xt7kd50fz294_7 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_01/Folder_14/Multipage742.pdf 1928-1931 1931 1928-1931 section false xt7kd50fz294_7 xt7kd50fz294  















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 deroen Clue
Meeting Rey 51, 19? MIS' H3


A! in

The meeting of the GerOea Club was held May Elst

es tne guest of Lrs. Louis Lee H :Lin, witn

twenty—three memeers present. lne President

Mre.Glerx gresided. :ne minutes of tne lest

meetiné were read and appraved wits tne following

additions, tne senedulee, entry cards eno posters

of tne Flower Show cost approximately £80.00

wnu one gold seal to Lrs. Louis hilienmeyer :or

lovely magnolia blossoms,
The Treasurer reported the balance in tne Bank
the , ne nee a;t deposited sore cnecks.
In reply to oueSLiens reported tnzt twenty-eignt
members had made voluntary contributions for
the Deficit Fund of tn: Garden Club of Americe.
Fifty dollers nee been sent to tnis tune witn
e twenty-one dollars balance remaining. It is
required to send don Liens in units of twenty-
iive dollars eecn.
The Secretary tnen reeq the amendments to the
by-lews o: the Garden clue of nmericen end the
nomination ballot of officers and directors of

Mrs. :*¢ ’ ennounceo tnrt ere ned received en


 attractive booklet from the fioaoside Cemgittee of
the Lenox Garden Ulub Called Beautiful Eerxsnire.
A numeer or members wno plan to motor tnrougn

tne hills requested that their memes be placed
Upon the liSL o: distribution‘

rne report of the nomin ting Uom ittee was read by
Mrs. Moore.

President, Mrs. F. 0. Young

lst Vice President, firs. Edward clerk

and Vice—President, mrs. #. G. Lewwill

Treasurer, ere. Sterling Coke

Recordiig decreterr, firs. Louis fiillenmeyer

reret Payne


irresponding Secretary, Lies «er
:‘XUditor, ALIS, ’. R" linomgas
of tne next meeting was changed from

June sixtn to tnirteenth.

Mrs. Heggin again expressed 2yprecietion of mr.

Skuller'e ecoeptence of the return oi the Blower
Snow prizes eno the correSpondiig secretary was
asked to write nim a note of thanks.

The meeting adjourned to cave eelioinus tee witn
mrs. Hagéin and to visit her lovely garden.

Heepeotiully submitted.

DeiSy Bume, Say. Proetem.





.- L V
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,~ u: [D
H‘ *‘3
{1: F—J $11 Pt:
I C)


. «w -.

The puplic ’S just awakening to the
fact that our wonderful scenic beauty 5Q


one 01 Kentucky’s are tCLb SSSSLS, to be
connervci net 0i]? for“ esthetic IleaSure
but for fizz 013 1 proiit as well.


 “eroen Jluo A“-
Meetiig June lb, 1300

Mrs. VanDeren

Griz; to the absence or Lrs. " j?“ «rs. Lawwill

presided it the me 311g 7; tfir "2 witu mra.

VaiEergn on June tgirteentn. “meaty—three members

A\“3 progent. Lhe miiULas if ““C 1533 ciuo meet-
wsre corn :pproved : r‘.‘ “ ' ;surer re-

ported a bslgice or ;46:.9é.

Tue names if arc. Fioyd arignt

3nd firs. Kenaill mcDoweli worm pl 08:

bership list rfter nEviJg been ECCBQtE


The resignation or mrs. Inos. J arson was announced

and accepted wit: regret.

Erie ciu‘o COISL me: re;or-xmeiiczrsti

flOminEtiflg 00mmittee ‘nd elecreo tne :oilowing

Officers for toe BdSUng year.

Presioeat, Mrs. F. 0. Young

Lat. ?ice~Presioent, Mrs. Ed.

2nd. Vice—President, firs. E. C. Lawwill

iregsurer, @rs, Sterling Coke

decoroing Secret:ry, 4rs.

