xt7kh12v6014_456 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1946-1949 text 1946-1949 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_45/2008ms006_45_1/43437/43437.pdf 1946-1949 1949 1946-1949 section false xt7kh12v6014_456 xt7kh12v6014 l’0v·;=11il>0‘1· {2] , l’Q‘?iC
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~ L _» . , ,// » nanacerial perce
in restating the program¥s basis /4 gr -—-+———-————————
idea; helping industry solve / —~·—¥———
its vital need for informing x // V , pn JF
itg @mplOy®S° \ " i`\}Ol2··i;!lli1€?.;;;=I°;all
Aside from the hind of ///
news it reports, the News-
Letter leans heavily on \L//
its ‘subscribers" for Z———-—-—-~»—*--——
7 V1 . <`1 A Q Ct
  Flow of Iews-Letter Information
come only when all
management agrees to shoulder its responsibility in passing on
News-Letter information to those under themo The information we
provide accomplishes only a part of its task when it halts at the
managerial level and leaves non—managerial people still groping
for grapevine rumors. ·
A poll taken here last summer indicated that almost every manager-
Zel employe read all or most of the §ews—Lgtt§r. Yet less than 50%
save the information to their entire employe group,
jews-Letter intwrmatinn originates with top management, bvanehes

3 E? i .
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 January l2, l949 WISOONOIN BTELL NEWS—LETTBN Pago 2
out through managcrial lovcls and is thcn intondcd to filtcr through
all omployc ranks. If tho gtrcgm of facts is Lammcd at any particu-
lar lovcl, a considorablc part of tho information triangle is loppcd
off. And with it, too, gocs much of our program¤s cffcctivcncss.
Offoring high school conrscs for crcdit hignlights thc fourth
scmcstcr of Off~Hour training at Chicago Vocational Schoolg Tho
Training Dcpartmont will conduct its off—Hour survcy from January
24 to Fgbruary 7 and school will bcgin thc wack of February 7.
Ecsidos thc credit courscs, other now subjocts includo: Rcfrigcra—
tion & Air Conditioning, Hoat Trcnting, By—Product & Coke Plant
Fractions, krvduction Procoduros, Job Evaluation, Human Factors in
Industry, and Body & Fonder Work, Eurthcr dotfils will bo availablc
in a panohlot wailod to all cmployos.
H—2 forms, showing individual onrninms and incomo tax withhold
during IQQB, will soon bo roady Tor distribution to cmplovos. This
form, incidontally, can no lonnor ho used as an optional roturn in
filinq lnccmo tax roturnso Undcr thc now systcx, thc original ¥—2
form must bo attachod to form lO4O or lOéOA,
Tho l9th Ccntral school class has boon in session since January
3. Attcnding arc E. O. Schncll (Electrical}, Y. A. Rotors (Opco
Hearth), M; Brzycki (No. 2 Hill) and Frank Lotito (Yard),
Hugo A. Uoissbrodt, ."`, worhs managcr at Fort laync, will bc tho
guest spcakcr at a monagcmcnt dinncr mooting ’i_ Tcdncsdny night in
tho Bhoroland Hotol. His topic: ”Usc of Qtatistical Control As
A Tool in Improving Quality Froduction and Gosts."
Estimatod Actual From Lost
E Dopartncnt This Nook Last Hook Wockls Est, l
E"" ""—"" """""" ‘°"—"`—“` s
{ Ookc Plant ~~- ll,2l4 ——- i
i Opon Hcarth l8,2OO l7,Q7Q — 22l ·
{ Blooming Mill ——~ l5,5T4 ———
• No. 5 Mill —~— 57O —-—
1 Ho, l Hill ·vil 2,lTO 2;998 ~ 82
$No, 2 Mill 5,000 2,9l} — 40
{No. 4 Mill l,855 l,O57 — 258
gho. 5 Hill &,QlO 5,588 / 548
Merch, Mill Total l5,9l5 l5,258 / l68
All figuros aro not tons.

