xt7kh12v6014_471 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1947 November-December text 1947 November-December 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_47/2008ms006_47_11/44306/44306.pdf 1947 November-December 1947 1947 November-December section false xt7kh12v6014_471 xt7kh12v6014 _ Nov. 1., 1%.7.
J, Li, Parker, Div. Comytl.
The gross mnount of Coal Mines payroll as syown by daily cost statement
Nov.2nd is: $11,537.58
Plus weekly payroll Jet, 27 thru Blst gQ.Ogg,Qg
lass — Monthly pnyroll Nov, l thru Nov. 2, @l229,AO
CM ¤;*¤ " " I " " 2. --.l1.'/-99.. _ 1,1.06.50
dross amount of weekly peyr0-l ~~t.Q7 thru Nov, 2, $59,175.72
Accounts Recelveble é2A27.38
Rent & Lights F7.71
Credit Union lO5}L.Lé
Doctors' Fees 3I5.5O
Cash {$72.55
boal 1338.75
Group Life lnsurence n25.0A
Employee' benefit Ass’n. 269.72
Group Hoepit.lizetion h37.22
Nine Checks 7.00
Federal Inco e Tax Withheld bO5h.hO
.F9da‘:ré1]_ Old [xg:-2 .B6:Y1€1`j.‘L Téiji 3LZ;.',7].
Pmvinégs Plen 935.08
Telephone 25.11
Non-Hesidence Tux .50
Union Dues l§lj.LO
Total deductions 2Q,§QO.lQ
Balance due and peyallo NOV. oth $29,785.59
N- Gcnogel Superlntondent ll Audito;?—’~*·_—

 November ll, 19h?.
J, ,8, Psmker, Div. Compt,
The yross amount of Coal Mines payroll as shown by daily cosz stone-
mont, Nov. *}.1*1 is: V $$90,650.32
Plus x-aveeklgr payroll Ucii.27 thru Uci. 3]., if ,O¤g.§L
4 139 ,69*ie .86
Lass - Mouhhly payro;3. Mov, 1 than Nov, 9, 7851,80
Ch;c eygo " " 1 " " 9 , 1,259 ,00
hkzokly " Um,. 27 " " 2, _ ·’5*g}jZ‘;L'@ ___ ¤§,—8,2e6,§2
Gross amoamt- of w¤>·2i·:J.y payroll liov. 3 uhm Nev. 9, €}'Fl,L»2€`>.3L»
Cash $557.2i+
Coal 725.50
Group Life Irxsamzozoxcea L»l8.00
Employee' Bcncfit, Association gééi,.28
Group Hospichamlization A27.35
Liino Checks 10.0G
Goggles .50
}:`odo;·a], Inccmo Tax Wibhhezld @30.90
Fade;-za], Old Aga Benefit   3‘}5.(,3
Saw;i,r»__,s Plan 1122,77
’i`<2l@ph01’1o 31.2}+
iion-·Hesidonca Tas; _____ .8}. `
Total deductions QLQZ6 QQ
Baleanee due: and pF-3'Qhl° NOV• l3T·h $37,501.hl
App rovazdx A
Gorxezxml gopcrintcxxdgwrlw Auditor ·

 J, B, Purker, Div, Compt,
Nov. 18, 19h?.
The éross amount of Coal Mines payroll as shown by daily cost state-
ment November 16th is: $155,93l.L6
Plus weekly payroll Oct. 27 thru Uct. 3l, AC OAL,
Less — Monthly payroll Nov. 1 thru 16, $lA,L<0.20
Chicago " " l " lo, 2,301.00
Weekly " Oct, 27 " Nov, 2, 59,175,72
H II   3 II H 9         7  
dross muount of weekly payroll Nov. lO thru Nov. l6, $57,nl0,7A
` Deductions
Accounts Receivuble $2,691,53
Rent & lights 1,3lA.88
Doctor 17.00
School 7BL.00
Credit Union 10,L78.69
D0ctors' Fees 283.00
Cash 5,6H8.5L
Coal 'M5.25
Group Life Insuzence A23.6h
Employee' benefit Association 269.56
Group HospiAlQzation h35.35
Mine Checks 1.00
Gogqles 13.00
Federal Income Tax Wi1hheld 3,859.10
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 255.82
Sevings Plan 923.97
Telephone 52.63
Non—Hesidence Tax 2.Q§_
Total deductions 28,2}Q.02
Balunce due and payatle Nov. 20th, $29,37l.72
App rovcd :
Aest.Superintendent Auditor

