
products and bottled water. See the Bloomin ’ News for more details.

Horticulture: Mary Montague gave us two articles from Fine Gardening: ‘Off with
their Heads!’ by Tracy DiSabato and ‘Fertilizing Basics’ by Sandra Gorry.

Founders Fund: Luanne Milward announced that we would be voting on three projects
at the March meeting for the Founders Fund: The Buffer Strip Project from Cooperstown
NY; The Native American Village and Garden Project — native plants and native people
from Stevenson MD; The Bookworm Garden Project from Sheboygan WI. See the
Bloomin ’ News and the GCA Bulletin for more details. Last year the New Orleans project
was the winner.

2013 will be our Founders Centennial Year. The Founders Fund Committee has chosen
New York city as the cite of our Fund Project as we were founded there. It has been
suggested that each GCA member make individual contributions for this project.

Friends of the Garden Party: Edie Gess has agreed to be our new chairman.

Special Projects: Betsy Brooks Bulleit announced that out of the 7,000 printed copies of
Entertaining with Bluegrass Winners, we have sold 5,000. We are looking into
reprinting both the old and new cookbooks soon. Send any corrections you may have to
Jane Stilz. Follow up with marketing contacts and keep Margaret Cowgil informed. Our
web site will be set up soon. Ellen complimented Betsy Bulleit and Benny Williams for
all their hard work. She also said that Susie Hanks has been working many extra hours to
keep up with the orders and out—of-office sales of the new cookbook. It is Joseph Beth
Book Store’s #1 seller!

Assistant Treasurer: Kim DeCamp reported a balance of $734. 10. Dues of $100 per
member will be collected in March.

Old Business / New Business:



Sara Davis said that her friend and mentor Shelia McQueen died January 8th.

Libby Jones has invited any interested members from our Club to join the Midway
Garden Club on a bus trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show which will leave March 3d
The trip will include a two day pass and they will stay in a Marriott Contact Libby Jones
at 396- 9310 for more details. Deadline 15 February lSt

Year-end committee reports will be due to Ellen Chapman on February 15‘.

Dottie Cordray asked all members to refrain from wearing any perfume to our meetings
as she is extremely allergic to any artificial fragrances.

As there was no fiirther business, the meeting was adjourned. It was followed by a
flower arranging program given by GCA speakers ‘Weezie and Molly’ (Weezie Monroe
and Molly Stephan). Their humor and expertise were very well receivedll We were able
to buy their book Stay Fresh with Us (proceeds going to The Winnetka Garden Club).
The flower arrangements they used for demonstration were also sold (the proceeds went
to our Garden Club to defray costs of materials). Written instructions for each
arrangement were sent to us via E-mail.

A delicious luncheon of soup, sandwiches, etc. hosted by Sarah Davis and Bettie Bos
Haggin followed the program.

Respectfully Submitted,

/ I. ’1 /

Anne Kraus
Recording Secretary


MARCH 3, 2008

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met on Monday March 3, 2008 at the home
of Ellen Chapman at 4689 Old Frankfort Pike. It was a joint meeting of the old and new
board members. President Ellen called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. Twenty—three
members were in attendance: Brenda Barrett, Anne Kraus, Sheilagh Hammond, Wende
Bell, Kim DeCamp, Benny Williams, Kathy Courtney, Marcia Slabaugh, Luanne
Milward, Mimi Milward, Jessica Nicholson, Anne Arvin, Mary Louise Fisher, Ellen
Chapman, Betsy Bulleit, Mattie Mayer, Callie Keller, Katie Alford, Nancy Bishop, Mary
Montague, Kathy Brooks, Margaret Cowgill, Mott Nicol. Ellen welcomed the new board
members and thanked the old board members for all their hard work. She asked everyone
to introduce themselves, telling about their old and / or new position. The minutes were
approved as read via E—mail.

Committee Reports:
Corresponding Secretary: Callie Keller said that the inserts for our membership book

would be available at the March 20th Annual meeting.

Admissions: Nancy Bishop said that she had the ‘New Members Orientation’ at her
home in February.

Awards: Mott Nicol said that she will be hosting ‘The Derby Party’ at the Annual
Meeting in Norfolk VA in May (as our representative.) It isn’t necessary for other
members to join her as the Norfolk Garden Club will be managing the details. Their chef
will prepare recipes from our cookbook. Alice Cary Brown has donated the Bourbon. A
betting system will be set up for the ‘Derby’. Mott will be able to peddle our new and old
cookbooks although the location for this is still vague. Order forms will be available.

Conservation: Mimi Milward talked enthusiastically about her recent trip to the GCA
Conservation Conference in Washington DC. She heard Senator Warner and others
speak and talked with our representative Ben Chandler. She recommended that we read
Gardener’s Guide to Global Warming.