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 Mr. C. L. Griygs
Coal Mines
January 28, l949
A number of changes heve heen made recently in teletypewriter circuits,
ond the present eveilebility of service is es follows:
General Office Evansville lorks
Fort Wayne Works Tractor Iorks
Springfield Works Melrose Park Forks
Indianapolis Works Nilweukee Works
McCormick Yorks Fermall torks
East Moline Works Louisville Yorks
Memphis Yorks Nest Pullman Vorks
Richmond Works Leltimore Perts Depot
C:nton horks New fork Export Shipping Office
Rock Fells Lorks New York Export Seles Office
During the month of February, teletypewriter equipment will be installed
in the Tractor Lorks and Fort Ueyne Yorks Parts Departments, permitting the
direct receipt end trensmission of messages at these points.
Cenerel Office Stocxton korks
Baltimore Parts Depot Louisville Works
Auburn torks Evansville Lorks
Canton Works
Emeryville Works Monufecturing Research
Waukesha Horks Harvester Press
Wisconsin Steel works Industriel Perts Depot — Chicego
Coel Mines Richmond, California Perts Depot
McCormick Twine Hill
This extended service has been mede svaileble so that savings cen be
realized in the more.expcnsivc means of communication, such es telephone and
Western Union telegrems.
Assistant Secretnry

  .],_ ;;;`_Ek;’A
I ·. ·l· '\ ¢Q(_`¤.'>l=>*—`  
VOIUJHG II, NO. Z4. Education and Training F@bI”L1&I‘Y l0, 1949
§gCormigk_Twine_Mills agd the "Dew LookL“
At McCormick Twine Mills, Training Director J. N. Hippchen comments on the
"New Look" but his letter is about safety and the “unnamed violator“ and
not the fashion picture. He thinks this new approach will make l9¢9 a
banner year in safety.
Joe says the l9A9 Safety Promotion campaign has aroused gratifying employe
interest. A series of meetings acquainting management with the objectives
of the program "sold“ this group. Utilizing the contest as still another
method of personal contact with workers concerning safety, the supervisors
feel that the l9L9 safety record should show marked improvement,
Qff;§our Qlasggs at Eggt Moline
Works Training Director C. S. Cuyler at East Moline writes to say that his
Off—Hour program started on January 3. HeIs got eight classes going, with
l65 employes enrolled. The most popular courses are practical psychology,
34 students, and strength of materials, 28 students.
Charlie says that attendance during the first three weeks has been very
satisfactory. The term is now cut down to ten weeks, and it looks as if
the attendance will continue high.
Back in November, Charlie talked about the sensational catalog he was going
to get out. And now it's out. The front and back covers are illustrated
with pictures of seven leading educators in Tri—City high schools and
colleges, and their comments on the opportunities of adult education and
Harvester's Off—Hour educational program. ltIs a fine job of promotion,
for Harvester, for the community.
Managing Managegigl_Qonferenggg
They're taking on more information in the managerial conferences at
~ Evansville, writes R. G, Link, training director. These conferences now
last for an hour and fifteen minutes, instead of the original hour. During
the additional fifteen minutes safety and labor relations are discussed.
This is not a round-table type of discussion period. The first five minutes
of each session are given over to the safety supervisor; the last ten minutes
of each session to the industrial relations manager. These men present
current safety and labor relations topics to the managerial group for their

