xt7kh12v4p39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v4p39/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19230323 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1923 1923 2012 true xt7kh12v4p39 section xt7kh12v4p39 I t The Kentucky Kernel UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOL XIII LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH 23, 1923 PLACEMENT BUREAU TO AID GRADUATES TO FIND SUITABLE EMPLOYMENT Y. M. C. A. TO EDIT HANDBOOK; A. L. HODOES MADE EDITOR At the regular meeting of the Y. M. C. A. Calbinet Tuesday night the staff to edit the University Handbook was L. Hodges, selected. Arthur of Greensburg, was elected Barnes, Faculty Committee Meet For and Marshall business of Beaver Dam, manager. The was elected First Time to Discuss PerHandbook, which is popularly known Organization. manent as the "Freshman's Bible," is publish ed yearly under the auspices of the SERVICES MUCH NEEDED. Y. M. C. A. It contains valuable in formation conccnnirtg the rules, cus May Absorbe Services of Entire toms and regulations of the University 1923 Graduation, which are convenient for all tlhe stuClass. dents and practically indispensable for the freshman. ThHs year an at of the proposed Uni- tempt will be made Possibilities to incorporate in Buversity of Kentucky Placement to the handbook the spirit of the Unireau designed to aid students in their versity as well as facts concerning it attempts to be most advantageously placed after graduation were discussed at a meeting of faculty representaDRAMATIC CLASS GIVES tives in Dean Boyd's office Tuesday afternoon. This committee as to act PLAY THEATRE temporarily for the bureau which will LITTLE withprobably be installed some time in the next year. "Supressed Desires" by Susan The committee composed of ProGaspell Present by Student fessors P. P. Boyd, Edward Wiest, Players. Freeman, P. W. L. Roberts, W. E. E. Karraker, E. L. Gillis and Alumni The clever satire on Secretary, Herbert Graham, will en"Suppressed Desires," by Susan deavor to find employment 'for this Gaspell, Thursday, was presented graduates and to pave the way year's March IS, in the Little Theatre by the for the work of the proposed PlaceThis ment Bureau. In nearly every phase Class in Dramatic Production. s of work the University ,of Kentucky was the second in tlhe series of has alumni employers and it is believthe class will present in the next ed by the committee that these men few weeks. and women will absorb the services The plot, surrounding the zealous-nes- s of the 1923 graduating class. of a follower of Freud to anaHeretofore the seniors have sought paid agents, lyze the 'suppressed desires of her hustkrough employment employment bureaus and various oth- band and her friends until it threatener means. The college of Engineer- ed her own 'happiness, was brought ing has worked to place fits graduate out by the actors. The situations of in suitable positions for the past 25 or 30 years and the Registrar's office the harassed husband and sister parhas been a medium through which the ticularly appealed to the humor of teaching profession has transacted it the audience. employment business for some time Louise Burks was both convincing Other than these, and occasional place- and amusing as the wife. The husments resulting from requests made to the deans of the various colleges, band was delightfully natural but at the young men and women have had some moments in the play he was not well into his part. The end of the to seek for themselves. This bureau will probably be in play could have been improved somecharge of a chief clerk and one or what if Stephen had been more unconscious of himself. Continued from first page.) KThe play was under the direction of Lillian Collins. LITTLE THEATRE SEASON The cast was as follows: editor-in-chi- J. psycho-analysi- s, mati-ne9- -- SPRING TOUR OF GLEE No. 23 GIRLS' RIFLE TEAM FIRES AGAINST RIPON COLLEGE WOMEN STUDENTS HEAR CLUB TO START MONDAY, The girls' rifle team of the Univcr INTERESTING LECTURES slty made a total of 1,298 points out TO VISIT FOUR TOWNS of a possible 3,000 in a gallery match VOCATIONAL WORK with Ripon College, Ripon, Wis., ac carding to Col. Freeman. The high First Performance in Mt. Sterl- point woman for the Kentuckians was Prominent Women Speak at All-DMiss Liggon who made a score of 273 ing Friday Under Auspices Program Tuesof City Schools. out of a possible 300. The score of day in Chapel. Ripon College has not been received 22 MEN TO MAKE TRIP. yci, dux u is expected to be in within SIX VOCATIONS DISCUSSED the next few days. Club to Visit Morganfield, HenThe rifle team of the R. O. T. C. bat Tea Given in Honor of Speakers derson, Owensboro, Hopkins-villtalion will fire next week against the At Home Economics PracDepaw University. The contest with tice House. Tennessee has been ruled out on ac University of Kentucky Glee count of a misunderstanding and will The A delightful pleasure and privilege Olub will start upon its annual spring be fired over within the next few was that of the women students Tuestour of the western part of the state weeks. day in attending the Women's Vocanext Monday morning, and will give tional Guidance Conference which beKperformances in HopkinsvJlle, Mor-gr.