 _ J, B. Parker, Div. Compt, N¤v¤mb¤r 25, l9l»7.
Gross amount oflmonthly payroll November 30th, U $38,056.91;
S h l .00
Agcgints Receivable $858.27
Rent 8: Lights 1,180.80
Doctor 132.00
Burial Fund 71.00 V
Church 06.50
. Credit Union h,i»50.5O
D0ctor¤' Fees 1+9.00
` Cash 5,791.87
Coal 332.50 3
Group Life Insurance 279.95
r Employed Benefit Ase'n, 179.69
Groupl Hospitalization _ 259.35
Contributory Annuity Plan 8L»5.73
2 Federal Income Tex Withheld 3,1,%.90
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 112.33 5
Savings Plan l,l2L..60
Telep hone 11+3 .88
Cunmunity Chest 107.00
Non-residence Tax @5.514
Total deduction W lQ,gf@.gl
Balance due and payable November 28th $18,586.53
Agiproveds 2
General Superintcndont 5 Auditor

 J, b, Parker, Div, Compt,
November 25, lSL7,
TLe grows amount of Coal Mines payroll as shown by daily cont state-
ment Novemler 23rd is: $2lA,L9L.Q3
Plus w¤ekly payroll Oct, 27 thru Oct. 31, nQ,QbL,5y
$263 , 53 8 . 57
Lass - Monthly payroll Nov, l thm; Nov, 23, $21068.60
Chicnio " " l " " 23, 33o3.00
Weekly " Oet,27 " Nov, 2, 59175,72
" " Nov, 3 " " 5, 7l,L28.3L
" " " lO " " 16, 5],6l<.]g 2l2,oLb.LO
r droes anount of weekly payroll Nov, l7 thru 23 $50,&$2.l7
Accounts Receivelle $2,8o9.39
Rent & Lights 1,328.66
School 6.00
Burial Fund 55o.GO
Credit Union lO,LA9,e5
Doc¤ors' F es 281.50
Cesh 3,L29.2l
Coal l,Oo7.5O
eroup Life Insurance L25.Lb
Employ s' bene it Association 27C.5é
Group Hospitalization L3c.O6
Mine Clecks 5.00
Federel Incoue lnx Withheld Q,9og.8O
Federal Uld Age Benefit Tex 2UA.l7
Savings Plan 885.92
Telephone 33.L9
Non—Hesidezme Tex 1.35
Community Chest A .§
Union dues lg 3
Total deductions 25,é§n,O§
Balance due and payalln Nov, 26th, $25,258.lL
General Superintendent Auditor

 DBG. 2, 19}+7.
J, B, Parker, Div, Compt.
The gross amount of Coal Hines payroll no shown by daily cost state-
ment Nove:ml—·r 30th ls: $2‘;5,2(»2.b6
Plus weekly payroll Uct, 27 thru Oct. 31, L,Q.OL,g.QL,
$#3luQ ,2l/7.00
Less - Monthly paymll Nov, 1 thor Nov, 30, $38,056,9l,
Chic up II II l H n 30,  
w<*¢klY " OC? .27 " " 2 , 59 ,175 . '/2
" " NGV. 3 " " 9, 7l,b28·3!+
N II II IO Fl Il 16, 57,blO ir/L
" " " 17 " " 23 , QO ,8‘,@JQ._'[, Zié?2 I   ,  
ti oss emo int. of weekly payroll Nov. 23 tl m NOV. 30 $cl,789.C5
Dad ctiona
, Accounts Receive;} le $2,939.33 o
Rent & Lights 1,289.51
School 2.00
Church 133 .25
Credit Union ‘ 10,338.31
D0ct0r·¤' Fc 1 232.00
Cash 0 327.C7
Coal ,910.50
Group Life Insurance L,2c,,l2
mmplOy€B' B€nez1`i`t Aisoctiatioi. 271,28
syoup Hospitalization L•3’7.89
Mine CL ocks 5.50
Gogvlas 3.00
1·`od;ra.1 Incone TA1 Withheld Ll,i+39.lO
Feacxernl Old Amo Bozmfit Tax 2L.2.75
Savings Plan 1,027.31
Telephox xc 51 , 62
Non-Residence Tax 1.37
Union Dues l.27L.»,§g__>
Total deouctions §O,§g.u.Ql
Balelnca dna and pgynblo Dec, Lth, $3l,£.i,5,2L
  Supcrintezndcnt —- _ Auditor Nw

 J, E, Pz3.rln 273.1.0
Group Hospjxelizetion iJ+O.7O
Mine Checks _ 2.00
Federal Inccxne Tix withheld 2,792.20
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 170.79
Savings Plan 835.1.6
Telephone 57.10
Non-resiuonce Tex 17.68
Union Duet 1.§Q
Ton al d educt. ions 26 , [KQ .0g
Balzmce due and payable Dec. llth $23,199.22
General Superintendent Chief Accountauxt