UorreSponding secretary, Miss Msrgeret Payne

Auditor, Mrs. I. R. Inomas,



Mr . Lew ill 11 Ice absence 0: fresiceat pge-
seated yro. Icuag wno reggoacec witc a gracious
speech of acceptance. l word of welc we and


appreciation were eXLeuded Lac new Ireasurer

cc 3 cretery.
ugcn L cox excefioae from tne


w cc;
wee mace

A motion be
iOCIQ tnet tne sill Boarc commltzee me on aged

u'lLtee. Carried.

E SUC*C0mCitL€€ ED 3 ”a 1w .
Mrs. Brazier, leacer icr «a ?:v grepared a most
'erESting prcgr m in mulch Junlcr League Wembers

in a recent iSSue or fine Junlor League
L;i:ty—nine article~ per aiming


u. "I

Brooker iutrocuced the sccject by reakla

l emitlec, ”Reluctantly 0% gar-Je n S
"An Urge to




' "An Orcuid Farm”

“1d Virginia"
Law harks end misS told in a

Dy Mrs.
most delightful manner of t; Gardens

",of St.



 Meeting Ju

The chairman or tne Ricbon eomnlttee announced
the ribeon eweras for tne year.
mrs Clerk with sixteen gold seals and nlneteen

"*tj—‘Je paints rec:ived fir t

heradoa received Second g ‘, 410* thirty—
Dlue Neale 210 3” fi-‘x .5 £5 a tOtel
of fortyutnree DOiuLS,
Ike r10 on awards for tne 08y ——
nerneon, four Elue sea;s

Ere. Vanneren, )ne Solo 5641.

meeting 'ageurned >ae visit to Mrs. VenDeren's

ire cue garuen enjoyed by all.

Marie fl. nilienmeger

M C; Z‘yééau L. (e f (1/ LL. 4...“



 Garden Gluo
Meetisg June

summer meeting was nele With mrs. Moore

"sin eresi-ed ens will continue in
that especity Larisa the absence of firs. Clerk wh
is EIEVElilé abroad. about thirty me oers mere
present. The minutes 0; the last meetiig were reto
and approved rite e slight correction. fne
Treasurer reported a eel : ' V sol3.06.

Ito more names w:re geese to tee list J1 r881333~
I. 3. Best sac lrs.‘. fi.Aneerson,

A letter was read irom the AmeriCPH Iris Society

expressing gratitude for tee kindness of tar Gar-

fien Clue memeers in helping to make tneir recent

visit to Lexington soon an enjoyable event.

IL WPS SUflgBSt”d test the next clue meeting es

en nged to s picnic issueed of a business meeting.

After a oiscussion it was left to a committee to

decide the ouestion.

are. Lafrertry, leaner for tee day, before present—

ing the Speaker described tne floral carpets made

for the observance of religious festivals on the


Isle or Tenerife. Elaborate designs were made from

veri—colored inWEIS, seeds and stones. She



Meetigg June 21, l930 (con't.)

it $5,511,

suggested tuis feetureAin a simple way to our
next flows; snow.
Fortune was tnea introdeced :nm “is
"Jesus Among tee Elowers" was
previous weee rue Galte eagropjs


_Enerel discussion of

seed planting during August. lise Hat“eway, lrs.

VenDeren, ene lrs, ilnore seve detailed accounts

After a word 0: WElCOmB to Lne new members the
axe tne club enjoyed tee uel'


“38 N36" C‘I’VBCE {if} Exile IlC:;SC€S:u,

Eerie a. hillenme er

Sec'y. pro tem..


/_ I
d)7ubb;4 CJQ-figééngpauquéfi-m



 Board fieetiag

July 0. 1930 Mrs. Lewwiil
:he Board of Directors mes called for a snort
business session with Mrs” Lewwill on July Ltn.
Twelve memoers were present.

hinutes of tee lest Bo re fieetLAg were reed and

approved. Iue fressurer's report was unchsnged,

however, it mes steted teat a check w:s sent to

tee Garden Club of American coveriig dues of
sixty—eight members.

fne Admissions Committee presented the iollowing
nameso For setive membership.—- Mrs. Joan dtoll,
Mrs, sew rd BESSGEE, mrs. Spence Gerricx, Mrs.
Bowers istill, end firs. Brice Hostsine.

