xt7kd50fz294_8 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_01/Folder_16/Multipage917.pdf 1931-1933 1933 1931-1933 section false xt7kd50fz294_8 xt7kd50fz294 J3. 5WWI/W MW 0 cum. ‘ M-JflMJaf,fl7 4,- 3o’aZuw/MM.&. .CL- mmwufiwflw WWW @MM)WM7¢W WWWWMLW 2: m, 51ow n.) /93.2 1:; 03%. a??? t . M a Jug—7’ w ”(iii/“Mew a; 7.]0 um . aw I mlmufniwu‘zfifiv Muw‘zz: 77w MAL/1M War? w“, Wit Low.» 1 ' ' wig ltd-cu .. c’"—- wHGQaL y I ”W.M‘W M £7 :2: 11212 W». ' mm ' :Wf pt WM W.¢7r/a_W"W Siam“? W“ W.W “Waltz W022 £4th W W W Wat W 3/ atmw cum- mildew. :07» W. WWWW' awwfiude W . //,arg’®.m-w_mwe&7 ”fflgm a“. W3. V ‘ W * ‘6‘ W, M {£12. ) The regular meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington was held on February 19th at 5 P.M. with Mrs. Waller Bullock as hostess. The home was lovely with forced branches of Japonica, Forsythia and Spirea, and bowls of yellow and white narcissus. The president, Mrs. Sterling Coke was in the chair, The meeting opened with roll call, followed by the mmnutes of the previous meeting, which were approved as read. Mrs. Coke introduced the speakers of the afternoon. Mrs. £LL.McDonald spoke on The Fragrant Garden, giving a lovely word picture of her own garden. Mrs. Bedford Brown spoke on A White Garden. and gave an outling of her wwn moonlight garden. Both talks were delight- fully given and full of practical knowledge. The routine business of the Club followed. In the absence of Mrs. Stoll there was no report from the treasurer. Mrs. Bullock, chairman of the Conservation Committee reported a very enthusiastic meeting at thshome of Mrs. David Prewitt, Conservation Chairmanof the Garden Club of America from Kentucky. Mrs. Lawwill, Chariman of the Flower Show committee reported a visit made by Mrs. Wrightfixm,v and herself to Castlewood and suggesting that m the filower show be held there, and asking for cooperation from each member of the club in ths undertaking. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved that we have a lbne day pilgrimage to small gardens, the profits to be turned over the the Eederation of Garden Clubs of Kentucky, as our part in therr state pilgrim- age. This was seconded by Mrs. Healey ani passed, 1‘ he?! ~ ’1 ”a“ Mrs. Lawwill moved that we contribute $10.00 towards putting out a State/Year Book. This was seconded my Mrs. Lafferty afi.passed. Mrs. Lawwill announced that Mrs. Shipman will lecture on April 29th, the subjedt The avolution of the Garden. There beifig no further business the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted 0‘ . ._ s. ) ‘ I“ l “M \JKJ Jug L4 WV¥~W Secretary will lecture on April 29th, the subject The evolution of the Garden. There beiug no further business the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted ,. N L j) _ ‘1 W ., ‘E ,. l! _ W}, {fifw L4 \ l L fiVLL’L/Xa— Secretary The regular monthly meeting of the Garden Club of Lexingwon was held on March 10th at the home of Mrs. W.P.Averitt, with Mrs. Sterling Coke presiding. The guest speaker of the afternoon Mr.Walter Hillenmeyer was introduced by Mrs. Coke. Mr. Hil- lenmeyer gave a most valuable amount of information on Old Lawns, Their Care and Maintenance. The business of the Club followed. The mmn- utes of the last meeting were approved as read, Mrs. Lawwill reported that plans for the Flower Show were well under way, Miss Daily Hume read the points of judging used by the Garden Club of America and suggested hat they be used this year in our Club, as ollows : artistis arrangment of flowers. Individuality 20 Relation of bloom to container 20 Measure balance 20 color harmony 20 Point of interest or emphasis 20 After a discussion Mrs. Wanless moved that the number of classes be left to the discretion of the Commmttee on Awards. This motion was seconded and passed. Mrs. Bullock repvrted that as yet no price had been put on Elk Lick Falls, but that it is for sale and she expected to be able to get a price on it before long. Mrs. Prewitt, conservation Chairman from