- ii gan in the chapel at 9 o'clock and field, Henderson, and Owensboro, Seven ended at 3:45. interesting before returning to Lexington. The FELLOWSHIPS OFFERED speakers addressed the assemblage on first performance will be given Friday the six popular vocational subjects as in Mt. Sterling, under the auspices UNIVERSITURAOUATES shown by questionnaires recently sent of the city schools. out to the women students of the University. The first speaker had for her The Glee Club this year is said to General Electric Company Offers subject, "Widening Opportunities for ,be one of the best in the history of the Awards for Research Work Women." University, and requests have been In Electricity. received from all parts of the state Dean Jewell introduced Dr. for engagements. As the Easter vaBreckinridge, a former Provision has been made by the cation begins on Thursday, however, erms of the Charles A. Coffin Foundawho is assistant dean of it was necessary to make arrangetion, established by the General Elec- women at the University of Chicago, ments with only four cities. tric Company, for the award of $5,000 and she opened the conference with a In addition to selections by the en- annually for fellowships in the fields of splendid address covering the develtire club composed of 22 men, other electricity, physics and physical chem- opment of the fields open to women-Dr. Lenore Neuffer was then pre features of the program are a saxa istry to college graduates. The comDoctor phone duet, vocal solos, violin solo by mittee desires to make the awards to sented by Mrs. O'Bannon. Prof. Lampert, a reading and a male men who, without financial assistance, Neuffer is the assistant professor of quartet, the members of which have would be unable to devote themselves chemistry at the University of Cinsung for the Courier-Journradio to research work. The fellowships cinnati and she very capably handled broadcasting station a number of will carry a minimum of five hundred her subject "Women in Science." The next lecture was on "Library times. dollars, which may be increased at Plans are being made for trips to the discretion of the committee to Work" and it was given by- Miss Alice S. Tyler, director of the Western Re Ashland, Maysville, Covington, Lou meet the needs of the applicant. Candidates for the fellowship must serve Library School at Cleveland. isville and- Frankfort during April, with a closing concert in Lexington. file applications on blanks obtainable Miss Margaret King presided at this The club is composed of the follow from Dean C. R. Melcher. All appli- lecture. Dr. Myra Hills, psychologist .for ing men: first tenors, Samuel Ad- cations must be first sent to the dean ams, J. L. Ashar, Albert Chandler and of the educational institution at which juvenile court of the city of Cleveland, second tenors, S. M. the applican is or has been in attend- came next on the program and she Robert Clem; ance within the' year. The dean will very ably presented her subject, "VoHeavrin, O. H. Lambert, Dave Sam Ridgeway, Paul Tincher file the applications received by him cations for Women in the Field of Miss Gladys Lowry and rl. S. Turner; first basses, Earle together with a statement naming the Psychology." Baugman, Walter Craddock, W. W. applicants, who, in his opinion, are presided. Daniels, Benton Taylor, and J. O. best qualified for the award. At the fifth hour Doctor McVey Applications must be forwarded to continued the conference with his adWilliams; second basses, Elbert Company by dress on "Teaching." Downing, Paul the General Electric Willis This was regPqrfcer, Henry April 15, 1923. Those awarded fel- ular Freshman Convocational Day and Matthews, Robert Taylor and Joe Walters. Prof. Carl lowships will be notified by June 1. (Continued on page 8.) Lampert is director of the club, Earle Applications will be welcomed from KBaughmau is president, and Henry Seniors as well as graduates, but in such a case the award will be condiTaylor is business manager. MASONIC CLUB HAS BEEN Ktioned