For associate memeership—-Mrs. Bedford Brown ens
hrs. Eerre.

A motion was mess anc carried that these be accept—
ed. It was agreed to :ollow tne sceedule of the
year bask and diSpease site 8 picnic as was here-
tofore sugge ted.
Ihe next meeting to as field wits firs. Garrett on
July eighteenth.

Meeting adjfiuraed'

Marie 1. Hilienmeyer

W a) Marx/“.6011 L1


 eereen Clue

fieeting July 15, 1950

the Gerden Clue nele its regulgr meetin?
ignteentn witn ere. Gerrett as nostess.

firs. Lawwiil, iiret vice—president presiuee.

LLnutes c; the ‘eit meeting were res; snn

xinutes o: the s board meeting 2

I‘e TTEESU" reportec‘ en approximate belance of

5233. 0. fine SVVll ecccgit 9363.00.

several new members were weicoeec into

se recently elected to active membership are

Jonn dtoll, ire. de:re j'essett, mrs. Spence

cer'ick, nrs. howsrd Estill anc xrs. Brice Eontaine.
10 Associate temcersnip lrs. Bedford Brown.
Ine following rieeons were awarded.

ere. El ore, l golc eel.

Mrs. Gerrett, 1 acid seal.

ere. Greddy, B clue se.l .

M18: H tnsw y 3 blue seals,
fir. Louis niilenmeyer w:s then presented cy
firs, Lawwill. His subject”Design of a Small Ger—
den" was most interesting. He recommended this


season 0: tne 3e r as ioeel Ior me Kiag engages

in the old gereen or ior planning a new garden.

aerlflZ and drainage are important to consider.


 Meetlng July 18, 1930 (con‘t.)

Diiienent tyees 0: garde;e, test is, formal or in—
formel, senaen ‘nn rocx gereene, "re ell suited to
different surrouanings. [he prOpe: shrubs end
ilow g» av": ~~ Sergea eaveseeriee sneuld be

ere-ully chosen. SmaLl geruens ere too often

overdone but can be very ceeutiful if prOperLy

adjourned ens :ne iedles enjoyea ue

“aehioned wereen o: tee Hostess.


Eerie B. Gillenmeyer

37110944. 6) “W12“ {.{14‘475/ 2.,“



 Gerden Club

meeting AugUSt BC 1930 mrs, fl.fi.nillenmeyer


A regular meeting of tne Garden club was neld on


August twenty-nin;n with firs. Welter nillenmeyer,

. Lewwill presided. Iwenty~tnree members were
present. Due to the absence or the freesurer there
was no report.
fine minuttr o: the last meeting were reed end ap~
proved nitn one correczion.

A letter W58 recently received ir0¢ tne Garden Club
of America soliciting funds to preserve tne Historic
Redwoods of “e " r“e It was suggested tnet a
contribution be ;.; 'rox tne club retner then in—

d v'duelly. rnis,n.wever, will oe taken up at tne

next meeting. mUCfl praise was ~iven nrs. Bailey

icr :er firticle on QOHSBIVEELOH which appeared in
3 rec at issue or tne Bulletin.
Awards icr flowers were as follows:
Mrs. nerndon, 7 clue sesls.

Erlter Hil_enmeye , 1 gold seal.

Walton, leader for tne day tnen gresented
Mrs. randy fiugnes, 2 Club member. her talk was
most interestingzs sne told of the preparation of

garden soil, tne treatment 0; plant diseases and


 Lne prepagazion oi IOSES irom slips.
generously Seve me: own :ormuias
original methods of rpniication


LLB meetiig tne members visited

:ne ggrdea 01 tne nostess nag tne aajsiniag garden

or Mrs, L0 is hiileiueyer.

Marie 3,

, ”:3 ’ fl
ak’Lt/‘oocfl U,‘ . “Na/1’5“ (V41 5.4.141- _,7




The Lexington Garden Club met with Mrs. C.W.
Moore on Friday, February 20th, in the Red Room of
the Lafayette Hotel. There were 25 members pres-

Mrs. Young, the President, presided.