Kentucky for the Garden Club of America, reported a second meeting of her committee at whcih 19 members were present. She spoke of the work they were doing and of the further meeting to be held. The following.awards;were givefi-‘ Artistic arrangment of forced buanches Mrs. Graddy gold seal Mrs. Coke blue seal Artistic arrangment of forced blossoms Mrs. Graddy gold seal Mrs. Van Deren blue seal There being no further business, the meeting adjourned on motion. Respectfully submmtted. \CRW W LII-M Cache/u; 0kg Sec’y. The regular monthly meeting of the Gar- Club of Lexington was held on April the four- teenth, at the home of Mrs. C. W1 Eavanaugh. The meeting was presided over by the Pros — ident, Mrs. Coke. The secretary read the mmnutes of the Board meeting of March 24th and also the mmnutes of the regular meeting of March 10th. These were approved as read. The speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. Clark, who gave s most enthusiastic report of the meet- ing of Federated Garden Clubs held at Mmami and the Flower Show at Tampa. Mrs. Clark gave a wonderful description of the two flower shows, and gave several suggestions that could be carried out at our own show of next month, Following Mrs. Clark's talk the ro tine business of the club was taken up. Mrs. Wanless brought before the club the arrangments for Mrs. Speed's lecture to be given at the Lexington Country Club on April apth and 213t Mrs. Clark reported on the ticket for state officers for the State Federation of Garden Clubs. Mrss Wallis Pres'dent Mrs. Robb Vice President The office of Secretary to he left to the President. Mrs. Cleaver Auditor. It was moved by Mrs. Healay and seconded by Mrs. Estill, that this ticket be approved by the Club. Motion carried. Mrs. Coke then turned over the meeting to _ Mrs. Lawwill, chairman of the flower show. Tt was moved and seconded that all garden club members pay the admission fee of twenty-five gents. The Commmttee on awards announced the following- Arrangment of Jonquils Miss Maybelle Van Meter Gold seal Arrangment of Pink Tulips Miss Maybelle Van Meter Blue seal Arrangment of pansies Mrs. Kavanaugh blue seal There being ne further business, the meeting adjourned on motion. Respectfully submmtted Cfim‘“ \Jgkflwm fgluilb Li _. Secretary .2522: atazZ/‘ZfléMW wa/“jw $WW¥¢L Q'W 7/27/53? (eh W’w Mawch ‘22" 0 WMVM‘ 42W u}. wwfitdau WW“ tmw wmuwwm /W mile/m wwnmwfl‘u 1 .WWW WM Wt! WW ‘ mammawm .Qfmfl’fiwfi The Garden Club of Lexington held the e ular monthly meeting on June 2nd, at the hoge of Mrs. Floyd Wright. Mrs. Coke, the presidwet, was in the chair. The mmnutes of the April and May meetings were approved as read. Mrs. Stoll, the treasurer, reported the ollowing - a bank balance of $435.90, the amount cleared on the Flower show was $203.Rn and $6.2: was made on the pilgrimage to the gardens for the Federated Club. Mrs. Lawwill reported on the Flower Ehow and thanked ev ryone for the efforts in making it such a success. The names of Mrs. David Prewitt, M'ss Daisy Hume and Mrs. De Waal were read as delegates to the Garden"dlub of America meeting in Chicago. Mrs. Coke read a letter asking our delegates to vote for Mmss Luquer to receive the bronze medal to be f‘ven for outstanding work at this meeting. Miss Mlay moved and Mrs. Lewis seconded the motion that our delegates be instructed to vote for Miss Luquer. The motion was carried. It was moved by Mrs. Lawwill and seconded by Mrs. Bullock that we send our ddlegates unin- tructed to the Chicago meeting on the subject of gtratford. Mrs. Stoll announced that the "earl. dues were now-due, and asked that members please pay promptly. Mrs. Coke announced that the commmttee on Roadside planting would go on with the planting of the bank on Broadway in front of the utilities pond, and asked for plant material. This ended the business for the day and Mrs. Wanless than read a paper on Delphinium, prepared by Mrs. Attilla Oox, of Louisville. Following this, the membere of the Club enjoyed tea with the hostess and a walk in her charmmng garden. Respectfully submmtted, . 