upon graduation. K ay e. n. . al e, -- -- Louise Burks Louise Smathers Mabel George Woolf Stephen "The Florist Shop," a product of ithe Harvard Workshop, is announced as the next matinee performance. OPENED THURSDAY NIGHT Henrietta "Gammer Gurton's Needle" Presented; ''Imaginary Invalid" Friday. THETA SIGMA PHI TO ORGANIZED ON CAMPUS BATTALLION ELECTS PLATOON SPONSORS HOLD NATIONAL MEET Many of Girls Served in Same Capac- Students and Faculty Members ity First Semester. Meet to Club and Elect Officers. Woman's Journalism Fraternity Entertaining and amusing their FOUR MEN ARE PLEDGED The cadets in the various platoons to Hold Convention in OkAnswering the call of the East a audience with the old comedy, "Gam- TO ALPHA DELTA SIGMA lahoma. of the three companies of the Battalnumber of students at the University mer Gurton's Needle," the K Coffer-Mill- Players opened their season in the evening University chapl Thursday and will present their second 'and final play, "The Imaginary Invalid," in the chapel at 8 o'clock Frida yevening. The Players presentation last evartistic and ening was thoroughly funny. Those present wholesomely last night praised the Coffer-Millorganization very highly and a large crowd is expected to witness tonight's play. Tickets may ibe obtained at the University Book Store and at Prof. Fleischman's office in White Hall. "The Imaginary Invalid" is an adaptation of Moliere's satire on the doctors of his day and the Coffer-Millpresentation is said to be very ludicrous. The plays are brought to the University by the Little Theatre, Prof. E. E. Ffeischman, director er Honorary Journalism Fraternity Holds Second Semester Pledging. of Hodgenvillc; Tyler Mum ford William Tate, of Stanford; Robert Van Pelt, of Louisville, and J. Sterling Towles, of Lawrenceburg, were pledged by Henry Watterson chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary jourThursday. The nalistic fraternity, pledging exercise was held in the journalism rooms at the fifth hour, and was followed 'by a luncheon at the cafeteria, where Willis T. Stewart addressed the members and neophytes. The active chapter is composed of Arthur Hodges, Troy Perkins, L. B. Hall, Henry Taylor, Raymond Kirk, J. A. Estes, Emmett Bradley, Eugene Moare, Frank Carter, Dan Bowmar and Madison Caiwein. NORMAN, Okla. (Special to the Kernel) Where the "howdy" spirit of the west is enrighed wiith the hospitality of the South thats 'the place chosen for the 1923 annual convention of Theta Sigma Phi. The meeting will be held April 26, 27, and 28 in as the University of Oklahoma at Norman Norman is centrally located for the convention with reference to the geographical center of both the United Sigma Phi States and of the Thi-tchapters. Its location on the Santa Fe plus iuterurban connections out of Oklahoma City as a irailroad center make Norman easy of access from all parts of the country. The school of journalism has been establised in the University of Okla- a (Continued on Page 5) ion selected sponsors this week to serve for the present semester and the! first semester of next year. Several of the sponsors selected served in this capacity the first semester of this year. The sponsors selected are: Company A, first platoon, Margaret Lavin; second platoon, Marie Beck-ner- ; third platoon, Nan Chenault. Company B., First platoon, Margar et Baker; second platoon, Louise At-- 1 kins; third platoon, Virginia DeLong. Company C, first platoon, Louise Potter; second platoon, Grace Davis; third platoon, Genevieve Kelly. Company D., first platoon, Frances Ashbrook; second platoon, Lurline Branough; third platoon, Anne representing Masonic lodges from all over the State, gathered for the purpose of organizing a University Masonic Club. There was such a club at the University way back in the days when Bob Mitchell left Paducah and came to old Kentucky, and the purpose of the present organization is to revive the old spirit and bring together all the Masonic brethren, both students and faculty members. Officers elected were as follows: Ryan Ringo, president; W. V. Kirt-levice president; M. Alperin, secretary; M. T. Skidmore, treasurer. At (the first meteing it was decided to hold a smoker and social gathering at Dicker Hall, on Thursday, March 22, at 7 o'clock in the evening. All Master Masons are cordially invited to attend. * Pat Twe KENTUCKY THE KERNEL Black Mountain Coal Company at Kcnvir, Ky. One of the "regulars" is R. E. Sam-uclcashier of the First State Bank at Pineville, Ky. Alumni Notes ss cx-0- E4ittTnAlMBaal Seeietsfy CALENDAR ' March 24. (Fourth Detroit, Saturday Regular) dinner, Dix- icland Inn. Frankfort, March 