 information and use. Jerry hopes that this procedure will give added
impetus to the safety program, and keep supervisory employes up-to—date
on labor relations happenings and activities.
A total of 28C employes registered for'32 courses in the Off-Hour program
• · • • . _ _ r ‘ Q
at Evansville. This is the largest number since this program was established
in l946. Many of the courses cannot be offered because the required minimum
for each class did not enroll. Jerry has sifted the courses down to blue-
print reading, choral singing, conptometry, contract bridge, effective
speaking, photography, production engineering, and refrigeration.
Choral singing, contract bridge and photography are new in the curriculum.
All of the instructors will be Evansville employes, except for the director
of the choral group.
We got it from the Managerial Mews—Letter that Wisconsin Steel Works puts
out: "Offering high school courses for credit highlights the fourth semester
of Off—Hour training at Chicago Vocational School. Besides the credit ‘
courses, other new subjects include: refrigeration and air conditioning,
heat treating, by—product and coke plant practices, production procedures,
job evaluation, human factors in industry, and body and fender wcrk."
Cornfield Confepgpges_Continued
You may remember that we told you about the Cornfield Conferences at
Richmond. (Vol. l No. lr NEWSLETTER if you don’t remember.
2 2 J J
Now Training Director C, H. Scantland of Richmond tells us:
"On February lL and l5, Richmond Works will be host to a Corn Planter Schcol
for L6 service managers, representing sales districts in seventeen states.
"The idea for this school is the outgrowth of foremen's conferences on
'Corn Planter Quality’ held late last summer and early fall, The conferences
consisted of classroom discussion, field demonstration and planter set~up
classes on the farm.
“The service manager from the Indianapolis district cwne for one of our
classroom sessions and discussed field complaints and quality. The good
word spread regarding the value of these sessions. Many felt that the
information given to foremen would be very valuable for district and dealer
servicemen. Material used in the foremen¥s conferences is being adapted
and much of it will be given to the servicemen who attend this school.
"The Engineering Department Tn charge of product design, the Inspection
Department and Training Dep *tment are working together very closely in t
developing the program and material that will be used. Works engineering,
planning, and foremen throughout the plant will be drawn into the plan of
making the school a success.
"We feel that great value will accrue in the fonn of improved corn planter _
quality and service to the customer," Cecil writes.

 Ne*re sorry that we canlt reproduce pictures in this letter. If we could
weld print a picture of Richmond Uorks* choral group that Cecil sent us.
After an encouraging Christmas—time debut, singing at the Works and in
local hospitals, the chorus is going to continue to harmonize.
Shop tractor drivers at Canton Works get classroom and on~the—job training.
They like it. They‘ve asked for follow—up sessions which will be provided
once a month. Thatis the report from B. U. Bingmman, assistant training
director at this Works.
Three one—hour classroom sessions consider; l) why the need of training; ‘
2) the foremanls part and the place of safety; 3) how a successful depart-
ment can operate. The major part of the last session is a review, which
considers the coordination of effort, the rules of safety and operations,
using and understanding the knowledge of operations and operating problems,
and getting along with fellow workers, foreman, and personnel of all
Training Director C. A, ”Buck“ Collins visited the Course Development Section
recently. He spoke enthusiastically of the safety pronrtion program, and
and of what his works had done to promote the contest,
The foremen are out of and the carpenters are in the foremen's conference
room at Auburn Works. It’s now a shambles, R. J, English, training director,
is looking forward to the time when this will be reversed —— the carpenters
out and the foremen back in a larger, better—lighted, air—conditioned confer-
ence room,
About 2CC employes registered for the winter term, Bob says. He was unable
to accommodate all of them because a number were on the second shift, and
registration was not up to the minimum in many classes. The training
department here is conducting three welding classes — two in the evening
and one on Saturday afternoon for the second shift. Two carpentry classes,
one at night and one on Saturday morning, are also being held.
Other evening classes at Auburn consist of human behavior, time and motion
study, effective speaking, auto mechanics, machine shopyractice, elementary
electricity, typing, and photography, Bob’s department is also offering
hooked rug making, knitting and sewing for the wives of employes.
“Due to a much larger registration than we had anticipated in auto mechanics,
we found ourselves unable to find room for all of the large number registered,"
Bob writes. "For those whom we could not accommodate in the winter term we
expect to arrange an additional class in the spring. For the same reason we
are planning sewing classes the next term. Many of the fellows in home
carpentry have already started small projects,"
Auburn has purchased the film, “Miracle of Paradise Valley." They intend
to show it not only to employes, but to various community and rural groups.

