This report is required by order of the National Bituminous Coal Commission, to be filed by all producers except those required to
Hle cost Form No. 3-.·\. Section lt} (0) of the Bituminous Coal Act of 19.37 provides that "If any producer required by this Act or the
code or regulation made thereunder to tile a report shall fail to do so within the time Gxed for Sling the same, and such failure shall con-
tinue for fifteen days after notice of such default, the producer shall forfeit to the United States the sum of $50 for eaen and every day
of the continuance of such failure."
General.—All cost items should represent actual costs which have accrued during the period for which the report is made. This
will necessitate, in a number of cost items, calculating by estimate the amount of the cost applicable to the period; for instance, if esti-
mated taxes for the year are $120, then the taxes accrued for one month would be one—twelfth of $120, or $10. Interest and capital costs
should not be included.
l. Tipple days.—»Give the number of calendar days on which the tipple started or operated. Show each day or part day and do not
reduce part days to full days.
2. Leaded by hand.—1nclude all coal loaded entirely by hand.
3. Loaded by machine.—Include all coal loaded underground by mechanical devices such as mobile loading machines, scraper loaders,
duckbills and selilloading conveyors, pit-car loaders, and i11l.llti—ilJt1»ti(i