28. (Last Monday Regular) eveaing meet ing. Buffalo, April 5. Banquet in honor of visiting senior engi- - titers. Somerset, April 6. (First Fri- day Regular) evening meeting. New York, April 6. Annual Dinner-Danc- e. Cleveland, April 12. Dinner All College night during meeting of Association of Alumni Secrc- tarics. April 14. Annual Chicago, dinner-danc- e and election of of- ficers at Edgewater Beach Hotel. Philadelphia, April 14. Sec- ond Saturday Regular, evening ians and alumni of the University are planning to attend from three states. Cleveland On April 12. Cleveland alumni will join in the celebration of All College Night at the Case Gym on the evening of April 12. This is one of the features of the annual convention of Alumni Secretaries. President McVey is ex pectcd to join the alumni for the oc casion. The Alumni Secretary will also attend, being a delegate to the convention. K. E. A. Dinner April 20. School officials and teachers will at tend the Louisville club's annual din ncr for visitors at the K. E. A. The dinner will be at the Watterson April 20. There arc more than 400 former students of the University living in Jefferson county. There are usually 75 to 100 alumni attending the K. E. A., of which the president is W. J. Craig. meetinsr. Lexington, April 14. (Second Saturday Regular) luncheon at Lafavette Hotel 12:15. Louisville, April 20. Annual K. E. A. banquet, Watterson Hotel. Birmingham, April 20. Annual dinner for TttnJors. Postal Shower. A few alumni have taken seriously Betwixt Us "The information you furnish is of a great deal of interest. It is certain ly a pleasure to see the keen interest being taken in the University of Ken tucky. I feel very unfortunate in that almost immediately after leaving Kentucky State College, in the effort to make a living I had to go into oth er states. This was about thirty years ago, hence I feel entirely out of touch with the affairs of the Blue Grass State. It was quite a pleasure to get back into Kentucky in making some investments in Eastern Kentucky. We are now operating mines in both the Hazard and Harlan districts." Alex ander Bonnyman, Knoxville, Tenn., P. O. Box 10S6. the request of the Alumni Secretary for a "postal card shower" through out March. Pineville (Ky.) The Alumni Club responded with nearly e postals. All of them were requests for a visit by the Strollers. The Strollers are going. Their pro duction is "Lady Windermere's Fan." Eleven hundred alumni readers of the Kernel crave more news of their fellow "Kentuckians." A test has An interesting article by Wilbur R, proven that the readers prefer these appeared in a recent writings to those of the Smith, Jr., amateur staff. Behold the appeal of "Betwixt issue of the Summons, "A Journal about Law, Lawyers and Law Books," Us." issued by the Bancroft-Whitne- y Company, 200 McAllister Street, San SURPRISE CITIZENS Francisco, Cal. Mr. Smith's article Students Will Take Hand in Greater quotes from President Harding's tel egram to the American Bar Associa Kentucky Campaign. tion Convention in San Francisco and A surprise awaits the citizens-a- t emphasizes the fact that the first re large in Kentucky during the Easter quisite to Americanization is the ob week. Plans are being formulated to servance of the laws of America. He employ the entire student body in calls attention violations by Ameri missionary work for the University cans of wealth and influence who reduring the holiday. ly on position to escaps .punishment. A recently organized group has Mr. Smith's father, General Wilbur spent several weeks perfecting ar- R. Smith, died in this city recently. rangements for the student phase of Mr. Smith is a graduate of Yale but the Greater Kentucky campaign. Mem- did a part of his work in the Uni bers of the Student Speakers Bureau versity of Kentucky. have accepted invitations to speak on the University throughout the state New names on the list of active March 29 to April 3. alumni are Thomas Jefferson Taylor with the Taylor Motor Sales, DINNERS ARE VOGUE Stone, Pike county, Ky. Dr. Paul D. Moore 0 formerly Alumni Clubs Are Planning For An- a resident of McLean county, now nual Meetings. practicing medicine in Sequim, Wash. Annual meetings of the alumni He married Miss Roy Bland in 1904. clubs are the vogue for April. Spe- They have one daughter, Anna, six cial sessions are being arranged to be teen years old. addressed by officers or faculty of Lillian Coffey ex- is secretary of the the University and others distin- Fulton County Club, at Hickman, guished in educational lines. Ky., and Mary Hardy Ligon ex- - is Chicago Fixes April 14. treasurer. Chicago