 _ J, B, Parker, Div. Compt, D’c• 16: 196*%
The {gross amount of Coal Mines payroll as shown by daily cout
statement December l1.th is: $1].2.,563,63
Lees - Monthly payroll Dec. l thru li., $ll,3l,9.2O
Chic ago " " l " ll., 2 ,208.LO
Weekly " " l " 7, 2,2 ,%,2 .26 N 6 Q , @06.56
dross amount of weekly payroll Doc. ythw DBG. lh, $b9,057.l7
Accounts Receivatls $3,1}./+.85
Rem, & L1g,m¤ 1,329.73
Doctor 6.00
School 783.00
_ Credit Union lO,L.29.26
Doctors' Fees 252.00
Cash 5,276.50
Coal 923.25
Group Life Lnwmnco LJ29.32
_ Employee' Benefit Ass'n, 272.92
Group Hospitalization LB8.97
G<>a.;l¢¤ 3.50
Federal Incczne Tax Withheld 2,627.80
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 152.6}..
Savings Plan 819./.8
. Telephone Sl.80
Non-Residence Tax 6,g6
To‘ al deduction! 26,QlfZ.g8
Balance dee :.nd pggal le Dec. l8th $22,3-39.69
General Superintendent Chief Accountant

 J, B, Parker, Div.Com t. Dec, 18, 1947,
Cross amount of monthly payroll Deccmlcr 31, 19A7, $36,035.7L
- Accounts Receivable $87h.Ll ‘
Rent & Lights 1,180.80
Doctor 132.00
School 81.00
Eu1’j.£L1 Fund 71.00
Church 66.50
Credit Union A,L32,82 '
Doctors' Fees 22.50
` Cash 5,373.83
Coal 318.25
Group Life Insurance 287.93
Emp10yes' Benefit Association 185.15
Group Hospitalization 262,28
Contributory Annuity Plan 79b.72
Federal Income Tux Withheld 3,026.90
Federal Old Age Beneiit Tax 88.36
Savings P],8.1'1 1,100.01
Telephone 92,22
Non—residence Tix 32.78
C0mmunity.Chest 31.50
Total deductions 18,g§g,Q6
Balance due and peycble Dec, 23rd, $17,530,73
· Approved:
' General Superintendent Chief Accountant 1

 Q, B, Parker, Div, Comrt, Dec` 23’ 191*%
The gross amount of Coal Mines payroll as shown by daily coat sta e-
ment Decemb.»r 2lst ia: $168,178.53
Less - Monthly payroll Dec. l thru 21, $16,31.8.60
Chicago " " l " 2]., 3 ,312 .00
7 . " " " 8 " ll.}, {Q ,O§7 .1fZ 3.18 ,66] .0:Q
dross amount of weekly payroll Dec, l5 thru 2lst $l¢9,5ll·5O
Accounts Receivable $3,133.5%+
Rent & Lights 1,327.80
School 6.00
Burial fund 5l;8.00
Credit Union 9,977.22
Doctor¤' Fees 2<;1,.OO
Cash 6,317.63
Coal 1,736.63
Group Life Insurance 1+28.68
Employee' Benefit Association 272.92
Group Hospitalization l.LO.3L
Federal Income Tax Withheld 2,78i•.hO
Federal Old Age Benefit Tax 1,3/.,.1,5
Savings Plan BLC.77 46
Telephone 53 .86
Non-Residence Tax 6.17
Community Sheet 2gl.§§
Total deduction 28,g'Z§.7g
Balance due and payable Dec, 21+th, $21,037-76
General Superintendent Chief Accountant

 J. H. Pzmkor, Div. Gompt. Doc. 50, 1947.
The 51*0;:: nmourt of Con]. Mlnos payroll as shown by dsily stntsxmnt
December `8*ah is: @16,749.40
Lass •- luoxlthly }}i;y'I‘.¥].1 Dec. 1 thru Dec. 2:8, L.1,151L.OO
Chic-·1__j70 " " 1 " " 2.8, 4,2:Z>2.00
iiwvkly " " 1 " " 7 , 49 , 949 . .46
" " " 8 " " 14 , 49 ,057 . 17
" "   15     · I » ...4.9 @1;.-.59 }.'L*’e.»_Q6};.9E’>.
Gross ;;mount Jf ~ ,»V.* vckly ; ;y1·»¤117e‘·. Li thru .78, $42;,687.47
P_q;l_Qi*;‘ nfs
Accounts Rgcolxmblc $3,101,10
Rant 8:. Liphts 1,299.64
Doctor 12:.00
Church 128.2..5 ‘
Credit Umon 9,075.80
D0ct>rs’ has L20-0.50
Cash 15,62:8.22
C nal 994.25
Group Liib Insurzmc:0 4I.0.08
Empl0y=n' Benefit Assodution 267.40
Groxp Hospital` .:z.1‘t1on 4252.66
341116 Chucks 1.00
Goylss z.5O
Feds al Income Tax Withheld 2;,113.90
Federal Old Ago 1:5+2 zo fit Tux 99.72
Swings Plan 755.29
Tale phone 60 . 69
Non-residence Tax 4..96
Union Dues ___1,1_97._5Q__
Tot;.1 deductions jZj,_3,’795.4§__
Bulsnco due amd payable Dec. 151, $18,892.01
W Ckononml Snperintd ut Chief Accountant P