3 WW K5: xix-«Lu: \S‘UNWALSd. Sec‘y. A meeting of the Garden Club of Lexing— ton was held at the home of Mrs. Bedford Brown on IlnszlAL4Q§haxr \Ss . Tn the absace of the President, Mrs. Coke and both vice presidents the meeting was presided over by Mrs. Lawwill, who welcomed the new members of the club. the minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and approved. The minutes of the last board meeting were also approved as read, Thetreasurer reported that all dues had been paid. Mrs. Bullock read a letter from Miss Pettitt in reply to Mmss Clayis letter ex- pressing the Club ‘s appreciation of the love: Fern Book. Also, a letter from the Chairman of the Girl's Scouts thanking the Club for the $5.00 donation sent them following the Flower Show. Mrs. Brooker reported on the Barge Party for the benefit of those unable to attend, and suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr. Fennell and Mrs Chinn, who made this trip possibde for us, assuring them of the approval of this organization of the protection of this proposed road from commercail advertis - ing. Miss Daisy Hume, Chairman of the Awards Commmttee reported a gold seal for Mrs. Brown gived for artistic arrangment of white annuals. Miss Daisy Hume gave an interesting re- port of the annual meeting of the Garden Club of America held in Chicago on June This finished the business of the Clubp , and the meeting was turned over t3 the speaker of the arternoon, and the Club was with her talk on Florida Gardens which was full of first hand informat'on of the plant life and climatic condidions of that state. The meeting fihen adjourned to the lovely garden where refreshments were served. Vespectfully submitted “3,1,5? g , OJ 5&me \3 \AA‘9.\>L V Secretary The Garden Club met on September ninth with Mrs. Talithe Stoll with the president Mrs. Coke in the chair. In the absence of the recording sec - retary no mmnutes were read. The terasurer reported a balance of $603.39. This being an unduly large amount to hold in checking account, it eas moved by Mrs. Bullock that $406L00 be transferred to the savings account. After careful discussion this motion was carried and the treasurer instructed to make the transfer at once. Mrs. Coke again brought to the attention of the club the letter from Mrs. Wallis, State President of the Federation of Garden Clubs regarding the use of dogwood trees in the mn- ufacture of shuttle blocks. There being no legislatnon afailable for the prevention of this destruction of one of our most beautiful native trees, it was moved by Mrs. Brooker that the corresponding secretary write Mrs, Wellis assuring her that the Lexington Garden Club would give her their whole hearted support in any steps the state federation may take to — ward preventing the ruthless destruction of the dog wood trees. Mrs. Lafferty reported attending a re - gional convention of the National Council of State Federation of Garden Clubs af Hinsdale, Ill. At this meeting Mrs. Lafferty was ap- pointed txchange Chairman covering eight states, he dgties of said office looking toward helpful egis ation in all matters concerning work of the Federation. An invitation was extended to the Club py Mrs. Graddy for afternoon tea tith her at Welcome Hall on Thursday September 15th. In the absence of Mr. Harry Wood, who was to have been speaker of the afternoon on Bulbs for Fall Planting, Mrs. David Prewitt gave a de- lightful report of the years work of the Conser- vation Committee at the annual meeting of the Garden Club of America at the Chicago meeting. The most important setp being the con- solidation of this oommmttee with the Bill- board committee, the coalition thus :ormed to be known as The Conservation and Roadside Committee, thus mking more effective the work of both, After adjounnment a refreshing ice was served by the Hostess and a tour was madeo of the beautiful Mansfield