Before the meeting Mrs. Estill distributed
the year books and was much complimented on their

The secretary read the minutes of the last
meeting and they were approved.

The treasurer reported that having sent a
check for $100.00 to the Arboretum of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky, she had $97.00 in the treasury.

Mrs. Young asked the auditors, Mrs. Thomas
and Mrs. Herndon, to count the ballots of the ques—
tionaire, with the following result:

For the reconstruction of the

gardens at Ashland..... 31 Yes 8 No
For the Kentucky Botanical
gardens ................ 32 Yes 8 No

The President then asked Mrs. Tandy Hughes to
talk to the Club about Lilies. Mrs. Hughes gave
a most interesting and informing lecture, quoting
recognized authorities, and distributing a list of
the best “fool proof“ varieties to insure lily
bloom all the year. She divided lilies into stem—
rooting and bulb—rooting varieties, and gave ad-
vice as to their habits and culture.

Mrs. Lafferty suggested that such a lecture
be put on file for future use and offered to have
Mrs. Hughes' paper mimeographed for the Club.

Hrs. Young then returned to the business of
the meeting. She called upon Mrs. Lawwill to read
the revised constitution and by-laws.

The question of attendance required at meet—
ings and of a third class of membership was dis-
cussed, and it was moved by Mrs. Lewis, seconded by
Miss Vanmeter: "That the by—laws and constitution
be accepted as read". The motion carried.


 Mrs. Young told the Club that it was in—
debted to Mrs. Lafferty for mimeographing the
questionaire sent out to the membership. She
then told of the progress made in gaining infor-
mation and COOperation in the matter of the pro—
posed pilgrimage.

The Kentucky Progress Commission will furn—
ish an unlimited supply of booklets concerning
the tour. The Automobile Club has been asked to
mark roads. The Board of Commerce will pledge
assistance. Mr. Shouse will give office and
desk Space at the Lafayette Hotel.

She specially stated that no member of the
Garden Club will be asked to drive or lend cars,
and that a system of student guides will be
worked out to supplement the guide books and
road marks if desired.

Mrs. Young told of a visit to Kenwick School,
which has a garden club, and would be grateful
for plants, seeds or supplies for a garden.

"Their youth and enthusiasm should be encouraged",
she said.

Mrs. Van Deren then diSplayed a rare and beas—
tiful lily, the Clibra, a lovely red specimen with
22 blooms. She said it had first been brought to
her notice at the Louisville Flower Show two years

Mrs. Young called attention to the Cincinnati
Flower Show at Music Hall, March 7——15th. She
read a letter from the Fayette Rose and Garden
Club, urging the Garden Club to join a federation
of garden clubs for the state.

Mrs. Lawwill and Mrs. Lafferty spoke in fav—
or of such an affiliation, but no action was

Mrs. Young reported that Mr. Purdie will not
be available for a lecture this year, but Mrs.
Perkins is anxious to come, also a Mrs. Cake.

Mrs. Lawwill moved that the question be left to
the program committee.

Mrs. Lawwill recommended a lecture at the
Woman's Club on the 28th, as a source of interest.
A Mr. McKenna will be the speaker.

The meeting then adjourned on motion.

Respectfullxw ubmitted,
% “”1 ’< Sec'y.


 The Board of the Lexington Garden Club met
in the Colonial Room of the Lafayette Hotel on
Wednesday, March 12th, at ten o'clock. 15 members
were present.

Mrs. Young told of COOperation she had re—
ceived in planning the pilgrimage. She said that
the Progress Commission's magazine was too bulky to
send by mail and their smaller booklet not off the
press, and stated that we may have to have small
booklets printed giving information, routings and
road maps.

Mrs. Bullock moved "That the Board ask the
Garden Club to lend them the $500.00 in the savings
account to use in this emergency." Motion was sec—
onded by Mrs. John Lewis, and carried.

Mrs. Young reported that there was $54.00
in entrance fees at Mrs. Miner's lecture, and so
no deficit.