alumni will held their anengineer, City J. White Guyn nual dinner at the Edgewater Beach of Lexington, is treasurer of the LexHotel April 14. Notices have been ington Alumni Club. Business address, sent to all menHbers by the Secretary, City Hall. Residence, 636 Headley Ave. J. R. Watkins 'IS, with the request Susan Spalding ex- - is secretary-treasurthat acceptances be made to W. T. of the Oldham County Club, Woodson '14, in care of the legal de- Lebanon, Ky. Roy C. Bateman expartment of Swift & Company, Chi- is 6f the Club, resicago. dence address, Bradfordsville, Ky. Buffalo Entertains Seniors James R. Clark ex- - who is an emThe Senior Engineers and Chemists ploye in the Louisville & Nashville will be entertained by the Buffalo office at Louisville, Ky is Alumni Club April 5, while on their of the Oldham County Club. annual inspection trip. Elaborate ar- Residence address, LaGrange, Ky. rangements have been made for their Mrs. L. D. Stucker ex-- , formerly entertainment by special committees Agnes M. Brawner, is secretary-treasure- r from the alumni club headed by Dr. of the Franklin County Club. ResPhillip L. Blumenthal 09. idence address, 333 Washington St., Select AprU 6 in New York. Frankfort, Ky. New York's annual dinner-danc- e R. Taylor Harris is at Nolan, .be held at the Waldorf April 6. West will Virginia. He asks that the Irvin Cobb is the headliner to be fol- Kernel be sent to him so that he may lowed by Corbett Franklin, William keep in touch with "Old State." Finn, representative of the class of On the honor roll is the name of '23, and others. Former Kentuck W. W. Cox who is with the three-scor- ex-1- 2, ex-2- ex-2- -, ex-0- 4, er -, ex-2- ex-1- 4, "I am glad to know that our class is standing up toward the front in mem bership in the Alumni Association. "T. R. Dean '96, and wife, have been sojourning for about eight months at Springdale", Ark., in the Ozark Mountains, where Mr. Dean went for his health. He has in the last few days moved back to Miami, Oklahoma, where he 'has considerable mining interests in the lead and zinc fields. On account of his health, Mr. Dean gave up his law practice about two years ago and donated 'his handsome law library to Phillips University at Enid, Okla. His ailment though not serious, incapacitates him for the exacting work his profession required. He was one of the finest young men I ever knew and in his mature manhood one of the best I have ever known, with a very, very large circle of close friends. "My family have been living at San Diego, Calif., since last August, and I have been spending part of my time with them and part here. If they decide to remain in California, I will have to close out my business here and join them. Henry Anderson '97, of the Engineering Department of the University of Michigan, asked me to send some of my boys that way for a course in engineering and I may do it if I don't send them to the Univer sity of Kentucky. I don't know what to do with my four girls all of them Want to go to the best school in the United States and I don't know which that is. The oldest, now past sixteen, has her head set on Randolph-MacoYou can imagine how much business a fellow has on hand with a family of four girls and four growling boys." John W. Wilmott, Att'y, Wewoka, Okla. n. 97 "I am detailed as Executive Officer of the 320th Infantry, acting executive officer of the 313th Field Artillery, and of all other reserve units and offi cers in District of Columbia and vicinity. With nearly 1,600 officers it is a very active and really important work The Reserve Officers As sociation as a whole meets once a month. We plan in these general meet ings to cover ground that all officers should know to give them a picture of the work of the whole theatre of operations. This was something we lacked in the past war. Most of the officers did very well with their own "job," but had little understanding of what the other fellow was doing. Aifter a very fine and serious talk by General Bandholtz, a number ex pressed the sentiment, 'If a General in the regular army will come here from way over at Fort Myer to talk to reserve officers, he must think we are worth while.' When the General left, he said to me outside: 'Push these officers on what they mean to the safety and 'national defense of their country. Another was is just as sure now as it was in 1913, and as it al ways has been. Try to do all possible that we will not go into the next war as totally unprepared as we have in the past ones. Let us try to avoid the terrific and unnecessary loss of life we have always had.' "I do not believe anyone wants war. Certainly not the one