Garden. Respectfully submmtted Mary W. Brooker Sec'y. pro tem. The October meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington was held with Mrs. Haggin on Friday October tith with the president, Mrs. Coke in the chair. ' The mmnites of the August and September meetings were read and approved. Tn the absence of the treasurer, there was no financial report. Mrs. Bullock asked for volunteers to list all the bill boards for five mmles out on each main pike, so that a letter may be written each advertiser from the billboard committee. the list was as follows. Mrs de Waal Harrodsbur- ’**. “aldwell Russell Cave Mrs. Johnstone Brdan Station Mrs. Hillenmeyer Georgetown Mrs. Lawwill Winchester Mtss Robinson Richmond Mrs. Marks Tates Creek Mrs. Thomas Nicholasville Mrs. Bosworth Versailles Mrs. Brooker Newtown Mrs. Wright Old Frankfort Mrs. Graves Paris Mmss Clay Le-stown. Mrs. Wright reported for the Roadside Com— mmttee, that four crates of lemon lillies and a quantity of iris had already been planted on the slope in front of the Utilities pnnd, and asked for further donations of honey suckle, iris and lillies. She suggested that the garden club encourage Rin and Corbin to build an attractive building on their filling steti’n site to the point of doing some planting for them. It was suggested she meet with them and bring their ideas before the club at another meeting. A letter was read from the National Green Cross organization. Tt was moved by Mrs. Brooker, seconded by Mrs. Bullock, that Mrs. Wrifht be instruceed at the next Road - side Beautifacation meeting to vote that that organization become a member of the National Green Cross Organization. . Miss Robinson, chairman of the nominating committee read the following finkmi. d Flarfi President 1st vice president ‘Pna vi 6.0, 111.98% ag‘o‘ Treasurer Recording Secretary r-, -.ah Corresponding Secretary Mrs. McDonald Auditor Mrs. Coke announced the appointment of Mrs. Lawwill as chairman of the new Horticultural Commmttee “W: our club. This commmttee sponsors all new horticultural projects and keeps the clubs informed. The 'wands commmtt*“ reported tun lollowing for artistic arrangment of berried shrubs Gold sen Mrs. Herndon Blue seal Miss Hathaway The business of the club having been completed the meeting was turned over to the program com - mittee. Mrs. Lawwill spoke on "Plants to move in theFall", and gave much useful information. Mrs. Lawwill stressed the importance of moving plants with a view to grouping and color com - binations and gave pictures of groupings in many of the club members gardens that had particularly impressed her. On account of the lateness of the hour Mrs. Coke and Mrs. Van ueren who also were to have spoken at this meeting postponed their talks to another time, and the meeting adjourned on mo - tion. After a walk through the beautiful gardens tea was enjoyed by all the mumbers . Respectfully submmtted Recording Secret“ry The regular monthly meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington was held on November 17th at 5 i.mg at the home of Mrs. Marius Johnston, with the president in the chair. Mrs. ”anl‘“~, chairman of the the program committee introduced the speaker, Bishpp Almon Abbott, who spoke beautifully on " The Philosophy of Gardens and God". A business meeting then followed with the mmnutes of the last meeting approved as read. The mmnutes of the last board meeting were also passed. The secretary then read the ticket of officers for the commng year, with one change — that of Mrs. Garrick as recording secretary in the place of Miss Tssbel Clay. Mrs. Lafferty moved that th nominatiofisfbe closed. This motion was seconded and passed. After a vote the ticket was unanimously elected. Mrs. Lawwill, horticultural chairman read the monthly information sent out by the national committee to the clubs. Tt was moved by Mrs. Brooker, seconded by Mrs. Bullock, that the boards reccomendation that we have a display fifl Christmas greens be adcepted, and