Mrs. Young called attention to the meeting
of the Garden Club of America May l8—-22, at Glen-
coQaQLong Island. The President and her delegate
and four other delegates are entitled to go. Mrs.
Clarke indicated a willingness to go and Miss Hume
stated that Mrs. Lawwill eXpects to go.

Mrs. Clarke stated that she had about com-
pleted the necessary information in regard to the
trip to Charleston, and stated that she would re—
gret going further into the matter unless it was
definitely decided that sufficient persons were
interested to make it worth the while of the Bus
Company and the Garden Club. She said that the
dates offered as most desirable were from the 5th
to the 15th of April, that the cost would be be-
tween B50.00 and $60.00, and would last for five
days, but that she would be prepared with all
necessary information at the meeting of the Club
on Friday. 7

Mrs. Estill reported that she had gotten
complimentary reports on Mrs. Oaks as a speaker,
and also Mrs. Jacobs of South Carrollton who
writes that she will be glad to come to the club
in June for $35.00.

Miss Robinson emphasized the need for haste
in getting out advertisement of the pilgrimage.


 Mrs. Young told what her plans were along that
line, advertising in the nationally known gar-
den periodicals being prohibitive.

The meeting then adjourned on motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

I) l



. ‘7/ -
JXLW .14fiééfj; __ ”—880 '37.-



The Lexington Garden Club met with Mrs.
Waller Herndon on Friday, March 13th, at three

Mrs. Young presided, and the following
business was taken up.

Two corrections were made in the minutes
of the previous meeting: The Automobile Club
had been asked to mark the roads. Mr. Kenny gave
the lecture at the Woman's Club on March 28th.

The Treasurer's report of £79.07 was ap—

One correction of the minutes of the
Board meeting was made.

It was decided not to name the delegates
to the Garden Club of America meeting.

Mrs. Young gave details of the meeting at
GlencomgQLong Island. Registration fee of $25.00
must be paid by April 6th, and no substitutes can
be made after May 4th. Mrs. Young has the invi-
tations and they will be sent as soon as the dele~
gates are decided upon.

Mrs. Garrick of the ways and Means Committee
reported thather committee met March 3rd and made
a tentative list of the places to be visited dur—
ing the Pilgrimage. She said that they had met
with Splendid reSponse, and gave a list of places
already heard from, other places to be listed as
heard from. Her report was approved.

Mrs. Young read a letter from Mr. Look
saying that he would COOperate. Transylvania,too,
responded saying that the Library of rare books
and prints would be on diSplay during the pilgrim-
age. The body of Raffineske on the Transylva-
nia grounds will be of Special interest to garden—

Motor corps and guide work has been of-
fered to the Junior League — money made to go to

Mrs. Lafferty Spoke of an attempt made at
one time to own the Mary Todd Lincoln home.


 firs. Young read the tentative committees
for the pilgrimage.

Mrs. Bullock moved that we borrow $562.6M
from the savings account of the Garden Club,
seconded by Mrs. Lewis. This was not voted on
and Mrs. Bullock withdrew her motion.

Mrs. Lafferty moved that the Club ex ress
its wish to the finance committee that the m562.64
be loaned for the pilgrimage, seconded by Mrs.

irs. Lafferty moved that a committee be ap—
pointed to Spenser in 1932 tree planting to cele—
brate the centennial birthday of George Washington.

Mrs. Healy read the Club history from Sept.
7th, 1929 to Sept. 20th, 1930. Mrs. Healy was
thanked for her efforts and the history applauded.
One correction was made — the club garden books
are at the Y.W.C.A.

Mrs. Graddy spoke in favor of the Federa—
tion of Kentucky Garden Clubs, and called to our
minds the Splendid work the Cincinnati Garden
Clubs have done together as a federation in their
Flower Show.

The meeting then adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

/? ._~
EEK A] jam-W14 Acting Sec'y.



 The Board of the Lexington Garden Club
met at the Lafayette Hotel on Wednesday, April lst,
at ten o'clock.