Garden Project: Martha Stewart and John Carloffiis are writing a new gardening book.
They have been touring KY gardens and want to photograph our garden gate for the
cover of the book. The issue of getting our permission / something in writing about this
was discussed. The spring issue of Keeneland Magazine will have an article featuring
our garden and our new cookbook!

After several interviews, Mary Louise Fisher and Mary Montague decided to use
‘United’ for our garden maintenance again. We were given individual letters about our
garden assignments.


 Horticulture: Mary Montague circulated an article from our 2-23-08 newspaper, ‘KY
Gears Up for Bee Season’ by Andy Mead. Jessica Nicholson needs to take some of our
coffee tree ‘starts’ to the Norfolk meeting in May. Possibilities were discussed.

Program: Our Annual Meeting will be at 10:30, March 201h at the Idle Hour CC.
Hostesses are: Betty Kenan, Anne Gay, and Barbara Young. A RSVP sheet was passed.

Publication: Sheilagh Hammond asked for information for the 8100mm ’News ASAP.

Special Projects: We have sold over 100.000 copies of our old Bluegrass Winners
Cookbook. If we can provide documentation for this we are eligible to win a Mikelani
award which would entitle us to put gold ‘Tabasco’ stickers on each book we sell.

We have sold over 4,000 copies of Entertaining with Bluegrass Winners. As we will be
reprinting it soon, it is time to retest our recipes for possible corrections, etc. Betsy
Bulleit urged everyone to sign up to test individual farm menus.

Our new cookbook has been the #1 bestseller at Joseph Beth Book Store. It was
suggested that we look into having a ‘book signing’ at Keeneland during the spring race
meet. The ‘Cotton Patch’ in Lansdowne Shops wants to sell our cookbooks!

Assistant Treasurer: Kim DeCamp reported a balance of $1,416.35. Please pay your
dues of $100 either now or at the annual meeting. The deadline is June 13‘.

Founder’s Fund: Luanne Milward said that we could vote on one of three proposed
projects for this year’s Founder’s Fund. We will also vote on one of two choices for the
2013 Centennial Project in NY City. See your Feb. /March GCA Bulletin for details.

Scholarship: Barbara Young is currently in NY attending a GCA National Scholarship
Committee Meeting. She is the Vice—Chairman of their Public Relations committee.

Visiting Gardens: Information was circulated about a GCA trip to the Florence Griswal
Museum in Old Lyme Conn. for their exhibit ‘Impressionist Giverny, American Painting
1885 — 1915’.

Friends of the Garden Party: Call Edie Gess if you would like to help with our party.
Old Business / New Business:
Ellen said that we would read four memorials at the Annual Meeting for: Lou Simpson,

Betty Kinkead (by Sarah Davis), Irma Johnson (by Anne Turner), Alma Haggin.

The Ashland Neighborhood Association’s newsletter ‘Clay’s Beacon’ wants to do a
feature article on the Ashland Garden.

A form to order a scarf with the Annual Meeting logo was circulated.



Kathy Brooks announced dates for Garden / Antique Shows: Charleston Home / Garden
March 28 & 29, Charleston Festival of Gardens March 13 to April 12. Bluegrass Antique
and Garden Show March 14 to 16.

Ellen said that she intended for the March meeting to be a discussion of the finance
committee’s ideas about our financial restructuring, our endowment fund and our two
recent donations (and the stipulations of the second donation.)

Ellen closed the meeting with a short motivational excerpt at 11:00 am.

Respectfully Submitted,


Anne Kraus
Recording Secretary


April 7, 2008

The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met April 7, 2008 at the home of Mary
Louise Fisher. Past President Ellen Chapman called the meeting to order. There were 20
members present: Katie Alford, Anne Arvin, Leslie Baldwin, Brenda Barrett, Wende
Bell, Kathy Brooks, Betsy Bulleit, Ellen Chapman, Kathy Courtney, Margaret Cowgill,
Mary Louise Fisher, Edie Gess, Callie Keller, Anne Kraus, Martie Mayer, Mary
Montague, Janie Pappas, Lauren Van Balen, Benny Williams, and Barbara Young. Ellen
thanked Mary Louise for hosting the meeting. The minutes of the March Board meeting
were approved as circulated via email.

Ellen reported that the outgoing Treasurer, Gay Van Meter, and Treasurer Mimi Milward
are in the process of implementing the turnover of the books and financial

Committee Reports:

Corresponding Secretary: Callie Keller asked for volunteers to host the Board Meetings
and circulated the schedule for sign ups. She noted that she has written several notes and
sent flowers on behalf on the Garden Club.

Garden Project: Mary Montague and Mary Louise Fisher thanked those who came for
the initial Peony Bed workday and circulated the signup sheet for the remainder of the

year. The garden workdays will o