the arrangments be left to Mrs. Howard Estill and her commmttee. Mrs. Wright, chairman of roadside beautifica- tion, reported that Rim and Corbin hoped to build their filling station in the apring, and would consult with us at that time. There being no further business the meeting adjourned and tea was enjoyed with the hosteéé. Respectfully submmtted Recording Secretary. The regular monthly meeting of the Garden Club of L Xington was held December Rth at the home of the president. Mrs. Sterling Coke. Mrs. Coke was in the chair. Mrs. Prewitt, the State Conservation Chairman of the Garden Club of America spoke on the Christmas Greens project of this commmttee for this season. A dealer in each town where there is a garden Club of America club will be furnished tags by this commmttee showing that he is selling Christ— mas greens from his man nursery or from other authorized commercial dealers. Hillenmeyer Nur - sery will represent this community. Mrs. Bullock moved that no holly or other formerly prohibited materials be used by the garden club members this year. Seconded by Mrs. Van neren. Motion carried. Mrs. sstill, Chairman of the Christmas exhibit announced that the plan was to hold the exhibit at the old Green Tree Shop on east Main street on necember 91st. Membe‘s *ith materials please leave them in Miss Robinson's garage on Monday. Rent flor the store,cleaning, heating would be expenses for the exhibit, Mt was moved by Mrs, Lawwill and seconded by Mrs. Wanless that the commmttee be authorized to carry out therr plans. The motion carried. ' The mMnute“ of the o‘ “her meeting were read and corrected. The W‘sasussr reported a bank balance of $295.3 Two bills were now due, on” the Contributors Fund. was referred to the January business meeting and the other the dues to the Kentucky State Feder — ation of Garden Clubs was authorized to be paid. Mrs. L'**ill, horticultural chairman, gave her monthly report. Mrs. Clark asked that our club, together with the gaaette Rose and Garden Club, sponsor the Homeaégquarden Club for the Kentufiky State Fede‘ation of Garden Clubs. Motion made and carried. There being no further business, the meet- ing adjourned. A delightful social hour with delicious refreshments were enjoyed with the hostedd, the Erasidunt, Respectfully submmtted Secretary pro tem, Ihe regular monthly meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington was held reb.16th at the home of “rs. a. P. Averitt. ;n the absence of the ir- esident, hrs. Coke. ppesiéed. The minutes of the nnnual meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the Jan. Bo- ard meeting were read. Mrs. Coke said that any members expect— ing to attend the Garden Club of America Lun— chpon at the time of the international flowereuhow should send their name to Sew York as the Lun- eon was by invitation only. Also read posters of the Natchez Pilgrimnage. sMrs. Bullock reportéd that the Bill for Billboard prevention introduced by the woman's Club would be the one sponsored by the Garden Clubs. This Bill and the mildflower 5111 would be presented soon and all nenbers were urged to go to Irankfort. Yrs. Bullock to iotify the nwmbers of the exact date. Mrs. Lawwill gave the monthly Horticult- ural report stressing‘the new annuals. As this year's study this-committee asked the Club mem- bers to plant some of the newer Eermocallis; also to keep records. sight or ten members agreed to do this. firs. Lawwill reported as anember of a connittee from the Green CroSs that the Lexing- ton Leader had agreed to publish a garden Art- icle each ionday. The Green Cross, the Fayette hose and Garden Club and the Garden Department of the nouan's club of State University would take one uonday a month. Ehe lexington Harden Club was asked to take the second Honday. firs. Lawwill, in the interest of the Club only, had agreed to prepare an Article on Annuals for Feb. . 