In the absence of Mrs. Young, Mrs. Clark
presided and Spoke o: the sympathy and interest of
the Board in Mrs. Young's sorrow. The secretary
was instructed to write a letter of condolence to
Mrs. Young and her family.

Mrs. Clark stated that the Y.W.C.A. has
requested that books belonging to the Club be re—
moved as they feel reSponsible for them, and evi—
dently some of them have disappeared.

Mrs. Norton of Transylvania has offered
to allow us to use a few shelves there in the
Library. Mrs. Bullock moved that Miss Van Meter
be appointed to take charge of the matter, and
also to gather together all missing volumes. The
motion carried.

Mrs. Clark stated that the trip to Charles—
ton has been abandoned.

The question of appointing associate mem—
bers to fill vacancies cpen to the Club for the
annual meeting at Glencoe, Long Island, was dis—
cussed, and Mrs. Lawwill moved that places be
filled if possible by active or associate members.

Miss Hathaway reported that the Annual
Field Day at the University has been suspended
due to the proximity of the date of the pilgrimage,
and that notices will be sent to that effect to the
usual Garden departments and Garden Clubs of the
State, making the statement that persons will be
in charge of the Botanical Gardens every morning
and afternoon of that week to show peOple about
and answer questions.

The Garden Club meeting will be on the data
set in the year book at Mrs. McVey's. A short pro-
gram and a view of the Botanical Gardens will con—


 stitute the program. The report was accepted.

The secretary then read a letter from Mrs.
Lafferty, herewith enclosed, stating that as the
president had found the title of her sketches un~
suitable she felt she must retire as chairman of
the publicity committee. Miss Payne suggested of-
fering some comprOmise. Mrs. Stoll Spoke in favor
of Mrs. Lafferty's presenting her views to the
Club in person.

After much discussion Mrs. Lawwill moved that
we accept her resignation, and Mrs. Alexander
amended to add that we are most appreciative of the
work she has done for the club and eXpressing our,
gratitude for it. -

Hrs. Bullock moved (seconded by Miss Payne)
that the President go right on with the work as it
has been planned.

Mrs. Estill said that advertising was being
solicited for the guide books, approved by the
Board of Commerce, and to be selected advertising
only from peOple that will profit by it.

The question of charge for admission was put,
but it was decided to leave it to the committee.
The sense of the meeting seemed to be for a fee not
over $1.00 for house and garden.

Mrs. Clark asked for sympathetic help and co-
Operation from every member of the Garden Club.

The meeting then adjourned on motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

p, Q, .—
a... It Mm



 The Lexington Garden Club visited
the following gardens on the afternoon of April

17th! [a 5,4

Mrs. John Scott's,lovely in design and
for the exquisite fruit trees in bloom. Her pan-
sies were immense, and the jonquils and narcissi
a beautiful picture.

Mrs. Van Deren's flowers were lovely,
and a Crown Imperial from her Great Grandmother’s
garden that was most interesting.

Mrs. Averett's garden — nice design, and
an apple tree of great beauty — plenty of bloom.

Then to Mrs. Clark's, where there were
quantities of bulbs, many of them rare varieties,
and lovely flowering crabs added to the scene.
here we had delicious tea and sandwiches, having
had a most inspiring afternoon.



 «M M351”

The Lexington Garden Club met on Friday
afternoon, April 24th, with Mrs. A. J. A. Alex—
ander. A large number of the membership was

The minutes of the last meeting and of the
last Board meeting were read and approved.

There was no treasurer's report.

Mrs. Estill reported that enough advertising
has been sold to about defray the eXpenses of
printing the bulletins.

Mrs. Clark announced a called meeting for
Monday May 4th, at three o'clock, at the Lafayette
Hotel. She reported that the Garden Club had sent
flowers to Dr. Young's funeral; that Mrs. Thomas
Marks will take Miss Daisy Hume's place as chair—
man of the hostess committee, and urged the use
of the year books to ascertain the date of meetings.
She asked that all who have names to suggest of
those who might be interested in the pilgrimage send
them in so that literature may be mailed at once.

She suggested that a list of gardens that
are looking particularly well at a certain time be
reported to Mrs. Estill and published in the papers
so that members may visit them.