who is liable to be a participant. I do not want another war, and those who know war will come some day, and want to be prepared to protect our homes and avoid the enormous unnessary loss of life, which has always been our great misfortune. We have ner been prepared. The losses of husbands and sons can be directly charged to the pacifist and not to the one who advocates preparedness. This class is as blatant now as it was in 1913, 1897, 1811. The pacifist was just as active in the day of Hannibal. The Carthaginian Senate was positive after the first Punic War that there would never he another war. "The Reserve Corps is the biggest thing for our nation's insurance that we have ever had. It is an effective body of men who know what must be done and show their leadership in getting this done. One thing is that the officer himself does not stagnate and become just what the pacifist The other is to keep up pub and apf ropriations that the Reserve Corps and our national defense in all components is kept up I am proud as efficient as possible. that my own state of Kentucky help ed so ably in the great fight for We must re our national defense. member we will have to repeat the same fight next year. "I am always most interested in ev eryfihing connected with the Univer sity of Kentucky. I am sorry that my long absence has necessitated an inability to keep more in touch with the alumni. My office is in the Graham building, 14th and E streets Northwest. Would always be very glad to see anyone from 'Kentucky' or Lexington." John Scott, Major, Infantry, U. S. A. wants. lie opinion nomtcs in the High school at Morgan-fielKy. Her address is 402 Morton Street. A. B. Crawford is superintendent of the Lagrange graded and Oldham County High School, this being his third term. He is the secretary-treasurof the Oldham County Alumni Club. He married Miss Katie Mae Dickerson in 1917. Their home is at Lagrange, Ky. d, er 'It "I have been getting my Kernel regularly and enjoy it very much, especially the Alumni Notes. It is always good news just t see that an old friend is making good somewhere. I have had exceedingly good luck since I left the University and am going to try to hold on to it. Hope that I may be able to put something over 'OS for 'Old Kentucky' down in these Alumni records indicate that Chas. parts." Cafl H. Denker, Prosecuting Rees Wallis has been continuously Attorney, City of Paducah, (Ky.) active as a member of the association K since his graduation. They also indicate that this is true of his connecCATHOLIC CLUB MEETING tion with the General Electric Company. For the last few years he has There will be a meeting of been manager of the branch office at the Catholic Clufb of the Uni609 Coleman Bldg., Seattle Wash. versity Sunday moraing at 10:30 o'clock in the Assembly '12 Rooms on Barr Street. Every Willard D. Barrows received his B. member is asked to be present. C. E. degree in 1912 and his C. E. degree in 1915. For several years after graduating he was a civil engineer in the U. S. Engineering service, his work being mainly on the levees of & the Mississippi River. Since 1920 he has been chief engineer with the Providence Coal Mining Company, ProviDRUGGISTS dence, Ky. BmC Main Street BARNES HALL 13 that I have resigned PRESCRIPTIONS' A SPECIALTY as engineer of Water Service for the Fin Assortment of L. & N. R. R., effective March 1. I am now associated with George W. NUNNALLY'S CANDIES Hubley, consulting engineer, of this city, specializing in power plants and MM water pumping plants. Please change my address to Box 406, Louisville, "The Show Place in Lexington" Ky." William C. Rudd. "I beg to advise I ! 14 W. Duncan Hamilton, since his discharge ifrom service during the World War, has been practicing law in Lexington, with office at 412 Security Trust Btdg. His wife was formerly Jeannette H. Wasson. They are living at 233 North Broadway. Mir. Hamilton is president of the Lexington Alumni Club. Michler Bros. Company PLORISTS I 417 E. Maxwell Phone 1419-- y Lexington, Ky. MM 'IS Ira M. Nickell practiced law at Hazard, Ky., until he entered service dur- ing the World War. After his discharge in 1919, he opened a law office in the Bldg., at Huntington, W. Va., address P. O. Box 301. Mr. Nickell is president of the Huntington Alumni Club. Robson-Pritcha- rd '17 Jessie H. Florence is completing flier second term, teaching home eco- - II FRATERNITY JEWELRY A l HEINTZ II II 1 123 E. Main I St fl Oppo. the Phoenix Lexington, Ky. II DUES AND THE KERNEL ONE YEAR $2.00. Herbert Graham, Secretary. Easter Morning Will You Be Well Dressed Wc recognize the importance uf having your clothes