{ WASHINGTON D- C- New Code Ne. ~rIrI.V..»..........
D¤S’FR¤<¢'F N0- -—»~»----~-------------- Costs and Realization for Month of ...,....,........_............ , 19-. ,... A
me R¤P ‘¤==~* team   »»·~»·V#—~————--—-- -- —d—d—-»
4. Mined is- ai-imma ............. . ...oo 7 o..ooooooo.oooooo. , oooo   7____77;__ net tons. l’¤il>‘ ¤*~r¤¤r e~<*i=¤¤i·~> ———»—V~d-»—dd~d~—dd A —»-»—.
7 7 _ 7 4 ‘. { · ` Class code .......,,,_..r_l,,,_,_,__._.__,__,,, 7 A_____  
. 5. Total production (must equal total tons in item 23),,7 7, ______ ,777; _ 7 _V___________ 7_ rmt tonS_
PRODUCING COSTS 7 rrorxi, cosrr
(Statistical Bureau shall use tonnage item 5 for divisor in computing per ton costs on all items except selling i .x:,n»t·;1·L1ns:   _ 1
Ta, All supplies (except; itenis Tl; and 7g) ___________V_____________________________   ______r_________A_____________, _ ,     _,____ /,5 ______ l     ____________
7b. Power purchased ........,...__.,l._,_,,,, , _,,,,,,_,,__,_,,_,_,,,___r_,_.r,,...,   _______,_,,_   eeeeeeeeree 77 r___e   __________       i______
7c. Coal used to produce coal, at market price ,,.,_,.,,,_,,,__,_. 7. __,.._...._________r_,__,,________   e,eee,,,,,_V_   7 7 7   77 77 7
7rZ. Torn; l\I1m·: Sm>i>mi·:s (add items 7a, Tb, 7c) __._._...__. 7 ..,, 7 ....,_   ,_,, 77 77   ,,,,,,,,V___ 77 _____     _______iiiii_ii         __V______4__
8. Ornnn Mmm Exenxsiasz     1
So. Salaries and expenses of other employees at mine (not included under ti:i~see instr·in·tion)7   7 7   iriiii_ir_Vi_       ______A_i___
Sb. Mine oliiee expense (not included under G4/—see instructions) ___,__ 7_ _______ _ __,>_ _ ________   77 7 7 ____ 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 77 7 77
Q. 'I`orAL O1·nn.vri:~m Cosrrs (add items (ie, 7d, Sa, 80),, .....,,._r.,,_,,,,.   7   ..._. __ ____. 7 ._,__, 7 77 7 77 i s iiri_   5;__7l i_i__i______
10. Orman O1>1cn.xr1:~m Cnxaons: {   1
10a. Taxes on mine property and equipment and other taxes in lieu theri·oI__ 7 77 77 77 i   _______   ____ i 5;__ _`___ _ _____A__
IOO. COl`[>OI‘;Li}C, ]>!'l\'ll(’{.{C, :lll(l S<,%\'(:I‘:'tI1(t(b izlfies Illltl Sales taxes not puicl lyy (·onsum<·r7_7 77 7 7   7 _ _____ 7 __________V___ 7   ____i_______
IOC. Social security, old age henelit tax ,,__r,rr,.,r.,,.ccrccecec. , ,7 ,7 7 ,,7,,, 7 ,7__ __ 77 7 7 77777 i 7_______ __77_777'777;7’777* ____ _7   __ ____ 77
10d. Unemployment tax ,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,   , ,,,,,,,., , ,,,,,, . 77 ,,,r7 7 ,7 77,7 7 _ 77 7 77 77777: 7 77__7__7     ______ l ____________
100. Tax——Bituminous Coal Act of 1937 .............,.,.....,,. , ,, ,,.,,,,,,,,, ,, , ,   , 77 7r,,,,,,777 7 _77_77_7777   _____ (77 ________V_
10f. Compensation insurance ,.,,,,,.........,.,..,._..,,.,,,,,,...,. . ,,,,,,,,, , 7 7 ,7,77777777 77   ____7__7__ Q ___7 g     __r________A
10g. Vocational disease insurance,. ,, .... .   .,_,,.., , .,,,,,,.,,, ,, ,   7777 7 7 7 7 77 A_7A_77777777_ _ 7] _____________________ 7   _____     i_v___A
IO};. Insurance (all classes excepteoinp¢·1ts:ition:L1ul\‘oc:itiornil __ 77   _77_   777_77_77
10i. Ito_yalt·ies.. .,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,.,   .... . .....   .......... . ......,......,.,,,,,,,,,,,, (Net tons _____     " I 7 77) 1 777_7___7_77_______ _ _77_   ______ t ____________
]Oj. Depletion (use income tax basis for c:ilculatiou)... .,.. .. , , ,, , (Net tons       777777 ) ___7____7 7 7__77_777   ___7__   ____________
IO/c. Depreciation (use income tax basis for calculation)- .... , ..,,.,,.,,,,,,, 7 ,,,,,,,7, __,_ 7 7777 7 7 7   77 i __7777__7_ . _77___   ____ A 7771 ______   ____________
lOl. Operators’ association dues and assessments ...l...   ..,.,. . ,,,,, , ,,,,   7 _ 7777 7 777777 _ __ 7 7 7 7_7_____7777_7 _ _77__7_7   ___7__ A ____________
lOnL. District Board expense-—including assessinents ._...   .,,,,,,.,,,,,,,     7 7 7 77 77_77 7_i 777777   _7__ 7 7
ll. Tormi, Orman OI‘lill;\'I`IN(,l Cmxnoics (add items ltla to ltlm, in<·lusive),,. ,,r,7,7,,7 7 7 7     _7_77_ 7 _7__     _____ 7 ______
12. 'l`o*r,xL Pnonuwixr; Cosr (add items tl and II) .,..,.. . r..rr..,....     .,,, ,   ,7 7 77 7777   7777_7 V       77=____7 _ ___A_ _ ____
13. ADMlN[STI`tA'l‘I\'IC l‘lXl’]·1NSESZ
13a. Salaries and expenses—oiIieers, except selling otIicers,,,, 7 7,,77,,7 7 7 7_   77 77 77 __77_ 1 3; ____7__________7 77 ____   _________*__
I3!}. Salaries and ex;»enses—elerical and others not included in item 15;;,7   7 7 77 77 77   ________AV 7 _______4____ 7 riii     iii___
13a. ()IIice expense and rent not included iu item l5f ,,,,, _ ,,,,,_,,_,,__,,_ __ 77777 _7 7777 77 _7 77 7   7 7777 7   _______7_______A _ _____ 77   _iAiii __7
I3;}. Legal ,,,,,r,,r,,..,. .. ,.,.,,.l......, . ..... . ....c..,_. . .......,.. .,. .,rr,,,,,,,,_, ,7 ,,,, __ _77_7777 7_ A77777_   7 _ 77 77__7_ Q _________7 7777777 777 l 77   i_iii__V___
]3c. l)epreciatiou—~—ollieee