26th. firs. Larferty moved that an expression of commendation be given Hrs. Lawwill for her loy. alty to the Club in preparing this artisle. Seconded by Hrs. iooro. Carried. firs. firight distributed the £954 Year Books. Hrs. Coke complimented firs. Jright upon these attractive and unusual Year Books. firs. aright , the Glub representative of the Green Cross, solicited memberships to this organization. The dues are 25cts; L5cts to the National organization, IOcts to the local work. firs. Lafferty read a resolution which Judho ailsen had prepared at her request changing the the official otate Elower from Goldenrod to Blue Grass; the resolution herein attached. firs. Lafferty moved that the Club endorse this resolution. seconded by are. Bullock. Carried. Ike Corresponding secretary was instructed to write to hrs. Cantrill andsenator Erank LeBus asking that this bill be brought out of the COMittbO 0 There being no further business, the Club had the pleasure of hearing from three of its members who had visited foreign gardens this past summer. firs. Averitt told most delightfully of her trip starting with a visit to the fiharles— town Gardens, home hence to Boston where the lulips were at their height. she described Villa Carlotta, passing pictures to further emphasis its beauty. fier one picture ofitaly being roses everywhere in bloom - such nagnaficient blossoms. her her garden , nrs. VanDeren selected her visit to the most famous garden of angland, the late hiss Jekyll‘s where any plant you ever heard of, 88w, or read about, was there. A gar— den of charm; with no discordant note anywhere ; color harmony; perfect form ; perfect peaceful- ness. in attempting to bring a picture of this garden to the members , hrs. VanBGren saié "just a Paradise." hrs. Coke told of her visit to madamn ée navarre's garden. one also passed pictures as she described the design of the house and gard- en; attractive plant material with one plot éevoted to flowers mentioned by uhakespeare. fleeting adjourned. A:Efieetfullyw submitted t1 nelrtary Thu regular monthly meeting of the Garden Club Of Lexington was held on tMvrch 15th at the home of Mrs. Kavanaugh, with the lresident, Mrs. Clark, in the chair, The Secr‘tary read the February mmnutes and they were approved as read, In the absence of the Treasurer there was no report; reported " Clark/that Mrs. McVey's correspondence with Lowthorpe School relative to Miss Wiley Wilson's scholarship showed that it was too bid a ginancial undertaking for us to swing alone. The scholarship amounts to s72c.on a year but ‘“°" and incidentals would be about $62“.”“ a year additional. Mrs. Clark then made a suggestion that we present this to the Federated Clubs of Kentucky at the le - hanon meeting, Mrs. Marks, Chairman of the Book Commmttee Sent the following list ofbooks; tte property of the Garden Club at this time;. Manual of Gardening L.H.Bailey 1925 The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture L.H.Bailey A Little Book of.Perenn‘als Alfred C. Hottes 1925 Edventures in My Garden and Rock Garden Louise Beebe Wilder 1924 America's Greatest Garden - Arnold Arboretum drnest H. Wilson 192“ Plan for Concret Ken’s Portland C ment 1929 The Gardens of Rome Gabriel Fauve Album of Boskoop Holland The Garden Month by Month Sedgewick 1907 Garden Blue Bo‘ok of Holland Historic Gardens of Virginie ”James River G.C.l Edith Tunis Sole. The Amateur “ook of th “arden Series Roses Mcmarland'1)24 Parks and Gardens of Paris Robinson 1979 Bulbs and Tuberous rooted pints C.L.Allen 1925 Gardens all the Year Mrs. Tda Wit ers Harrison 1?? Variety in the Little Garden Francus King 192% Principles of Blower Arrangment Edward C. White 1926 lractical Landscape Gardening Robert B. Cridland treetical Flower G rden Helene Ruth2rford Ely 1994 Peonies inthe little Garden Mrs. ndward Harding 1923 The moyous Art of G rdening Frances Duncan 1917 Gardenin~ for Pleasure Peter Henderson 1898 Flors“s Lexicon Catherine waterman 1870 Earns in their Homes and Ours John Robinson 19fl3 Snglish Gardens H.A.Tipping 132% Design the Eittle Garden