correct We take great pride in tailoring suite especially for college men. Stop in and look over our new spring fabrics before buying that suit for Easter. DeLuxe Tailors . Union Bank & Trust Bldg. * KENTUCKY THE SOCIETY Friday, March 23rd Tau Beta Pi Fraternity Dance; Phoenix Hotel. Alpha Gamma Delta Tea dance in afternoon at Patterson Hall. Saturday, March 24th. Chi Omega Fraternity Dance an evening at Phoenix Hotel. Phi Kappa Taw Daaee The members of Kappa dhapter of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity celebrated their founders' day anniversary with a Ibeautiful dance at the Phoenix hotel Saturday evening. The ball room was decorated with the fraternity colors, Harvard ired and old gold, which were also used in the lighting effects, and the illuminated jeweled shield formed the central ' feature of decoration. The favors for the girls were lovely amber vanity iboxes bearing the fraternity crest. Three national officers and their wives were guests of honor, Dr. and Kappa Delta Party Mrs. E. E. Brandon, Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Sheidler, and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. The members of Epsilon Omega chapter of Kappa Delta fraternity enBowers. There were albout two hundred and tertained Saturday evening with a fifty guests present. charming buffet supper at the chapter house on east Maxwell street in honor of the members of Delta Rho Important Stroller Meeting The Strollers of the University of chapter Delta Delta Delta fraternity, Kentucky hope to continue the policy the out of town guests here for the of presenting the annual play in sev- installation of the new chapter. The house was decorated eral Kentucky towns and at a meetwith ing of the executive staff held Friday spring blossoms, and dainty courses afternoon dates were discussed for were served in buffet style. - The guests of honor were: Pauline Park, Kitty Conroy, Edna Gordon, Helen Ralston, Alice Cherry, Gene Ward, Lottie Mae Rogers, Magdalinc Rogers, Elizabeth Moorman, Christine Gcarhart, Genevieve Kellcy, Elizabeth Lillcston and Marie Bcckncr. Representatives from other fratcrn itics who were guests were: Laura Hubbard, Alpha Xi Delta; Sarah Katherine Snook, Chi Omega; Minnie Benton Peterson, Kappa Kappa Gam Alpha ma, and Jessie Frye Mooxe, Gamma Delta. taking this year's production, "Lady VVindcmere's Fan," to Pinevillc, Harlan, Maysvillc, Cynthi-an- a and Frankfort. The tour will likely be made the first week in May. A halt in the progress of the play has been made because of dissention over the type of costume to be used, Tea and a special meeting of all Strollers, of the including the cast of the new play, will The Womans' be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 University of Kentucky entertained o'clock to decide the question in order Saturday afternoon with a delightful Hall in that preparations may proceed. informal tea at Patterson honor of the members of Delta Rho, the newly installed chapter of Delta Invitations Issued The following invitations are issued: Delta Delta fraternity at the univerEpsilon sity. l, Receiving were Misses Louise of Margaret Chenault, Frances Alpha Gamma Delta in honor of Pauline Park, Frances Ashbrook, Delta Delta Delta Jewell, Luella Lotta, of Ludlow, and March 23, 1923 Elizabeth Roff, of Ashland. Dancing Invitations included all Greek letPatterson Hall 3:30 ter fraternity women on the campus. o, Pap Thrtt KERNEL RENT-A-FOR- D AND Drive It Yourself I For Dances, Parties and Pleasure Trips f ic Con-ncl- Banquet for New Chapter The Delta Delta Delta Fraternity entertained Friday evening with a banquet and dance at the Phoenix hotel which was one of the most beautiful and brilliant affairs of the season. It was in honor of the members of the new chapter, Delta Rho, of the University, for whom installation ceremonies were in progress for several days and many social affairs given. The menu cards were blue deltas (Continued on page seven.) II RATES: per mile 15c per mile Open Cars 12c Closed Cars ' Plus 20c an Hour. ? CALLUS WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS RENT-A-FOR- CO. D PHONE 3656 134 E. SHORT STREET MHMMMMMMtMMMMMIMMMMMMMMMM MHHHH MHHMMHHMHMH MM H Mm A Food and Pure Delight Announcing ICE CREAM the "A Delicious and Opening Food." Well-Balanc- It's flavored and refreshing goodness finds strength and pleasure to a hundred thousand people. of a Sporting t "MADE IT'S WAY BY THE WAY IT'S MADE." ttt MMM MM Goods M MMMMiMlMIIMillll'l fWlWfVttY Department Becker "Cleaners That Satisfy" PHONE 621-- Corner LIME and HIGH Y Men and boys who purchase Sporting Goods are already Spa