Mrs. Clark then introduced to the Club Mrs.
Charles Middleton of Louisville, a member of the
Glenview Garden Club. She spoke delightfully on
Roses, giving a short history of the interest that
has been taken in them from the time of the Empress
Josephine,when there were 250 known varieties, to
the present day when there are more than 16,000.
She told of her eXperience with her roses, and took
us from the making of the beds to the final prepar-
ation of her roses for the Winter, inepiring every
one with her zeal and enthusiasm. Mrs. Middleton
gave the following list of books on rose culture
that may be useful for future reference:

The Rose Garden Primer: Eben Holmes.

What every Rose Gardner should know.

Roses in the Little Garden: G.A. Stevens.

The Rose Manual: J. H. Nicolas.

Mrs. Alexander then served a delicious tea
Eggl: the lovely tones of the organ made garden
'Respectfully submitt d, ,

”lieu... ., _. ; Sec'y.


 The Lexington Garden Club met with
Mrs. Frank L. McVey at Maxwell Place on
Friday, May 1st. I751

After a visit to the KentuCky Botani—
cal Gardens a short business meeting was
held and it was decided to leave matters of
badges, etc. to the president.

A delightful cup of tea was enjoyed
and a walk about the lovely garden of the

,»«’; l) ‘ “in
» swab, wag/1:2...Seo'y.


 The Lexin_ton Garden Club met on Monday
afternoon, May th, at three o'clock at the La—
fayette Hotel, with 27 members present.

The president presided, and thanked the Car—
den Club for all their kindness, sympathy, and co—
Operation in carrying on the work of the pilgrim—
age during her bereavement. She said that 3,000
booklets have been mailed, leaving 1,000 to sell
to visitors which she hOpes will defray postage.

Miss Hathaway reported for the Publicity
Committee. She said there were 3,500 booklets in
circulation, and that the university publicity
bureau has run items in the papers throughout the
state. On the 8th they will broadcast announce—
ment of the event.

Miss Robinson suggested sending booklets to
the people owning breeding establishments here.~

Mrs. Walter Hillenmeyer was given charge of
tickets for the small town gardens, of which 125
have been printed as more can be procured very quick

The question of badges was brought up but
not acted upon.

It was suggested that a register be kept at
all the places.

Mrs. Marks reported that she had been unable
to fill all places as hostesses as there were not
enough Garden Club members available.

Miss Hathaway suggested that we call on the
Fayette Rose and Garden Club for help as assistant
hostesses. Miss Clay moved that we ask assistance
from them as a club.

Miss Payne suggested that it be put as ac-
cepting Mrs. Robb's offer.

Mrs. Garrick and Mrs. McKinley reported for
the Junior League. They said that they would work
20 girls in shifts of four daily as a motor corps,


 and that a way would be worked out to get parking
Space near the hotels; that bus service could be
available if advance notice is given. They asked
advice as to What charge to make, and whether it
should be by the mile or hour.

Kiss Payne moved that we recommend to the
League that they charge by the hour.

Mrs. Estill reported on the advertising for
the booklet, saying that it had more than paid for
itself and that postage was now the only item of

Mrs. Coke reported $100.00 collected for
advertising, Postage £65.00, and interest on Sav—
ings Fund $62.64.

It was urged that the Junior League furnish
guides for those who Wish them at %H.OO a day.

Hostesses were told that they must stay at

The pilgrimage will be cpen to the public
at ten o'clock each day. Information committee
must be available by 8:30 o'clock every morning.

Miss Payne then moved for adjournment.
fiction carried.

Respectfully submitted,


 The Lexington Garden Club met with Mrs.
Walter Hillenmeyer on Friday, May 22nd, at three
o'clock. The President presided, and there were
twenty—six members present.

Mrs. Young asked that all badges that had
been made at a cost of ten cents each be returned
to the Treasurer or herself for future use.

The President then thanked the members
who had so Splendidly helped to make the pilgrim—
age a success, not only from a financial point of
view, but in a much bigger way in displaying the
beauty of Kentucky to the outsi