xt7kh12v6014_205 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1946-1949 text 1946-1949 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_19/2008ms006_19_10/18756/18756.pdf 1946-1949 1949 1946-1949 section false xt7kh12v6014_205 xt7kh12v6014 nin: *4 J1 X H" ` T ¤ 2. ‘ ,7 s , r- K, • ,’ ._.,` {_ · V V' - . V'T’,‘·’=‘·‘~‘· w 7iV+ 5* .·.i z ·· K, q V . V - ` ’ ' ‘ ‘ ~ —- ' V V . ` ` " V ` r" [" '- "· '1 ‘ 1*,:, `.—,~·- » 4 ··.. F V `. . ,; · 7 » - . I ,` / V V .V `»~VV V 1»._ 4 ._V_, 1. ,VV V, ,_ ip q —_ ,· V V V V 1 N ·w ri V — " A . ·. V4 > rv " V " \ ., _ . V _ V V' "` V · V ; , -. 1._ , _!_jV VV _ { :___1V~` V _ VV · ' ' i ` —* t · V · ;. _ _ V V . . _ ,;. ~ .. U, _ . 'V " ` "‘ ?"— »¤ "_ — `*~ ':`* , ’ ' ` * , _7,.‘ *1, , ».`Z — .· P! ' ' ` U L A ` O ‘ L` ‘ V ·‘~ ‘ V ; V 1 1~._ .· L LV V : · ; _ _ · ` . r"'. ` · ° · VK ~ , : YJ -» -— V • ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENT `h";\ BRANCH ;Y ., ;-~ Wig W _,__ CHICAGO. |LL·. V _<"~•, Wk OR w0RKs —— ‘— *~*'·[ ‘r "*·* ‘ " D . M; .` . E . , . . A M gx ·. FOR MR. I , L, `}l"L.?";TIif, ,· TP`, , L- A " '`TC ‘ ‘ Vx . Y { gf"; } cw \ J YF; ' YOUR LETTER SUBJECT \_ %_¢ G '. on ru.: N0. ‘·. ‘ U `T l "` Q5 > '6'E . x, Q AT`; A \· 4Q Q / \_ dx J J" l {ij L ` _ TREASURY DEPARTMENT §§';’Qj§j"'E"T Steel CHICAGO, u.¤.... OCt,Obg~r 19, lfjgg OR WORKS ,,0,, Mm D. W. Vittum MR LWER ’ §;’“:.iER... Leamon wussn We attach hereto statements covering the accounts of Leamon Wilson under the 1936-1937 Extra Compensation Plan and the 1930 and 1931 stock plans. W. F. Ranker /¤ ··‘‘ J _ {,;,_¢;V~_’_ _, ,;,2, .._,{ /`I`Q??? y / {*,/4 {K1 /x~’_ { L {yl, ...o_,.._ ( W @4*; {/v`( {/{ { {I ' ri ii 7;\ ‘ Ne.;/If! { {_ ki, N A rj .4 9 nf ' / _xt;·//I f{`l`»~'n fz, { _ 1930 - 1931 PLAN ACCOUNT--LEAMON WILSUN 12212 B..L1l.&..¤.€£§ A-30~30 $16.00 $16.00 7-31-30 16.00 32.00 8-31-30 16.00 48.00 9-30-30 8.00 56.00 1-31-31 8.00 64.00 2-28-31 8.00 72.00 5-31-31 16.00 88.00 6-30~31 16.00 104.00 6-30-31 Interest 2.87 106.87 7-31-31 16.00 122.87 8-31-31 16.00 138.87 9-30-31 16.00 154.87 10-31-31 16.00 170.87 11-30-31 8.00 178.87 2-P9-B? 8.00 186.87 4-30-32 16.00 202.87 6-6-32 1n+erest 7.49 210,36 6--6-32 vc1rm;~..wa1, ck. ,·?'1900 ;>i1.<;>.j<*~ M -~ EXTRA COMPENSATION PLAN ACCOUNT —— LEAMON WILSON Coal Mines Credits Balance 1936 Extra Compensation $ 78.16 $ 78.16 Additional Credits 1937 _ 19.16 97.39 " " 1938 4.87 102.19 " " 1939 5.01 107.90 ·* *• 1940 5.26 112.46 1937 Extra Compensation 198.58 ?41.04 " Withdrawn 198.58 112.46 Trans?erred to Savings Plan Account 112.46 .00 From the above balance o? $119.46, Five U. S. Savinss Bonds of $95.00 denomination dated December, 1940 were purchased at a cost of $93.75. The balance oF $18.71 was added to other payroll deductions and bonds were purchased at a later date. rf , WISCONSIN STEEL COAL MINES QV g§*;Q,’;L"'E’fT' BENHAM, KY,. i {XIV OR WORKS RRR MR. D.w, vittum, AaSt.D1v,c¤mpt. O¢‘~¤b¢·I‘ 13, WM? YOUR LETTER 5:Ii-:5;?";w· we are attaching hereto the following forms which were turned over to us by Mrs, Eliza Wilson, widow of Leamon Wilson, a former employe, requesting that we advise her the standing of these accounts; Fonm A-390 - Stock Ownership & bavings Plan of 1931 / Form A-AOS - 1936 Extra Compensation Account\ No Number 1936 Extra Compensation lj We believe all records in connection with these accounts were kept by the Treasury Department, Mrs, Wilson desires that the forms be returned to her after they have served their purpose. Therefore, we ask that they be returned to us and we will deliver them. %/($2 if A.R. Peterson Auditor 3 Encls.