Eetcher Steele A letter from Doubleday Doran Outdoor Books was read offering to send us their new books for review. Tt was moved by Mrs, fistill that we accept this offer, seconden by Mrs Lewis and passed fly the club, Mrs. Clark announced the meeting scheduled to be held at Mrs Prewitt‘s on March 50th would be postponed until June, and the meeting on bulbs to be held W‘th the President would likewise be postponed until a later date, Mrs. Coke was pppointed Charimdn of the nommnating committee for officers of the State Federation. The Finance Commmttee recommneded that the Club give the Conservation Committee $19.fl0 this recommendation was passed by the Club, firs. Lawwill read the information sent by the Horticultural Commmttee for this month. This completed the husinees of the Club and Mrs. Clark turned the meeting over to Mrs. Lafferty, who intruduced the speaker of the afternoon, Miss Myra Baird of Louisville. Mmss Baird had brought with her fifty of her painttngs of Kentucky wild flowers, and afeer her very interesting history of her work told simply with a great deal of charm the Club was invi‘ed is “e this.@flswlay of ther Work. Mrs. Clark then rave a delightful report of the Presidentfs Council held this year in bebruary at Palm Beach. Mrs. Brooker joined her for this meeting. There were 177 dele— gated present with Q6 Clubs represented. The meeting then adjourned on motion. Respectfully submmtted A business meeting of the lexingtom Garden Club was called on April 27fh follow- ing the lecture given by Mr,. Alfred Hottes. In the absence of Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Coke presided. A mofiion was made and seconded that the flower show scheduled to be given in May he called off for this year. This mofion carried‘ Hrs. Bullock reported a request from the local branch of the Needlework Guild that the Lexington Garden Club furnish flowers for the bedrooms of the dlelgates tothe National Convention to be held afi the Lafayette Hotel in May, There being no furiher business the meeting adjourned on mofion. Very respecffully submmtted Am; Secretary The regular monthly meeting of the Garden Club of Lexington was held with Mrs. de Waal on May 11th at 5 P.M. A letter was read by Mrs. Coke the vice President from Mrs. deard Clark, the president of the club, sending in her resignation and expressing her appreciation of the sympathy of the Garden Club. Mrs. Coke then announced that Mrs. ddward Bassett had graciously consented to acdept the presidency of the club for this year. Mrs. Coke then called for the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Also for the mmnutes of a cilled meeting held on April *tyh Both of these mhnutes stood approved as read. Mrs. Stoll thetreasurer reported a bank balance of $43.00 and announced the dues for the commng year were due on June lst and asked that all members pay promptly. A Lenten was read from Mrs. Preston, president of the needlework Guild and fromeMrs. Williams, Secretary of the guild, thanking the Garden Club for the flowers we furnished for the rooms of the delegates toithe national convention. Mrs. Coke said that invitations to the Garden Club of America meeting to be held in Main this year had been received and asked that any Club member desiring to attend this meeting get these from her. Mhss Hathaway announced the Field day at the University of .{entucky on Friday 19th The program for this meeting was a paper and accorpanying slides by Mrs. William Carey on "Flower Arrangment". The paper was given by M rs. David frewitt and the slides were very artistic and interesting. The meeting then adjourned on motion to visit the beautiful garden ofxthnxhnxtzxxxand en- joy ices and cakes served by the hostess The breakfast meeting of the ‘0rden Club of Lexington was held at 19.46 in the garden of hr.. Louis Hillenmcyer on June 8th . with the pres‘d ‘ "‘~. Bassett in the chair. TLG President reported a balance of eaq,14 with no outstanding accounts, The mmnutes