 An intensive program on wage administration takes up the foremenis confer-
ences. The subject was broken down into two major phases: time and motion
study and job evaluation. The first part of the program is completed. The
chief of methods and rates gives his help and instruction in giving the
foremen a thorough knowledge of this vital subject.
Eest_Pullman Qushes_Three Actiyities
Three major projects -- two for the foremen and one on safety -- are being
pushed by Bill Reed's Training Department at Uest Pullman. The first cf
these is a review of all Company policies.
“Little value can be gained by the conferees when reviewing Company Policies A
if the same approach is used year after year," Bill writes. “Always in the
past we have reviewed policies by havin; them read during the foreman meet-
ings by the various members of each group."
So this year he's trying a new approach. His department prepared question-
naires on the policies. Each questionnaire covered two or three policies.
At each conference session the conferees were told what policies would be
covered in the next week's questionnaire. This iave them an opportunity
to “b0ne up" before the next meeting.
The objectives in presenting the review of Comjany policies were:
l. To get the conferees to read the policies.
2. To accustom the conferees to the use of the
Supervisoris Manual.
3. To acquire a more uniform interpretation of
each policy,
"Ue feel certain that each of these objectives was reached more fully by
use of the questionnaire approach than ever before by the previous method,“
Bill says. Bill sent us a copy cf several of these questionnaires. If
you'd like to see them, write direct to hn;.
On November l, l9LB, West Pullman Works started opcratinq under the budget
control system. "We took out our guns and started shooting budget control
at the conferees,“ Bill says of his Training Department, They had two full
sessions on the subject, and then devoted the next four sessions to manufac-
turing costs and cost control. Next came some successful sessions on
burden accounts, in which the questionnaire method was also used.
The third activity is the safety promotion program. A wire recording was
used at the plant gates both morning and evening. It was also used to
encourage employes to submit their entry cards in the safety character
naming contest.
Bill is confident that the Training Departmentis efforts will be well-

 The Chigego_Scene l
The first of the month, Mr, E. H. Reed, manager of Education end Training,
told the Illinois Training Dircctorsl Association ot their monthly meeting
in Chicego about the Hervester educntionnl program. The subject of his
speech wes "Centrelized Training of Key Personncl.“
Lou Cleerhout has been transferred to the Kansas City district. You
training directors will remember him from his acting in the human relations
play at the Central School — "O Would Some Powerr" Lou wes the brush young
office clerk who derted off and on the stage, reporting to Heck his lack of
success in locating missing parts.
Bob Musgjerd, progressive student from Springfiéld Works, spent e dey in
the Course Development Section et 936 N. Llchigun, Eels in Chicago on e
7—week stint, leerning all about Industrial Relations,
The NEWSLETTER has slimmed down since you lust sew it. How do you like
this short (it says here) version?

It lg" pf-   {Vb, T, {•_
Managerral News- L€H'€r    
` · Iv " t’·" ,
, _* cv
From the OH°rce of the Works Manager ‘·, (\..·,~j—.» ` _ y,
,   ' M; ».¤;·,
X “ v_ —_.Jg¥Y  
  " June 17, 1949
Nay inventory figures have just come in, They show a reduction in plant—wide inven-
tory amounting to $630,COC, This is a highly commendable reduction, McCormick
Works is now carrying approximately $l9,0CC,OCO in inventory, about §8CC,OOO lower
than the closing figure of last year.
Unfortunately, repair parts inventory went up $3C0,00C in Nay, 'Anticipated fill—in
orders did not materialize. They are not coming in this month either, Bone rather
drastic moves are in order,
The order has been sent out that before any more repair parts jobs are run in the
shop, they are to be okayed by Buck Ueaver, Uhere further runs would only accumu—
late inventori cancellations will be issued,
1 ,
Our parts inventory now stands at $5,7CC,CCC, $2,2C0,000 over our bogey figure, The
drive is now on to wash out this excess.
In line with intensified efforts to reduce material receipts, the Inventory Control
Committee has stationed representatives at the receiving platforms to check all
incoming shipments of material to see that they are on schedule and are not in excess
of purchasing orders,
Our policy is: materials coming in ahead of schedule or in excessive Quantities
will not be acce ted, he have alread skinned back considerable amounts of material
_ P _ is
which exceeded their purchasing orners,
We are also doing our best to avoid producing in excess of manufacturing orders, To
date we have exceeded our orders on quite a few piece parts and packages, with
generally bad results as far as inventory is concerned,
Cutbacks on machines are still coming in, he can expect even more.
The trend in inventory this month is down, lf we progress the next two weeks as we
have during the first two weeks in June, June’s reduction may very easily equal
M&y’s. This, of course, presupposes a continued high rate of matching and shipping.
Certification of both FE (production and maintenance) and UAH (tool rooms) has been
given by the NLRB,
The UAH has requested an early meeting with us to commence contract negotiations.
Such a meeting will probably be held in the next ten days, ‘

 l . mowac  n;;·_;3{1r·i