GARDEN CLUB OF LEXINGTON BOARD MEETING November 2, 2009 The Board of the Garden Club of Lexington met Monday, November 2, 2009 at the home of Anne Kraus. President Jessica Nicholson presided and called the meeting to order. There were 21 members present: Katie Alford, Leslie Baldwin, Kathy Brooks, Betsy Bulleit, Ellen Chapman, Kathy Courtney, Kim DeCamp, Edie Gess, Mary Louise Fisher, Callie Keller, Anne Kraus, Martie Mayer, Ginny May, Mimi Milward, Mary Montague, Jessica Nicholson, Janie Pappas, Marcia Slabaugh, Lauren Van Balen, and Barbara Young. Jessica thanked Anne Kraus for hosting the meeting. The minutes of the October Board meeting which were circulated via email were approved as emailed. Treasurer Mimi Milward announced the Finance Committee met to propose allocations for our annual contributions. There was discussion about including Raven Run in the donations. Callie Keller then made a motion to amend the proposed allocations to give Raven Run $200 and to lower McConnell Springs to $100. Ginny May seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Donations will be as follows: Arboretum $300 Ashland $200 Ashland Neighborhood Association $15 Bluegrass Conservancy $100 Fayette Alliance $200 GCA Scholarship Fund $200 McConnell Springs $100 Shakertown $200 Raven Run m Total $1,515 Mimi announced that an additional $1,500 has been earmarked for our pending Zone VII meeting to be held here in 2013. Mimi reported a balance of $10,940.22. The Bluegrass Winners Account has a balance of $18,498.46. The Assistant Treasurer’s Account has a balance of $1,244.07. The Friends of the Garden Party made a profit of $6,635.42. Edie and the committee did a great job of keeping expenses down and hosting a lovely party. Our donations were down 44%, and the art was down 47%. Mimi announced that the Sallie Johnston estate has bequeathed $1,000, which has been put in the Endowment Fund. There are six members who have not contributed to the Endowment Fund. We have met the monetary requirement to receive matching funds, but we do not have the 100%