of the last meeting was ap— proved as read. Mrs. Lawwill read the report of the Hor — ticultural Commmttee. Mrs. Lstill reported on the recent pil- grimage held in cooperation with the deration . $54.0“ was taken in on the admissions with $?. ‘ expenses, The president thaiked Mrs. Jstill and all the people who opened their gardens and worked to make this a success. Mrs. Brooker asked that notes be sent to Hrs. Desha Breckinridge, Mrs. Joseph Madden and Mrs. McNeekin thanking them for the pri- vilege of the use of their gardens. It was announced that the Meeting with Mrs. lrewitt postponed from March would be held on June 29th. Mrs. Stoll, Mrs. Lawwill and Miss Hume will represent the club at the Garden Club of Americe meeting in Maine. Mrs. Herndon will receive any reservations for the picnic to Broke Legg Falls on the 19th, . lies Clay made motion that we add an additional sum to our pilgrimage fund. This was referred to the finance committee. There being no further business the meeting adjourned and breakfast was served in Mrs Louis“ hillenmeyer’s garden on small tables grouped under the t' “, afeer which a surprise tour arranged and conducted by Mrs. Lafferty, was taken to interesting and historic spots in Scott County, end Visits to small town gardens in Georgetown. Respectfully submmtte Se A meeting of the Garden Club of Lex - ington wee h;ld with firs. oavid Brewitt at bun+resth on June thh ht 51.x. with the pTGZilyll {- Basseff in ihe chair. In fiho obseno; of «he Becrefary r“ minofes of +he.lest meefing were read ‘ Brooker and stood approved. ' ~ - h w: r» j - l "he ehsenoe of fbe “researcr fvere w. -- 7’; g T ,encisl report, The presidnnt ihen called ior rsyorfs she chairmen of fhe s‘ending commiftees following responded with brief occ01nts months work. - Mrs. Lawwill, Horticul- (no fire. Bullock Conservation. Mrs. fhen gave a vivid and interesting n of ihe Rational Conference of .ks recently held at Iineville, Ky. attended es delegate. Represents - sfiete but five; eligible to co were present, (fl {1: h“ rf Q S i? 1. MI 0 :55 :5‘ ‘r—J° {3‘ {+ C) M: g. , L1 4.1.. L"‘.) (D C? a.q a Q, 5‘ k (,3 :3 O .+ 0 way u 0 Hum p. L 5 (t '1 (D r: H‘ O H“ 1}.) U) (D C ,+ The blsiness oeofing c ennouncment that the July 6th uled to be at fisnsfield with hostess, would be ommtted, owing to Sfoll’s absence in Heine. The program of the afternoon was a de- lightful one with a snowing of more than one hundred beautiful all is of ihe gardens of some of the membors of tke Allegheny County Club, Pitisburg, is, At the conclusion of she showing Miss Hathaway called fo our re- membrance she fact fhet our organization owes ifs inspiration to these some beautiful garde is‘fed by some of our? members Wan attended ‘Leir club meetings back in 1917. Tn E}?d wh n we desired to become members of the Garden Club of America were sponsored by fhe Sewidkly Jordon Club and seconded by the dast- hsmpton Garden Club. The meeting then adjourned on motion. Respectfully submmttcd Tmmediately following the LrOgram of the regular meeting there was a cill meet~ ing of the Boaro of Directors in regard to ton unpaid moaberships. Tt was decioed to apportion these memes to members of *he board and call fihem all again in regard to their delinouency, with the eyception of Mrs. Lafferty and Mrs. Henly, who had asked for an exfension of time. fire. Lrewiff served a which was much enjoyed in ness of Duntroath waile the ing in the nin;ties outside. Res ectfully submmtfed Secretary pro tem, A me‘ a a. u $ardan Club of Lexington was he 1gp: ,* ,_ , H Mrs. Luther Caldwell on Aug ' F; ‘ “ V with the :res'dent, firs ldw:;d -1 a, ‘ fhe chair. fing opened with ruporfs from +he urer reported ¢9Lp.@® in the .if‘? " A£4em a report h~ mmss Van Meter, Chair_ J'qnce Comm1‘++eee ricommending ‘hc+ ' (C g'ven +0 +h2 contribltors fundgflwhc mat+er -. . f .AL.‘ L _ ;93 as $.0nngu a: 1 fue nexo m- t1rg. oelirhtful *alk1 and hrs. Howard gstill. jn+eresting necaunt of 1 98 ms 3 +11. (193 ”hora